The Security of Christ's Sheep and Lambs

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 7
One evening, after a gospel preaching, a young woman returned, desiring to speak with me. After a few minutes’ conversation, I found that, though she did believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as the one who had died to save her, and put away her sins by His precious, atoning blood, yet she was not at rest about her eternal salvation and security, saying that she was afraid she would lose, or let Him go. I asked her,
“Can you rest upon Him as the one who ‘once suffered for sins, the Just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God’?” (1 Peter 3:18). She immediately replied,
“Yes, I can.”
Seeing that her difficulty was, that, though she had faith in Him as the one who had died for her, and rose again, she had not faith in Him as the living omnipotent Saviour and Shepherd of the sheep in the bright glory of God above, I said,
“Suppose you could see a shepherd coming across yonder field, with a little, strayed lamb in his arms, tell me, would the shepherd be carrying the lamb, or the lamb carrying the shepherd?”
“Why, of course, the shepherd would be carrying the lamb,” was her reply.
“Yes, of course,” I said. “Now tell me which are you, the lamb or the shepherd?”
“The lamb,” she replied.
“Yes, to be sure; and do you not see the lamb does not hold the shepherd, but the ‘good’ and the ‘great’ Shepherd, the Lord Jesus, holds in His omnipotent arms the little lamb, and carries it safely home to glory?”
“Yes, I see,” she said, “and I can rest now quietly and safely in Him.”
“Thank God,” I said; “and now let us bow down on our knees, and praise and bless Him for His boundless grace to us in giving Himself for us, and for His infinite power and might in thus carrying us safely through all the dangers of the desert way to His glory and rest above.”
We did so, and she arose and went on her way, happy and rejoicing.
May God, in His wondrous ways of wisdom and love, use this brief story to establish many of His sheep and lambs in the infinite love and power of our “Lord Jesus Christ,” as the only “Saviour” and “Great Shepherd” of His flock. (Luke 15:4-6; Isa. 40:11; Heb. 13:20).