The Little Captive Maid

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 6
2 Kings 5
To Israel’s land, when Israel sinn’d,
A band of Syrians came,
Took captive thence a little maid,
Who knew God’s holy name.
She waited upon Naaman’s wife,
A mighty captain he,
But, sad to tell, all covered o’er
With dreadful leprosy.
The little captive soon makes known
What wonders may be wrought
By God’s own prophet, in her land,
And begs he may, be sought.
With horses and with chariot grand,
The warrior soon is seen
Before Elisha’s door to stand,
With high and haughty mien.
“Go, wash in Jordan, and be clean;”
Is the prophet’s message given;
But this ill suits the warrior’s mind,
And the chariot back is driven.
“I thought that surely he would come,
Before me he would stand;
Upon his Lord and God would call,
And cure me out of hand.
“The rivers of Damascus are,
Far better than these streams;
In them I just as well may wash,
It more my rank beseems.”
The servants now draw near, and say
In words both wise and kind,
“If some great thing thou hadst to do,
Would’st thou have been behind?”