The Labor of the Lord.

The Lord showed me in a parable that which He has ever done, and will ever do, to fulfill to me the meaning thereof.
I saw a poor man rise up from the ground where he was sitting. He was dressed like a workman, in common linen clothing, and he had a crowbar in his hand, which he thrust under a heavy burden that was as large as the earth.
I said to him, “Good man, what is it you are lifting?”
“I am going to lift and carry your sorrows,” said he. “Try it thyself,” he said; “with all thy might, lift and carry.”
Then did I answer Him, for I knew Him, “Lord, I am so poor, I have no strength.”
And He answered me, “So did I teach My disciples. I said, Blessed are the poor in spirit.”
And my soul spake to Him, and I said, “O Lord, it is Thyself. Turn Thou Thy face to me that I may know Thee.”
And He answered, “Learn to know Me inwardly.”
I said, “O Lord, if I saw Thee amongst thousands, I could not but know Thee.”
And then I said further, “This burden is too heavy for me.”
And He answered me, “I will lay it so close to Myself, that thou mayest easily bear it. Follow Me, and see how I stood before My Father on the Cross, sustaining all.”
Then did I ask Him to bless me; and He said, “I always bless thee. Thy sorrow shall turn to a good blessing for thee.”
And I said no more but this, “O Lord, come Thou thus to the help of all who love to suffer for Thee.”