The Hearing of Faith

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 1
O Christ, I hear
Thy cry, “‘Tis finished” pealing!
Words to me dear,
For there I find my healing
Suspended high.
On Thee the curse descended,
And Thou didst die,
And so my soul befriended.
Thy Cross is bare;
Thy grave, O Christ, is empty
And now I share
The love of Him who sent Thee.
‘Tis only so
That sin can be forgiven,
And sinners go
To dwell with Thee in Heaven.
By God thus seen,
I need no other fountain.
Blood maketh clean,
Blood moves sin’s mighty mountain!
Yes, blood alone—
And not poor man’s oblation:
No tear, no groan—
Christ’s blood is God’s salvation