The Friendship of the World is Enmity with God

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Sophronius, a wise teacher, would not suffer his daughter to associate with those whose conduct vas not pure and upright.
“Dear father,” said the gentle Eulalie to him one day, when he forbade her, in company with her brother, to visit the very naughty Lucinda, “you must think us very childish, if you imagine we could be exposed to danger by it.”
The father took in silence a dead coal from the hearth, and reached it to his daughter.
“It will not burn you my child; take it.” Eulalie did so, and, behold, the beautiful white hand was soiled and blackened; and, as it chanced, her white dress also,
“We cannot be too careful in handling coal,” said Eulalie, in vexation.
“Yes, truly,” said the father; “you see, my child, that coal blackens even when they do not burn. So it is with evil company.”
ML 03/12/1939