The Dedication of the House - Ezra 6:16-18

Ezra 6:16‑18  •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 12
The temple with its stone blocks and timber beams must have seemed crude when compared to the gilded, brass-pillared, temple of Solomon’s day. The sacrifices offered were likewise paltry compared to those offered by Solomon. Whereas Solomon offered 22,000 oxen and 120,000 sheep (1 Kings 8:63), at the dedication of this temple, only 100 bullocks, 200 rams and 400 lambs were offered (Ezra 6:17). Such an offering was not, however, despised by God. Of special interest are the 12 he-goats offered as a sin offering for all Israel — one for each tribe (Ezra 6:17). Despite the small representation of that nation and the presence of only those from Judah, Benjamin and Levi, all the children of Israel were recognized in that offering. Likewise today, even though just a few may be gathered to the Lord’s name, the loaf takes in all the redeemed company. It symbolizes not just the body of Christ which was broken for us, but also the church of God, the Body of Christ: “We being many are one bread, and one body” (1 Cor. 10:17). In partaking of that one loaf, we give practical expression to the unity of the body.