The Debt Paid

“WE BELIEVE that Jesus died and rose again.” 1 Thess. 4:14.
If you owed someone a very large sum of money, and a kind friend said that he would go to the man and pay your debt — if he never came back and you never heard of hire again, you would never be quite sure whether the debt had been paid or not, would you?
But when the Lord Jesus Christ took the sinner’s place on the cross and in the grave, we are sure He paid the full price, because He rose again, He died for our sins and was buried, and rose again, and now He lives in heavenly glory.
The Saviour is not on the cross, now. He was there once. He died, the just for the unjust, to bring us is God, and so satisfied was God with the way the believer’s debt was completely paid in the death of His Son, that He raised Him up from the dead. So now God points us to the Saviour where He now is, and tells us in His word, the Bible, that all who believe in Him are justified (a word that really means “made just") and as free of their sins in His sight as Christ Himself. (Acts 13:39.)
I once heard of a man who owed very large debt and had no money to pay it with. It worried him so mud that he nearly went crazy. A rich friend of his heard of his trouble; hi paid the debt and gave him the receipt. So whenever he thought about his debt, he could look at the receipt and feel quite sure that the debt had been really paid, and paid in full.
So if the believer gets worried about his sins, which God has right!? forgiven, he can look up by faith to the Saviour, where He is. He is the sure that his sins’ debt has been paid and paid in full, because Jesus ow Lord was delivered for our offenses, and raised again for our justification (Rom. 4:24,25).