The Captain's Prayer.

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MANY years ago the Christian captain of a vessel was, during one of his voyages, surrounded by fog and darkness for days, and became, in consequence, very anxious about the position of his ship.
At last he went down into the cabin and prayed to God, asking Him to preserve the vessel and all on board, and that He would be pleased to give a cloudless sky at twelve o’clock, as he desired to make an observation at the time to ascertain their real position, and whether they were on the right course.
At eleven o’clock he came up on deck, with the quadrant under his coat. As it was still thick and dark around, the crew looked at him with amazement. Again he went down, prayed, and came up. There still seemed no hope. Again he descended to his cabin, prayed, and again appeared on deck with the quadrant in his hand.
It was now ten minutes to twelve o’clock, and as yet there was no appearance of a change; but he stood on deck waiting on the Lord, when, in a few minutes, the mist seemed folded up, and rolled away by an unseen hand, and the sun shone out clearly from the blue vault of heaven.
There stood the man of prayer, with the quadrant in his hand, but so awe-struck, that he could scarcely take advantage of the answer to his prayer. He, however, succeeded, although with trembling hands, in making the observation, and found that all was well. But no sooner had he finished, than the mist rolled back over all.
Was not this a direct answer to prayer. What an encouragement to us, that whatsoever we shall ask in prayer, —believing we shall receive. (Matt. 21:22.) Our Father, God, ever answers the earnest and believing prayers of His children.
Faith, mighty faith, the promise sees,
And looks to that alone;
Laughs at impossibilities,
And cries, “It shall be done.”
ML 10/07/1917