The Boy of Ten Years of Age.

MANY have been our happy privilege in writing of God’s precious love am’ mercy to dear children and others of riper age in FAITHFUL WORDS, and now I am again to tell you of a little boy of ten years of age whom I nursed with scarlet fever last year. I am the sick nurse in a large boarding school, so when any boys in the school are ill, they are sent over to my cottage.
The first thing. I do is to tell God all about them, and to ask Him to be pleased to make them well; but I do entreat Him to save their souls before they leave me.
The little boy about whom I am writing was a very naughty boy indeed after he began to recover from the fever. When he was brought to me, he was very nigh unto death. The doctor told me to watch him very close all night. I knew his soul was not saved. I besought the Lord to spare his life; and in the morning he breathed much better, and he gradually got well. At that time I had four boys ill. When they could all be together, I read a portion of God’s word to them every evening, and explained it to them. They all listened most attentively.
One evening, when I went up to bed at ten o’clock, this naughty boy was not asleep, as he usually was. So I said, “What! not asleep, dear?” He replied, “No; I am so wicked, I cannot go to sleep.”
I said to him, “Confess your sins to Jesus, and He will forgive you.”
He said, “I have told Him what a sinner I am; if I die to-night I shall go to hell.”
I told him to own and confess all his sins, and not to hide anything from the Lord, and that He would soon give him peace of conscience.
“I have done so,” he said, “but I am no happier.”
I talked to the poor troubled boy for some time, and then, as the hour was late, I begged him to be quiet, or I must leave the room.
But, poor boy! he turned and turned, and though he did not speak again, I heard him groaning nearly all night. My bed was in the same room. It was a night not to be forgotten. In the morning, he came downstairs into my sitting-room, and so calm, so gentle, so nice. Oh, such a different boy from what he had been! For he was so rash and obstinate that I used to hope in my heart I should not have him come thus to me again.
Soon after this, I took these boys to the sea-side, and promised them that when we were there I would take them to hear the gospel preached. The first Sunday was a very wet day, I therefore told them I could not possibly take them out. They all said at once, “Let us collect round and pay for a fly,” asking me if they might go so. I told them they might, so all arrangements were made, and we took our seat near the preacher.
This is a little sketch of the subject: “Eternal life, and how we get it; how we know it; the Person who gave it; the joy of knowing it; and the power to walk in it.” This boy sat with riveted attention. When we got home we had to turn to all the portions again, and as soon as the boys came down the next morning, the Bibles were brought out and all the portions found. The dear boy about whom I am writing, came to me a few days after and said, “It is only believing that saves us, is it not?” I said, “Yes.” He said, “I shall tell my mother that she can know that she is saved in this world, but I must not tell my father, or he will flog me.” Shortly after this he was well enough to go to his home, and, when he is allowed, he writes to me.
Dear boys who read this story, do you be sure to find Jesus for yourselves, and, I pray you, never rest until you are quite sure that you are saved; for, until you are saved, do remember that you are lost, and that there is no place for you after death but hell, however good you may think you are. Until you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and own your sins in reality to Him, you have no Saviour. How many boys and girls are dying. Where will you be, if your turn comes next A boy of twelve years and two months has just died, with whom the boy, whose conversion to God I have just told you, used to sit within the same school. We do not know where that boy’s soul is now. Deal boys, do accept God’s grace and love now. He has nothing against you — all love to give you. Oh! why be Satan’s boys any longer? If you knew him you would flee from him. F.T.