Take Courage

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 79
Take courage, fellow Christian,
The race will not be long,
One day the roar of battle,
The next the victor’s song.
Take courage, fellow Christian,
We soon shall reach the shore,
Where life’s rough, angry billows,
Shall mar our rest no more.
Take courage, fellow Christian,
We soon shall be at rest,
Like John the loved disciple,
Reposing on His breast.
Take courage, fellow Christian,
Whate’er your lot may be,
Remember God has promised,
He’ll ever with you be.
Take courage, fellow Christian,
Though tried and tempted here,
List to His words of comfort,
“I’m with you, do not fear.”
Take courage, fellow Christian,
Look up and onward still,
For nothing can befall you,
But that which is His will.
Take courage, fellow Christian,
His arms of love will keep,
Safe from all form of evil,
His loved, His blood-bought sheep.
Take courage, fellow Christian,
For how could ill befall,
To one to Him so precious,
For whom He gave His all?
Take courage, fellow Christian,
For soon you’ll hear Him say,
“Arise My love, My fair one,
Arise and come away.”
Take courage, fellow Christian,
While here on earth you roam,
You soon will hear the summons,
To be with Him at home.