Some Recent Letters About Our Work

A Child writes: ―
“I am so glad you sent me a free Testament, for I read a chapter out of it to my mother every day, because she cannot see very well.”
A soldier’s widow writes:
“Please find enclosed for― your Testament Fund. Pray for me. ―A Soldier’s Widow.”
A demobilized soldier writes: ―
“Being much impressed by the need of your particular labor of love, I send a small contribution. Whilst in France many of us saw the real need of your work, and it made one’s heart rejoice to see how eagerly the Testaments were received.”
A mother writes: ―
“Enclosed is a small gift for the distribution of the Word of God. My son, who was killed in France in 1918, always sent you a trifle at this time of the year, so I thought I would so like still to send to you.”
A lady of eighty-two writes: ―
“I have pleasure in sending you enclosed for the distribution of one hundred New Testaments. My health seems in such a critical state at eighty-two that I thought if the Lord is about to take me I would like to do this.”
A Cadet Major, Church Lads’ Brigade, writes: ―
“You have kindly sent copies of the Active Service Testament to many children in my school. Will you please inform me how to get a supply of same for members of the Sheffield Regiment of the above Brigade?”
A worker from India writes: ―
“God’s Word is better than a thousand preachers in this great land.”
A lady from Italy writes:
“You will never know till you reach the heavenly home and meet some of the men into whose hands those Testaments were passed, what blessing resulted. But He that soweth bountifully shall reap bountifully, and you did, indeed sow bountifully.”
These are only a few recent letters. The work goes on; the need is always with us. God is giving His blessing. We ask you in His name to help us.
Let us remember: It is only in Time we can do this work for Jesus only, while we are on earth can we help sinners to heaven. Now is the day of opportunity for service: “the night cometh when no man can work.”
Let us remember: When we see His blessed face we shall want a sheaf from earth’s harvest field to lay at His feet. We shall want stars for our crown, and to hear Him say, “Well done.”
We have sent more than 11,000 parcels of Testaments and tracts to all parts of the world. We want your help to send 11,000 more, if it is God’s will.