"Sinning Against God"

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A DEAR little boy between three and four years old, was one day playing in a room where his grandmother sat. He was doing something to a chair which she thought would injure it, she therefore desired him not to do it again. He was angry at not being allowed to continue his amusement, and showed his temper by walking up and down the room, stamping his little feet on the carpet. Suddenly he stopped and turning round, said, “Now, grandma, I am sinning against God.”
His bad temper was gone in a moment, and he was sorry for being naughty. He knew that when he was disobedient to his parent, he was disobedient to God, and sinned against Him, because God says in the Bible,
“Children obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.”
One day he said, “Grandma you ought to pray for me.”
She answered. “I do pray for you dear, very often.”
“Yes, grandma,” he said, “but I want you to pray with me; kneel down here and pray for me.”
They knelt down close together. The same request was often made afterwards.
This little boy took great delight in thinking that he was one of God’s lambs.
He used to say, “You are one of God’s sheep, grandma, and I am Jesus’ little lamb.”
One day when he said this, his grandmother replied, “I hope you are dear.”
He immediately answered, “O yes, grandma, I know that I am Jesus’ little lamb.”
Another thing which occupied his mind a great deal, was the truth which we read of in the Bible, about the Lord coming down into the air, to take His people up to Himself; to live with Him forever in happiness and glory. He spoke of it almost every day, and used to accompany his words by throwing his hands up into the air, expressive of the way he thought God’s people would spring up to meet Him.
ML 06/04/1922