Seven Sevens: Blessings-Ways of Obtaining Life-I Wills

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 7
Seven “Blessings” in Galatians. —We are “Called,” (1:6) “Justified,” (2:16) “Crucified,” (2:20) “Blessed,” (3:9) “Redeemed,” (3:13) “Baptized into Christ,” (3:27) “Made Free,” (5:1).
Seven “Ways of obtaining eternal life” in John: —
By believing in:
1. the Son of Man lifted up.
2. only begotten Son given.
3. the Son.
4. God who sent Christ.
5. By eating Christ’s flesh and drinking His blood.
6. By knowing God and Jesus Christ.
7. Life given by Christ to His sheep.
Jehovah’s seven “I will’s” in Exodus 6 — “I WILL”
1. bring you out. —Salvation.
2. rid you of their bondage. —Deliverance from Satan’s power.
3. redeem you. —Purchased by God.
4. take you to Me for a people. —Our relationship to God.
5. be to you a God. —His relationship to us.
6. bring you in. —Resurrection life “brought in.”
7. give it you. —Heavenly inheritance.
El Shaddai’s (the Almighty God) seven “I will’s” in Genesis 17:2-8— “I WILL”
1. make my covenant. —Covenant of free grace.
2. multiply thee exceedingly. —Fruitfulness.
3. make thee exceeding fruitful. —Fruitfulness.
4. make nations of thee. —Power.
5. establish my covenant ... for an everlasting covenant. —Unchanging love.
6. give unto thee ... all the land of Canaan. —All spiritual blessings.
7. be their God. —God Himself.
Faith, Hope, and Love.
Our Faith rests on Jesus the great Shepherd.
Our Love confides in Jesus the good Shepherd.
Our Hope looks for Jesus the chief Shepherd.
At Jesus’ Feet:
To hear His WORD as a DISCIPLE (Luke 10:39).
To WEEP in DISTRESS (John 11:32).
To WORSHIP in DEVOTION (John 12:3).
His Place Ours.
In the last Chapter of the Gospel of John the beloved disciple occupies the same position in relation to Christ that in the first Chapter Christ occupies with relation to the Father. In the one we get the “Son in the bosom of the Father;” in the other the Apostle John as the one who “leaned on Jesus’ breast.” What a theme for our wonder and worship.
Three Crosses
“On either side one, and Jesus in the midst.”
The Saved Thief. Sin in him, not on him.
The Lord Jesus. Sin on Him, not in Him.
The Unsaved Thief. Sin in him AND on him.
Fanning and Sifting.
Christ fans to get rid of the chaff. —Matthew 3:12.
Satan sifts to get rid of the wheat. —Luke 22:31.
Man’s Giving and God’s.
Man’s giving: “That every one of them may take a little.”
God’s giving: “As much as they would.”
John 6:7-11.
Pride Goes Before Destruction.
Study Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel 5:20) —Belshazzar (Daniel 5:23-30) —Amaziah (2 Kings 14:10) —Uzziah (2 Chronicles 26:16) —Hezekiah (2 Chronicles 32:25) —Prince of Tyrus (Ezekiel 28:2, 5, 17) —Herod (Acts 12:32) —(See Luke 1:51-52).
The Christian and the World in John 17.
He is given to Christ out of the world. —Left in the world. —Not of the world. —Hated by the world. —Kept from the world. —Sent into the world. —Preaches to the world. (All in John 17.)