Settled Affairs; A Dying Testimony

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 5
I had known Mrs. M―for some years as a simple believer in the Lord. A few months since her husband, drawing near to three score years and ten, passed away from this scene. The children were all gone before, and now the empty chair and silent voice told their own tale, “Be ye also ready.” A few months rolled by and she sent for me again. She was beyond aid, she was only following her husband. One day I learned from a sister-in-law, who waited on her, that she had all her worldly affairs settled.
Going to her side, I said, “Your sister tells me all your worldly affairs are settled, is this so?”
“Oh, yes, they are all settled; I’ve nothing to think about,” she replied, not lifting her eyelids.
“And the Lord has settled all your spiritual affairs?” She opened her eyes, and with great emphasis replied, “I could do nothing at that, the blood of Christ in its solitary dignity has settled all that. I’m too weak to speak more.”
They were her last sensible words to me. Two days after she passed to be forever with the Lord.
What a testimony! It is magnificent in its simplicity. “THE BLOOD OF CHRIST IN ITS SOLITARY DIGNITY HAS SETTLED ALL.” What rest, peace, and joy it gave to her soul I can truly witness. God grant to you, my reader, to know the settling power of that precious blood in its solitary dignity for all the affairs of your soul.
Add nothing to it. It avails before God for the blackest sin, and avails in its own SOLITARY DIGNITY.
W. T. P. W.