Scripture Queries and Answers

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“P.” What is the “ministry” (διακονια) of 2 Cor. 4:11Therefore seeing we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we faint not; (2 Corinthians 4:1)? Is it the ministry of the apostle, or that which he ministered? It could hardly be confined to his ministry merely, as he uses the same word, though translated “ministration,” in c. 3: 7, 8, 9: where it is the thing ministered?
A. It is the apostle’s ministry, but ministry of and characterized by what he speaks of. This is a common ambiguity in English. Hope is what passes in my mind, (faith, hope,) but my hope is laid up in heaven. Thought a good thought is thought objectively; or we are of much thought, is the habit of thinking, in the man, and so of others; in chapter the subject matter—law or gospel is the ministration, i.e., the thing ministered; but it was ministered by Paul, and therefore his ministry—a candle was lit up in a lantern; it was itself the light—the candle’s light; but his light, because he carried it. God had shone in his heart to give forth the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. His ministry was this knowledge, still he ministered it, and so it was his ministry.
A. There are no specific Scriptures that I know which state that the Holy Ghost will abide in us forever. But His action in spiritual power is essential to our power in life. The Spirit is life, and it surely is not to be taken away as power of enjoyment in heaven. “The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus made me free.” We are to be fully conformed to the image of God’s Son; and we find Him a Man risen from the dead, giving commands through the Holy Ghost after His resurrection. (Acts 1:22Until the day in which he was taken up, after that he through the Holy Ghost had given commandments unto the apostles whom he had chosen: (Acts 1:2).) We shall have the Holy ‘Ghost thus after our resurrection, and His divine energy will be wholly free to guide and direct in the service committed to us by our God, and in unhindered power of joy and worship. This is now checked, because of His now giving power to restrain and mortify the flesh in us.