Revelation Seventeen

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A detailed vision concerning papal Rome and her connection with the beast is seen in chapter 17 of Revelation. There is judgment on the great harlot that influences many peoples (v. 15). A woman is seen sitting upon a scarlet-colored beast (the imperial power which supports her and which she controls) full of the names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.
She is greatly adorned, in contrast to the white raiment of the Church. Her idolatry is the source of ecclesiastical and moral wickedness, and she is seen drunk with the blood of saints and of martyrs.
In verse 8 the Roman empire which was, but is not now in existence, is seen to re-appear from a diabolical source. The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits. It is Rome's well-known situation.
There are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come. Each king represents a different form of Roman government: (1) Kings, B.C. 753. (2) Consuls, B.C. 509. (3) Dictators, B.C. 498. (4) Decemvirs, B.C. 451. (5) Military Tribunes, B.C. 444. (6) Imperial, B.C. 31.
The sixth form existed when John wrote, and the seventh is still future. It is also an eighth, but is of the seven and goes into perdition. It is seventh numerically, but eighth as being a new kind and resurrection number.
It will be a federal empire in verse 12, to the head of which ten kings will give their power and strength. They will make war with the Lamb, but He will overcome them, being Lord of lords and King of kings. The kings will be used of God to punish and make desolate papal Rome which reigneth over the kings of the earth.
W. Scott