Present Salvation.

“I FEAR,” wrote a servant of Christ, “lest you should wait for all to be said that I desire to say ere you lay hold of Christ. Of this, however, let me assure you, there is no need. You know Christ is a full, free Saviour; you are at lost perishing sinner. Then wait for nothing: it once and unhesitatingly close in with His precious offer of forgiveness. Take Him at once, as He is, for your righteousness. Rest upon what He has done. God is satisfied with it as a ground for your acceptance. Be you satisfied too. Plead it in faith before Him. Grasp His promise, ‘Him that cometh unto me, I will in no wise cast out.’ It is true, true to you; and, as you come, believe that He fulfills it. He does not cast you out: coming, you are saved. As you come you are pardoned. What more can you wish? What more can you need? To delay is ruin; to come is safety.”