Peace with God

 •  4 min. read  •  grade level: 10
Where there is not "peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ," there cannot be communion and true worship. If rare and fear distress the soul, there will not be the comfort of the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, keeping the heart and mind. If we walk in His ways, the God of peace will he with us. "Joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ" is also the happy privilege of every child of God, but how few speak of these things as their own happy experience. It is not merely the present certainty of forgiveness of sins (blessed as it is) which the believer is entitled to know, but also:
(1) “Peace with God.”
(2) “The peace of God.”
(3) “The God of peace shall be with you.”
(4) “Joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
While many a true-hearted Christian is suffering greatly in soul from lack of knowledge, perhaps others are too much taken up with doctrines. They may be content with critical accuracy and orthodoxy rather than the power of the truth in the love of it. The consequence is that some have unconsciously become more like theological students and scholars of divinity, than devoted followers of Christ in the path of obedience and suffering for His sake. It is clear that it is not merely the knowledge of doctrines that the child of God should desire, important as it is, but he should be occupied with the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ to whom all doctrine points. In relation to Him we now stand as members of His body, dependent on the Head and called to show forth His characteristics and to bear much fruit. We may be sure that when the word of Christ dwells in us richly, there will be faith and love in activity, as well as knowledge. There will be communion as well as peace.
We can understand a person being taken up with certain "views" as they are called, and holding what is true, perhaps according to the letter of Scripture, and yet being as unspiritual and lifeless as he can be. But we cannot understand a soul really receiving God's testimony concerning the personal glory, the finished work, and the coming again of His own Son, without being attracted to Him. Neither can we understand a person having the present possession of eternal life without its producing results, both in experience and walk.
Love to All the Saints
Scripture is most decisive about this, for not only does John write his first epistle in order that those who believe on the name of the Son of God may know that they have eternal life, but he further declares that "we know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren." When this love to God's children is wanting, the person is pronounced to be destitute of vital Christianity, however loud his profession may be, and however extensive his Bible knowledge. It is added, "He that loveth not his brother abideth in death." 1 John 3:14.
This point was also of such great importance with the Apostle Paul that we find the principle on which he accredited persons as being "in Christ" was not because they professedly believed in Christ, but because he also heard of their "love to all the saints," and their "love in the Spirit." He knew how easy it was to say "I believe in Jesus," as many do now, but until he heard of love flowing out to all saints, how could he recognize them as having eternal life? Therefore on one occasion we find him teaching that whatever a man did, or whatever he said, if love were wanting, he was only "as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal." 1 Cor. 13:1.
Another Point
Scripture teaches that those who have remission of sins have the Holy Spirit given unto them, being "children of God by faith in Christ Jesus." "God hath sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying. Abba, Father." (Gal. 3:26; 4:6.)
Now we ask: is it possible that God the Holy Spirit should take up His abode in us forever, without producing results both in experience and walk? Without this could there be a consciousness of the love of God shed abroad in our hearts? (Rom. 5:5.) Have we no comfort from a power within us beyond what is natural in His leading, guiding, teaching, and taking of the things of Christ and showing them unto us? Do we know what it is to have the Spirit of God directing our hearts to Him who is glorified, and in whom we possess all things while we are increasingly conscious of having nothing in ourselves? We cannot ascribe our joy in the Lord, our hope of His coming, or even the grief and reproof when walking contrary to the truth of God, to any power short of the Holy Spirit dwelling in us. Our thoughts and affections could not flow in the current of the thoughts and affections of the Father and His Son, except by "the communion of the Holy Spirit." May both reader and writer be filled with all joy and peace in believing, that we may abound in hope through the power of the Holy Spirit. H. Snell