Only a Little While

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 3
"Well, Molly," said the Judge, going up to an old apple-woman's stand; "don't you get tired sitting here these cold, dismal days?”
"It's only a little while, sir," she said.
"And the hot, dusty days?”
"It's only a little while," answered Molly.
"And the rainy, drizzly days?”
"It's only a little while.”
"And your sick, rheumatic days?”
"It's only a little while, sir.”
"And what then, Molly?" asked the Judge.
"I shall enter into that rest which remains for the people of God," answered the old woman quietly; "and the troublesomeness of the way cannot pester or fret me. It's only a little while, sir.”
"All's well that ends well, I daresay," said the Judge. "But what makes you so sure, Molly?”
"How can I help being sure, sir, since Christ is the Way, and I am in Him? He is mine, and I am His. I shall see Him as He is in a little while.”
"Ah, Molly, you've got more than the law ever taught me.”
"Yes, sir, because I went to the Gospel.”
"Well, Molly, I must look into these things," said the Judge as he bought an apple and walked away.
"There's only a little while, sir, for that; and we are not quite sure of having even a little while," she said.
"Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of Man cometh."