Once a Robber

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 6
I was brought up in the Midwest and had a good home and education. I graduated from college with honors. It was through bad companions that I entered my life of crime. I rebelled in myself as I realized the kind of life I was getting into, but one thing led to another and I became deeply involved in a life of sin. One night I held up a young man my own age who explained to me the way to obtain forgiveness of my sins and everlasting life.
Since that night, life has been altogether different. I have made Christian friends and have given my testimony to the power of the Lord Jesus Christ to forgive all my sins and to the power of the Holy Spirit to interpret the Word of God to me as day by day I study it. I have done what I could to make an honest wage and repay every cent I had stolen. It is now my joy to tell others of this wonderful Savior. What joy life is now!
How is it with you? Have your sins been pardoned by God? You too can receive pardon and escape the judgment that is ahead of you by sincerely repenting and receiving God’s pardon through Jesus Christ. You too can become a new creation in Christ, with life everlasting as your sure hope for the future.
If you have accepted Christ in sincerity, you can rest assured that you have been accepted by Him, because Christ said, as recorded in the Bible in the gospel of John chapter 6, “Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out.”
If you still have not found peace with God, I beg you to do so, and do it now. Life is more uncertain today than ever before. You may never awaken to another morning on earth.
You may argue that it costs too much to be a Christian. Yes, it will cost you your sin, but your sin will cost you hell unless you repent. The truth is, it will cost you immensely too much not to be a Christian. Think again before you reject Christ. You may never have another opportunity to accept Him.