October 7

1 Timothy 6:15
“Which in His times He shall show, who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords”— Tim. 6:15.
THE Lord Jesus is to be made known in the fullness of times as the blessed and only Potentate. The word rendered blessed might just as well have been rendered happy. Earth has known few happy potentates, but when Jesus reigns He will be manifested in that character, because with Him is omnipotent authority. Moreover, He will then be the only Potentate, for all other rulers will bow before Him and acknowledge Him as King of kings and Lord of lords. Happy are they who in this day of His rejection by the world, recognize in Him earth’s rightful King and yield Him loyal obedience as the Lord of their lives.
“Thou art coming, O my Saviour,
Thou art coming! O my King,
Ev’ry tongue Thy name confessing,
Well may we rejoice and sing;
Thou art coming! rays of glory,
Thro’ the veil Thy death has rent,
Gladden now our pilgrim pathway,
Glory from Thy presence sent.
Thou art coming, not a shadow,
Not a mist and not a tear,
Not a sin and not a sorrow,
On that sunrise grand and clear!
Thou art coming! Jesus, Saviour,
Nothing else seems worth a thought,
Oh, how marvelous the glory,
And the bliss Thy pain hath bought!”
—Frances R. Havergal.