November 27

Revelation 7:14
“These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb” — Revelation 7:14.
ALL who ever have been or ever will be saved, in any age or under any dispensation, will owe all their blessing to the finished work of our Lord Jesus Christ. His precious blood alone can cleanse from sin. This white-robed multitude who will come up triumphantly out of the sufferings and sorrows of the great tribulation will stand before the throne of God because they shall have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.
Who but God can estimate the value of the propitiatory work of His beloved Son? Untold millions will worship and laud Him for all the ages to come because of what His grace has wrought.
We are all debtors to that grace. We owe all our blessing to the blood shed when the Lord Jesus became the great Sin Offering and gave Himself a ransom for all on Calvary. What praise should fill our hearts as we contemplate the work of the cross!
“Why speak of dress, since they are THERE?
Their martyred selves distinction show.
Yes, but their garments are so fair
Because of Calvary’s crimson flow.
In blood of Christ their robes made pure
Tell of a Love so great, so strong,
That thus the stress they could endure—
They tell to whom those robes belong.
Poor blood they shed, His blood they claimed.
They died, but lo, they live in white:
Then, as the martyred host is named,
No stain they bear in Heaven’s sight.
Oh, see them, then, display His grace,
The Lamb is all their song or claim.
Their robes o’er all that holy place
Diffuse the fragrance of His name.”
―Henry Ostrom.