Notes and Comments

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Are the Dead Communicating?
Spiritism, it would appear, is becoming popular. Scientists, who formerly were most skeptical, have, after a searching investigation, established two facts — first, that phenomena of an objective and tangible character do really take place; and secondly, that these are governed by certain intelligences. The whole question is, What is the nature of these intelligences? Are they human?
The writer of the article referred to recently proceeds to show that these intelligences are not what they pretend to be. That the phenomena take place is admitted; that communications are made is not denied, but that these come from the departed is absolutely false.
We have no doubt that Satanic agencies are at work in the spiritism of today, as they unquestionably will be in the coming period of Antichrist’s presence (see 2 Thess. 2).
I. “It is certain that the identity of the communicating intelligence has not been established. Although... in practically every instance the entities claim to be the spirits of departed men and women, it is certain that that claim has invariably broken down.
2. “It is a known and admitted characteristic of the intelligences that they attempt to personate deceased individuals.... But we meet with... the most heartless deception that the imagination can conceive.
3. “The moral character of the manifesting intelligences is invariably of a low order... In numerous instances this moral depravity is not immediately apparent... but it almost always discloses itself in the end.
“The general moral and physical effect of spiritistic practices upon the investigators is a disastrous one.... The frequent repetition of the process leads to complete physical prostration.... With but few exceptions the consequences of frequent sittings are fatal.... As far back as 1871 Dr. Forbes Winslow wrote, ‘Ten thousand unfortunate people are at the present time confined in lunatic asylums on account of having tampered with the supernatural.’
5. “The teaching imparted by the intelligences is wholly contradictory in character.... There is unanimity on one point only; ... it is the subversion of faith in Christ as a divine Person that the spirit messages ultimately aim at... From personal letters which have reached me it is evident that the writer had in each single instance lost his faith in Christianity, and was suffering the keenest grief and disappointment in consequence.”
First, the Person of Christ (vers. 1:2). Every doctrine and practice that assails His glory or attacks His person is of Satan, and must be utterly refused.
Second, the possession of the divine nature, “Ye are of God” (vs. 3). The one born of God has a nature that instinctively shrinks from evil.
Third, the Spirit of God indwelling the believer is a power greater than that of Satan (vs. 4.).
Fourth, the Word of God through the apostles (vs. 6). Submission to this is a true mark of the child of God. “Hereby know we the spirit of truth and the spirit of error.”