Notes and Comments

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A correspondent sent us a most interesting query on “Christ our Example,” which has unfortunately been mislaid. We should be glad to receive it again as we think it would interest many.
We trust our Bible Students that belong to the Class will observe the note under “This month’s subject,” with regard to leaving the actual selection of each month’s subject in their hands, and we hope that on their part they will seek to suggest various new and profitable lines of research, so that we may always have a good number to select fRomans
“C. H. P.” wishes to know if there is likely to be anything in the B. S. about the different kingdoms spoken of in the New Testament. We believe there are six in all, and should be very glad if some friend would send a short article on them.
We would especially call attention to the valuable article this month on” Love and Hatred” from the pen of “One who desires to Learn more,” the originator of the Bible Student’s Class.
Our readers will be glad to hear that the circulation of the Magazine is increasing, and its sphere widely extending. There must, however, be large numbers of Bible Students who have never yet seen a copy, and we would urge our friends to send old numbers when done with on to suchapter A leaflet concisely setting forth the object of this Magazine, together with the January number, can still be had gratis for distribution on sending stamps for postage.