"Not Tonight"

ONE Sunday evening, not long ago, in a coast town, two seafaring men were present at a meeting in which salvation was preached and offered’ in Jesus’ name. Both of them were afterward personally conversed with, and were entreated to seek the Lord while He might be found. Both listened, but only one of them attended to the things spoken. One was wise and the other was foolish. The one who was wise, received Christ; the other, who was foolish, went away rejecting Him, saying, “Not tonight.”
Many have said and done the same thing, and to their everlasting shame and contempt. What thoughts passed through the mind of this man as he left the meeting no one can say; nor whether he slept comfortably that night after his willful refusal to receive Christ as his Saviour.
A few days afterward, he was the worse for drink, and it was his last day in this world. In his drunken state he fell into the sea and was drowned. Where do you think his soul will be? Where do you think yours will be, if this night your soul shall be required of you?
J. C.