Mystic Symbolism: The Editor's Column

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Two months ago we considered the progress being made by the Roman Catholic system throughout the Western world. There is, however, in the minds of many people, the notion that there is one great institution which stands in the way of the march of ecclesiastical Rome; that is, FREEMASONRY. Let us then consider what Freemasonry is.
At the outset we will say that Freemasonry is the worse evil of the two. While it pretends to be Christian and to honor God and the Bible, it is basically in all its fibers anti-Christian, and its pretended use of the Bible is sheer mockery.
We are told that a man must believe in God to be a Mason, but the god of Freemasonry is not the God of the Bible; it is a composite god of the many heathen deities, with the God of Christianity supposedly added. Freemasonry is a veritable pantheon where all the deities are arrayed under mystic symbolism, while the language of the Bible is added to give a Christian flavor to suit professors of Christianity; but of course that is care fully guarded to please the taste of Jews, Mohammedans, and pagans.
Before going further, we wish to make it plain that we are not speaking against any individual Mason, but seeking in the fear of God to warn Christians of the true nature and character of "that which [as a system] is highly esteemed among men," but is "abomination in the sight of God."
The one living and true God is "a jealous God," and One who will have no other god before His people. It was the first commandment to Israel to have no other gods. Their great sin of old was turning to other gods, and consequently they reaped God's governmental dealings. He sent prophet after prophet to recall them to Himself from the pagan deities adopted from their neighbors. But today in so-called Christian lands Freemasonry is flourishing, and their god is a mystic symbol whose initials are "J.B.O." "J" stands for Jehovah of the Old Testament; "B" represents Baal (against whom the prophets cried out again and again and again), also known as Bel to the Babylonians; and "O" is "an Egyptian word" and stands for the god of the Egyptians, Osiris—a horrible, indecent god. In fact all the gods of the heathen were gods of lust, passion, and cruelty; and many of the same myths concerning a certain deity among one nation were found connected with the deities of other peoples. There is one common background for all idolatry, and that is Satan himself, for we learn from the Word of God that behind the idol were demons. It is true that many candidates for Freemasonry do not know this before initiation, but they are led on step by step into a not-too subtle web and then, after they are caught, they are told that they cannot extricate themselves. These candidates are led blindfolded (and truly blindfolded they are), professing to be seeking the true light which Masonry pretends to give. What a travesty on true Christianity where one is really brought into the light. But God never leads one blindfolded into His light. The Apostle Paul was sent to "open their eyes" (not to blind them—that is the devil's work [2 Cor. 4:44In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. (2 Corinthians 4:4)])—and to turn them from darkness to light. All God's ways are open and true, and nothing of Christianity was "done in a corner," as Paul says.
Some Masons have daringly said that the Lord Jesus was a Mason, but according to their own rules He could not have been, for He Himself said, "In secret have I said nothing." 0 the effrontery of seeking to link the Christ of God with the idolatry of Masonry!
God is referred to in Masonry as the "Divine Architect of the Universe," but who is he? Masonry claims that the true name of God was lost by the murder of a figure they call Hiram Abiff at the building of Solomon's temple. They then claim to have found this lost name when Ezra went back to rebuild the temple. This secret is revealed when they take the degree of the Royal Arch. It is all shrouded in mystery and it takes three people to pronounce the name—the composite name of Jehovah, Baal, and Osiris.
Read what the Spirit of God reveals in Eze. 8 of the shocking idolatry committed in the house of God at Jerusalem, where the ancient men of Israel engaged in these abominations, and the women wept for Tammuz (a Phoenician idol), who according to their mythology had been slain. For this sin and many of like kind they were given over as a prey to the Babylonians; yet there are not wanting Masons who seek to trace their system back to these idolaters, and that approvingly, and then condemn the Hebrew prophets for berating such sins, saying that toleration was not a virtue of those prophets. 0 that Christians likewise had less toleration in such matters!
Some may claim that Masonry is not a religion, but according to their own claims it "is Religion." They acclaim it as a universal religion where all good men may unite. (Did Elijah propose a common meeting place for Jehovah and Baal? Did he not rather slay the prophets of Baal?) According to this pantheistic system all people seek the same ends, only under other names; therefore, Masonry has a platform where all people may agree (that is, provided they leave the God of the Bible outside).
Nor do they have a false god only; they dishonor Christ, the Son of God. He is treated as a "great exemplar," along with Osiris of Egypt, Bacchus of Greece, Buddha, Vishnu, Adonis, and a host of others. Surely a Christian should be righteously angry at such blasphemy! One of their number blandly says that it matters not whether such example be an actual historical person or just a legend, a myth.
What does God say about the Lord Jesus Christ?—just this: "No man cometh unto the Father, but by [Him]"; and again, "He that honoreth not the Son honoreth not the Father which hath sent Him"; and again, "That all men should honor the Son, even as they honor the Father." But the Christ of God is sedulously excluded from Masonry. Pray they may, but to whom? and NEVER in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Christian who enters Masonry must leave his Lord and Savior outside, as purely sectarian, along with Mohammed, Zoroaster, Confucius, et al. According to Freemasonry Solomon is the Grand Master Mason, but alas what says the Scripture about Solomon? He built altars at Jerusalem for Ashtoreth the god of the Zidonians, Chemosh the god of the Moabites, and Milcom the god of the Ammonites. Yes, the great man they look to first took the house of David and kingdom of Israel down the road of idolatry and departure from God. In this he is a fitting symbol of Freemasonry. The system of Masonry is filled with Biblical quotations as though it accepted the Bible, but one of their number has said that the Bible is a symbol—yes friends, just a symbol (the same as the Koran and the Vedas), and so it is used. Everything pertaining to the building and rebuilding of the temple has been appropriated for their use, and even New Testament figures are used to conceal basic idolatrous symbols.
Some Masonic Bibles state in a preface that Masonry "encourages each man to be steadfast in the faith his heart loves best"—surely the devil's opiate: the Bible, and each man taking his own way as it pleases him. God says there is a way that seems right to a man but the end is death—yes, the second death, the lake of fire.
And what kind of religion is Freemasonry? A religion of works, not of faith; they claim that by it, and it alone, a man may reach immortality and bliss. It is really nothing new; it is the religion of fallen Adam when he tried to hide behind an apron of fig leaves (how strangely fitting that aprons have such a prominent place in this system of works). It is also the religion of Cain, and God says of his works, they were evil—yes, his best works were evil, and he was of that wicked one. "Woe unto them! for they have gone in the way of Cain"!
Their mockery and buffoonery is shocking; they pretend in their rituals to regenerate a man, give him new life—put him in death, and bring him to life again—surely a parody on the vital elements of Christianity. One of their number states that the three degrees "exhibit the entire process of regeneration." Perhaps we may justly say that more souls are led down the slippery road to hell through the false religion of Freemasonry than through all the atheism now current in Christendom. Again we say, Masonry is "anti-Christian."
And then to think that otherwise sane, sensible men will bind themselves by an oath under the most terrible of curses not to reveal the great secrets of Masonry! (but anyone who wishes to spend some money and time in a secondhand book store can find out many things). Does God put a man under oath? Isaiah that the gospel? The only curse connected with the gospel is on anyone who loves not the Lord Jesus Christ—Mason, or any other. They boast of a common brotherhood, but a slave cannot be a Mason. How good that God did not limit the gospel to free and good men! or to men with enough money to pay their way, or to men only, excluding women and children! And what brotherhood is there really, but that of all true believers in the Lord Jesus Christ? Yes, all they are brethren. And the Spirit of God is the uniting bond between them; they need no special hand shake or grip. Speaking of this reminds us that in the day that is coming apace, the beast—the head of the revived Roman Empire—will have his mark on all men under his power, either in their forehead or in their hands. Perhaps Masonry is a foreshadowing of this, for one may wear his emblem out in full sight or conceal it in his hand shake. Coming events do cast their shadows, and things of today prepare men for the things of tomorrow.
Now, fellow-Christian, in the face of all this, can you go and link yourself with such an idolatrous, anti-Christian system, and become one with haters of Christ—Jews and Mohammedans? You may be told that there are some degrees and some ways that you can go that are Christian, but this is not true. There are some Masonic ways that seem to honor Christ, but is it the Christ of God? Judge for yourself. Furthermore, basic Freemasonry is the first three degrees, and all must pass that way. Can you go that way and become a brother craftsman to haters of your Lord and Savior?
And should these lines fall into the hands of one who is a true child of God who has linked himself with this blasphemous system, we implore you, for Christ's sake, "Wherefore come out from among them,... and touch not the unclean thing." Can light and darkness mix, or Christ and Belial go in harmony? Can you, a child of light, mix with such heathen darkness? The Lord who died for you is outside of all this and calls to you, "Come out," "come out." Maybe you say it will be hard to do, but He has every claim on you, and He is worthy. He has also promised to do a Father's part and take care of you if you heed His call. (Read 2 Cor. 6.) Dare you continue in that Christ-refusing, Christ-dishonoring travesty where heathen deities, pagan rites, Greek mythology, and Eastern mysticism are paraded about in the disguise of Biblical names, phrases, and symbols?
Perhaps you feel the pressure of such statements as "once a Mason always a Mason," and think you cannot come out. Moses came out of Pharoah's house and the honor of Egypt, regardless of the pressure. "The Craft" may still lay claim to you, but you can renounce it, and if you are faithful to Christ, you will. Let them know why you are withdrawing; witness for the Christ that is banned by their order. You need not reveal their so-called secrets that you are under oath to keep, but come out with boldness and decision. "No man can serve two masters." Will it be Christ or Belial? Listen to
- "Do we provoke the Lord to jealousy? are we stronger than He?" 1 Cor. 10:2222Do we provoke the Lord to jealousy? are we stronger than he? (1 Corinthians 10:22). If the early Corinthian Christians dare not link the Lord's table to idols, can any now with less impunity link it with Freemasonry? Not in the light of God's immutable Word. Let Freemasonry go on in its course—as it will—but true followers of Christ, "touch not the unclean thing."
Note—Much of the above may be applied in varying degrees to the lesser secret societies.