My Only Chance

 •  7 min. read  •  grade level: 6
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One June day in 1969 the USS Constellation lay out in the Pacific Ocean about 200 miles off the coast of San Diego. Two flight crewmen went out on the flight deck to saddle up on their F-4 twin-engine two-place fighter bomber. They climbed into the aircraft and turned it on; the huffer came up and blew hot air through the turbines as the raw fuel was poured in. The pilot hit the igniter switch; the fuel was ignited; the turbines were tuning up—two General Electrics at 17,000 pounds of thrust each—straining at the cable and ready to launch.
The pilot saluted the flight deck officer; he saluted back and then touched his forefinger to the ground. This was the signal to the man in the tower who then gave the signal to the man underneath. The buttons were pushed and 85,000 pounds of material were hurled off that flight deck into what was supposed to be a flying attitude in less than two seconds—0 to 200 knots.
I was sitting in the back of that airplane. When we came to the end of the flight deck the nose of that aircraft was supposed to be pitching up. It was pitching down. You have 80 feet—seconds—less than seconds. I saw the flight deck rising above me on the right. I saw the gyro getting blacker and blacker and knew there were just seconds left.
I pulled the handle. The back canopy lifted off and I shot out. The pilot in the front seat was yelling, “Eject! Eject!” but he was talking to himself—I was already gone! His canopy went off and he went out too.
There was a rocket seat under me that shot me up 250 feet into the air, and on that June evening I was going around in circles! I saw the stars and then I saw the ocean, and then I saw the stars again. Then my whole seat appendage came off, as it’s programmed to do, and the chute popped open.
I was pretty close to the water, but I was going 200 knots, and when I hit the water, I hit it at a lateral angle with velocity. Somehow I rolled. I popped the two little cords on my life vest that activate the CO2 cartridges to inflate the life vest. I rolled a little bit and I popped the cock fittings to get rid of my chute, but somehow in the roll the shroud line from my chute had gotten caught in the back of my survival vest and I couldn’t get it loose.
I got my equilibrium and looked up and saw the ship going by me. (The ship was 1000 feet long with 5000 men aboard; it was a seagoing city.) As it passed by me I could see the men up on deck throwing their little hand lanterns down. It was just about dark and they saw me down there so they were throwing down their flashlights so that the helicopter crew would know where I was.
I was trying to get the cord untangled from my harness, but it wouldn’t budge. The ship went by and the first wave from the ship swamped me. I went under the water and I didn’t know if I was coming up. I came up for a breath and, as the ship went by, the big screws were right near me.
The helicopter came right to where I was struggling in the water. The pilot could see where I was and, hovering right over my head, he dropped down on a line the harness that I was to get into to be lifted up to the helicopter. He was really close to me so I grabbed the line, but I was still attached to the parachute and it was all under water. The pilot shouted down through his megaphone, “Pilot, get away from your chute!” because he didn’t want to be dragged down into the Pacific Ocean as well.
I didn’t really want to let go of that line, because I’d already been under the water a couple of times, but I knew that I wasn’t going to be able to be lifted up with the chute attached. So there I was in the Pacific Ocean, treading water for all I was worth. That was the last place I wanted to be, but I had no choice. I let go of the line and backed off, and the helicopter pilot pulled up the line and sent down a swimmer to come around in back of me and loosen that cord that I couldn’t get loose of myself.
I just got my nose above the water when there was the swimmer right beside me. He wasn’t shouting at me with his megaphone, giving me instructions on how to swim to land 200 miles away—I couldn’t do it.
He wasn’t telling me how to scale the wall of the ship to get back up where I belonged—I couldn’t do it.
I was absolutely helpless and at the mercy of what someone else could do for me. So the swimmer came down and got me untangled and then I was able to take hold of the harness they had sent down.
If you have never accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour, you are in a worse position right now than I was at that moment. You can’t get loose from your sins. You’re going to drown in them. You’re heading for the depths of judgment with your sins still dragging you down. The sins that you have committed have put you where you are today, and the worst is yet to come.
The very things that I had depended upon were dragging me under, and you may be in the same position. Your good intentions, your good works, your accomplishments are all a load on your back which is dragging you down to judgment. I had one chance and one only, and that was to lay hold of what had been provided for me right there at that time.
Now imagine the situation if I were treading water there and saying, “I’m going to try a little longer,” or, “I’m going to wait for another helicopter.” How long are they obligated to sit there and wait in patience and grace for me to take hold of what was perfectly suitable for me? How long is God obligated to strive by His Spirit with the world of men? I can guarantee that God’s offer of salvation is available to you right now, but I can’t guarantee you tomorrow.
I took hold of that harness and they lifted me right up into the helicopter and took me back to the ship. And I was thankful—I was really thankful. And I’m thankful that God has reached right down to where I am and given me the Saviour. For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
It cost the Navy a certain amount to provide that helicopter to rescue me that day. What did it cost God to provide the Saviour of sinners for you and me? The Lord Jesus went to Calvary’s cross. The Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost. And He is still inviting you to come to Himself and offering you a free and perfect salvation and an eternity with Himself in heaven.
It is all free to you, but it cost God the death of His Son to make it available. The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin. He is available today that you might be saved. Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.