More Than a Hope

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 4
When the things of God are considered, doubts, objections, and 'arguments characterize man's sinful heart. "Hath God said" was Satan's question in the Garden of Eden, and he is adept in instilling this same question in the minds of men today.
Martin Luther, in one of his many conflicts with the devil, was asked by the arch-enemy if he FELT his sins were forgiven.
"No," said the great reformer, "I DON'T FEEL THAT THEY ARE FORGIVEN, but I KNOW they are, because God says so in His word."
Paul did not say, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt FEEL saved"; but, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and THOU SHALT BE SAVED."
No one can FEEL that his sins are forgiven. Ask that man whose debt was paid by his brother. "Do you FEEL that your debt is paid?"
"No," is the honest reply. "I don't FEEL that it is paid; I KNOW FROM THIS RECEIPT that it is paid, and I FEEL HAPPY because I know it is paid."
So with you, dear reader. You must first believe in God's love to you as revealed at the cross of Calvary, and then you will FEEL HAPPY, because you will KNOW that you are saved.
And now let me ask you, in all love and earnestness: Is your soul safe for eternity? Do you reply, "I hope so"? But, dear friends, hoping is not enough; you ought to be certain.
"I fear I am not saved," you say. Then take your place as a lost sinner, and claim the lost sinner's Savior.
Another will say: "I intend to be saved sometime; but there is no great hurry."
What? No great hurry? Do you know that at this very moment you are condemned to be punished with everlasting destruction? "He that believeth not is condemned already." John 3:18. Without a moment's warning you may be called into God's presence; oh what will you then say? When asked why you refused His pardon and trampled under your feet the blood of His Son, what answer will you give? Your tongue will cleave to the roof of your mouth, and you will be speechless.