Messages of God's Love: 1980

Table of Contents

1. How God Used a Gospel Sign
2. Rescued From the Flames
3. The Cat That Said, "Thank You!"
4. The Text on the Tree
5. The Redeemed Ponies
6. "Water All Around You!"
7. Poor Spotty
8. Missionary at Home
9. "You Never Told Me About Jesus!"
10. "Come to Me"
11. Mordecai
12. Bobby's Light
13. "Wonderful," Says Tom
14. Smokey the Cat
15. Saved Through His Cow
16. All That She Had
17. The Hole in the Box
18. Spurned Treasure
19. Bobby's Thorn
20. A Hindu Boy
21. The One That Went Astray
22. "Did They Let Him in?"
23. The Brave Sea Captain
24. He Died For Me
25. Herein Is Love
26. Eternity
27. The A-B-C of the Gospel
28. "Why Don't You Love Jesus?"
29. The Whole Family Delivered
30. The Taylor's' Business
31. Eternity
32. A Lesson from the Caribou
33. A Train Without an Engineer Is Like …
34. He Could Not Get Away From God
35. A Dream
36. The First Step
37. Just on the Threshold
38. Stolen by Indians
39. For Good People
40. The Moose Sanctuary
41. Not Afraid
42. A Mother's Love
43. Marty's First Train Ride
44. The Rescue of Moonbeam
45. What Do You Want With a Rifle?
46. Marco
47. Beth, the Teenager
48. The Rooster's Rescue
49. A Voice in the Dark
50. Carried Off By Bandits
51. A Lesson From the Bees
52. Just One God
53. The Colonel's Donkey
54. Lost Over the Falls
55. Fred's Letter
56. Harry's Temptation
57. "They Know His Voice"
58. The Voice of Jesus
59. Harvey and the Quicksand
60. Ten Pence for a Bible
61. Infidel Hal
62. A Singing Parrot
63. The Indian Interpreter
64. "Hang Out a Towel"
65. Walking Chocolate Bars
66. What Will You Do With Your Voice?
67. Through the Roof
68. Beached Whale with a Red Iron Stomach
69. Isaiah 53
70. The Power of the Name of Jesus
71. Just In Time
72. Bible Acrostic
73. The Earthquake
74. Jerome Hines: A Famous Singer's Testimony
75. Can God See Us?
76. Faith in the Life Belt
77. How Far to Philadelphia?
78. Bible Watches
79. Rescued
80. President Eisenhower and the Sick Boy
81. Christina
82. Hui the Maori Boy
83. Time
84. The Phantom Plane
85. Amy's Answer
86. An Auctioned Bike
87. So You Want to Be Happy?
88. The Cells That Make Up Your Body
89. Duke
90. Bible Acrostic
91. The Johnstown Flood
92. Not Quite Enough
93. Safe in Christ
94. Scared by the Buffalo
95. Just As You Are
96. A Gift
97. The Walrus
98. Roger's Deliverance
99. Judy's Punishment
100. Prized Possession
101. Open Ears
102. Where Was Larry?
103. Precious
104. A Short Sermon
105. A Few Facts about Bats
106. The Cat Did It
107. Paid in Full
108. The Low-Set Door Bell
109. Traveling With the Earth
110. Joyful News-The Victory is Ours
111. God is in the Thunder
112. Troubled Tommy
113. "Whatsoever Ye Do"
114. The Ways of the Beaver
115. A Crash Through the Ice
116. He Is Mine
117. Jesus Loved Me First
118. The Hedgehog
119. Zip to the Rescue
120. My Life Against Yours
121. An Alarm Clock in the Ocean
122. A Wild Ride in a Storm
123. "Tell Him I Love Him"
124. "Let Me See Them All"
125. How an Enemy of Trees Is Stopped
126. The Tree House That Fell
127. Yoder Dairy Sign
128. The Judge and the Burglar
129. The Clever Baboon
130. "Get Me Out of Here!"
131. "Prepare!"
132. A Desert Journey
133. Sue's Verse
134. What Happens When We Eat?: Part 1
135. Going Home
136. "Too Late"
137. What Happens When We Eat?: Part 2
138. Three Minutes to Get Out!
139. The Expensive Elevator
140. The Question Was Settled
141. What Happens When We Eat?: Part 3
142. The Rescued Doll
143. The Magnet
144. The Amazing Honeybee
145. The Rescued Miners
146. It Takes Two to Make a Quarrel
147. Not Good Enough
148. The Desert Cactus
149. View It From a Safe Distance!
150. Dandelions
151. Are You Thirsty?
152. The Busy Humming Bird
153. The Secret of Secrets
154. Crafty Rags
155. Giving In
156. Bible Acrostic
157. Inseparable Companions
158. "He's Drowning!"
159. "I'm Thankful for-"
160. The Pony Express
161. Positive Thinking
162. About the Salmon
163. "Jump Out! We'll Catch You!"
164. In Five Years …
165. Can You Write Your Name?
166. Bible Animals and Birds
167. The "Exceeding Wise" Ant
168. "Nobody Wants Us"
169. Nancy's Picture
170. "Today, Sir, Today!"
171. The Kangaroo Rat
172. Stuck in a Clothes Chute
173. Queen Victoria's Dolls
174. From Darkness to Light
175. Two Oddities of the Ocean
176. Little Rebel of the Woodpile
177. The Easy Chair
178. Stuck in the Mud
179. What Is Our Blood Made of?
180. Heather's Secret
181. Are They Gone?
182. Steps to Climb
183. The Harvester Ants
184. Ching Lee's Stuffed Ears
185. "Be Sure Your Sin Will Find You Out"
186. The Dignified Penguin
187. The Dangerous Secret
188. Looking Over Our Troubles
189. The Key
190. The Ant Lion
191. Great-Great-Great Grandpa John
192. A Kernel of Corn
193. Only a Step to Jesus
194. Protection Underseas
195. A Free Gift Offered
196. An Ignored Warning
197. Astray
198. The Pretty Little Goby
199. Grandpa, Grandma and the Baby Cardinal
200. Little Ann
201. How the Body Gets Its Oxygen
202. "I'm Gonna Stay Here!"
203. Carol's Problem Solved
204. How Steve Was Saved
205. A Message of Love
206. Strange Happenings in a Lake
207. Larry's Lesson
208. Saying "Amen" to God
209. Tami's Song
210. The "Wandering" Albatross
211. Helpless!
212. The Honey Bird
213. Great Grandma's Ducks
214. The Ants With a Dairy
215. Ducks and Chickens
216. Maria
217. Are All the Children in?
218. The Friendly Dolphin
219. An African Jewel
220. The Leopard's Spots
221. The Amazing Heart
222. The Adopted Kitten
223. Enok Jackson
224. Monsters
225. The Lovely Monarch Butterfly: Part 1

How God Used a Gospel Sign

Memory Verse: “Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures ... He was buried ... He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures.” 1 Corinthians 15:3,4
Farmer Brown is a bright Christian and likes to witness to others of Jesus, the Saviour of sinners. He has put up a gospel sign on his barn for all to see, and it reads: “CHRIST DIED FOR OUR SINS.” Many passers-by read his sign and he prays that they might believe the message it brings. Scripture tells us that “believing” is “having” and “he that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life.” (John 3:36.
One day Mr. Brown received a card in the mail advertising a vacuum cleaner, and a salesman requested an opportunity to come out and demonstrate his product. Here was an opportunity, thought the farmer, to speak to this man about his soul and need of salvation, so he was not long in getting in touch with the man by phone and making an appointment.
The salesman that came out had recently come from India and was trying to get a start in business as he hoped to bring his wife over here also. This Indian man, a lawyer, was anxious to know what the words on the gospel sign meant:
He said he had recently heard some one mention the name of Jesus. Was He a good man?
“O yes,” replied Farmer Brown. “He is my Saviour.”
After some conversation the salesman said, “I don’t understand, but there is something so different about you and your family, so sweet, calm and relaxed.”
“Well,” explained the farmer, “the Lord Jesus makes the difference. He saves, He keeps, He satisfies. Since I accepted Him as my Saviour, I have perfect peace.”
“Can you tell me more about this man, Jesus?” asked the Indian.
“If I don’t take your time in making this demonstration, I would be happy to tell you more!” replied Farmer Brown. And for some time he read him out of the Scriptures how that Christ died on the cross for our sins and that God raised Him from the dead for our justification. He explained to his friend that if he believed that Jesus died for him, too, God was just in forgiving all his sins, taking him out of his old state of condemnation, and putting him in a new position before Him where all his sins and guilt were gone forever.
The Indian man gladly knelt down and asked the Lord Jesus to save him that night, and He did, so that the peace of God filled his soul. Furthermore, he asked Farmer Brown if, when his wife came, would he mind if she, too, could hear the wonderful words of life.
Several weeks later the phone rang. It was the Indian salesman calling to say his wife had arrived and Farmer Brown was not long in inviting them both for dinner. At the table Mr. Brown read from the Scriptures and pointed out the way of salvation, liberty and glory. The time came when this dear soul followed her husband in accepting the Lord Jesus as her Saviour, too.
How often the Word of God works quietly and yet with power!
“My word... shall not return unto Me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.” Isa. 55:11.
“I, even I, am He that blotteth out thy transgressions for Mine own sake, and will not remember thy sins.” Isa. 43:25

Rescued From the Flames

“Fire, fire!” The words rang out as a man ran through an apartment house where he had seen a fire. All the people were brought out safely except one family whose apartment was on the top floor. Somehow they had been overlooked. Now the flames were raging all around them, but the people were asleep.
Down on the street men picked up stones and threw them at the topmost windows and succeeded in breaking them. This roused the father and mother and immediately they took their little boy and girl in their arms and rushed out from the flaming building.
But where was Willie? In the excitement they forgot to warn their eldest son. He was still there, and the father ran back to get him. Smoke blinded and choked him and he got no further than the first flight of stairs.
By this time Willie had wakened from his sleep, and realizing the danger he stood at the window calling for help. Now not a moment must be lost. A ladder was put up but it was not long enough to reach that high window.
Then someone brought a sheet and the father stretched it out. Strong and willing hands grasped the four corners of it as they stood beneath the window.
“Jump, and your father will catch you,” one of the men shouted.
Willie looked down and quivered with fear for a moment. Then he dropped down and in a moment he was safe in his father’s arms. Willie trusted his father and he was safe.
It is just the same for lost and guilty sinners. God’s judgment will reach you if you remain as you are, with your sins upon you. But you need not perish. Trust yourself to Jesus, the mighty Saviour. His outstretched arms are ready to receive you. The only question is, are you ready now to trust yourself to Him?
Won’t you tell Him, from your heart, “I will trust, and not be afraid"? Isa. 12:2.
“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart.” Prov. 3:5.

The Cat That Said, "Thank You!"

Away over in Africa lived a missionary family—five girls and two boys lived with their mother and father. The missionary family loved to tell the African girls and boys and their mothers and fathers about the Lord Jesus.
They told them that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus, to die for them on the cross. The African people would clap their hands. That is the way they said, “Thank you.” As they listened to the story of God’s love they clapped their hands to say “Thank you” to Him.
One day the missionary family found a baby civet cat. A civet cat is a wild cat that lives in Africa and grows as big as a fox. It has gray fur with black bands and spots. They took the little cat home for a pet. It would go sniffing all around the rooms. They liked the little civet cat and fed it every day.
But soon it wasn’t little any more. And, because it was growing so big, and it was a wild cat, they were afraid to keep it. One day they took it away off in the forest and let it go free.
It had been gone for a long time. Then one evening they heard scratching at the door. They opened the door and in came the big, big cat! He sniffed at each member of the missionary family. Then he jumped up on the missionary man’s lap.
One of the missionary children set a bowl of food on the floor. The civet cat jumped down and ate the food. Then he went from one to another of the family. He sniffed each one, patted them all with his great paw, and then went out of the door. They never saw him again. But they all felt that he had returned to say “Thank You.” He was glad they had cared for him and fed him when he was a little kitten.
I wonder if you have ever thanked the Lord for His great love and care for you? Have you thanked Him for dying for you on the cross?

The Text on the Tree

God has been pleased to bless the posting of texts of Scripture on walls and trees. This testimony comes from Ireland.
“I read the words only wanst, sir, but me mind firmly tuk them in, and they have niver lift me memory from that day.
“How I rolled them over and over in me thoughts! At times indeed, I thried to banish them from me; but go they wouldn’t, and do what I cud, they would give me their company: " ‘The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.’
" ‘If this be true,’ I thought, ‘then there is no judgment after death for a believer.’
“It was ‘sin’ the text talked about—‘all sin’ —and the ‘cleansing’ of ‘all sin.’ And ‘the blood of Jesus Christ God’s Son,’ was the cleansing power.
" ‘That, without any manner o’ doubt, was shurely an all-sufficient power,’ I sed to meself, ‘for it is the blood of a Divine sacrifice.’
“Then again came the thought like an all-powerful voice— ‘If this be true, then there’s no judgment after death for a believer.’ For whin all sin is cleansed from the soul,’ I said, ‘what can remain for judgment fire to act upon?’ Why nuthin.”
Was not this sound reasoning, dear reader? We believe it was. If all sin is cleansed by the blood of Christ, for all true believers there can be no other judgment for them. And if no sin can be cleansed without the blood, then let us trust in its cleansing power.
“Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that heareth My Word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.” John 5:24.
“There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus.” Rom. 8:1.

The Redeemed Ponies

Memory Verse: “Ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, but with the precious blood of Christ.” 1 Peter 1:18,19
Dean was eleven years old and lived on a farm in Oakland County near Detroit. He was also the proud possessor of three beautiful Shetland ponies. During the summer hardly a day went by when he wasn’t out riding them.
One winter day a snowmobile broke down the farm fence which kept the ponies in, and the three headed for the open spaces. The County sheriff’s deputies finally rounded up the runaways and brought them to the Oakland County Animal Shelter. There they were cared for and their board bill ran up to $400. Then it was decided to sell the animals at an auction. The District County Judge took charge of the sale.
Poor Dean had learned the fate of his three lost pets, and knew that if ever he was to claim them again, he must redeem them at the auctioneer’s price. He worked hard at scrubbing floors and saved his money. The day of the sale he headed for the auction, taking along his entire savings of $75 in hopes of buying back his beloved pets.
The judge opened the sale. “Do I hear a bid of $30. for this pony?” he began.
At once a boy’s voice sounded out: “Thirty dollars? That’s too much. Start at $25.!” It was Dean.
Surprised at such an interruption the judge asked the boy, “Are you bidding?”
“Yes,” sobbed Dean; “they’re my ponies.”
The bidding was halted while the judge hastily consulted with the director of the Animal Shelter. They agreed to offer all three ponies as one deal.
The judge opened the bidding again, but only one bidder’s voice was heard. The rest were silent. After hearing the boy’s story, no one would bid against him. They all listened silently while the three ponies were auctioned for $75. All felt compensated in seeing the boy’s happiness in being reunited with his loved ponies again.
Dear young friend, we were all like those ponies. We really bonged to God because He made us. But we were lost, captives to sin, gone far from Him and in bondage to Satan. Then just as Dean loved those ponies and gave all he had to buy them back, so the Lord Jesus loved us with a far more wonderful love and gave all He had—His life—to redeem us. Those whom He has redeemed with His precious blood He has set free, to be His treasure, to follow and serve Him down here, and be with Him in the glory forever.
“Ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold,... but with the precious blood of Christ.” 1 Peter 1:18,19.
I am redeemed... but not with silver;
I am bought... but not with gold;
Bought with a price... the blood of Jesus,
Precious price of love untold.

"Water All Around You!"

The mighty Amazon River pours such a volume of water into the Atlantic, that for many miles out from the mouth of the river the water remains fresh.
A ship, which was making for a South American port, was hindered on the voyage through many fierce storms. In spite of all their care, the crew found themselves at length with their last water tank empty. A day or two later, to their great relief, they sighted another vessel, and ran up their signal: “We’re dying for want of water.”
To their astonishment the reply came back: “Water all around you; let your bucket down.”
Little did they know that they were just then crossing the mighty Amazon’s current, and were sailing in fresh water without knowing it.
Is it possible, dear reader, that you have not yet realized that the pure ocean of God’s love is all around you? Many are echoing the cry: “What shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?” To such the answer comes: “Let down your bucket in faith.”
“Whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.” Revelation 22:17.

Poor Spotty

We lived next door to a family who had a dog named Spotty. One day Spotty was hit by a car. There were no bones broken and Spotty didn’t seem to be specially hurt except that he lost his long tail! It was pulled right off!
The five children who owned Spotty were quite worried about the dog. But Spotty didn’t seem to worry much about it; he was the same happy, friendly dog he had always been.
One day Mother said to us children, “Just look at Spotty. He is still so contented and happy, even though he has lost his tail. We can learn a little lesson from Spotty. When troubles or sorrows come our way, if we trust the Lord, we can go to Him in prayer about them. He can give us grace to rise above the sorrow, and will keep us happy in the sunshine of His love. Spotty isn’t worried about his tail, and we need not fret about our future either!” How sweet it is to be able to commit it all into the Lord’s hands.
What a Friend we have in Jesus,
All our sins and griefs to bear;
What a privilege to carry
Everything to God in prayer!
Oh, what peace we often forfeit;
Oh, what needless pain we bear!
All because we do not carry
Everything to God in prayer.

Missionary at Home

Sally wanted to be a missionary when she grew up. One day she said to her mother, “I don’t have to wait to be a missionary. I can be one right now! I can send out gospel tracts through the mail.”
So she got some envelopes and a pile of gospel tracts. In each envelope she put five tracts. Then she put postage stamps on them, and Mother addressed them to families in the community. Sally was so happy to know that she could do some missionary work right at home!
“What have you done for the Saviour today?
Have you witnessed for Him at your work or your play?
Have you made known to others this Saviour and Friend,
Who will stay close beside you right through to the end?
God has a record, a record each day,
Of all that you do, what you think or you say;
Will you witness for Him in this dark world of sin,
And let your light shine here for others, and Him?”
“Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days.” Ecclesiastes 11:1.
“God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labor of love, which ye have showed toward His name.” Hebrews 6:10.

"You Never Told Me About Jesus!"

Tom Carter, an evangelist, told the story of how he was holding meetings in Pennsylvania one time. A young fellow who had formerly lived next door to a preacher killed another man. The whole community was stirred.
Mr. Carter and the preacher obtained permission to visit the young man in his cell. After telling him his own story of how he himself was converted in prison, the two men succeeded in leading the young fellow to Christ.
Then the newly saved young man addressed the preacher and sadly said, “To think I lived next door to you for months, and you never told me anything about Jesus until I came here! If you only had, I may never have killed another man.”
Are we overlooking any opportunities to bring Christ to souls close-by?

"Come to Me"

I love to hear the story
Of Jesus long ago,
Who blessed the little children
Because He loved them so.
I know He still is waiting
To bless each child today;
He loves them very dearly
And hears them when they pray.


Esther 2:21-23
King Ahasuerus, king of Persia, had two guards, Bigthan and Teresh, who kept watch at the door of his palace. When the king went in and out, these two guarded him carefully, and watched to see that no enemy approached to do the king harm. The king had conference in these two men and was sure they would keep careful guard over his property and not let any suspicious-looking characters enter the palace.
However, while Bigthan and Teresh appeared to be dependable servants, all the while for some reason they hated the king. They even plotted together as to how they might kill king Ahasuerus and not be found out.
Now there was at that time in Shushan the palace, a man named Mordecai, who had been carried from Jerusalem to Babylon, along with many other captives, by Nebuchadnezzar many years before. Mordecai found out about the plot to murder Ahasuerus and got word to Esther the queen, who in turn told the king of his danger. The king ordered an investigation to be made and the report was found to be true. The two guards, Bigthan and Teresh, were hanged on a tree, and this was recorded in the chronicles of the realm. You can read this story for yourself in Esther chapters 2.
The king’s life was saved because one of his servants heard of the plot of the two palace guards and warned him in time. But what if Mordecai had kept quiet and let the king find out for himself? Would it not likely have been too late?
What if Ahasuerus the king had said, “What does that foreign captive know about what’s going on around here?” he would perhaps have made the greatest mistake of his life.
Dear unsaved reader, perhaps some friend or servant of the Lord has faithfully told you that your life is in danger of being lost fover if you go on unsaved, without Christ, the only Saviour. Have you chosen to ignore the warning or put off the matter of your soul’s salvation till a more convenient time? How sad if it should be written of you that you refused the offer of salvation or put it off until it was too late.
“All have sinned...” (Rom. 3:23), but God in mercy waits to pardon all who come to Him through the work of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, on the cross. “Being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.” (Rom. 3:24). But time is running out. The day of grace may end at any moment, and judgment will be the doom of all who are left in their sins.
“He that heareth My word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation [judgment], but is passed from death unto life.” John 5:24.

Bobby's Light

Memory Verse: “Our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with Him.” 1 Thessalonians 5:9,10
Bobby’s favorite Sunday school chorus was
“This little light of mine,
I’m going to let it shine...”
It seemed that he was always singing it. He was an active, wide-eyed six-year-old.
One Sunday Bobby told his Sunday school teacher he had opened his heart to the Lord Jesus, and He had come in to dwell there. From that time on he listened more carefully. Several times he pleaded with his mother to go with him to the gospel service, but she would always make some excuse. Often his mother could hear him telling his friends about Jesus and teaching them gospel songs.
One day Bobby said to his mother, “Do you know what I’m going to be when I’m a big man?”
“What are you going to be, Bobby?”
“I’m going to be a missionary and tell people about Jesus. You know, Mom, when you die, if you have Jesus in your heart, you’ll go up to heaven.” Then lowering his voice he said, “But if you die without Jesus, you’ll go down there,” and he pointed downward.
Still his mother would not listen. She put him off with a short answer.
One morning Bobby said to his mother,
“You know, Mom, I’d like to go to heaven and see the Lord!”
“Bobby,” she replied, “you shouldn’t talk that way. I don’t like it.”
“Why, Mom?” he said. “I’m not afraid, ‘cause Jesus is in my heart.”
Little did they realize that before the day was over, little Bobby would be with Jesus, whom he had learned to love so much in his short life.
The boys were getting their baths before going to bed. One of the older boys was in the bathtub, so Bobby was taking his bath in the large laundry sink. His mother was ironing close by. She left the room for a moment to check on the older boy, when Bobby, reaching across for a towel, accidentally knocked the electric iron into the water. Little Bobby was electrocuted and died instantly!
“Then spake Jesus... saying,... He that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” John 8:12.
In robes of white, o’er the street of gold,
Beneath a cloudless sky,
They’ll walk in the light of their Father’s smile;
But will you be there, and I?

"Wonderful," Says Tom

Tom Omerga lived in Kisuma, on Lake Victoria, Kenya. He was an office clerk and was on his way home one night when something happened that changed his whole life.
Tom was riding his bike up the hill toward his home. The car in front seemed to be having trouble, its gears making a terrible noise. Tom recognized the car as belonging to the two teachers who went around the schools teaching about Jesus, the Saviour of sinners.
Suddenly from out of the car window came a piece of paper, the passenger trying in vain to catch it! Twisting and turning in the air, helped along by the wind, the paper fell to the road in front of Tom. He stopped quickly, jumped off his bike and went to pick up the leaflet. He thought it might be something important.
Four things God wants you to know! he read on the cover and turned over to the next page to read.
“This looks interesting,” he thought, and sat down by the side of the road to read it.
It was a gospel leaflet which Tom had found. As he read through the six pages he discovered that God loved Him so much that he sent His Son Jesus to die for his sins.
“This is wonderful,” cried Tom aloud, and his heart was warmed by the love of God. He received the gospel message simply and knew his sins were gone.
The next day Tom knew that he had a new peace in his heart. What is more, he wanted to tell everyone.
A few days later he stood up in a mission and told everyone just how God had spoken to him and had told him the four things that He wanted Tom to know.
“The Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world. These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life.” 1 John 4:14; 5:13.

Smokey the Cat

A lady in Worcestershire, England, had a cat named Smokey. One day in 1965 Smokey disappeared, and the lady gave him up for lost.
Then one day in March, 1971, who should show up on the lady’s doorstep but old Smokey! He gladly drank a dish of milk, and then curled up on his favorite chair as if nothing had happened. Six years had gone by, but there was Smokey—home again!
What a long time for a cat to stray away! Yet how often young folks, and grown up folks, too, wander away from Jesus the Good Shepherd and are gone for years sometimes. Perhaps they didn’t like the restraint of a Christian home, they wanted a taste of the world, or perhaps if they were never saved, they did not want the Lord Jesus as their Saviour. But the Good Shepherd follows each lost one, and how wonderful it is when He finds that lost sheep or lamb and brings it back to Himself.
Have you strayed away from the Lord, dear young reader? He is seeking you and longing to bring you home to Himself. May He be able to say of you, “Rejoice with Me; for I have found My sheep which was lost.”

Saved Through His Cow

There was once a boy who went to Sunday school and learned many verses of Scripture by memory just as many of our readers do today. One verse he learned was Isaiah 1:3: “The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master’s crib: but Israel doth not know, My people doth not consider.”
However, this boy did not turn to the Lord as he ought to have done, but as he grew older he became very careless and indifferent. He cared little for the God who had created Him, who loved him and had given His Son to die for his sins. He thought little about the need of his never-dying soul.
When he was a man, one day he stood in one of his fields, and his favorite cow came and licked his hand. Suddenly there flashed into his mind the verse he had learned long before when a boy. “The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master’s crib: but Israel doth not know, My people doth not consider.” Why, he thought, my cow is more intelligent than I am. She knows me well enough, and yet here I have been living all these years without God who has only sought my good and blessing. He was both humbled and sorry at what he had done, and turning to the Lord in repentance, he found pardon and peace in Jesus, who is the sinner’s Friend.
“Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” 1 Timothy 1:15.
But oh, to think of those wasted years! How much better it had been if he had taken the Lord as his Saviour when just a boy, and lived for Him all those years.

All That She Had

Carol was a little blind girl. Her parents had spent nearly all their money on doctors, but none had been able to make her see again. Finally one doctor did operate on Carol, and, wonderful to relate, she could see! How happy she was!
Carol’s parents had no money to give the doctor, but he did not mind. Carol had a teddy bear which she loved dearly, and it had been her dearest friend for many years. She decided that she would give her teddy to the doctor.
“Please take my teddy,” she told him. “He’s all I have!”
The doctor did take the teddy bear, and he kept it on the mantel in his living room. He often told the visitors that it came from a little girl who gave all that she had.
God, too, gave a gift to this world—His own dear Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. He gave the best gift He had. God could not do more. He sent Jesus into this world to die for your sins and mine.
The doctor took the little blind girl’s gift. Have you taken God’s gift?
“Oh, what a Gift the Father gave
When He bestowed His Son;
To save poor ruined guilty man,
By sin defiled, undone.”
“The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 6:23.
“Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift.” 2 Corinthians 9:15.

The Hole in the Box

It was war-time and supplies for wounded soldiers were very much needed. Boxes were constantly arriving at Constantinople, and were speedily sent on to the crowded hospital at Scutari.
It is not surprising that one box, addressed to a missionary in Turkey, was left in the storehouse for months and months, since the war needs were so pressing that no one bothered about it.
At last a curious Turk began to wonder what was in this box, but he did not dare to open it. One day he saw a large rat scuttling away from the spot. “There must be something good in there,” he said to himself—and so there was! When he stooped down, he found that the rat had gnawed a hole large enough for him to put his hand in. Very cautiously he reached in, and what do you think he drew out? A Turkish Bible!
He read the Book, and the more he read it, the more beautiful it seemed, for God taught him to receive the Word into his heart. Soon he thought it too good to keep to himself, so he lent it to a friend in the next town,.
Gradually the box was emptied, and the precious Word of God was sent from village to village to be a light shining in many a dark place where perhaps no Christian had ever been. How these poor Turks must have wondered when they saw such words as these—“The Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world.” 1 John 4:14. It was a new thing to a poor Mohammedan to learn that God so loved sinners that He spared not His own Son, and that the Son of God loves them and gave Himself for them.

Spurned Treasure

A wealthy old uncle left his young nephew a Bible in his will which read: “To my nephew I leave a copy of God’s priceless Word, which I trust he will use daily, and find within its pages real treasure.”
The young fellow was so disgusted and disappointed with his share of his uncle’s bequest that he threw the Bible into an old trunk in the attic, where it lay for years. Then one day when under great stress and trial, he turned to the old Book for a bit of comfort. What was his surprise, to find within its sacred pages, bills that ran into thousands of dollars. But he found there in reading the blessed Book what was infinitely more precious, the unsearchable riches of Christ, for through that Bible he came to know the Lord Jesus as His Saviour. Have you found Him, the greatest of all treasures?
Saviour, the very thought of Thee
With sweetness fills the breast;
But sweeter far Thy face to see,
And in Thy presence rest.

Bobby's Thorn

Memory Verse: “Be sure your sin will find you out.” Numbers 32:23
Bobby did not like school. He much preferred roaming in the woods and fields to books and studies. His father’s work took him away from home all day, and this gave Bobby the opportunity to often play hooky from school.
When the school principal learned that Bobby had been absent from school for a whole day at a time without his parents’ knowledge, he determined to catch the young truant, if possible. But that was not so easy. Bobby was very fast on his feet, and he knew good places where he could hide himself.
However, early one morning, four school boys were set to watch Bobby’s movements. He saw that he was being watched, and when he saw an opportunity, he darted into the woods, with the boys after him. Poor little fellow! He was nearly always barefooted, and this time he forgot about the thorn bushes and how difficult it would be to flee from his pursuers there. Before he had gone very far, a big thorn pierced his foot, making it bleed badly. He pulled it out as best he could and made for the road, in hopes of gaining a hiding place in some of the houses by the way. On he ran, limping as he went, and was well ahead of the boys on his trail. There was a little old empty house along the roadside, and into this he ran, thinking he would be quite safe there. He thought they would never think of going inside to look for him. Sitting down, lifting his foot on his knee, he began to search for more thorns.
Alas for Bobby’s secret hiding place. The blood from his bleeding foot had left its telltale marks all along the way, and the boys had no difficulty in following his trail. Bobby was caught, and punished as a bad boy should be. We hope he learned his lesson.
This story of school days reminds me of a text in God’s Book, which I wish every boy and girl will remember. It is this, “Be sure your sin will find you out.” Numbers 32:23.
You cannot hide your sin or yourself from God. Justice and judgment will find you out. God knows where you are and what you do. If you remain unsaved, you will be punished forever for your sins. But if you come to Christ, the Saviour whom God sent into this world, you will find that His precious blood can cleanse all your sins away, and make you whiter than snow, make you fit to appear in peace before God.
“The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7.
“He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.” Proverbs 28:13.

A Hindu Boy

A little Hindu boy was playing in front of his father’s bungalow one day when someone came along and stole him. They took him to Calcutta where he was sold as a slave. A Mohammedan lady bought him and had him taught the Mohammedan faith.
When he was about sixteen years old, he became very unhappy, so his mistress, who was quite fond of him, sent for a Mohammedan priest to try and comfort him. The priest taught him to say long prayers, which he’ was to repeat five times daily with his face turned toward Mecca, the birthplace of Mohammed. He persevered in this until he was over eighteen years of age; but it did him no good.
Then the thought struck him that perhaps all the trouble had come from leaving the religion of his fathers who were Brahmans. He set off at once in search of a Brahman priest who, for quite a sum of money, gave him instructions to make an offering of flowers and fruits, every morning and evening, to one of the goddesses. Also once a week he was to make the sacrifice of a kid. This went on for many weeks. But no rest came to the young Brahman’s heart. He became ill through his soul anxiety, and seemed to be dying on his feet.
Poor young fellow! How many there are like him, with no one to tell them of Jesus, the One mighty to save. Then one day a beggar came to the house, and in the course of telling his story, he happened to mention the name of a young Christian missionary who lived only a short distance away. The young Brahman’s interest was roused, and he asked if he could see him and hear his teaching. He gave the beggar a small sum of money, and asked him to guide him to this Christian teacher. In the cool of the day they set off together and arrived at the bungalow of the missionary, just as he and his family were preparing to retire for the night.
The young Brahman told his story, and the servant of Christ lovingly and faithfully pointed him to Jesus, the Saviour of sinners. It took some time to show this dear youth his full need as a sinner, and the simplicity and freeness of God’s salvation. He knew nothing of the God of love, or of Jesus, the Saviour of sinners, so he had to be taught the way of salvation line upon line. This needed patience; but the earnest missionary’s patient, faithful efforts were amply rewarded, for the time came when the young Brahman was converted and boldly confessed Christ as his Saviour.
Now, as a native teacher in his own country, he delights to tell others of the mighty Saviour whose blood can cleanse and whose power can deliver from the penalty and dominion of sin. Do you know this same Jesus as your Saviour?

The One That Went Astray

One night, about 3:00 a.m., I was awakened by someone pounding on my door. There was a man there who was an entire stranger to me. He said, “I have come to ask you to go with me to pray for a dying girl.”
When I suggested that I would come as soon as it was daylight, he said he feared it would be too late; so I got ready to go. As I was dressing, he said, “I want to be fair with you and tell you where you are going. It is a shameful place, but this girl seems to have known you, and asked me to come as she wants you to pray with her.”
I set his mind at rest on that by telling him it did not matter where she was, if she wanted me to pray with her; I would go down with him.
He took me down into the low district and into a house where I found a poor girl in her teens. It was very evident that she was soon to meet her Maker.
“I don’t think you know me,” she said, “but I know you, and I knew you’d come and pray with me—for I am going to die. The girls here do not believe I am, but I know that I am going.”
While I was wondering just how I could bring that poor soul to a living Saviour, she solved the proem by asking me if there was not a story in the Bible about a sheep that had left the fold, and of the Shepherd who had gone after it and brought it back again? “Oh, yes,” I said, “that is the parable of the ninety-and-nine, and the one that went astray.”
“Yes,” she murmured over and over, “the one that went astray.” Then she led me on as she asked, “Can you find that in the Bible?”
“Yes,” I said. “It is in the 15th chapter of Luke,” and I turned to it to read. But I never understood it before as I did that night, when her comment on “the one that went astray” gave the real point to the parable.
When I finished reading in Luke 15 about the Great Shepherd, I turned over to John’s narrative about the Good Shepherd who gave eternal life to the sheep. As I knelt to pray by that dying girl, the other girls knelt, too, sobbing by their companion’s bed! What an audience was there! I have preached to vast congregations, but never was a meeting more hallowed by the presence of the Lord Jesus than this! As I prayed there, the conscious feeling that she was being lifted into the very light and love of God gripped me.
I shall never forget the expression on that face when I looked up.
“Oh!” she cried, “Oh! it is wonderful! The Good Shepherd has found me, and He is holding me to His heart!”
I have never heard that expression before, but over and over she kept repeating it. How I thanked God that He had given me a gospel of grace, for what message would I have had for a dying sinner like that, if works or merit were demanded?
That poor lost sheep was so happy in her new-found joy that I really wondered if the lifting of that burden of sin from her heart was not giving her physical strength that might bring recovery; and so I ventured to go home—but when I returned later, I knew the end had come, for the undertaker was entering the house as I came up. One of the other girls came out to meet me, and her first words were: “My!” We all wish you had been here when Mary passed away. She was so happy! She kept saying, ‘The Shepherd has found me and is holding me to His heart.’ You may say it was all fancy, but I believe He did. She actually tried to clasp her arms around the Unseen, and then, with a soft ‘Good-bye’ to us girls, she was gone.”
Some years later, I was preaching the gospel in a city. A young woman came to me, and smilingly asked, “Don’t you recognize me?” When I replied that I could not just say for sure, she said: “Yes, I think you do. I am the girl that told you of Mary’s passing that morning, and how happy she was in her new-found joy, as she died, saying, “The Shepherd has found me and is holding me to His heart!” But there is something I want to tell you. The morning when the Good Shepherd brought Mary in on His shoulders, I came, too.”
Of course, this brought me great joy, and increased my confidence in the saving power of the gospel of Jesus Christ—the wonderful story of love.
“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16.
“I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth.” Romans 1:16.

"Did They Let Him in?"

A little boy was listening as his father read the Bible. He heard the words of the Lord Jesus in Revelation 3:20: “Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me.”
Suddenly the boy ran to his father’s side and eagerly asked, “Did they let Him in?”
And you, dear reader, have you heard the Lord Jesus knocking at the door of your heart? Did you let Him in?

The Brave Sea Captain

Memory Verse: “He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed.” Isaiah 53:5
Uncle William had come to visit us for a week. We all loved Uncle William, perhaps most of all because of the interesting stories which he told.
The first morning that he was with us, he gathered us all together and asked us each to say a Bible verse for him. It was Lena’s verse which made him tell us this story. The verse was, “Behold, He that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.” Psa. 121:4.
“That will always be my special verse,” said Uncle William, “and I will tell you why.”
“It takes me back to the very first trip I took at sea. We ran into a terrible storm, and we all thought that we would never see land again. The waves piled up so high around us and then came crashing down on our ship with a thundering roar. The great vessel cracked and groaned in all its joints as though it would split in two. For two days and two nights the storm raged on, and all during that time the brave captain stood on the bridge and guided the ship as best he could. It was cold, and the rain and hail and sleet beat against him, but he would not leave. On the third day the storm began to wear away, the danger was over, and the captain went down to his cabin to rest. But he never came out again. Pneumonia set in, and in three days he was dead.
“Children, I can’t tell you how I felt as they let the body of our brave captain down into the sea. I cried like a little child. But I was not the only one—tears were in the eyes of the big strong seamen, too.
“Among the passengers there was a gospel preacher. I can still hear his voice, sounding out over the wide ocean, ‘Behold, He that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.’ He spoke of the bravery of our captain who had given his life to guide the ship, and then he went on to tell us of the matchless love of our Lord Jesus who went into death for poor sinners like ourselves. He warned us, about the storm of judgment ahead, and begged us to take Jesus as our own Saviour. In that very hour, Jesus became my own personal Saviour, and that verse has been a favorite of mine ever since.”
Can you, dear reader, also say, Jesus is mine? He loves you and wants to wash your sins away, and be your Saviour, too.
“Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.” Isa. 1:18.

He Died For Me

The place was a cemetery. A man was bending over a newly-made grave, planting some flowers. A stranger nearby, observing the man and seeing that he was weeping, thought to comfort him, saying, “I suppose this may be the grave of your wife?”
“No,” he replied, “I have not lost my wife.”
“Perhaps, then, this is the grave of your child?”
“No, I have lost neither wife nor child. I shed these tears for one who died for me. I was called to serve as a soldier, but I have a wife and children who would have been left uncared for if I were killed on the field of battle. The law allowed a man to obtain a substitute to serve in his place, so my friend said, ‘I have neither wife nor child; I will go instead of you.’
“In one of the battles he was wounded. When I learned of this and found where he was, I hurried to the hospital to see him. But I was too late. He died just before I got there. Now he is buried in this grave. He died for me and I am planting these flowers in remembrance of him.”
Afterward the man had a gravestone placed there and on it were carved these simple words,
What noble men these were! One could die for his friend, and the other could weep for him. Devotion such as this is not often heard of.
The greatest act of devotion that has ever happened was something like this, but it was immeasurably, infinitely greater. Jesus, the Son of God, died for the sake of His enemies! Wicked men nailed Him to the cross of Calvary, but the blessed Lord Jesus said, “Father, forgive them” (Luke 23:34). Those same wicked men taunted Him, spat on Him, and did all that their hard hearts could think of. There on that cross the Lord Jesus bore the punishment due to my sins. He died for me. Now He is my Saviour. Can you say He is your Saviour, too? Accept God’s divine Substitute.
“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” Acts 16:31.
“When we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly... God commendeth His love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:6,8.

Herein Is Love

A heartless Hindu father placed his motherless baby girl on the side of the road and abandoned her. The helpless little thing was picked up and tenderly cared for by a Christian lady in a home where rescued children are taught the sweet story of the Saviour’s love. Now she is fourteen, a bright Christian girl.
During the recent famine in India, a number of sick and starved little girls were brought to that place. The mother of the home appealed to the older girls, asking each of them to adopt as their special care one of the famine stricken children. Among the first to respond to the call was the gentle Christian girl who was once herself a perishing outcast child. She did not choose a pretty attractive baby, but a poor emaciated one. Some of the other girls thoughtlessly said: “Why did you choose one like that? She looks like a monkey.”
The noble girl at once replied: “To take a poor, sad-looking little child, instead of a pretty and attractive one, is love.”
Noble words! So like the love of the Lord Jesus who did not seek out the lovable, but the vile; not the righteous, but sinners. Think of this happy little foster mother with her little charge upon her knee, and of God’s beautiful words: “Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us.” 1 John 4:10. When we were not good, not worthy of being loved or wanting to be loved, still He loved us. “While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8.
“I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” Luke 5:32.


Our life on earth has been compared to the flower that blooms in the morning and at eventime is withered.
Days, weeks and months shall have an end—
Eternity has none.
‘Twill always have as long to spend
As if ‘twere but begun.

The A-B-C of the Gospel

Perhaps when you were little you had a certain kind of book which your mother or father read you. By this you may have learned the alphabet even before you could read by yourself.
“A is for apple, so rosy and red.” Then “B” was for book, perhaps, and so on through to “Z.”
There is an A-B-C of the gospel, too. I hope you learn it.
“A” tells us: “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23.
What a terrible thing to think of being short of God’s glory. Yet we are His creatures and we must have to do with Him. God has said that everyone of us must give account to Him. But if I stand, before Him in my sins, I know I will be short of God’s glory and I must go to hell.
But thanks be to God for His wonderful love. He does not want anyone to go to hell. Our letter “B” tells us: “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” John 1:29.
Who is the Lamb of God? It is Jesus, God’s Son. He came to earth to be a sacrifice for sins on Calvary’s cross. So the Bible tells us to behold—to look upon—the Lamb of God. As God’s Lamb He takes away the sin of the world and “whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16.
Now “C” says: “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28.
Come to Him now, right where you are. Lift your heart to Him and quietly say, “Lord Jesus, I come. I am a sinner, but Thou hast died for me.”
“All have sinned.” Romans 3:23. “Behold the Lamb of God.” John 1:29.
“Come unto Me.” Matthew 11:28.
“Seek ye the Lord, while He may be found. Call ye upon Him while He is near.” Isaiah 55:6.
Edward When his father came home, Edward met him with tears in his eyes and the opened Bible in his hand. “What is the matter?” asked his father.
“Dad,” sobbed the dear boy, “I want the Lord to forgive me my sins.”
“I’m sure He will,” was his father’s answer: “we must ask Him.”
“Lord, forgive me my sins; cleanse me from my iniquities, that I may trust Thee. Amen.” That was the prayer that rose to heaven and to God from the boy’s heart. That prayer was heard and answered right then. Rising from his knees Edward went to his mother and told her the Lord had forgiven his sins, and he felt so happy.
Thank God for the salvation of dear Edward, and many like him.
Decide for Christ today,
Confess Him as thy Lord;
Proclaim to all the Saviour’s worth,
How faithful is His word.

"Why Don't You Love Jesus?"

Memory Verse: “I love them that love Me; and those that seek Me early shall find Me.” Proverbs 8:17
A Sunday school teacher had been trying to lead her scholars to the Lord, and she had told them how they, too, might become missionaries at home and bring others to the Saviour. One day the smallest came to her and said: “I asked some children to come with me to Sunday school, but they said their father was an infidel.”
The young child wanted to know what an infidel was, and the teacher went on to explain to her that he was one who didn’t believe God nor the Bible. One day, when she was on her way to school, this infidel was coming out of the post office with his mail in his hand, when the child ran up to him, and said, “Why don’t you love Jesus?”
If it had been a man, the infidel would have resented it; but he did not know what to do with the child, and with tears in her eyes she asked him again, “Oh! please, tell me, why don’t you love Jesus?” He went on to his office, but he felt as if every letter he opened read, “Why don’t you love Jesus?” He attempted to write, with the same result; every letter seemed to ask him, “Why don’t you love Jesus?” He threw down his pen in despair, and went out of his office, but he could not get rid of the question. It was asked by a still small voice within, and as he walked along it seemed as if the very ground and the very heavens whispered to him, “Why don’t you love Jesus?” At last he went home, and there it seemed as if his own children asked him the question, so he said to his wife, “I will go to bed early tonight,” thinking to sleep it away. But when he laid his head on the pillow, it seemed as if the pillow whispered it to him. So he got up about midnight, and said, “I can find out where Christ contradicts Himself, and I’ll search it out and prove Him a liar.”
Well, the man got up, and turning to the Gospel of John, he read on from the beginning until he came to the words, “God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
What love! he thought; and at last the old infidel’s heart was stirred. He could find no reason for not loving Jesus, and down he went on his knees and prayed. Earnest were his prayers that went up to God for forgiveness, and ere the morning sun flooded the countryside the once hardened heart of that old infidel was melted with the sunshine of God’s love. He saw what a sinner he had been, but he saw, too, that Jesus had died for such as he. Now peace and love filled his heart.
I challenge any one on the face of the earth to find a reason for not loving Christ. It is only here on earth that men think they have a reason for not doing so. In heaven they cry, “Worthy is the Lamb that was slain.” O sinner friend, if you knew Him, you would have no wish to find a reason for not loving Him. He is “the chiefest among ten thousand,” “He is altogether lovely.” Song of Sol. 5:10,16.

The Whole Family Delivered

“Come thou and all thy house into the ark.” Gen. 7:1.
My father led me to Christ. He was a mailman in old Russia. His job made it necessary to travel between Germany and Russia, and he found it comparatively easy, of course, to do a bit of smuggling on the side.
Twice he was caught and pushed. Then he was warned that if there was a third time, it would be Siberia for him.
Life in Siberia was a fate too grim to be considered! But to break off his smuggling—that was impossible! There was the devil who held a grip on him, too powerful to break. He could see no way out—no way out but to flee from his homeland. And this he did.
After arriving in America, one day while he was at work a slip of paper was placed under the door. Mother was certain it must be a very important paper or it wouldn’t have been delivered in this way. But she couldn’t read it. She carefully put it away until Father returned. Father was learning English, but he could not read the paper yet.
“But it must be very important,” said Mother. “Don’t you think so?”
My father agreed that it must be important all right, so they must find out what it said. They couldn’t take the chance of doing something wrong, or not doing something they should do in this land where they had made their new home. They took the paper to their neighbor. The neighbor obligingly read them the message, for it was a gospel tract.
“Who is it that’s saying these things?” asked my father.
“I guess it is God,” replied the neighbor.
“Oh then it is important indeed,” said Father.
“I suppose it is,” said the neighbor.
Rapidly my father explained to my mother, “This paper comes from God. It tells us we can have all our sins put away because Jesus died on the cross.” (1 Cor. 15:1-3.)
Father had fled from Russia and the punishment of his sins before a human court. He knew God’s judgment for his wrongdoing would be much greater than what he would have received in Russia. To have the slate wiped clean and all his sins forgiven because Another had borne the punishment in his stead sounded almost too good to be true.
However, both my father and mother believed the message from heaven and were wonderfully saved by the grace of God.
“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God.” Eph. 2:8.
Father worked six days a week to provide for his family, and then started to give away gospel tracts on Sunday.
One weekend a gospel preacher visited our home. Father came home from his tract distribution rather discouraged. He hung up his large empty bags saying, “I’m afraid I’ll have to go to heaven empty-handed. I don’t know of one who has been saved-and I have given away thousands of tracts.
The visiting preacher asked, “How many children do you have, brother?”
“Ten,” Father answered; “five boys and five girls.”
“How many of them are truly saved, washed in the blood and on their way to heaven?”
“Why, all ten of them!”
“Well,” said the Lord’s servant, “I would not worry any more about going to heaven empty-handed. ‘He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.’ " Psa. 126:6.
When I think of my father, I remember what is said of Noah: “By faith Noah... prepared an ark to the saving of his house.” Heb. 11:7.
“Come thou and all thy house into the ark.” Gen. 7:1.

The Taylor's' Business

A happy Christian tailor was one day measuring a man for a new suit of clothes. “What kind of suit do you expect to wear in the next world?” he asked.
“Oh,” said the man, “I don’t care what kind of suit they bury me in.”
“But,” said the tailor, “I am not thinking about your burial suit. I am thinking about the white robes that the saved ones will wear in heaven. I hope you will be among those whom the Lord shall array in a white robe.”
“Mind your own business,” the man replied, “and don’t worry about me.”
“Well,” said the tailor, “this is my business. I am a Christian and it is my business to tell others about the Saviour. Tailoring is a side line with me.”
Dear reader, will you be among that white-robed throng in heaven, singing the wondrous new song? Or will you be among those in hell where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth forever?
Come to Jesus now; take Him as your Saviour. Then you will be “clothed... with the garments of salvation... covered... with the robe of righteousness.” Isa. 61:10.


I was out for a good time, and thinking only of the excitement of the races. Men were shouting and cheering their favorite horses, when all at once I felt a tug at my coat sleeve. I turned and saw a young man. He stepped close and whispered one word, “Eternity,” at the same time slipping a little tract into my hand. What a strange thing to say! I decided I would forget all about it.
I tried to enjoy what was going on, but could hear again and again that solemn word, “Eternity.” Only a month before my best friend had died very suddenly, and I could not help thinking of him as being in eternity. I knew that if he had been still alive he would have been with me at the race track. But he was in eternity.
I hurried home and read the gospel tract that had been given to me, and there I found that God loved me and wished to forgive me. I opened my Bible, which had not been used for a long time, and that very night I came to the Lord Jesus as a poor, foolish, sinful young man and accepted Him as my Saviour.
Stop now and ask yourself this question, “Where will I spend eternity?”
Life at best is very brief,
Like the falling of a leaf,
Like the binding of a sheaf,
Be in time!
Fleeting days are telling fast
That the die will soon be cast,
And the fatal line be past,
Be in time!
Time is gliding swiftly by;
Death and judgment both draw nigh,
To the arms of Jesus fly.
Be in time!
Oh! I pray you count the cost,
Ere the fatal line be crossed,
And your Christless soul be lost.
Be in time!
Sinner, heed the warning voice;
Make the Lord your happy choice,
Then all heaven will rejoice.
Be in time!
Come from darkness into light,
From the way that seemeth right;
Come and start for heaven tonight.
Be in time!

A Lesson from the Caribou

A man who worked for the Royal Canadian Air Force tells the following story: “In bad winters the caribou sometimes find it hard to get enough food to eat. My job was to find the migrating caribou in my plane, and drop tons of hay to them.
“About 400 miles north of Winnipeg we located a large herd. Many of them were lying down, too weak to stand. When we dropped hay near them, the weak ones made no attempt to get up. But as we circled and watched, we saw a strange sight. Several of the stronger caribou walked over to the hay, picked some up in their mouths, and laid it in front of the helpless caribou before feeding themselves.”
What a lesson in kindness to others! Every kind action or deed of love that you do for others, if done as unto the Lord, will not lose its reward. The Lord says, “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these My brethren, ye have done it unto Me.” Matt. 25:40.
“I have showed you all things, how that so laboring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how He said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Acts 20:35.

A Train Without an Engineer Is Like …

Memory Verse: “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man; but the end thereof are the ways of death.” Proverbs 14:12
Mr. Cowdery couldn’t believe his eyes. As he glanced up from his work, he saw Train 634 slowly leaving the Caterham station south of London. “She’s a run-away,” he thought. “I’m sure there’s no one aboard that train.” Mr. Cowdery rushed to the telephone and got in touch with the signal man. Soon the alarm had been passed from station to station down the track.
Ahead at the East Croydon station they agreed to try to jump on the moving train and stop it. When the train reached the station, it was going at least 20 miles an hour. The train thundered past, but the attempt to jump on was just too dangerous.
Ahead train after train was turned off onto sidings to allow the run-away to pass safely through on the main line. The driverless train hurtled for nine miles at speeds up to 40 miles per hour through South London suburbs. At one time it rushed along the busiest line in the country at the beginning of the rush hour. Everywhere in its course there was chaos and a frantic attempt to clear other trains out of the way.
The train was going too fast to jump. No other trains were close enough behind to catch up with it. What could be done? At last they switched the train into a siding at Norwood. There it smashed into the buffers and was derailed.
A train without an engineer is like... WHAT? It is like a boy or a girl who does not have an engineer in their lives. And who is the Engineer? The Engineer is the Lord Jesus Christ. A boy or a girl who does not have the Lord Jesus Christ in their lives is bound to end up with a wrecked life. The Bible says, “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man; but the end thereof are the ways of death.” Prov. 14:12. We may think that we know the best way, but if our way isn’t God’s way, it is the way of death.
“Jesus saw a man, named Matthew,... and He saith unto him, Follow Me. And he arose, and foowed Him.” Matt. 9:9. Each of us should be like Matthew.
Jesus said, “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand.”
John 10:27,28.

He Could Not Get Away From God

George was determined not to hear the gospel, so in order to escape the gospel preaching on Sunday, he got on his bicycle and rode off into the country.
But God followed him there. As he rode along the country road, his attention was arrested by a piece of green paper tacked onto a gate post. Getting off his bike he got near enough to read it. Imagine his surprise when his eyes fell on the words, “PREPARE TO MEET THY GOD,” printed in bold letters. George stood speechless. God had sent that message to him there, and he could go no further. He sat down by the side of the road convicted, and no longer fighting God. The hour had come when he must decide to be Christ’s, or to go in fully for sin and the world. He weighed the matter well, looked at the issues for time and eternity and said, “It will be Christ for me.”
Getting back on his bicycle he pedaled home. That evening found him at the gospel meeting, and taking his stand among the people of God, he told what the Lord had done for his soul. His was a genuine conversion. The Lord gave him power to give up his old habits and companionships which were leading him down to hell. From then on he used his bicycle in the service of the Lord, going from village to village preaching the glad gospel news, and seeking to win sinners to the Saviour.
Reader, have you been converted? Are you ready to meet God? One day you must meet Him, ready or not. Where will you spend eternity? If you have not been converted to God, you cannot, and will not, go to heaven. “Ye must be born again.” Salvation will be yours when you receive Christ as your own and only Saviour. Say, will you do so now?
“There is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.” Luke 15:10
God’s house is filling fast—
“Yet there is room!”
Some guest will be the last—
“Yet there is room!”
Yes, soon salvation’s day
From you will pass away;
Then grace no more will say,
“Yet there is room!”

A Dream

There was a lady once who was very careless about her soul, for she loved the pleasures of the world and did not like to think about eternity. She was very fond of new clothes and liked to be seen in a new dress.
One night she dreamed she had put on a new dress, and as she looked down she found there were hundreds of little tags hanging from it. Each one had something written on it, and as she looked at the first, then the second, and many more, she found each one had a sin she had committed written on it. She became very upset when she thought about what her friends would think and say. In fact it bothered her so much that she woke up, and then was so relieved to find it was only a dream.
But God was speaking to her and she began to think of how the Lord Jesus knew all about her. She might hide things from her friends, but she could not hide anything from God. The Bible says, “Thou hast set our iniquities before Thee, our secret sins in the light of Thy countenance.” Psa. 90:8.
Not one of us likes to get into the presence of God about our sins, for the light of His presence searches us through and through. But when we realize that the very One who knows all about us gave His Son to die in our place, fear is changed to thankfulness. Yes, God Himself is the One who has undertaken to settle the question of our sins, and through the work of His beloved Son on Calvary’s cross the whole matter is settled for those who will believe. The Lord Jesus, after bearing the awful load of sin, cried out, “It is finished.”
“Who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification. Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
It is a terrible thing to die in your sins and meet God in your sins, for then eternal judgment will be your portion, but God is gracious and waits to save you now. Why not come today?
“How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?” Hebrews 2:3.

The First Step

It was a warm summer evening and Mr. Smith felt an urge to take a quiet walk before turning in for the night. Down the road he met Mr. Jones, a neighbor, who was also out for a walk in the moonlight.
“Good evening, Mr. Jones,” said Mr. Smith warmly.
“Good evening,” returned the old man, and they both stopped to chat.
Now Mr. Smith was a Christian; he loved his Saviour, and he loved to point out to others the way to heaven. So after they had talked about the lovely weather, Mr. Smith brought the conversation around to the more important and eternal things. He asked Mr. Jones if he knew the Lord and was on the road to heaven.
“That’s the very thing that has been so much on my mind of late,” confessed Mr. Jones. He wanted to come to Jesus and be saved, but he didn’t know how.
“Mr. Jones,” said his friend, “do you remember when you were just a little fellow, how you took your first step, how your mother set you alone upright in the middle of the floor, and kneeling down several feet away with her arms outstretched, she said, ‘Now come, Johnnie!’ "
Old Mr. Jones replied that he was too young to remember, but he believed that’s about how it went. So Mr. Smith went on: “For a few moments you stood there on your little feet, wobbly and afraid, but your Mother encouraged you sang, ‘Come, Johnnie, come to Mommie.’ Then suddenly you stepped out and the next moment you were safe in Mother’s arms. Now wasn’t that it?”
The dear old man was deeply impressed. The memory of childhood days brought tears to his eyes. Was the way of salvation as simple as that? Could one as old as he come to Jesus in the simplicity of a little child? Yes, Jesus had died to put his sins away, and now He called him to come and trust Him as his Saviour. Has He not said, “Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out.” John 6:37.
He saw it all so clearly now. That night on the side of the road, out under the moon and the starlit sky, old Mr. Jones took that step of faith. He came to Jesus and found himself in those everlasting arms of love that would never let him go.
“Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matt. 11:28.

Just on the Threshold

Just on the threshold! oh, why not come in,
Leaving the mazes of darkness and sin?
Forward the light, and the glory divine;
Backward the dangers, and woes that were thine.
Just on the threshold—oh, make now thy choice;
Come with the servants of Christ, and rejoice!
Jesus is calling, oh, turn not aside!
Come! ’tis the voice of the Spirit and bride!

Stolen by Indians

Memory Verse: “The Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me.” Galatians 2:20
In the early days of our country a Christian man came with his wife and little girl in a big covered wagon and settled on what was then the fringes of civilization. He built a one-roomed log cabin with a big fireplace on the edge of the forest and began to farm the land.
Little Gwen was happy in their new forest home; she had a little stuffed cornhusk doll, besides two pet pigeons which slept in a wooden cage beside her bed and cooed her to sleep at night. Hover, as Gwen grew older she began to long for a playmate, but there was no other little boy or girl for many miles around.
One day their calf wandered off into the woods, and Father and Mother went to search for it. They left Gwen sitting on the front step for they did not expect to be gone long.
As she sat there alone an Indian chief rode up on his horse. Little Gwen was not afraid for the Indians nearby had been quite friendly.
“Where is your father and mother?” he asked.
“They’re gone into the woods to look for our calf,” she replied.
“I have a little girl like you,” said the chief. “Same size as you, and real pretty. I’ll take you to see my little girl.”
Little Gwen’s face flushed with happiness at the thought, and without another thought she foolishly picked up her dolly and the cage with her two pet pigeons in it and went off with the stranger. He lifted her onto his pony, along with her pets. Then leaping up behind her, they galloped off.
After a short ride they arrived at the Indian camp. Little Gwen was fascinated at the sight. The brightly colored wigwams were so pretty, the Indian women were busy everywhere, while the braves were making canoes and bows and arrows. But what thrilled Gwen above all was the chief’s little daughter with her dark eyes and long black hair. The two little girls fell in love with each other at once and they ran and played together in and out among the trees for the rest of the day. At sundown they both sat before the camp fire and ate corn for supper.
Gwen told the chief she must go home before dark, but he lied to her saying he had sent a brave to tell her father and mother where their little girl was. He told her they said she could stay and play with his little girl for three days and then they would come and fetch her home. With this false assurance Gwen lay down with her playmate, her two pigeons alongside, and soon fell asleep.
But there was great sorrow in the cabin at home, for when Gwen’s father and mother came back and found their little girl was gone, they were in great distress. They did not sleep that night, but cried and prayed to God to help them find her again. They searched the woods round about, but could find no trace of her. Had some big bear killed her, or had she been carried off by the Indians? Their only comfort was in God, and taking down the big Bible her father read some portions from its sacred pages. “Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee.” Isa. 41:10.
Heartbroken, they searched for three days more, but could find no trace of their little girl.
In the meantime Gwen was growing very homesick. She longed to go back to her dear daddy and mother. She did not enjoy playing games with the Indian children any more; she hoped her parents would come and get her.
One day the children got some of the braves’ war paint and began to paint their bodies and faces. They painted one of their dogs, and then one suggested it would be fun to paint Gwen’s two pigeons. How they laughed when they saw the two birds in their bright new colors. Then Gwen said to her pets, “You don’t have to stay in that cage,” and she set them both at liberty.
A few minutes later one of the pigeons took to its wings and the other followed suit. They both circled the Indian camp for a few moments, and then rising higher in the sky, they both disappeared over the tops of the trees. Which way do you think they went? Why, they flew straight home!
Next morning when Gwen’s father and mother got up, they read from the old Bible and again prayed asking God to watch over the dear little girl and bring her back to them. As they sat at breakfast they heard a tapping on the window, and looking out saw two strangely colored birds. Even as they cooed and came closer Gwen’s father recognized their two pet pigeons. He saw the war paint, and from the colors and stripes he at once identified the Indian tribe. Now he knew where Gwen was.
Immediately, Gwen’s father set out in search of the Indian camp. It was almost a week before he found them, and there, sure enough, was little Gwen playing games with her Indian friends. She ran to him at once and taking her up in his arms he hugged and kissed her, all the while thanking God for His mercy in helping him find her again.
The chief looked very sheepish when he met Gwen’s father, and invited him to his tepee, saying, “We will have a big feast.” But Gwen’s father courteously declined with thanks saying they must be going. Instead he told the chief, “You come to my cabin; we will make you a feast, and will read from the Book of God. We will tell you true stories about Him and His dear Son, Jesus Christ.” So they parted.
There was great rejoicing in the little cabin that night, and many were the thanks and praises that went up to God from grateful hearts for all His goodness towards them. Happy to be home with her dear daddy and mother, little Gwen went to bed that night with her little cornhusk doll, and her two pet pigeons cooed her to sleep.
Dear Reader, are you like little Gwen. She was lost from her parents, kidnapped by the wicked Indian chief. But, are you lost from God, kidnapped by sin, and deceived by Satan.
Gwen sent out “homing pigeons” that told her father where she was. Have you ever told God where you are? Have you acknowledged to Him that you are lost in sin?
“ commandeth all men every where to repent.” Acts 17:30. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” Acts 16:31.
Why not be like Peter who cried out, “Lord, save me!” Matt. 14:30.
“Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy is the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.” Luke 15:10.

For Good People

“What kind of people does God love?” a Sunday school teacher asked her class of boys.
Ten hands went up in schoolboy fashion, ready to answer.
“Good people!” was the reply. “Who don’t go to heaven?” was another question.
“Crooks!” came the answer.
“Will the first boy here read Rom. 3:12, the last half of the verse,” asked the teacher.
The boy read, “There is none that doeth good, no, not one.”
“Then you see, boys, God has nobody to love if only ‘good people’ are those He loves,” the teacher explained. The boys seemed thunderstruck.
“Will the next boy read Rom. 5:8,” asked the teacher again, and the lad read, “But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” “Now, whom does God love?” “Sinners,” was the quick reply. Yes, and that includes you.
“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.” Rom. 3:23,24.

The Moose Sanctuary

Tom had not been long in Canada, when his uncle took him on a trip to Jasper National Park. This was a great treat for Tom, and he was greatly excited. He had heard about the wonderful park and of how the Canadian government had set aside a huge tract of country called a reservation, where animals could roam about in perfect safety.
Uncle Jim knew one of the game wardens, who smiled as he took the little party on a tour. Nothing pleased him better than to show off the wonders of the reserve. Then began a happy time for Tom as the game warden pointed out many things of interest as they went along: black bears and brown bears, buffaloes, beavers, sheep with beautiful curved horns and goats which roamed high up among the rocky heights. Then Jim turned to their kind guide and said, “I think Tom would like to see a moose.”
The game warden laughed, “Okay then, but remember it’s not the kind of ‘moose,’ or ‘mouse’ you speak of in Scotland.”
Then he set his hands cup-shaped to his mouth and gave a peculiar call. After repeating it several times, there was a sound of crackling among the brushwood, and out into the open dashed a great majestic animal with huge antlers.
“It’s all right,” said the game warden as he tossed some tidbits to the animal. “What do you think of our moose?”
Tom turned to his uncle in surprise and exclaimed: “I never saw a moose like that before,” much to the amusement of the two men.
Later on their way homeward, Uncle Jim talked of what they had seen. Said he, “The moose is the largest of the deer family, and hunters entice them within gunshot in much the same way as you saw the game warden do. They imitate the call of a moose so well, that one of them is sure to think it’s one of his mates, and he rushes to investigate. However, in the game preserve they are safe.
“And, my boy,” Uncle Jim went on, “how true it is with all who come to the Lord Jesus and find a sanctuary in Him. The enemy of souls, the devil, may try to entice them to their harm and destruction, but in the Lord Jesus they are safe, for He is stronger than Satan and He protects them. Let us remember, Tom, that Whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe. ' Prov. 29:25.

Not Afraid

“Are you afeard to die, Phil?” asked the sorrowing wife of Philip Sharkey, the blacksmith—a brand plucked from the burning, now nearing his end.
“What could I be feard for, when I’m goin’ to be wi’ the Man that died for me?” was the sweet and comforting answer.
March 2, 1980

A Mother's Love

Memory Verse: “The Son of man is come to save that which was lost.” Matthew 18:11
The American bald and golden eagles of our country do not carry away small children, but in a distant land a great eagle once carried off a small baby. The mother had set the little one outdoors in the sunshine. While she was busy indoors the great bird swooped silently down, grasped the little one in its great claws, and flew away. The mother came out just in time to see the eagle heading for the mountainside with her precious child in its great claws.
Frantically she called to the men nearby for help, and several of them rushed to the rescue. The eagle rose higher and higher until it reached a shelf high up on the mountainside where it had its nest, or eyrie. There it deposited the infant child.
The men raced up the slope and began to climb the steep cliffs; but in vain. One by one they dropped out of the race, afraid of the dizzy heights above, until the last man gave up.
Not so the mother of the child. When she saw the men turn back, urged on by a mother’s love to almost superhuman strength and courage, she pressed on up the dangerous heights above, nor did she stop until she finally reached the narrow shelf on which the eagle had its nest. There she found her precious babe crying, but unharmed. The great bird flew around threatening to attack, but she snatched up her child, and eventually both were safely down the mountainside. Such was the strength of a mother’s love.
We can tell you today, dear young friends, of a love which went far beyond that mother’s love for her child—a love which many waters could not quench, nor the floods drown; a love which was stronger than death (Song of Sol. 8:7). It is the love of Him who died upon the cross to redeem and rescue sinners taken captive by Satan, those about to perish in an eternal hell.
The mother risked her life for her child, but the Lord Jesus gave His for you and me. What is the answer of your heart to such love as this? Is not the Saviour worthy of your all? Well may the language of your heart be, “Lord Jesus, I take Thee as my Saviour.”
“When we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly;... while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:6,8.

Marty's First Train Ride

Little Marty, just four years old, was taking her first train ride. Tether with her mother, she was going to visit Grandma who lived far away in the country.
The little girl was so eager and excited as the train sped along through the lovely countryside, and looking out the window she noted all the beautiful farms, the cows, the horses and sheep that grazed in the green valley and on the hillsides.
Suddenly the train entered a long tunnel, and Marty clung to her mother in silent terror of the darkness.
That night as she knelt by her bed to say her little prayer, she said:
“Jesus, tender Shepherd, hear me,
Bless Thy little lamb tonight;
In the darkness be Thou near me,
Keep me safe till morning light.”
She asked the Lord to bless all her friends, and then ended by saying, “And please, dear Lord Jesus, take away the tunnel before we go home.”
On the return journey little Marty grew tired and fell asleep. She slept all through the long dark tunnel. God did not remove the tunnel, but he answered the prayer of the little one in His own wonderful way.
The Lord Jesus said when He was here, “All things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.” Matthew 21:22. “So men ought [and little folks, too] always to pray, and not to faint.” Luke 18:1.

The Rescue of Moonbeam

Moonbeam was all alone. Everyone had left him, so he sat up and howled as loud as he could.
“Say, Bill,” exclaimed Corporal Armstrong in a cheery voice, “there’s a kid around here. The natives must have left a young one behind.”
When the poor country folk had heard that foreign soldiers were approaching, they fled in every direction, and only little Moonbeam, just three years old, was left behind. His father was dead, and his mother, with another to look after, had forgotten her firstborn and fled in the panic, leaving Moonbeam fast asleep in his bamboo cage-chair behind the farmhouse. Perhaps she hoped to return later, but she was too frightened to venture out of her present hiding place in the hills.
David Armstrong was a Christian and very fond of children, and the sight of the puckered-up face of the little Chinese boy went right to his heart. He stooped to pick him up at once. “Sonny,” he said, “you better come along with me now. That’s a brave little man.” Carrying the sobbing child along he went back to his company.
His chums were greatly amused. “What are you going to do with the baby, Corporal?” they asked.
“Why keep him, of course,” replied David. “Do you think I’d leave him to be eaten by a jackal or wild cat tonight?”
Thus it was that Moonbeam became the pet of the regiment and soon showed the greatest devotion to his foster father. His officer wanted him to turn him over to some missionaries, but David pleaded hard to keep him and the colonel finally gave him permission. He was getting old, his health was poor, and soon he would retire from the army. He was all alone in the world and looked forward to having the boy who had so strangely come across his path.
David chose a Bible name for his little adopted boy, calling him Moses. On the whole Moses was a good child, and gave very little trouble. When he was just five, the regiment returned home and David got his discharge. He and his quaint little son had a little home and were the greatest of friends.
The years passed, and Moses grew up into a tall slender boy. He was quiet and a good student; the other boys would often make fun of him, but he was one who desired peace at any price, and his patience and good humor were simply wonderful.
The real secret, however, lay in the fact that his foster father had taught him about the Lord Jesus and he had come to know and love Him as his Saviour.
When Moses was 15 he came home one evening to find Armstrong very ill. “Moses, dear boy,” he said, “I shall not be long with you now. All that I have is yours, and there is money enough to take you back to your homeland. A missionary friend out there will be glad to train you as a school teacher. I am happy to think of the help you will be to many of your own country people.”
Poor Moses could not answer; he felt so sad to see his dear father slipping away from him. But the end came at last, and David Armstrong went peacefully home to be with his Saviour. Moses was left alone; and yet not alone, for the Lord stood by him.
A few years later a Christian professor with a Chinese face and an English name taught in a large college in the Far East. He was alone in one way, for he had no relatives; but still he seemed very happy, for he was always anxious to tell others of the love of God as shown out in the Lord Jesus Christ. He would often tell the story of how his foster father rescued him as a helpless baby and taught him the story of the Saviour’s love and the only way of salvation.

What Do You Want With a Rifle?

A home missionary was walking down the road in the mountains of Kentucky one day when a boy came driving along and offered him a ride. He gladly accepted. The boy told him that he was hauling mail to the next village and that he got $20.00 a month for this job.
“How do you spend your money?” the missionary asked.
“Well,” he replied, “I help support my mother and sister, and the rest I’m saving up to buy a rifle.”
“A rifle? What do you want with a rifle?”
“The day I get it I’m going to shoot old man Sanders. If he dies before then, I’m going to shoot his oldest son; and if he jumps the country, I’ll shoot the next one.”
“What do you mean, my boy?” the missionary asked in amazement.
“Just what I tell you,” was the reply. “Old man Sanders killed my dad, and the day of the funeral I swore I would fix him. I’ve got nearly enough money to get the rifle; and when I do, someone is going to drop over yonder!”
The evangelist was nearly speechless with astonishment. “My young friend,” he said kindly, “don’t you realize if you kill that man, you will have to flee from your home, probably go to prison, and may be hanged? Don’t you know what an awful thing murder is? What does God’s Word say about it?”
“We ain’t got no Bible at our house,” replied the boy.
The missionary talked earnestly and tenderly with him, and spoke of forgiveness as told out in the gospel of God. The poor boy was deeply moved, and tears came into his eyes. Before they parted he promised to give up his dreadful plans. The missionary took a Bible from his bag, wrote his name in it and gave it to him. The boy read the blessed Book, and some months after it was the means of his conversion to God. His mother and sister were saved through it, too.
“The Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.” Luke 19:10.
“By the word of Thy lips I have kept me from the paths of the destroyer.” Psalms 17:4.
“The holy Scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.” 2 Timothy 3:15.
O Cling to the Bible, My Boy!
It’s a message for you that is sent from above;
It tells of redemption accomplished in love.
O read it, my boy; God has sent it to you;
O cling to the Bible, my boy!


Memory Verse: “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me.” Revelation 3:20
Marco was a little boy who attended a sort of nursery school. There he heard how the Lord Jesus loves little children and came into the world to die on the cross for them.
One day in the middle of a lesson Marco suddenly said to his teacher, “I haven’t got Jesus in my heart.”
His teacher was quiet for a bit and then asked him why he needed Jesus in his heart.
“Because my heart is very dirty,” he replied.
“What do you mean, Marco? Is your heart dirty like your hands are dirty?”
“No, not that; dirty with sin—like when I fight, and kick, and tell lies.”
“Then what should you do, Marco?”
“You told us that Jesus died for us so He could come into our heart. I have to ask Him, and I want to do it now.”
At this point, another child asked, “How can He come into your heart? Does He come in by the mouth?”
“Of course not,” said Marco. “It’s a miracle.”
Soon Marco was telling the other children that Jesus had come into his heart, and his teacher taught him the verse, “I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.” Hebrews 13:5.
Open your heart, open your heart,
Open your heart to Jesus.
He knocks today; do not delay,
But open your heart to Jesus.
“As many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God.” John 1:12.

Beth, the Teenager

Beth was in her teens, attractive, frivolous and popular. Her Christian mother had often pleaded with the Lord for the salvation of her loved daughter.
Her mother’s prayers were not answered all at once, for Beth was not only unsaved, but she had no desire to be. She said her prayers at night out of respect for her mother, occasionally read her Bible, went to the services, and thought she had gone far enough.
But about this time, however, God began to work in the town where Beth lived, and some of her friends got saved. But she made fun of it all. Her sister was converted, and then her bosom friend found Christ; still the wayward young girl held out.
One evening she stopped at an open air meeting, and when one speaker quoted John 3:16, Beth put her fingers in her ears.
After the meeting she was persuaded to go inside the hall, and she squeezed into the far end of a seat. Again the preacher took for his text John 3:16, and every time he quoted it, Beth’s fingers went into her ears. Then after the meeting was over and most of the people had gone, seeing that they were determined to talk to her personally, she hopped over the seat and was outside in a moment.
Thus far she had it all her own way, but now the Lord was about to have His way. Beth went home to her room and made up her mind that she would not read her Bible or say her prayers that night. But after some thought she decided to say her prayers just to please her mother. While she was on her knees the thought forced itself upon her, “If I should die, what then? I must go to hell.” What a terrible solemn thought! But surely it would have been what she deserved. Had she not been making fun of God’s glorious gospel that very evening?
Beth went to bed but could not sleep. The Lord was speaking to her and she was obliged to listen. Finally she could stand it no longer, so getting up she opened her Bible and turned to the hitherto despised text, John 3:16. She thought it over word by word—“God so loved the world; that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
For some time she meditated on that verse, and then the light shone in. What a blessed change from the night before.
“For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts.” 2 Corinthians 4:6.
Instead of sending her to hell, God’s desire was to have her in heaven with and like His beloved Son. Instead of seeking to judge her for her daring rebellion, His arms were outstretched to receive her to His heart of love. And this is God’s attitude toward every soul in this world.
“Though thy sins were red like crimson,
Deep in scarlet glow,
Jesus’ precious blood can make them,
White as snow.”
Yes, dear friend, on account of that precious blood shed on Calvary God can “be just and the Justifier of him which believeth in Jesus.” Romans 3:26.
It was now 2 o’clock in the morning. Beth waited until 5 and then went out to her sister’s home to tell her the glad news. She was saved! What a welcome she got! She found that her friends had been praying for her all through the night.
She went the same day to her mother who saw her coming, and when she heard, “I’m saved, Mother,” she took her in her arms, exclaiming, “O! can it be true?”
Now, reader, what about you?
The Saviour calls! O! can it be,
That call has no sweet charm
for thee?
Wilt thou not turn and give
Him heed?
Wilt thou not think while He doth plead?
Yes, “him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out.” John 6:37. Will you not come?

The Rooster's Rescue

One Sunday afternoon John Slater, a dear ardent evangelist, was walking near an unused coal pit. He saw about 200 miners gathered around the edge of the pit, all looking down with the greatest interest and concern.
Crossing the road to see what was going on, Mr. Slater saw a miner climbing up the side of the pit with great difficulty. Under his arm he carried a rooster. The man had gone down to rescue the poor bird, and when he safely reached the surface, a big cheer broke out from the 200 men who had watched the rescue.
A rather short man, Mr. Slater at once stepped forward and proclaimed with a voice that could be heard by everyone: “Friends, that was a kindly act, and you did well to cheer our comrade. But let me tell you I was once deep down in a horrible pit and in the miry clay of sin, and One who came to save sinners, the Lord Jesus Christ, brought me up and set my feet upon a rock. I want you all to let Him-do the same for you.”
The men dispersed in silence. A year later Mr. Slater was met by a man who said, “You were the man who spoke to us that Sunday when one of our fellows rescued the rooster, aren’t you?”
“Yes,” said Slater.
“Well, I want to tell you that I was brought up out of the horrible pit of sin that afternoon by the blessed Saviour, and now I am preaching the gospel to others. I have been serving for a whole year and by His grace I mean to continue until the end.”
Dear friends, as children of fallen Adam, we were all down in that pit of sin. The Lord Jesus came from heaven to rescue us, for He “came into the world to save sinners” (1 Tim. 1:15). He bore sin’s guilt and shame, went down into death, and rose again from the dead. Now in heaven He is the Saviour of sinners, and preserves all who trust Him for their soul’s salvation from the pit of sin and death and sets them upon the Rock of ages. For them there is no more condemnation, their sins are forever gone from God’s sight and they are on their way to heaven.
What a Saviour! Is He yours, dear friend? Are you saved from the pit and on the Rock? If not, trust Him and start on the heavenly road today!

A Voice in the Dark

Some years ago, James Graham, a local preacher in Huron County, had returned home after a hard day’s work. As he prepared to retire for the night, he seemed to hear an inner voice telling him to go to a certain place where there would be some work for him to do. Although it was late he decided he should not resist this unusual voice and drove into the country. There he located the place he felt directed to go to, which proved to be only a farm house, apparently deserted.
Before returning to his home he timidly pushed open the door and shouted, but there was no answer. Being a man who acknowledged God in all his ways, he stood there in the quiet darkness and spoke to God in prayer in a clear voice that anyone could hear. He thanked his Father for the blessings he enjoyed and pleaded for the salvation of sinners. Then with a contented heart and relieved mind he drove home.
Some months later when Graham was visiting the county jail, he was informed that a prisoner wished to see him. The man was brought but the preacher did not recognize him. To Graham’s surprise, the prisoner told him that he had been in the deserted farm house and had heard every word of the prayer uttered that dark night when the preacher had called out and received no answer.
The prisoner informed Graham he had repented, given himself up to the police, and was now serving a short sentence for an earlier offense. The Lord had spoken to the prisoner who, realizing he was a sinner, had been converted. He was now right with God and enjoying the assurance of pardon for his sin and the certainty of eternal life.
Reader, have you taken God at His word? Have you realized you are a sinner and been converted? Are you enjoying pardon, assurance, peace and the happiness that only comes as a gift to you through Jesus Christ? He paid the price of redemption for you on Calvary. It is time for you to accept this offer.
H.J.A. The Gospel Monthly
Christ is the Saviour of sinners,
Christ is the Saviour for me;
Long I was chained in sin’s darkness,
Now by His grace I am free.
Now I can say I am pardoned,
Happy and justified, free,
Saved by my blessed Redeemer,
This is the Saviour for me.
Just as I was He received me,
Seeking from judgment to flee,
Now there is no condemnation,
This is the Saviour for me.

Carried Off By Bandits

Memory Verse: “The Son of man ... to give His life a ransom for many.” Matthew 20:28
Chang Sen was 10 years old and a school boy in the Gospel Hall school on the beautiful Waters River. He was the only son of his widowed mother. He wasn’t very smart at his lessons, but he liked to play and was good friends with the other boys. Coming home from school one afternoon he put away his books and went out to play before supper.
It was in the days before the communists took over China and bands of robbers roamed through the land. Chang Sen had not gone very far when some men came and led him outside the gate of the town. Then one of them picked him up, covered his face with a cloth and carried him far away into the country. Poor little Chang knew then he had fallen into the hands of bandits who would carry off people and hold them for ransom.
Meanwhile Chang’s poor mother was in great distress when her boy did not return, and she went out to seek him. It was dark and the gates were closed. She looked in the school yard, and not finding him there she went hither and thither seeking her dear boy, but she could not find him anywhere.
At last a little boy told her he had seen Chang going out of town with some men, and then the poor mother realized he had been carried off by bandits. Poor Mrs. Sen! Chang was the most precious of all her possessions. She thought of the dreadful things that could happen to one who fell into the hands of the bandits. She was only a poor heathen, but she came to the mission house and told the Chinese evangelist, Mr. Hwang, what had happened. She said: “He is one of your school boys—he believes in Jesus—will you pray for him?” Immediately Mr. Hwang called the believers together and “prayer was made earnestly of the Church to God for him.”
A letter was sent to the missionary in the city telling him what had happened, but asking him not to be too insistent, lest if the government sent soldiers after the bandits, they might kill the boy, and the mother would indeed be bereaved.
So in another place the Church was called to pray for the boy. Missionaries realize over and over again that “it is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in princes.” Prayer is the Christian’s great comfort and resource.
In the meantime little Chang began to call for his mother, for Mr. Hwang the evangelist and others whom he thought big and strong and who would be able and willing to save him. But the big fellow who was carrying him stifled his cries, and the little fellow realized that neither his mother nor his friends could hear, so he ceased to cry.
Then he remembered what he had been taught about God and about the Lord Jesus, how that they are always near and always able and willing to help those who trust in the Lord. He began to ask God to help him and save him from these men. So he prayed inwardly as they carried him along, and God answered his prayer, for the men did not treat him roughly after that. They did not put him into a pit as they did another boy on another occasion. They put him into a room, and gave him good things such as pork and sweet cakes and spoke kindly to him. He was moved to several places, and in some ways he enjoyed it, so he told afterward.
The third evening Chang was blindfolded and carried off again. He did not shout or cry this time—he knew it was no use. At last he was put down, and still blindfolded, was told to knock at the door in front of him. He did so, the door was opened, and wonder of wonders! the next minute he was in his mother’s arms. He had been brought right to his own door, and the first one he saw was his mother. The man who had brought him had disappeared. In his pocket they found a big red Chinese card on which was the name of the bandit chief, or supposed to be, and on it was written: “Though this boy was worth $600., when we found out he was a boy attending the Gospel Hall school, we felt we ought to return him without a ransom.”
Dear Reader, your soul is worth much more than $600. It is worth more than all the riches in the world. “What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” Mark 8:36. And yet you are a lost soul if your sins are not yet forgiven.
Chang was saved through faith in a prayer-answering God. You, too, can be saved from your sins by simply asking that same prayer-answering God to deliver you, for Jesus’ sake. “In whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins.” Ephesians 1:7

A Lesson From the Bees

A black cloud was rising out of the west. The low muttering of thunder was heard in the distance, and as I stood taking note of the signs of the coming storm, I noticed the air seemed full of bees. Each one was dropping straight down as an arrow to the hive. I watched them for some time, as they happened in from the flowery meadows to their home, and this scripture came to my mind: “Flee from the wrath to come.” Luke 3:7; Matthew 3:7.
I thought how much wiser the bees are than the men of this world! God has given them warning after warning in His word of the judgment surely coming on this poor world. But folks go on as if all were well, unheeding the solemn word, “Flee from the wrath to come.”
“Because He hath appointed a day, in the which He will judge the world in righteousness by that Man whom He hath ordained.” Acts 17:31.
How safe the little bees are in their hives! The storm may rage about them, but it does not touch them. And oh, how safe is each one who has fled for refuge to Christ. “A MAN shall be as a hiding place from the wind, and a covert from the tempest.” Isaiah 32:2.
We know who that Man is, even “The Man Christ Jesus; who gave Himself a ransom for all.” 1 Timothy 2:5,6.
Oh, dear friends—young and old—be wise as the bees. Make haste to Christ! Let not any of the sweet things in the fields of this world tempt you to stay away from Him. He will be your “covert” and “hiding place” when the great day of God’s wrath has come.

Just One God

Katy was just a little girl, but she went regularly to Sunday school and learned many of the precious truths of the Bible. She learned that there is only one God and that He fills heaven and earth. She also learned that there is but one Saviour, the Lord Jesus, and that He is the only way of salvation.
One day some one much older than she asked her, “Katy, is there more than one God?”
“No,” she replied, “there’s only one!”
“How do you know?” asked her friend.
“Because He fills heaven and earth. There’s only room for Him,” was her simple childlike reply.
“Thou shalt have no other gods before Me.” Exodus 20:3.
“For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; who gave Himself a ransom for all.” 1 Timothy 2:5,6.

The Colonel's Donkey

Colonel Beckwith was a retired army officer who had made his home among the people of the Vaudois Valleys in France. His purpose in being there was to serve the Lord by helping the humble believers there and by preaching the gospel of Christ.
One day he met a poor man named Botalon who was well known in the district. Botalon made his living by delivering coal and wood on the back of his donkey, which was also well known as “Botalon’s Donkey.” This day Be-talon was without his donkey and was weeping.
“What is the matter, my friend?” said Beckwith.
“Ah sir,” replied the poor man, “they are going to take away my donkey, and without it my family and I must die of hunger.” Then he told how one of his creditors had seized his donkey, intending to put it in his own stable.
Beckwith was touched by the story and asked Botalon how much he owed. When told the amount he said, “Well, my friend, would you object to selling me your donkey and you pay your creditor with the money I give you for it?”
Botalon was willing and brought the donkey. After receiving the money from Beckwith, he turned away with a heavy heart, but then the Colonel said, “Oh, you may take the donkey with you for the present and make use of it until I claim it. However, you must understand that the donkey is mine and that I can allow no one to seize it under any pretext whatsoever.”
The surprise and joy of the poor man when he heard this can be beer imagined than described. How happy he was! As for the donkey itself, this incident made it quite famous in the neighborhood. Henceforth instead of being called “Boton’s Donkey,” it went by the name of “The Colonel’s Donkey.”
How much like that donkey are we? We were lost and under the power of Satan, because of sin. But Jesus has died on the cross and shed His blood to pay the debt of sin and to redeem (buy back) our souls for Himself. No one can take us away from Him: “Neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand.” John 10:28.
The Bible also tells us: “He died for all, that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto Him which died for them, and rose again. Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature.” 2 Corinthians 5:15,17.
Are you then known as belonging to Christ? Whose are you? To whom do others think you belong? “The Lord knoweth them that are His.” 2 Timothy 2:19.

Lost Over the Falls

Memory Verse: “Seek ye the LORD while He may be found, call ye upon Him while He is near.” Isaiah 55:6
A man by the name of Avery and two other men, were on the Niagara River a long way above the Falls. They had been drinking and it is thought two of them were very drunk. They rowed to shore and carelessly threw a rope around a rock, but failed to tie it very well. Then they lay down in the boat and went to sleep.
While they slept the motion of the water unfastened the rope, and they floated down towards the Falls, unconscious of their danger.
Nobody knows how, but Avery got out of the boat and onto a log lodged above the Falls on a little point of rock. In the morning he was discovered sitting on that log. The other two had gone over the Falls and into eternity.
And there was poor Avery. But nobody could get to him. Who would dare to? The motion of the water kept the log rocking continually, and it seemed at the least change he must go over. But for 26 hours he held that perilous position.
“It is estimated that 10,000 peons lined the banks. There were boats, rafts, and friendly hands. One man said: ‘I will pay any man $1,000.00 if he will rescue Avery!’ "
Some of Avery’s friends thought he would become discouraged and drop off the log and go over; so they got a wide board and wrote on it in big letters, “WE WILL SAVE YOU!”
But that promise could not be fulfilled. At that very moment when poor Avery thought he was about to be rescued, he found himself being borne by the rapid current to the edge of the Falls. As he saw that he must die in the sight of 10,000 friendly hearts and hands, he partly raised himself in the water and gave a most heart-rending cry that reached the ears of the spectators. Then he plunged over the Falls into eternity.
Dear reader, if you are unsaved, without God and Christ, without hope in this world, see in this poor man’s condition a picture of your own. Poor Avery cried, but there was none to deliver. You still have time to cry to the One who alone can save you—Christ the Saviour of sinners. He is near, and if you have faith to trust Him, those outstretched arms of love will reach out and lift you to everlasting safety.
“For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Romans 10:13.
Avery was well aware of his danger; he eagerly longed to be saved. Can as much be said of you? Sad is your case if you do not want to be saved. The Lord doesn’t save anyone against his will, though He does make us willing at times.
Avery’s friends promised to save him, but it was a vain offer. No vain offer is this which the Saviour offers you, written clear and plain in God’s own Book. The Lord Jesus is as mighty as He is willing to save.
Sit no longer on the rocking log of life, as it were, in the current of time. Ahead lies death and judgment—and eternity. Today the offer of salvation still holds. Tomorrow the offer may be gone—and you may be gone, too!
“Seek ye the Lord while He may be found, call ye upon Him while He is near.” Isaiah 55:6.

Fred's Letter

Art had left with his sister, Sue, to spend a vacation up in the mountains. But before leaving home, Art and one of his pals named Fred had arranged that they would write each other every week, telling about all the news of the ball games, fishing and other things that boys like to know about.
The first and second letters were exchanged with nothing particularly exciting in them. Then one Monday morning Art and Sue stood by the roadside waiting for the postman, both eagerly expecting letters from home.
“One for me,” shouted Art, as he took the packet from the mailman’s hand, “and a good fat one it is, too. Lots of news from Fred, I guess.” He burst open the envelope and sat down on the grass to read Fred’s letter, while Sue also sat down to read one from her mother. When Art had finished reading, he handed part of Fred’s letter to Sue, saying in a bewildered tone: “That beats all. Fred is converted! That’s my last pal gone now.”
Yes, Fred had been saved, truly born again and turned to the Lord. His first work for his new Master was to write and tell his friend, Art, what God had done for his soul. He closed his letter with an earnest appeal to Art to come to the Saviour, too.
For several days Art went about very unhappy. Fred’s letter had upset him. Unable to endure it any longer, he took an early train on Saturday and went home to see his friend. I cannot tell you all that passed between them, but I know that Fred, with the love and joy of Christ filling his heart, led Art to Jesus that day. Art came back to the mountains singing the glad new song of one who has found Christ, who knows his sins are forgiven. When vacation was over, Art joined his pal, Fred, at school. The two boys testified for Christ, and they let their light shine for many days.
Dear young friends, there is nothing so wonderful as being saved in your early days. Are you saved? There are hundreds of boys and girls who are saved and on their way to heaven. I meet with some of them every day, and they are the truly happy ones. The Lord Jesus wants to make you happy. Will you not let Him?
“Those that seek Me early shall find Me.” Proverbs 8:17.
“Incline your ear, and come unto Me: hear, and your soul shall live.” Isaiah 55:3.

Harry's Temptation

Mr. Miller was an old Christian man who kept a little fish market. One day, when school was out, young Harry came up to him and asked, “Do you need a boy to help you? I think I can sell fish.”
“Can you give accurate weight to my customers; are you honest and can you take care of the cash?” asked Mr. Miller.
“Yes, Sir,” answered Harry; and the result was that he got the job for the summer. He weighed up the fish, and kept the little shop in order.
It was the day before the fourth of July. “Just think,” exclaimed Harry to himself, as he buttoned his white apron around him, “A whole day for fun and firecrackers tomorrow!”
That morning another boy, Steve, entered the shop and flung down on the counter a fine big trout that he had caught in the river.
“Here’s a swell trout, Harry,” said Steve. “I caught it myself. You can have it for a quarter. Just hand over the money, because I’m in a hurry to buy my firecrackers.”
Mr. Miller was out, but Harry had made purchases for him before, so the quarter was spun across to Steve who was off like a shot. A little while later, Mrs. Murphy came in and seeing the nice trout, she asked, “How much?”
“Fifty cents, Ma’am,” replied Harry. Soon Mrs. Murphy was on her way home with the trout, and the half-dollar was in the cash drawer.
But here Harry paused. He thought: “A quarter was cheap enough for that fish. I’ll tell Mr. Miller it cost thirty-five cents; he’ll be satisfied and I’ll have ten cents to put toward some firecrackers.”
Mr. Miller was pleased with Harry’s bargain; and when the market closed, each went his way for the night. But the dime in Harry’s pocket burned like a hot coal: he could not enjoy his supper, and he was unhappy. Finally he could stand it no longer, and that evening, walking rapidly, he tapped at the door of Mr. Miller’s cottage.
Before his open Bible sat the old Christian man. Harry’s heart almost failed him. But he told his story, and with tears of sorrow he laid the coin in Mr. Miller’s hand.
Turning over the pages of his Bible, old Mr. Miller read: “He that covereth his sins shall not prosper, but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.”
“You have my forgiveness, Harry,” he said. “Now go home, and confess it all to the Lord. But, remember, you must forsake as well as confess. And,” he added, “you can keep this little coin as long as you live, to remind you of this temptation.”
“The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin... If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:7,9.

"They Know His Voice"

Uncle Tom stood knocking at the door. For some time there was no response of any kind, but after a little while he heard the patter of little feet in the hall, and a very frightened little voice called out, “Who’s there?”
“It’s only me,” replied Uncle Tom.
At once there was a sigh of relief, and the bolt was withdrawn and the door unlocked. At last the door opened to show the face of a little girl, who was not at all frightened now.
She told her uncle she had been left all alone to keep house. She had been afraid when she heard the knocking, until she had recognized his voice, even though he had not mentioned his name.
Doesn’t this remind us of the sheep that know the shepherd’s voice, and show no fear when he calls them forth to follow him.
The Lord Jesus has told us that He is the Good Shepherd that gave His life for the sheep. His sheep follow Him for they know His voice. (John 10).
Do you know His voice?

The Voice of Jesus

I heard the voice of Jesus say,
“Come unto Me and rest;
Lay down, thou weary one, lay down
Thy head upon My breast.”
I came to Jesus as I was,
Weary, and worn, and sad;
I found in Him a resting place,
And He has made me glad.

Harvey and the Quicksand

Memory Verse: “He brought me up also out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings.” Psalm 40:2
Harvey dashed off down the narrow path through the woods on his way to school, but even as he ran he heard his mother’s voice calling out, “Remember, son, be sure to stay on the path because the woods are very muddy today.”
Harvey liked school and most of all he loved his teacher. He wanted to do something extra special for her some day, and as he walked along and glanced around he thought, “What could I do for her?”
Just then he saw a sight that made him stare in wide-eyed wonder. There before his very eyes, near the swamp, was a patch of the most beautiful flowers he had ever seen in his whole life. There were purple violets, and training arbutus with their fragrant pink petals, and fully a dozen other kinds of flowers simply too beautiful to describe. “My, how pleased my teacher would be with such a gorgeous bouquet!” thought Harvey.
Forgetting his mother’s warning, he quickly dropped his books and rushed forward to pick some of those lovely flowers.
Alas! Hardly had he begun when he felt his feet begin to sink in the mud and suddenly he realized he was sinking into a pit of quicksand. The more he squirmed, the deeper he sank.
At first he went in up to his ankles, then slowly up to his knees. He began to call for help. Wasn’t there someone who would find him?
“I’ll die in this quicksand,” the poor boy thought. “Oh how I wish I had obeyed Mother! This is awful.” Louder and louder he tried to call, but his voice didn’t seem to carry well.
At last, after what seemed like hours to the despairing lad, along came Bill Phillips, a Christian boy, on his way to school. Bill heard Harvey’s cries and rushed to the rescue. With the help of a stout tree limb and his belt, through the Lord’s mercies, he pulled Harvey out of the quicksand.
The very next Sunday the preacher spoke of how sin is like the quicksand. He said: “At first we are tempted to disobey our parents, to lie and to steal. But soon sin in us gets stronger and stronger, and like the quicksand it will pull us down to death and hell. But the Lord Jesus came to save us from the quicksand of sin. Call on Him and He will save you. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.’" Romans 10:13.
That afternoon Bill came to visit Harvey. “How did you like the preacher’s gospel message?” he asked.
“It sure reminded me of last Fray,” replied Harvey. “If sin is like the quicksand slowly pulling us down to Satan’s pit, I want to get out of it,” he added.
Bill then read a verse from the Bible: “He brought me up also out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings.” Psalms 40:2.
Then he added: “The Lord Jesus will take you out of the pit of sin, Harvey, if you will just cry to Him.” Harvey was only too willing.
Together the boys knelt down and Bill asked the Lord for Harvey’s salvation. Harvey also prayed, asking the Lord to save him, and before they got up off their knees he knew the Lord had answered him. He felt sure and safe. A feeling of peace came over his soul. He knew that he was out of the horrible pit of sin and condemnation and SAFE on the ROCK —the Lord Jesus Christ. He knew that his sins were all forgiven, and that he had eternal life.
Will you not let the Lord Jesus do the same for you, dear reader? His promise is, “For whosoever"—and that means you or me or anyone else—“shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Romans 10:13.
“These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life.” 1 John 5:13.
Ambassador Press

Ten Pence for a Bible

At one time, Emperor Alexander of Russia was encouraging the distribution of Bibles and the preaching of the gospel in the lands he ruled. One of those who answered the call to help in this work was an Englishman, Richard Knill, formerly a missionary to India.
While he was in Russia, Mr. Knill heard that the people of nearby Finland wanted Bibles, and so he obtained some. One day, as he was packing these Bibles, a girl came to the door with some milk. He asked her if she could read. She replied that she could read in her own language, which was Finnish.
“Do you have a Bible?” he asked.
“No sir,” she answered. “I never had enough money to buy one.”
“How much money do you have now?” he asked. Finding that she had only ten pence, he said, “Give me the money and I will give you the Bible.”
She could hardly believe him, but when the book was actually in her hands, she looked at it, opened it, shut it, looked at it again, hugged it, kissed it, and burst into tears.
Finding that her neighbors, also Finnish peasants, were just as poor as she was, he told her that they might all buy Bibles at the same price. With that news, the milkmaid rushed into the market place with her Bible held high and cried, “A Bible!”
“Where did you get it?” came from many voices.
“From a foreign pastor,” she replied.
“What did it cost?”
“Ten pence.”
“No, the man told me to say that if you wanted one, you may have it at the same price.”
When they heard this, the still suspicious people took her Bible from her and gave her twice the money saying, “Get two Bibles with that money and we will give you your Bible back. If you cannot do it, we will keep this because you have deceived us.”
The poor girl returned to the missionary and, weeping, told him her story. He gladly gave her two more Bibles, and soon others were at his house wanting to buy the Word of God.
Do you, dear reader, value, as they did, the Bible which is so common today? It is the Word of God, and over the centuries millions have learned to love it. They have found that it tells of a loving God who sent His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, into this world to save sinners for Himself. How wise these people were to buy the Word of God when they could; for it tells us, “Buy the truth and sell it not.” Proverbs 23:23. The Lord Jesus said, “Thy Word is truth.” John 17:17. “Search the Scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of Me.” John 5:39.

Infidel Hal

“Infidel Hal” was one of a rough band of cowboys that worked on one of the big ranches in Texas. Hal had a dear Christian mother in England, but her prayers and pleadings had seemed all in vain. Hal was indeed far gone in sin and wicked deeds. He went so far as to say there was no God, Christ, heaven or hell.
In the evenings Hal would amuse his companions by giving infidel lectures as they lay around the campfire. His reckless ways showed that there was no fear of God before his eyes (Rom. 3:18). Much of his spare time he spent in drinking, gambling and fighting, and his feet were fast hastening toward hell.
One day Hal picked up a torn newspaper which carried a gospel sermon, and the text in bold type at the beginning was, “After This The Judgment.” As he read them, the truth came home in mighty power to his heart that his infidelity was a lie, that there was a God before whom he must stand, and that coming into judgment as he was, there could only be for him the hell which he had so often scoffed at. Now Hal’s peace was broken in upon and gone forever. Thoroughly aroused to a sense of his danger, he now loathed his life of sin, and longed for the salvation of which he had so often heard from his dear mother.
Hal had seen a small Testament in the office of a ranch owner, and this he borrowed. Then, while out on the prairie, he searched it immediately to find out the way of salvation. At last his eyes fell upon the glorious words: “Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out.” John 6:37. Down he went on his knees, and with his hands clasped and eyes looking up to heaven, he cried from the depths of his soul, “Lord Jesus, I come! Don’t cast me out!”
Cast him out? No, indeed. The sinners’ Friend was waiting to receive him, and Hal found the burden of his sin gone. He knew Christ as the one that had met all his need and atoned for his sin by shedding His precious blood upon the cross.
Soon he began to tell the story of God’s grace to his cowboy companions.
Will you claim the promise as Hal did? If you do, you will find the Saviour both willing and waiting to receive you, and to make you a new creature in Christ Jesus. Prove Him now. “Now is the accepted time.”

A Singing Parrot

I was reading about a parrot that actually would sing a hymn. It was in southern Spain in a house where some ladies lived, three of whom were happy Christians. Every morning and evening they would sing hymns together, and from hearing the words so often. Polly learned to sing the lines, “Come home, prodigal, come home!” Of course, the parrot did not know what it was singing, for it was only a bird.
I cannot help thinking that sometimes children, and grownups, too, sing hymns in the same way as Polly did—without thinking a bit about what they mean. Do you think God is pleased with such worship as that? Now He wants people to worship Him “in truth,” that is, really, not with their lips merely, but from the depths of their heart. The Lord Jesus declared that “true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship Him.” John 4:23.
Next time you find your thoughts wandering while you are singing in a meeting or at Sunday school, remember poor Polly, and try not to be like her, but to really mean what you are singing.
Then, too, many children sing hymns about coming to Jesus, and by their singing invite others to come to Him; yet they themselves have never come to the Saviour. It is like Polly singing, “Come home!” Dear young friends, don’t be like her any longer, but come to the Lord Jesus now for yourselves, and really mean it when you next sing an invitation to others to do so, too.
“Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28.
“Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out.” John 6:37.

The Indian Interpreter

Memory Verse: “If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” 2 Corinthians 5:17
When David Brainerd went to preach to the American Indians in 1744, he could not talk to them in their own language. He lived with them, ate the same food and did his best to talk to them, but could not.
“How then,” you ask, “could he tell them of God’s love if he did not know their language?”
Well, until he could speak to them in the Indian language he used an interpreter. An interpreter is someone who listens to what you say in your language and tells it to others in the language they can understand. We read of Joseph speaking through an interpreter in Gen. 42:23. The Indians among whom David Brainerd worked had never heard of the “One true God.” They still worshipped many gods. They had learned very little but wickedness from their white neighbors in the Delaware Valley. The only Indian he could find who could speak English at all was Tinda Taamy, a thief and a drunkard.
Tinda Tautamy did try to remain sober while acting as interpreter for David. He was not, however, interested in the gospel of God’s grace which he heard and translated to his own people. He was very unfit for his work and took little interest in making the Indians understand God’s message to them.
One day Mr. Brainerd was speaking to an audience of English men and women. Tinda Tautamy was there but was not needed to translate, and had nothing to do but listen. And he did listen. The Holy Spirit used the message Mr. Braird was bringing to those unsaved English-speaking people to exercise the conscience of that poor Indian. He became deeply convicted of sin and its consequences, and for many days was greatly burdened knowing that he needed to be saved. One night in a fitful sleep he dreamed that he was trying to climb a steep, steep mountain up to heaven. The way was covered with thorns and he could find no path. He tried again and again, but always slipped back. He found he could make no progress, and there was no one near to help. He was ready to give up when he thought he heard a voice speaking to him quite plainly, “There is hope; there is hope; but you must come My way.” He awakened and immediately knelt down and accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour confessing his sins, and the burden was lifted and he had rest and peace. “If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” (Rom. 10:9.)
After that Tinda Tautamy was more than an interpreter. He was active and zealous in telling others about his Saviour. When David Brainerd spoke to the Indians about salvation in Jesus Christ, Tinda Tautamy would put his own heart and his own faith and love that he now had into the words. The Indians who listened, knowing what kind of a sinful man he had been, knew now that Tinda was a new man in Christ. “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” (2 Cor. 5:17.)
Each one of us, like Tinda Taamy, is an interpreter. If we know the Lord Jesus Christ as our Saviour, our lives as well as our mouths should be telling others about Him. Are we telling the story well or do we sometimes cause others to misinterpret it? Is our daily walk that which would speak to others that we belong to Christ. “Ye are our epistle... known and read of all men.” (2 Cor. 3:2.)

"Hang Out a Towel"

Tom had a dear kind mother and father, but he was a wayward boy and wanted a taste of the world. One day he ran away from home.
There was great sorrow at home when it was discovered that Tom had gone, and his parents longed earnestly for his return.
Tom headed for the city and tasted “the pleasures of sin for a season.” But the novelty of being on his own and doing as he pleased began to wear off. Thoughts of the love and comforts of the home he had left came back to him, and he was very homesick. He longed to be back with his dear father and mother again.
However, he felt he had treated them so badly that he was ashamed to go back. He began to wonder what kind of reception he would get. So he wrote a letter to his mother something like this: “Dear Mother, I want to come back home. I’ll be passing through town next Friday afternoon. If you would still like to see me, hang a towel on the clothesline. Love, Tom.”
When Tom got back to his home town, he found not just one towel, but the line was full of towels—an indication of the welcome that awaited him.
The sinner, away from God, does not realize the welcome that awaits him if he will only return to the Lord. Scripture is full of pictures by which God would tell of His love for the sinner.
The prodigal, on his way back from the far country, did not realize how great was the love pent up in the father’s heart and waiting to gush forth when the boy returned. For “when he was yet a great way off, his father saw him, and had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him...” Luke 15:20.
Mephibosheth, dwelling afar off in barren Lodebar, did not know the love in the heart of David, until brought to the king who said to him, “fear not:... thou shalt eat bread at my table continually.” 2 Sam. 9:7.
Dear reader, the Spirit longs that you might know the love of God who sent the Lord Jesus from the glory above into this world to die on the cross to save your precious soul.
“God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Rom. 5:8.

Walking Chocolate Bars

A recent major fire in the Blommer Chocolate Company made a sweet but sticky mess. Chocolate powder in 100-pound bags was stored in the area where the fire broke out. During the fire the cholate melted and formed puddles big enough to wade in, three feet deep and 30 feet wide. Firemen waded through the mess getting chocolate on their coats, hands and faces. They joked about being “walking chocolate bars.”
For those of us who love chocolate this picture is one that brings both smiles and sadness; smiles when we think of what those firemen must have looked like, but sadness concerning all that delicious chocolate sweetness going to waste.
There is another picture that brings only sadness to our hearts: all the sweetness of God’s love and grace that is being rejected by men and women, boys and girls. God showed His love in sending His Son, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son...” (John 3:16); yet man rejected Him, “He came unto His own, and His own received Him not.” (John 1:11.) Have you accepted Him as your Saviour? If not, why? God’s love is being offered free “without money and without price.” (Isa. 55:1.) Now is the time to accept Him as your Saviour.
“Seek ye the Lord while He may be found, call ye upon Him while He is near.” Isa. 55:6.

What Will You Do With Your Voice?

“What a beautiful voice you have,” said a gentleman to a young lady who had just sung for a group of people. She thanked him for his compliment, but when he continued to speak and asked whether she were a Christian and loved the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ, she replied with cold indifference, “I am not a Christian and so I suppose that I do not love the Saviour.”
“Then my dear young friend,” said he, “what will you do with that voice in eternity? Shall it be used in uttering the wailing of the lost forever and ever?”
He said no more, but turned away with a sad heart and left her to her own thoughts. But that solemn question followed her everywhere; it rang in her ears by day and mingled with her dreams in the quiet hours of the night. Nor did it leave her until she found peace in believing in Jesus. Then she was prepared to joyfully sing about the love of God here on earth. And soon she would join the hosts of saved ones in heaven, there to sing the song of the Lamb throughout the ages of eternity.
Reader, what sound will your voice give in eternity? “There shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth” (Matt. 13:42) if you neglect or reject God’s salvation. Accept Christ today as your own Saviour, and then in heaven your voice will join in singing that new song of glory and praise.

Through the Roof

Jack Johnson had lived his whole lifetime without God. He resented anyone speaking to him about the Lord or his need of salvation. Now he was a very sick man, and it seemed he was nearing his end. Mr. Thomas, a Christian man who had prayed much for Jack, went to have a talk with him, but Jack would not see him.
“Very well then,” said Mr. Thomas to Jack’s wife, “I am going to get at him through the roof.”
Jack’s wife went back and told her husband what Mr. Thomas had said, and at first both were not a little puzzled as to what he meant. Jack pondered the matter for some days, and during that time he felt the Lord was speaking to him. Finally he sent for his Christian friend, who gladly came and talked to him about Jesus and his need of the Saviour.
Jack was thoroughly broken down. He confessed what a sinner he had been and asked the Lord to save him. The Lord Jesus never turned anyone away, and so Jack found Christ. Before he passed away he rejoiced to confess Jesus as his Saviour to his friends. His Christian friend had got at him at last through the roof.
“The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” James 5:16.

Beached Whale with a Red Iron Stomach

Memory Verse: “Prepare to meet thy God.” Amos 4:12
The crew aboard the Japanese ship, The Lee Wang Zin, never made it into the new year, and no one may ever know why. The 30-man crew disappeared when the huge freighter, loaded with iron ire, hit a reef just off the coast of Alaska and capsized. In response to a final radio signal, a team of men was sent to attempt a rescue. When finally sighted bottom up, the ship looked like a beached whale with a red iron stomach. There was no sign of life. What about the crew? In eternity?
Since there was no sign of survivors or life rafts, the rescuers made a valiant effort to determine if any of the ship’s 30 crewmen remained alive inside the ship. With difficulty they were able to climb on to the bottom of the overturned ship. They attempted to make contact with any of the crew who might be trapped inside.
Being trapped with no possibility of escape must be a frightful experience, yet many in this world today are trapped in Satan’s bonds. Men and women, boys and girls go happily through this world without knowing that they are slaves of sin and Satan. Then suddenly they are brought face to face with death, not prepared. “Prepare to meet thy God.” (Amos 4:12) But what of the crew? Were they still alive trapped in the hull or had they already gone into eternity?
The courageous efforts of the rescuers were in vain. “After five minutes we knew we were the only men alive on that ship” said one of them. Another rescuer dressed in diving gear was able to get into the hold of the overturned ship. His comment on surfacing was, “There are no pockets of air anywhere. There is no hope.” No hope! What a solemn statement. For the lives of the 30 crewmen there was no hope. The life rafts fully supplied were present but they had not been used. “The whole thing is strange, very strange,” said Lt. Ensley of the Coast Guard. “I doubt we will ever know what happened to doom her.”
For the 30 souls of the Lee Wang Zin it is now too late. They have passed from this world into eternity. Only God knows whether they are with Christ in glory or are in a lost eternity with “no hope.” If you had been one of the crew of the Lee Wang Zin, where would your soul be now? God’s word says, “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” (2 Cor. 6:2.) It also tells us to “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.” (Acts 16:31.) Believe in Him now, accept Him as your own personal Saviour and have full assurance of sins forgiven according to His precious word.

Isaiah 53

In a Canadian city a Christian man named Mr. Glass was able to witness to a bright Jewish youth. The youth bitterly opposed him, not accepting that Jesus Christ was the Messiah that the Jewish nation waited for. However, when Mr. Glass read to him the 53rd chapter of Isaiah he could not reply.
Soon after, the young man went to hear special lectures given by a rabbi who was speaking to counteract that influence of the Christians. The young man asked the rabbi, “The Christians always turn to the 53rd chapter of Isaiah saying it is a perfect picture of the suffering Messiah and that it is none other than Jesus Christ. As far as I can see, it certainly resembles the crucifixion of Jesus. What can you tell me so that I can refute and silence them?”
The rabbi answered, “This chapter refers to the nation of Israel as the suffering servant of Jehovah as she suffers for the other nations.”
“In that case,” replied the youth, “what does the Prophet mean by the statement ‘For the transgression of MY PEOPLE was He stricken'? If Israel is meant here as the suffering servant, whom does he mean by MY PEOPLE; and who is the ‘HE’ that was stricken?”
The rabbi, very embarrassed, could produce no reasonable or logical answer.
The young man said, “I see you have no answer"; and turned and left. He soon accepted Christ as his Saviour.
“He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed.” (Isa. 53:5.)

The Power of the Name of Jesus

A Christian friend, Dr. Brown, who was a graduate from the same college in which I studied for some years, went to India as a missionary. After some years he came back and visited us in the college. He told a wonderful story concerning the power that is in the name of Jesus, the Son of God.
At the entrance of one Indian city was a cave in which there lived a poor Hindu man possessed by a demon. This man was the terror of the countryside. Often he had been handcuffed by the police, but so violent was he and so great was his strength that he would break the handcuffs off from him and no one could tame him. Each afternoon at four o’clock he would come from his hiding place in the cave, and go through his devilish incantations, and so dreadful was his manner at such times that all who passed by were terrified at him.
Dr. Brown pitied the poor man and after much prayer he decided to visit him. He determined that while the man was in the midst of his devilish incantations, he would stand and call out in his presence the name of Jesus. So, it was this particular afternoon he stood bore the man who was making such frantic and hideous gestures, cuing himself with a knife and pushing his body with a whip.
Suddenly the man heard a voice calling out: “JESUS! JESUS!” At once he stopped his fearful gestures, and glaring at the doctor he demanded: “Stop calling on the name of your God.” Before the doctor knew it the possessed man was on him, and attacking him violently. He threatened to knock the doctor’s brains out if he did not stop repeating that name, JESUS!
Though borne to the ground by his attacker, the Christian persisted and kept repeating: “JESUS! JESUS! JESUS!” At last the man ceased his attacks, his hand dropped and he fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth. The demon had left Him never to return.
The missionary asked his friend the doctor what happened to that man.
“Brother,” said he, “that man is now the brightest Christian in that city, and he is carrying on a work for the Lord Jesus. He was delivered from Satan’s power and brought to the Saviour’s feet from just hearing that Name—the Name of “Jesus.” Then he added: “There is power in the Name, as there is power in the blood of Christ.”
The Bible says: “Then they went out to see what was done; and came to Jesus, and found the man, out of whom the devils were departed, sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed, and in his right mind.
“Now the man, out of whom the devils were departed, besought Him that he might be with Him: but Jesus sent him away, saying, Return to thine own house, and show how great things God hath done unto thee. And he went his way, and published throughout the whole city how great things Jesus had done unto him.” Luke 8:35,38,39.

Just In Time

The 5:03 P.M. commuter train was right on time. On this beautiful summer afternoon, Mrs. Griffin could see the rotating headlight of the engine as it rapidly approached. How surprised her husband would be to be met by his wife and two young sons. The walk home tether would be enjoyable. Two-year-old Kevin was especially excited about meeting his daddy. Ten-month-old Stephen was asleep in the stroller, and Kevin sat behind him in the tandem seat.
The train was about a quarter of a mile outside the station as the small crowd that was waiting pushed ahead slightly to get a better view. Just this little movement pushed the stroller over the edge of the platform down onto the tracks—right in the path of the train. The crowd gasped, but nobody moved! The stationmaster saw what happened but was frozen with fear. Were those two young boys going to be instantly killed under the wheels of the train? No!
In a flash Mrs. Griffin jumped down onto the track, quickly threw Kevin up onto the platform, and in one movement grabbed Stephen and leaped back up herself, just as the train roared in and crushed the empty stroller.
What made Mrs. Griffin risk her own life to save those two little boys? It was a mother’s love. The love that she had for her two sons was instantly displayed. I am sure you would have remembered the sight for the rest of your life if you had seen it happen.
There is another greater love that was displayed nearly 2,000 years ago. It was the love of a Father who offered up His Son as a sacrifice for the sins of this poor world. It is all told in one wonderful verse: “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16.) That word “whoever” means you and it means me. It means every boy and girl who will put his trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Bible Acrostic

A disobedient prophet who paid his fare (Jonah 1),
One whose house prospered when the ark was there (2 Sam. 6).
Again, whose house was built upon the city wall (Josh. 2)?
And one who was a fellow-laborer with Paul (Philemon).
A people who ever liked to hear something new (Acts 17);
And last, a man of Carmel whom the Lord Himself slew (1 Sam. 25).
The initials the name of a river spell,
Which flows through a land God loves so well.

The Earthquake

Memory Verse: “Call upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me.” Psalm 50:15
It was a terrible earthquake! The building seemed to jump and then roll back and forth. Pictures, dishes and plaster came crashing down! The terrified children alone in the fifth floor apartment huddled under the table. Ten of them, ranging in age from four to twelve, had been left unattended for just a few mites. Then the earthquake occurred.
When the building stopped shaking, the children ran to the door to go down the steps. They pulled open the door and stopped. The stairs had fallen! There was nothing but a big open space. Frantically they ran to the balcony and called for help. “Call upon Me in the day of trouble: I will diver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me.” (Psa. 50:15.)
Rescuers arrived at that time and quickly understood the problem. They radioed for ladder trucks but were told that roads to that area were blocked. They found ropes and ladders in the basement of a hardware store, but the ladders were too short to reach the balcony. An aftershock from the quake caused the building to rock again. It appeared as if it were about to collapse. Leaking gas in the basement burst into flames, causing the younger children to panic. The men shouted to the older children to find some string and lower it while holding tightly onto the other end. The children found a ball of twine in the rubble, and while quickly unwinding it lowered it to the men below. The men tied a strong rope to the string which the children then pulled up and tied tightly to the railing of the balcony.
One of the rescuers immediately began to climb up the rope. It was dangerous, but up he went to save those children at the risk of his life. Reaching the balcony he shouted down, “There’s a ton of them up here. I can’t manage to save them alone.”
Without any hesitation another man climbed up the rope. Together the two men made a slip knot at the end of the rope and lowered one child down to safety.
How this reminds us of the Lord Jesus who came to save sinners. But He did not say, “I can’t save them alone.” There was no one but He who could save us, and He went into death all alone. He could say, “Of the people there was none with Me.” (Isa. 63:3.) “I, even I, am the Lord; and beside Me there is no saviour.” (Isa. 43:11.) The children had faith in the rope, faith in those strong men; and it is just such faith or trust that we must have in the Lord Jesus, the Saviour who is mighty, if we are to be saved.
One, two, three, four children were lowered. How many more? Five, six, seven, eight reached the ground in safety. Breathlessly, friends watched below as the ninth and then the tenth were safely lowered. At last, all the children were saved—saved from the fire that was quickly spreading. What a salvation!
But not so great as that which saves us from sin and death and everlasting judgment. What a Saviour Jesus is!
When all were down, the rescuers quickly slid down the ropes themselves as the onlookers cheered and thanked the men who were only too glad to have saved so many young lives. How thankful those children were! But our Saviour deserves far more from us, for He has given His life to save us. He died that we might live.

Jerome Hines: A Famous Singer's Testimony

Jerome Hines had an outstanding voice. He became famous and sang before presidents, premiers and other prominent people throughout the world.
But wealth and fame did not bring happiness to Mr. Hines’ heart. One day he met the One who changed his life completely—the Lord Jesus Christ. After that, Jerome Hines’ heart and voice were used to sing the Saviour’s praise. He used his God-given gift to sing the gospel among the poor in the city missions in New York and elsewhere.
In telling how he became a Christian, Mr. Hines states that it happened in May, 1953 while he was on a tour in Europe. For three years he had been working on a religious opera called “I Am The Way,” which was about the life of Christ. Fifteen pages had been completed, and as he struggled with the composition, it dawned on him that he was writing about Someone he didn’t know personally. This caused him deep concern, for he realized that he was not ready to meet God his Maker.
Mr. Hines found that his sins stood between him and God. Then, he said, “I discovered that salvation was like a guilty person entering a court where he must face the judge, but in my case the Judge had already paid the penalty.” That day, by faith he trusted Christ, and knowing that He had died on the cross for him, he entered into the full assurance that his sins were forgiven.
“In whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace.” (Eph. 1:7.)

Can God See Us?

“God can’t see us in our house,” said three-year-old David as he looked at the star-filled sky above him. His grandmother had just reminded him of his Sunday school memory verse, “Thou God seest me.” “But He can,” said Grandmother, “even at night.” “But we close the curtains on our windows at night,” was David’s reply.
David’s grandmother patiently explained how God can see everything we do, hear everything we say and knows everything we think; so there is no hiding from Him. These thoughts of hiding from God are not just those of a three-year-old. Teens and adults both have similar thoughts concerning their sins. But God has said, “Be sure your sin will find you out.” (Num. 32:23.) God does not want us to hide from Him, but to confess our sins openly before Him. “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9.)

Faith in the Life Belt

A small boat was sailing down the river one day when a boy fell overboard. Someone threw him a life belt. He caught hold of it and was pulled to safety.
The drowning boy cast himself on the lifebelt; he trusted himself to it and was saved. That was faith.
Christ is the life belt: “In Whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation.” (Eph. 1:13.)
Christ is the life belt: “Look unto Me, and be ye saved,... for I am God, and there is none else.” (Isa. 45:22.) “I, even I, am the Lord; and beside Me there is no saviour.” (Isa. 43:11.)

How Far to Philadelphia?

Two men met each other a little way out of Philadelphia. One said to the other, “Can you tell me how far it is to Philadelphia?”
The other replied, “If you keep right on it’s about 24,000 miles, but if you turn completely around, you’ll be there in half-an-hour.”
The man was walking away from Philadelphia instead of towards it. Had he continued in that direction, he would have found himself at the edge of the Pacific Ocean. His need was to turn right around. Only by doing this could he reach Philadelphia.
And this is conversion in simple terms—a complete turn-about; from unbelief to faith, from sin to the Saviour, from darkness to light, from the power of Satan unto God. There is no other way to obtain salvation, and one who thinks there is any other way is all wrong.
“Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.” (Matt. 18:3.)

Bible Watches

A watch is for telling the time. This one that I wish to speak about, however, tells about eternity also.
Bible time was different from ours. It was divided into watches, that is, periods of three hours. The Four Watches into which the night was divided are all mentioned in one verse, Mark 13:35—Even, Mid-night, Cock-crowing, Morning. What can we learn from them?
EVENING (Ex. 12:6)—From 6 p.m. till 9 p.m.-called also “The First watch.” The paschal lamb was slain in the evening. This tells us of the Lord Jesus, who “when the fullness of the time was come” (Gal. 4:4) came forth to die. In “the end of the world He appeared to put away sin.” (Heb. 9:26.) The Lamb of God has died. His blood has been shed. Redemption has been accomplished. You have nothing to do; nothing to wait for. Only just to believe on Him; to claim Him as your own.
MIDNIGHT (Ex. 12:29)—From 9 p.m. till 12 a.m.-The Second watch. The judgment fell at mid-night, at an hour when the people least expected it. Egypt was asleep. So will the world be when its judgment suddenly falls. (1 Thess. 5:3, Luke 17:27.) Sinners will be asleep in sin, enjoying themselves in forgetfulness of God, when like a thief in the night, the judgment will come. What an awakening awaits the ungodly. “Flee from the wrath to come.” (Luke 3:7.)
COCK-CROWING (Luke 22:60)—From 12 a.m. till 3 a.m-The Third watch. This is said to be the name given to the bugle call of the Roman soldier for arousing the camp. To us the cock-crowing call is “Surely I come quickly.” Are you ready to meet the Lord Jesus? Only those who know Him as their Saviour now can welcome Him then.
MORNING (Isa. 21:12)—From 3 a.m. till 6 a.m.-The Fourth watch. We read, “In the Fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them.” (Matt. 14:25.) “The morning cometh.” (Isa. 21:12.) The coming of the Lord Jesus for His people will bring the morning. His own word is, “I am the bright and Morning Star.” Happy are they who can say, “Come, Lord Jesus.”


Memory Verse: “I, even I, am the Lord; and beside Me there is no saviour.” Isaiah 43:11
Six-year-old Tony Bernadino and his eight-year-old brother were flying kites near their home in California. They were in a field where a bridge was being built and the construction crew had just dug a hole two feet wide and 28 feet deep. The workmen had gone home leaving the hole uncovered.
Tony, unaware of any danger, stepped backward into the hole. His brother’s scream alerted his father who rushed to the spot. Frantically he raced to the telephone and soon firemen and paramedics were on the scene.
For Tony it had all happened so quickly; one moment flying a kite and then suddenly trapped in a deep, dark hole not able to get out.
There are many people like this in the world today who are trapped in sin. They are not able to help themselves; they must wait for help from another. “For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.” (Rom. 5:6.)
Rescue operations started at once. One of the men was lowered into the hole head first. He found the boy alive but so wedged in that he could not be moved. The rescuer also found that the walls of the hole were not very strong. Fearing that more dirt would fall in on Tony, he signaled to be pulled back out of the hole.
Special equipment from the telephone company was lowered down into the hole. The paramedics and Tony’s father were able to talk with him. They did their best to encourage and assure him that he would soon be rescued.
Then a large drilling rig with a three-foot auger arrived and began to bore down into the earth eight feet from the boy. They went down 30 feet and began to dig a tunnel to where the boy was trapped.
Finally at midnight, seven hours from the time Tony disappeared down the hole, he was brought out. The crowd gathered at the edge of the hole broke into applause as a rescuer appeared with the boy in his arms. Tony was then laid on a stretcher and carefully moved into a helicopter which was flown to a hospital.
Neither effort nor expense were spared in saving Tony. And no sacrifice was too great for God in His love to save poor fallen sinners, deep down in the pit of sin and deair. “He that spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?” (Rom. 8:32).
God sent His dear Son down to this world to rescue us, trapped by Satan, ruined by the fall, and the Lord Jesus did not stop short of going down into those deep dark waters of death to save and to lift us up. “He sent from above, He took me, He drew me out of many waters.” (Psa. 18:16.) Again, “He brought me up also out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings. And He hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God: many shall see it and fear, and shall trust in the Lord.” (Psa. 40:2,3.)
But only those who have trusted in Christ can speak of this wonderful deliverance. Those who do not know Him as Saviour are still in the pit of sin, though they may not be aware of their hopeless condition. If this is your case, you can be saved today. “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Rom. 10:13.)

President Eisenhower and the Sick Boy

A six-year-old boy, named Paul, was dying of an incurable disease. In a letter written by his mother to a local newspaper, his desire to see President Dwight D. Eisenhower was mentioned. There are many today who have the disease, sin, for which there is only one remedy: “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” (Acts 16:31.) How many have the right desire to see those sins washed away in the precious blood of the Lord Jesus?
Of course, President Eisenhower could not do anything to help the sick boy. On learning of Paul’s request, he decided to grant him his desire. One Sunday morning the presidential limousine pulled up outside the boy’s small home. The President himself stood at the door, rang the bell and asked for Paul. What a surprise to Paul when the President was brought into his room. He chatted with Paul for a few minutes, took him to the window to show him his long black car, said goodbye and then drove off.
Wasn’t that a genuine display of kindness by the President? And yet we read in the gospels that the Lord Jesus, the King of glory, when He was here on earth took the little children up in His arms and blessed them. There were those who thought He was too busy and did not wish to be bothered with little children, but the Saviour showed His displeasure at this and said, “Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto Me; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” (Matt. 19:14.)
President Eisenhower could not do anything for Paul’s illness, much as he would like to have done, but the Lord Jesus is able to heal sin-sick souls and bodies as well. When He blessed those little ones, His blessing went beyond this life. There will be many thousands of little children around His throne in heaven singing His praise, “Thou hast redeemed us to God by Thy blood, out of every kingdom, and tongue, and people and nation.” (Rev. 5:9.)


Dr. Bonar once met a little girl whose name was Christina. “Christina,” he said, “you have got Christ in your name. Have you got Christ in your heart?”
Christina never forgot that word. The time came when she asked the Lord Jesus Christ to come into her heart and to wash her sins away. How happy she was from then on!
“Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me.” (Rev. 3:20.)

Hui the Maori Boy

Hui, the Maori boy, lived in New Zealand. He had lived with his tribe nearly all his life, but some of the members of the tribe had wandered away from their village, and had camped near a white settlement in Wellington.
An evangelist was preaching in a tent nearby, and Hui, seeing the people go in, thought he might try to get in as well, and see what the “white man” was doing! So he went in, took a seat at the back of the tent, and gazed about, wondering greatly at what was going on. Not understanding English, he was, of course puzzled. He caught the words:
“O happy day, happy day,
When Jesus washed my sins away.”
Because the chorus of that hymn was repeated several times, he actually learned the words there and then. He went back to his tent and kept saying the words over and over again, feeling quite important in having learned some of the “white man’s” language. Day after day he said the lines, not understanding any of the words.
Some months later he went to work on a settler’s farm, and picked up the English language very quickly. From his fellow-workmen, he heard about God.
Once again the tent was pitched, and Hui went to hear the message. The preacher was feeling rather downhearted for he thought that all in that tent were Christians; but Hui was touched and drank in the words of the gospel of God’s great love to poor sinners quite eagerly.
“Oh, did God so love a poor ‘Maori boy,’ " he thought, “that His Son came here and shed His blood; and will it really wash my sins away?”
The hymn, “O Happy Day,” was given out, and the tears streamed down Hui’s face as he joined in singing these precious words, the first English words that he had learned. The preacher noticing this spoke to young Hui as he was leaving the tent, and had the great joy of hearing that Hui had met the Lord Jesus Christ as his Saviour God that night, and that Jesus had indeed washed his sins away.
“I, even I, am He that blotteth out thy transgressions for Mine own sake, and will not remember thy sins.” Isa. 43:25.
“The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7.


The following notice appeared in a jeweler’s window: “LOST! one golden minute, set in sixty diamond seconds. There is no reward offered, for it cannot be found.”
The most valuable thing in the world today is time spent for Christ.
“Redeeming the time.” Eph. 5:16.

The Phantom Plane

Memory Verse: “Jesus said unto him, I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life: no man cometh unto the Father but by Me.” John 14:6
“Cessna 218, this is Air Force 163 —do you read me?” “Cessna 218, this is Air Force 163—do you read me?” Over and over again this question was asked of Cessna 218, but with no reply. Captain Daniel Zoreb of the North American Air Defense Command reported: “I could see the running lights, but the cockpit was dark.” He and several other Air Force jet pilots had been ordered to follow Cessna 218. But why? What was all the concern for Cessna 218?
“We lost radio contact with Cessna 218 about 30 minutes after takeoff,” reported the airport flight controller from Shreveport, Louisiana. “The pilot had requested a new route to Baton Rouge to avoid a thunderstorm. He was given a new heading and told to climb to 23,000 feet.”
Cessna 218 climbed right through 23,000 feet and kept climbing never veering from its east-northeasterly course. It passed over Memphis, Tennessee at 28,000 feet—alarmingly high for a plane that size! Cessna 218 was off-course and out of contact!
There are many today who are “off-course.” They are not proceeding in the course that God desires for them. The Lord Jesus Christ could say, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.” John 14:6. Yet man goes on, on his own course “out of contact” with God’s pleading. “God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not.” Job 33:14.
“It was kind of eerie,” said Caain Zoreb. “We found the plane at 40,000 feet over Raleigh, North Carolina traveling at 250 miles per hour. It appeared to be on automatic pilot.”
How like Satan this is, who, as “the God of this world,” has millions on “automatic pilot” and “hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ... should shine unto them.” 2 Corinthians 4:4. They are going through this world ignoring the earnest pleading of the Spirit of God to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour.
Cessna 218 ran out of fuel four hours after takeoff. It was 120 miles off the coast of Virginia over the Atlantic Ocean when Captain Zoreb saw it dive, spinning and tumbling into the ocean! “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man; but the end thereof are the ways of death.” Proverbs 14:12.
“We have no idea what did happen to Cessna 218,” said a spokesman for the Air Force. “It appears that oxygen may have been leaking from the plane and they didn’t know it. It caused them to black out and the automatic pilot took over.” Lack of oxygen puts a person into a dream-like state, or euphoria, in which he thinks conditions seem to be improving. The person soon loses all sense of direction and then becomes unconscious. Is this what happened to the pilot and passenger of Cessna 218?
Officials can do nothing more than wonder. They know that it was 1,000 miles off-course and out of radio contact at the time it crashed into the ocean. They had tried everything in their power to help the pilot and his passenger, but without success. God, too, has done all that He can for you. “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down His life for His friends.” John 15:13. He sent His only begotten Son to this world. The Lord Jesus Christ went to Calvary’s cross to suffer God’s judgment for man’s sin. Yet there are many who ignore God’s warning of judgment and go on in a path that leads to a lost eternity. They go on in the euphoria that “conditions are getting better” and that everything will be okay. They are unconscious of the claims of God’s love, rejecting His offer of mercy until it is too late. Accept Him now into your heart. “Now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” 2 Corinthians 6:2.

Amy's Answer

A little seven-year-old girl, named Amy, was questioned once by a lady.
“Tell me,” she asked, “Who is Jesus?”
“The Son of God,” replied Amy. “But we do not see Him here. Is He in the world?”
“Oh no, He is not in the world now,” answered Amy. “He was once, but He is now in heaven, up above the sky, and God is there, too. If we believe in Him, then when we die, we will see who He is, and where He is, and where God is and where heaven is, too.”
“And they shall see His face; and His name shall be in their foreheads. And there shall be no night there; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light: and they shall reign forever and ever.” Revelation 22:4,5.

An Auctioned Bike

At an auction about a year ago in Washington, D.C., the police auctioned off about one hundred unclaimed bicycles.
“Ten dollars,” said an eleven-year-old boy as the bidding opened on the first bike. The bidding, hover, went much higher.
“Ten dollars,” the boy repeated hopefully each time another bike came up.
The auctioneer, Mr. Weschler, noticed that the boy’s hopes seemed to soar highest whenever a 10-speed was up. There was just one more 10-speed. The bidding mounted to $28.
“Sold to that boy over there for $30!” said Mr. Weschler. He took $20. from his own pocket, and asked the boy for his $10.
The boy turned it over—in single dollars and change—took his bike, and started to leave. But he went only a few feet, and stopped. Carefully parking his new possession, he went back and thanked Mr. Weschler over and over again.
In Luke 17 we read the story of how the Lord Jesus healed ten lepers but only one of them returned to fall at His feet and thank Him. The Lord said, “Were there not ten cleansed? but where are the nine?”
Now God gave His only begotten Son in love to be the Saviour of sinners; and the Lord Jesus gave Himself upon the cross to die to put away sin, and to give eternal life to all who will believe. Are you like one of those nine lepers who went on their way forgetful of the One who had healed them? Or are you like the boy in our story who returned with a thankful heart. Surely the blessed Saviour, and the Father who sent Him, are worthy of all our praise.
“Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift.” 2 Corinthians 9:15.
“The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 6:23.

So You Want to Be Happy?

Happy is the boy who believes in Him,
Happy is the boy who is cleansed from sin;
Never to a boy did the Lord say “No";
Let us every one to the Saviour go.
Happy is the girl who believes in Him,
Happy is the girl who is cleansed from sin;
Never to a girl did the Lord say “No";
Let us every one to the Saviour go.

The Cells That Make Up Your Body

The Wonders of God’s Creation
When God brought man forth on the earth, there was a great difference, as compared with all other creatures; “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” (Gen. 2:7.) Intellectually and spiritually man was made higher than all other earthly creatures and had a responsibility to perform as the image (or representative) of God.
The human body is the most marvelous structure in all of God’s creation, and the cell is its vital living unit. Your body contains about 50 trillion of them! Indeed, every living thing, including trees and vegetation, is made up of cells. Most of them can be seen only through a microscope, yet each is separate and distinct. The membrane around each cell is so thin that it would take two-and-a-half million to measure one inch. Yet it is still quite capable of not only keeping its cell separate from all others, but determines what substances will go back and forth through it.
Each cell is dependent on every other cell and an amazing organization controls them all. This is of utmost importance, for life depends on all cells working smoothly together. God has wisely provided a nervous system that takes care of this. Every cell is a specialist in its own field—bone, skin, muscle, liver, hair, etc. and a cell made for its particular function would never be able to do the work of another one.
Just think what you are made of! A single protein molecule (part of each cell) contains thousands, and sometimes millions of atoms, all arranged in precise order. Remember that this is just one of myriads of molecules in one cell and then add to that the innumerable atoms that make up the body and all its parts. Your mind could not grasp the total number. There are just too many of them! No wonder the Psalmist could say, “I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are Thy works.” Psa. 139:14.
If God has taken all this interest in making man, does it not seem that He must be interested, too, in how this life is used? Furthermore, He has given man an everlasting soul and provided means, through faith in Christ, whereby eternity may be enjoyed in the glorious realms of heaven. Have you, by faith in Him, found the joy of the “exceeding great and precious promises” assured to all who believe? 2 Peter 1:4.
I claim for my own a King on a throne,
The Maker of land and of sea;
Whose throne is on high, who ever is nigh,
To love and care for me.


Memory Verse: “In whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace.” Ephesians 1:7
Duke was the most wonderful puppy in the whole world. To anyone else he might seem like just an ordinary dog, but to Robbie he was everything. Daddy had brought home the playful black and white puppy for Robbie’s eighth birthday and a new world opened up to him.
Robbie and Duke were soon almost inseparable. Even running errands for his mother was fun when Duke was along. When he came home from school, Duke was always waiting to meet him. But one day Duke was not waiting when Robbie came home.
“Where’s Duke?” he asked his mother. “He’s probably curled up in a corner sleeping somewhere,” she replied. “I’m sure he’ll be back soon.”
When Daddy came home, Duke still had not returned. “Where did you last see him?” he asked Robbie.
“He followed me part way to school this morning. Do you suppose he got lost and couldn’t find his way home?”
“We’ll go out and look for him after supper,” his father promised. But when bedtime came, Duke still had not been found, and Robbie cried himself to sleep. Long, lonesome days followed, and still no trace could be found of the little dog.
“I’m afraid a car has run over him, Rob,” his father said. “But never mind, we’ll get another puppy for you.”
“Another puppy?” Robbie felt as if his heart would break There would never be another dog like Duke.
Several weeks later, Robbie was on his way to the store to buy a quart of milk, when suddenly a low whimper caught his attention. Peering through a hedge he saw Duke straining on a cord that was tied to his collar. Quickly Robbie opened a gate and began untying the knot that held Duke.
“Hey, what do you think you’re doing to my dog?” demanded an angry voice. Robbie looked up and saw a big boy several years older than himself.
“This is my dog,” answered Robbie. “I lost him a few weeks ago. How did you get him?”
“Since when is he your dog?” sneered the older boy. “That’s just tough; he’s mine now, and don’t try to get him.”
Robbie could hardly keep from crying and he was really scared, but he didn’t want to leave Duke there. Suddenly he had an idea. “Would you sell him to me?” he asked.
The boy thought for a minute. “How much is he worth to ya?” he asked finally.
“Well, I’ve only got seven dollars. But I’ll give it all to you.”
“Okay, tell you what,” said the boy. “You give me the seven dollars, then I’ll untie the mutt, and if he wants to go home with you, you can have him. If he wants to stay with me, then he’s mine.”
As Robbie ran home to get his money, a question kept racing through his mind: what if Duke had forgotten him? What if he stayed with the other boy? He ran back as fast as he could with his wallet, and gave all his money to the boy.
“Okay, mutt, it’s up to you,” said the boy as the knot was untied. With one excited bark Duke raced through the gate toward Robbie jumping all over him, and together they ran home.
“You know, Rob,” said Daddy, “that reminds me of what the Lord Jesus did for us. We were really His because He made us. But we were lost, just like Duke was, and bound by sin. But the Lord Jesus loved us so much that He came and paid the price to redeem us. It cost Him all that He had—He gave His life to buy us back. And now, those whom He has purchased with His precious blood, He has set free to follow Him, to be His forever.”
Whenever Robbie thinks of the time that Duke was lost, he remembers that he himself was once a lost sinner, that he was bought with a great price, and that now he belongs to Jesus.
The Lord Jesus saw us in our sin and came down here to redeem us. All who put their trust in Him and take Him into their hearts as their Saviour will be among those who in heaven will sing, “Thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by Thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation.” Revelation 5:9.
“None... can by any means redeem his brother, nor give to God a ransom for him.” Psalms 49:7.

Bible Acrostic

The prophet who stood in the lion’s den, He feared his God, but he feared not men.
(Dan. 6)
The man who went with his brother meek To Pharaoh, Egypt’s king, to speak.
(Ex. 5)
The Queen who refused to show her face; Esther was sent to take her place.
(Esther 1)
The son of her who was sent away
By Abraham from his tent one day.
(Gen. 16)
The great god of the Philistine folk
Which fell before the Ark and broke.
(1 Sam. 5)
The letters first of every name you’ll find Form the name of the king after God’s own mind.

The Johnstown Flood

In May, 1889 a terrible flood, known as the “Johnstown Flood,” swept across much of Pennsylvania and the surrounding areas. Although many lost their lives, many acts of heroism were performed by brave men and women in rescuing victims of the flood.
Alice, a girl ten years old, had been trapped with her baby brother when the flood waters reached their house. It was lifted from the foundation and carried downstream. Alice knew that the Lord would take care of her, and kneeling down she prayed to Him to save her and little Robert from the flood.
A group of people had gathered on high ground above the flooded river. They were horrified at the destruction caused by the swirling waters. As the house with Alice and her brother inside floated by, they heard her calls for help. Seventeen-year-old Charles Hepenthal decided to try to help Alice. Those with him tried to discourage him saying it would be impossible to survive in the surging waters.
However, Charles went right ahead, jumped into the river and swam toward the house. Reaching it he was able to tie the baby onto his back and swam back toward higher ground. With shouts of encouragement from those on shore, he reached the higher ground. As they helped him up he cried, “Wait! There is still another in the house! I must save her, too!” Grasping a plank to use as a support, he plunged again into the waters; but his struggle this time was harder because the water was even higher and the current more swift.
As he fought his way toward the house, Alice saw him and prayed for help for him. When he finally reached the house he took her, and using the plank as support they slowly made it back to higher ground. Both had been saved from a certain death!
This story reminds us of a greater deliverance—the death of the Lord Jesus who saves all those who trust Him by faith in His precious blood. We were helpless, lost in sin and without hope until He came to seek and save us, and to “give His life a ransom for many.” Matthew 20:28.
Have you called to the Lord Jesus Christ to save you, or are you still drifting with the current of this world and going on to judgment? The Saviour has said, “Come unto Me.” Do not put Him off another moment. If you do, He may turn away and never call again; then your last hope of being saved will be gone forever.
“How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?” Hebrews 2:3.
Jesus said, “He that heareth My Word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.” John 5:24.

Not Quite Enough

Mr. Shooks worked in a hardware store in a small town. He loved children and knew nearly all of them that came into the store.
He soon noticed that Danny was coming in unusually often. He would stand on his toes and take down a toy truck and examine it very carefully. There were many other toy trucks there, but Danny always looked at the same one. Then he would put it back in its place, turn and walk slowly out of the store.
Then one day Danny bounded into the store and went straight to the toy trucks. He reached for the same one, then hurried to the counter where Mr. Shooks stood watcng him. Happily Danny placed the truck on the counter and then laid a white envelope beside it with some money sealed inside. Mr. Shooks opened the envelope and carefully counted out the bills and change. But he had to tell Danny that he didn’t have quite enough—he need twenty-five cents more.
Poor Danny. Tears came to his eyes as he said, “I’ve been saving all my money to buy that truck for my little brother. He would really like to have it and I thought I had enough.” Mr. Shooks felt sorry for him, and reaching into his own pocket he pulled out a quarter and laid it with Danny’s money. “There, now that is enough,” he said to Danny.
“Oh, thank you, Mr. Shooks. Thank you very much!” he exclaimed. Then he picked up the truck and ran happily out of the store.
Danny was only twenty-five cents short, but still he was short. And the Bible tells us, “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23.
It didn’t cost Mr. Shooks much to reach into his pocket and pull out that quarter, but it cost God a great deal to save you and me from our sins. It cost Him His beloved Son. Danny could pay part of the price of his toy truck, but we could not pay anything on our debt of sin. Danny might have been able to save up twenty-five cents more if he had tried a little harder, but we can’t save up good deeds to pay our sins’ debt, for God says even our best is but filthy rags to Him. “All our righteousnesses are as filthy rags.” Isaiah 64:6. It is only by His grace that we can be saved.
“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast.” Ephesians 2:8,9.

Safe in Christ

Safe in Christ, the weakest child
Stands in all God’s favor;
All in Christ are reconciled
Through that only Saviour.
Safe in Christ; safe in Christ!
He’s their glory ever;
None can pluck them from His hand,
They shall perish never.
Once their sins on every side,
Seemed to tower o’er them;
Christ has stemmed the angry tide;
Been through death before them.
Now by faith the justified,
Know that God is for them;
To the world they’re crucified,
Glory is before them.

Scared by the Buffalo

Memory Verse: “He hath appointed a day, in the which He will judge the world in righteousness by that Man whom He hath ordained.” Acts 17:31
Ben was a soldier stationed in Viet Nam. Many times he and others from his unit went on patrol. This always meant wading through big fields of muddy water in which rice was growing. This made the walking very difficult, especially in the hot summer sun.
One day as the company of men reached the center of a big field of rice, the command was given to “halt.” All the soldiers sat down on the dike, tired from wading through the water, and began to talk about going back to camp. They noticed a herd of twenty huge black water buffalo standing at the edge of the field. The buffalo had stopped their grazing and had turned to watch the soldiers.
“Look at all those buffalo,” Ben said.
“Yes,” replied his friend, Mike. “I sure hope they don’t cause us any trouble.”
Ben and Mike remembered seeing buffalo in the villages they had been through. The animals usually became very uneasy at the appearance of the soldiers, and the owners had to run out and quiet them or they would tear down their small corrals trying to get out.
“Oh no, they have all turned and are walking this way!” exclaimed Ben. Sure enough, the buffalo began walking very slowly towards the soldiers. As they walked, they formed into a group with the biggest and strongest bulls leading the advance. Ben and Mike were a little concerned, for though the buffalo were still some distance away, they moved steadily forward —directly toward them.
“It looks like they mean business,” said Mike. “You’d better tell the lieutenant, and ask what we should do.”
As the buffalo drew closer, they lowered their broad heads and stuck their noses straight forward snorting.
“Lieutenant, those buffalo are coming this way!” shouted Ben. “What should we do?”
“If they get too close, shoot them!” came the stern reply from the lieutenant.
Ben and Mike knew what they had to do. The soldiers had to be in that field, and if the buffalo started to charge, they would be shot. Though the buffalo were very big and strong, they were no match for the powerful rifles carried by the soldiers.
Ben and Mike reluctantly raised their rifles ready to fire, still hoping that the animals would not come closer. Step by step they advanced, snorting and pawing the ground. The soldiers aimed at the nearest one and began to squeeze the trier. Suddenly they heard the high shrill voice of a small child, and saw the buffalo stop. A small child was running toward them yelling something in the Vietnamese language, and waving a small short stick frantically at the buffalo. Much to the soldiers’ surprise and relief, all the buffalo immediately turned and ran off.
How this reminds us of the lost sinner traveling the dangerous path of self-will, little realizing the great danger which lies ahead. The word of God tells us: “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man; but the end thereof are the ways of death.” (Prov. 14:12.) “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” Isa. 53:6.
How often men choose for themselves paths which only bring sorrow, and don’t listen to the voice of God speaking to their souls. God bids all to follow the path which leads to everlasting life. Listen to the voice of Jesus and come and live. As the buffalo were saved by obeying the words of the little boy, so you should: “Heed the warning voice, Make the Lord your happy choice, Then all heaven will rejoice; Be in time!”
“Look unto Me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else.” Isa. 45:22.

Just As You Are

“Jack, the Captain wants you!” Jack was at work in the blacksmith’s shop making shoes for some of the horses of the army regiment. His friend who had called him to go to the officer was neat and clean, ready for inspection.
Jack looked at his dirty clothes and grimy hands, thinking for a moment that he could not go to the Captain as he was. But his friend cut his thoughts short with the words, “Jack, the Captain wants you NOW!”
The hammer was thrown down at once, and the soldier—dirty as he was—started off to meet his officer. It so happened that the Captain was a Christian.
“I’m glad you can obey orders, Jack,” said the Captain kindly when he saw him. “You came as you were, and that is just how you must come to Christ, just as you are.” Jack was surprised at this comment, but he realized then that salvation was an urgent matter.
Have you had the thought that you must make yourself better before coming to the Saviour? You are to come “just as you are,” and you should not wait any longer. Just as food is provided for the hungry, water for the thirsty, medicine for the sick and hospitals for the diseased, so the Saviour is prided for sinners. He says, “I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” Luke 5:32.
“Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matt. 11:28.

A Gift

If your Mother or Daddy gives you a gift, do you have to pay for it? Of course not, because if you did, it would not be a gift. The one who receives a birthday gift, or a gift at some other time, simply takes it when it is offered, and says to the one who gave it, “Thank you very much.”
So it is with God’s gifts. He does not expect us to pay for them, but does expect that we will thank Him. But we must take a gift before we can thank anybody. “The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Rom. 6:23.
God so loved this world of sinners that He gave His dearly beloved Son to be our Saviour. Have you received Him, and said, “Thank you,” to God? The apostle Paul said, “Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable Gift.” 2 Cor. 9:15.

The Walrus

“And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth.” Gen. 1:21.
One of these great creatures is the walrus, and what a strange animal it is, with its long tusks, whiskers, ungainly body and ugly face! Its home in the cold Arctic is mostly ice and water, where it feeds on clams, fish and sea urchins.
How can the walrus ever live in such conditions, where an unprotected man would quickly freeze to death—and how can it dive to great depths for its food, without drowning? The answer is that God has created it in a special way enabling it to do so. Its principal protection from the cold is a thick layer of blubber between its skin and flesh. The walrus needs to maintain a body temperature the same as a human and could not do so without this insulation. God has also prided a built-in “thermostat” that automatically starts blood pumping from the blubber to the muscles, flesh and internal body organs the moment the animal enters the freezing water, keeping it very comfortable. But in leaving the water and returning to the ice or seashore it would be too warm with all that hot blood circulating through its body, so the “thermostat” goes to work and the right proportion of blood returns into the blubber and skin where it radiates off. Exposed to the air, it is soon back to a comfortable temperature.
As this is an air-breathing mammal, God has given it “valves” that shut off its breathing whenever it dives beneath the surface, where it may stay a half hour or so. Then, when it surfaces, the “valves” open again and it can resume breathing. Without that provision it would drown.
We do not know just why these strange animals were created. They do, of course, provide food for Eskimos, as well as skins, blubber and ivory tusks that are useful. It might seem odd that such unusual creatures would inhabit the cold places of the north, but God had His purpose in placing them there and adapting them to such harsh surroundings.
But, while God watches carefully over all the animals, He is more intensely interested in every boy and girl, every man and woman, that He has created and does not intend for us to remain on this earth forever. He invites us to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as our Saviour, and when we do so promises us “An inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you.” 1 Peter 1:4. Have you accepted this gracious invitation?

Roger's Deliverance

Memory Verse: “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” Acts 16:31
Roger was the swimming instructor at a large college for men.
One night, not able to sleep, he decided to go for a swim in the pool. He thought this would relax him so that he could get to sleep.
“I did not turn on the lights in the pool,” he said, “for I knew every inch of the place, and the roof was made of glass. The moon was shining brightly as I climbed up the ladder of the high dive. As I stood there ready to dive, I saw the show of my body on the wall at the other end. It was in the form of a cross. As I looked at the shadow of the cross, I began to think of the cross of Christ and its meaning. I knew the way of salvation, but had not accepted Christ as my Saviour.
“I cannot say how long I stood on the diving board, or why I did not dive. I climbed back down from the board and walked along the pool to the steps that I knew led down into the water. As I descended, I was shocked when, instead of the warm water, my feet touched the cold, dry floor of the pool! The night before the pool had been drained for repairs. If I had dived, the forty-foot fall to the bottom would have killed me!”
“The cross on the wall saved me that night. I was so thankful to God for His mercy in sparing my life that I knelt on the bottom of the empty pool and asked the Lord Jesus Christ to save my soul. I experienced a two-fold deliverance that night, for the Lord heard me and gave me peace and the joy of knowing that my sins were forgiven. I knew I was saved.”
Roger was not only delivered from physical death, but also from eternal judgment. How is it with you? Are you on your way to heaven, or to hell? This may be your last opportunity to be saved. Make the Lord Jesus your Saviour NOW.
You will have a new life in Christ, you will have peace with God, and you will be able to look forward to spending eternity with Christ, in heaven—the home of the redeemed.
“There is a way which seemeth right unto a man; but the end thereof are the ways of death.” Prov. 14:12.
“Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us.” Titus 3:5.

Judy's Punishment

To Linda this was going to be the best week ever! Sunday afternoon she packed her suitcase, and Mom and Dad drove her across town so she could spend the week with her cousin, Judy, Uncle Stan and Aunt Janet. The girls were the same age and always had good times together.
The only thing Linda did not like was that Judy always tried to tell her about Jesus. Judy said she was saved because Jesus had taken the punishment for her sins on the cross. Linda did not understand what Judy meant by this, but she wasn’t going to try to figure it out. She had come for a good time, and that was that! But Monday afternoon something happened to change Linda’s plans.
The girls had been outside playing basketball in the hot sun. They finally decided to come in for a cold drink. “You’d better leave the ball on the porch, Linda,” Judy cautioned. “Mom says that basketballs have a mind of their own if you bring them inside the house!” Linda laughed, but continued to bounce the ball as they entered the kitchen.
Judy opened the refrigerator and got out a jug of lemonade. Just as she opened the cupboard to get two glasses, Linda called, “Hey, Judy!
Catch this one!” Judy saw it coming, but it was too late! The ball slammed into the open cupboard.
When Aunt Janet heard the noise she hurried into the kitchen. There were the dishes shattered in the cupboard and bits of broken glass everywhere.
“Judy! What happened in here?” she cried.
Judy did not answer. Linda didn’t say anything either. “Judy, can you tell me what happened?” came the question again. Judy just couldn’t tattle on her cousin.
“If you can’t tell me, you will have to miss dessert all week. You know how I feel about throwing balls in the house,” Judy’s mother said.
When dinner-time came, nothing was said about the broken dishes. But there were only three pieces of chocolate cake, one for Uncle Stan, one for Aunt Janet and one for Linda. Judy finished her green beans and drank a whole glass of water. Linda could hardly believe that Judy didn’t tell.
Tuesday night there was vanilla ice cream with butterscotch sauce for dessert. Everyone had some except Judy.
Wednesday night Aunt Janet had made strawberry shortcake. Thursday there was pumpkin pie.
Linda liked all these desserts, but a funny thing happened. They just did not taste very good, especially with Judy sitting there beside her without any.
Finally on Friday Linda couldn’t stand it any longer. She had been thinking about what Judy told her about Jesus taking the punishment for other people’s sin. When Aunt Janet brought three dishes of chocolate ice cream to the table, Linda handed her dish to Judy.
Then Linda told Aunt Janet and Uncle Stan the truth about the broken dishes. “I guess Judy took my punishment for breaking those dishes just like Jesus took the punishment for all my sins. I think I would like to hear more about Jesus,” she said.
That night Linda heard how the Lord Jesus had suffered and died for her sins. The next Sunday she started going to Sunday school with Judy. She learned more and more about this wonderful Saviour and Friend. Soon Linda accepted the Lord Jesus as her own Saviour. Then she enjoyed her visits with Judy even more. “God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Rom. 5:8.

Prized Possession

“But I will have no money to pay you!” said the mother tearfully as she faced the doctor.
As she waited for his answer, the mother felt that this was her last opportunity. Would the famous surgeon help her daughter, Carol, to see again? Could any doctor? She had been to so many, and now her money was gone.
Someone had told her of this well-known doctor and the new skills that he had developed. But they were so poor; she had nothing to offer him in return. Then she heard him say, “I will see your daughter. If I can help her, I will operate.”
This famous and skilled doctor could say, “I will if I can.” The Great Physician could say, “Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out.” John 6:37. The best doors in the world can only cure up to the level of their skills. The Lord Jesus Christ has given the promise of eternal life and to “whosoever believeth in Him.”
Carol hugged her teddy bear tightly as they wheeled her into the operating room. She was asleep when they removed it gently from her arms. When she awoke hours later in her hospital room with bandages covering her eyes, her teddy was snuggled close in her arms again.
During the days of waiting and pain, she whispered to Teddy and told him all about it, for he seemed more than just a plaything to her. He was the only treasure she had, and he seemed like a dear friend to the little girl.
Then one day there was excitement in Carol’s hospital room. A nurse was removing the bandages from her eyes with hands that trembled just a little. Carol held Teddy and her mother’s hand tightly. The doctor was speaking quietly, “Carol, the last bandage will soon be taken off, but don’t open your eyes right away. When they become accustomed to the light coming softly through your eyelids, I will tell you when to open them.”
It was hard to wait. The room was so quiet. Then the doctor was saying, “All right, Carol. Open your eyes and tell us what you see.”
Slowly her eyes opened and focused on the face of her mother.
“Mother! Mother! I can see you—oh! I can really see you!”
Too happy to speak, her mother held Carol closely in her arms for a few moments. Then she said softly into her ear, “Carol, there is someone in this room who is far more important than I am right now. It is this doctor who has given you your sight. What do you say to him?”
For a long moment Carol looked at the doctor who stood smiling at her. She held her teddy tightly, and then she held it out to the doctor.
“Please take my teddy,” she said simply. “He’s all I have!”
Years later the doctor told some friends about the little girl. He said, “I will never part with that little old teddy bear. It came straight from the heart of a little girl who gave all she had!”
A far greater Physician has given everything for you and for me. Our Great Physician, the Lord Jesus, has given His life for us so that the eyes of our hearts might be opened.
What will you give Him?
Won’t you give Him your heart, yourself, your life?
“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.” Rom. 12:1.

Open Ears

“Two little eyes
to look to God,
Two little ears to
hear His Word.”
THE “ear gate” is one of the main entrances to man’s soul. And of course, Satan tries to keep hold of that gat if he can. It was by listening to Satan that Eve and Adam fell in the garden, and then Satan took possession.
Yet so it is that by hearing God’s word sinners are saved, and thus escape from his slavery. “Incline your ear” (Isa. 55:3). Bend it forward and listen. “Give ear to My words.” (Psa. 5:1). God has given you an open ear so you can hear His word.

Where Was Larry?

Memory Verse: “All we like sheep have gone astray, we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.” Isaiah 53:6
“Hey, I found his toy truck,” yelled Terry to the mothers that were standing at the top of the ravine. Terry and two other Explorer Scouts had been searching the area along the railroad tracks at the bottom of the ravine.
“I think this is his hat,” called one of the other scouts who was searching a little farther down the tracks.
Among the small group of mothers watching and listening as the scouts searched the area below, stood the mother of four-year-old Larry. These reports brought a cry from Larry’s mother, who feared the worst.
It was one of those bright warm days of early spring when boys and girls like to play outside. Larry had been shut up inside the house for almost two weeks because of the cold, gray March weather. Finally the clouds blew away and the temperature warmed up.
His mother had missed Larry about thirty minutes after he went out into the back yard to play. He had on his play clothes and his hat to cover his ears, but best of all he had a new toy truck that he could finally play with in the dirt. Hover, when Larry’s mother went to the door to check on him, he was nowhere in sight.
She quickly threw on her coat and went out to look for Larry. She first looked next door at the Jansens. He was probably there with his playmate, Scott. But no, they hadn’t seen him. Scott was inside with a cold. She continued to look farther and farther down both sides of the street. As she called Larry’s name with no response, she began to feel panicky. Where had Larry gone?
Each of us has been just like Larry. God’s Word compares us with sheep in Isa. 53:6: “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way.” Many are still turning their back on God and His gentle calling “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matt. 11:28.
Terry and two other scouts were just returning from a meeting. By this time Larry’s mother and seral other mothers were all looking for him.
“Can we help?” asked Terry.
“I’m frantic!” said Larry’s mother. “He’s been gone for almost two hours.”
“We’ll look down by the tracks,” said Terry. “Maybe you should call the police. They have dogs that are good at picking up a trail.”
“I’ll call them,” said Mrs. Jansen. “You go with the boys. I’ll also call my husband and see if he can come home quickly.”
“Please do, and hurry,” said Larry’s mother. “I’m so worried. I wish his father were home, but he’s in New York.”
Mrs. Jansen ran to her house while Larry’s mother and some of the other neighborhood people went with the scouts. After calling the police she nervously dialed her husband’s store number. “Henry,” she said when he answered, “come home quick! Little Larry next door has wandered off and we can’t find him anywhere!”
Ten minutes later everyone arrived. Two policemen in a police cruiser came with their lights flashing. Mr. Jansen raced down the street in his car and squealed to a stop. It was just then that the scouts found Larry’s toy truck and his hat.
As the police and the scouts organized into search parties to check the heavy-brush areas along the tracks, Mr. Jansen thought to himself, “Larry is fascinated with trucks, I wonder...?” He jumped into his car and called to his wife, “I’ll be back in a few minutes. I’ve got an idea.”
Mr. Jansen drove the four blocks down Railroad Street to the Meyer Sand and Gravel Company. As he drove into the yard he noticed a large gravel truck being loaded by a big chain conveyer belt. Dust and gravel were all over the place and there was lots of noisy equipment. And there sitting on the ground watching all this activity was Larry. His shoes were muddy, his hands and face were grimy from the flying dust, but he was happily watching the trucks and the other equipment.
“Hi, Mr. Jansen,” he said somewhat surprised. “What are you doing here?”
“Looking for you, Larry; you’d better come along with me,” was his reply.
“Oh, okay, but it sure is fun here,” exclaimed Larry.
As they drove back towards his house, Mr. Jansen explained to Larry how worried everyone had been when they couldn’t find him. “Don’t you know, Larry,” he said, “that you can’t go anywhere you want without telling your mother? Even the police are looking for you!”
As they neared Larry’s house Mr. Jansen began honking his horn. Before the car had even stopped Larry’s mother was there. She quickly opened the door and lifted out her dirty little son and hugged him tightly. The search was called off; Larry was now home.
That evening Scott Jansen, Lay’s friend, saw him playing quietly in his front yard.
“Hi, Larry,” he called. “Did you get spanked when you got home?”
“No,” said Larry, “Mommy didn’t spank me at all. She took me in the house and gave me a bath and clean clothes. Then she just sat and hugged and kissed me for an hour,” he said in disgust.
Larry had been received home with joy and happiness by his mother. We know that “There is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.” Luke 15:10. Each of us as wandering sheep are away from God who sent His only Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to seek and to save us. Those of us who have been made clean through His precious blood by believing and receiving Christ as our personal Saviour are welcomed Home by the Father. “This thy brother was dead, and is alive again; and was lost, and is found.” Luke 15:32.


The family was reading together one morning in 1 Peter 2. When Father read the 7th verse, “Unto you therefore which believe He is precious,” he asked his youngest child, Cindy, what “precious” meant. The four-year-old’s answer was: “Mother is precious; we can’t do without her.”
The Lord Jesus is precious; we can’t do without Him. How can you go on in your sins without Him? Put your trust in Him right now.

A Short Sermon

A guide was taking tourists through the Mammoth Caves in Kentucky. In the section of the cave called the “Cathedral” he called attention to a rock formation called “The Pulpit.” The guide said he would preach a short sermon. All he said was, “Keep close to your guide!” The tourists soon realized it was a good sermon. If one did not keep close to his guide in the Mammoth Cave, he would soon be lost.
We, too, in this world must keep close to our Guide, the Lord Jesus Christ. “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.” John 10:27.

A Few Facts about Bats

“The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.” Psa. 14:1. It would have to be a fool who fails to see that only God could make all the creatures that are found in this world. Let’s consider one of these: Most of us have heard how a bat can fly about in total darkness and never hit an object that might be in the way. Experiments have been made, blindfolding these creatures and turning them loose in rooms strung with piano wire, twine and all kinds of things. But the bat just flies all around these objects and never once scrapes a wing against them. God has furnished it with a “radar system” far more sensitive than any man has invented. It can produce a sound with its mouth so high-pitched that humans cannot hear its full range. These sound waves strike objects in the path of flight and send back echoes to the bat’s ears. The echoes tell the bat how it must turn in the air to avoid colliding with objects or with one another.
The bat sleeps hanging upside down, but before doing so spends perhaps half an hour cleaning itself. So you see they are not dirty animals as many think.
God has given the bat a sense of approaching scarcity of food as winter draws near, and before this occurs it gorges on food, putting on a nice layer of fat. After this is done some migrate to a warmer climate, up to a thousand miles away. Most, however, retire to a dark place (usually a cave) where they hang by their hind feet and hibernate for three to six months. During this time the fat stored in their bodies sustains them until warm weather returns, when they become active again in finding the insects that also have again become plentiful.
The bat is a rather gruesome-looking creature, but is beneficial to man in destroying large quantities of harmful insects. It has been estimated that they eat half their weight in insects in one night. Altogether, the bats in America probably eat thousands of tons of insects each year that would otherwise harm farmers’ crops.
Bats aren’t able to reason why they act as they do and could never have developed such wonderful abilities by themselves. God is the One who has created them and He watches over them, providing their skills and caring for them in all their unusual ways.
The bat likes to carry on many of its activities in the dark and is equipped to do so. We, too, by nature, love a form of darkness that shuts us out of God’s blessings: “And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.” John 3:19.
When the Lord Jesus came into the world, He became “the Light of the world” and invites everyone to come out of darkness into His marvelous light. When we accept the Lord Jesus Christ as our personal Saviour, He delights to give us a new title: “Children of Light” and as such we have the privilege of shining for Him.

The Cat Did It

Memory Verse: “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23
Tom ran into the house, slamming the door behind him, and called, “Hi! Mom, I’m home.” He stopped short when he saw his mother in the kitchen putting the finishing touches on the icing of a delicious-looking chocolate cake.
“Hey, Mom, I’m hungry! Can I have a piece?” he asked.
“No,” answered his mother. “This is for dessert tight. Mr. Baxter is coming for dinner and this cake must not be touched till then. Here is the icing knife and dish. You may lick them clean if you wish.”
Tom soon had the knife and bowl clean. What he had tasted was very “more-ish” and he looked at the cake longingly. His mother put it on the cupboard shelf and closed the door.
She turned to Tom and in a very firm voice said, “I have to go to the store for some things. You go out and play; and remember, that cake is not to be touched until dinner time. I mean it!”
Tom turned and went outside and soon forgot about the cake in a good game of hockey with his friends. After awhile a couple of the boys were called in by their mother, and the game broke up.
With nothing to do, Tom decided to go in the house for a drink. The game had made him thirsty. As he got a glass out of the cupboard, he saw the chocolate cake sitting on the shelf, looking just as delicious as ever.
“Boy! Does it look good!” thought Tom.
He kept looking at it, and as he looked, the cake became more and more tempting. His mouth watered. He wanted a taste so badly. He kept telling himself that Mother had said that he must not touch it. But his longing for a taste became greater and greater.
“I could just take a little snitch off the side there near the bottom, and nobody would know the difference,” he said to himself. “If I use a spoon instead of my dirty finger, it wouldn’t harm the cake at all.”
Before he really knew what he was doing he had taken a spoon from the drawer, and took a spoonful of cake. It was so good that he just had to take one more. Then he heard a car door slam. Mother was home. What could he do?
Just then he saw Socks, the cat, walk into the kitchen. She was called Socks because she had four white feet. She was a bad cat and had often been caught up on the counter in the kitchen, and even on the table, helping herself to food. Tom thought quickly. By the time his mother had the key in the front door, he had closed all the doors into the kitchen and was in his room. Socks was left in the kitchen and could not get out. His mother would find her there.
Sometime later when his mother called him for dinner, Tom came running at once, making his best attempt to whistle. He stole a quick glance at his mother to see if she looked cross.
Had she noticed the piece out of the cake? he wondered. She looked all right. He went to wash his hands without even being told to do so. He was going to try to be as good as he knew how.
Before long he heard Mother calling him to come to the kitchen. He went fearfully. His mother was standing in front of the cupboard looking at the cake.
“Tom,” she said in a stern voice, “you have disobeyed me. I told you not to touch that cake. I let you lick the bowl clean, and then you turned around and did what I told you not to do.”
“Me, Mother?” questioned Tom. “I’ve been out playing. It must have been Socks. That bad cat has been into the food again.”
His mother reached into the sink and picked up a spoon dirty with chocolate cake and icing.
“Tom,” she said solemnly, “cats don’t use spoons.”
Tom’s face got red. His eyes dropped. He couldn’t look at his mother. That verse from the Bible flashed into his mind. “Be sure your sin will find you out.” He could not think of a thing to say. The spoon proved that he was guilty.
When we do wrong, as Tom did, it is not just our parents or friends that we hurt. We sin against God. God says, “The wages of sin is death.” Romans 6:23. Tom had to take his punishment before he could be forgiven. But God says that “Christ died for our sins.” 1 Corinthians 15:3. He bore our punishment that we might be forgiven.

Paid in Full

“I’m absolutely overwhelmed!” exclaimed Ted McPhillips. “I don’t know where the money came from!” His wife added that “a great burden has been lifted from our minds.” These were the comments of this amazed English couple on hearing that their hospital bill had been “paid in full.” Mr. McPhillips had experienced a serious heart attack 24 hours after arriving in New York City from London. He was rushed to the hospital where doctors performed open-heart surgery and saved his life.
The grateful and relieved couple had just received word that someone had paid the $80,000. hospital bill. They had only been able to pay $7,000 towards it. They had come up short in their desire to pay the debt and another had stepped in to pay it. A hospital spokesman confirmed that McPhillip’s bill had been paid, but would not say by whom.
Mr. McPhillips had his heart repaired. God has something even better to give each of us—“a new heart.” “A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you a heart of flesh.” Ezekiel 36:26. In order for Mr. McPhiips to have his heart repaired, a price had to be paid. This expense was far too great for him to pay alone: he needed the help of another.
Mr. McPhillips had paid a small amount of his debt to the hospital, but we could pay nothing on our debt of sin. God has seen our need. His word says that “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23. He has also prided a remedy: “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” Acts 4:12. He has done it all; He has seen our great need and supplied the remedy, all “without money and without price.” Isaiah 55:1.

The Low-Set Door Bell

One day I stopped to visit in a home to talk to the mother of two children who were coming to Sunday school. I knew that the home was a foster home for many children over the years, but I had never visited there before. I walked up to the front door and looked for the doorbell button, but at first I couldn’t find it. Looking more carefully, I finally noticed that it was set very low, only about three feet above the bottom of the door. I stooped down, pushed the button and soon the door opened. I asked the lady why she had the doorbell set so low, it seemed to be out of place.
“It’s not out of place,” she replied. “Some of the children that stay with us here are quite young. They wouldn’t be able to reach the bell if it had been set in its usual place higher up on the door. We wanted to make sure that everyone who stays here thinks this home was made for them.”
The doorbell is also set down very low on God’s door of mercy, so that any little child can easily use it. He’s just waiting to answer. Have you tried it yet? “I am the door: by Me if any man enter in, he shall be saved.” John 10:9.

Traveling With the Earth

The Wonders of God’s Creation
“The Lord by wisdom hath founded the earth; by understanding hath He established the heavens.” Proverbs 3:19. “He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing.” Job 26:7.
Years ago men thought the earth was held up by a great elephant, standing on the back of a huge turtle. Others thought there was a mythological god who balanced the starry sky on his shoulders. (They didn’t explain what the turtle or the god would stand on!). Scientists today laugh at those foolish imaginations, but still don’t understand how the earth, weighing six thousand million, million, million tons can “float” through space, or what keeps it in motion in its precisely-kept schedules. But Solomon well knew the earth and heavens were founded by the Lord, the Creator, and Job knew thousands of years ago that only the Lord could “hang the earth upon nothing,” without the use of elephants or other supports.
The Super-Concorde airplane carries passengers across the Atlantic at a proud speed of about 1,000 miles per hour (MPH). But this is as nothing compared with the speed you are traveling every moment of the day and night. Did you know that from sunrise of one day to sunrise of the next, the earth, in making a complete revolution on its axis, has taken you with it on a 25,000 mile trip at more than 1,000 MPH? Furthermore, that’s only part of the journey you are on, for the world also travels in its orbit around the sun more than one and a half million miles, at a speed of 66,000 MPH. That makes 55 MPH in a car seem rather slow, doesn’t it?
Even these figures don’t tell the whole story, for our entire galaxy of several billion stars is moving through space at 43,000 MPH. Adding these figures together, we discover that every moment we are racing through space at a speed of more than 100,000 MPH! While we are doing this (and never feeling any motion that makes us aware of such terrific speed) countless stars are passing through the heavens as well. Who started all this motion and how is it all kept in perfect harmony? This is one of the grand wonders of God’s creation. He alone could create, put in motion, and keep all in perfect order “upholding all things by the word of His power.” Hebrews 1:3.
But, as the result of sin coming into the world, there is a day of judgment coming when “The heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.” 2 Peter 3:10. Happily, those who know Christ as Saviour, will be taken from this world into the glories of heaven before this destruction ever takes place. It is said of Abraham and other faithful ones of old that they “confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on this earth: and that they sought a better country, that is, an heavenly.” Hebrews 11:13-16. Is this your desire, too? It will be realized only if you have turned to Him, who “is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by Him.” Hebrews 7:25.

Joyful News-The Victory is Ours

Memory Verse: “Thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Corinthians 15:57
For nearly twenty years Napoleon I, Emperor of France, seemed an unconquerable general. His well-trained armies crushed one enemy after another, until Napoleon’s empire covered most of western and central Europe. But the great general was totally defeated at the Battle of Waterloo, and suffered such a devastating defeat at the hands of an army under the command of the Duke of Wellington, a British general known as “the Iron Duke,” that he never recovered. It was such a crushing defeat, in fact, that even today when one suffers an overwhelming setback it is said that “he has met his Waterloo.”
When the news of the great victory by the Duke of Wellington over Napoleon reached London in 1815, it was not sent by telegraph or radio, but the news then had to be brought to the southern coast of England by a sailing vessel. Then it was wig-wagged over land toward London by means of signal flags. Finally, on top of Winchester Cathedral, the long awaited message was spelled out by means of the signal flags: “W-e-l-l-i-n-g-t-o-n D-e-f-e-a-t-e-d....” At that moment a dense fog settled down over the area, and the signal flags could be seen no longer. Soon all of London was in great despair at such sad news, especially since it seemed that the last hope for the free world rested with the Duke of Wellington. But then the fog lifted just as quickly as it had come in, and the complete message was spelled out by the signal flags: “W-e-1-1-i-n-g-t-o-n D-e-f-e-a-t-e-d t-h-e E-n-e-m-y—t-h-e V-i-c-t-o-r-y i-s O-u-r-s!” The joyful news spread like wildfire, and soon all England was filled with rejoicing.
When the Lord Jesus Christ was taken down from the cross at Calvary and laid in a tomb, sadness filled the hearts of His disciples. It was as if Jesus, in whom had been all their hopes, had been defeated by death. But then the clouds of despair, gloom and darkness lifted, as had the thick fog in London in 1815, and the joyful news that Jesus Christ had risen from the grave filled and thrilled the hearts of His followers. The Lord Jesus Christ has defeated the enemy—death and Satan, too—and the victory is ours! “Thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Cor. 15:57.
The devil was totally defeated at Calvary, and his power set aside by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and by the power of His precious blood shed on the cross. Now God offers that victory over Satan, sin and death to anyone who will accept His Son, Jesus Christ, as Saviour. Oh, how precious it is to be on the side of VICTORY! How wonderful to know that as to you the enemy has been defeated! Do not wait—but accept Jesus Christ now as your Lord and Saviour, and rejoice along with all others who have.

God is in the Thunder

Julie and her mother were among many who were on the sight-seeing boat touring the New York harbor. The weather was fine when they started out, but in the afternoon the wind picked up. Soon big black clouds rolled in with much lightning and thunder.
Julie’s mother was quite alarmed especially by the thunder. Julie leaned against her and said, “Mommy, God is in the thunder; can’t we trust Him when He talks loudly as well as when He talks softly?”
“Yes, Julie,” replied her mother, “and thank you for reminding me.”
“What time I am afraid, I will trust in Thee.” Psa. 56:3.

Troubled Tommy

“Hello, Tommy, is your mother home?”
“Yes, Mrs. Bolton, she’s upstairs; come in.”
Mrs. Bolton came into the house and sat down with her Bible on her lap. Tommy went back to his chair in the corner, and kept on reading his book. Very soon the two Christian women were talking eagerly and happily together about the soon return of the Lord Jesus. They had just been reading 1 Thessalonians 4, a few days before, and knew that soon Jesus was coming to take His redeemed people home.
Tommy was still sitting in the corner of the room with his book. Soon the book was closed, and he was listening to their discussion.
“But there is a dark side to it,” said Mrs. Bolton to his mother. “What about our neighbors and those in our families who have not taken Jesus as their Saviour? They are not ready, and will be left behind for judgment.”
Tommy was troubled. He knew he was a sinner, and he knew he was not ready. The more he thought of the coming of the Lord Jesus, the more unhappy he felt. After several days, he could bear it no longer, and went over to see Uncle George, and told him all about it.
“Tommy, Jesus saved me and washed me from all my sins when I was a boy.” said Uncle George. “I am happy to know He is coming soon to take me home. If you are afraid to meet Him, it must be because you have never taken Him as your Saviour. Do it now, Tommy; you have no time to waste.”
Silently Tommy rose and slowly walked out the door. It was dark, but the stars were shining. After a little pause, he looked up into the sky, and said aloud, “Lord Jesus, I accept Thee as my Saviour. I believe Thy blood has washed my sins away.”
Then Tommy ran all the way home and told his father and mother that he was saved. How happy he was, and he could lay down on his pillow to sleep that night without any fear of being left behind should Jesus come then.
Do you know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour? If not, come and confess your sins to God this very day, and put your trust in Jesus who suffered once on the cross for all of our sins that we might be saved and dwell forever with Him in heaven.
“They that were ready went in with Him to the marriage: and the door was shut.” Matt. 25:10.

"Whatsoever Ye Do"

Walking through a one-year-old apple orchard last fall I found a perfectly formed apple on one of the trees. It seemed as if the tree had said, “I know I am very small, but I will do my best to produce just this one apple.”
Each of us, no matter how small, if we know the Lord Jesus Christ as our Saviour can please Him in whatever we do. “And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men.” Col. 3:23.

The Ways of the Beaver

The Wonders of God’s Creation
“Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for Thou hast created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created.” Rev. 4:11.
Once there were millions of beer in streams, lakes and ponds throughout the United States and Canada, but to meet demands of fashion for its lovely fur, trappers killed them mercilessly, nearly wiping them out. Fortunately, the fashion designers changed their designs to other things so that the beaver was spared to gradually rebuild its colonies. Should you be visiting some of the mountain areas of the West or lakes in the North, you might get a glimpse of this fascinating creature.
Water is a prime necessity to it and God has provided it with adaptability to its wet surroundings. A full-grown animal will be three and a half feet long, including a flat tail about five inches wide and a foot long. This tail is most important, being (with its paws) the means of plastering its home and dams with mud. It provides a rudder for this excellent web-footed swimmer and also serves as a support while standing on shore or while gnawing on trees and shrubs. When it slaps that flat tail hard on the pond’s surface, it is a warning for its companions to seek cover from an enemy getting too close for comfort.
This animal is a remarkable engineer, building watertight dams, some a half mile long, to form ponds. It also builds a house or lodge, as much as eight feet high and thirty feet in dieter. Several families may live in these lodges and have rooms in which to store food for winter and other rooms for raising their young. Here they are safe from their enemies, for their entrances and exits are all under water, although the living quarters are always high and dry.
A beaver’s most prominent feature is its teeth, large, sharp and strong. It uses these teeth to cut down trees and have them fall just where they want for use in building dams, homes, or for food. Incidentally, these teeth never stop growing. To keep them from getting hopelessly long they must keep busy cutting trees.
The amazing skills of the beaver didn’t come about by any trial-and-error method. God provided them with every feature and ability when He created them, just as He did for every creature.
God puts a responsibility on all mankind to recognize His Son as the Creator of all things and one who denies this can never draw near to Him. But, more important yet, He has been made known to the world as the Saviour to those who trust in Him, or as the judge to those who refuse Him. “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.” John 3:36. How solemn the warning: “Take heed... lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living God.” Heb. 3:12.

A Crash Through the Ice

Memory Verse: “When we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.” Romans 5:6
What was supposed to be just the end of another busy day for four businessmen and two pilots turned to terror and tragedy moments later.
Having climbed aboard the small jet airplane, Mr. Donald W. Andrews did not remove his topcoat because it was still cold in the cabin of the plane. He buckled his seatbelt and opened his briefcase. As he began reading reports the jet began its takeoff down the runway, through a snowstorm, heading back to Michigan. “It seemed like a normal takeoff,” he said later, “except we ended up in Lake Michigan!”
The small jet crashed through the ice about 80 yards south of the runway. “Suddenly I was aware that we were bouncing and sliding along the ice,” he said. “Then we came to a stop—in the water. I jumped up, stripped off my topcoat and suitcoat because I’m a poor swimmer, opened the emergency door and climbed onto the wing.”
As the plane slowly sank into the icy waters, Mr. Andrews and three others had to hang onto the tail section. “I have never been in water so cold before,” he said. “Almost immediately my arms and legs became numb, and I knew I was in trouble.”
The four men who survived the crash of the plane were still in real difficulty. All were in water so cold that death could occur in minutes.
The plane which was their only support was almost completely under water. Only part of the tail was still above water for them to grasp.
What a terrible position to be in! They knew that they were unable to do anything for themselves in that water. “It was the longest period of time I have ever spent in my life,” said Mr. Andrews. “It was so cold, my arms and legs were completely numb with no strength in them.”
To those who are still lost in their sins, they are like these four men. There is no way they can help themselves; they need the help of Another. God has said in the Bible, “For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.” Rom. 5:6.
The Lord Jesus Christ has prided a way of escape for those who will trust in Him. “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.” John 14:6. For those in the icy waters of Lake Michigan hanging onto a plane that was just about to sink, there was the need for help NOW! For those still in their sins, God’s Word says, “Behold, NOW is the accepted time; behold, NOW is the day of salvation.” 2 Cor. 6:2.
“Just as the tail was going under and I was on my back floating, I saw the helicopter,” reported Mr. Andrews. “What a fantastic sight! It seemed like I was in the water a long time, but from the time we hit until the time the rescuers got there, it couldn’t have been more than 10 or 12 minutes.”
One of the rescuers in the helicopter remarked later, “We saw four of the six men in the water and we tossed a raft to them. Three of them managed to get in but the fourth began to sink. That’s when I jumped in to save him.”
The four men were finally rescued by a pontoon-equipped helicopter rescue squad, which landed on the water beside the raft. Three of the survivors were able to climb onto the pontoon, and the one who had begun to sink was picked up in a harness as the helicopter hovered in the air. All were quickly flown to land to be attended by a team of fire department specialists and medics. They were all transferred to hospitals for treatment, and eventually recovered.
Two of the six aboard the jet did not survive the crash. They did not live through the initial impact. One moment they were sitting in the plane looking forward to getting home; and the next moment they were in eternity. For those who know the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour, this would be “absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.” 2 Cor. 5:8. For those who have not accepted Him as their Saviour we know from God’s Word, the Bible, that “The wages of sin is death " (Rom. 6:23) and “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” Acts 4:12. Believe on Him now; accept Him as your personal Saviour and know that you are prepared “to meet thy God.” Amos 4:12.

He Is Mine

While passing out Sunday school papers in a hospital recently, I met a young man who refused to take one. “I’m Jewish,” he commented. I turned to the book of Isaiah and asked him if he believed the Old Testament scriptures. He said that he did, so I began to read in chapter 53.
As I showed him from the Scriptures that it was the Messiah that was spoken of, he appeared to be much impressed. We had talked for about 15 minutes when a nurse came with a wheel chair. “You have to go down for some x-rays,” she said.
As he was helped into the wheel chair he said to me, “You’ll never know how much this has meant to me. He is....”
He was cut off by the nurse; “Excuse us, please.”
As he was being wheeled out of the room I told him I would be back tomorrow.
“Please come back,” he called back.
Returning to the hospital the next day I went straight to his room, but found his bed empty and no sign of his having been there. I inquired at the nurse’s station and was told that he had died the night before.
What was it that he was about to tell me when the nurse interrupted? Was it “He is mine"? I can only hope that he had accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his Saviour. “Seek ye the Lord while He may be found, call ye upon Him while He is near.” Isaiah 55:6.
“Prepare to meet thy God.” Amos 4:12.

Jesus Loved Me First

Kathy had just accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as her Saviour. Her Sunday school teacher gave her a memory verse, “We love Him, because He first loved us.” 1 John 4:19. Kathy already knew it pretty well by the time she left for home.
Later on in the week the teacher saw Kathy again and asked her if she could remember the verse.
“No, I’ve forgotten it,” said Kathy, “but I know what it was about.”
“Tell me then,” replied her teacher.
“It was that Jesus loved me first and then I loved Him afterward.”

The Hedgehog

The Wonders of God’s Creation
This peculiar little animal—less than a foot long—is well-known in many parts of Europe, Asia and Africa, but does not make its home in America, although the porcupine is something like it.
As one of the weaker animals that would be readily killed by larger ones, God has given it a very effective defense from its enemies and ability to care for itself even in harsh surroundings. It knows how to make a comfortable nest of woven moss, grass and leaves that is waterproof and even in heavy rains keeps it and its little ones warm and dry. How do you suppose it learned to do this?
Sometimes it will burrow into a rabbit’s runway and make its home there, or will go under the roots of a tree, where it is safe with a good strong roof over it. For getting into such places it has sharp claws on powerful front feet, which enable it to dig quickly, not only in making its home, but also in finding grubs, slugs, worms and insects that make up its diet.
But the most distinctive thing about a hedgehog is the suit of armor with which God has prided it. From its neck to its short stubby tail it is covered along its back and sides with sharp spines, sticking out in every direction. When attacked, it just draws its legs up under its stomach, tucks its head under its chest and immediately becomes a round ball of sharp bristles, safe from its enemies. If it didn’t do this right the very first time, it would be quickly killed, wouldn’t it? But it didn’t need to practice, for God gave it that wisdom when it was born.
The hedgehog is helpful to man in at least one way: it is a natural enemy of snakes, especially the poisonous viper. When it finds one of these dangerous serpents, it quickly seizes it by the tail and then gets into its curled-up position with the snake’s tail in its mouth. The angry viper strikes against the prickly spines again and again until it almost hacks itself to pieces. The hedgehog then finishes it off and makes a meal of it.
Do you think the hedgehog gave itself such a protective armor or taught itself how to do these amazing things? No, God, who cares for all His creatures provided it with its unusual features. As the Scripture says: “In whose hand (the hand of God) is the soul of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind.” Job 12:10.
This verse reminds us that, while God cares for every creature, He considers mankind separate from all others. He does, indeed, care for such an odd little animal as the hedgehog, but it is important to realize He has a special interest in every human being and wants us all, through faith in Christ, to be His children. He tells us: “I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with loving-kindness have I drawn thee.” Jeremiah 31:3. He reminds us that “Today if ye will hear His voice, harden not your hearts.” Hebrews 4:7.

Zip to the Rescue

Memory Verse: “I will surely deliver thee ... because thou hast put thy trust in Me, saith the LORD.” Jeremiah 39:18
The children loved Zip, their Collie-dog-friend. But sometimes he was a bother. He had to go everywhere they went, as he seemed to feel it was his job to take care of them, especially when they were in swimming. Again and again they would chase him out of the water, because he would grab their bathing suits in his teeth and tug them toward the shore. From the shore he would watch them playing in the water with a worried dog-look in his eyes.
One day while the children were swimming, Freddie found a sun-dried log that floated like a cork. He could swim a little, and a good log was really more fun than an inner tube. He paddled with his hands and feet and soon was out beyond the rest of the children who were in swimming. It made him feel brave to be out where the water was deep, and out there he could have his log all to himself.
But after a while it did not seem so much fun to be alone. The others seemed to be having fun playing a game of water tag together. So Freddie rolled off his log and began to swim toward the shore. He swam until he was tired and it seemed that he certainly must be in far enough to touch the bottom with his feet. He stopped kicking and let his feet go down.
Blub-b-blub! Oh! Where was the bottom? There was NOTHING to stand on! Not just his feet had gone down but his head had gone under, too. He splashed hard with his arms and tried to kick with his feet. Slowly his head came up out of the water, but just long enough for one good breath of air! Down he went again! He splashed hard again, but he just wasn’t able to make any progress.
Up and down he struggled in the water until he was so tired. Down, down, down! How could it be so deep? Freddie had never been so frightened in his whole life. Was he drowning? With eyes wide open he saw the big bubbles churning in the water around him.
He was coming up again, slowly. What was that? Something reddish brown was in the water beside him. Could it be?—it was—Zip’s tail!
Freddie reached out, and held on with all of the strength he had left. Zip seemed to understand. Straight to the shore he swam with Freddie clinging to his tail.
Freddie loved Zip even more after that. He had saved his life! He never would forget the awful feeling of reaching for the bottom of the lake with his feet and finding NOTHING to stand on!
Is that a little bit like the way people will feel who will someday stand before God to be judged of their sins? Because Freddie was a Christian he could say, “He brought me up also out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings. And He hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God.” Psalms 40:2,3.
Freddie had learned when he was just a little boy that he was a sinner and could not save himself. He had read, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth My Word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.” John 5:24.
Reaching out by faith, he had taken hold of God’s promise just as simply as he had taken hold of Zip’s tail, and the Lord had “rescued” him. Freddie was saved, and God’s Word told him that his feet were safely upon the Rock, Christ Jesus.
Will you someday have to face God with nothing—NOTHING—to stand on? Excuses, good works, friends—everything will fail in that day. Reach out by faith today, and take the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour.

My Life Against Yours

Several years ago in a large mid-western city in the United States, a Christian lawyer received a telephone call from a client who had been charged with a very serious crime. The client was insisting that something unlawful be done in his upcoming trial. The attorney was upset even with the suggestion, and he refused to continue counseling in the case if the client insisted on the plan. Finally, when he realized that nothing could make the attorney change his mind, the client became quite angry.
He shouted, “I will get a different attorney, and I will do it my way and I will beat the charge.”
The attorney warned him, “You will never get away with it—never!”
But the client shouted back, “I’ll bet my life against yours that I will!”
What a solemn thing to say! The attorney was shocked and concerned for the soul of that man. He told his client, “My life is not mine to gale—it belongs to Christ.”
With that the client became very angry and quickly replied, “My life belongs to the Devil.”
The attorney answered, “You had better change masters quickly—bore it is forever too late.” But the client just laughed and hung up.
Men often make light of their Creator, and completely ignore His rightful claims upon them and their lives. But to boldly defy God is a fearful thing to do. Though this is the day of grace, God does not permit men to do everything they choose. This man was planning to lie during his upcoming trial, and he even boasted of belonging to the Devil! The Bible says, “Be not deceived; God is not mocked.” Galatians 6:7. And, “Woe unto him that striveth with his Maker.” Isaiah 45:9.
That lawyer never heard from his client after that telephone call. But God did not give that man the opportunity to carry out his boast. Within thirty days of that telephone conversation the attorney read in the daily newspaper the obituary of his former client. He had died very suddenly of a heart attack—at the age of forty-six. “How dieth the wise man? as the fool.” Ecclesiastes 2:16.
When the client said that his life belonged to the Devil, he was correct. Such is the situation of everyone who has not accepted God’s offer of salvation through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Do not continue a moment longer as a slave of Satan: your eternity depends upon your acceptance or rejection of Jesus Christ. “Because there is wrath, beware lest He take thee away with His stroke: then a great ransom cannot deliver thee.” Job 36:18.

An Alarm Clock in the Ocean

The Wonders of God’s Creation
“The voice of the Lord is upon the waters:... The Lord is upon many waters. The voice of the Lord is powerful; the voice of the Lord is full of majesty.” Psalms 29:3,4.
From March through July each year unusually high tides reach Southern California beaches, at which time one of the wonders of the ocean takes place. In the third or fourth night of the full moon, whenever these extreme tides are due, swarms of grunion (a small edible fish) swim into the surf and allow themselves to be washed ashore on a sandy beach—but not until the highest wave of the incoming tide has past. Ashore on the bare sand, by the light of the moon, the female scoops out a shallow hole with her tail, where she lays hundreds of eggs, followed by the male who fertilizes them. Within thirty seconds, with a final switch of the tail to cover the eggs, all has been accomplished and both male and female wriggle down the beach, to be picked up and swept into the ocean by the next wave.
But how about the eggs? How will they ever hatch in such a peculiar nest? The grunion have been well directed by their Creator in what they have done, for no wave will reach the eggs until the next extreme tide two weeks later. This amount of time in the warm, moist sand provides ample incubation and when a high wave finally reaches them, the eggs pop open and the little fish are washed into the sea to start their busy lives.
This annual event is so reliable that the hour and minute can be foretold and thousands of people flock to the beaches to witness it, some of them catching the fish in their hands.
Is there an alarm clock that tells the grunion just the precise moment to ride in on the biggest wave? And how does it know where the sandy beaches are? If it mistakenly went to a rocky one it would be pounded to pieces. Surely its instructions come only from its Creator and there is no possibility that it will ever think of changing this pattern. How carefully God watches over all His creatures—all of which blend together to show a divine scheme and pattern.
After sin came into the world all things were affected so that today we do not see them in perfection, but we do see something of His might and wisdom even in lowly creatures like the grunion. A time is coming when all will be made right again: “For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth.” Isaiah 65:17. But before that takes place there must be God’s judgment on this sinful world and all in it who have not had their sins forgiven through faith in Jesus Christ, “who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from all iniquity.” Titus 2:14. How important it is to listen to the warning: “Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not.” Ecclesiastes 12:1.

A Wild Ride in a Storm

Memory Verse: “God ... now commandeth all men every where to repent.” Acts 17:30
This past winter season, for nine days Southern California was hit with strong rain storms caused by high winds coming in off the ocean. These came one closely following the other until a total of thirteen inches of rain had fallen.
One of the areas that received the greatest damage was the Santa Monica mountains and adjoining districts. These border the Pacific Ocean northwest of Los Angeles. Here steep canyons, Topanga, Mandeville, Los Virgenes and others, usually dry or having a quiet stream flowing through them, became raging torrents, wiping out roads, whole communities, individual homes, and cars. Worst of all, 24 lives were lost mostly in these mud-and-debris-filled streams. It would seem that God was reminding people how weak and helpless they really are and that the things of this world are not going to last forever.
As the fury of the storm increased, one resident, Joshua Patlack, concerned about the water eroding the bank below his home, decided to do something about it. Knowing his ordinary clothing would immediately become soaking wet in the rain, he put on a “wet suit” (a wool-lined water-proof suit worn by skin divers and surfboarders). Approaching the edge of the violent stream he discovered a big log which was backing the water up toward his house. He and a friend worked to loosen the log to clear the area. Just as their efforts were successful and the log floated free again, Josh lost his footing and fell helplessly into the raging stream.
Grabbing the log they had worked so hard to free, he hung on for dear life! He was able to scramble onto it and was taken on a wild ride down the canyon, eventually ending up in the Pacific Ocean. Josh, who had gotten bruised and scraped in his wild ride, was still alive and thankful to have the log to hang onto.
Meanwhile, his friend immediately contacted the Police and Coast Guard and told them about Josh’s accident. Through the rest of the afternoon, search and rescue teams flew over the area, but were unable to find any sign of Josh. When darkness came, the search was called off.
How this story reminds us of those who for years reject Christ, wishing to force any thought of Him from their lives, just as Josh wanted to move the log to get rid of it. But, just as the discarded log was the means of saving Josh’s life, so, too, many have found the Lord Jesus Christ ready and willing to receive them.
Through the long night Josh hung onto that solid log. Although he was a strong swimmer, he knew that it was only with the support given by the log that he was going to survive.
As morning came the rescue flights started again, but with little hope of finding him. They followed the trail of debris that had washed from the canyon far out into the ocean. Finally, nearly 17 hours after falling into the stream, Josh was spotted by a helicopter crew and lifted to safety.
Josh’s survival was due to the “wet suit” he wore that kept him warm and the log that kept him afloat. There is a terrific storm of judgment soon to fall on this world. Before this storm comes the Saviour is going to call to heaven all who trust in Him. Are you prepared? Do you have on the right “garment"? If you are not clothed “with the garments of salvation” (Isa. 61:10) and are not standing on that “spiritual Rock... and that Rock was Christ” (1 Cor. 10:4), then you are not prepared to meet God. Don’t delay; accept Him now as your own personal Saviour.
“Today if ye will hear His voice, harden not your hearts.” Hebrews 4:7.
“Now is the accepted time; bold, now is the day of salvation.” 2 Corinthians 6:2.

"Tell Him I Love Him"

A four-year-old girl ran into her mother’s bedroom one morning to tell her something and found her kneeling beside her bed praying. Her mother said, “Tell me a little later, Sally; I’m talking to Jesus.”
Sally turned to go out of the room but paused. Quietly walking on tiptoes back to her mother’s side she whispered, “Mommy, please tell Him I love Him.”
Her mother put her arm around Sally and said, “Sally, wouldn’t you like to tell Him yourself? I know Jesus likes even four-year-olds to talk to Him.” So Sally knelt down beside her mother to tell Jesus she loved Him.
“Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.” Luke 18:16.

"Let Me See Them All"

Martin Luther once had a dream in which Satan showed him a long list of sins that were recorded under Luther’s name. Luther looked carefully down the long list to see if there was anything recorded there that he had not done. After searching for some time he said to Satan, “Are these all of my sins?”
“No,” replied Satan.
“Then let me see them all,” said Luther. Satan left and after a short while returned with another long list. Again Luther carefully searched over the list to see if they were all of his sins. Convinced that they were, he again asked Satan, “And is that all?”
“Yes,” replied Satan, “it is all.”
“Then,” said Luther, “take your pen and write in red across the lists ‘The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.’ " 1 John 1:7.

How an Enemy of Trees Is Stopped

The Wonders of God’s Creation
“Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” Ephesians 6:11.
As beautiful, stately and strong as a tree may appear, it has enemies quite capable of killing it, and some of these are very small insects. One of these little, but persistent, enemies is the bark beetle, which is sometimes called the “tree killer.” It is one of the worst pests of spruce and pine trees in the United States.
Sometimes singly and oftentimes coming in swarms, these beetles bore through cracks in the bark, digging their way into the sapwood. In a healthy tree, they often become submerged in, and die from, the resin that comes out of the holes they make. In weakened and drought-affected trees there is not enough resin to trap them. In working into this vital sapwood, they lay eggs in the tunnels they have made, and when they hatch, the larvae continue to feed in the tree.
If there were no way to stop these persistent little insects, there would eventually be no pine or spruce trees left. God has provided protection for these trees by using another insect species known as “checkered beetles,” which can catch the bark beetles in flight and eat them. Not only do the checkered beetles kill the damaging insects in this manner, they also follow them into their tunnels. In doing so they do not harm the trees, as they bore no new holes, but follow the tree killers into the tunnels already made. Inside, they lay eggs alongside those of the bark beetle’s and when they hatch out, they attack and kill the newly-hatched bark beetle larvae.
Then, too, God has given another friend to the trees—the braconid wasp. In some miraculous manner they locate the larvae laid in the tree by the killers—even though it might be under an inch of bark. This wasp, once it has found the larvae, injects its own eggs into the bark beetle. The eggs soon hatch and immediately feed on their host. Once injected the killers have no means of escape and are doomed.
The “killer beetles” remind us of the enemy, Satan, who “as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.” 1 Peter 5:8. His attacks are often in some small manner that we may even be aware of, but we say: “That doesn’t amount to much. I’m not concerned about it.” But what prayerful care we need, so that Satan should not get an advantage of us.
The only way we can apply the armor of Ephesians 6, or withstand Satan’s attacks is by turning to the Lord in every testing. “Filly,... be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might.” Ephesians 6:10. With Him taking our place before the tempter we can say “Thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Corinthians 15:57.

The Tree House That Fell

Memory Verse: “A wise man ... built his house upon a rock ... and it fell not.” Matthew 7:24,26
“Penny! Oh, Penny!”
The twelve-year-old girl put her book to one side and peered down through the leaves that hid her tree house from view. It was Sally and Jim. “Wonder what they want me for?” Her book was interesting, so Penny decided not to answer, and soon they headed back towards their house.
Penny settled herself comfortably and went back to her book. Her tree house was just a platform built high up in three basswood trees that grew so closely together near the ground that they appeared to be one trunk. The big leaves formed shady walls and a roof. Just now the air was filled with the pleasant humming of bees and the scent of the basswood blossoms.
It was a great tree house! It was a place to run to and be alone. The gentle swaying of the trees was like the slight swinging of a hammock. Penny had built it all by herself.
What a hard job it had been to make it good and strong because of working with three trees instead of just one. She had nailed “two by fours” from tree to tree to form a triangle, and then had nailed the floorboards in place.
Penny was a bookworm. She spent many happy hours in her tree house reading the summer she was twelve. During the winter when the winds blew and the weather was stormy the tree house rocked back and forth as the three trees bent this way and that. Somehow the little platform hung together.
When summer came again, Penny couldn’t wait to use her tree house once more. She was thirteen now, and a bigger, heavier girl than she had been the summer before. And the tree house was no longer quite as strong. The nails had twisted and loosened as the three trees bent with the winter wind. But Penny did not think of this.
One day she was settled snuggly with a good book high up in her tree house. As she became really interested in her story she didn’t notice the sky growing dark. The leafy roof kept the first few drops of rain from reaching her, but suddenly the wind set the little platform rocking.
A loud cracking noise beneath her startled Penny. What was happening? It felt like the platform was giving way! A stronger gust of wind—a louder cracking—and Penny was falling!
Just in time she caught the branch of the nearest tree and managed to leap to the ground skinning her knees as she fell. Looking up into the trees she saw her tree house hanging sadly from just one corner!
“I guess I wasn’t very smart to build it in three trees,” Penny said to herself. “That made a poor foundation—as bad as the man who built his house upon the sand! I might have really gotten hurt falling out of that house. I’ll have to build a better one next time!”
Building a life can also be very exciting. But it can also be very sad. It first has to have the right foundation. “For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.” 1 Corinthians 3:11. Believing on the Lord Jesus Christ and accepting Him as your own personal Saviour is the only foundation that will stand. The Lord Jesus tells of the need to build on a solid foundation in Matthew chapter 7 “Whosoever heareth these sayings of Mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: and the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. And every one that heareth these sayings of Mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: and the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.” Matthew 7:24-27.

Yoder Dairy Sign

James had been a particularly hard man to reach with the gospel; but, to everyone’s surprise, one Sunday evening he turned up at the gospel meeting. That night he was saved.
After the meeting the preacher said, “James, we’ve been praying for you for a long time. We are very happy about the decision you made tonight. If it is not asking too much I wonder whether you would tell us just what it was in the sermon that brought you to the point where you were willing to take this step?”
“Well, I’ll tell you,” the man answered. “It really was not anything you said that brought me to this place. You know that little blue sign by the road over there on Route 143, right along where the road passes the Yoder Dairy, the sign that says, “Now is the Day of Salvation"? Well, every day as I drove to and from work I had to pass that sign. When I first saw it I was furious. I guess if I had thought I could get by with it, I would have taken an ax and smashed it!
“But as I passed day after day it began to wear me down. I got so I couldn’t sleep. All the time those words were before me—“Now is the Day of Salvation.” Finally I couldn’t stand it any longer, so, thank God, here I am.” “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” 2 Corinthians 6:2.

The Judge and the Burglar

A retired judge and an ex-convict knelt side by side in prayer at an evening prayer meeting. Over ten years before the judge had sentenced that man to prison. After the meeting, the judge and Ken, his friend, were walking home. He remarked to Ken, “Did you notice who was kneeling beside me tonight during our prayers?” “Yes,” Ken replied, “I certainly did.”
The old judge thought for awhile and then exclaimed, “What a miracle of the marvelous grace of God!”
Ken quickly replied, “Yes, I must agree with you. It was certainly a great miracle when God saved that man from a life of crime and from an eternity in hell.”
The judge stopped walking, and just stood there for a moment staring at his friend. Finally he said, “I wasn’t thinking of that man when I commented about ‘the miracle of the marvelous grace of God.’ I was thinking of myself. That man knew full well that he had a real need. He knew that he was bad and needed a change of heart and a new life. It was not difficult for him to believe in Jesus Christ as his Saviour when he heard the gospel. But it was much different for me.
“From a child I was trained to be a ‘good boy.’ I was made to say my prayers. I was taught to tell the truth and not to lie. I was taken to Sunday school and church regularly. On the outside everything looked good with me, but my heart was just as bad and sinful as the heart of that man. It took a miracle of the marvelous grace of God to make me see myself as a sinner in need of a Saviour, and then to cause me to accept Jesus Christ as my Lord. The truth is I needed a Saviour just as much as that burglar did. I needed a new heart and a new life just as badly as he did.
“Oh, how I must thank God for His saving grace when He finally reached my stubborn heart with His message of love. That is why I commented upon ‘the miracle of the marvelous grace of God'!”
Have you seen your need of a Saviour? The Lord Jesus said, “I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” Matthew 9:13. You must confess to yourself and to God that you are a sinner and in need of a Saviour. “This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” 1 Timothy 1:15. The burglar and the judge, though far apart as far as their lives were concerned, were equal in their need. Sin makes everyone equal in God’s sight: “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23. It makes the king and the beggar alike in God’s sight. “He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill, to set them among pries, and to make them inherit the throne of glory.” 1 Samuel 2:8.

The Clever Baboon

The Wonders of God’s Creation
“Every three years once came the ships of Tarshish bringing gold, and silver, ivory, and apes, and peacocks.” 2 Chronicles 9:21. Solomon apparently maintained a zoo near his palace and made apes a part of it. We do not know what species of apes they were, but quite possibly they included baboons.
There are several kinds of baboons in South Africa, most of them having dog-like faces, but some are called “pig face” because they resemble that animal. They weigh about fifty pounds and all of them have large canine teeth and cheek pouches in which they can store food. They are noisy and quarrelsome creatures and sometimes viciously attack humans.
A visitor in South Africa recounted taking a walk into the woods and when at some distance from the village suddenly found a group of baboons surrounding him, causing him to fear for his life. Fortunately, on the seldom-used road, a car appeared and the animals fled.
The members of this ape family live in community fashion and have a highly developed social system, with a dominant leader—all others taking their places in a well-defined “pecking order.”
Making frequent raids on farmers’ crops, they are a serious pest. In one area the farmers kept such close watch with their guns that the baboons discontinued coming into the orchards as a group. Yet trees continued to be stripped of fruit, much to the dismay of the farmers.
Finally they discovered what was taking place. A group of baboons was found, forming a line concealed in brush adjoining the orchard. The leader, making sure he was not being watched, would silently approach a tree alone, pluck some fruit and hurry with it to the first baboon in line. The fruit was then passed from animal to animal and put in a pile at the far end until sufficient was gathered for them all to get together for a feast. However, they seemed to know that this pleasant little game might be interrupted, so, as the first of the fruit reached them, each baboon took a bite and stored it in his cheek pouch without eating it. It was clear they figured that if chased away they would at least be assured of one meal.
This animal also has a quality that researchers wonder about: in periods of drought, when other animals are dying of thirst, the baboons somehow find water and survive.
Like every animal of God’s creation this unusual one has been given instincts that enable it to flourish in harsh environments. The Psalmist said: “I will remember the works of the Lord: surely I will remember Thy wonders of old... Thou art the God that doest wonders: Thou hast declared Thy strength among the people.” Psalms 77:11,14.
We are responsible to recognize the wonders of God in creation, for this is one way in which He has “declared His strength among the people.” But, oh, how much more important to know Him as the Saviour God, who gave His Son “to be the propitiation for our sins.” 1 John 4:10. Are you among those who own His Son as your personal Lord and Saviour?

"Get Me Out of Here!"

Memory Verse: “Whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.” Revelation 20:15
It was raining and the cars just ahead of us on the expressway suddenly began to slow down and swerve to the left. Then I realized there had been an accident. Since no one had stopped to help, my friend, Don, who was driving just ahead of us pulled over. I stopped behind him and turned on my warning flashers.
As we climbed out of our car, we could see that the car was resting on top of the guard rail. Cliff Galliday, the driver, had lost control of the car when he swerved to avoid hitting another car. He ran off the road onto the shoulder and ran up on top of the guard rail. There he sat with the tail end of his car jacked up in the air, his engine racing, and his back wheels spinning free at 40 or 50 m.p.h. The muffler had been knocked off and the car was making a terrible racket.
As I ran forward toward the accident, suddenly the car became completely blocked from view by a cloud of smoke. Fearfully I entered the smoke cloud knowing that there could be an explosion. I expected to see fire and could smell the raw gas. I found the front door on the driver’s side, jerked it open and shouted, “Turn off the engine!” The man seemed to hardly hear me, but he slowly reached for the key. The car back-fired as it stopped, and, sure enough, the gasoline caught on fire.
“Get out!” I shouted and ran back 10 or 15 feet. “Get out!” I shouted frantically! The flames came up around the base of his door. I ran forward and slammed his door to protect him temporarily from the flames while I figured out what to do.
Cliff was yelling something, but both Don and I were so scared that we couldn’t understand him. Later I realized that he was shouting, “Get me out of here!!”
But why didn’t Cliff just climb out? What I was too excited to notice when I opened Cliff’s door was that he was lame on both feet. He was helplessly trapped in a burning car! He was crying so frantically he could hardly be understood, “Get me out of here!”
How this reminds me of my own condition before I was saved! It is like your condition, too, if you have not yet been saved from your sins. You are trapped by your sins like Cliff in the burning car, and you are in danger of the punishment of the Lake of Fire (Rev. 20) with no way to free yourself. You are helplessly caught and in need of a Deliverer—someone else capable of rescuing you from the danger.
As I stood there trying to decide what to do, Don ran up. “What should we do?” he asked urgently.
“We had better get him out and fast!” I exclaimed.
The fire seemed to be more on the other side of the car, so we ran up and opened his door again. “There is the problem,” said Don, pointing to the braces on Cliff’s legs. We each took a shoulder and carefully pulled him out of the burning car. At a safe distance Cliff sat with a blanket wrapped around him and watched his car burn up.
Cliff was saved from an almost certain and terrible death. But how much more wonderful it is that the Lord Jesus Christ has saved me from an otherwise certain and much more terrible fate. He has saved me from the punishment of Hell for my sins by dying for me. “He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed.” Isaiah 53:5.
Now He has forgiven my sins and washed them all away in His own precious blood. “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7.
But what about you? Have you been delivered from your sins and the punishment for them through trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ? If not, why not trust Him now?


Susan was a student at a college in Virginia. She had driven up with a group from the college to Richmond to attend an intercollegiate meeting. She was supposed to drive on the return trip, so had wisely avoided drinking any alcoholic beverages. However, this was not the case with the other members of the group.
As the carload of students headed back late that evening, Susan became concerned about the conversion and actions of the passengers. She realized that what she was hearing was due mostly to the effect of the alcohol which they had drunk.
But after all just how much better was she? If she had taken alcoholic beverages herself, wouldn’t she be acting the same way they were? Didn’t these actions expose the sinful nature that was in each of them, including herself? Hearing the conversation of her friends, an uneasy feeling of shame came over her.
Suddenly up ahead in the darkness something caught her attention. It was a roadside sign—its letters appearing to light up as the car lights struck it. “Prepare to Meet Thy God!” The words seemed to leap out at her—“Prepare to Meet Thy God!"; and then they were past the sign. As she continued to drive along the highway, she thought how they all needed to prepare to meet God. The way they were acting showed what their condition was before Him. They were far from being ready to meet God.
Back at college the words stayed with her. She could not shake off the message that had made such a forceful impression. For some time she remained uneasy until finally she took the step necessary to prepare to meet God. She accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as her Saviour. “If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” Romans 10:9.

A Desert Journey

Start with the letter T and journey up and down or across the squares (but traveling diagonally twice) to find out who made a long journey across the desert to visit a great and famous king and to hear his wisdom. His fame spread to the land where this great lady was ruler.
Read this story in 1 Kings 10.

Sue's Verse

“Romans 10 and 9, that’s my verse,” commented Sue happily. “I put my name into both ‘thou’s'—If Sue shalt confess with her mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in her heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, Sue shalt be saved.”
But soon Sue wasn’t so happy and she started to worry about whether or not she was saved. Satan kept suggesting to her (for that was where the thoughts came from), “You saved? It’s just your imagination and there’s nothing to it.”
But then another thought came, this time from God’s Holy Spirit: “Read Romans 10:9.” She got out her Bible and found the verse. “If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus"—“that’s me,” she said to herself. “And shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead,"—“and that’s me"; “thou shalt be saved"—“that’s me again, so I am saved; God says it.” She got out her pencil and wrote ME in the margin.
God is speaking to you and me, to everyone of us. Can you follow Sue’s example truthfully and put ME beside Romans 10:9?

What Happens When We Eat?: Part 1

The Wonders of God’s Creation
“For He satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry soul with goodness.” Psalms 107:9.
The body requires essential elements to keep it alive. Food, which comes from the basic elements of sunshine, rain and soil, is the only source of sustaining life (together with water) and God has given the body an ability to take this food and change it into a usable form.
All food, to do us good, must find its way to the blood stream which carries it to the body cells (you have about 50 trillion of these). But blood cannot carry and use large particles of food, so an all-wise Creator has provided a means of breaking food down into liquid form containing microscopic particles. For this purpose He has given us a very efficient digestive system. Let’s look at the first part of it: When food is not already liquid, it must be made so and this starts with the action of our teeth, especially designed to cut, tear and grind all solid food that comes into our mouths. The chewing process not only grinds the food into small particles, it also mixes in juices (called saliva) from the mouth. The tongue helps in this mixing process by keeping the food from being swallowed too quickly and by moving the food around and bringing it in contact again and again with the teeth. The tongue also senses the texture and taste of the food so that we can enjoy what we eat.
Chewing, with food broken up into very small bits and mixed with saliva, represents the first stage of the digestive system. At this stage, chemicals (called enzymes) in the saliva have already started to break down the starches in food to simple sugars which the blood can use. It has also prepared the food for the next stage of digestion which takes place in the stomach.
If man were to try to make a system to digest food, he would need complicated machinery, chemicals and acids, but still could never do anywhere near the job carried on by our wonderful bodies, designed with utmost wisdom by God—another evidence of the wonders of His creation.
If we know that, we should be careful about the food we eat, how much more should we be careful about what is fed to our minds and hearts. Jesus said: “My Father giveth you the true bread from heaven. For the bread of God is He which cometh down from heaven, and giveth life unto the world... I am the bread of life: He that cometh to Me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on Me shall never thirst.” John 6:32,33,35. May God give each of us a fresh appetite for the One who is the true bread from heaven.
(to be continued)

Going Home

Memory Verse: “Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and He will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon.” Isaiah 55:7
The rain was pouring down, and the wind sounded wild and lonely. It was late at night and little Timmy Bloome felt worse than ever. Why did he ever tell his mother that he would like to stay at Aunt Janet’s house all night? Of course Timmy liked Aunt Janet. She often stayed with Timmy when his mother and father went out. He always liked to go for a visit to her house. But now it was night. Timmy began to cry. He wanted his own bed. Suddenly he made up his mind—he was going to go home!
Timmy got out of the strange, big bed and got dressed. He knew how to dress himself. He turned up his coat collar high around his neck, just like his mother always did when it rained. He put on his hat and then he waited. He didn’t want Aunt Janet to hear him open the door. The wind blew louder than ever. He opened the door very quietly and stepped out. Then quietly he closed it again. He didn’t know it, but it was two o’clock in the morning.
It was dark. It was wet. It was cold. Timmy pulled his hat forward to shield his face and started off down the country road. He was going home.
He walked and he walked and he walked. It did not seem very far to Aunt Janet’s house when he went in the car. He always got there so fast. But now it seemed an awfully long way. Every time a car came by, Timmy waved at it, but they were all going too fast to see him in the rain.
Timmy thought the way home would be easy. There are many people who are trying their own way to get to heaven. The Bible tells us to “Enter... in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.” Matthew 7:13,14.
Timmy was getting very tired. He had walked so long, and still he couldn’t even see the town. But he was getting nearer to it. He remembered this bridge. A car was coming towards him. No use waving at it. It was going the wrong way. But the car stopped and out stepped a policeman. Timmy still trudged along.
“Hi, Sonny,” called the policeman. “Where are you going all by yourself at three-thirty in the morning?”
“Home,” said Timmy.
“Where is home?” asked the policeman.
“Fifty-eight West Gardner Street,” said Timmy.
“Would you like a ride?”
“Oh, yes, please,” said Timmy.
It didn’t take long then. His father and mother sleepily answered the door.
“Timmy!” they said, “how did you get here?”
“I picked him up half a mile away,” said the policeman.
“But he was at his Aunt’s home three miles away from here,” said Mr. and Mrs. Bloome.
“I wanted my own home,” said Timmy; “but I didn’t know it was so far away.”
I know ever so many boys and girls who remind me of Timmy. They all want to go to heaven. That home is ever so much better than any home on earth. But no one—just absolutely no one—can get to that home by himself. There is only one way we can ever get to heaven, and that is by trusting the Lord Jesus as our Saviour. For He has said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.” John 14:6.

"Too Late"

A Christian, by the name of Ralph, was a railroad car inspector. He liked to pass out gospel tracts around the railroad yard. One day after completing the brake inspection for a large train, he climbed up into the locomotive and spoke to the engineer. The engineer was a healthy, middle-aged man whom he had known for many years. After they exchanged a few words of friendly greeting, Ralph handed him a couple of tracts.
“You give me some of these little papers every time you see me, don’t you?” The engineer smiled as he placed the tracts in the pocket of his shirt. The whistle blew and Ralph swung out of the cab.
The train, heading for Richmond, made good time. The engineer, who had many years’ experience, haled it skillfully, slowing up at the proper time as they neared curves and opening up the throttle on long, straight stretches. They had gone about 50 miles when the fireman began to notice that the train was not slowing down at the proper time. It was nearing the dangerous Lanexa curves where it should be going much slower, but the train was not slowing down.
“You are going too fast, aren’t you, sir?” The fireman had walked over and was shouting at the engineer.
There was no answer. The engineer was sitting up in a driving position with his head bent forward, apparently watching the track. He must be asleep!
“Wake up!” the fireman shouted again. “You’re running too fast!”
Still there was no response. The fireman grasped the engineer’s shoulder and shook him. The engineer slumped and then fell to the floor in a heap.
The fireman stopped the train and called on some other members of the train crew for help. They couldn’t find any sign of life in the body of the stricken engineer. They proceeded slowly until they reached the next small station.
A doctor was called and the engineer was pronounced dead. His heart had suddenly stopped beating. As far as we know, he had gone to a lost eternity with those tracts in his pocket still not read.
There are many today who have delayed accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour. Satan keeps telling them that there is plenty of time, or that salvation is not for them. Yet God has said, “All have sinned,” (Rom. 3:23) and “Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.” Proverbs 27:1. The engineer of the train in this story probably had many thoughts and ideas of what he was going to do the next day, week or year. Yet in one quick moment his life was taken. Do not delay. Accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour right now.
“Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” 2 Corinthians 6:2.

What Happens When We Eat?: Part 2

The Wonders of God’s Creation
“Thine hands have made me and fashioned me together round about.” Job 10:8.
Job, who couldn’t have known as much about his body as is now known, knew that everything about him was ordered by a divine Creator and that the workings of his body didn’t “just happen.”
In the preceding issue we considered the need of our bodies for a continual supply of food and its preparation for nourishment, first of all, by the chewing process. Now, after it is properly chewed and moistened in the mouth, it is swallowed into the throat. Once it reaches that point the eater has no more control over it, for everything then takes place automatically. There is a long tube between the mouth and stomach, known as the esophagus, where muscles push the food along to the stomach. There it will stay for further treatment for three or four hours.
At this point we meet another miraculous structure that God has designed within us. The membrane of the stomach has about thirty-five million little glands (just think of that great number!) that work tether, making gastric juice, which, with enzymes and helpful bacteria, break down proteins and carbohydrates and manufacture all kinds of vitamins from the food. You didn’t know you had a vitamin factory inside you, did you?
Eventually, all that reaches the stomach becomes fluid (with very few exceptions) and when this has taken place, this organ has served its purpose. The liquified food is then automatically passed along into the next stage of the digestion process which takes place in the small intestine. The result of the empty stomach is that hunger is experienced and the appetite for more food renewed. Mankind, in general, has taught himself to usually eat just three times daily, but most other living creatures must eat almost all their waking hours in order to satisfy the needs of their bodies. The kidneys, liver and other organs, which are eventually nourished by the food we eat, have very interesting functions, but there is not time to examine those in today’s article.
The way in which food must stop in various parts of the body for processing reminds us that God’s holy Bible should be read with care. Through the Holy Spirit we will grow as the “living Word” is digested. The Apostle Paul spoke of this when he wrote of being “nourished up in the words of faith and of good doctrine.” 1 Timothy 4:6.
Never hurry when you read the Word of God. It is better to read a few verses and “hear what God the Lord will speak” than to read more than you can take in at one time. Good advice for everybody is found in the scripture: “Meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them.” 1 Timothy 4:15. May our prayer be “Feed me with food convenient for me.” Proverbs 30:8.
(to be continued)

Three Minutes to Get Out!

Memory Verse: “The Lord is ... not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9
It was a Thursday morning in February this past winter and the little town of San Jacinto in Southern California was just getting into its daily routine. In some homes the families were seated at the breakfast table. In other homes children were getting ready for school and their dads were about ready to leave for work. Some who didn’t have to get up early were still in bed or having their morning shower.
The rains were continuing to fall as they had for over a week. There had been reports of flooding in many districts, but the townspeople were not worried. The San Jacinto River, which ran past the edge of town, had always handled these heavy rains and was well-diked.
But suddenly sirens wailed and police cars raced through the town with bullhorns blaring: “Escape for your life! A flood is coming! You have three minutes to get out! Don’t try to save anything!”
The town’s 8,500 people were in immediate danger. They quickly responded, and with water hubcap deep and rapidly rising, made their escape. On reaching high ground they were told that the river, whose course had been changed one hundred years ago, had come back to its old riverbed and was coming directly into the town. Three days later, when the Corps of Engineers had channeled the river back to its other course, these folks were able to return to their mud-filled and water-soaked homes. Some of the houses had been twisted out of shape and off their foundations with great loss and damage to their belongings. It was a sorrowful day for San Jacinto.
There is no report that any who heard the warnings failed to obey them, or foolishly stayed behind to gather up their belongings. No, their immediate concern was to save their lives and the lives of their loved ones.
There are many today who are lulled into a false sense of security as to their eternal condition. Those in San Jacinto were unconcerned about the flood until that morning when they awoke to the danger. But a warning has been sounded in God’s Word that there is a day coming of far greater importance than a local flood. This is when everybody will be called to give an account before God, and this world with everything that belongs to it will be left behind.
God is “not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9. The Lord Jesus Christ, the Saviour of sinners, invites you to flee from this “wrath to come” and turn to Him “while it is called today.” Lien now to His voice as He declares: “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28.

The Expensive Elevator

A man who worked in a coal mine said to a Christian man, “I would like to become a Christian, but I cannot believe what you say. You say that God will forgive my sins if I just turn to Him. That is too easy—too cheap.”
The Christian asked, “Where have you been working today?” “In the coal mine.”
“How did you get out of the mine?”
“The way I usually do. I got into the elevator and it took me up to the top.”
“How much did you pay?” “Pay? I didn’t pay anything!”
“Weren’t you afraid to come up that way? Wasn’t it too cheap?” “Oh, no. It was cheap for me, but it cost the company a lot of money to put in that elevator.”
Then the Christian told the coal miner how much it cost God to save us from our sins. It cost God the death of His Son, Jesus, upon the cross, but salvation is free to all who believe. “The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 6:23.

The Question Was Settled

It was the custom of Mr. Alberts to ask everyone who came to his house, “Are you saved?”
One morning a businessman called at Mr. Albert’s home. He was told that he would be right down. While the businessman was waiting, the thought came to him, “Now when Mr. Alberts enters he will say, `Good morning, my friend, are you saved?’ That is the way he greets the milkman, the meter reader and everyone.”
Then he said to himself, “You might as well settle this matter now and here, and be saved, so that you can say ‘Yes’ when he asks you.”
There, alone in the living room, the man prayed, repented of his sins, and asked Christ to come into his heart and life.
Soon Mr. Alberts came in and said, “Good morning, friend. Are you saved?”
“I am,” said the visitor.
Mr. Alberts knew the man and was surprised. “When did you get saved?” he asked.
“Several minutes ago!” was the reply. “I knew you would ask me that question, so I got it settled before you came in!”
“Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” 2 Corinthians 6:2.

What Happens When We Eat?: Part 3

The Wonders of God’s Creation
“But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased Him. And if they were all one member, where were the body? But now are they many members, yet but one body.” 1 Corinthians 12:18-20.
When that sandwich, hard-boiled egg, stalk of celery and piece of pie you had for lunch have finally been dissolved by the enzymes and acids of the stomach, they move into what is strangely called the small intestine, although it is actually twenty feet or more in length. This is made to fit into a small area in a series of closely-overlapping coils. (How wonderfully God has designed all the parts of our body).
The upper part of this organ is called the duodenum. Its work includes neutralizing the highly acid material for the rest of the system to handle. The pancreas, nearby, helps by sending along other juices, as does the liver, which also has numerous other duties.
After more thorough breaking down in this part of the body, the food continues downward in the small intestine where complete and final digestion takes place. It is here that vital amino acids are produced from the proteins that are in the food we eat. Tiny blood and lymph vessels in the walls of the small intestine can now absorb this food. It is carried into circulation to the liver where final refining takes place. Blood, enriched there with protein molecules, glucose, amino acids and other components goes into the general circulatory system. All of the cells of the body are fed with this nutritious product.
The food residue, having now yielded up its storehouse of nutrition, passes into the large intestine—the colon.
There is now nothing left but waste, and when this has been eliminated from the body, the entire process has been completed as far as these organs are concerned. Isn’t it remarkable how these complex parts of the body take care of the food we have eaten? They all work automatically, helping each other, but never getting into the way of one another. Only God could create such a plan, put it into operation, and have it continue day after day keeping the body alive and active.
Food that we eat takes care of our needs for a little while. But Christ, our heavenly food, gives eternal life to any who come to Him, willing to admit they are sinners, accepting Him as their Saviour and Lord. In the book of Jeremiah (15:16) the prophet said: “Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and Thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart.” Why not ask God to let this be your experience, too.

The Rescued Doll

Memory Verse: “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7
Mr. Dale was a grown man. You would never think he’d be interested in dolls. He didn’t know it either. But it was “City Pick-up Day.” At least once a year people could throw out trash from their basements, their attics, their yards or from anywhere. The people would pile this junk near the curb and big city dump trucks would pick it up. The trucks carried away the spoiled, worn-out, useless things and took them to the city dump.
My, what a lot of no-good things there were: pieces of old rotten wood, broken chairs, torn and worn-out mattresses, old rugs, torn window shades and curtains, and all kinds of dirty, broken things!
Mr. Dale was driving to work the morning of “City Pick-up Day.” As he looked at all the junk along the curbs he suddenly saw a face looking out of one of these piles. It was a dirty face with a mass of tangled, matted hair. It was a doll!
Suddenly Mr. Dale thought of his own daughter when she had been little. She was going to college now studying to be a nurse. But when she was a little girl, she just loved dolls.
And here looking at Mr. Dale with sad, round eyes, was something that once had been a lovely doll. She could be cleaned up and dressed with new clothes. He was sure some little girl would be happy to have her.
So Mr. Dale stopped the car and backed up. He pulled the doll out of the junk pile and put her in the car. Then off he went to work.
That night when he arrived home Mr. Dale showed the doll to his wife.
“Poor thing!” Mrs. Dale exclaimed. “She’s a mess. But she could be beautiful!”
Yes, she was really dirty! Her hair was a mess! Her 29-inch body hadn’t been washed for a very long time.
But it wasn’t long before the dolly was getting a good scrubbing and a shampoo. After she was cleaned up Mrs. Dale made her some new clothes. How pretty she was now! Then they had to decide what to do with her.
“I think my Cousin Marian would like to have her,” said Mrs. Dale. Marian was a lady who lived thirty-five miles away. She had many little friends. These young friends came very often to Cousin Marian’s house to hear stories about the Lord Jesus. They liked to hold something while they listened. How happy they would be to have this beautiful, clean, just-like-new dolly to love and hold!
So that’s just what happened. The doll was named Barbara, which was Mrs. Dale’s first name, because she had helped to make her so beautiful.
Now the little girls take turns holding the doll when they listen to a story. Cousin Marian never forgets to tell them how Barbara was once a poor, dirty, ruined doll going to the trash dump. But Mr. Dale found her and rescued her. And that’s just what the Lord Jesus does for us. Just as Mr. Dale found Barbara, the doll, and saved her, the Lord Jesus rescues boys and girls and saves them from sin and destruction. He washes away their sins in His own precious blood, and dresses them in His own spotless loveliness. And then He gives them His own name. Everyone who bongs to the Lord Jesus Christ is called a Christian—and that means a “Christ One.”
Do you belong to Him? Are you a Christ One?
“For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die. But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, being now justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him.” Romans 5:6-9.

The Magnet

One of the nicest things for a boy or girl to play with is a magnet. A magnet is able to attract to itself things like iron and steel. Other things such as wood and glass, or even other metals such as brass and aluminum are not affected by magnets.
The common straight pin used in sewing is made from either brass or steel. By just looking at the pins it is very difficult to tell them apart. However, if you put some of both kinds in a bowl and bring a magnet close by, you can easily tell them apart. The pins made from steel will “jump” to the magnet. Those made of brass will be left behind. They are not made of the right material to be attracted by the magnet.
The Lord Jesus Christ is like a magnet to this world. The people are all mixed together just like the two kinds of pins. They may all look about the same, but there are two kinds: those who love Christ and those who do not love Him.
The Bible tells us that the Lord Jesus Christ is going to return. All those who love Him and have their sins washed away by His precious blood will be caught up to be with Him. They are like the steel pins left in the bowl. Just as there was no attraction between them and the magnet, those who do not know the Lord as their Saviour will not be caught up when He comes. They will be left behind, shut out forever from heaven; never to be with the Lord Jesus. From what kind of material are you made?
“The Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: then we which are alive and remain shall be CAUGHT UP together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.” 1 Thessalonians 4:16,17.

The Amazing Honeybee

The Wonders of God’s Creation
“How sweet are Thy words unto my taste! Yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth!” Psalms 119:103.
Without the work of the honeybee the world would soon starve. Their work in pollinating blossoms is essential to the growth of all kinds of fruit, vegetables, grains and other plant foods, as well as the reproduction of many other flowering plants.
The hive of the honeybee is the most perfect example of community living to be found anywhere. As many as 50,000 bees will work tether in perfect harmony and each will give its life, if necessary, to protect the hive.
Working without the use of any tools, they build a hive of honeycombs composed of hexagonal (six-sided) cells. In one square inch there are exactly 4.83 cells. How do they make such an exact measurement? No one knows, other than God, who has created them and given them their unusual skills.
Whether setting up a hive prided by a beekeeper, or in a hollow tree or in any other location, the work always follows the same pattern. To start the comb young worker bees produce beeswax in special glands in their bodies. The wax oozes through tiny holes in the body as small flakes. A bee usually makes eight flakes at a time. The bee picks them off its body with its legs and moves them up to its jaws. After chewing the wax it attaches it to the ceiling. Then, working down, the cells are built one by one all the way to the base. Several groups of bees start building from different parts of the ceiling, gradually all being brought together to make a complete comb. Where the sections join together the result is still the same—all adjoining cells measure exactly 4.83 to the inch! They need not run back and forth during construction to make sure they will match when coming together.
Thousands of bees are busy right at this time, each adding its tiny bit to what others have started and doing this without any leader. The walls of the waxen cells, only two or three-thousandths of an inch thick, are so fragile that you could easily crush them in your fingers, yet strong enough to support the weight of the comb as well as the weight of the bees working on it.
Eventually the comb is completed. Then the workers turn their attention to making honey which they use as food. The bee, having filled its stomach with nectar from several blossoms, often comes home with such a load it can barely fly. When nectar is in a bee’s stomach, certain chemicals are added to it. The nectar is sucked back through the mouth and placed into a cell of the honeycomb. There the water in the nectar evaporates and the chemicals change the nectar into honey.
Surely we need not ask where these busy workers get the wisdom needed to build these complex homes, nor how they work together in such harmony. God, “which doeth great things and unsearchable; marvelous things without number” (Job 5:9) is the One who has set their ways and kept them in the same pattern since the day He first created them.
No wonder, as David thought on God’s ways, so many of which pride benefits to man, he could say: “Oh that men would praise the Lord for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men!” Psalms 107:8. But His greatest work of all was on Calvary where He became the Saviour of sinners. Is He your Saviour?

The Rescued Miners

Memory Verse: “I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on Me should not abide in darkness.” John 12:46
“Watch out!” These were the only words of warning that the two coal miners had before the roof of the mine caved in. They had been working together in the Pennsylvania coal mine when the accident happened. Coal, wood supports and rock fell all around them. When it finally stopped, the two miners were only slightly injured, but they were trapped in the mine in total darkness 300 feet below the surface.
For the next six days they crawled along the floor of the mine looking for a way out. They slept for short periods huddled together for warmth. They drank the bitter sulfur water and ate bark from the support timbers. What an awful condition to be in! Yet we know from God’s Word that if we are not saved, our condition is even worse than these miners. “When we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.” Romans 5:6. Without Christ as our Saviour we are hopelessly lost. There is nothing we can do to help ourselves. We need the help of somebody else just as these trapped men needed help from others to be rescued.
As the men grew weaker they stopped trying to find a way out. They had just about given up hope of being rescued when they heard drilling noises. Rescue workers on the surface had been working continuously for nearly a week. Holes were being drilled through the rock in many places above the tunnel to see if the men could be found. The rescue workers also had about given up hope of finding anyone alive.
Suddenly a drill broke through near the trapped men! Then they heard voices! They quickly yelled up the hole that they were down there. A larger hole was drilled so that a light could be lowered to the trapped men. This was followed by food and water. Finally, the hole was widened to eighteen inches. One at a time the two men were lifted up by a rope and harness which had been lowered to them. What a happy sight when they reached the surface where their families and friends had been waiting!
Every true Christian knows the Saviour is the One who has rescued him. Christ died on Calvary so that you might be rescued from sin and eternal death. Now He is waiting to give you new life. Like the trapped miners whose rescue depended entirely upon others from above, you also must be saved through Christ alone. If the trapped men had refused to be rescued, what would have happened to them? They could have survived for only a short time longer. It is only a matter of time for you, too, if you are not saved. Christ offers you salvation NOW, today. It is a free gift and is within the reach of everyone. “By the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men.” Romans 5:18. The miners were very glad and thankful to be rescued. Have you been rescued? If not accept His offer of rescue to you now. “Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.” Isaiah 1:18.

It Takes Two to Make a Quarrel

Don and Joe, who were good friends, decided to have a quarrel one day. They thought it would be fun.
“I’ll pick up a stick,” said Joe, “and say it’s mine. Then you say it’s yours, and then we’ll have a fight.”
So Joe started: “This stick is mine!” he shouted.
Don thought for a while and then replied, “Okay, you can have it!”
So the quarrel ended before it had a chance to begin. We know it always takes two to make a quarrel. It is far better to give in than to cause an argument by trying to have your own way. “Let each esteem other better than themselves.” Philippians 2:3. “Let there be no strife.” Genesis 13:8.

Not Good Enough

One day a Christian man named Mr. Wells was sitting in a barber shop getting a haircut. When he spoke to the barber about the Lord Jesus, the barber replied, “I do my best and that’s good enough for me.”
When Mr. Wells’ haircut was completed and the next man had been seated, Mr. Wells asked the barber, “May I cut this man’s hair?”
“Why no,” replied the barber puzzled.
“But I’ll do my best,” insisted Mr. Wells.
“Yes, I know,” replied the barber, “but your best wouldn’t be good enough for this customer.”
“No, and the best you could do isn’t good enough for God either,” replied Mr. Wells.
Many people think that Christianity is doing your best, but that isn’t right. It is letting God do His best for you, and that took place at Calvary. There the Lord Jesus Christ, God’s Son, gave His life as a sacrifice for your sins and mine. Nothing we can do will get us into heaven. God’s Word tells us that “we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags.” Isaiah 64:6. Only the work of the Lord Jesus on Calvary’s cross can prepare you for God’s holy presence. We hope you will see your need of a Saviour and turn to the Lord Jesus now, and accept His finished work for you.
“Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” Acts 4:12.

The Desert Cactus

The Wonders of God’s Creation
In the American deserts there are about 300 species of cacti, ranging from the tiny Pin Cushion, to the mammoth Saguaro. All of these were created to fit into a hot and arid environment where rainfall might come only once a year, or less. If cactus plants were unprotected, they would quickly be eaten by the desert animals. However, God has provided protection by covering them with bristles and spines which protect them from being eaten. But many small birds do find refuge in them, building nests among these thorns and needles where they are safe from predators. Thus we see another way in which God has made special protection for some of His creatures.
Throughout southern Arizona and northern Mexico the huge Saguaros are often seen along the highways. Some of them reach 75 feet in height and many live 200 years or more. The important thing about this huge plant is its ability to store water. Instead of taproots going deep into the soil, God has provided it with a network of small roots a foot or so beneath the surface. In the larger plants these roots may stretch out a hundred feet or more. When it rains on the sandy soil, these roots soak up the water and transport it into the plant. The plant stores the water in its many storage cells making it look very plump and smooth. Dung a heavy rain, a ton (2,000 pounds) or more of water will be collected into these cells.
An odd characteristic about the cactus is that it has no leaves. This helps preserve its water supply, because leaves not only need moisture for themselves but also give off water; a process known as transpiration. Looking closely at a Saguaro it almost appears that a coat of wax has been sprayed on it. This glossy, smooth surface is another means of holding moisture inside.
The strength of the tall Saguaro lies in the ribs which extend its full length on the outer surface. These give support against the strong desert winds. They are much stronger than the trunk itself, and native Indians often used them for construction material around their homes and farms.
Many birds drill holes into the sides of the trunk and limbs, making nests in the soft, fleshy structure. Normally, decay would set in at such points, but the Creator has taken care of that, too. A layer of scar-tissue immediately begins to cover the wound, and in a short time a smooth, waterproof surface is provided around the opening.
Sometimes Christians refer to this world as being a desert place. We must admit that it is an empty, barren place, unless we have Christ in our lives, for He alone can provide “living waters.” It was well described in Elisha’s day when some said to him: “Behold, I pray thee, the situation of this city is pleasant... but the water is naught, and the ground barren.” 2 Kings 2:19.
The Lord Jesus has said, “Whoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst,” (John 4:14) and extends a final invitation at the end of the Bible, “Whoever will, let him take the water of life freely.” Revelation 22:17. Have you accepted that invitation?

View It From a Safe Distance!

Memory Verse: “Flee from the wrath to come.” Matthew 3:7
Fred Grimm was one of 12 mountain climbers who were climbing Mount Adams last May 18. Thirty miles directly west of them Mount St. Helens was in plain view. As they approached the top of Mount Adams, they saw a sudden puff of smoke come from the top of St. Helens. Fred recalls, “Then within two or three seconds it appeared that the north side of the mountain just blew out! The whole top of the mountain was engulfed in the column of smoke. It rose like an atomic explosion with sort of a shock wave that went to the north.” Within seconds the top 1200 feet of St. Helens disappeared, blown miles into the air.
John Christiansen, another of the mountain climbers, said, “The heat was intense. We began to notice the big, black cloud developing overhead. It started to blot out the sun and then it began raining ash.” The climbers were pelted with fine hail, then pebbles, and were even hit with singed and sand-blasted pine cones from the volcano 30 miles away; however, no one was hurt at this distance.
Meanwhile, on the north side of Mount St. Helens, David Johnston was camping. He was a scientist studying volcanic activity. From his observation station he constantly monitored the volcanic activity close up. Then suddenly the volcano erupted! David grabbed his shortwave radio: “Vancouver, this is it! This is it!” he shouted. Then there was silence. A shock wave of hot gases flattened the trees around his camp and destroyed his trailer. David was dead. The moral is: view it from a safe distance.
The sudden destruction from the volcanic explosion reminds us so vividly of the judgment that is to come on this world. God says in the Bible, “The day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.” 2 Peter 3:10. Just as certainly as Mount St. Helens blasted itself to pieces, this world is doomed to total destruction. And it is all because of the sin of man!
View it from a safe distance! You do not have to suffer the judgment of God. The Lord Jesus “was wounded for our transgressions.” Isaiah 53:5. He took the punishment for sin that I deserved. You, too, deserve God’s judgment, but you can escape it by accepting His free offer of salvation. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” 1 Peter 1:4
Between the peaks of Mount St. Helens and Mount Adams is a wide valley. Those on the Mount Adams side of this valley were safe. Those on the Mount St. Helens side were in danger; in fact, many were killed. It reminds us that God speaks of “Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision.” Joel 3:14. On which side of the valley of decision are you standing? Have you chosen the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour?
God says, “Flee from the wrath to come.” Matthew 3:7. View God’s judgment for sin from a safe distance by receiving the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour. “As many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name.” John 1:12.


“They’re for you!” said my six-year-old son, Mark, as he handed me a wilted bunch of dandelions.
“Why, thank you,” I said as he proudly gave them to me. “I think they need some water. Why don’t you get a glass for them.”
Mark quickly got a glass of water so the flowers could “have a drink,” and we put them on the table for the whole family to see. Then Mark went back outside to play.
I was thinking of the bouquet of dandelions that Mark had given me. Dandelions were everywhere; in the city, in the country, and along the roadsides. I don’t think I’ve been anyplace where they didn’t grow. The yellow blossoms are so colorful and pretty; they attract our attention. Yet in just a few days the beauty is gone and is replaced with gray puff balls that children like to pick and blow. Isaiah writes in the Bible of the flower fading (Isa. 40:7). How important it is to have that new life in Christ “that fadeth not away.” Isaiah 1:4.
The roots of the dandelion grow so very deep that they seem to be a part of the earth. If we know the Lord Jesus Christ as our Saviour, we become “one with Him.” We cannot be separated from Him. The Lord said, “I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.” John 10:28. Do you have that “new life"? Are your sins washed away? Time is short. The youthfulness of today will be gone so quickly. Don’t put it off. Accept Him as your own today. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” Acts 16:31.

Are You Thirsty?

At the end of the hot and dusty day working on a construction job, I checked into a motel. As I entered the lobby I noticed a drinking fountain. I quickly walked over to get a drink. As I approached the fountain I noticed a small sign above it which read: “Stoop and Drink.” Not understanding what the sign meant, I looked for a handle or button to turn on the water, but found nothing. After looking around for a minute or two, I went over to the desk to get the key to my room.
“How does that fountain work?” I asked the man at the desk.
“The sign tells you,” he said without looking up.
Being still very thirsty I went back to the fountain and read the sign again: “Stoop and Drink.” There I stood in front of a drinking
fountain. I was thirsty and wanted a drink. The sign invited me to “Stoop and Drink,” and I couldn’t get it to work!
Finally I stepped back and looked at the sign again: “Stoop and Drink.” “Maybe,” I thought, “I’m supposed to do just what the sign says.” I stepped forward, stooped, and even before my mouth opened, the cool, clear water flowed out. I drank and drank, and it tasted so good!
After my thirst was quenched, I looked at the fountain more closely. I discovered it was controlled by an “electric eye.” As I stooped, a small beam of light sensed my presence and opened a valve to turn on the water.
What a picture this is of another Fountain of which everyone is invited to drink. It is the Fountain of the Water of Life. There are those who refuse to drink from it simply because they don’t understand. Others are trying to do something just as I tried to find a handle to turn or button to push. But no, there is nothing to do but “Stoop and Drink.”
If you are not saved, you are just like I was when I was thirsty. Once you realize you have sinned you feel your thirst. If so, the Fountain of the Water of Life is ready to quench your thirst. Come, “Stoop and Drink"! Don’t hesitate because you don’t understand everything about the Fountain. Just “Stoop and Drink"! God’s Word, the Bible, says, “Let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.” Revelation 22:17.

The Busy Humming Bird

It is a thrill to watch this pretty little bird darting about the garden, dipping its long beak into a flower, then flying backward a short distance before zooming off in another direction. This little bird, weighing less than an ounce, sometimes beats its wings 200 times per second!
Have you ever seen a humming bird’s nest? They like to gather fuzz from certain ferns, or other light material, to make the desired shape. The male brings load after load of this to its mate, who waits at a chosen place on a limb. When enough material has been collected, they work together to make the nest and tightly fasten it to the branch. Then the male flies off to collect silk threads from several spider webs. He brings these home by flying backward, so he will not get tangled in them. He covers the outside of the home with these threads to add strength. When finished he covers the whole nest with moss to hide it from enemies.
Did you know these little creatures are great travelers? North America is only their summer home. They migrate in the autumn; the males leaving first and the females and young coming later. They fly to Central America, some going by way of Florida and Cuba. Others take a shortcut across the Gulf of Mexico, a distance of five or six hundred miles over water, with never a chance to rest en route.
We are told these birds eat nothing while migrating these great distances, which is sometimes as much as two thousand miles. This is remarkable, for when nesting and raising their young they must eat their own weight in nectar and insects every day to survive. The secret of flying such great distances without food is they store up fat by eating extra large portions in advance of their flight. This fat, normally about 15% of their weight, increases to around 45% and prides “fuel” for the long journey.
In spite of much studying, no definite answer has been found to explain why they leave when they do, or how they know how to time their return to be back at the exact time their favorite flowers will be coming into bloom. But we do know that their Creator, watching over everything in His creation, has given them the ability to make their journeys at just the right time, directing them, too, over the many miles they must travel.
The Bible does not mention the humming bird by name, but does tell us “Yea, the sparrow hath found a house, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her young.” Psalms 84:3. The One who enables the lowly sparrows and swallows to nest and raise their young is the same One who also provides for all the needs of the lovely humming birds.
His word to us is “I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with Mine eye.” Psalms 32:8. Are you listening to His instruction and are you willing to let Him guide you in the path of Life? Our Lord Jesus Christ always proves to be a loving Saviour to all who put their trust in Him.

The Secret of Secrets

Memory Verse: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16
Gretchen was the eight-year-old daughter of the printer in whose shop Martin Luther was having his German Bible printed. She spent a lot of time in the shop and was beginning to learn to spell.
One day while in the shop, she picked up a little piece of paper which had these words on it: “For God so loved the world, that He gave....” These were the only words on the paper, but they were happy words to her. She had been taught that God was a great and fearful Judge. This thought scared her. But here on this piece of paper it said that “God so loved the world, that He gave....” What a wonderful thing! She had never heard anything like that before. To think that God loved the world was something quite new to her. She had only thought of Him as being very angry with the people of this world and of wanting to judge them and send them to hell.
She hid the piece of paper in her dress, but during the days that followed she would read it again and again. “God so loved the world, that He gave....” She wondered what it was that He gave. She didn’t realize it, but just the thought that God did love changed her whole life.
One day her mother said to her, “Gretchen, what has happened to you? What makes you so happy, child? You are so happy and cheerful lately.”
Gretchen took out her little piece of paper and showed it to her mother. “It’s the words on this paper that have made me so hay,” she said.
Reading it she said to Gretchen, “I don’t understand. Gave what? What did God give? Where did you get this scrap of paper?”
“It’s from God’s book,” explained Gretchen.
“I still don’t understand,” said her mother. “I don’t see how you can be so happy with what’s written on that paper. You don’t know what God gave.”
“Oh, Mother,” said Gretchen, her face lighting up even more than before. “I don’t know what He gave. But if God so loved the world that He gave anything, I will never be afraid of Him again!”
Gretchen had discovered the secret of secrets, although she only knew about half of the story. I hope she soon learned to know what we know; that it was His Son that He gave. God so loved that He gave His only begotten Son; His well-beloved, who took the punishment for all our sins. This is the way God loves you. Does it make you glad?
“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16

Crafty Rags

A delicious dinner of fried chicken had been enjoyed by the family of dear old Rags. The children wiggled and shifted on their chairs. They, as well as Rags, knew the routine—Bible reading and prayer after the meal. Petted and spoiled as he was, Rags had some manners. He sat during the dinner fairly patiently, only now and then licking his chops and whining softly to make his presence known. After dinner the table was cleared, the chicken bones collected in a paper bag and everything taken into the kitchen.
At last the family kneeled down for prayer. In an instant Rags was heard padding across the kitchen floor right to the bag of bones. Rattle, rattle, crunch, crunch! Rags paused and scampered back into the dining room for a peek. Yes, still on their knees! He hurried back to the bones before prayer time (his “safe time") was over. Naughty old Rags!
“He thinks he’s a person,” laughed one of the children. “He acts like a naughty boy!” We smile at Rags’ sly trick which got him nothing but a good swat. But are not our own ways just as foolish? Can we hide a naughty lie or deed from God? “The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.” Proverbs 15:3.
The family of Rags chuckled at his tricks, but does God think our sinful ways are funny? “Fools make a mock at sin.” Proverbs 14:9. There are no “cute little sins.” Our blessed Saviour had to bleed and die for every single sin. When this lesson was realized by a little girl we know, she exclaimed, “Oh, Mommy! Did He do that for ME?” Have you understood this wonderful truth and asked the Lord Jesus to wash your sins away?

Giving In

One way to lovingly serve others is to give in to their wishes instead of having your own way. Johnnie and Larry were sitting together on a stool that was a little too small to hold them both comfortably. Finally Johnnie said to Larry, “Don’t you think if one of us got off there would be more room for me?”
It often happens that way in our homes and at school. Two people want the same thing that cannot be shared comfortably by both. When that happens there is usually a quarrel unless somebody gives in. Giving in means thinking of others and realizing that they have a right to things, too. It means the opposite of what Johnnie said. Perhaps we could say it this way: “Don’t you think if I got off there would be more room for you?”
“By love serve one another.” Galatians 5:13.

Bible Acrostic

Who, by the preaching of Paul, knew the Lord, and with gladness His servants received? (Acts 16)
Who, taught of Christ, His apostle sought out, and in time of sore trouble relieved? (2 Tim. 1)
Who, in the service of Master above, learned his duty to master below? (Philemon)
Who against God and His high priest rebelled, and met death in confusion and woe? (Num. 16)
Who, in the years yet to come, saw his Lord as the Child unto us that is born? (Isa. 9)
Who came in secret to Jesus by Night, nor could meet the Jews’ hatred and scorn? (John 3)
Who, for the truth’s sake, in Christ was beloved by the apostle most dear to the Lord? (3 John)
Who, in the pride of his heart, forsook God, and was smitten a leper abhorred? (2 Chron. 26)
Who, in his doubt, went to Jesus, and found that from Nazareth came Israel’s King? (John 1)
Who, as a brother beloved in the Lord, did from Paul news to Ephesus bring? (Eph. 6)
Who, in the fear of the Lord, hid His saints from the wrath of an impious Queen? (1 Kings 18)
Who from the mob to take Jesus drew near? In their front a lost traitor was seen. (Matt. 26)
Who, by the aid of his God restored health to a leper, reproving his pride? (2 Kings 5)
Who, bearing witness to Jesus, was stoned, and forgiving his enemies died? (Acts 7)
Whence came the patriarch faithful when tried, and the pattern of all who believe? (Gen. 11)
Whom did the Saviour forewarn of the sin over which he should bitterly grieve? (Luke 22)
Join the initials to all of these names,
And a motto they give for each year;
Which if we heed in our journey through life,
Will make our path bright, safe, and clear.

Inseparable Companions

The Wonders of God’s Creation
“His tender mercies are over all His works.” Psalms 145:9.
In the deserts of southern United States the creamy blossoms of the yucca plant are a beautiful sight when they are in bloom. But this plant would soon become extinct were it not for the work of a little moth. The moth itself also would not survive were it not for the yucca. They are entirely dependent on each other.
No bees, ants, or other insects help fertilize the yucca flower. This is entirely the work of the Pronuba moth. The moth seems to know what it has to do since it goes about its activities so intentionally. The yucca blossom opens in the evening and is open most of the night. While still daylight the female moth flies to a half-open yucca blossom. At darkness when the blossom opens fully, she collects a good supply of pollen. She then forms the pollen into a ball about the size of her head. Tucking it under her chin she goes to another blossom. As she walks up the pistil (female part of the flower) she deposits several eggs into its hollow center. Then she continues her climb to the top where she deposits the load of pollen on the top part of the pistil, rubbing it in by pressing her head against it again and again. This pollenates the yucca flower. If the yucca were capable of doing so it would, no doubt, say “thank you very much.”
After some time the flower (at the point where she deposited the eggs) turns into a pod with a hard shell filled with seeds, among which the eggs lie. These hatch out as tiny caterpillars who use the seeds as their only source of food. Later they chew through the pod, drop to the ground and spin themselves into cocoons. An adult moth eventually comes out of the cocoon to repeat the cycle at the same time that new flowers are forming on the yucca.
Any other moth would just find a place to lay her eggs and then be on her way. What has directed the Pronuba to collect pollen from one flower, then change to another flower before laying her eggs, and finally to remain until she has disposed of the pollen so necessary to the life cycle of the yucca? Certainly all this is not by chance. A Supreme Power has told the little moth what to do.
Some will say this is only instinct. Perhaps this is right, but it is God-given instinct and the little moth is obedient to it. How serious to realize that man has been given an intelligence much higher than instinct, but is walking in his own way away from God. It must be said of man, “When they knew God, they glorified Him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.” Romans 1:21-22.
The Spirit of God pleads with everyone to “cast down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:5. Is your heart in submission to Him, the Creator of everything?

"He's Drowning!"

Memory Verse: “Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear.” Isaiah 59:1
It was only a few more yards to the other side of the river. As I tried to swim against the current with my arms and legs feeling dead tired, my mind kept asking, “Why did you get yourself into this trouble?”
I had come to the river with my two older brothers. We were the only ones there, so we decided to go in for a quick swim. The river was not very wide at this point but quite deep even close to the banks. Jumping from an over-hanging tree branch, we still couldn’t touch the bottom.
After jumping off the tree branch and swimming along the shore, my two brothers raced each other to the other side. I told them I was coming, too, especially after they said they didn’t think I could make it.
About half way across I began to get tired. The current was much stronger here and I was gradually being carried downstream. I kept trying to swim but there wasn’t any strength left in my arms!
What a picture of the sinner without Christ. He works so hard attempting to save himself as he tries to do what he thinks is right. He tries so hard to “get himself to the other side.” But he is just sinking deeper and deeper in sin without any hope of making it on his own.
Finally realizing that I was not going to make it, I tried to call for help. My brothers, who were lying down in the sunshine, weren’t pang any attention to me. I tried to call again and got a mouthful of water. I went under but still tried to keep swimming. I rose to the surface for a moment and shouted to my brothers. They didn’t seem to understand that my call was for help, and continued dozing in the sunshine.
Unlike the sleeping brothers, the Lord Jesus Christ is ready, willing and able to save all those who call on Him. His Word says, “Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither His ear heavy, that it cannot hear.” Isaiah 59:1.
As I went under several more times, I tried to call for help once more. My oldest brother suddenly yelled, “Hey, Jim, he’s drowning! He’s drowning!” As I was going under again and still trying to move my arms, they both jumped into the water. Quickly they swam to where I was struggling. I felt a hand under each of my arms. I let them lift my head above the water as they pulled me toward shore. I quit struggling and relaxed knowing that I could rely on them. They had come in to save me. Now I was their responsibility and I was very willing to let them save me. How good it felt, in my weakness, to be supported by their strength.
This is just the way a lost sinner gets saved. When he knows he is in danger, he tries harder and harder to save himself. He fails again and again and finds out at last that he is “without strength.” Then he cries, “Lord, save me!” and finds underneath him the “everlasting arms.” He relies on those arms, trusts the Lord Jesus Christ, leaves the responsibility with Him, and he is saved. Jesus saves by coming down to the sinner “dead in trespasses and sins.” If you will just let the One who has come down to save you lift you up, you will be saved. “Ye were without Christ... having no hope, and without God in the world: but now, in Christ Jesus, ye who sometime were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ.” Ephesians 2:12. 13.

"I'm Thankful for-"

The kindergarten teacher had asked her class to draw a picture of something for which they were thankful. When they finished, each of the children brought their picture to the teacher. They explained what the picture was and why they were thankful.
Pictures of bikes, pets, mothers and lots of different things were proudly shown and explained to the teacher. Finally Tracy handed her picture to the teacher. She had a big smile on her face as the teacher looked at the picture. It was a smiling face in a big circle with arms and legs sticking out.
“It’s very pretty,” said the teacher. “Who is this?”
“It’s a picture of me,” said Tracy. “Why are you so happy in this picture?” asked the teacher.
“Because, I’m thankful for Jus,” said Tracy.
Are we like this little five-year-old girl who was “thankful for Jesus"? If so, then do our faces show it? Are we a bright spot in the lives of everyone we see or meet? Can we say like the Psalmist, “Happy is that people, whose God is the Lord.” Psalms 144:15.

The Pony Express

The Pony Express was an important part of early American history. It ran from St. Joseph, Missouri to Sacramento, California; a distance of 1900 miles. Forty men, each ring 50 miles at a stretch, dashed along the trail using 500 of the fastest horses available. The trip was made in ten days.
To keep the weight down, their clothing was very light, their saddles were small and no weapons were carried. The horses wore small horseshoes or none at all. The mail pouches were flat and could not be larger than a certain size. Letters had to be written on very thin paper, because the postage was $5.00 an ounce! However, even with all these restrictions on weight, there was something that every rider carried—a full-sized Bible.
The Bible was presented to each rider when he joined the Pony Express, and he always took it with him even with all the weight restrictions. Why? Because the Scriptures were regarded as “standard equipment.” God was important to the people in these frontier days. They realized the need of reading God’s Holy Word every day.
We, too, like the Pony Express rider, are on our way to a destination—Eternity. God has arranged that He will not leave us without a compass or a guide. He has provided us with these in His precious Word —the Bible.
Is the Bible precious to you? Is it standard equipment for you every day? Do you read and study its pages? I hope so. “From a child thou hast known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.” 2 Timothy 3:15-17.

Positive Thinking

God has given us understanding for one main reason: so we may know His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. 1 John 5:20. In Philippians 4:8 we have a list of things upon which to think, or how to use our understanding: “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”
If we think about the Lord Jesus, all these lovely things are found in Him. But there is one thing the Lord does not want us to use our understanding for, and that is seeking to know evil. The less we know about evil, the better. It was Eve’s curiosity to know evil that led her astray, and it has also led boys and girls astray all through the centuries.
“That I may know Him (Christ).” Philippians 3:10.

About the Salmon

The Wonders of God’s Creation
“Speak to the earth, and it shall teach thee; and the fishes of the sea shall declare unto thee.” Job 12:8.
Job was rightly impressed with the fact that all things on earth, as well as the fish in the waters, should speak of God’s ways to everyone who will listen.
The story of the salmon is an interesting one. Its eggs are laid in the gravel bed of a cold mountain stream. When the egg hatches, the little salmon lives a few days on the yolk sac to which it is attached. It finally frees itself from this sac and leaves its gravel bed to make a home in the stream. In Alaska mosquitoes breed in great numbers. Their larvae, which the fish finds in nearby pools, become its principal food.
After six months to a year in these waters, an inner urge causes it to move toward the ocean. With hundreds and sometimes thousands of others, it begins its long trip to the ocean, swimming backwards wherever the stream is swift or cascades and waterfalls are present. By swimming backwards, facing upstream, it can control its movements and avoids drowning in the swift currents. How does it know enough to do this? God has given it that knowledge!
Following its long swim downstream the young salmon leaves the fresh water and enters the salt water of the ocean. Few other species of fish can adapt to such a change. No one is sure where it spends the next four or five years of its life, but we may be sure that God “In whose hand is the soul (or life) of every living thing” (Job 12:10), is watching over it. The mature salmon, some weighing as much as a hundred pounds, turns back toward the fresh water returning to the spot where it first entered the ocean. It travels up this stream all the way to its exact birthplace. En route it must jump waterfalls ten feet high or higher, shelf by shelf, but always presses on. Large numbers, males and females together, make the journey, each leaving the group when it comes to the little stream where it first came to life.
At its final destination the female, with a swoop of her strong tail, makes a trench in the gravel bed. There she lays thousands of eggs, fertilized by the male. Then both of them, having finished their work, float down the current and will die somewhere along the way. They have literally given their lives to provide life for others. This causes us to think of the One who gave His life that others might have eternal life. What have you thought of Him? “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16.
Men marvel at the ways of this spectacular fish. God created it this way in the beginning, and ever since it has obediently followed God’s purposes. God desires obedience in us, too, with His sure promise: “In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.” Proverbs 3:6.

"Jump Out! We'll Catch You!"

Memory Verse: “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” Acts 4:12
The shrill siren on the fire engine broke up our ball game as the truck raced down the street. Then we noticed the billows of smoke coming from a building several blocks away. We jumped on our bikes and chased after the trucks.
As we came to the block we could see that it was the small community hospital which was burning. Flames were shooting up from the center of the three-story building. As we arrived we could see the hospital staff taking some of the patients out of the building. The firemen were raising their ladders to rescue patients who were standing at the third floor windows in the front of the hospital.
Suddenly we heard shouts from the back of the hospital. Four men were trapped in a room on the third floor. The room was on fire and they were yelling for help! All of the ladders were already in use. The fire was spreading, and something had to be done quickly if the men were to be saved.
A group of eight firemen brought a large, round net which they stretched out under the window. They braced themselves and called to the men, “Jump out one at a time! We’ll catch you!”
Three of the men jumped out safely into the net. The fourth man paused, looked down at the net and cried, “I can’t jump! Isn’t there any other way?”
The firemen yelled, “The ladders are all being used in the front of the building. There is no other escape.
The net is safe! Jump out! We’ll catch you!”
The man would not jump. He was afraid to trust himself to the net and to the strong arms and backs of the firemen. He turned back into the burning building and disappeared in the smoke. Some hours later he was found dead in the burned-out building. He refused to take the only way of escape.
Do you understand that you, like the man in the burning building, are in danger of death and the punishment for your sins. A way of escape has been made for you. There isn’t much time and the danger is very near. You must put yourself completely in the saving hands of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the safe and only way. “There is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” Acts 4:12.
“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.” John 14:6. The Lord Jesus Christ died upon the cross. He paid the ransom for you and now is waiting for you to take Him as your Saviour. Jump into His outstretched arms today. He can and will save you now.

In Five Years …

I had just finished buckling my seat belt on a flight to Chicago when a middle-aged businessman sat down beside me. As we talked during the flight I was able to guide the conversation to the things of God.
“Oh sure, I think religion is a good thing,” he told me. “When I was a child, I went to Sunday school and church every Sunday morning.”
“Are you a Christian?” I asked.
“You couldn’t really say that, I guess.” He hesitated, shrugged: “I’m really too busy to think about religion.” He went on to tell me about the large company of which he was president, a company with offices in other countries.
“Do you feel business matters are more important than spiritual matters?” I asked.
A startled look came over his face. “Well, you know how those things go. The fact is....” He broke off and cleared his throat. “I do plan to get right with God when I retire in five years. Things would have to... well, sort of change in the company if I did it now.”
After landing at the Chicago airport we each went our separate way. My companion was going on to Los Angeles. It was less than an hour later that I heard of the crash of that flight which was taking off for Los Angeles. All aboard were instantly killed. What a tragedy! My companion had reservations on that flight.
“In five years,"... he was going to wait five more years. What a short period of time compared with eternity! There is no comparison between the riches of salvation and the dollars and cents of five more years! How little this man realized that in just a short time he would be in eternity, and evidently he was not saved. What a warning this should be to anyone who does not know the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour. Every tick of the clock brings you nearer to eternity, and you could die at any moment even though you may think you have many years yet to live. “Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.” Proverbs 27:1.
God’s Son paid the price for your salvation. If you come to Him believing and accepting His work on Calvary’s cross for your sins, you will spend eternity in heaven.
“Behold, NOW is the accepted time; behold, NOW is the day of salvation.” 2 Corinthians 6:2.
“How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?” Hebrews 2:3.

Can You Write Your Name?

Danny is in kindergarten and he has just learned to write his name. Can you read it here? (You will have to hold it up to a mirror to see it correctly.) Danny writes his name on books, paper, or anything he can find; even on the wall, which, of course, he should not do. Little children love to write their names just after they have learned how to do it. When my little sister learned to write her name, she wrote “Anita, Anita, Anita” everywhere!
We like to be able to write our name, but it is far better to have our name written in heaven! If you have taken Jesus as your Saviour, then you can “Rejoice, because your names are written in heaven.” Luke 10:20.
Is YOUR name written in heaven?

Bible Animals and Birds

A Bible Searching
Swift “steed of the desert,” thy name must be told (Gen. 24:64),
Whose hair clothed a preacher, both faithful and bold (Mark 1:6).
Bird — type of sinner, by nature unclean,
The friend of corruption, you know what I mean (Gen. 8:7).
Majestic and powerful, the strength of thy wing Like the way which the Lord His people did bring (Ex. 19:4).
A reptile so subtle so deadly its sting,
The horse and its rider to earth it can bring (Gen. 49:17).
Pure, gentle and harmless, thy blood must be spilt
Ere the sinner can have a remission of guilt (Lev. 14:22).
With head reared on high, and a beat of the wing,
The swiftest pursuers to scorn thou dost bring (Job 39:13-18).
So graceful thy form, so quick is thine ear,
Thou’rt off like the wind when danger is near (1 Chron. 12:8).
Now then, dear young readers, with Bible in hand,
Set down the initials, and then understand
That the name thus evolved remembered should be
In the days of thy youth, ere its precious years flee.

The "Exceeding Wise" Ant

The Wonders of God’s Creation
Everyone is familiar with ants. They are found in every part of the earth—over six thousand different kinds. The Bible speaks of them, too: “The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer.” Proverbs 30:25.
Ants cannot eat solid food. While it looks like they are eating bits of meat, sweets, etc., what they are actually doing is covering the food with digestive juices. These break the solids down into liquid form which can then be lapped up with their tiny tongue. There is one species called “Fungus Ants” that chews leaves into piles of pulp which they place in their nests. Fungi live on this moist material and the ants eat these fungi as their only source of food. To be sure of a constant supply they take care of the fungi beds just as a gardener works in his garden.
The ant starts life as an egg which hatches into a larva, like a miniature caterpillar. The larvae cannot move and have to be fed by adult ants. Eventually the larva goes into a pupa stage, at which time it spins a cocoon. The adult ants are very protective of these coons, taking them into a “nursery room” and watching over them constantly. If the colony decides to move or if they fear the attack of an enemy, the coons are picked up and carried to a new home. Sometimes those observing this mistakenly think the white objects are eggs, but actually the eggs are so small they can hardly be seen. Later, when the pupae break out of their cocoons, they come out as fully developed ants, ready to take their place in the colony.
Most ants have compound eyes, both of which will have a thousand or more surfaces—each acting as a separate eye. However, they do not seem to see images as we do. It is more the sense of smell that directs them in finding food, locating other ants, or finding their nests. One researcher counted over two hundred “smelling” cones in one of these little insects. They are also helped by a sensitive touch through the antennae on their heads.
How have all their abilities and habits come about? Certainly not by any self-teaching. God has given them these outstanding qualities and we may be sure He watches over them and everything they do. Perhaps, too, He would like us to find an object lesson in their busy and industrious lives. For instance, God does not look with favor on idleness and has told us “That if any would not work, neither should he eat.” 2 Thessalonians 3:10. No ant ever loafs.
Another Scripture says: “It is good for a man that he bear the yoke in his youth.” Lamentations 3:27. We should never weary of well-doing and always remember the pattern of the Lord Jesus who, when here, “went about doing good.” But it is a serious thought that our best efforts to do good are of no use unless we know the Lord as our own personal Saviour. “For without faith it is impossible to please God.” Hebrews 11:6.

"Nobody Wants Us"

Memory Verse: “Jesus ... said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not; for of such is the kingdom of God.” Mark 10:14
It was one of those days. There was mountains of work to do with two young girls underfoot, or on the table, or in the pantry, or anything and everything to make extra problems for poor Mother. It was hog butchering day. The kitchen stove was jammed with buckets and pans heating the water needed to dunk the hog. The kitchen was steaming hot, and Daddy had been stern as he and the hired man left for the barn. “Under no circumstances are these girls to be allowed out in the barn. It’ll be too dangerous. Understand?”
Of course Mother understood. But Jennie, age four, had just spilled the honey on the table, and let the cat in who had tripped Mother as she hurried with a stack of dishes. Susan, age five and one-half pulled the meat grinder down with a crash, completely shattering Mother’s nerves. “That does it!” she exclaimed. “Go outside now and play with the kittens—or something!”
So outside they went. Being very curious, they thought they would just take a peek at the butchering. They met with a snappy order to go back to the house RIGHT NOW.
Jennie brushed a tear from her honey-streaked face and looked at her sister. “Nobody wants us! Let’s run away!”
“Yup, let’s!” Susan pouted. “They’ll be sorry when we’re gone.” After a moment’s thought she added, “C’mon, let’s fill the wagon with a whole buncha shoes, ‘cause we’re gonna walk a long, long ways!”
Soon a few curious crows observed two little girls pulling a wagon loaded with old shoes. They trudged along on their sad journey up hill and down, all the way to the busy, dangerous highway.
“Whoa, there!” Les Walton slammed on his brakes. “Say, aren’t you them little Fredericks girls?” Susan spoke up bravely. “Yes. We’re leaving home.”
“Oh—zatso? Whatfore ya got so many shoes?” And he threw his head back with a loud laugh. “Well now, little ladies, how about old Les givin’ ya a lift?”
To make a long story short, the little Fredericks girls were “lifted” home to parents who were so busy that they had only begun to miss them, but who were none the less very grateful for their safe return.
“All we like sheep have gone astray,” the Bible tells us in Isaiah 53, verse 6. We are just as weak and unprepared to meet life’s real dangers and our great enemy, Satan, as our little friends were. We, too, are often so foolish as to think that God does not care at all what happens to us. Doesn’t He care? Listen: “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16.
Our earthly parents may forget us for a while, but our God never will. If you will take His Son, Jesus Christ, as your very own, he will be a faithful, strong Shepherd and carry you safely home to heaven.

Nancy's Picture

Nancy was a junior-high-school student who loved to draw and paint pictures. Her teacher liked her pictures and often hung them on the bulletin board of the class room or in the hall.
One day all the students in the art class were painting pictures. Nancy was busy painting a picture of a bowl of fruit. She thought it was a very good picture, one of the best she had ever done. “Mrs. Hastings will really like this one when she comes to look at our pictures,” she thought to herself.
Mrs. Hastings came around when the pictures were almost finished. She told several of the students how good their pictures were. When she came to Nancy’s she got a very disappointed look on her face and said, “I thought you could do better than that, Nancy. I’m a little disappointed in this picture.” Then she went on to point out the things that Nancy had done wrong.
Nancy had been so proud of her picture, and had been so sure that the teacher would like it. She had tried her best. When she got home she told her mother about her disappointment.
Nancy had done her best, but the teacher did not approve of it. How this reminds us of those who think that doing their best will get them to heaven; however, our best is nothing but filthy rags in God’s sight. (See Isaiah 64:6.) Our best will never gain God’s approval. He says in His Word, “Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us.” Titus 3:5. Salvation is a free gift and good works or deeds are not necessary to receive it. “The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 6:23.

"Today, Sir, Today!"

A visitor traveling in the northern part of Italy came to the castle, Villa Asconati. The grounds looked so interesting that the visitor asked the gardener at the gate if he could walk through them. Nothing could have pleased the gardener more.
Before he left, the visitor asked: “How long has it been since the owner of the castle was here?”
“About twelve years.”
“Does he ever write?”
“Then who gives you your instructions?”
“The owner has an agent in Milan.”
“Does he ever come here?”
“No, he never has.”
The visitor smiled kindly. “You certainly keep these grounds in excellent condition. They look as if you expected the owner to come tomorrow.”
The gardener almost interrupted his visitor: “Today, sir, today!”
“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ.” Titus 2:13. As those who are expecting the Lord Jesus Christ to return very soon, do our lives show others that we are watching and waiting for Him? Does our life say, “Today, sir, today!"?

The Kangaroo Rat

The Wonders of God’s Creation
“The Lord is good to all: and His tender mercies are over all His works.” Psalms 145:9
There are sixteen known species of this funny little animal in the western United States and Canada, in addition to several kangaroo mice, which are its cousins. They are fun to watch, particularly if you could see them playing in the moonlight. They nest and live in burrows under trees or fallen logs, but in the desert they make their homes in the sand.
Its name describes it well, since it looks very much like a miniature kangaroo and hops about in much the same way, resting on its tail from time to time. It is one of God’s creatures which is active at night and is seldom seen in daylight. But this is not without danger since snakes, coyotes, foxes and other animals that are also active at night find it a tasty meal whenever they catch it.
However, God has given it an unusual defense against such enemies. With long and powerful hind legs it makes long leaps, gliding through the air. Its tail, which is extra long with a powderpuff of hair on the end, acts as a rudder in these leaps. By twisting it one way or the other it can change its direction in mid-air. This makes it difficult to catch for those animals who are chasing it.
An unusual feature of this long-legged rodent is that it never drinks water, even though it lives in such hot places as Death Valley. Yet its blood has the same proportion of water that is found in other animals. Several things account for this. Being active only at night keeps it from loosing moisture by evaporation in the sun’s heat. Also, it never sweats or pants, which aids in conserving moisture.
But the real answer is that it actually manufactures water for itself through a body chemistry peculiar to it alone. Water, as we know, is composed of hydrogen and oxygen. Starch from the seeds it eats contains a supply of hydrogen and the air it breathes is rich in oxygen. Through a complex process God has given it, the chemical plant inside its body puts these together to make water.
The kangaroo rat, made by its Creator, is also cared for by Him even though it is active only at night. The Bible tells us, “Yea, the darkness hideth not from Thee; but the night shineth as the day: the darkness and the light are both alike to Thee.” Psalms 139:12.
This is a serious thought for us, too. Hagar proclaimed “Thou God seest me,” (Gen. 16:13) and David prayed to God saying, “my sins are not hid from Thee.” (Psa. 69:5). But when walking in obedience he proved the Lord’s lovingkindness and then could say, “The Lord will give grace and glory: no good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly. O Lord of Hosts, blessed is the man that trusteth in Thee.” (Psa. 84:11,12). Is your trust in God, too?

Stuck in a Clothes Chute

Memory Verse: “He is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by Him.” Hebrews 7:25
Steven’s screams echoed through the house. His mother, who had been talking on the telephone, dropped it and ran into the hall. The cries were coming from the clothes chute in the closet! Two-year-old Steven was always getting into everything. This time he had gotten into something that would not let him out!
Steven had discovered the clothes chute while his mother was talking on the telephone. The chute was on the second floor of the two-story house. Soiled clothing was dropped into the chute which extended down to a bin in the laundry room. He had opened the lid covering the chute, then he climbed in feet first and sat on the ledge. He thought it was lots of fun to kick his feet against the metal sides of the chute. He liked the clang, clang, clang as it shook the inside of the chute.
In his play Steven slipped off the ledge and slid down into the chute. As he struggled to climb up, he just slipped down a little more. It was no longer fun! He was trapped! That’s when he started to scream.
Steven was being just like people today who play with sin. It’s fun for a time and they enjoy it. But sooner or later it traps them, and the more they struggle the worse it gets. Once they realize they can’t escape by themselves—that the help of someone else is needed, they look for someone to save them. It is then that the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ, can save them. Jesus suffered for our sins on Calvary’s cross. He died for us so that we might have our sins washed away. Then He rose from the dead and is now waiting for those who will put their trust in Him. Won’t you trust Him now? “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” Acts 16:31.
When Steven’s mother found him she tried to pull him out. The more she tugged, the more he struggled and the more tightly wedged in he became. She finally gave up, ran to the telephone and called her husband who worked nearby.
“Hurry home!” she said. “Steven is stuck in the clothes chute!”
“He’s stuck where?” he asked. “In the clothes chute and I can’t get him out! Please hurry!”
Steven’s mother ran back to the clothes chute. Steven was really screaming now! As she worked to free him, the chute pulled away from the back of the closet. When her husband arrived they worked together to get the chute out of the closet. Then by working from both ends, pushing and pulling, they finally freed Steven.
There are many who are still trying to save themselves, but have found that they have no strength. God’s Word, the Bible, speaks of One who can “Deliver him from going down to the pit: I have found a ransom.” Job 33:24. By dying for us on the cross He has provided the ransom to save us. Won’t you accept His offer of mercy to you now and be saved? "Now is the day of salvation.” 2 Corinthians 6:2.

Queen Victoria's Dolls

Children of all ages love to play with dolls. Both boys and girls have played with various kinds of dolls for thousands of years. Queen Victoria of England played with dolls until she was fourteen years old. She owned dozens and dozens of dolls, and had made, clothes for more than thirty of them. She especially liked small wooden dolls, 1 to 12 inches high with jointed arms and legs, called penny dolls. She had more than 100 of these. She also had a doll house where she kept many of the smaller ones.
Queen Victoria became queen at the age of 17, but she still loved her dolls and doll houses. Since the queen was so fond of them, thousands of other people wanted dolls and doll houses too, and toymakers were kept busy making them. If the queen liked something, then other people liked it too, and wanted it. It is strange, but true, that what a king or queen or any important person does, other people want to follow their example.
As a Christian boy or girl, are you setting a good example for others to follow? What we do and say affects others, even if we don’t realize it. We can’t try to please the Lord by ourselves; we must ask the Lord’s help each day to shine for Him. “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” Philippians 4:13.
If you are not a Christian, than you cannot please the Lord and set a good example. Have you come to the Lord Jesus as a poor, lost sinner and believed that His precious blood washes away all your sins? If you haven’t, do it today, and then with the Lord’s help you can shine for Him in this dark world.
“That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world.” Philippians 2:15.

From Darkness to Light

A missionary was translating the New Testament into one of the forms of the Turkish language. He had been working with a group known as the Kirghizs who were Buddhists. He was able to get the help of two young natives from the tribe in the translation work. They were glad to help and asked many questions about the missionary’s family and country. This translating went on for many months. The missionary and the two natives each took a number of verses to translate. Every day they met to compare these translations together and decide which was the best. In the course of this work the natives asked many questions about the Gospel, which the missionary was always glad to answer.
Finally the translation was fished, and they met again for the last time. The finished translation lay on the table. Since their work was done, the missionary expected the natives to say “good-bye” and leave, but they didn’t. They sat very quietly by the table looking very serious and thoughtful. The missionary wondered what was bothering them and asked if they had any questions.
“No,” they answered, “but we have something to say.”
“Well, my friends, speak up,” replied the missionary. And then to his surprise and delight the older one pointed to the translation on the table and said, “I want to tell you that we are both converted to the religion of that book. We have been followers of the teachings of Buddha. We have studied the books closely which contain his teachings. The more we studied them the more confused we became, and our hearts remained empty. But in studying the truths of Jesus Christ, we have found it to be just the opposite. The more we study His words, the plainer they become to us.”
They had seen Jesus. They had found Him to be “a light to lighten the Gentiles.” Luke 2:32. And what a beautiful illustration this is of the truth and meaning of David’s words when he says, “The entrance of Thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple.” Psalms 119:130.

Two Oddities of the Ocean

The Wonders of God’s Creation
“And God created great whales, and every living creature that moth, which the waters brought forth abundantly.” Genesis 1:21.
THE CARRIER SHELL is native to the waters of Japan, the Philistines and Malaysia. It is a strange marine animal, looking like a pile of dead shellfish.
Although provided with its own shell, it does not seem satisfied with it; possibly because some parts of its body are not covered. So it is always on the lookout for added protection. As it moves about on the ocean floor it finds an empty shell of the right size and puts its mouth against it for several minutes. This adds a thin coating of new material to the shell. This, together with a cement it produces, enables the new shell to stick to the carrier’s back wherever it chooses to place it.
Never satisfied with only one added shell, these odd little fellows will often add a dozen or more to their backs and sides. This strange habit apparently adds protection and at the same time conceals it from its enemies, who must often wonder what kind of creature it is with its big pile of ornaments.
THE HARP SHELL is a native of tropic waters also. It is large and beautiful with a variety of colors and has a strong ribbed shell covering it. Most of its time is spent plowing through the sandy bottom, searching for shrimps or crabs.
It has a most interesting method of catching a crab. The harp shell and the crab are enemies; the crab loves to eat the harp, and the harp loves to make a meal out of the crab. The harp, however, usually wins when they meet. When the harp finds a crab, it purposely exposes part of its “foot” which the crab immediately grabs. Since this is an expendable part of the harp, it breaks off easily and later grows back. While the crab is enjoying this treat, the harp moves around it, covering its enemy with a sticky substance on which it throws a mound of sand. The crab can’t escape. The meal, which it accepted so eagerly, was really a trap. Now the harp has its turn and eats the crab.
These are strange but interesting details of sea life. We may not understand why they were created, but they are part of God’s purposes in the ways of the ocean. We know they were not originally made to devour one another, but their peaceful way of life was disrupted when sin came into the world. Happily, there is a time coming when everything will be made right. But before that time comes a dreadful judgment is coming. All who have refused God’s gift of salvation will stand before the great white throne to hear that judgment pronounced against them.
If you have not done so, listen to the warning: “Escape for thy life"! Turn to Christ, the Saviour of sinners, while it is still the day of grace. “The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and He knoweth them that trust in Him.” Nahum 1:7.

Little Rebel of the Woodpile

Schatzen, a wire-haired Brindle Dachshund, peeped out from under his long, shaggy eyebrows and looked unhappily over the little back yard which was now his new home. Being a high-class dog with “papers” did not help the aching of his doggy heart for his old loving playmates. Perhaps that is why he refused to go into the dog house provided for him. Instead, he chose to live under the woodpile against the garage. His “weiner dog” body, having very short legs, did not need much head room. He only came out to eat and, of course, to bark at cats and rabbits if nobody was around.
Today, as a dreary rain fell, he dozed, but was suddenly awakened by a cold feeling on his hind legs. His woodpile house was leaking! As he wriggled to a new spot, he heard his owner at the back door. “Schatzen, come here!” She whistled and called again. Getting no response from Schatzen she shouted, “Well, go ahead and be stubborn!” and she slammed the door.
The next day food was placed outside the door for Schatzen, and the owners then left for a short vacation. The drizzle continued all day as Schatzen dozed. Unknown to him, the rain was slowly soaking the boards in his woodpile. Weighted and sagging, they made his tunnel to get out too low. When Schatzen tried to leave his cozy inside-room, he found he was a prisoner in the woodpile! And the owner he had ignored had driven away for a long weekend! Would he die all alone in the woodpile?
On the fourth day he heard a wonderful voice speaking to his new owner: his old owner! He cried and yelped! She was listening and she heard him. Those boards began to fly and quickly she reached the trembling wet thing. Schatzen looked up with eyes sad enough to melt a heart of stone. Even though he was soaked and chilled and hungry, he was happy now with those he loved.
Later, as his dear old owner was holding him warm and snug, she whispered, “You precious stubborn little thing! Elsa,” she said to her daughter nearby, “Schatzen is a good picture of us before we are saved. We want to do things our own way and we’re held prisoner by sin. All he could do was cry; just like us—helpless. ‘When we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.’ That’s Romans 5:6. But Isaiah 65:24 shows how quickly our God will help us: ‘Before they call, I will answer.'"
You will be glad to know that Schatzen soon moved to a new happy home where there were children. But what about you? Is there to be a happy ending to your very own personal story? Are you stiffening yourself against God’s voice to you? Every day you add to the heavy load of sin. One cry and Jesus will hear—Jesus Himself, the very Son of God. Because He could not sin, God could punish Him instead of you and me. Let Him lift your heavy load, and then you, too, can go to a bright new home where Jesus is.
“God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16.

The Easy Chair

We once heard of a dear old Christian lady who lived all alone in a small apartment in the poorer part of the city. She was too old to work, but she was lovingly cared for by her Christian friends. She didn’t have much in the way of furniture in her little place, but she never complained. She was thankful for what the Lord had given her.
Once she was asked, “Do you ever get discouraged about your poor conditions?”
“Satan does tempt me to complain sometimes,” she answered.
“And what do you say then?” the visitor asked.
“Why, I just ask the Lord to put me in the easy chair to keep me quiet.”
Her visitor looked around for anything that looked like an easy chair and remarked, “I don’t see any easy chair; I don’t think I quite understand what you mean.”
“No, you don’t see it,” she said, “but it is always close by. When He sets me in it, I just rest and say to Satan, ‘Now you be quiet.’ My easy chair is Romans 8:28: ‘And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose."'
The visitor learned a lesson from the dear old lady, and many times since has tried the easy chair and found it very helpful. Do you have this easy chair as a part of the “furniture” in your home?

Stuck in the Mud

Not long ago in one of the smaller towns of California, Jim Hines, a retired Navy man set out to go fishing. The heavy-set man of sixty-five was surefooted from spending forty years on the rolling decks of many ships.
But this morning as he crossed the little catwalk over the muddy channel, he slipped and fell on his face in the thick mud and couldn’t get out. The more he struggled, the deeper he sank in the mud.
Carlo Clerisci, a track crew foreman, was working on railroad tracks nearby. He saw Jim fall and rushed to the spot with five workers. They managed to turn him over on his back by using a crowbar. “He’d have been dead in a couple of minutes!” exclaimed Carlo. Then they waited until firemen and rescuers arrived with special equipment to lift him out of the sticky mud. He was taken to the hospital and released the next day.
A sinner without Christ is just like Jim was-helpless and sinking further down in the mire of sin “where there is no standing.” All Jim’s struggling only sank him (deeper in the mud, and it took many strong men with special equipment to save him and lift him out of the mud. But David in Psalms 40 tells of One in heaven who saved him from the mire, put his feet on a rock, and then gave him a song of praise. “He brought me up also out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet on a rock, and established my goings. And He hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God.” Psalms 40:2,3.
That same One David writes of is still in heaven waiting to save you from your sinful condition. Trying to save yourself is hopeless and will end in death in the mire of sin. Won’t you trust in the living Saviour?
“Blessed is that man that maketh the Lord his trust.” Psalms 40:4.
“How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?” Hebrews 2:3.

What Is Our Blood Made of?

The Wonders of God’s Creation
“For the life of the flesh is in the blood.” Leviticus 17:11.
An adult has about one and a half gallons of blood flowing through his veins. The blood and the functions it carries out are what keeps the body alive. Consider how many different parts make up your blood: one drop contains about 250 million red cells, and in the entire blood supply there are about 25 trillion! New ones need to be produced continuously, because they only last about 125 days with two million dying every send. As small as a red cell is, each one contains about 270 million hemoglobin molecules as well!
How did this all come about? Scientists could never put such a complicated mixture together, and it certainly couldn’t have just produced itself gradually. No, when God breathed the breath of life into man He provided a complete body system with everything that would ever be needed; our blood and all its complex parts included. Nothing was left to be further developed, and ever since it has remained the way our Creator made it.
In addition to red cells, blood also contains white cells; there is normally about one white cell to 650 red ones, and there are about 75 billion of these in the blood stream. An important duty of the white cells is to fight infection. There is also another line of defense known as “antibodies,” which are always present to carry on the fight against infections of all kinds. Then, too, there are platelets which are half the size of the white cells. The work of these can be seen when wounds on the skin heal. The platelets stop the loss of blood by forming a scab, which is the beginning of the healing process.
The red cells are constantly doing their life-giving work of carrying oxygen to the cells of the body. The white ones are often more visible to us in the form of pus, which is composed of the bacteria and dead white cells the body has used in the battle against infection.
With so much dependent on it, we can easily see that it took a wise and divine Creator to make our blood so wonderfully complex and able to continue its work with every tick of the clock.
These thoughts remind us of One who willingly shed His blood, giving up His life on Calvary’s cross. The Bible tells us that “It is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.” Leviticus 17:11. The Lord Jesus Christ shed His blood on the cross for us. If we believe that it was His blood that can make us clean in God’s sight, then we will be saved and have eternal life. “By His own blood He... obtained eternal redemption for us.” Hebrews 9:12. Accept the Lord Jesus Christ now as your own personal Saviour. “For there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” Acts 4:12.

Heather's Secret

Memory Verse: “All things are naked and opened unto the eyes of Him with whom we have to do.” Hebrews 4:13
At last the longed-for words; “Yes, you may go barefoot today,” had come from Mother. She sighed and worried about glass and nails and slivers. But the children didn’t worry! It was a warm spring morning, and the boys rushed out for a game with their friends. Six-year-old Heather tagged along to join in the fun. Over the grass and vacant lot, over the wooden fence they scurried.
“Oh, ouch!” Heather had to stop a moment and held her foot up. She had rammed a big nasty sliver into her bare foot. “The boys will call me a sissy and leave me behind!” she thought as she quickly tried to pull out the sliver. She ran on after the boys, but her foot was soon hurting again and she knew that she had left part of the sliver in her foot. “Well, I won’t tell Mommy! It will really hurt if she tries to get it out!”
Heather went on for several days not telling anyone about how her foot hurt. She walked normally in front of Mommy and Daddy, but when they were not around she limped. At last Mother’s sharp eyes caught the limp. She quickly saw the greyish white swelling on her foot which Heather declared did not hurt at all. Grandmother was called in on the case and the two decided that Heather should visit the doctor right away.
After examining Heather’s foot the doctor was very serious as he said to Mother, “We’ll give it a try here at the office; but that infection is almost, if not already, into the bone. We may have to put her in the hospital.”
Poor Heather cried when she heard that. If only she had told Mother instead of letting that sliver work deeper into her foot! The “minor” operation on her foot that day in the doctor’s office was something she would not forget very soon.
Sin is like that nasty sliver, causing pain and sorrow in our whole lives. It will never be healed by anything good we do. In fact, our very nature is to keep on sinning. Just ignoring the problem is a serious mistake, as Heather learned with her foot. It only deepens the trouble. Why not settle it right now with the Lord? Tell Him all about it. He has the only cure. He gave Himself so that we can say "... the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7

Are They Gone?

It was midnight. There wasn’t any sound in the house. It was so dark and quiet. Brian lay in his bed wide awake. But what had awakened him? Why was he so wide awake at midnight? Brian knew why. He got out of bed, opened his bedroom door, and tiptoed down the hall. He stopped outside the door to his parents’ bedroom. He listened closely for a few seconds and then quietly returned to his bedroom. Relieved, he knelt down beside his bed for a few minutes and then climbed back into bed and was soon fast asleep.
What made Brian do this? Brian was not a Christian but his parents were. He wanted to be saved but he kept putting it off. He had heard many times at Sunday school and Gospel meeting about the Lord’s coming. He knew that if the Lord came to take everyone who was saved, he would be left behind!
Yes, Brian was checking to see if his parents were in bed. The house had seemed so quiet. He kept thinking, “Has the Lord come? Has the Lord come?” When he listened at his parents’ door and heard their breathing he knew that the Lord hadn’t come yet.
This had happened several times before and Brian had always gone back to sleep. But this time he had done something else. He knelt down beside his bed and accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his Saviour. The next morning he told the whole story to his parents.
Like Brian, have you been putting off accepting the Lord Jesus as your Saviour? Brian is now saved, and there is a time coming very soon when the Lord will come. It could be today! Then it will be too late for anyone who has been putting it off. Don’t wait any longer! Accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour right now. “For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.” 1 Thessalonians 4:16,17.
“Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” 2 Corinthians 6:2.

Steps to Climb

It seems like there are steps to climb almost everywhere. We climb them to get into our house, the school, the meeting room, the store, the doctor’s office and most of the other places we go. Some people even climb steps to get into bed! Steps, steps, steps—yes, they seem to be everywhere!
Climbing steps is not always easy. Some people are too young to climb them and some are too old. Some are too weak because of sickness. Climbing steps is WORK! On each step we lift ourselves up a little bit by our own efforts. One by one we go up until at last we get to the top by our own strength. Those who have no strength at all must stay at the bottom, unless they are carried or helped up by someone much stronger than they.
But there are no steps to heaven! None at all!
God knows all about you and me. He knows that we are WITHOUT STRENGTH and totally unable to climb even one step toward Him. For this reason He sent His only begotten Son down into this world to die for us on the cross and to shed His precious blood to save us from our sins. “For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.” Romans 5:6. God raised the Lord Jesus from the grave, and now He lives as the Saviour of all those who have put their trust in Him. He has promised to take them to be with Himself in heaven forever. NO STEPS TO CLIMB! There is something better: the mighty Saviour takes His own to heaven by His efforts, and not by theirs!
Why should you try to climb up to heaven by steps of any kind? Do you think that you can get there by your own efforts? It is impossible! You need the strong Saviour. Just accept the Lord Jesus Christ now by believing His Word, the Bible, and then leave everything else to Him. “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Romans 10:13.

The Harvester Ants

The Wonders of God’s Creation
“Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise: which having no guide, overseer, or ruler, prideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest.” Proverbs 6:6-8.
Ants in many areas find abundant food the year-round and do not need to store it. But many others do, among them the “Harvester Ants.” They use vegetables and seeds as their main source of food, but also add termites, insects and other things to their diet.
To be sure they have plenty to eat in the wintertime, these ants “provide their meat in the summer.” They collect seeds and store them in special chambers within their nests. Certain workers are assigned to this specific duty. When the seed is brought home the husks are removed and carried outside to a garbage pile. If any of the seeds begin to spoil or sprout while in storage, they are immediately removed. This food supply is guarded very carefully. No ant would think of robbing the store while there is still food to be had outside.
If some seeds become damp while in storage, the ants promptly take them outside to dry in the sun. When dry they are brought back into storage.
Since the ants are not able to swallow solid food, God has given them a means of changing dry seeds into what is known as “ant bread.” This is produced by first chewing the seeds, then making a little pile of this chewed food, and covering it with juices from its digestive system. This makes it liquid enough to sip into its stomach.
All of this, of course, is God’s order for these little creatures, which He refers to as being “exceeding wise.” The Word of God uses them as an example for ourselves, telling us also to prepare for the future. There is more meaning for us in such a lesson than only storing up food for our stomachs. God urges us to think of a coming eternity and to prepare for it now, before the “summer” of our lives is past.
The sorrow of those who fail to provide for their eternal fate is heard in the awful cry: “The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved"! Jeremiah 8:20. Do not let this be your cry. You must realize you are a sinner and in need of a Saviour. By faith you have to accept His work on Calvary’s cross to wash away your sins “while it is called To-day; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.” Hebrews 3:13.

Ching Lee's Stuffed Ears

Memory Verse: “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth My Word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.” John 5:24
In San Francisco, California there is an area called “Chinatown.” As the name suggests, the people that live in this section are Chinese. There are many who don’t speak English, especially among the older people. They speak only the Chinese language.
A Gospel work to reach these Chinese-speaking people had been going on for some time. The preacher, himself a Chinese Christian, had rented a small room on a street in Chinatown to preach the Gospel. There were wooden benches on which to sit. Bible verses in Chinese characters were on scrolls hanging on the walls. The preacher passed out many Chinese tracts and invitations to the Gospel meetings. He also had a Sunday school for the Chinese children. It was in the Sunday school that Lotus had heard the story of the Lord Jesus Christ and had accepted Him as her Saviour.
Lotus smoothed her straight black hair, and looking up at her grandfather, Ching Lee, said in Chinese, “Come, honorable Grandfather. It’s time for the Gospel meeting.” Ching Lee grumbled and refused to move from his chair.
Lotus sighed. She could go on alone to the meeting without her grandfather, “but he doesn’t know about Jesus,” she told herself. She had prayed every night that her old grandfather would be saved.
“I’m too tired to go tonight, small Granddaughter,” he said slowly.
“But, Grandfather, you prosed! And you’ll like the singing.” Lotus pulled at his coat sleeve as she talked.
“Singing?” Ching Lee did enjoy singing. And besides, he really had promised her that he’d go. He began to get up, moving stiffly, and reached for his cane. “Hurry up, Lotus child! I want to hear the singing.”
Grandfather walked so slowly that the first hymn was finished before Lotus had him seated near the front of the meeting room. Then there was more singing, and Lotus joined in with the other children and the few grownups who were there. The old man smiled as he listened, his body swaying with the music. The musical voices of the Chinese audience came to an end with the hymn "’Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus,” and the preacher began to pray.
As Ching Lee sat there he thought to himself, “I have come here because I promised Lotus I would and because I like the singing, but I don’t have to listen.”
Ching Lee had been sitting with his eyes closed. As the preacher began to speak, Ching Lee had an idea. He slowly placed one of his fingers into each of his ears. Now he didn’t have to listen to any of the preacher’s stories!
Lotus pulled on his sleeve and tried to get him to listen. Ching Lee yawned noisily several times, but refused to remove his fingers.
He looked at one of the scrolls hanging on the wall. In Chinese characters were printed the words, “Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord....” Ching Lee read no further. He closed his eyes, pushed his fingers still further into his ears and shuffled his feet.
As Ching Lee sat with his eyes closed and his ears plugged, a fly came buzzing around him. It landed on the bald spot on the top of his head. Ching Lee opened his eyes and unstopped his ears as he made a swing to swat the fly. As he did so he heard the speaker say, “Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.” Matthew 13:43. Back into his ears went his fingers, but the Word of God had entered. Instead of closing his eyes this time, he watched the preacher’s face. The fly returned and again Ching Lee swatted at it.
“Who hath ears to hear,” repeated the preacher.
Ears? Yes, Ching Lee had ears and ears were for hearing. Maybe he had better listen after all. He slowly removed his fingers. The preacher was describing a farmer who owned a large field. He had sown good seed in his field. It made Ching Lee think of the paddy fields with rice in which he used to work when he was in China. The preacher continued, “But an enemy came and sowed bad seed in the same field! And the good and the bad seed grew together until the harvest time. Then the tares from the bad seed were separated from the good and were burned in the fire.”
The speaker went on to explain that those who were listening were either tares or good seed, and that it was God who would be the judge. He explained the way of salvation through faith in the death of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross to wash away sins.
As Ching Lee listened to the Word of God, the Holy Spirit spoke to his heart. The fly returned but Ching Lee didn’t even hear it buzzing. Jesus, the Son of the living God, had died for him—for Ching Lee!
After the meeting Ching Lee said he wanted to talk with the preacher. Lotus was very excited as she led her grandfather to him. She walked quietly around in the room praying to herself as the preacher talked with her grandfather.
Finally, Ching Lee slowly rose and called, “Lotus child, take me home. I’m tired.”
She looked up into his face as she took his arm to help him. She wanted to ask him if he had taken Jesus into his heart as his Saviour, but she waited for him to speak.
He smiled down at her and said, “Lotus child, your God is my God now. I have believed in the Lord Jesus Christ as my Saviour. I hear singing, small Granddaughter, and it is inside of me. My heart is singing, child!”
Lotus and her grandfather were both very happy as they walked home. There was not only joy in their hearts, but the Lord said, “Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.” Luke 15:10.

"Be Sure Your Sin Will Find You Out"

In the hills of West Virginia there are several very deep wells. In order to get water, wells sometimes have to be drilled down 400 feet. One day when I was a boy I found a very large stone lying near the top of a well on a nearby farm. Just for the fun of it I decided to drop that stone down into the well. I pushed and tugged at it until I got it to the edge of the well, and then down it went!
Some years later when I was a young man I had to go down that same well to clean it out. There at the bottom I found that very stone I had dropped in. Now I had to get it out of the well. I didn’t know how to begin. I thought if I put it on the bucket for the workers above to lift up, it might slip off the bucket and fall back down on me. I couldn’t leave it at the bottom of the well. So I decided to put the stone in the bucket, stand on it, and have both of us lifted out of the well at the same time.
The stone that had been buried so long was now seen at the top.
The same thing is true about sin. Your sin committed and buried so long ago must come out in the open. And if you die in your sins you will be raised in them, and they will come up into the light of God’s divine presence in that judgment day. Do not bury or cover over your sins any longer, but uncover them now and confess them to God. Forgiveness is now offered, full and free. God is ready to forgive and wash away your sins. “He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.” Proverbs 28:13.

The Dignified Penguin

The Wonders of God’s Creation
“The Lord is good to all: and His tender mercies are over all His works.” Psalms 145:9.
This unusual bird looks like a dignified little man, dressed in a formal black and white suit, with a wobbly walk on the ice. No other bird goes so far into the harsh Antarctic area, and God has provided everything it needs. To insulate its body against the fierce cold, it has a complete covering of short feathers that extend down to its webbed feet. It gets all its food from the ocean and can also drink the salt water.
The Emperor penguin is the largest of the penguin family; about three to four feet tall. All have wings, but cannot fly with them. Instead, they are used as flippers to swim extremely fast under water. Special muscles give these wings great strength.
The Adelie species gathers rocks and makes crude nests, but the Emperor does not. About a month after arriving on the ice barrier, a pair sets about having a family of just one chick. The female is very excited about this and goes several weeks without eating. Then, about the middle of May an egg is produced, which she then turns over to her companion and dives into the ocean, leading him to take care of it. As this is really the beginning of winter in Antarctica, the male has a difficult proem since there is no nest for the egg.
First, he must keep it off the ice. He stands with his feet close together and rolls the egg to the top of them. Although that doesn’t seem like a very safe place, the Creator has provided a way to overcome this problem. With the egg securely in place, “papa” pulls a soft pouch of skin down over it, making it snug and warm. Then he stands in this position—never moving or going for food or water—for two months! Nothing will tempt him to give up!
Now, another amazing thing: Although “mama” has been away all this time, on the exact day the chick hatches she comes out of the ocean, her stomach big and round from gorging on seafood. Thousands of penguins looking just like her mate may be around, but she goes right to him. Then she takes over, putting her beak in the chick’s mouth and feeds it from her full stomach. She does this until it can take care of itself.
Meanwhile, the male, skinny and worn, takes to the water to find the food he needs. Shortly after the chick is full grown it joins others on ice rafts, and the currents carry them north several hundred miles to the New Zealand area or perhaps to the tip of South America. The next May they repeat the cycle all over again.
There are some who try to tell us the penguin was at first a common land bird, blown to the Antarctic by fierce storms and over the years adapted itself to the new surroundings. But they fail to explain how a bird from a warm climate could last even one day on the ice, with no usable food or water. No wonder they’re silent on this. Common sense says the poor birds would die the very first day! We know that when the Lord God created the penguin, He made it exactly as it is now, so it could thrive in that part of the earth. “Whatsoever the Lord pleased, that did He in heaven, and in earth (and) in the seas.” Psalms 135:6.
Do you know Him, the One who is your Creator and your Saviour as well? That is the most important question. In Ecclesiastes 12:1 we read: “Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth.”

The Dangerous Secret

Memory Verse: “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My words shall not pass away.” Matthew 24:35
Many years ago Queen Mary made a law that no one was allowed to read or own a Bible. However, in the town of Harrant there lived a blacksmith who loved the Lord Jesus and His Word. He kept his Bible hidden in a wall of his home. He and his little daughter, Elsie, would spend many happy hours reading it in secret.
After hearing the Queen’s law Elsie’s father told her, “These are dangerous days for us. The Queen has ordered all Bibles to be gathered up and burned, and anyone found with one in his possession will be put to death. However, I cannot part with our Bible. It is the only copy left in this village. Let me warn you, Elsie, don’t tell anyone that we have it!”
The days that followed were very upsetting for everyone who loved God’s precious Word. Soldiers, sent by the Queen, were sure there was a Bible hidden somewhere in Harrant, and the town was searched again and again. When the soldiers learned the blacksmith was the oy one in town who could read, they took him to prison. Elsie was cared for by their kind neighbors, but the thoughts of her father in prison made her very sad.
One day the soldiers came again to Harrant and searched every house. When they came to the blacksmith’s house they said, “We’ll burn the house and shop to the ground! If a Bible is hidden in there it will be burned!” As the soldiers came near the house, Elsie hid in the bushes to watch. She was heartbroken as she watched them set fire to the house and shop. When the house was burning furiously, the soldiers left.
As Elsie watched her house burning, she thought of the Bible still hidden inside. She also thought of her father in prison because he had protected the only Bible in the town.
She suddenly dashed to the burning house and ran inside. The intense heat burned her skin and singed her clothes, but she stumbled to the wall where the Bible lay hidden. She quickly slid it out of its hiding place and hid it in the folds of her skirt. She was barely able to get back through the smoke and flames before collapsing outside the blazing house.
There, an hour later, the villagers found her still unconscious. Underneath her they found the Bible she had saved. They treated her burns, but she had the scars from the burns for the rest of her life.
Most of us have a Bible in our homes, but do we value it as Elsie and her father did? Are you remembering to read it every day? Job said that he esteemed the words of God’s mouth more than his necessary food. (See Job 23:12)
How good of God to give us His precious Word. It tells of His beloved Son, that precious Saviour God has provided for sinners. Time that we spend reading our Bibles is never wasted. If we are faithful in reading it, the Lord Jesus will turn that Word to joy in our own souls. “Thy Word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart.” Jeremiah 15:16.
“These things have I written unto you that believe on the Name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life.” 1 John 5:13

Looking Over Our Troubles

One day John Wesley was walking with a man who was very upset. The man wasn’t even sure of the goodness of God. He said, “I don’t know what I’m going to do about all these worries and troubles.” At that moment Wesley saw a cow standing in a pasture looking over a stone wall.
“Do you know why that cow is looking over that wall?” asked Wesley.
“No,” replied the man.
“The cow is looking over the wall because she cannot see through it,” said Wesley. “That is what you must do with your wall of trouble. You cannot see through it, so you must look over it and above it.”
Faith helps us to look over and above our troubles to God who is our Helper.
“Looking unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith.” Hebrews 12:2.

The Key

It was locked! We wondered how we could get inside. Everything was locked up tight! Again we tried to open the door, but it wouldn’t open. What do you think we needed? Yes, you’re right—we needed the key. And how glad we were when we finally found it! Then it was easy. The key did its job well, and the unlocked door allowed us to go inside.
This experience reminds us somewhat of the story in the eighth chapter of Acts about the man who was puzzled about something he had read from Isaiah chapter 53 in the Old Testament. The meaning of what he had read seemed all locked up to him; he just couldn’t understand it. This was the scripture: “He was led as a sheep to the slaughter, and like a lamb....” Acts 8:32. What does this mean, he thought? Of whom is the prophet speaking, himself or some other man, and who is the lamb? How he wanted to know!
And then, while he was still reading, God sent one of His servants to him with the answer. The servant of God told him about JESUS! Jesus was the lamb about whom the man had been reading. Jesus was the One who had suffered and whose blood had been shed for sins. Yes, the story of Jesus was the KEY to open up the truth of the Word of God to this man’s anxious soul. With great joy he received the Lord Jesus Christ as his own personal Saviour. Then he was baized and went on his way rejoicing. The servant of God went to other places to tell many more people about Jesus.
You, too, can find that knowing Jesus will be the key to happiness in your life. He is the answer to every problem, and He alone is able to satisfy your soul. He will wash away your sins in His precious blood. He will give you true peace and happiness now. He will share His marvelous home in heaven with you for all eternity if you will only receive Him as your own personal Saviour and Lord. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” Acts 16:31. After you are saved you will enjoy reading your Bible. The Lord Jesus Christ is the key to it. He will do for you what He did for His disciples long ago when “He opened their understanding, that they might understand the Scriptures,” and when “He expounded unto them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself.” (See Luke 24:27,45).

The Ant Lion

The Wonders of God’s Creation
“Your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.” 1 Peter 5:8.
The ant lion, sometimes called the “doodlebug,” when fully grown looks like a large dragonfly. The name “ant lion” comes from its activity in its larva stage. Its long, strong jaws are the largest part of its body. As a larva it has a special appetite for ants, and one that is caught in its jaws must certainly think it has been caught by a lion, because it will not be able to escape.
The ant lion has an interesting way of catching ants. It digs a cone-shaped pit about two inches deep in sand or loose soil. This trap looks like a miniature volcano. It buries itself at the bottom of the pit leaving only its jaws and part of its head exposed.
An ant coming to this pit is curious and goes to the edge to look over. On the rim it loses its footing in the loose sand and falls down the sloping side. It tries and tries to climb back up, but the surface is too loose and finally it slides to the bottom. The ant lion quickly grabs it in its sickle-shaped jaws and makes a meal of it. The ant lion sometimes attracts ants to the pit by throwing sand or little pieces of gravel in the air.
We might wonder how this little creature knows how to build its trap and how to attract its victims. The larva goes about this just as soon as it hatches without having had a lesson or having learned by watching others. This is another example of an instinct given by the Creator to enable His creatures to survive through an immature period of its life.
Its methods remind us of the great enemy of our souls, Satan, who has many traps set to catch us. One of these is a natural curiosity on our part to want to explore things of the world that only lead to sorrow. The Bible tells us that Satan is the god of this world; and we can never stand up against him in our own power.
However, there is One who is mightier than Satan, the Saviour of all who trust in Him. “Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world.” 1 John 4:4. He has provided an armor that allows us to stand against this wicked enemy. Those who know the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour are urged to “Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” This armor includes the “shield of faith"; the “helmet of salvation"; and the “sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.” (See Eph. 6:11-17).
If you do not know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour, you are a servant to sin and to Satan. You need to find an escape from his trap. Escape is only by turning to Christ, confessing your need of Him, and accepting Him as your Lord and Saviour. You will find Him ready and able to release you from Satan’s grasp.

Great-Great-Great Grandpa John

Memory Verse: “Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.” Proverbs 27:1
Let’s turn our clocks back 180 years to a time when my great-great-great grandfather, John McGowan, was living. Grandpa John was a pioneer in Indiana about 1800. He brought his family from Pennsylvania across the Appalachian Mountains by horseback in 1798 to a home near Vincennes, Indiana. He was a gunsmith and found plenty of work fixing the muskets of the local frontiersmen. Sometimes the Indians also came, and he fixed their guns, too.
In 1812 The area was greatly disturbed by war. Many of the men took warning and set up guards around their houses to protect them. Grandpa John knew he should set up a regular guard over his house at night, but he put it off. He had seven dogs and he thought they were enough to warn him against intruders.
One day a neighbor lady died, and Grandpa John went to work building a coffin in which to bury her. That same day a local man involved in the fighting brought his broken musket to Grandpa John to fix.
“No, I can’t fix it,” he said. “My poor neighbor’s wife has died, and I have to make a coffin to bury her.” The man was insulted and went away very angry. He felt it was just an excuse and was determined to “get even.”
That night Grandpa John was so tired he decided he would wait just one more night to set up a night guard. He felt his seven dogs were enough to warn him. But after nightfall the insulted man and some of his friends quietly approached Grandpa John’s house. They were too smart for the dogs. They approached downwind and the dogs never smelled their scent or heard them.
Are you putting off being saved for some reason? It may seem like a good reason to you, but what about tomorrow. Do you really know that you will be here tomorrow? There are two things that might happen today. The first is that the Lord Jesus Christ may return; “Behold, I come quickly.” Revelation 22:7. If He returns before you are saved, it will be too late. “The Bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with Him to the marriage: and the door was shut.” Matthew 25:10.
The second thing that might happen is sad to even think about. You might die in your sins. The Bible warns us—“Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.” Proverbs 27:1. It is very important to make the decision now. Decide for Christ today!
The men looked through a small opening in the log cabin wall. They could barely see by the flickering light from the fireplace, but there asleep on the bed was Grandpa John. One of the men took careful aim—one shot—and Grandpa John was dead! The men ran to the door and tried to break it down. The family was awakened by the shot and the banging on the door. They quickly grabbed buckets of drinking water and milk and threw it on the fire to extinguish the light. Fortunately, the dogs were awakened by the noise and attacked the meh. The family grabbed a musket and fired toward the barking dogs. To their relief the men ran away and were not seen again. But for Grana John it was too late. He had waited too long to post a guard. Don’t be like Grandpa John and wait until the last minute and hope to be saved. Accept Him now as your own personal Saviour. “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” Acts 4:12.

A Kernel of Corn

Have you ever thought how even a little kernel of corn can remind us of the Lord Jesus Christ and of His work for us on the cross?
A kernel of corn, you know, is a seed. And on the inside of the little seed there is something so wonderful that no one in the whole world, no matter how wise he may be, can make it. That wonderful thing is LIFE.
If we should place the kernel down into the moist, warm soil and cover it, something very interesting will happen. In the darkness the outside body of the little seed will die and a new plant will begin to grow. Then, before very long, the growing plant will burst through the top of the ground to enjoy the sunshine and rain from heaven. It will grow and produce ears of corn. These contain many new little keels just like the one that was planted and died. One seed died so that a great many others may live!
So, you see, that’s why the little kernel of corn reminds us of the Lord Jesus Christ and of His work on the cross for us. He died for our sins; He was buried; and He rose again according to the Scriptures (See 1 Cor. 15:3,4). Because of His death, we who have trusted in Him as our own personal Lord and Saviour have received EVEASTING LIFE. And just as it was necessary for the seed to die before there could be the many new ones, it was necessary for the Lord Jesus to die so that you and I might be saved and receive eternal life.
Look up John 12:24 in your Bible and read it. In that verse the Lord Jesus uses another kind of seed as an example to teach us the story of His great salvation.
But remember! You must receive the Lord Jesus Christ personally as your Saviour before you can have EVERLASTING LIFE. If you have not yet received Him, you are still “dead in trespasses and sins.” Won’t you receive Him right now?
“As many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name.” John 1:12.

Only a Step to Jesus

Only a step to Jesus!
Then why not take it now?
Come, and thy sin confessing,
To Him, thy Saviour, bow.
Only a step, only a step,
Come, He waits for thee,
Come, and thy sin confessing,
Thou shalt receive a blessing,
Do not reject the mercy
He freely offers thee.
Only a step to Jesus!
Believe, and thou shalt live;
Lovingly now He’s waiting,
And ready to forgive.

Protection Underseas

The Wonders of God’s Creation
“Woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up.” Ecclesiastes 4:10.
In the Red Sea a fish called Amphiprion works together with one of the sea anemones taking the responsibility of driving away its enemies. This kind of anemone relies on this fish for its protection. It will not even fully open unless it knows that its “friend” is close by. The fish “tells” this to the anemone by touching it occasionally.
The anemone will never try to hurt its friend. Any other fish touching its poisonous tentacles is immediately stung to death. If something does happen to accidentally push the Amphiprion into the tentacles of its friend, it will be seized and eaten. The communication between them apparently breaks down at these times.
The benefit of this relationship to the Amphiprion is that it shares the food caught by the anemone. Although it looks like a lovely plant, the anemone is really a sea animal and lives mostly by eating other sea life.
A similar “mutual benefit” exists between another sea anemone and the “Snapping Shrimp.” This anemone also has many enemies among the larger fish that like to feed on it. The shrimp, although not very large, can make a loud snap with its large claw. The noise is so frightening that the anemone’s enemies usually leave the area as fast as they can.
The benefit to the shrimp is that the anemone does not bother it or sting it. It is allowed to swim freely around the anemone and to burrow near its base where it hides from its own enemies.
How nice it is to have a friend standing beside you when danger threatens, or when life’s problems seem too great to bear alone. God has made these residents of the ocean helpers to one another, but it is not likely that they understand more than the fact that a helper is nearby.
God gives a very true picture of everyone of us in the Bible: “Man is born unto trouble.” Job 5:7. The Apostle Paul also recognized this condition when he asked, “Oh wretched man that I am! Who shall deliver me from the body of this death?” His happy answer was: “I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 7:24,25.
Yes, we are always happy to tell of “a Friend that sticketh closer than a brother": and to tell again David’s words: “The Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble. And they that know Thy name will put their trust in Thee: for thou, Lord, hast not forsaken them that seek Thee.” Proverbs 18:24 and Psalms 9:9,10.
These are comforting words. The One of whom they speak is the same One who extends His loving invitation: “Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” He has also said to those who know Him as their Saviour, “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” Matthew 11:28 and Hebrews 13:5.
Do you know this Friend as your personal companion and safeguard?

A Free Gift Offered

Memory Verse: “By grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” Eph. 2:8,9
It wasn’t the kind of offer that comes every day. Dr. Staby, the college professor, said he would pay all the expenses for three of his students, Barry, John and Bill, to visit greenhouses in Cali, Colombia. Dr. Staby had made frequent trips to visit the greenhouses of Colombia, and he decided the three stents would benefit from seeing the acres of flowers grown there.
Barry, John and Bill had about two months to prepare for the trip. Bill, who had known Dr. Staby for only about six months, obtained a passport and made other necessary preparations for the trip. John seemed to be planning the same way as Bill. Barry did nothing. He had worked for Dr. Staby for nearly five years, but he did not believe the offer.
God, also, is offering you a free gift. The price has already been paid by the Lord Jesus Christ when He died for you on Calvary’s cross. “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 6:23. The gift of eternal life that God is offering you must be accepted now, for “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” 2 Corinthians 6:2.
Less than two weeks before the planned trip, Dr. Staby passed out the tickets. Barry was shocked. He still had done nothing to get ready. He quickly tried to get a passport, but it was too late.
Many men, women, boys and girls have heard the gospel many times, but they have never accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour. They are like the foolish virgins who didn’t get oil for their lamps. Midnight came and “the door was shut.” They cried “Lord, Lord, open to us,” but He answered, “I know you not.” Matthew 25:10-12. Don’t put it off until tomorrow for the Lord Jesus may have already come, or you may have died and it will be too late.
Everyone thought John was ready; he seemed prepared. He flew from Ohio to Miami with Bill and Dr. Staby. At the airline counter in Miami the agent asked John for his passport before he could get on the plane for Colombia. He reached into his back pocket where he had placed it. It was gone! Lost, stolen or forgotten, it didn’t make any difference—it wasn’t there, and he could not go to Colombia without a passport.
Those of us who are Christians delight in knowing that once we are saved we can never be lost. It is not enough, though, to act like you are saved. “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7. If your sins are not washed away when the Lord Jesus comes back, you will spend eternity in the lake of fire.
John said that night was the saddest he ever spent as he prepared to return on the next flight to Ohio.
Bill believed Dr. Staby’s offer. He applied for his passport right away, and then he kept it in a safe place. When the time came he was ready to go, and he enjoyed the trip to Colombia with Dr. Staby.
The time for you to accept God’s offer and be saved is while you are still young. “Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift.” 2 Corinthians 9:15.

An Ignored Warning

“They were very friendly,” said Fred Hoppe. “We just found out this morning. It was a terrible shock—my wife went into hysterics.”
What had happened? Fred and Margery Rollins loved to travel, but a trip to Mount St. Helens last May 18 proved to be fatal to this elderly couple. They viewed the eruption from 15 miles away. It looked safe, but it wasn’t. How it reminds us that God says, “There is a way that seemeth right unto a man; but the end thereof are the ways of death!” Proverbs 16:25. There is only one safe way; that is God’s way. “The wages of sin is death"—that is man’s way: “But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."—that is God’s way. (See Rom. 6:23).
Heat from the eruption apparently killed the couple as they sat in their car, followed by a river of steaming mud which buried their car.
Fred and Margery could be Mr. and Mrs. Anyone. They were friendly. They loved to go sightseeing. “They never did a dramatic thing in their lives,” said a friend. They were normally very cautious. Friends described them as the kind of people who locked their car when they went into the bank. They might have been you or me.
But Fred and Margery are dead for just one reason: they did not obey! There had been plenty of warning given about the dangers of getting too close to the volcano. They thought they were safe, but they were too close! It reminds us so much of the normal, everyday peon in the world who is not obeying God’s Word. He is going on day by day knowing that God has promised judgment on this world because of sin (Acts 17:31). Yet by putting off accepting God’s free offer of salvation he is getting too close to the day of judgment. Don’t put it off any longer! Accept Him now as your Saviour. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.” Acts 16:31.


“That’s me!” the man in the hospital bed said loudly.
I started the verse again in Isaiah 53 “All we like sheep have gone astray....”
“That’s me!” he interrupted again.
I put down my Bible and said to the man, “Sir, why do you keep interrupting me? I came in here to read a few verses from the Bible and you keep saying ‘That’s me.’ What are you talking about?”
The patient replied, “You keep reading my name in that book. I didn’t know it was in there.”
“I really don’t think your name is actually in this chapter,” I said to him. “But is your name written in the book that God keeps of all those who are saved?”
“I still say you read my name,” he said without answering my question. “Read it again and you’ll see.”
I again read verse six very slowly: “All-we-like-sheep-have-gone astray....”
“There it is,” he said. “A Stray! My name is Art Stray!”
That was the start of a friendship that lasted for almost two years. Two times a month I visited with him, read to him and pleaded with him to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as his Saviour. He always had a reason why he couldn’t believe or raised some question about the goodness of God.
During the two years his health continued to fail. Still he would not give in. He refused to believe the end of the verse in which his name was written: “the Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all.”
One day when I again stopped to visit, I found that he had died the week before. Mr. A. Stray had died still astray!
“All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” Isaiah 53:6.

The Pretty Little Goby

The Wonders of God’s Creation
“They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters; these see the works of the Lord, and His wonders in the deep.” Psalms 107:23,24.
Those who live in the islands of the Caribbean Sea and have explored underwater in the ocean’s bays or along the reefs, have seen beautiful and interesting sights. Among all the colorful sights, they may have observed a little, bright blue fish, known as the Goby, which lives a very unusual life.
The Goby likes to make its home on a piece of brain coral, where it sets up an active business, driving away any others that would compete with it. Most little fish try their hardest to remain hidden, fearing that larger ones will eat them. But the Goby’s place of business on the piece of coral is entirely exposed, and it has no fear of larger fish. Actually, it wants to be seen by them and seems to invite them to come up to it.
The parrot fish, with sharp, beaklike jaws, is one of its regular customers. When one of them swims by and sees the Goby, it will usually go over to it slowly, stop and then stand upright in the water, spreading out its fins as if to say, “I’m ready for business if you are.” The Goby swims over, going right to work cleaning off and eating all of the small worms that have attached themselves to the body of the parrot fish. Then the parrot fish opens its mouth wide and the Goby swims inside to clean the inside of its mouth and teeth. When the cleaning is fished the parrot fish swims happily away. The Goby is happy, too, hang had a good meal for its work.
Other species of fish, such as the Surgeon fish and the vicious Bar Jack, are also cleaned by the Goby. Both of these could easily gobble up the little Goby in one bite.
How is it that a little fish could overcome natural fear and place itself at the mercy of larger fish who could so easily kill it? What makes the otherwise vicious killers come peacefully to this little fish, even inviting it to swim into their jaws? Do you think that over the years they practiced this until it became a pattern? No, of course not. It would never work because natural instincts would never allow them to come together in this way. Here we have another wonder of God’s creation, displaying that “with God all things are possible.” It also shows His wisdom in providing a working relationship between those who would normally be enemies, that they might help each other through this arrangement.
Let us remember that the Lord is the Creator of all things and is also the Provider for them. His eye is always on even the smallest and strangest of His creatures, and all form a part of His wise purposes. Most importantly, it is “the Lord God (who) formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life.” Genesis 2:7. The little Goby and the big fish do not know this, but God’s Word tells us that He has loved us with an everlasting love and would draw us to Himself through Christ, the Saviour. Do not turn away from Him, but accept His love today.

Grandpa, Grandma and the Baby Cardinal

Memory Verse: “The Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.” Luke 19:10
The three little baby cardinals felt safe, warm and cozy as they snuggled close together in the little nest that Mr. and Mrs. Cardinal had built in the pine tree that stood beside Grandpa and Grandma’s house. When mother or father cardinal returned to the nest with a nice juicy worm, the peace and quiet of this happy little nest was disturbed. What a lot of squawking, chirping and peeping was heard as each little cardinal tried to explain to his parents how very hungry he was and how very good that worm would taste. And with all three baby birds trying to talk at once, you can imagine how difficult it was for anyone to understand them!
This happy little home continued until one night a cold, stormy wind began to blow on the pine tree. The next morning Grandma looked out her window to see what had become of the little cardinal family. She sadly saw that the nest was no longer safely nestled among the branches of the pine tree. Hurrying outside she found the remains of the nest on the ground. Nearby she found one of the little baby birds more dead than alive. Although Grandma searched carefully, she could not find the other two baby birds.
Grandma loved to care for sick or injured little animals, so she gently carried the little baby bird into the warm house and began to care for it. All her care and attention seemed to work wonders for the little baby bird, because in almost no time he was quite healthy again.
Grandpa fixed an old cage as a temporary home, making it as comfortable as he could. He hung the cage in front of the window that looked out at the pine tree. They did everything they could to make the little bird happy in his new home. Grandpa and Grandma always made sure that the baby cardinal had plenty to eat, and it wasn’t long before the little bird was talking to them just the way he had to father cardinal. When they would come near the cage, the little bird would open his beak wide and start his noisy chirping and squawking. A moment later his little tummy was full of good fresh fruit or tasty seeds.
All this time father cardinal was flying around outside the window trying to get to his baby. But the window, which allowed Mr. Cardinal to see the little baby, wouldn’t allow him to fly to his baby’s new home.
Grandpa decided to try an experiment. He took the cage outside, placed it by the pine tree and opened its door. It wasn’t very long until father cardinal came swooping down from his perch in the tree with a worm for his little baby. Right into the cage he went, fed his hungry baby and was off again to get more!
With all of this loving care it was only a short time until a happy, healthy little cardinal was enjoying the freedom of the beautiful blue sky and singing his happy song of thanksgiving.
This happy little story is a reminder of a very solemn verse found in the Bible in the book of Proverbs: “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” Proverbs 14:12.
No doubt the pine tree seemed like a safe and happy place to care for the little birds. But father and mother cardinal were sadly mistaken and two of their little babies died in the storm.
God is about to send a storm of judgment on this world because of sin. The Bible has plainly told us that “all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23. Not even one small sin will ever be allowed in His presence!
Many people seem to be satisfied with their “way” of being safe from this coming “storm", but we know that there is really only one “way” that God has for man to come into the safety of His presence. The Lord Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No man cometh unto the Father but by Me.” John 14:6.
The love and care that Grandpa and Grandma showed towards the little cardinal is very small compared to the love that God has shown to you by sending His beloved Son, Jesus, into this world to die for sin. And when you accept the Lord Jesus as your personal Saviour, He will care for you all the way home to heaven, because He said “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” Hebrews 13:5.

Little Ann

Four-year-old Ann and her mother were on a vacation at the sea shore. They were both enjoying the sun and sand and especially the water. Although Ann was just a little girl she was having great fun playing in the sand and splashing in the shallow water along the shore.
As Mother watched Ann playing in the little waves that lapped the sand, she suddenly saw a large wave rushing towards the shore. The wave was much higher than Ann, and it was almost to shore. There wasn’t time for Ann’s mother to run and snatch her little girl out of danger! The only thing she could do was to call loudly “Ann, come!!” Ann turned and ran as fast as she could straight to her mother as the wave crashed on the sand where she had been playing. How happy Mother was to have her little girl safe.
What if Ann had not paid attention to her mother’s call to come? She certainly would have been swept out to sea and drowned! Ann had been taught to obey her mother’s voice at once. Even the reply “just a minute” would have made it too late. She heard her mother’s voice and acted.
The Lord Jesus Christ has told sinners “Come unto Me.” He has said it to save sinners from an awful punishment for their sins. He went to the cross and took that punishment on Himself. He is now saying “Come... and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28. Have you obeyed that call from the Saviour? Don’t delay! Accept Him as your personal Saviour. Danger is very near. Don’t say “just a minute,” or “in a little while.” Accept Him right now! “Now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” 2 Corinthians 6:2.

How the Body Gets Its Oxygen

“And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” Genesis 2:7.
Body cells keep us alive by performing their various functions. To do this they need a constant supply of oxygen, which begins when a breath is taken. As the air passes through the nose, it is warmed and moistened. If foreign particles are present they are stopped by little hairs called cilia. Sneezing or blowing the nose clears out these particles, assuring that air reaching the lungs is clean.
When a breath is taken, the lungs expand. Then, in about two seconds, they contract and the air is expelled. This takes place about fifteen or twenty times a minute. Getting a sufficient quantity of oxygen from this air and into the bloodstream is the main function of the lungs. This is why they need fresh, clean air free of smoke and dust to maintain good health.
The lungs, when expanded, have a surface of about two square feet for the air to pass over, but this is not enough to take care of their work. When God designed man’s lungs, He wisely added to the lung capacity without making that organ huge and bulky. He did this by forming blood channels ending in tiny sacs all over the lining of the lung. There are about 600 million of these sacs which increase the lung capacity to 600 square feet, which is 300 times the capacity of the lungs alone! Each one of these tiny sacs brings blood to its surface. In the two seconds that air flows over these sacs, oxygen is removed from the blood. This enriched blood moves on to the heart and is pumped throughout the whole body.
The lungs not only take oxygen cut of the incoming air, but also remove carbon dioxide from the blood. This carbon dioxide is a product of the body-cell processes and must be removed. The blood carries it to the lungs where it is expelled by the lung’s exhaling action.
Only God could design and make our wonderful bodies and their remarkable details, which are exactly the same today as when He created Adam in the garden of Eden.
This entire process goes on without our thinking about it (except, perhaps, when we have a cold and have difficulty breathing). God, “In whose hand is the soul of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind” (Job 12:10), is always aware of everything pertaining to our lives. Have you ever thanked Him for His goodness in watching over you so carefully? “Let every thins that hath breath praise the Lord.” Psalms 150:6.

"I'm Gonna Stay Here!"

Memory Verse: “How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?” Hebrews 2:3
Stubborn, 84-year-old Harry Truman, who owned a lodge by Spirit Lake on Mt. St. Helens, has become a legend. When Mt. St. Helens first began to show signs of volcanic activity last March and April, officials tried to get everyone to leave the danger area. Only a few people refused to move out, and Harry was one of them. Harry said he wouldn’t budge for man or mountain, and he kept his word.
The Whiting family, who were close friends, tried to get Harry to leave the mountain and come to their home. “It was useless,” said Mrs. Whiting. “Harry was determined to stay on the mountain rather than relocate.”
This is home to Truman,” Harry repeatedly told officials, “and I’m gonna stay here!” Harry had lived there ever since he started his Spirit Lake Lodge in the 1920's. “If the mountain goes I’m going with it!” he said. “I stuck it out 54 years and I can stick it out another 54 years!”
Most people today are strangely like Harry. This world is home to them, and they don’t like to think of moving from it. But God warns us that this world is doomed for judgment, just like Harry’s mountain was doomed to explode. God has “appointed a day in the which He will judge this world in righteousness.” Acts 17:31. Harry had lived on the mountain so long he just didn’t believe it would explode. Today people deceive themselves in the same way concerning the judgment of God. They say, “The world has been going on like this for thousands of years: nothing is going to change.”
But God says that they are “willingly ignorant.”
But Mt. St. Helens did erupt on May 18 in a terrible explosion! Rob Smith, the last known person to see Harry, said, “There’s absolutely no chance Harry survived.”
His good friend, Mrs. Whiting, said, “It all happened too fast. There was no chance—no chance at all!” The wall of hot gases and steam struck Harry’s home within seconds. More than 30 feet of mud and debris covered the 40-acre resort where Harry lived with his 16 cats. The once-serene Spirit Lake was a boiling, muddy mass emitting gases.
What an end to all Harry’s boasting! We might well say, “What a stubborn old man!” But are you being like Harry? Are you stubbornly making this condemned old world your home? God says, “Flee from the wrath to come.” Have you done that yet?
God offers you a way of salvation from the coming judgment. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16. Remember, too, that God says, “How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation.” Hebrews 2:3.

Carol's Problem Solved

“It’s raining—it’s pouring!” Carol could hear her little brother, Jimmy, singing downstairs. In the middle of her usual scramble for books, lunch money and homework, Carol stood still in dismay.
Rain! That means boots, raincoat, scarf, waterproof bag for books—and there she stopped. Boots, raincoat and scarf were all in the closet. But where was that plastic bag for her books? School rules were strict; she had to have that bag to keep her books dry. She had too many to just tuck under her raincoat.
Once more she quickly went around the room, pulling out drawers, looking under the bed, under the dresser, behind the radiator—no bag!
Then she called, “Mother, oh, Mother-r-r! Have you got any kind of plastic bag I can use?”
“Plastic bags? I’m glad you reminded me! We’re all out. But hurry, dear; it’s almost time to leave for the bus.”
Hopelessly Carol circled the room again. No bag, and the rain was coming down harder now, she saw as she glanced out her bedroom window.
Then she had an idea. What was that Bible verse she had learned last week? “Call upon Me in the day of trouble.” She got on her knees beside her bed and prayed. “Dear Lord,” she whispered, “I’m in trouble—I need that bag—please help me!”
Quietly she got up and, without thinking, slipped her hand down between the mattress and the headboard of her bed. There was the missing bag, tightly wedged in the narrow space.
Getting on her knees by the bed again she had only time to whisper, “Thank-you, oh, thank-you, Lord!” before she stuffed her books in the bag and ran the two blocks to meet the school bus.
She had learned more that morning than school could teach her. She had found that God, the God who made the heavens and the earth, could hear the prayer of a little girl.
“Call upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me.” Psalms 50:15.

How Steve Was Saved

Steven was a little boy with curly hair and brown eyes. He was just four years old and his daddy was sick in bed.
Steven went into his daddy’s room and said, “Daddy, I want to be saved.”
His daddy loved the Lord Jesus and was so happy to hear that his little boy wanted to be saved. Even though he was sick he jumped out of bed and kneeled down with little Steve and prayed with him.
The Lord Jesus saved Steve’s soul that day, and there was joy in heaven as well as in Steve’s home.
Now Steven is grown up and he spends his time visiting with people and telling them about the Lord Jesus.
Have you brought joy into your home by accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour? Have you brought joy to God?
“Joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth.” Luke 15:7.

A Message of Love

Here’s a message of love
Come down from above
To invite little children to heaven;
In God’s blessed book
Lost sinners may look,
And see how all sins are forgiven.
For there they may read
How Jesus did bleed,
And die for His dear little ones;
How clean He makes them,
And after, takes them
To be God’s own daughters and sons.
And O what delight,
In heaven so bright,
To see the blest Saviour’s own face!
On His beauty to gaze,
And sing to His praise,
Forever in that happy place!

Strange Happenings in a Lake

“The eyes of all wait upon Thee; and Thou givest them their meat in due season.” Psalms 145:15.
Roger and his wife chose a well-known fishing lake in the wilds of British Columbia for vacationing one year. After a week of very poor fishing they decided the reports they had heard were false. Not only were there no fish to be caught, they also observed that there weren’t any birds in the area. They decided to move on.
As they were getting their things together, a commotion at the far end of the lake caught their attention, so they got into their boat to investigate. At first what they saw appeared to be a cloud rising and dipping over the surface of the water. Coming closer they saw the “cloud” was actually a great flock of birds darting after flying insects which were coming out of the water and flying from the surface. Then they got a special thrill in discovering that part of the commotion was caused by great numbers of fish leaping out of the water after the insects.
Getting their rods out again they were able to catch many of these fish, which quickly took their “artificial flies.” After about an hour’s time all became quiet again: the birds flew off, the insects were no longer present, and the fish returned to deep water. Later they learned this is a common sight in many Canadian lakes where the bottoms have large populations of larvae, hatched from eggs dropped into the water by a female fly. After several months in the mud of the lake they are ready to “molt” and experience a change of life. Rising to the surface they shed their hard shells and come forth as a flying insect with pretty, lace-like wings.
When this change is made they must rest on the surface a few minutes for their wings to harden. Then they take to the air, find companions, and soon a new supply of eggs is dropped in the water—the whole cycle starting over again. It is while this is going on that the fish get excited, leaping out of the water to catch all they can. The birds also catch many of them as they fly from the surface of the lake. However, so many thousands hatch at one time they cannot all be caught and great numbers escape.
Since all this takes place in about an hour, it raises some questions: (1) How is it that thousands of the larvae come together to one spot and make this change at the same time? (2) How do the fish from all over the lake know it is going to take place? (3) Where did the birds come from and what compelled them to fly to this remote spot at just the right time; and where did they go when it was all over?
It is not hard to provide an answer. We know that the Creator is “Lord of all” and He has given necessary instincts to all involved to carry out their part at just the exact moment He has arranged.
We are reminded, too, that “He hath appointed a day, in the which He will judge the world” (Acts 17:31) and that “every one of us shall give account of himself to God.” Romans 14:12. Have you prepared yourself for that day by accepting the Lord Jesus Christ in your heart as the One who has taken your place, so you will be free from judgment? “Who His own self bear our sins in His own body on the tree.” 1 Peter 2:24.

Larry's Lesson

Memory Verse: “Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.” Psalm 51:7
Riding down the freeway with Grandma, six-year-old Larry held tightly to a cold, wet can of soda pop. Larry, his grandma, mother, brother and sister had been berry picking. It had been a hot day, and because they were all tired and thirsty, they had stopped to visit Aunt Peggy. She treated them to a cold drink of soda pop; a special new kind to Larry. He liked it so much that Aunt Peggy had given him an extra can just as they were leaving. He was bouncing happy! But when Mother heard him shaking his can of pop as hard as he could, she turned to tell him more about soda pop.
“Soda pop is not to be shaken. If you do, the fizzy bubbles will keep making more and more until they are all crowding to get out at once. If you were to open it now, ‘POP!’ they would explode all over you and the inside of the car. Now you must wait a long while so the bubbles can calm down.”
Larry seemed to understand. He began to complain if someone bumped his arm, and he even asked Grandma to try to “drive smoother” and not to hit so many bumps since it jiggled his pop.
Minutes later everyone jumped out of the car at Grana’s house. No one noticed that Larry had slipped behind.
Suddenly a loud “POP!” was heard. Whirling around they all saw a foamy umbrella of soda pop spraying over Larry’s head and shoulders. It was so funny to see his look of surprise and shock! They all forgot their manners and howled in laughter. Poor Larry wanted to cry. He had not obeyed the warning, and now he knew, too late, that what Mommy had said was true.
How many children, and older people, too, are disobeying the warnings from the Bible of hell and punishment for sins? Jesus Himself tells us more about hell than anyone else in the Bible. Someday these people will know that they, like Larry, should have listened.
Mother tried to wipe Larry up a bit before they started home. “I’m so embarrassed, Mommy,” he whispered. “Please don’t tell Daddy!”
Sin, too, is like a stain, but it is a stain on the heart rather than the soda pop stain on Larry’s clothes. It can never be hid from God and must be punished by Him as well. But God, who knew all our sins, laid them on the Lord Jesus and punished Him so that those who believe in Him will not be punished. “Christ... who His own self bare our sins in His own body on the tree....” 1 Peter 2:21,24. There is a heart cleansing for you that will make you so clean and pure that even God cannot find one spot. But you must tell the Lord Jesus that you need and want His cleansing. A gift is not yours until you take it. “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 6:23.
Larry went home smelling strongly of the vanilla in the creme soda, but God’s cleansing is perfect.
“Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.” Psalms 51:7.

Saying "Amen" to God

Two small girls, from the same Sunday school class, were walking along together with their dolls, trying to repeat the memory verse for the week. It happened to be on the subject of “Faith.”
“What is faith, Mary?” asked the younger girl. “I don’t know what it means.”
Mary, a bright, happy girl, knew the Lord as her Saviour. She was one year older than Sharon, her companion.
“Why, it’s just the same as believing, Sharon.” “Don’t you remember that Miss Sands told us the other week that faith was just saying ‘Amen’ to God’s Word?”
Sharon seemed quite satisfied with this explanation. I think that Mary’s definition of faith is very true. It is just saying “Amen” to God, letting God be true, believing without question what God says. He tells you that you are a sinner, lost and ruined. Do you say “Amen” to that? He says that Jesus died for sinners on the cross, and that all who believe on Him “have everlasting life.” (John 3:16). Do you say “Amen” to that?
There is no need for waiting. Feelings do not make the Word of God one bit more sure. The Word of the eternal God, who cannot lie, is worthy of being believed, and faith accepts Him, saying “Amen” to all that God has spoken. Heaven and earth shall pass away, but what God has said remains forever.

Tami's Song

Young Dr. Jim was discouraged. It was not always simple patching people’s broken bones and helping them get better. It wasn’t easy to always be working with people with problems. These were his thoughts as he worked on four-year-old Tami’s broken arm. He knew her arm hurt a lot. He had really been in too gloomy a mood to notice her very closely. As he turned to get some supplies he heard a faint, sweet sound. Could it be singing?
Turning around he saw that little Tami was singing quietly to herself! “I have the joy, joy, joy bells down in my heart!” He almost pinched himself to see if he was awake.
“Where did you learn that lovely song, Tami?” he asked gently.
Another delightful surprise— “In Sunday school,” she answered sweetly, but wincing in pain.
“And do you know the Lord Jesus Christ as your own Saviour? Is that why you have joy down in your heart?”
“Yep! I’ve got Him right here!” She patted the area over her heart. And then she continued to sing, "'I’ve got the love of Jesus, love of Jesus down in my heart.’ He helps my pain, you know, when I sing.”
Dr. Jim could hardly see through his tears as he gently worked on her arm. Here was a precious little child of God having complete victory over a problem that made her really hurt. And he had been feeling sorry for himself, leaving the Lord completely out of problems that were not so bad after all. Do you have the “love of Jesus down in your heart?” If it’s only in your head there won’t be help for you when trouble comes your way. The Lord Jesus wants to come into your heart. He says, “I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth His life for the sheep.” John 10:11. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” Acts 16:31.

The "Wandering" Albatross

The Wonders of God’s Creation
“Be Thou exalted, Oh God, above the heavens; let Thy glory be above all the earth.” Psalms 57:5.
Over the centuries sailors traveling on the southern oceans have been surprised to find a lone Albatross here or there, appearing hundreds or even thousands of miles from land. Many have thought these large birds must have been blown out to sea by storms and couldn’t find their way back, but this is not correct.
From the beginning God has given these birds a remarkable sense of direction and, although they may seem to wander aimlessly, they are apparently never in any danger of being lost. They just seem to enjoy being out over the wide ocean expanses. God has supplied them with long, strong, pointed wings with a spread of eleven feet. This allows them to glide and soar great distances for long periods of time. They often spend many months away from land. It is thought that they sleep while gliding,. When hungry they drop down and catch a fish; when thirsty they are able to drink the salty sea water!
An interesting thing happened in the Pacific War showing their sense of direction and ability to fly great distances. The U.S. military established a huge air base at Midway Island in the Pacific, but immediately found this was a favorite spot for hundreds of these birds who then interfered with air traffic. So the decision was made to capture and remove them. Some were taken in cages to the Philippines, over 4000 miles away; some to Whidby Island in Washington State, more than 3000 miles away; and some in other directions. All were banded and released so they could be identified if seen again.
And seen again they were! All eventually returned! It was estimated they flew about 300 miles per day in returning to Midway. How did they ever find their way over such distances?
While flying in remote areas of the ocean, navigators of planes require sensitive instruments along with radio signals to be sure to stay on course and not get hopelessly lost. How can the Albatross, without such helps, cover these many miles soaring so care-free, first in this direction, then in another and never get lost? The answer is that God has put all this direction-finding ability into its head. How helpless man looks with all his instruments, compared with the instincts and abilities given these birds that are in the Creator’s care.
God has given mankind an intelligence far above other created things, along with fresh blessings every day. Yet how many there are who never give Him a thought and some even intentionally turn away from Him. It makes us think of what Job said; “What is man, that Thou shouldest magnify him? and that Thou shouldest set Thine heart upon him? And that Thou shouldest visit him every morning, and try (watch over) him every moment?” Job 7:17,18.
Oh! He has been so “longsuffering... not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9. How deeply He loved us, as we read: “He loved us, and sent His Son to be the propitiation (offering) for our sins.” 1 John 4:10. Do you know the joy of being a child of His through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ?


Memory Verse: “The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and He knowth them that trust in Him.” Nahum 1:7
Last winter two young men, Al and Bob, took a vacation trip through the southwestern United States. They enjoyed the beautiful, warm climate of southern California. As they traveled tards their home, the road they were driving on took them higher and higher into the Rocky Mountains.
Darkness came and at the same time it began to snow. It soon developed into a blizzard, and they had trouble seeing the road. All of a sudden their car stalled right in the middle of the highway. They tried and tried to get it running, but the engine wouldn’t start. They were really stuck! Here they were with a blizzard raging outside and a wilderness all around them without a house or store anywhere in sight. There was not one thing they could do to get their car started so they could continue on their trip.
Isn’t this the condition of each of us when we are born into this world? We are born sinners and we begin life traveling on that broad road that leads to hell. We can do nothing to get on that other road which leads to heaven. We are like these young people who were stuck and unable to do one thing to get themselves going again. Wouldn’t it be sad if the story ended here!
Al and Bob knew the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour, and they had memorized many verses from the Bible. One verse they remembered was “Call upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me.” Psalms 50:15. So they called on the Lord—they prayed and asked that somehow He would send someone to help them get their car started. Before they were even finished praying, a car stopped right behind them and a kind man got out to see what was wrong. He drove Al to the nearest town, twenty miles away, to get the part they needed, while Bob stayed with the car. Then he brought Al back and even helped put the part in the car. They got the car started, thanked the man, and continued on their trip again. The Lord Jesus heard their prayer and He answered it—right away!
Al and Bob had done all they could, but with no success. They needed help from someone else. You and I were completely helpless in our sins and going to hell. The Lord Jesus came to this earth and was punished by God on the cross for our sins if we believe on Him. He came right to where we were and has helped us out of our awful condition as sinners. He is the only Way by which we can get going on that new road that leads to heaven. All you have to do is to believe on Him, that He died for your sins, and you will be saved immediately. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” Acts 16:31. Just like the kind man who would not leave Al and Bob until he was sure they were on their way again, so the Lord Jesus is “long-suffering..., not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9. Won’t you believe in Him right now?

The Honey Bird

I wondered why the native carriers were putting their loads down right in the middle of the narrow African footpath. I moved to the front of the group to see. It was a honey bird, I was told. If they could keep up with it, the bird would lead them right to a bee hive in a hollow tree. We ran after the bird as it flew from tree to tree. Just as they said, it soon led us right to a tree with a large hive in its hollow trunk.
The natives soon had a smoky fire started in the base of the tree. The smoke made the bees come out of the hive. The honey combs were then gathered and eaten. But what about the honey bird? It waited while we had all the honey we could eat. Then it flew down after we left to clean up what we had dropped or couldn’t finish. It, too, had a feast!
The honey bird did not have to be taught how to find the bee hive, but it did need help to get the honey. It could not get it out of the tree by itself. God loves the sinner but not his sins. The only way that God could have us with Him is by the death of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross. Now because of His death we can enjoy the sweetness of God’s love forever. We read in Genesis, chapter 1, how God created the heavens and earth along with every living creature and also provided food for them. That Creator is the same One who died on Calvary’s cross to save us from our sins, so that we can be with Him for all eternity. It is “the Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me.” Galatians 2:20. NOW is the time to be saved. Tomorrow may be too late. “now is the accepted time; behold, NOW is the day of salvation.” 2 Corinthians 6:2.

Great Grandma's Ducks

Great Grandma lived on a farm in Iowa, and she had a little flock of ducks that she kept. These ducks were supposed to stay in the back yard, away from the road, so that they would not stray away and get lost. But it seemed like the ducks didn’t remember very long, and soon they would come waddling around to the front yard. Great Grandma would say, “You ducks, get back in the back yard!”
Then they would turn around and back they went to the back yard where they belonged. Pretty soon here they would come again, and Great Grandma would say again, “You ducks, get back in the back yard!”
Those ducks are a lot like people. We often forget, and God has to show us again and again what is the right way for our feet, He knew we would forget easily. So He gave us His Word, the Bible, to read every day to show us the right path.
“Seek ye out of the book of the Lord, and read " Isaiah 34:16, “Ye shall lay up these My words in your heart and in your soul.” Deuteronomy 11:18.

The Ants With a Dairy

The Wonders of God’s Creation
“How sweet are Thy words unto my taste! Yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth.” Psalms 119:103.
Those who grow gardens know about the little insects, called aphids, that live on the stems of tender plants. They pierce them with their mouths and suck out the sugary juices. When the gardener finds them he usually tries to get rid of them, but there are many places where they live unnoticed by the gardener.
The aphid keeps only a small amount of this sugar in its body. The rest, known as “honeydew,” comes through its pores and appears as little droplets on its outer surface. Certain ants who search out these aphids have learned that, by stroking the aphid’s back with their antennae, it will give up the honeydew. This is used as food for the ant colony. Sometimes ants are found taking care of a large colony of aphids. In doing this they look like milkmaids milking their cows.
If a good supply of honeydew is available, the ants, after stuffing themselves full, take it to other ants in their nest. These ants, known as “honey pots,” accept all the honey brought to them, until their abdomen is stretched to its limit, and they look like a round, amber-colored ball. When they can’t hold any more they crawl to the ceilings of a chamber in the colony where they hang upside down and “go into storage.” Sometimes they hang this way for a year or more, a remarkable feat, because when full of honey they weigh about eight times their normal weight! A colony might contain 300 or more of these honeypots. In winter months when the aphids are gone and food is scarce outside, the honeypots allow their companions to draw the rich nectar from them.
Strangely, the aphids don’t seem to mind the action of the ants and perhaps enjoy it. Sometimes the ants build an earthen barricade around their “cows,” apparently to make sure they will remain in place. The eggs of the aphids are sometimes taken into the ants’ nest before winter and given good care. When they hatch in the spring, the ants carry them to the new shoots of juice-producing plants, and then move them from time to time to the best spots.
The ants greatly enjoy the flavor of this honey, but Scripture tells us of something that has even more sweetness: “The judgments (words) of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb. Moreover by them is Thy servant warned: and in keeping of them there is great reward.” Psalms 19:9-11. Does the name of the Saviour and His words have that sweet meaning to you?

Ducks and Chickens

Memory Verse: “If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away, behold, all things are become new.” 2 Corinthians 5:17
Sharon was a little girl who lived on a large farm. Her mother had given her a hen and eggs to be hatched. Sharon looked forward to the time when she would have some little chicks all her own.
But these eggs were not all the same size: seven of them were hen’s eggs and six were duck eggs. For many days the little mother hen patiently sat on the nest. After about three weeks, two distinct families of little, yellow, downy birds had hatched. Sharon was very excited and decided to make a house for the new family.
One morning a few weeks later when she went to the chicken house to feed them, she discovered that all of the young ducklings were gone and only the chickens were left. She ran and told her mother the sad news. Her mother laughed and said to Sharon, “You go down to the pond in the field and see if you can find them there.” So Sharon hurried off to the pond. Sure enough, there were six little ducks having a wonderful time enjoying their first swim on the water. She tried to get them to come back to the shore, but no, they were too much at home on the water and having too good a time to leave. It was just as natural for them to be on the water as it was for the chicks to be on the land.
Even though both were hatched in the same nest, the two families had different natures.
Mother used this little incident to teach Sharon a lesson she never forgot. She told Sharon that we all were born with a nature that is selfish, loves to sin, loves the world and its pleasures, and is against God. But when a person gets saved, he is “born again,” born of God. He receives a new nature that is holy, it cannot sin, and loves to obey and please the Lord Jesus. However, the old nature still remains in the Christian as long as he is alive. The believer is to keep this old nature in the place of death, through the power of the death of Christ. Sometimes though, we let it become very active.
The old nature can only sin; the new nature cannot sin. May the Lord help each of us who are saved to walk in the power of that new life, so that Christ might shine forth in us.
“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to Himself by Jesus Christ.” 2 Corinthians 5:17,18.


Maria’s father was a soldier in the Army in a Central American country. She had three brothers older than she, whom she loved very much. They were not a very happy family because their mother and father were always fighting, and sometimes they did not have very much to eat. One day their father and mother got very angry with each other, and her father rushed out of the house. Maria sat in a corner crying because she loved her father, and she didn’t like him going out of the house so angry.
A little later their father came home looking serious, but not angry. He sat on a broken old chair near where Maria was sitting, and she climbed up on his lap. He had a little paper which he said someone on the street had given to him. It was a Gospel paper called “Mensajes del amor de Dios” (Messages of God’s Love). He read it to her, but she didn’t understand very much.
Later she saw her father writing to someone, which was something she had never seen him do before. He was writing to the address on the back of the little paper to find out more about the love of God. After this her father was quieter, and he didn’t fight with their mother as much. But one night their mother left them all saying she didn’t want to live with an “Evangelical.”
One day their father took Maria and her brothers to a little hotel nearby to meet a missionary and his wife from Mexico. Every night after that they would go to the hotel to study the Bible. Those were happy days that Maria and her brothers never forgot.
Through the help of other missionaries, Maria’s father was able to get a little hall where he and his family lived in one room and they held Gospel meetings in the other. They also had a Sunday school class where many other boys and girls came to hear about the love of God, and His Son Jesus Christ.
One night one of the missionaries spoke on the verses in John 10:27-30: “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand. My Father, which gave them Me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of My Father’s hand. I and My Father are one.”
Little Maria couldn’t sleep that night. She had heard her brothers confess the Lord Jesus as their Saviour. They were so much nicer to her after that. She wanted to know Jesus as her Saviour, too.
The next night she went to one of the missionaries and said, “Brother (that is what her father always called them), I want to be saved.”
The missionary sat down beside her and asked, “You do, Maria? Why?”
She answered, “Because Jesus died to save me from condemnation, and I don’t want to be condemned.”
The missionary said, “Let’s go into your room, and tell the Lord Jesus all about it.”
Her father, the missionary and his wife went into the back room with her. There the missionary prayed for little Maria, and then waited for her father to pray too, but he was so happy he was crying. Suddenly little Maria herself prayed and said, “Dear Lord Jesus, thank-you so much for dying for me on the cross to save me from condemnation. Now I am in Your hands, and Your hands are in God’s hands, and no one can take me out.” This little five-year-old girl had the joy of belonging to the Lord Jesus, and His Father, in a way many grown-ups never understand.

Are All the Children in?

I think of times as the night draws nigh
Of an old house on the hill,
Of a yard all wide and blossom-starred,
Where the children played at will.
And when the night at last came down,
Hushing the merry din,
Mother would look around and ask,
“Are all the children in?”
’Tis many and many a year since then
And the old house on the hill
No longer echoes to childish feet,
And the yard is still, so still.
But I see it all as shadows creep,
And though many the years have been
Since then, I can hear the mother ask,
“Are all the children in?”
I wonder if, when the shadows fall,
On the last short earthly day,
When we say good-bye to the world outside,
All tired with our childish play;
When we meet the Lover of boys and girls,
Who died to save them from sin,
Will we hear Him ask, as Mother did,
“Are all the children in?”

The Friendly Dolphin

The Wonders of God’s Creation
“Happy is he... whose hope is in the Lord his God: which made heaven, and earth, the sea, and all that therein is.” Psalms 146:5,6.
Below the ocean’s surface a dolphin is giving birth to a baby which will be about three-feet long and weigh more than a hundred pounds. Coming up occasionally for air, she will require an hour’s time to bring the little one into the world (or should we say, into the sea?). If this baby would be born headfirst, like most other creatures, it would drown, for it must breathe air. So God has provided that it will be born tail-first, and it won’t need to breathe until the very last minute of birth.
With birth completed the little one will go to the surface for air with its mother’s help. Then she will turn on her side and her baby will have its first meal. About that time another dolphin will make an appearance, looking the baby over carefully. But the mother will not be the least bit worried, because this is an “auntie” that will help in the baby’s training and protection until it matures.
Dolphins (or porpoises) have never been known to purposely hurt any person and are quick to make friends. They love to swim alongside ships and, because they can swim very fast, they frequently go great distances, often swimming in large circles around the ships.
Dolphins are friendly with each other, too, and communicate by means of squeaks, clicks and whistles. When one is injured others stay with it, guiding or pushing it out of danger. Should one of them be unable to rise to the surface for air, others lift it up in an effort to save its life.
These charming creatures spend all their time in the water and have no way of surviving on land. Yet they really are air-breathing mammals. They can stand the high pressures of deep dives, partly by an ability to take more oxygen into their lungs than land animals do. Their bodies are remarkably streamlined for fast movement through the water so they easily catch fish, which is their principal food. The bigger varieties grow up to fifteen-feet long and weigh a half ton or more; but the Bottlenose variety, commonly seen in aquariums and performing in water shows, are closer to six-feet long and weigh about 250 pounds.
How wonderful it is that God has populated the world with so many interesting beings, all of whom are dependent on Him for life. It is truly said: “The eyes of all wait upon Thee; and Thou givest them their meat in due season. Thou openest Thine hand, and satisfiest the desire of every living thing.” Psalms 145:15,16. Have you ever thanked the Lord for His kindness in providing for you?
In the same Psalm we are told: “The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon Him, to all that call upon Him in truth. He will fulfill the desire of them that fear Him: He also will hear their cry, and will save them.” (vv. 18, 19). This is His invitation to us to call on Him for the salvation of our eternal souls. We may be certain all who call on Him in this way will find Him a sure and loving Saviour. Have you made that personal call to Him?

An African Jewel

Memory Verse: “I am the door; by Me if any man enter in, he shall be saved.” John 10:9
On a bright sunny day in Kaondand, Shimbi appeared at the missionary’s tent door in a new white shirt. He had been to the copper-mine store and bought a few things for himself. Seated cross-legged on the ground and clapping his hands together, he waited to talk to the missionary. His greeting was the usual “Mutende” (Peace to you).
What did Shimbi want? Was it a little gift? The white people brought so many things from their country to give as gifts. No, he didn’t ask for a present. All he said was, “Na saka kwitaba” (I want to believe). He had heard of the Great God who loves everyone—who sent His Son to die on a cruel cross to save people from their sins.
It was a real pleasure to tell him about the blessed Saviour. The Christians in our caravan told him about the love of the Lord Jesus and how He died for Shimbi.
Shimbi believed the words that were spoken to him, and he accepted the Lord as his Saviour. Then he said, “I want to go to the mission school to learn to read so that I can read the Word of God for myself. May I come?”
The reply was, “Yes, if your father is willing.” So off he went to get his father.
“Will you allow your son to attend school at the mission station?” his father was asked.
The answer was, “If he wants to go to learn, that is up to him.”
The question now was, how would Shimbi know when it was time to start on the journey through the dangerous forest to the mission station? He was told how many moons would pass before school opened. That did not satisfy him. Going to his hut he reached up in the thatched roof for a pencil and piece of paper which he had hidden there. He made a mark on the paper for each day until it was time to start for the school. Each day he would scratch off a mark. When only a few marks remained he knew it would be time to go. He was sure there would be some men going in that direction for work. He would walk with them through the forest.
A short time later, after saying good-by to Shimbi, our caravan returned to Musonweji where we lived. As we got ready for the school term we wondered if Shimbi would really come. We were not disappointed.
What a bright pupil Shimbi was! He had come to learn. When the school term ended he was able to read fairly well. He had learned truths from God’s precious Book. At that time the Gospel of Mark was the only book translated into the Kaonde language.
Vacation time came. The school boys tied up their few belongings ready to return to their own villages. Shimbi said he was going to read to his neighbors from the Gospel of Mark and tell them what he had learned about the Lord Jesus. He said good-bye. He planned to come again for the next school term.
He kept his promise and returned, but with a sad face as he told how his neighbors were not willing to listen to him. They were content with the Kaonde religion. They did not want the white man’s religion. However, there were some in the village who had been watching Shimbi and saw how his life was changed.
One person who was watching Shimbi was his sister. She came to visit the mission station to learn about the Lord Jesus Christ. She exclaimed, “Shimbi has believed, and I don’t want to be left out!” While waiting for Shimbi to finish the school term, she came to stay with us for several days so she could hear more about the Lord Jesus and the wonderful things He did. She listened closely to the wonders of creation and how He was punished for our sins on Calvary’s cross. Then each day she would repeat what she had heard the day before. She accepted the Lord as her Saviour by “entering in through the Door.” As the Lord says in John 10:9, “I am the door: by Me if any man enter in, he shall be saved....”
Shimbi and his sister returned to their village and told others about their Saviour. Their changed lives and God’s Word were used to bring others in their village to the Lord Jesus. Won’t you accept Him as your Saviour? “If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” 2 Corinthians 5:17.

The Leopard's Spots

A foreign circus was once traveling through Old Russia in the days before the Communists seized control of that land. Stopping at a city for an engagement, the keeper hired a native Russian to wash out some of the cages.
The keeper could not speak a word of Russian so it was necessary for him to show the man what he wanted done. Taking a bucket of water and a scrubbing brush he entered the cage of a tame antelope and proceeded to scrub the cage floor. Then, as was his custom, he ran the brush up and down the back of the antelope a few times, much to the gentle animal’s delight. Turning the brush and bucket over to his hired man, he went away for a short while.
When he returned he was horrified to see his Russian helper in the leopard’s cage, vigorously scrubbing the back of the dangerous beast. However, the huge cat seemed charmed at the massage it was receiving. Instead of showing any signs of animosity, it was stretched out at full length, thoroughly enjoying the novel treatment at the hands of the unsuspecting attendant.
Whether or not the poor Russian thought he could remove some of the leopard’s spots, we do not know. But we are sure that no amount of scrubbing could ever take away one spot from the leopard’s skin.
In Jeremiah 13:23 the Lord asks: “Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil.” As the leopard cannot change its spots, no more can man change his rebellious nature.
Those spots on the leopard remind us of the spots and dark stains of sin on the sinner. He cannot get rid of them himself. No amount of scrubbing—good deeds, church-going, prayers, and such—can ever remove the deep-dyed stains of sin. “For though thou wash thee with nitre, and take thee much soap, yet thine iniquity is marked before Me, saith the Lord GOD.” Jeremiah 2:22.
Only one thing in heaven and on earth can take away sin from God’s sight—that is the precious blood of Jesus. “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7. Now a sinner who comes to Him may have his sins forgiven and be washed “whiter than snow.”
“Come now, and let us reason tether, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.” Isaiah 1:18.

The Amazing Heart

The Wonders of God’s Creation
“Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.” Proverbs 4:23.
The issues of life (physical, as well as spiritual) are all dependent on the heart. All functions of the body rely on it as, beating some 100,000 times a day, it pumps about 600 tons of blood through the body each year, at the rate of about a quart every minute.
What keeps it going? Medical scientists do not know, but think it may be brought about by certain chemical impulses. The real answer is that this is another wonder of God’s creation. He alone could devise so intricate and reliable a machine out of flesh and blood.
The ten pints of blood that is in the adult body is pumped to the lungs by the heart. The blood passes through arteries on its way to the lungs. These arteries increase in number but reduce in size. By the time the blood finally reaches the lungs it has passed through about 600 million tiny capillaries. Each of these is less than half the diameter of a hair! As air rushes into the lungs when we breathe, this blood picks up oxygen from the air, at the same time discarding harmful carbon dioxide, which the lung exhales through the nose.
Enriched with oxygen, the blood travels a different route back to the heart, where it is again pumped through the aorta into other arteries and capillaries. Thousands of miles of capillaries are needed to bring the blood to the cells, organs, muscles, tissues and every part of the body, from the top of the head to the soles of the feet.
As the blood makes this long journey the oxygen content gets less and less. By the time the blood has circulated through the system and returns to the first pump of the heart, there is practically no oxygen left and it must be “refueled” before it can be useful to the body again. It contains large amounts of carbon dioxide which the cells of the body have given off. Once more the blood is sent to the lungs where the carbon dioxide is released and oxygen is absorbed.
How wise is the master plan of the Creator as seen in this most amazing system! If man tried to duplicate it he would be totally unable to do so.
The heart is often spoken of in the Bible to describe our feelings and reasonings of the mind. God describes it this way: “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” The answer is immediately given: “I the Lord search the heart.” Jeremiah 17:9,10. It’s very solemn to know that nothing is ever hidden from Him. Since God knows the heart, shouldn’t we trust in God with our heart? “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.” Proverbs 3:5,6. What a grand invitation this is and those who accept it and find the Lord as their Saviour can say with the Psalmist, “I have trusted in Thy mercy; my heart shall rejoice in Thy salvation.” Psalms 13:5. Have you asked the Lord to put this joy in your heart?

The Adopted Kitten

Memory Verse: “As many as received Him; to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name.” John 1:12
“Mew, mew, mew, mew.” Tom and Lisa ran to the spot where the cries of a tiny kitten were heard. There, all alone, they found a tiny ball of gray and white fur with baby-blue eyes just beginning to open. The little kitten was very hungry, and LOST. Apparently the mother barn cat had moved her litter away from the curious eyes and hands of the children, but this little baby had been forgotten.
That night the little kitten traveled to the city home of the family and was fed with an eyedropper. It eagerly licked the milk from the dropper, but it was a very long job satisfying the kitten’s appetite, even with all the family taking turns. This little creature had one great need—a mother to feed and care for it.
Then Tom’s neighbor, Bob, came over and said their cat had a new litter of kittens and maybe, just maybe.... Across the street they ran with the mewing baby to see if the mother would accept a strange kitten in her box. The little kitten was placed on the floor where Mama Kitty was drinking a bowl of milk. She looked at the mewing kitten and moved right over and began licking it with her rough tongue. After this washing, the deserted kitten was put into the box with the other kittens and Mama Kitty climbed in and they all began to eat hungrily. The mother cat settled down to clean all her babies again, including her newly adopted one.
While watching Mama Kitty accept the lost kitten, I was thinking of what a perfect picture this was of how lost and helpless we are in our sins “having no hope, and without God.” Ephesians 2:12. When we cry, “I’m lost, I’m helpless,” no matter how weak our cry, God hears us. He reaches out in love and adopts us into His family, and makes us one of His very own children. “Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God.” 1 John 3:1. Upon reiving Christ as our Saviour we are “washed... from our sins in His own blood.” Revelation 1:5. “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7.
Just as the little kitten could not feed itself and could not save its own life, so we are not able to save our own souls. There is no list of good things that we can do to save ourselves. The little kitten could not pay for its adoption and neither can we. The kitten could only drink and live, and we can only believe and live. “God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners (helpless), Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8.

Enok Jackson

As I sat beside Enok he began to tell me the story again.
It was “prayer week” in the little farming town in Sweden where Enok Jackson lived. Each winter at the start of the new year the Christians in the small town would have special meetings. These meetings were for giving thanks for the past year; for prayer for the coming year; and preaching the Gospel to those who did not love the Lord Jesus.
Enok had grown up in a Christian home where the Bible was read every evening. He also worked with Christian partners. But he was not saved. He had heard the Gospel many times, but he had never accepted Jesus Christ as his own personal Saviour.
Enok’s father asked him one evening, “Are you going to the meetings, Enok?” Enok knew that the snow was very deep, high up over the fences, and the meetings were way up in the woods. He knew that they would have to ski to get there, but that was fine. He liked to ski.
Enok and his father put on warm clothes, boots and their skis. It was a long way to Mrs. Olson’s home. The night was very cold and clear. The beautiful northern lights lighd up the sky as they skied through the woods.
There were many other people at Mrs. Olson’s house that night. Among them was an evangelist who was traveling from town to town. He spoke from Luke 16 about the rich man and Lazarus. He showed them from God’s Word, the Bible, what happened to those two men. The rich man with all his riches went to hell and could not even get a drop of water to cool his tongue. But Lazarus, having had nothing in this world, was in heaven with the Lord.
The Lord used these words—just like an arrow straight at Enok’s poor heart. He had been working so hard to make a good living that he had forgotten about where he was heading. He got down on his knees and asked the Lord to save him. “Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out.” John 6:37.
It was a different Enok who skied home that night. He had gone to the meeting a lost man on the way to hell. He returned home saved by the precious blood of Christ on his way to heaven.
This happened many years ago. But Enok still loves to tell the story to those that visit him in the nursing home. “Enok—the seventh from Adam” is the way he will greet you when you first meet him. But more important, it’s Enok—on his way to heaven.” Won’t you accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour as Enok did so many years ago? “This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” 1 Timothy 1:15.


“Mommy, come quick! There’s a monster in my room!” cried Mark. When Mother came she tried to tell Mark that there wasn’t any such thing as a monster, but he still seemed a little afraid.
“Mark, Jesus is here with you. He won’t let anything hurt you. He loves you very much,” Mother said. “Isn’t Jesus afraid of anything?” asked Mark.
“Oh, no. He doesn’t have to be afraid of anything. Don’t you remember when He told the big wind and the big waves to be still, and they became calm? They had to do what He said because He is God’s Son. So you don’t have to be afraid of monsters or anything else with Jesus here to take care of you.”
“Okay, Mommy, you can go downstairs,” said Mark. “Jesus will take care of me.” He snuggled down with his blanket and went off to sleep.
Do you feel afraid sometimes? Just remember that Jesus is with you all the time, and He tells those who love Him, “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.... The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear.” Hebrews 13:5,6.

The Lovely Monarch Butterfly: Part 1

The Wonders of God’s Creation
“The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in.” Psalms 121:8.
In early September as days turn cool, large numbers of beautiful black and orange Monarch butterflies begin to flock. Many of these are in the far eastern provinces of Canada and others are in Alaska and western Canada. Then, as if there was some mysterious signal, each group takes off in a great cloud which becomes several miles wide and many miles in length. They have started a southern migration; those on the Atlantic Coast are headed for the Gulf Coast areas of Florida and Mexico; those on the Pacific Coast (for the most part) are headed for Pacific Grove, California. Each group has about 2000 miles to cover.
One of the amazing things about this flight is that none of these butterflies have ever made this trip before, and there are no older ones to guide them. The “parents” of all these butterflies died while in the north. How, then, do they know the right time to leave; and how do they know where to go? How do these fragile insects, weighing so little, have the strength to travel so far, sometimes over mountains and across oceans? How can they stay on course in strong winds? None of this could ever happen if it were not for a Divine Power guiding and directing them. Their Creator provided them with the ability to make these migrations when He made them a part of His wonderful creation. Year after year He provides direction and strength to get them to their destinations.
The certainty of the migration is so reliable that each year tourists flock to see it.
After arriving, the Monarchs spend quiet lives in the warm southern climate, living entirely on nectar from flowers. But as the wintertime passes, the urge to return north is evident. Usually during June they migrate northward in great groups, returning to the areas they left the preceding fall.
It is God who prepares these amazing creatures for their long journeys. Just as He has prepared them for their trip, he wants to see you prepared in the right way for the long journey awaiting you, too. The final destination for each of us is not to remain here on earth, but we must go either to heaven or hell. He who “is not willing that any should perish” wants you to accept His offer of salvation through faith in Christ and His work on Calvary, and go to heaven.
When Christ comes back for those who have believed in Him, He wants you to be among those who shall leave this world “to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.” 1 Thessalonians 4:17. How sad to know that those who refuse His offer of salvation will hear those awful words: “Depart from Me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire.” Matthew 25:41. Oh, may you know His loving and saving grace now, so that you will enter in and be part of those things “which God hath prepared for them that love Him.” 1 Corinthians 2:9.