May 9

Daniel 2:22
“He revealeth the deep and secret things: He knoweth what is in the darkness, and the light dwelleth with Him” ―Daniel 2:22.
IT is God of whom Daniel speaks. All things are known to Him. Though He is absolutely holy He knows every sinful thought and action of which men are guilty; though He is perfect light, that light penetrates into the darkness, revealing every secret thing; “For whatsoever doth make manifest is light.” Yet none need fear to come into His presence if he but judge his sin and own his guilt, for God Himself has devised a plan whereby all iniquity may be dealt with and sin forever put away. The precious blood of Christ cleanses from every stain all who trust in Him.
We fly not now from that all-seeing eye,
Which once we shunned, to hide ourselves in night;
The blood that purged our sins has brought us nigh,
To dwell in God’s own love, and walk in light;
Thee, holy, holy, holy Lord, we love,
Whose holy will we now delight to learn and prove.”
―J. G. Deck.