Mary and the Tracts

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Mary’s home was just outside the town, and it was a long way to walk to the post office. But Uncle Charlie was at the post office every day, and so he offered to bring Mary’s mail to his own home, and let Mary pick it up there.
Uncle Charlie loved the Lord Jesus, so did his dear old mother, and they often prayed that Mary might be saved. In fact they often put gospel tracts, like those the dear Christian man in our picture is giving out, between the letters, so that Mary would be able to read the good news.
I am sorry to tell you that as soon as Mary picked up the letters and started home, she looked carefully for tracts, took them out, and threw them away! But listen to the rest of the story. God loved Mary even though she didn’t love Him, and He began to make her think seriously about her sins, until she wanted to be saved.
It was Sunday afternoon, and Mrs. Campbell was teaching her class of girls. Mary listened quietly as her teacher read this verse, “What must I do to be saved?” This, thought Mary, is just what I need. I must listen carefully.
Patiently, Mrs. Campbell showed that God was not asking us to do anything at all, but to accept as our Saviour, the Lord Jesus who has done It all for us. Right there in Sunday school Mary accepted Jesus as her Lord and Saviour. Now she loves to visit Uncle Charlie, and to talk about Jesus. She never throws tracts away either. In fact she loves to read them and to give them away to others. Now she has gone to faraway India to spread the news of Jesus and His love to those who never heard the story.
Have you accepted the Lord Jesus yet? He loves you and wants you to come to Him now.
“COME NOW, AND LET US REASON TOGETHER, SAITH THE LORD: THOUGH YOUR SINS BE AS SCARLET, THEY SHALL BE AS WHITE AS SNOW; THOUGH THEY BE RED LIKE CRIMSON, THEY SHALL BE AS WOOL.” Isaiah 1:1818Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. (Isaiah 1:18).
ML 06/13/1954