March 11: The King Needs You

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AR 11:2{AR 11:3{Perhaps we have the dreary idea, "Nobody wants me!" We never need grope in that gloom again, when the King Himself desires us! This desire is love active, love in glow, love going forth, love delighting and longing. It is the strongest representation of the love of Jesus—something far beyond the love of pity or compassion; it is the taking pleasure in His people; delighting in them; willing (i.e., putting forth the grand force of His will) that they should be with Him where He is, with Him now, with Him always. It is the love that does not end and will not endure separation—the love that cannot do without its object.
Why will you do without Him? He calls and calls again—
"Come unto Me! Come unto Me!" Oh, shall He call in vain?
He wants to have you with Him; do you not want Him too?
You cannot do without Him, and He wants—even you.