Learning to Walk.

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THE little fellow in our picture is just learning to walk. Sister, with outstretched arm is asking him to come; and in her hand she is holding a fine apple to induce him to try. Mother stands behind him to catch him if he should fall. Sometimes little folks push away the kind hand that would support them, and then they are pretty sure to get a tumble.
But there is another kind of walk of which I wish to speak to you, and that is the walk with Jesus, for we who are born again should learn to walk with Him.
Unlike the baby, who can, after a time, learn to walk alone, we can never learn to walk without the help of Jesus; we need His help for every step of the way. He says, “Without Me ye can do nothing.” If we try to go on without His help, we will find to our sorrow that a fall awaits us.
Peter felt strong, and quite sure that he could go all right; he would not deny Jesus—no! not even though all the others did. Ah! Peter did not know how weak he was, and what need he had of help from Jesus. He was allowed to try a few steps in his own strength; but it resulted in a dreadful fall.
It is a good thing, dear boys and girls, to realize that you need God’s help in all things, and at all times. Go to Him for help and strength and wisdom for a right walk; and you will find His strong arm supporting you, and your walk and ways will then be to His praise and glory.
“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.” Prov. 52:5.
ML 12/28/1902