June 25

Mark 9:2‑4
“After six days Jesus taketh with him Peter, and James, and John, and leadeth them up into an high mountain apart by themselves: and He was transfigured before them. And His raiment became shining, exceeding white as snow; so as no fuller on earth can white them. And there appeared unto them Elias with Moses: and they were talking with Jesus”— Mark 9:2-4.
ON the mount, the disciples were taken into God’s confidence and given a foreview of the kingdom to be ushered in with power and glory at our Lord’s second advent. In the plain, they beheld anew something of the ravages of sin and Satan, under which this poor world suffers and groans still, and from which it will only be freed completely when Christ returns. But all down through the present age of evil the Lord Jesus is the One who hears the prayer of faith and gives deliverance to those who put their trust in His Word. No case is too difficult for Him to deal with. His disciples often fail because of unbelief and failure to recognize their own inability to work apart from Him, who commissions them to represent Him in this scene.
“They saw His glory on the mount,
Their Lord transfigured there;
They heard God’s voice from the cloud
The Sonship of the Christ declare.
They fain would tarry on the mount,
So wondrous was the night;
To build three tabernacles there
Would be their great delight.
But in the valley far below
Were tasks that must be done;
And so they left the holy mount
With God’s beloved Son.
We, too, would tarry on the mount,
But Christ would have us go
Back to the ordinary tasks
Awaiting us below.”
―Linden J. Carter.