Jumbo's Conversion

 •  4 min. read  •  grade level: 8
ON one Lord's Day evening, we were listening to the testimony of. dear Captain A— (now with the Lord), from the Gospel by John1— the three "musts"—
Ye must be born again;
So must the Son of man be lifted up;
He must increase.
In the course of the address, the captain told us the way in which the Lord saved him, and how he tried for two years previously to reform his life; he even left the army, thinking that he could not serve God acceptably in such a position, and thinking also, that by leading a good life, he would meet the requirements of a holy and sin-hating God. His eyes, however, were then opened to see that it was the blood of Jesus, and that only, which could make him fit for the presence of God.
This testimony produced a marked impression on the hearts of our shipmates, and many, when personally spoken to by our dear brother, made promises to come to Jesus. We committed them to our Father's mercy, and proceeded to another service. Shortly after, when enjoying the testimonies of our brethren in Christ, we were alarmed by three of our shipmates walking into the room in a frightened manner.
At first we thought the Holy Spirit had so convinced them of their sinfulness, that with breathless haste they had come to make confession of their sins—especially as one of them had been spoken to on board; but such was not the case. They were sent to inform us that the ship had been ordered to sea, and that we were to come on board at once.
Never shall we forget the face of the one who came to deliver the message. If ever a sin-sick soul could be discovered by human eye, it was, discovered in the face of that man. His life must have been a burden to him, for the weight of a thousand ills seem to have been-resting upon his shoulders; and he would not, indeed he persistently refused, to have them removed.
Duty's call, however, had to be obeyed; but our unsaved shipmates, who came to warn us of the ship's sailing, were themselves warned of the judgment that awaits those who reject the Lord Jesus Christ, before they got outside the room.
It is well written that
“God moves in a mysterious way
His wonders to perform.”
For on the ship's return from Casablanca, after another service on board, these three men, with another, were found at the same place, listening to the gospel of God Our hearts leaped for joy, being perhaps overanxious for their conversion; but although they were earnestly entreated to accept Christ as the all-sufficient Savior, only one made any promise. We were, I think, a little disappointed, which was of course unwise; so that we had to learn, ah! many a time, the lesson so lovingly taught the Lord's disciples, "Ye have need of patience.”
However, the next night saw two or three there again, and while hymns were being sung after the address, our friends appeared to be anything but happy. They looked particularly miserable; and, praise the Lord, with joy we relate that the following night, one of them, the biggest man in the ship (altering the words of the hymn),
“Came to Jesus as he was,
Weary, and worn and sad;
And found in Him a resting-place,
And He had made him glad!”
The whole ship was affected when "Jumbo" (as the sailors called him) was converted, as there were none so loud as he against Christ, His word, and God's children.
His testimony, subsequently, proved that he had been our greatest enemy all the time; yet how wonderfully the Lord showed him his sinfulness, had mercy on him, and saved him. How full of praise and thankfulness to God he was for bringing him to Himself, and in his own words, that He had saved a wretch like him!
How is it with you, my reader? Are you a. believer? Are you a Christian? if not saved, why not?
EVEN spiritual occupation can hide a man from himself. WE are often referred to antiquity in these our days and no child of God that loves his Bible can object to this; we only find fault that they do not go back far enough.
1. ¤ John 3:7, 14, 30