July 17

Luke 5:8
“When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying, Depart from me; for I am a sinful man, O Lord”— Luke 5:88When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus' knees, saying, Depart from me; for I am a sinful man, O Lord. (Luke 5:8).
THE miraculous draft of fishes told Peter that he was in the presence of the Creator. This at once manifested his own sinful state and led to his taking the place of repentance at the Saviour’s feet. Though he cried, “Depart from me,” it was grace drawing him to the only One who could meet his need. Instead of departing Jesus met him in loving-kindness and compassion, and gave him the word of assurance, “Fear not.” It is those who own their sinfulness who find mercy. Peter had joined the goodly fellowship of Job, David and Isaiah, all of whom, when consciously in the presence of God, took the place of self-judgment and found forgiveness and cleansing. The place of confession is the place of blessing.
“God could not pass the sinner by,
His sin demands that he must die;
But in the cross of Christ we see
How God can save, yet righteous be.
The sin alights on Jesus head,
‘Tis in His blood sin’s debt is paid;
And Mercy can dispense her store.
Stern Justice can demand no more,
The sinner who believes is free,
Can say, ‘The Saviour died for me;’
Can point to the atoning blood,
And say, ‘This made my peace with God.’”
—A. Midlane.