Jesus, the Life

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 2
“I am... the Life."-John 14:6.
LORD, Thou art Life:
The living Son of Him, the living God;
Th' eternal Life; of life the living WORD:
Down to this scene of strife,
Where all with death is rife;
And sin, death's sting, reigns with death, king and lord;
And Satan's iron chain
Fetters man's heart and brain;
Thou didst in living grace and power descend,
The foe of sin and death-the sinner's friend.
Lord, Thou didst die!
The sinless One has sin's dire burden borne;
Hung on the tree of death, midst shame and scorn:
There Thou wast lifted high,
Between the earth and sky,-
By both the veil of mid-day darkness worn.
My Lord, my Life! the flood
Of water and of blood,
That flowed so freely from Thy opened side,
For me was shed-for me, my Life has died.
Lord, Thou didst rise,
First-fruits of all that slept within the grave-
First-born of all the sons Thou cam'st to save.
Vanquished before our eyes
The king of terrors lies;
His sting is plucked; his worst we now can brave:
Thou, Prince of Life, art gone
Back to Thy Father's throne.
Thou dost the Breath of Life eternal give:
Because Thou livest, Lord, we also live.