Jesus Christ the Same, Today

 •  4 min. read  •  grade level: 9
Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever” (Heb. 13:88Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. (Hebrews 13:8)).
There are many of God’s beloved children who know little—comparatively nothing—of their portion in Jesus Christ for today.
In the blessed Lord Jesus they have found forgiveness of their sins. They have received the message of His love towards them. They have owned a crucified Jesus—the Saviour who put away their guilt “by the sacrifice of Himself.” They know that the one, perfect, atoning, sacrifice of Christ has put away sin, and that “life and immortality are brought to light” by the gospel of the grace of God. In the sure and certain knowledge of peace with God, the purged conscience rests, while a song of praise flows forth for the wondrous redemption wrought out for them. As “children of God by faith in Christ Jesus” with adoring hearts they thank God for a settled yesterday.
Then, from that wondrous scene at Calvary, they can by faith look forward to a glorious future, which the perfect work of the holy, spotless Victim, the God-man, Christ Jesus has secured for them—the “inheritance incorruptible and undefiled, laid up in heaven” for them— “the city which hath foundations whose builder and maker is God.” Should they have to pass through death, with joyful triumph they can say, “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for Thou art with me.” Neither time nor place can cast a shadow on the brightness of their “tomorrow.” In sweet anticipation they joyfully sing:
“We expect a bright tomorrow,
All will be well!”
Yes, they have learned that the Jesus of the cross is the Lord of the glory: “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and forever.”
But let each of us ask ourselves, How much do we know and enter into our blessed portion of “Jesus Christ, the same today”? Between the cross and the glory lie the sands of the desert—the wilderness through which we pass to “the rest that remaineth for the people of God.” Around us we cannot fail to see the combined forces of evil. The enemy of our souls would fain worry, perplex, and distract us. And perhaps in no form are we so little prepared for his subtle workings as when they meet us in the wear and tear of our daily life. It is in the today of our history that Satan would rob us of that blessed portion which is ours fully to enjoy—even the consciousness of the constant, never-changing interest and sympathy of Christ with us on the way.
Yet this is exactly what the Lord Himself seeks to make known to His own. There is not a trouble or a care which crosses our pathway but which He has destined for our blessing. But occupied with the danger or difficulty of the hour, do we not often miss the blessing, and grow disheartened and dismayed with the perils of the way! Our hearts are not slow to answer that such is too often the case, and that the cause of this is nothing less than our lack of knowing more of “Jesus Christ the same today,” in His ever present sympathy. Shall not our hearts yearn then to know Him better, and shall we not at once give Him the place He longs for in the “today” of our history? What are obstacles and hindrances with Him? Let the Lord’s own words reply: He says,
Lovingly and tenderly He watches us from on high, delighting to make known to us His all-sufficiency for every hour of need; His sustaining grace for every exercise through which we are called to pass. Let us avail ourselves of this rich provision for our daily need—the treasures made ours through faith in Christ Jesus. God’s wondrous dealings with us in the past, and His assured blessings in the future, will but become more truly marvelous in our eyes, as we learn, in the power of the Holy Ghost, the efficacy and fullness of our present portion in “Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever.”
What fills my heart with gladness?
‘Tis Thine abounding grace!
Where can I look, in sadness,
But, Jesus, on Thy face?
My all is Thy providing,—
Thy love can ne’er grow cold;
In Thee, my Refuge, hiding,
No good wilt Thou withhold.