Jesus Came

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 6
The Son of God who dwelt in light
Unreached by mortal eye,
Came forth as man the foe to fight,
And won the victory.
Jesus, the Father’s sent One, came,
While one with Him above,
To glorify His holy name,
To tell that “God is love.”
And where His enemy and ours
Had dared that love deny,
The cross defeated hell’s dark powers,
For Jesus came to die.
O! Wondrous way of grace divine,
Unfathomed and untold:
Still while eternal ages shine,
Its glories shall unfold.
In perfect light was sin laid bare,
And met its utmost due;
While perfect love in triumph there
Revealed salvation too.
Who but the sinless One could be
Sin-offering meet for God?
And who in heaven or earth but He
Could cleanse me with His blood?
To save the sinner Jesus came,
To set the captive free:
And now my willing lips proclaim
What He has done for me.
His finished work is all my trust,
And now He lives above,
Eternal proof that God is just
In all this way of love.
Delivered from the wrath to come,
I soon shall see His face;
And praise in God’s eternal home
The riches of His grace.