Listen from:
JESUS—Saviour, precious Name, Of the babe in Bethlehem, Came to earth to shed His blood, Son of man, yet Son of God.
EARNESTLY front day to day, (Seeking sinners all the way) Thou didst tread the thorny road; Here for man—blest Son of God.
SEEKS thee, sinner! still in grace! Wilt thou riot then seek His face? So that welcomed, pardoned, blessed, Thou shalt have eternal rest.
US (though sinners, such as we, Nailed Thee, Saviour, to the tree) Thou didst suffer all to win Millions from the power of sin.
SINNERS, Jesus seeks you still, Seeks to break your stubborn will, Seeks to bring you home to God; This is WHY He shed His blood.
ML 03/19/1950