Is There a Stain?

THERE is a rigorous order in force in connection with lighthouse inspection in the United States of America. When the inspector arrives, it is the duty of the head keeper to hand him a white linen napkin. With this the inspector wipes the lens of the searchlight, the lamp, and even the inside of the kitchen utensils.
If the cloth remains unsoiled, the inspector enters in the lighthouse log-book the entry, “Service napkin not soiled.” On the other hand the slightest stain on the napkin means a black mark for the keeper.
Could we, as Christians, stand such a rigorous test in spiritual things? The inspection day will come. The judgment seat of Christ is a reality. Not only will our outward actions come under review, but our inner thoughts, our secret desires will come under His searching scrutiny. “God shall judge the SECRETS of men by Jesus Christ.” (Rom. 2:16.) “The Lord... will bring to light the HIDDEN things of darkness, and will make manifest the COUNSELS of the hearts.” (1 Cor. 4:5). “Every one of us shall give account of himself to God.” (Rom. 14:12.).
Some of us were speaking about the Sermon on the Mount as found in Matthew 5-7. We noticed how the Lord puts His hand on the desires of the heart. It is not sufficient to have strength not to commit the sins of the flesh, but the desire of the heart, as the flesh works, must not be encouraged. Though shame would forbid the outward acts of the flesh, yet if carnal desires are cherished in any way, then the Lord looks upon that as gravely as if the act were committed.
It is not the first step that leads to a public fall. There must be the secret encouragement before things get to the point of open scandal. In the Sermon on the Mount it is “the PURE in heart” that will see God. It is well to be exercised about the thoughts of the heart, for if they are kept in captivity to the Lord actions will be right. Surgeon said, “You cannot forbid unclean birds flying over your heads but you can hinder their making a nest in your hair.”
Thoughts unbidden come into the mind that clearly are not of the Spirit of God, but of the flesh. We need not trouble about them, unless we are so foolish as to willingly give them a lodging place in our hearts. The wise man knew full well where the citadel of life is situated, when he wrote to his son, “Keep thy HEART with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.” (Prov. 4:23).
“Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself UNSPOTTED FROM THE WORLD. (James 1:27).
If that be carried out the napkin will not be soiled. Without becoming legal in the matter may we all have the desire to keep ourselves unspotted from the world. Its principles maxims aims pursuits are all opposed to God and what He is working for.
A. J. Pollock.