Introductory Remarks.

WE place in your hands, dear reader, a fresh volume of your old friend, FAITHFUL WORDS. Many contributors have aided in its production, and we believe we can assure you that all that is now in your hand is perfectly true. We begin each, volume with this assurance, considering it of the first importance, for we hold that it is a grievous wrong to conceive a tale and call upon the imagination for what purports to be an account of God’s wonderful way of dealing with a human being.
We have had this year many encouraging words from various friends who circulate our Magazine, and many proofs that it has been used for its great aim, in bringing the good news of salvation to those who know it not, and the gospel of peace to such as are still seeking to fit themselves for God’s favor by their own efforts.
Our voice reaches over a large area, for we have a goodly company or readers in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the Slates. We could, however, wish that some of our friends in England might be led into a little more zeal to increase our circulation. We have no doubt that the best way to do so is to induce individuals to take in one copy a month for themselves. This is preferable to free distribution. Two copies per month will be sent to any address post free by our publisher, if they cannot be obtained through the local bookseller; but it is invariably better, if possible, to order through a local bookseller.
Again, we commend to such of our readers as are conveniently able so to do to avail themselves of the advantage of the halfpenny book post. Will such as have the privilege of a gospel ministry and worship try to conceive the misery of the barrenness of many a village and hamlet in our own land, and will they not purpose, by God’s help, to use the grand advantage of our postal system for sending forth the water of life into these barren places? What would our noble forefathers have done, who strove against Romish influences, who fought the battle for the open Bible in our land, and who conquered through God’s help, had this country possessed its present postal advantages in their day? Let not their zeal, fellow Christian, cry out against our indifference! Do not we see continually, victories of Romish teaching around us, and do not we see the power of infidelity urging on its awful way? Let us be up and doing, and spend and be spent in the circulation of the truth of the gospel.
We thank our many contributors for their papers, those who circulate our Magazine for their help, and our readers for their interest. May God multiply His blessings upon each and all!