
We lay before you, dear reader, a fresh Volume of our FAITHFUL WORDS, and, as we do so, assure you that plain and simple truths of everyday life are what our pages record.
It is satisfactory to be able to state that the number of our readers, and the area over which our Magazine is circulated, have increased this year; but were Christian workers in this day more aggressive in their spiritual warfare, we are sure that where one now reads a gospel magazine or book ten would do so.
“Occupy” — trade― “till I come,” the Master says; and there are but few of His servants who could not so use the talent of means or time given them as at least to circulate double the number of gospel tracts and books which they now do. The post offers great facilities to Christian work in distributing Gospel truth. May none miss the opportunity! Let us relate one little incident as an encouragement to those engaged in this branch of service. We received the other day a letter from a railway guard in a northern city, begging us to thank the sender to him of our Magazine, month by month for some years, as by its means he was at length given to know himself brought to God. We know not who the sender is―his or her eye may perhaps light upon this page―but we would say to all like spirited Christian workers, “In due season ye shall reap, if ye faint not.”
We most heartily thank our friends who have so kindly contributed to our pages. We trust that they may be encouraged to continue their valued work; also, that others may be stirred up to assist us in our efforts, by sending records of incidents which come under their personal observation, in keeping with the object of our Magazine. We have seen on different occasions that some of the simplest stories of conversion have been those most used to help seekers after God to find peace in His presence.
Some of our friends, who for years past have sent us papers, have been called home, but none the less do their words still utter the praises of the Lord, in whose presence they now are.
To those generous friends who, in patient kindness, have for past years freely distributed our Magazine to the poor, our warmest thanks are rendered.
Now once more may our volume go forth, in its homely way speaking of and for the Savior, and may God graciously deign to use it, dear reader, to speak words of comfort to you.