I Won't Go Home Till I Am Saved

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 4
THE above words were uttered by a young woman in deep anxiety of soul, to whom I had spoken a few days before about the love of God.
She came to the village chapel, where a series of gospel meetings was being held, and there was brought to deep conviction of sin.
The last meeting came to an end, but she found no rest. She lingered for a few moments, and then left the building. On going up the village street, I heard some one running behind and calling out my name; it was a Christian lady, the mistress of the young person referred to.
“Will you return, and speak to my maid, for she says she cannot go home till she knows she is saved?”
So we all went back together; and after prayer I read these words— “Having made peace through the blood of His cross” (Col. 1:2020And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven. (Colossians 1:20)), and I asked the anxious enquirer,
“Who made peace?”
“Jesus,” she replied.
“When did He make peace?”
“When He died,” was her answer.
“By what means did He make peace?”
“By His blood.”
I then showed her that since the peace was made, and that God was glorified by the blood of His Son respecting sin, she had not to do anything herself, but only to trust to what the Lord had accomplished.
“If He made peace, surely you were not left out?”
“No,” she replied.
“You believe then that He made peace, and that the salvation of God is for you, do you?”
“Will you not praise Him for it?” I asked.
How suddenly her countenance changed! Though her face was still wet with tears, and her eyes red with weeping, yet above it all there shone a radiance that spoke of peace within. We knelt to praise God. On rising from our knees, I said, “My dear girl, let me say this to you, the secret of peace is, ‘looking unto Jesus.’ If you look in at yourself for comfort you will soon be miserable, but if you look out to Jesus you will always be happy;” and so we parted.
Some time after this I had a happy letter from her, telling me of her continued joy and peace in Christ, and how He assisted her in her work, and of her longings after a holy life.
Reader, do you believe on the Son of God? By His blood shed upon the cross, peace has been made. Have you peace? If not, learn a lesson from this narrative.
J. H. J—g