Hurlbut's Story of the Bible

Table of Contents

1. Story One
2. Story Two
3. Story Three
4. Story Four
5. Story Five
6. Story Six
7. Story Seven
8. Story Eight
9. Story Nine
10. Story Ten
11. Story Eleven
12. Story Twelve
13. Story Thirteen
14. Story Fourteen
15. Story Fifteen
16. Story Sixteen
17. Story Seventeen
18. Story Eighteen
19. Story Nineteen
20. Story Twenty
21. Story Twenty-One
22. Story Twenty-Two
23. Story Twenty-Three
24. Story Twenty-Four
25. Story Twenty-Five
26. Story Twenty-Six
27. Story Twenty-Seven
28. Story Twenty-Eight
29. Story Twenty-Nine
30. Story Thirty
31. Story Thirty-One
32. Story Thirty-Two
33. Story Thirty-Three
34. Story Thirty-Four
35. Story Thirty-Five
36. Part Second
37. Story One
38. Story Two
39. Story Three
40. Story Four
41. Story Five
42. Story Six
43. Story Seven
44. Story Eight
45. Story Nine
46. Story Ten
47. Story Eleven
48. Story Twelve
49. Story Thirteen
50. Story Fourteen
51. Story Fifteen
52. Story Sixteen
53. Story Seventeen
54. Story Eighteen
55. Part Third
56. Story One
57. Story Two
58. Story Three
59. Story Four
60. Story Five
61. Story Six
62. Story Seven
63. Story Eight
64. Story Nine
65. Story Ten
66. Story Eleven
67. Story Twelve
68. Story Thirteen
69. Story Fourteen
70. Story Fifteen
71. Story Sixteen
72. Story Seventeen
73. Story Eighteen
74. Story Nineteen
75. Story Twenty
76. Part Fourth
77. Story One
78. Story Two
79. Lesson 2. the Two Kingdoms.
80. Story Three
81. Story Four
82. Story Five
83. Story Six
84. Story Seven
85. Story Eight
86. Story Nine
87. Story Ten
88. Story Eleven
89. Story Twelve
90. Story Thirteen
91. Story Fourteen
92. Story Fifteen
93. Story Sixteen
94. Story Seventeen
95. Story Eighteen
96. Part Fifth
97. Story One
98. Story Two
99. Story Three
100. Part Fifth. - the Kingdom and People of Judah
101. Story Four
102. Story Five
103. Story Six
104. Story Seven
105. Story Eight
106. Story Nine
107. Story Ten
108. Story Eleven
109. Story Twelve
110. Story Thirteen
111. Story Fourteen
112. Story Fifteen
113. Story Sixteen
114. Story Seventeen
115. Story Eighteen
116. Part Sixth
117. Story One
118. Story Two
119. Story Three
120. Story Four
121. Story Five
122. Story Six
123. Story Seven
124. Story Eight
125. Story Nine
126. Story Ten
127. Story Eleven
128. Story Twelve
129. Story Thirteen
130. Story Fourteen
131. Story Fifteen
132. Story Sixteen
133. Story Seventeen
134. Story Eighteen
135. Story Nineteen
136. Story Twenty
137. Story Twenty-One
138. Story Twenty-Two
139. Story Twenty-Three
140. Story Twenty-Four
141. Story Twenty-Five
142. Story Twenty-Six
143. Story Twenty-Seven
144. Story Twenty-Eight
145. Story Twenty-Nine
146. Story Thirty
147. Story Thirty-One
148. Story Thirty-Two
149. Story Thirty-Three
150. Story Thirty-Four
151. Story Thirty-Five
152. Story Thirty-Six
153. Story Thirty-Seven
154. Story Thirty-Eight
155. Part Seventh
156. Story One
157. Story Two
158. Story Three
159. Story Four
160. Story Five
161. Story Six
162. Story Seven
163. Story Eight
164. Story Nine
165. Story Ten
166. Story Eleven
167. Story Twelve
168. Story Thirteen
169. Story Fourteen
170. Story Fifteen
171. Story Sixteen
172. Story Seventeen
173. Story Eighteen
174. Story Nineteen
175. Story Twenty
176. Story Twenty-One

Story One

THIS great round world, on which we live, is very old; so old that no one knows when it was made. But long before there was any earth, or sun, or stars, God was living, for God never began to be. He always was. And long, long ago, God spoke, and the earth and the heavens came. But the earth was not beautiful as it is now, with mountains and valleys, rivers and seas, with trees and flowers. It was a great smoking ball, with land and water mingled in one mass. And all the earth was blacker than midnight, for there was no light upon it. No man could have breathed its air, no animals could walk upon it, and no fish could swim in its black oceans. There was no life upon the earth.
While all was dark upon earth, God said, "Let there be light," and then the light began to come upon the world. Part of the time it was light, and part of the time it was dark, just as it is now. And God called the dark time Night, and the light time Day. And that was the first day upon this earth after a long night.
Then at God's word, the dark clouds all around the earth began to break, and the sky came in sight, and the water that was in the clouds began to be separate from the water that was on the earth. And the arch of the sky which was over the earth God called Heaven. Thus the night and the morning made a second day.
Then God said, "Let the water on the earth come together in one place, and let the dry land rise up." And so it was. The water that had been all over the world came together, and formed a great ocean, and the dry land rose up from it. And the great water God called Sea, and the dry land he named Earth: and God saw that the Earth and the Sea were both good. Then God said, "Let grass and trees, and flowers, and fruits, grow on the earth." And at once the earth began to be green and bright with grass, and flowers, and trees bearing fruit. This made the third day upon the earth.
Then God said, "Let the sun, and moon, and stars come into sight from the earth." So the sun began to shine by day, and the moon and the stars began to shine in the night. And this was done on the fourth day.
And God said, "Let there be fishes in the sea, and let there be birds to fly in the air." So the fishes, great ones and small, began to swim in the sea; and the birds began to fly in the air over the earth, just as they do now. And this was the fifth day.
Then God said, "Let the animals come upon the earth, great animals and small ones; those that walk and those that creep and crawl on the earth." And the woods and the fields began to be alive with animals of all kinds. And now the earth began to be more beautiful, with its green fields and bright flowers, and singing birds in the trees, and animals of every kind walking in the forests.
But there were no people in the world-no cities nor houses, and no children playing under the trees. The world was all ready for men and women to enjoy it: and so God said, "I will make man, to be different from all other animals. He shall stand up and shall have a soul, and shall be like God; and he shall be the master of the earth and all that is upon it.”
So God took some of the dust that was on the ground, and out of it he made man; and God breathed into him the breath of life, and man became alive, and stood up on the earth.
And so that the man whom God had made might have a home, God planted a beautiful garden on the earth, at a place where four rivers met. Perhaps we might rather call it a park, for it was much larger than any garden that you have ever seen, for it was miles and miles in every direction. In this garden, or park, God planted trees, and caused grass to grow, and made flowers to bloom. This was called "The Garden of É dĕn," and as in one of the languages of the Bible the word that means "garden," or "park," is a word quite like the word "Paradise," this Garden of É dĕn has often been called "Paradise." This garden God gave to the man that he had made; and told him to care for it, and to gather the fruits upon the trees and the plants, and to live upon them. And God gave to the first man the name Ad́ ăm: and God brought to Ăd́ ăm the animals that he had made, and let Ăd́ am give to each one its name.
But Ăd́ ăm was all alone in this beautiful garden. And God said, "It is not good for man to be alone. I will make someone to be with Ăd́ ăm, and to help him." So when Ăd́ ăm was asleep, God took a rib from Ăd́ ăm's side, and from it God made a woman; and he brought her to Ăd́ ăm, and Ăd́ ăm called her Ēve. And Ăd́ ăm and Ēve loved one another; and they were happy in the beautiful garden which God had given them for a home.
Thus in six days the Lord God made the heavens and the earth and the sea, and all that is in them. And on the seventh day God rested from his work.
For a time, we do not know how long, Ăd́ ăm and Ēve were at peace in their beautiful garden. They did just as God told them to do, and talked with God as a man would talk with his friend; and they did not know of anything evil or wicked. It was needful for Ăd́ ăm and Ēve to understand that they must always obey God's commands, So God said to Ăd́ ăm and Ēve:
"You may eat the fruit of all the trees in the garden except one. In the middle of the garden grows a tree, with fruit upon it that you must not eat and you must not touch. If you eat of the fruit upon that tree, you shall die.”
Now among the animals in the garden there was a snake: and this snake said to Eve, "Has God told you that there is any kind of fruit in the garden, of which you are forbidden to eat?”
And Ēve answered the snake, "We can eat the fruit of all the trees except the one that stands in the middle of the garden. If we eat the fruit of that tree, God says that we must die.”
Then the snake said, "No, you will not surely die. God knows that if you eat of the fruit of that tree, you will become as wise as God himself, for you will know what is good and what is evil.”
Ēve listened to the snake, and then she looked at the tree and its fruit. As she saw it, she thought that it would taste good; and if it would really make one wise, she would like to eat it, even though God had told her not to do so.
She took the fruit, and ate it; and then she gave some to Ăd́ ăm, and he too ate it.
Ăd́ ăm and Ēve knew that they had done wrong in not obeying God's words: and now for the first time they were afraid to meet God. They tried to hide themselves from God's sight among the trees of the garden. But the Lord God called and said, "Ăd́ ăm, where are you?" And Ăd́ ăm said, "Lord, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, and I hid myself.”
And God said, "Why were you afraid to meet me? Have you eaten the fruit of the tree of which I told you that you must not touch it?" And Ăd́ ăm said, "The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me some of the fruit, and I ate it.”
Then God said to the woman, "What is this that you have done?" And Ēve said, "The snake told me that it would do me no harm if I should eat the fruit, and so I took some of it and ate it.”
Then the Lord God said to the snake, "Because you have led Ăd́ ăm and Eve to do wrong, you shall no more walk as do other animals; you shall crawl in the dust and the dirt forever. You shall hate the woman, and the woman shall hate you. You shall try to kill her and her children, and her children's children forever, and they shall try to kill you.”
And the Lord God said to the woman, "Because you led your husband to disobey me, you shall suffer and have pain and trouble all the days of your life.”
And God said to Ăd́ ăm, "Because you listened to your wife when she told you to do what was wrong, you too must suffer. You must work for everything that you get from the ground. You will find thorns and thistles and weeds growing on the earth. If you want food, you must dig and plant and reap and work, as long as you live. You came out from the ground, for you were made of dust, and back again into the dust shall your body go when you die.”
And because Ăd́ ăm and Ēve had disobeyed the word of the Lord, they were driven out of the beautiful Garden of É dĕn, which God had made to be their home. They were sent out into the world; and to keep them from going back into the garden, God placed his angels before its gate, with swords which flashed like are.
So Ăd́ ăm and his wife lost their garden, and no man has ever been able to go into it from that day.
Lesson 1. The Beautiful Garden.
(Tell Story 1 in "Hurlbut's Story of the Bible.")
Questions and Answers
1. What is the first verse in the Bible? "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”
2. What does this mean? That God made all things.
3. In how many days does the Bible tell us that God made the world? In six days.
4. On what day did God rest from his work? On the seventh day.
5. Whom did God make as the first man? Adam.
6. Who was the first woman? Eve.
7. What place did God give to Adam and Eve as their home? The Garden of Eden.
8. How long did Adam and Eve live in the beautiful garden? As long as they did what God told them to
9. What became of them when they did not obey God's word? They were driven out of the garden.

Story Two

O Ăd́ ăm and his wife went out into the world to live and to work. For a time they were all alone, but after a while God gave them a little child of their own, the first baby that ever came into the world. Ēve named him Cāin; and after a time another baby came, whom she named Ā́ bĕl. When the two boys grew up, they worked, as their father worked before them. Cāin chose to work in the fields, and to raise grain and fruits. Ā́ bĕl had a flock of sheep and became a shepherd.
While Ăd́ ăm and Eve were living in the Garden of Ḗ dĕn, they could talk with God, and hear God's voice speaking to them. But now that they were out in the world, they could no longer talk with God freely, as before. So when they came to God, they built an altar of stones heaped up, and upon it they laid something as a gift to God, and burned it, to show that it was not their own, but was given to God, whom they could not see. Then before the altar they made their prayer to God, and asked God to forgive their sins, all that they had done that was wrong; and prayed God to bless them and do good to them.
Each of these brothers, Cain and Ā́ bĕl, offered upon the altar to God his own gift. Cāin brought the fruits and the grain which he had grown; and Ā́ bĕl brought a sheep from his flock, and killed it and burned it upon the altar. For some reason God was pleased with Ā́ bĕl and his offering, but was not pleased with Cāin and his offering. Perhaps God wished Cāin to offer something that had life, as Ā́ bĕl offered; perhaps Cāin's heart was not right when he came before God.
And God shown that He was not pleased with Cāin, and Cāin, instead of being sorry for his sin, and asking God to forgive him, was very angry with God, and angry also toward his brother when they were out in the field together, Cāin struck his brother Ā́bĕl and killed him. So the first baby in the world grew up to be the murderer of his own brother.
And the Lord said to Cain, "Where is Ā́ bĕl your brother?"
And Cāin answered, "I do not know; why should I take care of my brother?"
Then the Lord said to Cāin, "What is this that you have done?
Your brother's blood is like a voice crying to me from the ground.
Do you see how the ground has opened, like a mouth, to drink your brother's blood? As long, as you live, you shall be under God's curse for the murder of your brother. You shall wander over the earth, and shall never find a home, because you have done this wicked deed."
And Cāin said to the Lord, "My punishment is greater than I can bear. Thou hast driven me out from among men; and thou hast hid thy face from me. If any man finds me he will kill me, because I shall be alone, and no one will be my friend."
And God said to Cāin, "If any one harms Cāin, he shall be punished for it." And the Lord God placed a mark on Cāin, so that whoever met him should know him, and should know also that God had forbidden any man to harm him. Then Cāin and his wife went away from Ăd́ ăm’s home, to live in a place by themselves, and there they had children. And Cāin's family built a city in that land; and Cāin named the city after his first child, whom he had called Ḗ nŏch.

Story Three

Gen. 5:1, to 9:17
AFTER Ā́ bĕl was slain, and his brother Cāin had gone into another land, again God gave a child to Ad́ ăm and Ēve. This child they named Sĕth; and other sons and daughters were given to them, for Ad́ ăm and Ēve lived many years. But at last they died, as God had said that they must die, because they had eaten of the tree that God had forbidden them to eat.
By the time that Ad́ ăm died, there were many people on the earth; for the children of Ăd́ ăm and Ēve had many other children; and when these grew up, they also had children; and these too had children. And in those early times people lived much longer than they do now. Very few people now live to be a hundred years old; but in those days, when the earth was new, men often lived to be eight hundred or even nine hundred years old. So after a time that part of the earth where Ad́ăm's sons lived began to be full of people.
It is sad to tell that as time went on more and more of these people became wicked, and fewer and fewer of them grew up to become good men and women. ‘All the people lived near together, and few went away to other lands; so it came to pass that even the children of good men and women learned to be bad, like the people around them.
And as God looked down on the world that he had made, he saw how wicked the men in it had become, and that every thought and every act of man was evil and only evil continually.
But while most of the people in the world were very wicked, there were some good people also, though they were very few. The best of all the men who lived at that time was a man whose name was Ḗ nŏch. He was not the son of Cain, but another Ḗ nŏch, who came from the family of Sĕth, the son of Ăd́ ăm who was born after' the death of Ā́ bĕl. While so many around Ḗ nŏch were doing evil, this man did only what was right. He walked with God, and God walked with him and talked with him. And at last, when Ḗ nŏch was three hundred and sixty-five years old, God took him away from the earth to heaven. He did not die, as all the people have died since Ad́ ăm disobeyed God, but "he was not, for God took him."; This means that Ḗ nŏch was taken up from earth without dying.
Ḗ nŏch left a son whose name was Mē-thṳ́ se-lah. We do not know anything about Mē-thṳ́ se-lah, except that he lived to be nine hundred and sixty-nine years old, which was longer than the life of any other man who ever lived. But at last, Mē-thṳ-se-lah died like all his people, except his father Ḗ nŏch. By the time that Mē-thṳ-se-lah died, the world was very wicked. And God looked down on the earth, and said:
"I will take away all men from the earth that I have made; because the men of the world are evil, and evil continually.”
But even in those bad times, God saw one good man. His, name was Nṓ ah. Nṓ ah tried to do right in the sight of God. As Ḗ nŏch had walked with God, so Nṓ ah walked with God, and talked with him. And Nṓ ah, had three sons: their names were Shĕm and Hăm and Jā́ pheth.
God said to Nṓ ah, "The time has come when all the men and women on the earth are to be destroyed. Everyone must die, because they are all wicked. But you and your family shall be saved, because you alone are trying to do right.”
Then God told Nṓ ah how he might save his life and the lives of his sons. He was to build a very large boat, as large as the largest ships that are made in our time; very long and very wide and very deep; with a roof over it; and made like a long wide house in three stories but so built that it would float on the water. Such a ship as this was called "an ark." God told Nṓ ah to build this ark, and to have it ready for the time when he would need it.
"For," said God to Nṓ ah, "I am going to bring a great flood of water on the earth, to cover all the land and to drown all the people on the earth. And as the animals on the earth will be drowned with the people, you must make the ark large enough to hold a pair of each kind of animals, and several pairs of some animals that are needed by men, like sheep and goats and oxen; so that there will be animals as well as men to live upon the earth after the flood has passed away. And you must take in the ark food for yourself and your family, and for all the animals with you, enough food to last for a year, while the flood shall stay on the earth,”
And Nṓ ah did what God told him to do, although it must have seemed very strange to all the people around, to build this great ark where there was no water for it to sail upon. And it was a long time, even a hundred and twenty years, that Nṓ ah and his sons were at work building the ark, while the wicked people around wondered, and no doubt laughed at Nṓ ah for building a great ship where there was no sea. At last the ark was finished, and stood like a great house on the land. There was a door on one side, and a window on the roof, to let in the light. Then God said to Nṓ ah, "Come into the ark, you and your wife, and your three sons, and their wives with them; for the flood of waters will come very soon. And take with you animals of all kinds, and birds, and things that creep; seven pairs of those that will be needed by men, and one pair of all the rest; so that all kinds of animals may be kept alive upon the earth."
So Nṓ ah and, his wife, and his three sons, Shĕm, Hăm, and Jā́ pheth, with their wives, went into the ark. And God brought to the door of the ark the animals, and the birds, and the creeping things of all kinds; and they went into the ark, and Nṓ ah and his sons put them in their places, and brought in food for them all. And then the door of the ark was shut, so that no more people and no more animals could come in.
In a few days the rain began to fall, as it had never rained before. It seemed as though the heavens were opened to pour great floods upon the earth. The streams filled, and the rivers rose, higher and higher, and the ark began to float on the water. The people left their houses and ran up to the hills, but soon the hills were covered, and all the people on them were drowned.
Some had climbed up to the tops of higher mountains, but the water rose higher and higher, until even the mountains were covered and all the people, wicked as they had been, were drowned in the great sea that now rolled over all the earth where men had lived. And all the animals, the tame animals—cattle and sheep and oxen—were drowned; and the wild animals—lions and tigers and all the rest-were drowned also. Even the birds were drowned, for their nests in the trees were swept away, and there was no place where they could fly from the terrible storm. For forty days and nights the rain kept on, until there was no breath of life remaining outside of the ark.
After forty days the rain stopped, but the water stayed upon the earth for more than six months; the ark, with all that were in it, floated over the great sea that covered the land. Then God sent a wind to blow over the waters and to dry them up: so by degrees the waters grew less and less. First the mountains rose above the waters then the hills rose up; and finally the ark ceased to float, and lay aground on a mountain which is called Mount Âŕ a-răt. But Nṓ ah could not see what had happened on the earth, because the door was shut, and the window may have been in the roof. But he felt that the ark was no longer moving, and he knew that the water must have gone down So, after waiting for a time Nṓ ah opened a window and let loose a bird called a raven. Now the raven has strong wings; and this raven flew round and round until the waters had gone down, and it could find a place to rest, and it did not come back to the ark.
After Nṓ ah had waited for it a while, he sent out a dove; but the dove could not find any place to rest, so it flew back to the ark, and Nṓ ah took it into the ark again. Then Nṓ ah waited a week longer, and afterward he sent out the dove again. And at the evening, the dove came back to the ark, which was its home; and in its bill was a fresh leaf which it had picked off from an olive tree.
So Nṓ ah knew that the water had gone down enough to let the trees grow once more. He waited another week, and sent out the dove again; but this time the dove flew away and never came back. And Nṓ ah knew that the earth was becoming dry again. So he took off a part of the roof and looked out, and saw that there was dry land all around the ark. Nṓ ah had now lived in the ark a little more than a year, and he was glad to see the green land and the trees once more. And God said to Nṓ ah "Come out of the ark, with your wife, and your sons, and their wives, and all the living things that are with you in the ark.”
So Nṓ ah opened the door of the ark, and with his family came out, and stood once more on the ground. All the animals and birds and creeping things in the ark came out also, and began again to bring life to the earth.
The first that Nṓ ah did, when he came out of the ark, was to give thanks to God for saving all his family when the rest of the people on the earth were destroyed. He built an altar, and laid upon it an offering to the Lord, and gave himself and his family to God, and promised to do God's will.
And God was pleased with Nṓ ah's offering, and God said:
"I will not again destroy the earth on account of men, no matter how bad they may be. From this time no flood shall again cover the earth; but the season of spring and summer and fall and winter shall remain without change. I give to you the earth; you shall by the rulers of the ground and of every living thing upon it.”
Then God caused a rainbow to appear in the sky, and he told Nṓ ah and his sons that whenever they or the people after them should see the rainbow, they should remember that God had placed it in the sky and over the clouds as a sign of his promise that he would always remember the earth and the people upon it, and would never again send a flood to destroy men from the earth. So, as often as we see the beautiful rainbow, we are to remember that it is the sign of God's promise to the world.
Lesson 2. The Earliest People.
(Tell Stories 2 and 3.)
To the Teacher:
1. In the story of Cain and Abel, explain carefully what is meant by "an altar"; and how in early times people came to God in prayer. With little children, use the word "praying," rather than "worship," and "gift to God" or "offering," rather than "sacrifice.”
2. In the story of "The Great Ship," explain what "an ark" was, properly a chest or box; in this story, a great ship, built not to sail fast, but to float on the water, and to hold a great amount. Perhaps it was made so large, not only to carry many animals and their food, but also very many people, if the people had been willing to be saved by it.
3. Who was the first child of Adam and Eve after they were sent out of the garden of Eden? Cain.
4. What was the name of Cain's younger brother? Abel.
5. What wicked thing did Cain do when the two boys grew up to be men? He killed his brother Abel.
6. What does the Bible tell of the earliest people who were on the earth? They lived to be hundreds of
years old.
7. Who lived the longest of any of those people? Methuselah, who lived more than nine hundred years.
8. Were those who lived at that time good people? Nearly all of them were very wicked.
9. What good man lived in those times? Enoch, who walked with God.
10. What was the end of Enoch’s life? He did not die, but God took him to himself.
11. What came upon the earth on account of the wickedness of its people? A great flood.
12. What good man with his family was saved from the flood? Wall who built the Ark,
13. On what mountain did Noah and his family leave the ark after the flood? On Mount Aria-rat.

Story Four

Gen. 10:1, to 11:9
AFTER the great flood, the family of Nṓah and those who came after him grew in number until, as the years went on, the earth began to be full of people once more. But there was one great difference between the people who had lived before the flood and those who lived after it. Before the flood, all the people stayed close together, so that very many lived in one land and no one lived in other lands. So far as we know, all the people on the earth before the great flood, lived in the lands where the two great rivers flowed, called the Tī́ gris and Eū-phrā́ tēs̝. This part of the world was very full of people; but few or none crossed the mountains on the east, or the desert on the west; and the great world beyond was without people living in it. After the flood, families began to move from one place to another, seeking for themselves new homes. Some went one way, and some another.
This moving about was a part of God's plan to have the whole earth used for the home of men, and not merely a small part of it. Then, too, a family who wished to serve God, and do right, could go away to another land if the people around them became evil; and in a place by themselves they could bring up their children in the right way.
From Mount Âŕ a-răt, where the ark rested, many of the people moved southward into a country between two great rivers, the rivers Tī́ gris and Eū-phrā́ tēs: and there they built houses for themselves. They undertook to build a great city, which should rule all the peoples around them. They found that the soil in that country could be made into bricks, and that the bricks could be heated and made hard; so that it was easy to build houses to live in, and walls around their city to make it strong against enemies.
And the people said to each other, "Let us build a great that shall stand on the earth and shall reach up to the sky; so that we may be kept together, and not scattered abroad on the earth.”
So they began to build their great tower out of bricks, which they piled up, one story above another. But God did not wish all the people on the earth to live close together, just as they had lived before the great flood. God knew that if they all kept together, those that were wicked would lead away from God those that were good, and all the world would become evil again, as it had been before the flood.
This was the way that God kept people from staying in one place. While they were building this great city and tower which they intended to rule the world, God caused their speech to change.
At that time, all men were speaking one language, so that everybody could understand what every other person said.
God caused men to change their language, perhaps not all at once, but by degrees, little by little. After a time, the people that belonged to one family found that they could not understand what the people of another family were saying, just as now Germans do not understand English, and French people cannot talk to Italians, until they have learned their different languages.
As people began to grow apart in their speech they moved away into other places, where the families speaking one language could understand each other. So the men who were building the city and the great tower could no longer understand each other's speech; they left the building without finishing it, and many of them went away into other lands. So the building stayed forever unfinished.
And the city was named Bā́ bel, a word which means "confusion." It was afterward known as Băb'y̆˗lon, and for a long time was one of the greatest cities of that part of the world, even after many of its people had left it to live elsewhere.
Part of the people who left Băb́ y-lon went up to the north, and built a city called Nĭń e-veh, which became the ruling city of a great land called Ăs-sy̆ŕĭ-ȧ, whose people were called Ăs-sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧns̝.
Another company went away to the west, and settled by the great river Nile, and founded the land of Egypt, with its strange temples and pyramids, its Sphinx, and its monuments.
Another company wandered northwest until they came to the shore of the great sea which we call the Mĕd́ it-er-rā-ne-an Sea.
There they founded the cities of Sī́ dŏn and Tyre, where the people were sailors, sailing to countries far away, and bringing home many things from other lands to sell to the people of Băb́y̆-lon, and Ăs-sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ, and Ḗ gy̆pt, and other countries.
So after the flood, the earth again became covered with people living in many lands and speaking many languages.

Story Five

Gen. 11:27, to 13:18
NOT far from the city of Băb́ y̆˗lon, where they began to build the tower of Bā́ bel, was another city, called Ûr of the Chăĺdes. The Chăĺ dees̞ were the people who lived in the country which was called Chăĺ dea, where the two rivers Eū-phrā́ tēs̝ and Tigris come together. Among these people, at fir, was living a man named Ā́ brăm. Ā́ brăm was a good man, for he prayed to the Lord God, and tried always to do God's will.
But the people who lived in Ûr, Ā́ brăm home, did not pray to God. They prayed to idols, images made of wood and stone: They thought that these images were gods, and that they could hear their prayers and could help them. And as these people who worshipped idols did not call on God, they did not know his will, and they did many wicked things.
The Lord saw that Abram was good and faithful, though wicked people were living all around him. And God did not wish to have Ā́ brăm’s family grow up in such a place, for then they too might become wicked. So the Lord spoke to Ā́ brăm, and said:
"Ā́ brăm, gather together all your family and go out from this place, to a land far away, that I will show you. And in that land I will make your family to become a great people, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that all the world shall give honor to your name. If you will do as I command you, you shall be blessed, and all the families of the earth shall obtain a blessing through you.”
Ā́ bram did not know just what this blessing meant that God promised to him. But we know that Ā́ brăm’s family grew after many years into the Ĭś̝ ra-el-īte people, out of whom came Jesus, the Savior of the world, for Jesus was a descendant of Ā́ brăm: that is, Jesus came a long time afterward from the family of which Ā́ brăm was the father; and thus Ā́ brăm’s family became a blessing to all the world by giving to the world a Savior.
Although Ā́ brăm did not know just what the blessing was to be that God promised to give him, and although he did not know where the land lay, to which God was sending him, he obeyed God's word. He took all his family, and with them his father Terah, who was very old, and his wife, whose name was Sā́ rāi; and his brother Nā́ hôr and his wife, and another brother's son whose name was Lŏt; for Lot's father, Hā́ ran, who was the younger brother of Ā́ brăm, had died before this time. And Abram took all that he had, his tents, and his flocks of sheep, and herds of cattle, and went forth on a long journey, to a land of which he did not even know the name.
He journeyed far up the great river Eū-phrā́ tēs̝ to the mountain region, until he came to a place called Hā́ ran, in a country called Mĕs-o-po-tá mĭ-ȧ. The word Mĕs-o-po-tá mĭ-ȧ means "between the rivers"; and this country was between the two great rivers Tī́ gris and Eū-phrā́ tes̝. At Hā́ ran they all stayed for a time. Perhaps they stopped there because Terah, the father of Abram, was too old to travel further; for they stayed at Hā́ran until Tḗ rah died.
After the death of Tḗ rah, his father, Abram again went on his journey, and Lŏt, his brother's son, went with him; but Nā́ hôr, Ā́ brăm's brother, stayed in Hā́ ran, and his family, and children, and children's children, whom they call "his descendants," lived at Hā́ ran for many years.
From Hā́ ran, Ā́ brăm and Lot turned toward the southwest, and journeyed for a long time, having the mountains on their right hand and the great desert on their left. They crossed over rivers; and climbed the hills, and at last they came into the land of Cā́ năan, which was the land of which God had spoken to Ā́ brăm. This land was called Cā́ năan, because the people who were living in it were the descendants, or children's children, of a man who had lived long before, whose name was Cắnăan. A long time after this it was called "the Land of Ĭs̝-rá el," from the people who lived in it; and because in that same land the Lord Jesus lived many years afterward; we now call it "The Holy Land.”
When Ā́ brăm came into the land of Cá năan, he found in it a few cities and villages of the Cā́ năan˗ītes. But Ā́ brăm and his people did not go into the towns to live. They lived in tents, out in the open fields, where they could find grass for their sheep and cattle. Not far from a city called Shḗ chem, Ā́ brăm set up his tent under an oak tree on the plain. There the Lord came to Ā́ brăm, and said: "I will give this land to your children, and to their children, and this shall be their land forever.”
And Ā́ brăm built there an altar, and made an offering, and worshipped the Lord. Wherever Ā́ brăm set up his tent, there he built his altar and prayed to God; for Abram loved God, and, served God, and believed God's promises.
Ā́ brăm and Lot moved their tents and their flocks to many places, where they could find grass for their flocks and water to drink. At one time they went down to the land of Ḗ ġy̆pt, where they saw the great river Nile. Perhaps they saw also the Pyramids, and the Sphinx, and the wonderful temples in that land, for many of them were built before Ā́ brăm lived.
Ā́ brăm did not stay long in the land of Ḗġ y̆pt. God did not wish him to live in a land where the people worshipped idols; so God sent Ā́ brăm back again to the land of C ā́năan, where he could live apart from cities, and bring up his servants and his people to worship the Lord. He came to a place where afterward a city called Bethel stood; and there as before he built an altar and prayed to the Lord.
Now Let, the son of Ā́ brăm's younger brother who had died, was with Ā́ brăm; and Lŏt, like Ā́ brăm, had flocks of sheep and herds of cattle, and many tents for his people. Ā́ brăm’s shepherds and Lŏt's shepherds quarreled, because there was not grass enough in one place for both of them to feed their flocks; and besides these people, the Cā́ năan˗ītes were also in the land, so that there was not room for them all.
When Ā́ brăm heard of the quarrel between his men and the men under Lot, he said to Lŏt:
"Let there be no quarrel between you and me, nor between your men and my men; for you and I are like brothers to each other. The whole land is before us; let us go apart. You shall have the first choice, too. If you will take the land on the right hand, then I will take the land on the left; or if you choose the left hand, then I will take the right.”
This was noble and generous in Ā́ brăm, for he was the older, and might claim the first choice. Then, too, God had promised all the land to Ā́ brăm, so that he might have said to Lŏt, "Go away, for this land is all mine." But Ā́ brăm showed a kind, good heart in giving to Lŏt his choice of the land.
And Lot looked over the land from the mountain where they were standing, and saw down in the valley the river Jôŕ dan flowing, between green fields, where the soil was rich. He saw the cities of Sŏd́ om and Gō̇-mŏŕ rah upon the plain, near the head of the Dead Sea, into which the Jordan flows. And Lŏt said, "I will go down yonder to the plain.”
And he went down the mountain to the plain, with his tents and his men, and his flocks of sheep and his cattle, leaving the land on the mountains, which was not so good, to his uncle Abram. Perhaps 'At did not know that the people in Sŏd́ om were the most wicked of all the people in the land; but he went to live near them, and gradually moved his tent closer to Sŏd́ om, until after a time he was living in that wicked city.
After Lŏt had separated from Ā́ brăm, God said to Ā́ brăm: "Lift up your eyes from this place, and look east and west, and north and south. All the land that you can see, mountains and valleys and plains, I will give it to you, and to your children, and their children, and those who come after them. Your descendants shall have all this land, and they shall be as many as the dust of the earth; so that if one could count the dust of the earth, they could as easily count those who shall come from you. Rise up, and walk through the land wherever you please, for it is all yours."
Then Ā́ brăm moved tent from Bĕth́-el, and went to live near the city of Hḗbron, in the south, under an oak tree; and there again he built an altar to the Lord.
Lesson 3. Abram.
(Tell Stories 4 and 5. It might be well to end the story, for the present, at the foot of page 52, and leave
the story of Lot for the next lesson.)
1. What was the name of the first large city built after the great flood? Babel, afterward called Babylon.
2. What happened to the people who were building a great tower in this city? They could not understand each other's speech.
3. What did these people of different languages do? They went away to different lands.
4. Who was Abram? A good man, who prayed to God.
5. To what did all the other people of Abram's time pray? To gods of wood and stone.
6. What did God tell Abram to do? To go to a land far away.
7. What was God's promise to Abram? "I will be with thee and bless thee.”
8. To what land did Abram go, obeying God's word? To the land of Canaan.
9. How did Abram and his family live in the land of Canaan? In tents, moving from place to place.
10. What did Abram build whenever he set up his tent? An altar for prayer to God.

Story Six

Gen. 14:1, to 15:21.
SO Lŏt lived in Sŏd́ om, and Ā́ brăm lived in his tent on the mountains of Cā́ năan. At that time in the plain of Jôŕ dan, near the head of the Dead Sea, were five cities, of which Sodom and Gō̇-mŏŕ rah were two; and each of the five cities was ruled by its own king. But over all these little kings and their little kingdoms was a greater king, who lived far away, near the land of Chăĺ˗dḗa, from which Abram had come, and who ruled all the lands, far and near.
After a time these little kings in the plain would not obey the greater king; so he and all his army made war upon them. A battle was fought on the plain, not far from Sŏd́ om, and the kings of Sŏd́ om and Gō̇-mŏŕ˗rah were beaten in the battle, and their soldiers were killed. Then the king who had won the victory over his enemies came to Sŏd́ om, and took everything that he could find in the city, and carried away all the people in the city, intending to keep them as slaves. After a battle, in those times, the army that won the victory took away all the goods, and made slaves of all the people on the side that had been beaten.
So Lŏt, with all that he owned, was carried away by enemies, who went up the valley from Sŏd́om, and did not stop to rest until they came to the head-waters of the river Jôŕdan, at a place afterward called Dăn. So, all that Lot's selfish choice gained for him was to lose all that he had, and to be made a prisoner and a slave.
Someone ran away from the battle, and came to Ā́ brăm, who was living in his tent under the oak tree near Hḗ bron. As soon as Ā́ brăm heard what had happened, he called together all the men who were with him, his servants, his shepherds, and his people, and his friends; and he led them after the enemy that had taken away Lŏt. He followed as fast as his men could march, and found the enemy, with all the goods they had taken and all their prisoners, at Dăn, one of the places where the Jôŕ dan River begins.
Ā́ brăm rushed upon the enemies at night, while they were asleep, and fought them, and drove them away; so suddenly that they left behind them everything, and ran far among the mountains. And in their camp Ā́ brăm found his nephew Lot, safe, with made heaven and earth, bless Ā́ brăm; and blessed be the Lord God Most High, who has given your enemies into your hand.”
And Ā́ brăm made a present to the King Mĕl-chĭź e-dĕk, because he worshipped the Lord. And Ā́ brăm gave to the king of Sŏd́om all the people and all the goods that had been taken away; and he would not take any pay for having saved them.
You would have thought that after this, Lot would have seen that it was wrong for him to live in Sŏd́ om; but he went back to his wife and daughters, and all his goods, and, besides, all the goods and all the other people that had been carried away from Sŏd́ om.
Then the king of Sŏd́ om came to meet Ā́ brăm, at a place near the city of Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, which was afterward called "The King's Valley." And with him came the king of Jē̇-rṳ́sā̇-lĕm, which at that time was called Sā́ lem. The name of this king was Mĕl-chĭź e-dĕk, and unlike most other kings in the land at that time, he was a worshipper of the Lord God, as Ā́ brăm was. And the king Mĕl-chĭź e-dĕk blessed Ā́ brăm, and said, "May the Lord God Most High, who that city, and made his home there once more, even though his heart was made sad by the wickedness that he saw around him.
After Ā́ brăm had gone back to his tent under the oak trees at Hḗ bron, one day the Lord God spoke to him, and said:
"Fear not, Ā́ brăm; I will be a shield to keep you safe from enemies; and I will give you a very great reward for serving me.”
And Ā́ brăm said, "O Lord God, what good can anything do to me, since I have no child to whom I can give it; and after I die, the man who will own everything that I have is not my son, but a servant." For although Abram had a large family of people around him, and many servants, he had no son, and he was now an old man, and his wife Sā́ rāi was also old.
And God said to Ā́ brăm, "The one to receive what you own shall not be a stranger, but shall be your own son.”
And that night God brought Ā́ brăm out of his tent, under the heavens, and said to him:
"Look now up to the sky, and count the stars, if you can. The-people who shall spring from you, your descendants, in the years to come, shall be many more than all the stars that you can see.”
Ā́ brăm did not see how this promise of God could be kept; but he believed God's word, and did not doubt it. And God loved Ā́ brăm because he believed the promise. Although Ā́ brăm could not at that time see how God's promise could be kept, yet we know that it was kept, for the Ĭś̝ ra-el-īte people in the Bible story, and the Jews everywhere in the world now, all came from Ā́ brăm.
After that, one day, just as the sun was going down, God came to Ā́brăm again, and told him many things that should come to pass. God said to Ā́ brăm:
"After your life is ended, those who are to come from you, your descendants, shall go into a strange land. The people of that land shall make slaves of them, and shall be cruel to them. And they shall stay in that strange land four hundred years; and afterward they shall come out of that land, not any more as slaves, but very rich. And after the four hundred years they shall come back to this land, and this shall be their home. All this shall come to pass after your life, for you shall die in peace and be buried in a good old age. And all this land where you are living shall belong to your people.”
So that Ā́ brăm might remember this promise of God, God told Ā́ brăm to make ready an offering of a lamb and a goat and a pair of pigeons, and to divide them in pieces, and place them opposite to each other. And that night Ā́ brăm looked, and saw a smoke and fire, like a flaming torch, that passed between the pieces of the offering.
So a promise was made between God and Ā́ brăm. God promised to give Ā́ brăm a son and a people and a land, and Ā́ brăm promised to serve God faithfully.
Such a promise as this, made by two people to each other, was called a covenant; and this was God's covenant with Ā́ brăm.

Story Seven

Gen. 16:1, to 17:27.
On remember that Ā́ brăm’s wife, who had journeyed with him from Tar of the Chăĺ dees̞, and who lived in his tent all those years, was named Sā́ rāi. Now Sā́ rāi had a maid', a servant that waited on her, whose name was Hā́ gar. She came from the land of Ḗ ġy̆pt, where were the pyramids and the temples. But Sā́ rāi and her maid Hā́ gar had some trouble; they could not agree, and Sā́ rai was so sharp and severe with Hā́ gar that at last Hā́ gar ran away from Sā́ lrai's tent.
She went out into the desert, and took the road that led down to Ḗ ġy̆pt, her own country, the land from which she had come. On the way she stopped beside a spring of water. There the angel from the Lord met her, and said to her:
"Hā́ gar, are you not the servant of Sā́ rāi, Ā́ brăm's wife? What are you doing here? Where are you going?”
And Hắ gar said to the angel:
"I am going away from my mistress Sā́ rāi, because I do not wish to stay with her and serve her any longer.”
Then the angel said to Há̄ gar:
"Go back to your mistress Sā́ rāi, and submit to her, for it is better for you than to go away. God knows all your troubles, for he sees and hears you, and he will help you. By and by you shall have a son, and you shall call his name Ĭsh́ ma-el, because God has heard you.”
The word Ĭsh́ ma-el means "God hears." So whenever Ha' gar should speak her boy's name, she would think "God has heard me.”
Then the angel told Hā́lgar that her son Ĭsh́ ma-el should be strong and fierce, and that no one should be able to overcome him, or his children, or his descendants, those who should come after him. So Hā́ gar was comforted, and went back again to serve Sā́ rāi.
And afterward the well where she saw the angel was called by a name which means "The well of the Living One who sees me." And after this, Hā́ gar had a son; and as the angel told her, she called his name Ĭsh́ ma-el; that is, "God hears." We shall read more about Hā́ gar and Ĭsh́ ma-el a little later. After this, while Ā́ brăm was living near Hḗ bron, the Lord came to him again and spoke to him, while Ā́ brăm bowed with his face to the ground. God said: "I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be perfect and I will make you a father of many nations. And your name shall be changed. You shall no more be called Abram, but Ā́ bră-hăm, a word that means `Father of a multitude,' because you shall be the father of many nations of people. And your wife's name shall also be changed. She shall no more be called Sā́ rāi, but Sā́ rah; that is, 'princess.' And you and Sā́ rah shall have a son, and you shall call his name Ī́ s̝aac; and he shall have sons when he becomes a man, and his descendants, those who spring from him, shall be very many people." So from this time he was no longer Ā́ brăm, but Ā́ bră-hăm, and his wife was called Sā́ rah.,

Story Eight

Gen. 18:1, to 19:30
ONE day Á bră-hăm, —for we shall call him now by his new name,—was sitting in the door of his tent, when he saw three men coming toward him. He knew from their looks that they were not common men.
They were angels, and one of them seems to have been the Lord himself, coming in the form of a man. When Ā́ bră-hăm saw these men coming, he went out to meet them, and bowed to them; and he said to the one who was the leader:
"My Lord, do not pass by; but come and rest a little under the tree. Let me send for water to wash your feet; and take some food; and stay with us a little while.”
So this strange person, who was God in the form of a man, sat with his two followers in Ā́bră-hăm's tent, under the oak trees at Hḗ bron. They took some food which Sā́ rah, Ā́ bră-hăm's wife, made ready for them, and then the Lord talked with Ā́ bră-hăm. He told Ā́ bră-hăm again that in a very little time God would send to him and Sā-rah a little boy, whose name should be Ī́ s̞aac. In the language that Ā́ bră-hăm spoke, the name Isaac means "laughing;" because Ā́ bră-hăm and Sā́ rah both laughed aloud when they heard it. They were so happy that they could scarcely believe the news.
Then the three persons rose up to go, and two of them went on the road which led toward Sŏd́ om, down on the plain of Jôŕ dan, below the mountains. But the one whom Ā́ bră-hăm called "My Lord" stopped after the others had gone away, and said:
"Shall I hide from Ā́ bră˗hăm what I am going to do? For Ā́ bră-hăm is to be the father of a great people, and all the world shall receive a blessing through him. And I know that Ā́ bră-hăm will teach his children and all those that live with him to obey the will of the Lord, and to do right. I will tell Ā́ bră-hăm what I am going to do. I am going down to the city of Sŏd́ om and the other cities that are near it, and I am going to see if the city is as bad as it seems to be; for the wickedness of the city is like a cry coming up before the Lord.”
And Ā́ bră-hăm knew that Sŏd́ om was very wicked, and he feared that God was about to destroy it, And Ā́ bră-hăm said:
"Wilt thou destroy the righteous with the wicked, the good with the bad, in Sŏd́ om? Perhaps there may be fifty good people in the city. Wilt thou not spare the city for the sake of fifty good men who may be in it? Shall not the Judge and Ruler of all the earth do right?”
And the Lord said:
"If I find in Sŏd́ om fifty good people, then I will not destroy the city, but will spare it for their sake.”
Then Ā́ bră-hăm said again:
"Perhaps I ought not to ask anything more, for I am only a common man, talking with the Lord God. But suppose that there should be forty-five good people in Sŏd́ om, wilt thou destroy the city because it needs only five good men to make up the fifty?”
And the Lord said, "I will not destroy it, if there are forty-five good men in it." And Ā́ bră-hăm said, "Suppose there are forty good people in it,—what then?" And the Lord answered: "I will spare the city, if I find in it forty good men." And Ā́bră-hăm said, "O Lord, do not be angry, if I ask that if there are thirty good men in the city, it may be spared." And the Lord said, "I will not do it, if I find thirty good men there." And Ā́ bră-hăm said, "Let me venture to ask that thou wilt spare it if twenty are there." The Lord said: "I will not destroy it for the sake of twenty good men, if they are there." Then Ā́ bră-hăm said, "O, let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak only this once more. Perhaps there may be ten good men found in the city." And the Lord said, "If I find ten good men in Sŏd́ om, I will spare the city.”
And Ā́ bră-ham had no more to say. The Lord in the form of a man went on his way toward Sŏd́ om; and Ā́ bră-hăm turned back, and went to his tent.
You remember that Lŏt, the nephew of Ā́ bră-hăm, chose the land of Sŏd́ om for his home, and lived there, though the people were so wicked. You remember, too, how Lŏt was carried away captive when Sŏd́ om was taken by its enemies, and how he was rescued by Ā́ brăm. But after all that had happened, Lŏt went to live in Sŏd́ om again; and he was there when the angels came to Ā́ bră-hăm's tent, as we read in the last story.
Two of the angels who had visited Ā́ bră-hăm went down to Sŏd́ om, and walked through the city, trying to find some good men; for if they could find only ten, the city would be saved. But the only good man whom they could find was Lŏt. He took the angels, who looked like men, into his house, and treated them kindly, and made a supper for them.
The men of Sŏd́ om, when they found that strangers were in Lŏt's house, came before the house in the street, and tried to take the two men out that they might do them harm, so wicked and cruel were they. But the men of Sŏd́ om could do nothing against them, for when they tried to break open the door, and Lot was greatly frightened, the two angels struck all those wicked men blind in a moment, so that they could not see, and felt around in the dark for the door.
Then the angels said to Lŏt:
"Have you here any others besides yourself, any sons, or sons in-law, or daughters? Whomever you have, get them out of this city quickly, for we are here to destroy this place, because it is so very wicked.”
Then Lŏt went to the houses where the young men lived who had married some of his daughters, and said to them.
"Hurry, and get out of this place, for the Lord will destroy it.”
But his sons-in-law, the husbands of his daughters, would not believe his words; they only laughed at him. What a mistake it was for Lot to live in a wicked city, where his daughters were married to young men living there!
And when the morning was coming, the two angels tried to make poor Lot hasten away. They said:
"Rise up quickly, and take your wife, and your two daughters that are here. If you do not haste, you will be destroyed with the, city.”
But Lot was slow to leave his house, and his married daughters, and all that he had; and the two angels took hold of him, and of his wife, and his two daughters; and the angels dragged them out of the city. God was good to Lŏt, to take him out of the city before it was destroyed.
And when they had brought Lot and his wife and his daughters out of the city, one of the angels said to him:
"Escape for your life; do not look behind you; do not stop anywhere in the plain; climb up the mountain, or you may be destroyed!”
And Lot begged the angels not to send him so far away. He said, "O my Lord, I cannot climb the mountain. Have mercy upon me, and let me go to that little city that lies yonder. It is only a little city, and you can spare it. Please to let me be safe there.”
And the angel said, "We will spare that city for your sake; and we will wait until you are safe before we destroy these other cities.”
So Lŏt ran to the little city, and there he found safety. In the language of that time, the word "Zṓ ar" means little; so that city was afterward called Zṓ ar. It was the time of sunrise when Lot came to Zṓ ar.
Then, as soon as Lot and his family were safely out of Sŏd́ om the Lord caused a rain of fire to fall upon Sŏd́ om and the other cities on the plain. With the fire came great clouds of sulfur smoke, covering all the plain. So the cities were destroyed, and all the people in them; not one man or woman or child was left.
While Lŏt and his daughters were flying from the city, Lot's wife stopped, and looked back; and she became a pillar of salt, standing there upon the plain. Lŏt and his two daughters escaped, but they were afraid to stay in the little city of Zṓ ar. They climbed up the mountain, away from the plain, and found a cave, and there they lived. So Lŏt lost his wife, and all that he had, because he had made his home among the wicked people of Sŏd́ om.
And when Ā́ bră-hăm, from his tent door on the mountain, looked down toward the plain, the smoke was rising from it, like the smoke of a great furnace.
And that was the end of the cities of the plain, Sŏd́ om, and Gṓ mŏŕ˗rah, and the other cities with them. Zṓ ar alone was saved, because Lŏt, a good man, prayed for it.
Lesson 4. Abram and Lot.
(Begin at page 53 in Story 5; tell stories 6 and 8, omitting all of Story 7, except to tell that Abram's
name was changed to Abraham.)
1. Who was Lot? He was Abram's nephew, who at first lived with Abram.
2. Where did Let live, after he left his uncle Abram? Near the wicked city of Sodom.
3. What happened to Lot and his family at Sodom? They were carried away by enemies in war.
4. How was Lot saved from those enemies and brought back to his home? By Abram, who drove the enemies away.
Part First-From Adam to Moses
5. What new name did God give to Abram? The name of Abraham.
6. Who came to visit Abraham in his tent? Angels from God.
7. What good news did they bring to Abraham? That he should have a son.
8. What prayer did Abraham make to God? That God would not destroy the wicked city of Sodom.
9. What did God promise to Abraham? To spare the city, if he should find ten good men in it.
10. How many good men did the angels of God find in Sodom?. Only one, Lot.
11. What came upon Sodom, and the cities near it after the angels had sent La away? A rain of fire.

Story Nine

Gen. 21:1 to 21
AFTER Sŏd́om and Go-mŏŕ˗rah were destroyed, Ā́ bră˗hăm moved his tent and his camp away from that part of the land, and went to live near a place called Ḡḗ rar, in the southwest, not far from the Great Sea. And there at last, the child whom God had promised to Ā́ bră-hăm and Sā́ rah was born, when Ā́ bră˗hăm his father was a hundred years old.
They named this child Ī́ s̞aac, as the angel had told thetas he should be named. And Ā́ bră-hăm and Sā́ rah were so happy to have a little boy, that after a time they gave a great feast to all the people, in honor of the little Ī́ s̞aac.
You remember the story about Sā́ rah's maid Hā́ gar, the Ḗgy̆ptian woman, and how she ran away from her mistress, and saw an angel by a well, and afterward came back to Sā́ rah, and had a child whose name was Ĭsh́ ma-el. So now there were two boys in Ā́ bră˗hăm's tent, the older boy, Ĭsh́ ma-el, the son of Hā́ gar, and the younger boy, Ī́s̞aac, the son of Ā́bră-ham and Sā́rah.
Ĭsh́ ma-el did not like the little Isaac, and did not treat him kindly. This made his mother Sā́ rah very angry, and she said to her husband:
"I do not wish to have this boy Ĭsh́ ma-el growing up with my son Ī́ s̞aac. Send away Hā́ gar and her boy, for they are a trouble to me.”
And Ā́ bră-hăm felt very sorry to have trouble come between Sā́ rah and Hā́ gar, and between Ī́ s̞aac and Ĭsh́˗ma-el; for Ā́ bră-hăm was a kind and good man, and he was friendly to them all.
But the Lord said to Ā́ bră-hăm, "Do not be troubled about Ĭsh́ ma-el and his mother. Do as Sā́ rah has asked you to do, and send them away. It is best that Isaac should be left alone in your tent, for he is to receive everything that is yours. I the Lord will take care of Ĭsh́ ma-el, and will make a great people of his descendants, those who shall come from him.”
So the next morning, Ā́ bră-hăm sent Hā́ gar and her boy away, expecting them to go back to the land of Ḗ ġy̆pt, from which Hā́ gar had come. He gave them some food for the journey, and a bottle of water to drink by the way. The bottles in that country were not like ours, made of glass. They were made from the skin of a goat, sewed tightly together. One of these skin bottles Ā́ bră˗hăm filled with water, and gave to Hā́ gar.
And Hā́ gar went away from Ā́ bră-hăm's tent, leading her little boy. But in some way she lost the road, and wandered over the desert, not knowing where she was, until all the water in the bottle was used up; and her poor boy, in the hot sun and the burning sand, had nothing to drink. She thought that he would die of his terrible thirst, and she laid him down under a little bush; and then she went away, for she said to herself:
"I cannot bear to look at my poor boy suffering and dying for want of water.”
And just at that moment, while Hā́ gar was crying, and her boy was moaning with thirst, she heard a voice saying to her: "Hā́ gar, what is your trouble? Do not be afraid. God has heard your cry, and the cry of your child. God will take care of you both, and will make of your boy a great nation of people.”
It was the voice of an angel from heaven; and then Hā́ gar looked, and there close at hand was a spring of water in the desert. How glad Hā́ gar was, as she filled the bottle with water, and took it, to her suffering boy under the bush!
After this, Hā́ gar did not go down to Ḗ ġy̆pt. She found a place near this spring, where she lived and brought up her son in the wilderness, far from other people. And God was with Ĭsh́ma-el, and cared for him. And Ĭsh́ ma-el grew up in the desert, and learned to shoot with the bow and arrow. He became a wild man, and his children after him grew up to be wild men also. They were the Arabians of the desert, who even to this day have never been ruled by any other people, but wander through the desert and live as they please. So Ĭsh́ ma-el came to be the father of many people, and his descendants, the wild Arabians of the desert, are living unto this day in that land, just as the Jews, who are the descendants of Ī́ s̞aac, are living all over the world.

Story Ten

Gen. 22:1, to 23:20
YOU remember that in those times of which we are telling, when men worshipped God, they built an altar of earth or of stone, and laid an offering upon it, as a gift to God. The offering was generally a sheep, or a goat, or a young ox, some animal that was used for food. Such an offering was called "a sacrifice.”
But the people who worshipped idols often did what seems to us very strange, and very terrible. They thought that it would please their gods, if they would offer as a sacrifice the most precious living things that were their own; and they would take their own' little children and kill them upon their altars as offerings to the gods of wood and stone, that were no real gods, but only images, God wished to show to Ā́ bră-hăm, and all his descendants, those who should come after him, that he was not pleased with such offerings as those of living people, killed on the altars. And God took a way to teach Ā́ bră-hăm, so that he and his children after him would never forget it. Then at the same time he wished to see how faithful and obedient Ā́ bră-hăm would be to his commands; how fully Ā́ bră-hăm would trust in God, or as we should say, how great was Ā́ bră-hăm's faith in God.
So God gave to Ā́ bră-hăm a command which he did not mean to have obeyed, though this he did not tell to Ā́ bră-hăm. He said:
"Take now your son, your only son Ī́ s̞aac, whom you love so greatly, and go to the land of Mō˗rí̄ ah; and there, on a mountain that I will show you, offer him for a burnt offering to me.”
Though this command filled Ā́ bră-hăm's heart with pain, yet he would not be as surprised to receive it as a father would in our day; for such offerings were very common among all those people in the land where Ā́ bră-hăm lived. Ā́ bră-hăm never for one moment doubted or disobeyed God's word. He knew that Isaac was the child whom God had promised, and that God had promised, too, that Isaac should have children, and that those coming from Isaac should be a great nation. He did not see how God could keep his promise with regard to Ī́ s̞aac, if Ī́ s̞aac should be killed as an offering: unless, indeed, God should raise him up from the dead afterward. But Ā́ bră-hăm undertook at once to obey God's command. He took two young men with him, and an ass laden with wood for the fire; and he went toward the mountain in the north, Ī́ s̞aac his son walking by his side. For two days they walked, sleeping under the trees at night in the open country. And on the third day, Ā́ bră-hăm saw the mountain far away. And as they drew near to the mountain, Ā́ bră-hăm said to the young men:
"Stay here with the ass, while I go up yonder mountain with Ī́ s̞aac to worship; and when we have worshipped, we will come back to you.”
For Ā́ ră-hăm believed that in some way God would bring back Isaac to life. He took the wood from the ass, and placed it on Ī́ s̞aac, and the two walked up the mountain together. As they were walking Ī́ s̞aac said, "Father, here is the wood, but where is the lamb for the offering?" And Ā́ bră-hăm said, "My son, God will provide himself the lamb.”
And they came to the place on the top of the mountain There Ā́ bră˗hăm built an altar of stones and earth heaped up, and on it he placed the wood. Then he tied the hands and the feet of Ī́ s̞aac, and laid him on the wood on the altar. And Ā́ bră-hăm lifted up his hand, holding a knife to kill his son. A moment longer, and Isaac would be slain by his own father's hand. But just at that moment the angel of the Lord out of heaven called to Ā́ bră˗hăm, and said, "Ā́ bră-hăm! Ā́ brăhăm!" And Ā́ bră-hăm answered, "Here I am, Lord." Then the angel of the Lord said:
"Do not lay your hand upon your son. Do no harm to him. Now I know that you love God more than you love your only son, and that you are obedient to God, since you are ready to give up your son, your only son, to God." What a relief and a joy these words from heaven brought to the heart of Ā́ bră-hăm! How glad he was to know that it was not God's will for him to kill his son! Then Ā́ bră-hăm looked around, and there in the thicket was a ram caught by his horns. And Ā́ bră-hăm took the ram, and offered him up for a burnt offering in place of his son. So Ā́ bră-hăm's words came true, when he said that God would provide for himself a lamb. The place where this altar was built Ā́ bră-hăm named Jē-hṓ vah-jī́ reh, words meaning, in the language that Ā́ bră-hăm spoke, "The Lord will provide.”
This offering, which seems so strange, did much good. It showed to Ā́ bră-hăm, and to Í̄ s̞aac also, that Ī́ s̞aac belonged to God, for to God he had been offered; and in Ī́ s̞aac, all those who should come from him, his descendants, had been given to God. Then it showed to Ā́ bră-hăm, and to all the people after him, that God did not wish children or men killed as offerings for worship; and while all the people around offered such sacrifices, the Ī́ s̝ra-el-ītes, who came from Ā́ bră-hăm and from Ī́ s̞aac, never offered them, but offered oxen and sheep and goats instead. And it looked onward to a time when, just as Ā́ bră-hăm gave his son as an offering, God should give his Son Jesus Christ to die for the sins of the world. All this was taught in this act of worship on Mount Mō-rī́ ah.
Some think that on the very place where this offering was given, the altar in the temple many years afterward stood on Mount Mō-rī́ ah. If that be true, the rock is still there, and over it is a building called "The Dome of the Rock." Many people now visit this rock under the dome, and think of what took place there so long ago. At this time Ā́ bră-hăm was living at a place called Bḗ ershḗba, on the border of the desert, south of the land of Cā́ năan. From Bḗ er-shḗbȧ he took this journey to Mount Mō-rī́ ah, and to Bé̄er-shē-bȧ he came again after the offering on the mountain. Bḗer-shē-bȧ was the home of Ā́bră-hăm during most of his late years. After a time, Sā́ rah, the wife of Ā́ bră-hăm and the mother of Ī́ s̞aac, died, being one hundred and twenty years old. And Ā́ bră-hăm bought of the people of Hḗ bron a cave, called the cave of Măch-pḗ lah; and there he buried Sā́ rah his wife. This place is still known as the city of Hḗ bron, but the people who live there will not allow any strangers to visit it.

Story Eleven

Gen. 24:1, to 25:18
AFTER the death of Sā́ rah, Īs̞aac, her son, was lonely; and as he was now old enough to marry, Ā́ bră-hăm sought a wife for him; for in those countries the parents have always chosen the wives for their sons, and husbands for their daughters. A 'bra-ham did not wish Ī́ s̞aac to marry any woman of the people in the land where he was living, for they were all worshippers of idols, and would not teach their children the ways of the Lord. For the same reason, Ā́ bră-hăm did not settle in one place, and build for himself and his people a city. By moving from place to place, Ā́ bră-hăm kept his people apart.
You remember that when Ā́ bră-hăm made his long journey to the land of Cā́ năan, he stayed for a time at a place called Hā́ ran, in Mĕs-o-pō-tā́ mĭ-ȧ, between the two rivers Tī́ gris and Eūphrā́ tēs, far to the northeast of Cá̄năan. When Ā́ bră-hăm left Hā́ ran to go to Cā́ năan, his brother Nā́hôr and his family stayed in Hā́ ran. They worshipped the Lord, as Ā́ bră-hăm and his family did; and Ā́ bră-hăm thought that it would be well to find among them a wife for his son Ī́ s̞aac.
As Ā́ bră-hăm could not leave his own land of Cā́ năan and go to Hā́ ran in Mĕs-o-pō-tā́ mĭ-ȧ to find a wife for his son Ī́ s̝aac, he called his chief servant, E-li-ḗ zēr, the man whom he trusted, who cared for all his flocks and cattle, and who ruled over his other servants, and sent him to Hā́ ran to find a wife for his son Ī́ s̝aac.
And the servant took ten camels, and many presents and went on a long journey, and at last came to the city of Hā́ ran, where the family of Nā́ hôr, the brother of Ā́ bră-hăm, was living. And at the well, just outside of the city, at the time of evening, he made his camels kneel down. Then the servant prayed to the Lord that he would send to him just the right young woman to be the wife of his master's son Ī́ s̞aac. And just as the servant was praying, a beautiful young woman came to the well, with her pitcher upon her shoulder. As she drew the water and filled her pitcher, the servant came up and bowed to her, and said, "Will you kindly give me a drink of water from your pitcher?" And she said, "Drink, my lord," and she held her pitcher for him to drink. And then she said, "I will draw some water for your camels also to drink." And she emptied her pitcher into the trough by the well, and drew more water, until she had given drink to all the camels.
And the servant of Ā́ bră-hăm looked at her, and wondered whether she might be the right woman for Ī́ s̞aac to marry. And he said to her, "Will you tell me your name, young lady, and whose daughter you are? And do you suppose that I could find a place to stay at your father's house?" And then he gave her a gold ring and gold bracelets for her wrists. And the beautiful young woman said, "My name is Rē̇-bĕḱ ah; and my father is Bĕth-ṳ́ el, who is the son of Nā́ hôr. You can come right to our house. We have room for you, and a place and food for your camels.”
Then the man bowed his head and thanked God, for he saw that his prayer was answered, since this kind and lovely young woman was a cousin to Ī́ s̞aac, his master's son. And he told Rē̇˗bĕḱ ah that he was the servant of Ā́ bră-hăm, who was so near a relative to her own family.
Then Rē̇-bĕḱ ah ran home and told her parents of the stranger, and showed them the presents that he had given to her. And her brother Lā́ ban went out to the man, and brought him into the house, and found a place for his camels. And they washed his feet, for that was the custom of the land, where people did not wear shoes, but sandals: and they set the table for a supper, and asked him to sit down and eat with them. But the man said, "I will not eat until I have told my errand.”
After this he told them all about Ā́ bră-hăm's riches; and how Ā́ bră-hăm had sent him to Hā́ ran to find a wife for Ī́ s̝aac, his son; and how he had met Rē̇-bĕḱ ah, and felt sure that Rē̇-bĕḱ ah was the one whom the Lord would choose for Ī́ s̞aac's wife; and then he asked that they would give him Rē̇-bĕḱ ah to be taken home to be married to Ī́ s̞aac. When he had told his errand, Lā́ ban, Rē̇-bĕḱ ah's brother, and Bĕth-ṳ́ el, her father, said, "This comes from the Lord; it is his will; and it is not for us to oppose it. Here is Rē̇-bĕḱ ah; take her, and let her be the wife of your master's son, for the Lord has shown it to be his will." Then Ā́ bră-hăm's servant gave rich presents to Rē̇-bĕḱ ah, and to her mother, and her brother Lā́ ban. And that night they had a feast, with great joy. And the next morning Ā́ bră˗hăm's servant said, "Now I must go home to my master." But they said, "O, not so soon! Let Rē̇-bĕḱ ah stay with us for a few days, ten days at least, before she goes away from her home.”
And he said to them, "Do not hinder me; since God has given me what I came for, I must go back to my master.”
And they called Rē̇-bĕḱ ah, and asked her, "Will you go with this man?" And she said, "I will go.”
So the servant of Ā́ bră˗hăm went away, and took with him Rē̇-bĕḱ ah, with good wishes; and blessings, arid prayers, from all in her father's house. And, after a long journey, they came to the place where Ā́ bră-hăm and Ī́ s̝aac were living. And when Ī́ s̞aac saw Rē̇-bĕḱ ah, he loved her; and she became his wife, and they were faithful to each other as long as they both lived.
Afterward Ā́ bră-hăm, great and good man that he was, died, almost a hundred and eighty years old. And Ī́ s̞aac and Ĭsh́ ma-el buried Ā́ bră,-hăm in the cave where Ā́ bră-hăm had buried Sā́ rah at Hebron. Then Ī́ s̞aac became the owner of all the riches of Ā́ bră˗hăm, his tents, and flocks of sheep, and herds of cattle, and camels, and servants. Ī́ s̞aac was a peaceful, quiet man. He did not move his tents often, as his father had done, but stayed in one place nearly all his life.

Story Twelve

Gen. 25:27, to 27:46.
AFTER Ā́ bră-hăm died, his son Ī́ s̞aac lived in the land of Cā́ năan. Like his father, Ī́ s̞aac's home was a tent; and around him were the tents of his people, and many flocks of sheep and herds of cattle feeding wherever they could find grass to eat and to drink.
Ī́s̞aac and his wife Rē̇-bĕḱ ah had two children. The older was named Ḗ sa̤u and the younger Jā́ cob. Ḗ sa̤u was a man of the woods, and fond of hunting; and he was rough, and covered with hair. Even as a boy he was fond of hunting with his bow and arrow. Jā́ cob was quiet and thoughtful, staying at home, and caring for the flocks of his father. Ī́ s̞aac loved E'sa̤u more than Jacob, because Ḗ sa̤u brought to his father that which he had killed in his hunting; but Rē̇-bĕḱ ah liked Jacob, because she saw that he was wise and careful in his work.
Among the people in those lands, when a man dies, his older son receives twice as much as the younger of what the father has owned. This was called his "birthright," for it was his right as the oldest born. So Ḗ sa̤u, as the older, had a "birthright" to more of Ī́ s̞aac's possessions than Jā́ cob. And besides this there was the privilege of the promise of God that the family of Ī́ s̝aac, should receive great blessings.
Now Ḗ sa̤u, when he grew up, did not care for his birthright or the blessing which God had promised. But Jā́ cob, who was a wise man, wished greatly to have the birthright which would come to Ḗ sa̤u when his father died. Once, when Ḗ sa̤u came home, hungry and tired from hunting in the fields, he saw that Jā́ cob had a bowl of something that he Had just cooked for dinner. And Ḗ sa̤u said: "Give me some of that red stuff in the dish. Will you not give me some? I am hungry.”
And Jā́ cob answered, "I will give it to you, if you will first of all sell to me your birthright.”
And Ḗ sa̤u said, "What is the use of the birthright to me now when I am almost starving to death? You can have my birthright if you will give me something to eat.”
Then Ḗ sa̤u made Jā́ cob a solemn promise to give to Jā́ cob his birthright, all for a bowl of food. It was not right for Jā́ cob to deal so selfishly with his brother; but it was very wrong in E'sa̤u to care so little for his birthright, and with it God's blessing.
Some time after this, when Ḗ sa̤u was forty years old, he married two wives. Though this would be very wicked in our times it was not supposed to be wrong then; for even good men then had more than one wife. But Ḗ sa̤u's two wives were women from the people of Cā́ năan, who worshipped idols, and not the true God. And they taught their children also to pray to idols, so that those who came from Ḗ sa̤u, the people who were his descendants, lost all knowledge of God, and became very wicked. But this was long after that time.
Ī́s̞aac and Rē̇-bĕḱ ah were very sorry to have their son Esau marry women who prayed to idols and not to God; but still Ī́ s̝aac loved his active son Ḗ sa̤u more than his quiet son Jacob.
Ī́ s̞aac became at last very old and feeble, and so blind that he could see scarcely anything. One day he said to Ḗ sa̤u:
"My son, I am very old, and do not know how soon I must die. But before I die, I wish to give to you, as my older son, God's blessing upon you, and your children, and your descendants. Go out into the fields, and with your bow and arrows shoot some animal that is good for food, and make me a dish of cooked meat, such as you know I love; and after I have eaten it, I will give you the blessing.”
E'sa̤u ought to have told his father that the blessing did not belong to him, for he had sold it to his brother Jā́ cob. But be did not tell his father. He went out into the fields hunting, to find the kind of meat which his father liked the most.
Now Rē̇-bĕḱ ah was listening, and heard all that Ī́ s̞aac had said to Ḗ sa̤u. She knew that it would be better for Jā́ cob to have the blessing than for Ḗ sa̤u; and she loved Jā́ cob more than Ḗ sa̤u. So she called to Jā́ cob, and told him what Ī́ s̞aac had said to Ḗ sa̤u, and she said,
"Now, my son, do what I tell you and you will get the blessing instead of your brother. Go to the flocks and bring to me two little kids from the goats: and I will cook them just like the meat which Ḗ sa̤u cooks for your father. And you will bring it to your father; and he will think that you are Ḗ sa̤u, and will give you the blessing; and it really belongs to you.”
But Jā́ cob said, "You know that Ḗ sa̤u and I are not alike. His neck and arms are covered with hair, while mine are smooth. My father will feel of me, and he will find that I am not Ḗ sa̤u; and then, instead of giving me a blessing. I am afraid that he will curse me.”
But Rē̇-bĕḱ ah answered her son, "Never mind, you do as I have told you, and I will take care of you. If any harm comes, it will come to me; so do not be afraid, but go and bring the meat.”
Then Jā́ cob went and brought a pair of little kids from the flock and from them his mother made a dish of food, so that it would be to the taste just as Ī́ s̞aac liked it. Then Rē̇˗bĕḱ ah found some of Ḗ sa̤u's clothes, and dressed Jā́ cob in them; and she placed on his neck and his hands some of, the skins of the kids, so that his neck and hands would feel rough and hairy to the touch.
Then Jā́ cob came into his father's tent, bringing the dinner, and speaking as much like Ḗ sa̤u as he could, he said:
"Here I am, my father.”
And Ī́ s̝aac said, "Who are you, my son?”
And Jā́ cob answered, "I am Ḗ sa̤u, your oldest son. I have done as you bade me; now sit Up, and eat the dinner that I have made; and then give me your blessing, as you promised me.”
And Ī́ s̝aac said, "How is it that you found it so quickly?”
Jā́cob answered, "Because the Lord your God showed me where to go, and gave me good success.”
Ī́ s̝aac did not feel certain that it was his son Ḗ sa̤u, and he said, "Come nearer and let me feel you, so that I may know that you are really my son Ḗ sa̤u.”
And Jā́ cob went up close to Ī́ s̝aac’s bed, and Ī́ s̞aac felt of his face, and his neck, and his hands, and he said:
"The voice sounds like Jā́ cob, but the hands are the hands of Ḗ sa̤u. Are you really my son Ḗ sa̤u?”
And Jā́ cob again told a lie to his father, and said, "I am.”
Then the old man ate the food that Jā́ cob had brought to him, and he kissed Jā́ cob, believing him to be Ḗ sa̤u, and he gave him the blessing, saying to him:
"May God give you the dew of heaven, and the richness of the earth, and plenty of grain and wine. May nations bow down to you and people become your servants. May you be the master over your brother; and may your family and descendants that shall come from you rule over his family and his descendants. Blessed be those that bless you, and cursed be those that curse you.”
Just as soon as Jā́ cob had received the blessing he rose up and hastened away. He had scarcely gone out, when Ḗ sa̤u came in from his hunting, with the dish of food that he had cooked, and he said:
"Let my father sit up, and eat the food that I have brought and give me the blessing.”
And Ī́ s̝aac said, "Why, who are you?”
Ḗ sa̤u answered, "I am your son, your oldest son Ḗ sa̤u.”
And Ī́ s̞aac trembled and said, "Who then is the one that came in, and brought to me food? And I have eaten his food, and have blessed him; yes, and he shall be blessed.”
When Ḗ sa̤u heard this he knew that he had been cheated; and he cried aloud, with a bitter cry, "O my father, my brother has taken away my blessing, just as he took away my birthright! But cannot you give me another blessing, too? Have you given everything to my brother?" And Ī́s̝aac told him all that he had said to Jā́ cob.
He said, "I have told him that he shall be the ruler, and that all his brothers and their children will be under him. I have promised him the richest ground for his crops, and rains from heaven to make them grow. All these things have been spoken, and they must come to pass. What is left for me to promise you, my son?"
But Ḗ sa̤u begged for another blessing, and Ī́ s̝aac said: "My son, your dwelling shall be of riches of the earth, and of the dew of heaven. You shall live by your sword, and your descendants shall serve his descendants. But in time to come they shall break loose, and shall shake off the yoke of your brother's rule, and shall be free."
All this came to pass many years afterward. The people who came from Ḗ sa̤u lived in a land called Ḗ dom, on the south of the land of Īś̝ ra-el, where Jā́cob's descendants lived. And after a time the Ĭś̞ ra-el-ītes became rulers over the Ḗ dom-ītes; and, later still, the Ḗ dom-ītes made themselves free from the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes. But all this took place hundreds of years after both Ḗ sa̤u and Jā́ cob had passed away. The blessing of God's covenant or promise came to Ĭś̝ ra-el, and not to the people from Ḗ sa̤u.
It was better that Jā́ cob's descendants, those who came after him, should have the blessing, than that Ḗ sa̤u's people should have it; for Jā́ cob's people worshipped God, and Ḗ sa̤u's people walked in the way of the idols, and became wicked. But it was very wrong in Jā́ cob to obtain the blessing in the way that he obtained it.
Lesson 5. Isaac and his Sons.
(Tell Stories 10, 11 and 12.)
1. What was the name of Abraham’s son? Isaac.
2. What was done with Isaac when he was a boy? He was laid on an altar.
3: For what purpose was Isaac laid on the altar? To be given to God.
4. When Isaac grew up, who became his wife? Rebekah.
5. What kind of a man was Isaac? He was a good man, who loved peace.
6. Who were the two sons of Isaac and Rebekah? Esau and Jacob.
7. To whom did Esau sell his right as the older son? To his brother Jacob.
8. For what price did Esau sell his birthright? For a bowl of food.
9. What else did Jacob get that was meant for Esau? His father's blessing.

Story Thirteen

Genesis 27:46, to 30:24
AFTER Ḗ sa̤u found that he had lost his birthright and his blessing, he was very angry against his brother Jā́ cob; and he said to himself, and told others, "My father Ī́ s̞aac is very old and cannot live long. As soon as he is dead, then I shall kill Jā́ cob for having robbed me of my right.”
When Rē̇-bĕḱ ah heard this, she said to Jā́ cob, "Before it is too late, do you go away from home, and get out of Ḗ sa̤u's sight. Perhaps when Ḗ sa̤u sees you no longer, he will forget his anger; and then you can come home again. Go and visit my brother Lā́ ban, your uncle, in Hā́ ran, and stay with him for a little while, until Ḗsa̤u's anger is past.”
You remember that Rē̇-bĕḱ ah came from the family of Nā́ hôr, Ā́ bră-hăm's younger brother, who lived in Hā́ ran, a long distance to the northeast of Cā́ năan; and that Lā́ ban was Rē̇-bĕḱ ah’s brother, as was told in Story Eleven.
So Jā́ cob went out of Bḗ er-shḗ ba, on the border of the desert, and walked alone toward a land far to the north, carrying his staff in his hand. One evening, just about sunset, he came to a place among the mountains, more than sixty miles distant from his home. And as he had no bed to lie down upon, he took a stone and rested his head upon it for a pillow, and lay down to sleep. We would think that a hard pillow, but Jā́ cob was tired, and soon fell asleep.
And on that night Jā́ cob had a wonderful dream. In his dream he saw stairs leading up to heaven from the earth where he lay; and angels were coming down and going up upon the stairs. And above the stairs, he saw the Lord God standing. And God said to Jā́ cob:
"I am the Lord, the God of Ā́ bră-hăm, and the God of Ī́ s̞aac your father; and I will be your God, too. The land where you are lying all alone, shall belong to you and to your children after you: and your children shall spread abroad over the lands, east, and west, and north, and south, like the dust of the earth: and in your family all the world shall receive a blessing. And I am with you in your journey, and I will keep you where you are going, and will bring you back to this land. I will never leave you, and I will surely keep my promise to you." And in the morning Jā́ cob awaked from his sleep, and he said, "Surely the Lord is in this place and I did not know it! I thought that I was all alone, but God has been with me. This place is the house of God; it is the gate of heaven!" And Jā́ cob took the stone on which his head had rested, and he set it up as a pillar, and poured oil on it as an offering to God And Jā́ cob named that place Bĕth́-el, which in the language that Jā́ cob spoke means "The House of God." And Jā́ cob made a promise to God at that time, and said:
"If God really will go with me, and will keep me in the way that I go, and will give me bread to eat, and will bring me to my" father's house in peace, then the Lord shall be my God; and this stone shall be the house of God; and of all that God gives me, I will give back to God one-tenth as an offering.”
Then Jā́ cob went onward in his long journey. He waded across the river Jordan in a shallow place, feeling the way with his staff; he climbed mountains, and journeyed beside the great desert on the east, and at last he came to the city of Hā́ ran. Beside the city was the well, where Ā́ bră-hăm's servant had met Jā́ cob's mother, Rē̇-bĕḱ ah (see Story Eleven); and there, after Jacob had waited for a time, he saw a young woman coming with her sheep, to give them water.
Then Jacob took off the flat stone that was over the mouth of the well, and drew water, and gave it to the sheep. And when he found that this young woman was his own cousin Rā́ chel, the daughter of Lā́ ban, he was so glad that he wept for joy. And at that moment he began to love Rā́chel, and longed to have her for his wife.
Rā́ chel's father, Lā́ ban, who was Jā́ cob's uncle, the brother of Rē̇-bĕḱ ah, Jā́ cob's mother, gave a welcome to Jā́ cob, and took him into his home.
And Jā́ cob asked Lā́ban if he would give his daughter Rā́ chel to him as his wife; and Jā́ cob said, "If you will give me Rā́ chel, I will work for you seven years." And Lā́ ban said, "It is better that you should have her than that a stranger should marry her.”
So Jā́ cob lived seven years in Lā́ ban's house, caring for his sheep and oxen and camels; and such was his love for Rā́ chel that the seven years seemed like a few days.
At last the day came for the marriage; and they brought in the bride, who after the manner of that land was covered with a thick veil, so that her face could not be seen. And she was married to Jā́ cob; and when Jā́ cob lifted up her veil, he found that he had married, not Rā́ chel whom he loved, but her older sister Lḗ ah, who was not beautiful, and whom Jā́ cob did not love at all.
Jā́ cob was very angry that he had been deceived, though that was just the way in which Jā́ cob himself had deceived his father and cheated his brother Ḗ sa̤u (see Story Twelve). But his uncle Lā́ ban said:
"In our land we never allow the younger daughter to be married before the older daughter. Keep Lḗ ah for your wife, and work for me seven years longer, and you shall have Rā́ chel also.”
For in those times, as we have seen, men often had two wives, or even more than two. No one thought that it was wrong then to have more than one wife, although now it is considered very wicked. So Jā́ cob stayed seven years more, fourteen years in all, before he received Rā́ chel as his wife.
While Jā́ cob was living at Hā́ ran, eleven sons were born to him. But only one of these was the child of Rā́ chel, whom Jā́ cob loved. This son was Jṓ s̝eph, who was dearer to Jā́ cob than any other of his children, partly because he was the youngest, and also because he was the child of his beloved Rā́ chel.

Story Fourteen

Gen. 30:25, to 33:20.
JĀ́ COB stayed a long time in the land of Hā́ ran, much longer than he had expected to stay. And in that land Jā́ cob became rich. As wages for his work with Lā́ ban, Jā́ cob took a share of the sheep, and oxen; and camels. And since Jā́ cob was very wise and careful in his work, his share grew larger, until Jā́ cob owned a great flock and much cattle. At last, after twenty years, Jā́ cob decided to go back to the land of Cā́ năan, and to his father Ī́ s̞aac, who was still living, though now very old and feeble.
Jā́ cob did not tell his uncle Lā́ ban that he was going away; but while Lā́ ban was absent from home, Jā́ cob gathered together his wives, and children, and all his sheep and cattle, and camels, and he stole away quietly. When Lā́ ban found that Jā́ cob had left him, he was not at all pleased; for he wished Jā́ cob still to care for the things that he owned, for Jā́ cob managed them better than Lā́ ban himself, and God blessed everything that Jā́ cob undertook. Then, too, Lā́ ban did not like to have his two daughters, the wives of Jā́ cob, taken so far away from him.
So Lā́ ban and the men who were with him followed after Jā́ cob; but that night God spoke to Lā́ ban in a dream and said: "Do no harm to Jā́ cob, when you meet him.”
Therefore, when Lā́ ban came to where Jā́ cob was in his camp on Mount Ḡĭĺ e-ăd, on the east of the river Jordan, Lā́ ban spoke kindly to Jā́ cob. And Jā́ cob and Lā́ ban made a covenant, that is a promise between them: They piled up a heap of stones, and on it they set up a large rock like a pillar; and beside the heap of stones they ate a meal together; and Jacob said to Lā́ ban:
"I promise not to go past this heap of stones, and this pillar to do you any harm. The God of your grandfather, Nā́hôr, and the God of my grandfather, Ā́ bră-hăm, be the judge between us." And Lā́ ban made the same promise to Jā́ cob; and then he kissed his daughters, Jā́ cob's two wives, and all of Jā́ cob's children, and bade them good-by; and Lā́ ban went back to Hā́ ran, and Jā́ cob went on to Cā́ năan.
And Jā́ cob gave two names to the heap of stones where they had made the covenant. One name was "Găĺ e-ĕd," a word which means, "The heap of Witness." The other was "Mĭź peh," which means "Watch-tower." For Jā́ cob said, "The Lord watch between you and me, when we are absent from each other.”
While Jā́ cob was going back to Cā́ năan, he heard news that filled him with fear. He heard that Ḗ sa̤u, his brother, was coming to meet him, leading an army of four hundred men. He knew how angry Ḗ sa̤u had been long before, and how he had threatened to kill him. And Jā́ cob feared that Ḗ sa̤u would now come upon him, and kill, not only Jā́ cob himself, but his wives and his children. If Jā́ cob had acted rightly toward his brother, he need not have feared Ḗ sa̤u's coming; but he knew how he had wronged Ḗ sa̤u, and he was terribly afraid to meet him.
That night Jā́ cob divided his company into two parts; so that if one part were taken the other part might escape. And he sent onward before him, as a present to his brother, a great drove of oxen and cows, and sheep and goats, and camels and asses; hoping that by the present his brother might be made more kind toward him. And then Jā́ cob prayed earnestly to the Lord God to help him.
After that he sent all his family across a brook that was in his path, called the brook Jăb́ bŏk, while he stayed alone on the other, side of the brook to pray again.
And while Jā́ cob was alone, he felt that a man had taken hold of him, and Jā́ cob wrestled with this strange man all the night. And the man was an angel from God. They wrestled so hard, that Jā́ cob's thigh was strained in the struggle. And the angel said: "Let me go, for the day is breaking.”
And Jā́ cob said: "I will not let thee go until thou dost bless me." And the angel said:
"What is your name?”
And Jā́ cob answered, "Jā́ cob is my name.”
Then the angel said:
Your name shall no more be called Jā́ cob, but Īś ra-el, that is 'He who wrestles with God.' For you have wrestled with God and have won the victory.”
And the angel blessed him there. And the sun rose as the angel left him; and Jā́ cob gave a name to that place. He called it Pē̇-nī́ el, or Pē̇-nū́ el, words which in the language that Jā́ cob spoke mean "The Face of God." "For," said Jā́ cob, "I have met God face to face." And after this Jā́ cob was lame, for in the wrestle he had strained his thigh.
And as Jā́ cob went across the brook Jăb́ bŏk, early in the morning, he looked up, and there was Ḗ sa̤u right before him. He bowed with his face to the ground, over and over again, as people do in those lands when they meet someone of higher rank than their own. But Ḗ sa̤u ran to meet him, and placed his arms around his neck, and kissed him; and the two brothers wept together. Ḗ sa̤u was kind and generous to forgive his brother all the wrong that he had done; and at first he would not receive Jā́ cob's present, for he said: "I have enough, my brother." But Jā́ cob urged him, until at last he took the present. And so the quarrel was ended, and the two brothers were at peace.
Jacob came to Shḗ chem, in the middle of the land of Cā́ năan, and there he set up his tents; and at the foot of the mountain, although there were streams of water all around, he dug his own well, great and deep; the well where Jesus sat and talked with a woman many ages after that time; and the well that may be still seen. Even now the traveler who visits that place may drink water from Jā́ cob's well.
After this Jā́ cob had a new name, Ĭś̝ ra-el, which means, as we have seen, "The one who wrestles with God." Sometimes he was called Jā́ cob, and sometimes Ĭś̝ ra-el. And all those who come from Ĭś̝ ra-el, his descendants, were called Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes.
After this Isaac died, very old, and was buried by his sons Jā́ cob and Ḗ sa̤u, in the cave at Hḗ bron where Ā́ bră-ham and Sā́ rah were buried already. Ḗsa̤u with his children and his cattle went away to a land on the southeast of Cā́ năan, which was called Ḗ dom. And Jā́ cob, or Ĭś̝ ra-el, and his family lived in the land of Cā́ năan, dwelling in tents, and moving from place to place, where they could find good pasture, or grass upon which to feed their flocks.
Lesson 6. Jacob.
(Tell Stories 13 and 14.)
1. Who was Jacob? The younger son of Isaac.
2. What did Jacob see in a dream at night, when he was going far from his home? A ladder from earth to heaven with angels on it.
3. Whom did Jacob see standing at the top of the ladder? The Lord God.
4. What did God say to Jacob at that time? "I am with thee and will keep thee.”
5. What promise did Jacob make after he saw the heavenly ladder and heard the voice of God? "The Lord shall be my God.”
6. What other name was given to Jacob many years afterward? The name of Israel.
7. What does the name Israel mean? The prince of God.
8. How many sons did Jacob or Israel have? Twelve.
9. What people came from Jacob or Israel? The children of Israel or Israelites.
10. What are the Israelites called in the Bible? The people of God it. Why are they called "the people of God"? Because they prayed to God, when other people were praying to idols.

Story Fifteen

Genesis 37:1 to 36
AFTER Jā́ cob came back to the land of Cā́ năan with his eleven sons, another son was born to him, the second child of his wife Rā́ chel, whom Jā́ cob loved so well. You remember we told in Story Thirteen how long Jā́ cob worked for Lā́ ban caring for his sheep and oxen in order that he might have Rā́ chel for his wife.
But now a great sorrow was to come to Jā́ cob, for soon after the baby came, his mother Rā́ chel died, and Jā́ cob was filled with sorrow. Even to this day you can see the place where. Rachel was buried on the road between Jē̇-rṳ́ sa-lĕm and Bĕth́˗hem. Jā́cob named the child whom Rā́chel left, Bĕńja-mĭn; and now Jā́ cob had twelve sons. Most of them were grownup men, but Jṓ s̞eph was a boy, seventeen years old, and his brother Bĕń ja-mĭn was almost a baby.
Of all his children, Jā́ cob loved Jṓ s̝eph the best, because he was Rā́ chel's child, because he was so much younger than most of his brothers, and because he was good, and faithful, and thoughtful. Jā́ cob gave to Jṓ s̝eph a robe or coat of bright color made somewhat like a long cloak with wide sleeves. This was a special mark of Jā́ cob's favor to Jṓ s̝eph, and it made his older brothers very envious of him.
Then, too, Jṓ s̝eph did what was right, while his older brothers often did very wrong acts, of which Joseph sometimes told their father, and this made them very angry at Jṓ s̝eph. But they hated him still more because of two strange dreams that he had, and of which he told them. He said one day:
"Listen to this dream that I have dreamed. I dreamed that we were out in the field binding sheaves, when suddenly my sheaf stood up, and all your sheaves came around it, and bowed down to my sheaf." And they said, scornfully, "Do you suppose that the dream means that you will some time rule over us, and that we shall bow down to you?" Then a few days after Jṓ s̝eph said, "I have dreamed again. This time I saw in my dream the sun and the moon and eleven stars all come and bow down to me.”
And his father said to him, "I do not like you to dream such dreams. Shall I, and your mother, and your brothers, come and bow down before you, as if you were a king?”
His brothers hated Jṓ s̝eph, and would not speak kindly to him; but his father thought much of what Jṓ s̞eph had said.
At one time, Jṓ s̝eph's ten older brothers were taking care of the flock in the fields near Shḗ chem, which was nearly fifty miles from Hḗ bron, where Jā́ cob's tents were spread. And Jā́ cob wished to send a message to his sons, and he called Jṓ s̝eph, and said to him, "Your brothers are near Shḗ chem with the flock. I wish that you would go to them, and take a message, and find if they are well, and if the flocks are doing well; and bring me word from them.”
That was quite an errand for a boy to go alone over the country, and find his way, for fifty miles, and then walk home again. But Jṓ s̝eph was a boy that could take care of himself, and could be trusted; so he went forth on his journey, walking northward over the mountains, past Bĕth́-lĕ-hĕm, and Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇,-lĕm, and Bĕth́-el,—though we are not sure that any of those cities were then built, except Jē̇-rṳ́ sa-lĕm, which we know was already a strong city.
When Jṓ s̞eph reached Shḗ chem he could not find his brothers, for they had taken their flocks to another place. A man met Jṓ s̝eph wandering in the field, and asked him, "Whom are you seeking?"
Jṓ s̝eph said, "I am looking for my brothers, the sons of Jā́ cob. Can you tell me where I will find them?" And the man said, "They are at Dṓ than; for I heard them say that they were going there.” Then Jṓ s̝eph walked over the hills to Dṓ than, which was fifteen miles further. And his brothers saw him afar off coming towards them. They knew him by his bright garment; and one said to another: "Look, that dreamer is coming!
Come, let us kill him, and throw his body into a pit, and tell his father that some wild beast has eaten him; and then we will see what becomes of his dreams.”
One of his brothers, whose name was Reṳ́ ben, felt more kindly toward Jṓ s̞eph than the others; but he did not dare to oppose the others openly. Reṳ́ ben said:
"Let us not kill him; but let us throw him into this pit, here in the wilderness, and leave him there to die.”
But Reṳ́ ben intended, after they had gone away, to lift Jṓ s̝eph out of the pit, and take him home to his father. The brothers did as Reṳ́ ben told them; they threw Jṓ s̝eph into the pit, which was empty. He cried, and begged them to save him, but they would not. They calmly sat down to eat their dinner on the grass, while their brother was calling to them from the pit.
After the dinner, Reṳ́ ben chanced to go to another part of the field, so that he was not at hand when a company of men passed by with their camels, going from Gĭĺ e-ăd, on the east of the river Jôŕ dan, to Ḗ ġy̆pt, to sell spices and fragrant gum from trees to the Ē-ġy̆ṕ tians̞. Then Judah, another of Jṓ s̝eph’s brothers, said, "What good will it do us to kill our brother? Would it not be better for us to sell him to these men, and let them carry him away? After all, he is our brother, and we would better not kill him?" His brothers agreed with him; so they stopped the men who were passing, and drew up Jṓ s̝eph from the pit; and for twenty pieces of silver, they sold Jṓ s̝eph to these men; and they took him away with them down to Ḗ ġy̆pt.
After a while, Reṳ́ben came to the pit, where he had left Jṓs̝eph, and looked into it; but Joseph was not there. Then Reṳ́ben was in great trouble, and he came back to his brothers saying, "The boy is not there! What shall I do?”
Then his brothers told Reṳ́ ben what they had done, and they all agreed together to deceive their father. They killed one of the goats, and dipped Jṓ s̝eph's coat in its blood, and they brought it to their father, and they said to him, "We found this coat out in the wilderness. Look at it, and, see if you think it was your son's." And Jā́ cob knew it at once. He said, "It is my son's coat. Some wild beast has eaten him. There is no doubt that Jṓ s̝eph has been torn in pieces!”
And Jā́cob's heart was broken over the loss of Jṓ s̝eph, all the more because he had sent Jṓ s̝eph alone on the journey through the wilderness. They tried to comfort him, but he would not be comforted. He said:
"I will go down to the grave mourning for my poor lost son." So the old man sorrowed for his son Jṓ s̝eph; and all the time his wicked brothers knew that Jṓ s̝eph was not dead; but they would not tell their father the dreadful deed that they had done to their brother, in selling him as a slave.

Story Sixteen

Gen. 40:1 to 51:44
THE men who bought Jṓ s̝eph from his brothers were called Ĭsh́ ma-el-ītes, because they belonged to the family of Ĭsh́ ma-el, who, you remember, was the son of Hā́ gar, the servant of Sā́ rah. These men carried Jṓ s̝eph southward over the plain which lies beside the great sea on the west of Cā́ năan; and after many days they brought Jṓ s̝eph to Ḗ ġy̆pt. How strange it must have seemed to the boy who had lived in tents, to see the great river Nile, and the Cities, thronged with people, and the temples, and the mighty pyramids!
The Ĭsh́ ma-el-ītes sold Jó̄ s̝eph as a slave to a man named Pŏt́ ĭ-phar, who was an officer in the army of Phā́ raōh, the king of Ḗ ġy̆pt. Jṓ s̝eph was a beautiful boy, cheerful and willing in spirit, and able in all that he undertook; so that his master, Pŏt́ ĭ-phar, became very friendly with him, and after a time he placed Jṓ s̝eph in charge of his house, and everything in it. For some years Jṓ s̝eph continued in the house of Pŏt́ ĭ-phar, a slave in name, but in reality the master of all his affairs, and ruler over his fellow-servants.
But Pŏt́ ĭphar's wife, who at first was very friendly to Jṓ s̝eph, afterward became his enemy, because Jṓ s̞eph would not do wrong to please her. She told her husband falsely that Jṓ s̞eph had done a wicked deed. Her husband believed her, and was very angry at Jṓ s̝eph, and put him in the prison with those who had been sent to that place for breaking the laws of the land. How hard it was for Jṓ s̝eph to be charged with a crime, when he had done no wrong, and to be thrust into a dark prison among wicked people!
But Jṓ s̝eph had faith in God, that at some time all would came out right; and in the prison he was cheerful, and kind, and helpful, as he had always been. The keeper of the prison saw that Jṓ s̝eph was not like the other men around him, and he was kind to Jṓ s̝eph.
In a very little while Jṓ s̝eph was placed in charge of all his fellow-prisoners, and took care of them; just as he had taken care of everything in Pŏt́ ĭ-phar's house. The keeper of the prison scarcely looked into the prison at all, for he had confidence in Jṓ s̝eph, that he would be faithful and wise in doing the work given to him. Jṓ s̝eph did right, and served God; and God blessed Jṓ s̝eph in everything.
While Jṓ s̝eph was in the prison, two men were sent there by the king of Ḗ ġy̆pt, because he was displeased with them. One was the king's chief butler, who served the king with wine; the other was the chief baker, who served him with bread. These two men were under Jṓ s̞eph's care, and Jṓ s̝eph waited on them, for they were men of rank.
One morning, when Jṓ s̝eph came into the room in the prison where the butler and the baker were kept, he found them looking quite sad. Jṓ s̝eph said to them:
"Why do you look so sad to-day?" Jṓ s̝eph was cheerful and happy in his spirit, and he wished others to be happy, even in prison.
And one of the men said, "Each one of us dreamed last night a very strange dream; and there is no one to tell us what our dreams mean.”
For in those times, before God gave the Bible to men, he often spoke to men in dreams; and there were wise men, who could sometimes tell what the dreams meant.
"Tell me," said Jṓ s̝eph, "what your dreams were. Perhaps my God will help me to understand them.”
Then the chief butler told his dream. He said, "In my dream I saw a grape-vine with three branches; and as I looked the branches shot out buds, and the buds became blossoms, and the blossoms turned into clusters of ripe grapes. And I picked the grapes, and squeezed their juice into King Phā́ raōh's cup, and it became wine; and I gave it to King Phā́ raōh to drink, just as I used to do when I was beside his table.”
Then Jṓ s̝eph said, "This is what your dream means. The three branches mean three days. In three days King Phā́ raōh will call you out of prison, and will put you back in your place; and you shall stand at his table, and shall give him his wine, as you have given it before. But when you go out of prison, please to remember me, and try to find some way to get me, too, out of this prison. For I was stolen out of the land of Cā́ năan, and sold as a slave; and I have done nothing wrong, to deserve being put in this prison. Do speak to the king for me, that I may be set free.”
Of course the chief butler felt very happy to hear that his dream had so pleasant a meaning; and then the chief baker spoke, hoping to have an answer as good.
"In my dream," said the baker, "there were three baskets of white bread on my head, one above the other, and on the topmost basket were all kinds of roasted meat and food for Phā́ raōh; and the birds came, and ate the food from the baskets on my head.”
And Jṓ s̝eph said to the baker:
"This is the meaning of your dream, and I am sorry to tell it to you. The three baskets are three days. In three days, by order of the king, you shall be lifted up, and hanged upon a tree; and the birds shall eat your flesh from your bones as you are hanging in the air.”
And it came to pass, just as Jṓ s̝eph had said. Three days after that, King Phā́ raōh sent his officers to the prison. They came and took out both the chief butler and the chief baker. The baker they hung up by his neck to die, and left his body for the birds to pick in pieces. The chief butler they brought back to his old place, where he waited at the king's table, and handed him his wine to drink.
You would have supposed that the butler would remember Jṓ s̝eph, who had given him the promise of freedom, and had shown such wisdom. But in his gladness, he forgot all about Jṓ s̝eph. And two full years passed by, while Jṓ s̝eph was still in prison, until he was a man thirty years old.
But one night, King Phā́ raōh himself dreamed a dream, in fact two dreams in one. And in the morning he sent for all the wise men of Ḗ ġy̆pt, and told them his dreams; but there was not a man who could give the meaning of them. And the king was troubled, for he felt that the dreams had some meaning, which it was important for him to know.
Then suddenly the chief butler, who was by the king's table, remembered his own dream, in the prison two years before, and remembered, too, the young man who had told its meaning so exactly. And he said:
"I do remember my faults this day. Two years ago King Phā́ raōh was angry with his servants, with me and the chief baker, and he sent us to the prison. While we were in the prison, one night each of us dreamed a dream, and the next day a young man in the prison, a Hḗ brew from the land of Cā́ năan, told us what our dreams meant; and in three days they came true, just as the Hḗ brew had said. I think that, if this young man is in the prison still, he could tell the king the meaning of his dreams.”
You notice that the butler spoke of Jṓ s̞eph as "a Hḗ brew." The people of Ĭś̝ ra-el, to whom Jṓ s̝eph belonged, were called Hebrews as well as Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes. The word Hḗ brew means "one who crossed over," and was given to the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes because Ā́ bră-hăm their father had come from a land on the other side of the river Eū-phrā́ tēs̝, and had crossed over the river on his way to Cá năan.
Then King Phā́ raōh sent in haste to the prison for Jṓ s̝eph; and Jṓ s̝eph was taken out, and he was dressed in new garments, and was led in to Phā́ raōh in the palace. And Phā́ raōh said to Jṓ s̝eph: "I have dreamed a dream, and there is no one who can tell what it means. And I have been told that you have power to understand dreams and what they mean.”
And Jṓ s̝eph answered Phā́ raōh: "The power is not in me; but God will give Phā́ raōh a good answer. What is the dream that the king has dreamed?”
"In my first dream,” said Phā́ raōh, "I was standing by the river; and I saw seven fat and handsome cows come up from the river to feed in the grass. And while they were feeding, seven other cows followed them up from the river, very thin, and poor, and lean, such miserable creatures as I had never seen. And the seven lean cows ate up the seven fat cows; and after they had eaten them, they were as lean and miserable as before. Then awoke.
“And I fell asleep again, and dreamed again. In my second dream, I saw seven heads of grain growing upon one stalk, large, and strong, and good. And then seven heads came up after them, that were thin, and poor, and withered. And the seven thin heads swallowed up the seven good heads, and afterward were as poor and withered as before.
"And I told these two dreams to all the wise men, and there is no one who can tell me their meaning. Can you tell me what these dreams mean?”
And Joseph said to the king:
"The two dreams have the same meaning. God has been showing to King Phā́ raōh what he will do in this land. The seven good cows mean seven years, and the seven good heads of grain mean the same seven years. The seven lean cows, and the seven thin heads of grain also mean seven years. The good cows and the good grain mean seven years of plenty, and the seven thin cows and thin heads of grain mean seven poor years. There are coming upon the land of Ḗ ġy̆pt seven years of such plenty as have never been seen; when the fields shall bring greater crops than ever before; and after those years shall come seven years when the fields shall bring no crops at all. And then for seven years there shall be such need, that the years of plenty will be forgotten, for the people will have nothing to eat.
"Now, let King Phā́ raōh' find some man who is able and wise, and let him set this man to rule over the land. And during the seven years of plenty, let a part of the crops be put away for the years of need. If this shall be done, then when the years of need come there will be plenty of food for all the people, and no one will suffer, for all will have enough.”
And King Phā́ raōh said to Jṓ s̝eph:
"Since God has shown you all this; there is no other man as wise as you. I will appoint you to do this work, and to rule over the land of É̄ ġy̆pt. All the people shall be under you; only on the throne of É̄ ġy̆pt, I will be above you.”
And Phā́ raōh took from his own hand the ring which held his seal, and put it on Jṓ s̞eph's hand, so that he could sign for the king, and seal in the king's place. And he dressed Jṓ s̝eph in robes of fine linen, and put around his neck a gold chain. And he made Jṓ s̝eph ride in a chariot which was next in rank to his own. And they cried out before Jṓ s̞eph, "Bow the knee." And thus Jṓ s̞eph was ruler over all the land of É̄ ġy̆pt.
So the slave boy, who was sent to prison without deserving it, came out of prison to be a prince and a master over all the land. You see that God had not forgotten Jṓ s̝eph, even when he seemed to have left him to suffer.
Lesson 7. Joseph in Egypt.
(Tell Stories 15 and 16.)
1. Who was Joseph? One of the younger sons of Jacob.
2. How did Jacob feel toward Joseph? He loved Joseph more than his older sons.
3. How did Joseph’s older brothers feel toward him? They hated him.
4. How did Joseph’s brothers treat Joseph? They sold him for a slave.
5. To what land was Joseph taken and sold? To the land of Egypt.
6. How was Joseph treated as a slave in Egypt? He was put in prison.
7. What is told of Joseph in the prison? "The Lord was with Joseph.”
8. Who sent for Joseph in the prison? Pharaoh, the King of Egypt.
9. What did Joseph do for Pharaoh? He told him the meaning of his dreams.
10. What did Joseph tell Pharaoh were coming upon the land? Seven years of great plenty.
11. What would come after the seven years of plenty? Seven years of great need.
12. What did King Pharaoh do, when he heard these things? He made Joseph ruler over all the land.

Story Seventeen

Gen. 41:46 to 42:38
WHEN Jṓ s̝eph was made ruler over the land of Ḗ ġy̆pt, he did just as he had always done. It was not Jṓ s̝eph's way to sit down and rest, and enjoy himself, and make others wait on him. He found his work at once, and began to do it faithfully and thoroughly. He went out over all the land of Ḗġy̆pt, and saw how rich and abundant were the fields of grain, giving much more than the people could use for their own needs. He told the people not to waste it, but to save it for the coming time of need.
And he called upon the people to give him for the king, one bushel of grain out of every five, to be stored up. The people brought their grain, after taking for themselves as much as they needed; and Jṓ s̝eph stored it up in great store-houses in the cities; so much at last that no one could keep account of it.
The king of Ḗ ġy̆pt gave a wife to Jṓ s̝eph from the noble young women of his kingdom. Her name was Āś e-năth; and to Jṓ s̝eph and his wife God gave two sons. The oldest son he named Mā̇˗năś seh, a word which means "making to forget”
"For," said Jṓ s̞eph, "God has made me forget all my troubles, and my toil as a slave.”
The second son he named Ḗ phră-ĭm, a word that means "fruitful.”
"Because," said Jṓ s̝eph, "God has not only mane the land fruitful, but he has made me fruitful in the land of my troubles.”
The seven years of plenty soon passed by, and then came the years of need. In all the lands around people were hungry, and there was no food for them to eat; but in the land of Ḗ ġy̆pt everybody had enough. Most of the people soon used up the grain that they had saved: many had saved none at all, and they all cried to the king to help them.
"Go to Jṓ s̝eph," said King Phā́ raōh, "and do whatever he tells you to do.” Then the people came to Jṓ s̞eph, and Jṓ s̝eph opened the store-houses, and sold to the people all the grain that they wished to buy. And not only the people of Ḗ ġy̆pt came to buy grain, but, people of all the lands around as well, for there was great need and famine everywhere.
And the need was as great in the land of Cā́ năan, where Jā́ cob lived, as in other lands. Jā́ cob was rich in flocks and cattle, and gold and silver; but his fields gave no grain, and there was danger that his family and his people would starve. And Jā́ cob,—who was now called Ĭś̝ ra-el also,—heard that there was food in Ḗ ġy̆pt, and he said to his sons:
"Why do you look at each other, asking what to do to find rood? I have been told that there is grain in Ḗ ġy̆pt. Go down to that land, and take money with you, and buy grain, so that we may have bread, and may live.”
Then the ten older brothers of Jṓ s̝eph went down to the land of É̄ ġy̆pt. They rode upon asses, for horses were not much used in those times, and they brought money with them. But Jā́ cob would not let Bĕń ja-mĭn, Jṓ s̝eph's younger brother, go with them, for he was all the more dear to his father, now that Jṓ s̝eph was no longer with him; and Jā́ cob feared that harm might come to him.
Then Jṓ s̝eph's brothers came to Jṓ s̝eph to buy food. They did not know him, grown up to be a man, dressed as a prince, and seated on a throne. Jṓ s̝eph was now nearly forty years old, and it had been almost twenty-three years since they had sold him. But Jṓ s̝eph knew them all, as soon as he saw them. He resolved to be sharp and stern with them, not because he hated them, but because he wished to see what their spirit was, and whether they were as selfish, and cruel, and wicked as they had been in other days.
They came before him, and bowed, with their faces to the ground. Then, no doubt, Jṓ s̝eph thought of the dream that had come to him while he was a boy, of his brothers' sheaves bending down around his sheaf. He spoke to them as a stranger, as if he did not understand their language, and he had their words explained to him in the language of Ḗ ġy̆pt.
"Who are you.? And from what place do you come?" said Jṓ s̝eph, in a harsh, stern manner.
They answered him, very meekly, "We have come from the land of Cā́ năan to buy food.”
"No," said Jṓ s̝eph, "I know what you have come for. You have come as spies, to see how helpless the land is, so that you can bring an army against us, and make war on us.”
"No, no," said Jṓ s̝eph's ten brothers, "we are no spies, we man, who lives in the land of Cā́ năan; are the sons of one man who lives in the land of Cā́ năan; and we have come for food, because we have none at home.”
"You say you are the sons of one man, who is your father? Is he living? Have you any more brothers? Tell me all about yourselves.”
And they said, "Our father is an old man in Cā́ năan. We did have a younger brother, but he was lost; and we have one brother still, who is the youngest of all, but his father could not spare him to come with us.”
"No," said Jṓ s̝eph, "you are not good, honest men. You are spies. I shall put you all in prison, except one of you; and he shall go and bring that youngest brother of yours; and when I see him, then I will believe that you tell the truth.”
So Jṓ s̞eph put all the ten men in prison, and kept them under guard for three days; then he sent for them again. They did not know that he could understand their language, and they said to each other, while Jṓ s̝eph heard, but pretended not to hear: "This has come upon us because of the wrong that we did to our brother Jṓ s̝eph, more than twenty years ago. We heard him cry, and plead with us when we threw him into the pit, and we would not have mercy on him. God is giving us only what we have deserved.”
And Reṳ́ ben, who had tried to save Jṓ s̝eph, said, "Did I not tell you not to harm the boy? and you would not listen to me. God is bringing our brother's blood upon us all.”
When Jṓ s̝eph heard this, his heart was touched, for he saw that his brothers were really sorry for the wrong that they had done him. He turned away from them, so that they could not see his face, and he wept. Then he turned again to them, and spoke roughly as before, and said:
"This I will do, for I serve God, I will let you all go home, except one man. One of you I will shut up in prison; but the rest of you can go home, and take food for your people. And you must come back, and bring your youngest brother with you, and I shall know then that you have spoken the truth.”
Then Jṓ s̝eph gave orders, and his servants seized one of his brothers, whose name was Sĭḿ e-on, and bound him in their sight, and took him away to prison. And he ordered his servants to fill the men's sacks with grain, and to put every man's money back into the sack before it was tied up, so that they would find the money as soon as they opened the sack. Then the men loaded their asses with the sacks of grain, and started to go home, leaving their brother Sĭḿ e-on a prisoner.
When they stopped on the way to feed their asses, one of the brothers opened his sack, and there he found his money lying on the top of the grain. He called out to his brothers, "See, here is my money given again to me!" And they were frightened; but they did not dare to go back to Ḗ ġy̆pt, and meet the stern ruler of the land. They went home, and told their old father all that had happened to them; and how their brother Sĭḿ e-on was in prison, and must stay there until they should return, bringing Bĕń ja-mĭn with them.
When they opened their sacks of grain, there,' in the mouth of each sack, was the money that they had given; and they were filled with fear. Then they spoke of going again to Ḗ ġy̆pt, and taking Bĕń ja-mĭn, but Jā́ cob said to them:
"You are taking my sons away from me. Jṓ s̞eph is gone, and Sĭḿ e-on is gone, and now you would take Bĕń ja-mĭn away. All these things are against me!”
Reṳ́ ben said, "Here are my own two boys. You may kill them, if you wish, in case I do not bring Bĕń ja-mĭn back to you.”
But Jā́ cob said, "My youngest son shall not go with you. His brother is dead, and he alone is left to me. If harm should come to him, it would bring down my gray hairs with sorrow to the grave.”

Story Eighteen

Gen. 43:1, to 14:24
THE food which Jā́ cob's sons had brought from Ḗ ġy̆pt did not last long, for Jā́ cob's family was large. Most of his sons were married and had children of their own; so that the children and grand-children were sixty-six, besides the servants who waited on them, and the men who cared for Jā́ cob's flocks. So around the tent of Jacob was quite a camp of other tents and an army of people.
When the food that had come from Ḗ ġy̆pt was nearly eaten up, Jā́ cob said to his sons:
"Go down to Wept again, and buy some more food for us.”
And Jū́ dah, Jā́ cob's son, the man who years before had urged his brothers to sell Jṓ s̝eph to the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes, said to his father:
"It is of no use for us to go to Ḗ ġy̆pt, unless we take Bĕń ja-mĭn with us. The man who rules in that land said to us, 'You shall not see my face, unless your youngest brother be with you." ”
Ĭś̝ ra-el said, "Why did you tell the man that you had a brother? You did me great harm when you told him.”
"Why," said Jā́ cob's sons, "we could not help telling him. The man asked us all about our family. Is your father yet living? Have you any more brothers? and we had to tell him, his questions were so close. How should we know that he would say, 'Bring your brother here for me to see him.”
And Jū́ dah said, "Send Bĕń ja-mĭn with me, and I will take care of him. I promise you, that I will bring him safely home. If he does not come back, let me bear the blame forever. He must go, or we shall die for want of food; and we might have gone down to Ḗ ġy̆pt and come home again, if we had not been kept back.”
And Jā́ cob said, "If he must go, then he must. But take a present to the man, some of the choicest fruits of the land, some spices, and perfumes, and nuts, and almonds. And take twice as much money, besides the money that was in your sacks. Perhaps that was a mistake, when the money was given back to you. And take your brother Bĕń ja-mĭn; and may the Lord God make the man kind to you, so that he will set Sĭḿ e-on free, and let you bring Bĕń ja-mĭn back. But if it is God's will that I lose my children, I cannot help it.”
So ten brothers of Joseph went down a second time to Ḗ ġy̆pt, Bĕń ja-mĭn going in place of Sĭḿ e-on. They came to Jō˗s̝eph’s office, the place where he sold grain to the people; and they stood before their brother, and bowed as before.. Jō˗s̝eph saw that Bĕń ja-mĭn was with them, and he said to his steward, the man who was over his house: "Make ready a dinner, for all these men shall dine with me to-day.”
When Jō˗s̝eph’s brothers found that they were taken into Jō˗s̝eph’s house, they were filled with fear; they said to each other:
"We have been taken here on account of the money in our sacks. They will say that we have stolen; and then they will sell us all for slaves.”
But Jṓ s̝eph’s steward, the man who was over his house, treated the men kindly, and when they spoke of the money in their sacks, he would not take it again, saying: "Never fear; your God must have sent you this as a gift. I had your money." The steward received the men into Jṓ s̝eph’s house, and washed their feet, according to the custom of the land. And at noon, Jṓ s̞eph came in to meet them. They brought him the present from their father, and again they bowed before him, with their faces on the ground.
And Jṓ s̝eph asked them if they were well, and said: "Is your father still living, the old man of whom you' spoke? Is he well?”
And they said, "Our father is well, and he is living." And again they bowed to Jṓ s̝eph. And Jṓ s̝eph looked at his younger brother, Bĕń ja-mĭn, the child of his own mother, Rā́ chel; and he said: "Is this your youngest brother, of whom you spoke to me? God be gracious unto you, my son.”
And Jṓ s̝eph’s heart was so full that he could not keep back his tears. He went in haste to his own room, and wept there. Then he washed his face, and came out again, and ordered the table to be set for dinner. They set Jṓ s̝eph’s table for himself, as the ruler, and another table for his Ē̇-ġy̆ṕtian officers, and another for the eleven men from Cā́năan; for Jó̄ s̝eph had brought Sĭḿe-on out of the prison, and had given him a place with his brothers.
Jó̄-s̝eph himself arranged the order of the seats for his brothers, the oldest at the head; and all in order of age down to the youngest. The men wondered at this, and could not see how the ruler of Ḗ ġy̆pt should know the order of their ages. And Jó̄ s̝eph sent dishes from his table to his brothers; and he gave to Bĕń ja-mĭn five times as much as to the others. Perhaps he wished to see whether they were as jealous of Bĕń ja-mĭn as in other days they had been toward him.
After dinner, Jō˗s̝eph said to his steward, "Fill the men's sacks with grain, as much as they can carry; and put each man's money in his sack. And put my silver cup in the sack of the youngest, with his money.”
The steward did as Joseph had said; and early in the morning the brothers started to go home. A little while afterward, Jṓ s̝eph said to his steward:
"Hasten, follow after the men from Cā́ năan, and say, 'Why have you wronged me, after I had treated you kindly? You have stolen my master's silver cup, out of which he drinks.'" The steward followed the men, and overtook them, and charged them with stealing. And they said to him:
"Why should you talk to us in this manner? We have stolen nothing. Why, we brought back to you the money that we found in our sacks; and is it likely that we would steal from your lord his silver or gold? You may search us; and if you find your master's cup on any of us, let him die, and the rest of us may be sold as slaves.”
Then they took down the sacks from the asses, and opened them; and in each man's sack was his money, for the second time.
And when they came to Bĕń ja-mĭn's sack, there was the ruler's silver cup! Then, in the greatest sorrow, they tied up their bags again, and laid them on the asses, and came back to Jṓ s̝eph’s palace. And Joseph said to them:
"What wicked thing is this that you have done? Did you not know that I would surely find out your deeds?”
Then Judah said, "O my lord, what can we say? God has punished us for our sins; and now we must all be slaves, both us that are older, and the youngest in whose sack the cup was found.”
"No," said Jṓ s̝eph, "only one of you is guilty, the one who has taken away my cup; I will hold him as a slave, and the rest of you can go home to your father.”
Joseph wished to see whether his brothers were still selfish, and were willing to let Bĕńja-mĭn suffer, if they could escape.
Then Jū́ dah, the very man who had urged his brothers to sell Jṓ s̝eph as a slave, came forward, and fell at Jṓ s̝eph's feet, and pleaded with him to let Bĕńja-mĭn go. He told again the whole story, how Bĕn-já mĭn was the one whom his father loved the most of all his children, now that his brother was lost. He said:
"I promised to bear the blame, if this boy was not brought home in safety. If he does not go back, it will kill our poor old father, who has seen much trouble. Now let my youngest brother go home to his father, and I will stay here as a slave in his place!”
Joseph knew now what he had longed to know, that his brothers were no longer cruel nor selfish, but one of them was willing to suffer, so that his brother might be spared. And Jṓ s̝eph could not any longer keep his secret, for his heart longed after his brothers, and he was ready to weep again, with tears of love and joy. He sent all his Ē-ġy̆ṕ tian servants out of the room, so that he might be alone with his brothers, and then said:
"Come near to me, I wish to speak with you;" and they came near, wondering. Then Jṓ s̞eph said:
"I am Jṓ s̝eph; is my father really alive?" How frightened his brothers were, as they heard these words, spoken in their own language by the ruler of Ḗ ġy̆pt, and for the first time knew that this stern man, who had their lives in his hand, was their own brother whom they had wronged! Then Jṓ s̝eph said again:
"I am Joseph your brother, whom you sold into Ḗ ġy̆pt. But do not feel troubled because of what you did. For God sent me before you to save your lives. There have been already two years of need and famine, and there are to be five years more, when there shall neither be plowing of the fields nor harvest. It was not you who sent me here, but God, and he sent me to save your lives. God has made me like a father to Phā́ raōh and ruler over all the land of Ḗ ġy̆pt. Now, go home, and bring down to me my father and all his family, for that is the only way to save their lives.”
Then Jṓ s̝eph placed his arms around Bĕń ja-mĭn's neck, and kissed him, and wept upon him. And Bĕń-ja-mĭn wept on his neck. And Jṓ s̝eph kissed all his brothers, to show them that he had fully forgiven them; and after that his brothers began to lose their fear of Jṓ s̝eph, and talked with him more freely.
Afterward Jṓ s̝eph sent his brothers home with good news, and rich gifts, and abundant food. He sent also wagons in which Jā́ cob and his wives and the little ones of his family might ride from Cā́ năan down to Ḗ ġy̆pt. And Jṓ s̝eph's brothers went home happier than they had been for many years.

Story Nineteen

Gen. 45:25, to 1:26
SO Jṓ s̝eph's eleven brothers went home to their old father with the glad news that Jṓ s̝eph was alive and was ruler over the land. It was such a joyful surprise to Jā́ lcob that he fainted. But after a time he revived; and when they showed him the wagons that Jṓ s̝eph had sent to bring him and his family to Egypt, old Jacob said, "It is enough; Joseph my son is yet alive; I will go and see him before I die."
Then they went on their journey, with their wives, and children, and servants, and sheep and cattle, a great company. They stopped to rest at Bḗ er-shḗba, which had been the home of Ĭ́s̝aac and of Ā́ bră,-hăm, and made offerings to the Lord, and worshipped. And that night the Lord appeared to Jā́cob, and said to him: “Jā́ cob, I am the Lord, the God of your father, fear not to go down to Ḗ ġy̆pt; for I will go down with you; and there you shall see your son Jṓ s̞eph; and in Egypt I will make of your descendants, those that come from you, a great people; and I will surely bring them back again to this land.”
They came down to Ḗ ġy̆pt, sixty-six of Jā́ cob's children and grand-children. Jṓ s̝eph rode in his chariot to meet his father, and fell on his neck, and wept upon him. And Jacob said, "Now, I am ready to die, since I know that you are still alive; and I have seen your face." And Jṓs̝eph brought his father in to see King Phā́ raōh; and Jacob, as an old man, gave his blessing to the king.
The part of the land of Ḗ ġy̆pt where Jṓ s̝eph found for his brothers a home, was called Gṓ shen. It was on the east, between Ḗ ġy̆pt and the desert, and it was a very rich land, where the soil gave large harvests. But at that time, and for five years after, there were no crops, because of the famine that was in the land. During those years, the people of Ĭś̝ ra-el in the land of Gṓ shen were fed as were all the people of Ḗ ġy̆pt, with grain from the store-houses of Jṓ s̝eph.
Jā́ cob lived to be almost a hundred and fifty years old. Before he died he blessed Jṓ s̝eph and all his sons, and said to them:
"When I die, do not bury me in the land of Ḗ ġy̆pt, but take my body to the land of Cā́ năan, and bury me in the cave at Hḗbron, with Ā́ bră-hăm, and Isaac my father.”
And Jṓ s̝eph brought his two sons, Mā̇-năś seh and Ḗ phră-ĭm, to his father's bed, Jā́ cob's eyes were dim with age, as his father Ī́ s̞aac had been, and he could not see the two young men. And he said, "Who are these?”
And Jṓ s̝eph said, "They are my two sons, whom God has given me in this land.”
"Bring them to me," said Jā́ cob, "that I may bless them before I die.”
And Jā́ cob kissed them, and put his arms around them, and he said:
"I had not thought that I should ever see your face, my son; and God has let me see both you and your children also.”
And Jā́ cob placed his right hand on Ḗ phră-ĭm's head, the younger, and his left hand on Mā̇-năś seh the older. Jṓ s̝eph tried to change his father's hands, so that his right hand should be on the older son's head. But Jā́ cob would not allow him, and he said:
"I know what I am doing, God will bless the older son; but the greater blessing shall be with the younger, for his descendants, those who spring from him, shall be greater and stronger than the descendants of his brother.”
And so it came to pass many years after this; for the tribe of Ḗ phră-ĭm, the younger son, became greater and more powerful than the tribe of Mā̇-năś seh, the older son.
When Jā́ cob died a great funeral was held. They carried his body up out of Ḗ ġy̆pt to the land of Cā́ năan, and buried it,—as he had said to them,—in the cave of Măch-pḗ lah, where Ā́ bră˗hăm and Īs̝aac were buried already.
When the sons of Jacob came to Egypt after the burial of their father, they said one to another:
"It may be that Jó̄ s̝eph will punish us, now that his father is dead, for the wrong that we did to him many years ago.”
And they sent a message, asking Jṓ s̝eph to forgive them, few his father's sake. And again they came and bowed down before him, with their faces to the ground; they said, "We are your servants; be merciful to us.”
Jṓ s̝eph wept when his brothers spoke to him, and he said:
"Fear not. Am I in God's place to punish and to reward? It is true that you meant evil to me, but God turned it to good, so that all your families might be kept alive. Do not be afraid; I will care for you, and for your children.”
After this Jṓ seph lived to a good old age, until he was a hundred and ten years old. Before he died he said to his children, and to all the children of Ĭś̝ ra-el, who had now increased to very many people:
"I am going to die; but God will come to you, and will bring you up out of this land, into your own land, which he promised to your fathers, to Ā́ bră-hăm, and Īs̞aac, and Jā́ cob. When I die do not bury me in Ḗ ġy̆pt, but keep my body until you go out of this land, and take it with you.”
So when Jṓ s̝eph died they embalmed his body, as the Ḗ ġy̆ṕ tians embalmed the dead; so that the body would not decay, and they placed his body in a stone coffin, and kept it in the land of Gṓ shen among the people of Ĭś̝ ra-el. Thus Jṓ s̞eph not only showed his faith in God's promise, that he would bring his people back to the land of Cā́ năan; but he also encouraged the faith of those who came after him. For as often as the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes looked on the stone coffin that held the body of Jṓ s̝eph, they said to one another:
"There is the token, the sign, that this land is not our home. This coffin will not be buried until we bury it in our own land, the land of Cā́ năan, where God will lead us in his own time.”
Lesson 8. Joseph and his Brothers.
(Tell Stories 17, 18 and 19.)
1. What did Joseph do after he became ruler of Egypt, during the seven years of plenty? He saved up all the food.
2. What was done with the food that was saved up by Joseph? The people of Egypt were fed in the years of need.
3. Where were Jacob and his other sons, the brothers of Joseph, living at this time? In the land of Canaan.
4. What did Joseph’s brothers do to get food in the time of need? They went down to Egypt.
5. How did Joseph treat his brothers when they came to him? He gave them food but did not tell them who he was.
6. When they came the second time what did Joseph do? He told them who he was, and forgave them.
7. What else did Joseph do for his father and his brothers? He sent for them all to come down to Egypt.
8. How many were the Israelites or people of Israel, when they came down to Egypt? Seventy people.
9. In what part of Egypt did they live? In the land of Goshen.

Story Twenty

Ex. 1:1, to 11:22
THE children of Īś̝ ra-el stayed in the land of Egypt much Ḗ ġy̆pt longer than they had expected to stay. Vey were in that land about four hundred years. And the going down to É̄ ġy̆pt proved a great blessing to them. It saved their lives during the years of famine and need. After the years of need were over, they found the soil in the land of Gṓ shen, that part of Ḗ ġy̆pt where they were living, very rich, so that they could gather three or four crops every year.
Then, too, some of the sons of Īś̝ ra-el, before they came to É̄ ġy̆pt, had begun to marry the women in the land of Cā́ năan, who worshipped idols, and not the Lord. If they had stayed there, their children would have grown up like the people around them, and soon would have lost all knowledge of God.
But in Gṓ shen, they lived alone and apart from the people of É̄ ġy̆pt. They worshipped the Lord God, and were kept away from the idols of Ḗ ġy̆pt. And in that land, as the years went on, from being seventy people, they grew in number, until they became a great multitude. Each of the twelve sons of Jā́ cob was the father of a tribe, and Jṓ s̝eph was the father of two tribes, which were named after his two sons, Ḗ phră-ĭm and Ma̞-năś seh.
As long as Jṓ s̝eph lived, and for some time after, the people of Ĭś̞ ra-el were treated kindly by the Ē˗ġy̆ṕ tians̞, out of their love for Jṓ s̝eph, who had saved É̄ ġy̆pt from suffering by famine. But, after a long time another king began to rule over Ḗ ġy̆pt, who pared nothing for Jṓ s̝eph or Jṓ s̝eph's people. He saw that the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes (as the children of Īś̝ ra-el were called) were very many: and he feared lest they would soon become greater in number and in power than the Ē-ġy̆ṕ tians̞.
He said to his people, "Let us rule these Īś̝ ra-el-ītes more strictly. They are growing too strong.”
Then they set harsh rulers over the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes, who laid heavy burdens on them. They made the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes work hard for the Ḗ ġy̆ṕ tians̞, and build cities for them, and give to the Ē̇-ġy̆ṕ tians̞ a large part of the crops from their fields. They set them at work in making brick, and in building store-houses. They were so afraid that the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes would grow in number, that they gave orders to kill all the little boys that were born to the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes; though their little girls might be allowed to live.
But in the face of all this hate, and wrong, and cruelty, the people of Īś̝ ra-el were growing in numbers, and becoming greater and greater.
At this time, when the wrongs of the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes were the greatest, and when their little children were being killed, one little boy was born. He was such a lovely child that his mother kept him hid, so that the enemies did not find him. When she could no longer hide him, she found a plan to save his life, believing that God would help' her and save her beautiful little boy She made a little box like a boat, and covered it with something that would not let the water into it. Such a boat as this, covered over, was called "an ark." She knew that at certain times the daughter of King Phā́ raōh, all the kings of Ḗ ġy̆pt were called Phā́ raōh,—would come down to the river for a bath. She placed her baby boy in the ark, and let it float down the river where the princess, Phā́ raōh’s daughter, would see it. And she sent her own daughter, a little girl named twelve years old, to watch close at hand. How anxious the mother and the sister were as they saw the little ark floating away from them on the river.
Phā́ raōh's daughter, with her maids, came down to the river; and they saw the ark floating on the water, among the reeds. She sent one of her maids to bring it to her, so that she might see what was in the curious box. They opened it, and there was a beautiful little baby, who began to cry to be taken up.
The princess felt kind toward the little one, and loved it at once. She said: "This is one of the Hḗbrews̝' children." You have heard how the children of Ĭś̝ ra-el came to be called Hḗ brews̝. Phā́ raōh’s daughter thought that it would be cruel to let such a lovely baby as this die out on the water. And just then a little girl came running up to her, as if by accident, and she looked at the baby also, and said:
"Shall I go and find some woman of the Hebrews to be a nurse to the child for you, and take care of it?”
"Yes," said the princess, "go and find a nurse for me.”
The little girl,—who was Mĭŕ ĭ-am, the baby's sister,—ran as quickly as she could, and brought the baby's own mother to the princess. Mĭŕ ĭ˗am showed in this act that she was a wise and thoughtful little girl. The princess said to the little baby's mother:
"Take this child to your home and nurse it for me, and I will pay you wages for it.”
How glad the Hḗ brew mother was to take her child home! No one could harm her boy now, for he was protected by the princess of Ḗ ġy̆pt, the daughter of the king.
When the child was large enough to leave his mother, Phā́ raōh's daughter took him into her own home in the palace. She named him "Mṓ s̝es̝," a word that means "Drawn out," because he was drawn out of the water.
So Moses, the Hebrew boy, lived in the palace among the nobles of the land, as the son of the princess. There he learned much more than he could have learned among his own people; for there were very wise teachers among the Ē˗ġy̆ṕ tians̞. Mṓ s̝es̝ gained all the knowledge that the Ē˗ġy̆ṕ tians̞ had to give. There in the court of the cruel king who had made slaves of the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes, God's people, was growing up an Ĭś̝ ra-el-īte boy who should at some time set his people free.
Although, Mó̄ s̞es̞ grew up among the Ē-ġy̆ṕ tians̞, and gained their learning, he loved his own people. They were poor and were hated, and were slaves, but he loved them, because they were the people who served the Lord God, while the Ē-ġy̆ṕ tians worshipped idols and animals. Strange it was that so wise a people as these should bow down and pray to an ox, or to a cat, or to a snake, as did the Ē-ġy̆ṕ tians!
When Mṓ s̝es̝ became a man, he went among his own people, leaving the riches and ease that he might have enjoyed among the E-ġy̆ṕ tians̝. He felt a call from God to lift up the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes, and set them free. But at that time he found that he could do nothing to help them. They would not let him lead them, and as the king of Ḗ ġy̆pt had now become his enemy, Mṓ s̝es̝ went away from Ḗ ġy̆pt, into a country in Ā-rā́ bĭ˗ȧ called Mĭd́ ĭ-an.
He was sitting by a 'well, in that land, tired from his long journey, when he saw some young women come to draw water for their flocks of sheep. But some rough men came and drove the women away, and took the water for their own flocks. Mó̄ s̝es̝ saw it, and helped the women, and drew the water for them.
These young women were sisters, the daughters of a man named Jĕthrō̇, who was a priest in the land of Mĭd́ ĭ-an. He asked Mṓ s̝es̝ to live with him, and to help him in the care of his flocks. Mṓ s̝es̝ stayed with Jĕth́ rō̇, and married one of his daughters. So from being a prince in the king's palace in Ḗ ġy̆pt, Mṓ s̝es̝ became a shepherd in the wilderness of Mĭd́ĭ-an.
Lesson 9. The Youth of Moses.
(Tell Story 20.)
1. How long did the Israelites stay in Egypt? More than four hundred years.
2. How did the Egyptians treat the Israelites while Joseph lived, and for a time afterward? They were kind to the Israelites.
3. What became of the Israelites in Egypt? They grew into a great people.
4. How did the King of Egypt who ruled many years after Joseph’s time treat the Israelites? He was very cruel to them.
5. How did the King treat the Israelites cruelly? He made them work very hard.
6. What order did the King give, to keep the Israelites from growing in number? That all their boy babies should be killed.
7. What did one Israelite mother do with her little baby-boy? She left him in a little boat on the river.
8. Who found the baby floating in the river? The daughter of Pharaoh the King.
9. What did the daughter of Pharaoh do with the baby? She made him her own son.
10. What was the name of this boy? Moses.
11. To what land did Moses go after he grew up? To the land of Midian.

Story Twenty-One

Ex. 3:1, to 4:31
IT must have been a great change in the life of Mṓ s̝es̝, after he had spent forty years in the palace as a prince, to go out into the wilderness of Mĭd́ ĭ-an, and live there as a shepherd. He saw no more the crowded cities, the pyramids, the temples of Ḗ ġy̆pt, and the great river Nile. For forty years Mṓ s̝es̝ wandered about the land of Mĭd́ ĭ-an with his flocks, living alone, often sleeping at night on the ground, and looking up by day to the great mountains. He wore the rough skin mantle of a shepherd; and in his hand was the long shepherd's staff. On his feet were sandals which he wore instead of shoes. But when he stood before an altar to worship God he took off his sandals. For when we take off our hats, as in church or a place where God is worshipped, the people of those lands take off their shoes, as a sign of reverence in a sacred place.
Mṓ s̝es̝ was a great man, one of the greatest men that ever lived. But he did not think himself great or wise. He was contented with the work that he was doing; and sought no higher place. But God had a work for Mṓ s̝es̝ to do, and all through those years in the wilderness God was preparing him for that work.
All through those years, while Mṓ s̝es̝ was feeding his flock in Mĭd́ ĭ-an, the people of Ĭś̝ ra-el were still bearing heavy burdens and working as slaves in Ḗ ġy̆pt, making brick and building cities. The king who had begun the hard treatment of the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes died, but another king took his place, and was just as cruel. He was called by the same name, Phā́ raōh, for this was the name given to all the kings of Ḗ ġy̆pt.
One day, Mṓ s̝es̝ was feeding his flock on a mountain, called Mount Hṓ reb. This mountain was also called Mount Sī́ nāi, and is spoken of by both names in the Bible. On the mountain Mṓ s̝es̝ saw a bush which seemed to be on fire. He watched to see it burn up, but it was not destroyed, though it kept burning on and on. And Mṓ s̝es̝ said to himself:
"I will go and look at this strange thing, a bush on fire, yet not burning up.”
As Mṓ s̝es̝ was going toward the bush, he heard a voice coming out of the bush, calling him by name, "Mṓ s̞es̞, Mṓ s̝es̝!" He listened, and said, "Here I am.”
The voice said, "Mṓ s̞es̞, do not come near; but take off your shoes from your feet, for you are standing on holy ground.”
So Mṓ s̝es̝ took off his shoes, and came near to the burning bush. And the voice came from the bush, saying:
"I am the God of your father, the God of Ā́ bră-hăm, and of Ī́ s̝aac, and of Jā́ cob. I have seen the wrongs and the cruelty that my people have suffered in É̄ ġy̆pt, and I have heard their cry on account of their task-masters. And I am coming to set them free from the land of the Ē-ġy̆ṕ tians̞, and to bring them up to their own land, the land of Cā́ năan, a good land, and large. Come, now, and I will send you to Phā́ raōh, the king of Ḗ ġy̆pt, and you shall lead out my people from Ḗ ġy̆pt.”
Mṓ s̝es̝ knew what a great work this would be, to lead the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes out of Ḗ ġy̆pt, from the power of its king. He dreaded to take up such a task; and he said to the Lord:
"O Lord, who am I, a shepherd here in the wilderness, to do this great work, to go to Phā́ raōh, and to bring the people out o É̄ ġy̆pt? It is too great a work for me.”
And God said to Mṓ s̝es̝:
"Surely I will be with you, and will help you to do this great work. I will give you a sign of my presence with you. When you have led my people out of É̄ ġy̆pt, you shall bring them to this mountain, and they shall worship me here. And then yet shall know that I have been with you.”
And Mṓ s̝es̝ said to God:
"When I go to the children of Ĭś̝ ra-el in Ḗ ġy̆pt, and tell then] that the God of their fathers has sent me, they will say to me, `Who is this God? What is his name?' For they have suffered so much, and have sunk so low, that I fear they have forgotten their God.”
You remember that Mṓ s̝es̝ had been out of Ḗ ġy̆pt and afar from his people for forty years, a long time, and in that time he did not know whether they had continued the worship of God.
And God said to Mṓ s̝es̝:
"My name is 'I AM,' the One who is always living.’ Do you go to your people and say to them, 'I AM hath sent me to you.' Do not be afraid; go to your people, and say to them what I have said to you, and they will listen to you and believe. And you shall take the elders of your tribes, the leading men among them, and shall go to King Phā́ raōh, and shall say to him, 'Let my people go, that they may worship me in the wilderness.' At first he will not let you go; but afterward, I will show my power in Ḗ ġy̆pt, and then he will let you go out of the land.”
But Mṓ s̝es̝ wished some sign, which he could give to his people, and to the Ē-ġy̆ṕ tians̝, to show them that God had sent him. He asked God to give him some sign. And God said to him:
"What is that which you have in your hand?" Mṓ s̝es̝ said, "It is a rod, my shepherd's staff, which I use to guide the sheep." And God said, "Throw it on the ground." Then Mṓ s̝es̝ threw it down, and instantly it was turned into a snake. Mṓ s̝es̝ was afraid of it, and began to run from it.
And God said, "Do not fear it, but take hold of it by the tail." Moses did so, and at once it became again a rod in his hand.
And God said again, to Mṓ s̝es̝, "Put your hand into your bosom, under your garment, and take it out again.”
Then Mṓ s̝es̝ put his hand under his garment, and when he took it out it had changed, and was now as white as snow, and covered with a scaly crust, like the hand of a leper. He looked at it with fear and horror. But God said to him again:
"Put your hand into your bosom once more." Mṓ s̝es̝ did so, and when he took it out, his hand was like the other, with a pure skin, no longer like a leper's hand.
And God said to Mṓ s̝es̝, "When you go to speak my words, if they will not believe you, show them the first sign, and let your rod become a snake, and then a rod again. And if they still refuse to believe your words, show them the second sign; turn your hand into a leper's hand, and then bring it back as it was before. And if they still will not believe, then take some water from the river, and it shall turn to blood. Fear not, go and speak my words to your own people and to the Ē-ġy̆ṕ tians̝.”
But Mṓ s̝es̝ was still unwilling to go, not because he was afraid, but because he did not feel himself to be fit for such a great task. And he said to the Lord:
"O Lord, thou knowest that I am not a good speaker; I am slow of speech, and cannot talk before men.”
And God said, "Am not I the Lord, who made man's mouth? Go, and I will be with your lips, and will teach you what to say.”
But Mṓ s̝es̝ still hesitated, and he said, "O Lord, choose come other man for this great work; I am not able to do it.”
And God said, "You have a brother, whose name is Aâŕ on. He can speak well. Even now he is coming to see you in the wilderness. Let him help you, and speak for you. Let him do the speaking, and do you show the signs which I have given you.”
At last Mṓ s̝es̝ yielded to God's call. He went from Mount Sī́nāi with his flocks, and took them home to Jĕth́ rō his father-in-law; and then he went toward Ḗ ġy̆pt, and on the way he met his brother coming to see him. Then the two brothers, Mṓ s̝es̝ and Aâŕon, came to the elders of Ĭś̝ ra-el in the land of Gṓ shen. They told the people what God had said, and they wrought before them the signs which God had given.
And the people said, "God has seen all our troubles, and at last he is coming to set us free." And they were glad, and gave thanks to God who had not forgotten them; for God never forgets those who call upon him.

Story Twenty-Two

Ex. 6:28, to 10:29
AFTER and Aaron had spoken to the people of Ĭś̝ ra-el the words which God had given them, they went to meet Phā́ raōh the king of É̄ ġy̆pt. You remember that all the kings of Ḗ ġy̆pt bore the name of Phā́ raōh. Mṓ s̞es̞ and Aâŕon did not at first ask Phā́ raōh to let the people go out of Ḗ ġy̆pt, never to return, but they said:
"Our God, the Lord God of Ĭś̞ ra-el, has bidden us to go out, with all our people, a journey of three days into the wilderness, and there to worship him. And God speaks to you through us, saying, 'Let my people go, that they may serve me.”
But Phā́ raōh was very angry. He said, "What are you doing, you Mṓ s̝es̝ and Aâŕ on, to call your people away from their work? Go back to your tasks and leave your people alone. I know why the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes are talking about going out into the wilderness. It is because they have not work enough to keep them busy. I will give them more work to do.”
The work of the Ĭś̝̝ ra-el-ītes, at that time, was mostly in making brick, and putting up the walls of buildings for the rulers of Ḗ ġy̆pt.
In mixing the clay for the brick they used straw, chopped up fine, to hold the clay together. Phā́ raōh said:
"Let them make as many bricks as before; but give them no straw. Let the Ĭś̞ ra-el-ītes find their own straw for the brick-making.”
Of course this made their task all the harder, for it took much time to find the straw; and the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes were scattered all through the land finding straw and stubble, for use in making the brick; and yet they were called upon to bring as many brick each day as before. And when they could not do all their task they were cruelly beaten by the Ē-ġy̆ṕ tians̝. Many of the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes now became angry with Mṓ s̝es̝ and Aâŕon, who, they thought, had brought more burden and trouble upon them. They said:
"May the Lord God judge you, and punish you! You promised to lead us out, and set us free; but you have only made our suffering the greater!”
Then Mṓ s̝es̝ cried to the Lord, and the Lord said to him: "Take Aâŕ on, your brother, and go again to Phā́ raōh; and show him the signs that I gave you.”
So they went in to Phā́ raōh, and again asked him in the Lord's name, to let the people go. And Phā́ raōh said:
"Who is the Lord? Why should I obey his commands? What sign can you show that God has sent you?”
Then Aâŕ on threw down his rod, and it was turned into a snake. But there were wise men in É̄ ġy̆pt who had heard of this; and they made ready a trick. They threw down their rods, and their rods became snakes, or seemed to. They may have been tame snakes, which they had hidden under their long garments, and then brought out, as if they had been rods.
But Aâŕ on's rod, in the form of a snake, ran after them, and swallowed them all; and then it became a rod again in Aâŕon's hand. But King Phā́ raōh refused to obey God's voice.
Then Mṓ s̝es̝ spoke to Aâŕ on, by God's command: "Take your rod and wave it over the waters of É̄ġy̆pt, over the river Nile, and the canals, and the lakes.”
Then Aâŕ on did so. He lifted up the rod, and struck the water, in the sight of Phā́ raōh. And in a moment all the water turned to blood, and the fish in the river all died; and a terrible stench, a foul smell, arose over the land. And the people were in danger of dying. But in the land of Gṓ shen, where the Ĭś̝ ra-el˗ītes were, the water remained as it had been, and was not turned to blood. So God made a difference between Ĭś̝ ra-el and Ḗ ġy̆pt.
The people of É̄ ġy̆pt dug wells, to find water; and the wise men of Ḗ ġy̆pt brought some water to Phā́ raōh, and made it look as though they had turned it to blood. And Phā́ raōh would not listen, nor let the people go.
After seven days Mṓ s̝es̝ took away the plague of blood, but he warned Phā́ raōh that another plague was coming, if he refused to obey. And as Phā́ raōh still would not obey, Aâŕon stretched forth his rod again, and then all the land was covered with frogs. Like a great army they ran over all the fields, and they even filled the houses. Phā́ raōh said:
"Pray to your God for me; ask him to take the frogs away, and I will let the people go.”
Then Moses prayed; and God took away the frogs. They died everywhere; and the Ē-ġy̆ṕ tians̝ heaped them up and buried them. But Phā́ raōh broke his promise, and would not let the people go.
Then, at God's command by Mṓ s̝es̝, Aâŕon lifted his rod again, and struck the dust; and everywhere the dust became alive with lice and fleas. But still Phā́ raōh would not hear, and God sent great swarms and clouds of flies all over the land, so that their houses were filled with them, and the sky was covered. But where the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes lived there were no lice, nor fleas, nor flies.
Then Phā́ raōh began to yield a little. He said:
"Why must you go out of the land to worship God? Worship him here in this land.”
But Mṓ s̝es̝ said, "When we worship the Lord, we must make an offering: and our offerings are of animals which the people of Ḗ ġy̆pt worship, oxen and sheep. It would make the Ḗ ġy̆pt angry to see us offering a sacrifice of animals which they call gods.”
"Well," said Phā́ raōh, "you may go; but do not go far away, and come back." But when Mṓ s̝es̝ and Aâŕon had taken away the plague, Phā́ raōh broke his promise again, and still held the people as slaves.
Then another plague came. A terrible disease struck all the animals in Ḗ ġy̆pt, the horses and asses, the camels, the sheep, and the oxen; and they died by the thousand in a day, all over the land. But no plague came upon the flocks and herds of the Ĭś̝ ra˗el˗ītes.
But Phā́ raōh was still stubborn. He would, not obey God's voice. Then Mṓ s̝es̝ and Aâŕ on gathered up in their hands ashes from the furnace, and threw it up like a cloud into the air. And instantly boils began to break out on men and on beasts all through the land.
Still Phā́ raōh refused to obey; and then Mṓ s̝es̝ stretched out his rod toward the sky. At once a terrible storm burst forth upon the land; all the more terrible because in that land rain scarcely ever falls. Sometimes there will not be even a shower of rain for years at a time. But now the black clouds rolled, the thunder sounded, the lightning flashed, and the rain poured down, and with the rain came hail, something that the Ē-ġy̆ṕ tians̞ had never seen before. It struck all the crops growing in the fields, and the fruits on the trees, and destroyed them.
Then again Phā́ raōh was frightened, and promised to let the people go; and again when God took away the hail at Mṓ s̝es̝ prayer, he broke his word, and would not let the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes leave the land. Then after the hail came great clouds of locusts, which ate up every green thing that the hail had spared. And after the locusts came the plague of darkness. For three days there was thick darkness, no sun shining, nor moon, nor stars. But still Phā́ raōh would not let the people go. Phā́ raōh said to Mṓ s̝es̝:
"Get out of my sight. Let me never see your face again. If you come into my presence you shall be killed.”
And Mṓ s̝es̝ said, "It shall be as you say, I will see your face no more.”
And God said to Mṓ s̝es̝, "There shall be one plague more, and then Phā́ raōh will be glad to let the people go. He will drive you out of the land. Make your people ready to go out of Ḗ ġy̆pt; your time here will soon be ended.”

Story Twenty-Three

Ex. 11:1, to 13:22
WHILE all these terrible plagues, of which we read in the last story, were falling upon the people of Ḗ ġy̆pt, the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes in the land of Gṓ shen were living in safety under God's care. The waters there were not made blood; nor did the flies or the locusts trouble them. While all was dark in the rest of Ḗ ġy̆pt, in the land of Gṓ shen the sun was shining.
This made the Ē-ġy̆ṕ tians feel that the Lord God of the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes was watching over his own people. They brought gifts to the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes, of gold and silver, and jewels, and precious things of every kind, to win their favor, and to win the favor of their God. So the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes, from being very poor, began suddenly to be very rich.
Now Mṓs̝es̝ said to the people:
"In a few days you are to go out of Ḗ ġy̆pt, so gather together, get yourselves in order by your families, and your twelve tribes; and be ready to march out of Ḗ ġy̆pt.”
And the people of Ĭś̝ ra-el did as Mṓs̝es̝ bade them. Then said Mṓ s̝es̝:
"God will bring one plague more upon the Ē-ġy̆ṕ tians̞, and then they will let you go. And you must take care, and obey God's command exactly, or the terrible plague will come upon your houses with the Ē-ġy̆ṕ tians houses. At midnight, the angel of the Lord will go through the land, and the oldest child in every house shall die. Phā́ raōh's son shall die, and every rich man's son, and every poor man's son, even the son of the beggar that has no home. But your families shall be safe if you do exactly as I command you."
Then Moses told them what to do. Every family was bidden to find a lamb and to kill it. They were to take some of the blood of the lamb and sprinkle it at the entrance of the house, on the door-frame overhead, and on each side. Then they were to roast the lamb, and with it to cook some vegetables, and to eat it standing around the table, with all their garments on, ready to march, away as soon as the meal should be ended. And no one was to go out of his house that night, for God's angel would be abroad, and he might be killed if the angel should meet him.
The children of Ĭś̝ ra-el did as Mṓ s̝es̝ commanded them. They killed the lamb, and sprinkled the blood, and ate the supper in the night, as God had told them to do. And this supper was called "the Pass-over Supper," because when the angel saw the doors sprinkled with blood, he passed over those houses, and did not enter them. And in memory of this great night, when God kept his people from death, the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes were commanded to eat just such a supper on that same night every year. This became a great feast of the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes, and was called "The Passover.”
Does not that slain lamb, and his blood sprinkled to save the people from death, make you think of Jesus Christ, who was the Lamb of God, slain to save us all?
And that night a great cry went up from all the land of Ḗ ġy̆pt. In every house there was one, and that one the oldest son, who died. And Phā́ raōh the king of Ḗ ġy̆pt saw his own son lie dead, and knew that it was the hand of God. And all the people of Ḗ ġy̆pt were filled with terror, as they saw their children lying dead in their houses.
The king now sent a messenger to Mṓ s̝es̝ and Aâŕ on, saying:
"Make haste; get out of the land; take everything that you have; leave nothing. And pray to your God to have mercy upon us, and to do us no more harm.”
So suddenly at the last, early in the morning, the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes, after four hundred years in Ḗ ġy̆pt, went out of the land. They went out in order, like a great army, family by family, and tribe by tribe. They went out in such haste, that they had no time to bake bread to eat on the journey. They left the dough in the pans, all ready mixed for baking, but not yet risen as bread is before it is baked: and they set the bread-pans on their heads, as people do in that land when they carry loads. And as a memory of that day, when they took the bread without waiting for it to rise, the rule was made that for one week in every year, and that same time in the year when they went out of Ḗ ġy̆pt, all the people of Ĭś̝ ra-el should eat bread that is "unleavened," that is, bread made without yeast, and unrisen. And this rule is kept to this day by the Jews, who belong to the Ĭś̝ ra-el-īte family.
And the Lord God went before the host of Ĭś̝ ra-el, as they marched out of Ḗ ġy̆pt. In the day time there was a great cloud, like a pillar, in front; and at night it became a pillar of fire. So both by day and night, as they saw the cloudy and fiery pillar going before, they could say, "Our Lord, the God of heaven and earth, goes before us.”
When the pillar of cloud stopped, they knew that was a sign that they were to pause in their journey and rest. So they set up their tents, and waited until the cloud should rise up and go forward. When they looked, and saw that the pillar of cloud was higher up in the air, and as though moving forward, they took down their tents, and formed in order for the march. Thus the pillar was like a guide by day and a guard by night.
You remember that when Joseph died (see the end of Story Nineteen), he commanded the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes not to bury his body in Ḗ ġy̆pt, but to keep it in a stone coffin, unburied, as long as they should stay in the land. When they were going out of Ḗ ġy̆pt, the two tribes of Ḗphră-ĭm and Mā̇-năś seh, who had sprung from Joseph, his descendants, as they are called,—took with them on their journey this stone coffin which held the body of Jṓ s̝eph their father. And thus the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes went out of Ḗ ġy̆pt, four hundred years after they had gone down to Ḗ ġy̆pt to live.
Lesson 10. The Israelites Leaving Egypt.
(Tell Stories 21, 22 and 23.)
1. How long was Moses in the land of Midian? Forty years.
2. What was Moses at that time? A shepherd.
3. On what mountain did Moses see a wonderful sight? On Mount Horeb, called also Mount Sinai.
4. What did Moses see on this mountain? A bush on fire, yet not burned up.
5. What spoke to Moses from the burning bush? The Lord God of Israel.
6. What did God tell Wises to do? To bring his people out of Egypt.
7. Who helped Moses in this work? His brother Aaron.
8. Who would not allow the Israelites to go out of Egypt? Pharaoh the King.
9. What came upon Pharaoh and the Egyptians until they were willing to let the Israelites go? Many plagues.
10. How were the Israelites at last led out of Egypt? By a pillar of cloud and of fire.

Story Twenty-Four

Ex. 14:1, to 16:36
WHEN the children of Ĭś̝ ra-el came out of Ḗ ġy̆pt it was their aim to go at once to the land of Cā́ năan, from which their fathers had come. The shortest road was that following the shore of the Great Sea, and entering Cā́ năan on the southwest. But in this region lived the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝, a strong and warlike people; and the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes, after ages of slavery, were not fit to carry on war. The other way was by the southeast, through the desert of Mount Sī́ nāi, where Mṓ s̝es̝ knew the land, for it was there that he had been a shepherd for many years.
So the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes, led by the pillar of cloud and fire turned to the southeast, directly toward the Red Sea, which rolled between them and the desert. In a very few days they came to the shore of the sea, with the water before them, and high mountains on each side.
As soon as the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes had left their homes, and were on the march, King Phā́ raōh was sorry that he had let them go; for now they would no more be his servants and do his work. Word came to Phā́ raōh that the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes were lost among the mountains, and held fast by the sea in front of them. Phā́ raōh called out his army, his chariots, and his horsemen, and followed the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes, intending either to kill them, or to bring them back. Very soon the army of Ḗ ġy̆pt was close behind the host of Ĭś̝ ra-el, and the hearts of the people were filled with fear. They cried to Mṓ s̝es̝, saying:
"Why did you bring us out into this terrible place, shut in by the mountains and the sea, and with our enemies close behind us? It would be better to serve the Ē-ġy̆ṕ tians̝, than to die here in the wilderness!”
"Fear not," answered Mṓ s̝es̝. "Stand still, and see how God will save you. As for the Ḗ ġy̆ṕtians̝, whom you now see following you, you will see them no more forever. The Lord will fight for you, and you shall stand still and see your, enemies slain." That night the pillar of fire, which was before the host of Ĭś̞ ra-el went behind them, and stood between the camp of the Ē˗ġy̆ṕ tians̞ and the camp of the Ĭś̞ ra-el-ītes. To Ĭś̞ ra-el it was bright and dazzling with the glory of the Lord, but to the Ē-ġy̆ṕ tians̝ it was dark and terrible; and they dared not enter it.
And all that night there blew over the sea a mighty east wind, so that the water was blown away, and when the morning came there was a ridge of dry land between water on one side and water on the other, making a road across the sea to the land beyond, and on each side of the road the water lay in great lake; as if to keep their enemies away from them.
Then Mó̄ s̝es̝ told the people to go forward, and tile pillar of cloud again went before them; and the people followed, a great army. They walked across the Red Sea as on dry land, and passed safely over into the wilderness on the other side. So God brought his people out of Ḗ ġy̆pt, into a land that they had never seen.
When the Ē-ġy̆ṕ tians̝ saw them marching into the sea„ they followed, with their chariots and their horses. But the sand was no longer hard; it had become soft, and their chariot-wheels were fastened in it, and many of them broke off from the chariots. And the horses became mired, and fell down, so that the army was in confusion; and all were frightened. The soldiers cried out:
"Let us fly from the face of the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes! The Lord is fighting for them, and against us!”
By this time, all the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes had passed through the Red Sea, and were standing on the high ground beyond it, looking at their enemies slowly struggling through the sand, all in one heaped up mass of men, and horses, and chariots. Then Mṓ s̞es̞ lifted up his hand, and at once a great tide of water swept up from the sea on the south; the road over which the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes had walked in safety was covered with water; and the host of Phā́ raōh, with all his chariots and his horses and their riders were drowned in the sea, before the eyes of the people of Ĭś̝ ra-el. They saw the dead bodies of the Ē-ġy̆ṕ tians̞ tossed up by the waves on the shore.
Mṓ s̞es̞ wrote a great song, and all the people sang it together, over their great victory, which God had wrought for them. It began thus:
"I will sing unto the Lord, for he hath triumphed gloriously
The horse and his rider hath he thrown into the sea,
The Lord is my strength and song,
And he is become my salvation."
And now the people of Ĭś̝ ra-el were no longer in a level land, with fields of grain, and abundance of food, and streams of water, They were in the great desert, with a rocky path under them, and mountains of rock rising all around, with only a few springs of water, and these far apart. Such a host of men, and women and children, with their flocks, would need much water, and they found very little.
They saw in the distance some springs of water, and ran to drink of it, for they were very thirsty. But when they tasted, they found it bitter, so that they could not drink it. Then the people cried to Mṓ s̝es̝ and Mṓ s̝es̝ cried to the Lord; and the Lord showed Mṓ s̝es̝ a tree, and told him to cut it down and throw it into the water. Mṓ s̝es̝ did so, and then the water became fresh, and pure, and good, so that the people could drink it. This place they named Mā́ rah, a word which means "bitterness," because of the water which they found there.
After passing Mā́ rah, they came to another and more pleasant place, where they saw twelve springs of fresh water, and a grove of seventy palm-trees' around them. And there they rested under the cool shade.
But soon they were in a hot desert of sand, which lies between the waters of Ḗ lim and Mount Sī́ nāi; and again they were in great trouble, for there was no food for such an army of people.
Then Mṓ s̝es̝ called upon God, and the Lord said, "I will rain bread from heaven upon you; and you shall go out and gather it every day.”
The next morning when the people looked out of their tents, they saw all around the camp, on the sand, little white flakes, like snow or frost. They had never seen anything like it before, and they said, just as anybody would say, "What is it?" In the language of the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes, the Hebrew language, "What is it?" is the word "Manhu." So the people said to one another "Manhu? Manhu?" And this gave a name afterward to what they saw, the name Manna.
And Mṓ s̝es̝ said to them, "This is the bread which the Lord has given you to eat. Go out and gather it, as much as you need. But take only as much as you need for to-day, for it will not keep; and God will give you more to-morrow.”
So the people went out, and gathered the manna. They cooked it in various ways, baking it and boiling it; and the taste of it was like wafers flavored with honey. Some took more than they needed, not trusting God's word that there would be more on the next day. But that which was left over, after it was gathered, spoiled, and smelled bad, so that it was useless. This was to teach the people that each day they should trust God for their daily bread.
But the manna which was left on the ground did not spoil. When the sun came up, it melted away, just like frost or snowflakes. Before the sixth day of the week came, Moses said to the people:
"To-morrow, on the sixth day of the week, take twice as much manna as usual; for the next day is the Lord's Sabbath, the day of rest, and the manna will not come on that day.”
So the next morning, all the people went out as before to gather the manna. On that day, they found that the manna which was not used did not spoil, but kept fresh until the next morning.
On the Sabbath-day, some of the people who had failed to hear Mṓ s̝es̝, and had not gathered the manna in advance for the Sabbath, went out, and they could find none. So that day, these people had nothing to eat; and all Ĭś̞ ra-el learned the lesson, which we also should remember, that one day in each week belongs to God, and is to be kept holy to the Lord.
All the time that the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes lived in the wilderness, which was forty years, they ate the manna which God gave them day by day. Not until they entered the land of Cā́ năan, did the manna cease to fall.
Do you remember who it was, long after this, that said "I am the bread of life. He that cometh to me shall never hunger, and he that believeth on me, shall never thirst"?

Story Twenty-Five

Ex. 17:1, to 31:18
WHILE the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes were journeying through the desert they had great trouble from want of water.
Between the wells of Ḗ lim and Mount Sī́ nāi, they fo und no streams nor springs. Their sheep and men suffered from thirst, and the little children were crying for water. The people came to Mṓ s̝es̝, and said in great anger: "Give us water, or we shall die. Why have you brought us up from Ḗġy̆pt to kill us here in the desert?”
And Mṓ s̝es̝ called on God, and said:
"Lord, what shall I do to this people? They are almost ready to stone me in their anger. How can I give them water?”
Then God told Mṓ s̝es̝ what to do; and this was what Mṓ s̝es̝ did:
He brought the people together before a great rock, and with his rod he struck the rock. Then out of the rock came forth a stream of water, which ran like a little river through the camp, and gave them plenty of water for themselves and for their flocks.
While they were in camp around this rock at Rĕph́ i˗dĭm the wild people who had their homes in the desert, and were called the Āḿ a-lĕk-ītes, made sudden war on the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes. They came down upon them from the mountains, while they were weary with marching, and killed some of the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes. Then Mṓ s̝es̝ called out those of the people who were fit for war, and made a young man named Jŏsh́u-ȧ their leader; and they fought a battle with the Ăḿ a-lĕk-ītes.
While they were fighting, Moses stood on a rock, where all could see him, and prayed the Lord God to help his people. His hands were stretched out toward heaven; and while Mó̄ s̝es̝' hands were reaching upward the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes were strong, and drove back the enemy. But when Mṓ s̝es̞̝ arms fell down, then the enemy drove back the men of Ĭś̝ ra-el.
So Aâŕon, Mṓ s̝es̝' brother, and Mûr (who is thought to have been Mṓ s̝es̝' brother-in-law, the husband of his sister Mĭŕ ĭ-am), stood beside Mṓ s̞es̞, and held up his hands until the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes won the victory, and overcame the men of Ăḿ a-lĕk.
In the third month after the Ĭś̝ ra-el˗ītes had left the land of Ḗ ġy̆pt they came ‘a great mountain which rises straight up from the plain, so straight that one can walk up to it and touch it with his hand. This was Mount Sī́nāi; and it was one of a group of mountains called Hṓ˗reb, where Mṓ s̝es̝ saw the burning bush, and heard God's voice, as we read in an earlier Story.
The Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes made their camp in front of Mount Sī́ nāi, and stayed there for many days. And God said to Mṓ s̝es̝:
"Let none of the people go up on the mount, or come near to touch it. If even one of your cattle or sheep shall touch the it must be killed. This is a holy place, where God will show his glory.”
And a few days after this, the people heard the voice as of many trumpets sounding on the top of the mountain. They looked, and saw that the mountain was covered with clouds and smoke, and lightnings were flashing from it, while the thunder rolled and crashed. And the mountain shook and trembled, as though an earthquake were tearing it in pieces.
The people were filled with alarm. They came out of their tents, and ran back from the foot of the mountain, and stood far off, trembling with fear. Then God spoke in the hearing of all the people, as with a voice of thunder, and said:
"I am the Lord thy God, who brought thee, out of the house of bondage.”
And then God spoke to all the people the words of the Ten Commandments, to which you have listened many times. The words are these:
Thou shalt have none other gods but me.
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, nor any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them; for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; and showing mercy unto thousands of them that love m and keep my commandments.
Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.
Remember the Sabbath-day to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work; but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God; in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy man-servant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates; for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day; wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath-day, and hallowed it.
Honor thy father and thy mother; that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.
Thou shalt not kill.
Thou shalt not commit adultery.
Thou shalt not steal.
Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his man- servant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is thy neighbor's.
And all the people heard these words spoken by the Lord God: and they saw the mountain smoking, and the lightning flashing, and they were frightened. They said to Mó̄ s̝es̝:
"Let not God speak to us anymore; for the sound of his voice will take away our lives. Let God speak to you, Mṓ s̝es̝, and do you speak to us God's words.”
"Fear not," said Mṓs̞es̞, "for God has come to you, to speak with you, that you may fear him, and do his will.”
And Mṓ s̝es̝ drew near to the mountain, where the clouds and darkness and lightnings were. Then God called Mó̄ s̝es̝ up to the top of the mount; and Mó̄ s̝es̝ went up, and with him was his helper, the young man Jŏsh́ u-ȧ. Jŏsh́ u-ȧ stayed on the side of the mountain, but Mṓ s̝es̝ went up alone to the top, among the clouds.
And there Mṓ s̝es̝ stayed upon the mountain, alone with God, for forty days, talking with God, and listening to the words which God spoke to him, the laws for the people of Ĭś̝ ra-el to obey. And God gave to Mṓ s̝es̝ two flat tablets of stone, upon which God had written with his own hand the Ten Commandments.

Story Twenty-Six

Ex. 32:1, to 34:35
WHILE Mṓ s̝es̝ was in the mountain alone with God, a strange and wicked thing was done in the camp on the plain. At first the people were alarmed when they saw the mountain smoking, and heard the thunder. But soon they grew accustomed to it, and when day after day passed, and Mṓ s̝es̝ did not come down, at last they said to Aâŕ on:
"Come now, make us a god that we may worship, and that we may have to lead us. As for Mṓ s̝es̝, the man who brought us out of the land of É̄ ġy̆pt, we do not know what has become of him.”
Aâŕ on was not a man of strong will, as Moses was. When his brother Mó̄ s̝es̝ was not by his side Aâŕ on was weak, and ready to yield to the wishes of the people. As lion said:
"If you must have a god that you can look at, then break off the gold earrings that are in your ears, and in the ears of your wives and children, and bring them to me.”
Then the people brought their gold to Aâŕ on; and Aâŕ on melted the gold rings into one mass, and shaped it with a graving tool into the form of a calf, and this he brought out and stood up before the people. Then they all cried out:
"This is your god, O Ĭś̝ ra-el, that brought you out of the land of Ḗ ġy̆pt.”
And Aâŕ on built an altar before the image, and he said to all the people, "To-morrow shall be a feast to the Lord.”
Perhaps Aâŕ on thought that if the people could have before them an image that they could see, they might still be kept to the worship of the Lord God. But in this he was greatly mistaken. The people came to the feast, and offered sacrifices; and then they began to dance around the altar, and to do wicked deeds together, as they had seen the people of Egypt doing before their idols. And all this time the mountain was smoking and flashing with fire, almost over their heads!
And the Lord, up in the mountain, spoke to Mṓ s̝es̝, and said:
"Hasten, and get down to the camp; for your people have done very wickedly. They have made for themselves an idol, and they are worshipping it now. I am angry with them, and am ready to destroy them all, and to make of your children a great nation.”
And Mṓ s̝es̝ pleaded with the Lord for Ĭś̝ ra-el, and God did not destroy the people; but he sent Mṓ s̝es̝ down to them, holding in his hands the two stone tables on which God had written the Ten Commandments. As he went down the mountain Jŏsh́ u-ȧ, joined him, and said to him:
"I can hear noise of war in the camp. It is not the sound of men who are shouting for victory, nor is it the cry of those who are beaten in battle; it is the voice of singing that I hear.”
And in a moment more, as they stood where they could look down upon the camp, there was standing the golden calf, and around it were the people making offerings, and feasting, and dancing and singing.
And Mṓ s̝es̝ was so angry when he saw all the wickedness and shame of his people, that he threw down the two tables out of his hands, and broke them in pieces upon the rocks. What was the use of keeping the tables of stone, he may have thought, while the people were breaking the laws written upon them?
Mó̄ s̝es̝ came straight into the midst of the throng, and at once all the dancing and merry-making stopped. He tore down the golden calf, and broke it in pieces, and burned it in the fire, and ground it to powder, and threw it into the water; and he made the people drink the water filled with its dust. He meant to teach the people that they would suffer punishment like bitter water, for their wicked deed.
Then Mṓ s̝es̝ turned to Aâŕ on:
"What led you to such an act as this?" said Mṓ s̝es̝. "Why did you let the people persuade you to make them an image for worship?”
And Aâŕ on said, "Do not be angry with me; you know how the hearts of this people are set to do evil. They came to me and said, 'make us a god,' and I said to them, give me whatever gold you have.' So they gave it to me, and I threw the gold into the fire, and this calf came out!”
Then Mṓ s̝es̝ stood at the entrance to the camp, and called out: "Whoever is on the Lord's side, let him come and stand by me!" Then one whole tribe out of the twelve tribes of Ĭś̝ era-el, the tribe of Lḗ vī, all sprung from Lḗ vī, one of Jā́ cob's sons, came and stood beside Mṓ s̝es̝. And Mṓ s̞es̞ said to them:
"Draw your swords, and go through the camp, and kill every one whom you find bowing down to the idol. Spare no one. Slay your friends and your neighbors, if they are worshipping the image.”
And on that day three thousand of the worshippers of the idol were slain by the sons of Lḗvī.
Then Mṓ s̝es̝ said to the people, "You have sinned a great sin; but I will go to the Lord, and I will make an offering to him, and will ask him to forgive your sin.”
And Mṓ s̝es̝ went before the Lord, and prayed for the people, and said:
"Oh Lord, this people have sinned a great sin. Yet, now, forgive their sin, if thou art willing. And if thou wilt not forgive their sin, then let me suffer with them, for they are my people." And the Lord forgave the sin of the people, and took them once again for his own, and promised to go with' them, and to lead them into the land which he had promised to their fathers.
And God said to Mṓ s̝es̝, "Cut out two tables of stone, like those which I gave to you, and which you broke; and bring them up to me in the mountain, and I will write on them again the words of the law.”
So Mṓ s̝es̝ went up a second time into the holy mount; and there God talked with him again. Mṓ s̝es̝ stayed forty days on this second meeting with God, as he had stayed in the mountain forty days before. And all this time, while God was talking with Mṓ s̝es̝ the people waited in the camp; and they did not again set up any idol for worship.
Once more Moses came down the mountain, bringing the two stone tables, upon which God had written the words of his law, the Ten Commandments. And Mṓs̝es̝ had been so close to God's glory, and had been so long in the blaze of God's light, that when he came into the camp of Ĭś̞ ra-el, his face was shining, though he did not know it. The people could not look on Mṓ s̝es̝' face, it was so dazzling. And Moses found that when he talked with the people, it was needful for him to wear a veil over his face. When Mṓ s̝es̝ went to talk with God, he took off the veil; but while he spoke with the people he kept his face covered, for it shone as the sun.

Story Twenty-Seven

Ex. 35:1 to 40:38
IT may seem strange that the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes, after all that God had done for them, and while Mount Sī́ nāi was still showing God's glory, should fall away from the service of God to the worship of idols, as we read in the last Story. But you must keep in mind that all the people whom the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes had ever met, both in Cā́˗năan and in Ḗ ġy̆pt, were worshippers of images; and from their neighbors the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes also had learned to bow down to idols. In those times everywhere people felt that they must have a god that they could see.
God was very good to the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes after they had forsaken him, to take them again as his own people; and God gave to the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes a plan for worship, which would allow them to have something that they could see, to remind them of their God; and yet, at the same time, would not lead them to the worship of an image, but would teach them a higher truth, that the true God cannot be seen by the eyes of men.
The plan was this: to have in the middle of the camp of Ĭś̝ ra-el a house to be called, "The House of God," which the people could see, and to which they could come for worship. Every time that an Ĭś̝ ra-el-īte looked at this house he might say to himself, and might teach his children, "That is the house where God lives among his people," even though no image stood in the house.
And as the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes were living in tents, and were often moving from place to place, this House of God, would need to be something like a tent, so that it could be taken down, and moved, as often as the camp was changed. Such a tent as this was called a Tabernacle. The Tabernacle then was the tent where God was supposed to live among his people, and where the people could meet God We do not know just how the tent looked, but from the description given of it many have tried to draw it. We give you one picture drawn in this way.
We know that God is a Spirit, and has no body like ours; and that he is everywhere. Yet it was right to say that God lived in the Tabernacle of the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes, because there God showed his presence in a special way, by having the pillar of cloud over it all day, and the pillar of fire all night. And it was believed by the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes that in one room of this Tabernacle the glory and brightness of God's presence might be seen.
This Tabernacle stood exactly in the middle of the camp of the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes in the wilderness. In front of it, and a little distance from it, on the east, stood the tent where Mṓ s̝es̝ lived, and from which he gave the laws and commands of God to the people.
Around the Tabernacle there was what we might call an open square, though it was not exactly square, for it was about a hundred and fifty-feet long by seventy-five feet wide; that is, its length was twice its width. Around it was a curtain of fine linen, in bright colors, hanging upon posts of brass. The posts were held in place by cords fastened to the ground with tent-pins or spikes. Some think that these posts were not of brass, but of copper; for we are not sure that men knew how to make brass in those times. This open square was called the Court of the Tabernacle. The curtain around it was between seven and eight feet high, a little higher than a man's head. In the middle, on the end toward the east, it could be opened for the priests to enter into the court; but no others except the priests and their helpers were ever allowed to enter it.
Inside this court, near the entrance, stood the great Altar. You remember that an altar was made generally of stone, or by heaping up the earth; and that it was the place on which a fire was kindled to burn the offering or sacrifice. The offering or sacrifice, you remember, was the gift offered to God whenever a man worshipped; and it was given to God by being burned upon his altar.
But as a stone-altar or an earth-altar could not be carried from place to place, God told the Ĭś̞ ra-el-ītes to make an altar of wood and brass, or copper. It was like a box, without bottom or top, made of thin boards so that it would not be too heavy, and then covered on the inside and the outside with plates of brass or copper, so that it would not take fire and burn. Inside, a few inches below the top, was a metal grating on which the fire was built; and the ashes would fall through the grating to the ground inside.
This altar had four rings on the corners, through which long poles were placed, so that the priests could carry it on their shoulders when the camp was moved. The altar was a little less than five feet high, and a little more than seven feet wide on each side. This was the great altar, sometimes called "The Altar of Burnt-Offering,." because a sacrifice was burned upon it every morning and every evening. Near the altar in the court of the Tabernacle, stood the Laver. This was a large tank or basin, holding water which was used in washing the offerings. For the worship of the Tabernacle much water was needed; and for this purpose the Laver was kept full of water.
The Tabernacle itself stood in the court. It was a large tent, not unlike the tents in which the people lived while they were journeying through the wilderness, though larger. Its walls, however, were not made of skins or woven cloth, as were most tents, but of boards standing upright on silver bases, and fastened together. The boards were covered with gold. The roof of the Tabernacle was made of four curtains, one laid above another; the inner curtain being beautifully decorated, and the outer curtain of rams' skins to keep out the rain. The board-walls of the Tabernacle were on the two sides and the rear end; the front was open, except when a curtain was hung over it. The Tabernacle, half tent and half house, was about forty-five feet long, and fifteen feet wide, and fifteen-feet high. Its only floor was the sand of the desert.
This Tabernacle was divided into two rooms, by a veil which hung down from the roof. The larger room, the one on the eastern end, into which the priest came first from the court, was twice as large as the other room. It was thirty-feet long, fifteen-feet wide, and fifteen feet high, and was called the Holy Place. In the Holy Place were three things: on the right side, as one entered, a table covered with gold, on which lay twelve loaves of bread, as if each tribe gave its offering of food to the Lord; on the left side, the Golden Lampstand, with seven branches, each having its light. This is sometimes called the Golden Candlestick, but as it held lamps, and not candles, it should be called "the lamp-stand.”
At the further end of the Holy Place, close to the veil, was the Golden Altar of Incense: a small altar on which fragrant gum was burned, and from which a silvery cloud floated up. The fire on this altar was always to be lighted from the great altar of brass or copper that was standing outside the Tabernacle in the court. Everything in this room was made of gold, or covered with gold, even to the walls on each side.
The inner room of the Tabernacle was called the Holy of Holies; and it was so sacred that no one except the high-priest ever entered it, and he on only one day in each year. It was fifteen feet wide, fifteen feet long, and fifteen-feet high. All that it held was a box or chest, made of wood and covered with plates of gold on both the outside and the inside; and with a cover of solid gold, on which stood two strange figures called cherubim, also made of gold. This chest was called the Ark of the Covenant, and in it were placed for safe-keeping the two stone tables on which God wrote the Ten Commandments. It was in this room, the Holy of Holies, that God was supposed to dwell, and to show his glory. But in it there was no image, to tempt the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes to the worship of idols.
Whenever the camp in the desert was to be changed, the priests first carefully covered with curtains all the furniture in the Tabernacle, the Table, the Lampstand, the Altar of Incense, and the Ark of the Covenant; and they passed rods through the rings which were on the corners of all these articles. They took down the Tabernacle and tied its gold-covered boards and its great curtains, its posts and its pillars, in packages to be carried. And then the men of the tribe of Lḗ vī, who were the helpers of the priests, took up their burdens and carried them out in front of the camp. The twelve tribes were arranged in marching order behind them; the Ark of the Covenant unseen under its wrappings, upon the shoulders of the priests, led the way, with the pillar of cloud over it. And thus the children of Ĭś̝ ra-el removed their camp from place to place for forty years in the wilderness.
When they fixed their camping-place after each journey, the Tabernacle was first set up, with the court around it, and the altar in front of it. Then the tribes placed their tents in order around it, three tribes on each of its four sides.
And whenever an Ĭś̝ ra-el-īte saw the altar with the smoke rising from it, and the Tabernacle with the silver-white cloud above it, he said to himself, "Our God, the Lord of all the earth, lives in that tent. I need no image, made by men's hands, to remind me of God.”
Lesson 11. The Israelites in the Wilderness.
(Tell Stories 24, 25, 26 and 27, but make the account of the Tabernacle very brief.)
1. Through what, sea did God lead the Israelites when they came out of Egypt? Through the Red Sea.
2. Into what land did they go from Egypt? Into the wilderness on the south of Canaan.
3. What kind of a land was this wilderness? A land without food or water.
4. What did God give to the people for food while they were in the wilderness? Bread from heaven.
5. How did God give water to the people? From a rock.
6. Where did God speak to the people? From Mount Sinai
7. What did God give to the people at Mount Sinai? The Ten Commandments.
8. How long was Moses in the mountain with God? Forty days.
9. What tent for the worship of God did the Israelites build in the wilderness? The Tabernacle.

Story Twenty-Eight

Lev. 1:1 to 13; 8: 1 to 13; Ex. 27:20, 21
NOW we will tell about some of the services that were held at the Tabernacle, the tent where God lived among his people.
Every morning at sunrise the priests came to the great altar that was before the Tabernacle, and raked the fire, and placed fresh wood upon it, so that it would burn brightly. This fire was never allowed to go out. God had kindled it himself; and the priests watched it closely, and kept wood at hand, so that it was always burning.
Even while the altar was being carried from one place to another, the embers and live coals of the fire were kept in a covered pan, and were taken to the new place for the altar without being allowed to die out; and from the embers of the old fire a new fire was made on the altar.
From this altar outside the Tabernacle the priest took every morning and every afternoon a fire-shovel full of burning coals, and placed them in a bowl hanging on chains, so that, with the fire in it, the bowl could be carried by hand. This bowl with the chains was called "a censor." Upon these burning coals the priest placed some fragrant gum called incense, which when laid on the live coals made a bright silvery cloud and sent forth a strong, pleasant odor. The incense in the censer the priest carried into the Holy Place, and there laid it on the Golden Altar of Incense, which stood next to the veil. This was to teach the Ĭś̞ ra-el-ītes that, like the cloud of incense, their prayers should go up to God.
About nine o'clock in the morning the priest brought a young ox or lamb, and killed it, and caught its blood in a basin. Then he laid the ox or the lamb on the wood which was burning on the altar in front of the Tabernacle, and on the fire he poured also the blood of the slain beast; and then he stood by while the blood and the animal were burned to ashes.
This was the offering, or sacrifice, for all the people of Ĭś̝ ra-el together, and it was offered every morning and every afternoon. It meant that as the lamb, or the ox, gave up his life, so all the people were to give themselves to God, to be his, and only his. And it meant also, that as they gave themselves to God, God would forgive and take away their sins.
There was another meaning in all this service. It was to point to the time when, just as the lamb died as an offering for the people, Jesus, the Son of God, should give his life on the cross, the Lamb of God, dying to take away the sins of the world. But this meaning, of course, the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes of that time could not understand, because they lived before Christ came.
Sometimes a man came to the priest with a lamb or an ox an offering for himself. It must always be a perfect animal, and the best, without any defects, for God will only take from man his best. The man who wished to worship God led his lamb to the entrance of the court, by the altar; and laid his hands upon its head, as if to say, "This animal stands in my place; and when I give it to God, I give myself." Then the priest killed it, and laid it on the burning wood on the altar, and poured the animal's blood upon it. And the man stood at the entrance of the court of the Tabernacle, and watched it burn away, and offered with it his thanks to God and his prayer for the forgiveness of his sins. And God heard and' answered the prayer of the man who worshipped him with the offering at his altar.
Every day the priest went into the Holy Place and filled the seven lamps on the Lampstand with fresh oil. These lamps were never allowed to go out; that is, some of them must always be kept burning. While the lamps on one side were put out, in order to be refilled, those on the other side were kept burning until these had been filled and lighted once more. So the lamps in the house of God never went out. Does not this make you think of One who long after this said, "I am the light of the world"?
On the gold covered table in the Holy Place were always standing twelve loaves of unleavened bread; that is, bread made without any yeast. One loaf stood for each tribe of Israel. On every Sabbath morning the priests came in with twelve fresh loaves, which they sprinkled with incense, and laid on the table in place of the stale loaves. Then, standing around the table, they ate the twelve old loaves. Thus the bread on the table before the Lord was kept fresh at all times.
God choose Aâŕ on and his sons to be the priests for all Ĭś̝ ra-el; and their children, and the descendants who should come after them were to be priests as long as the worship of the Tabernacle, and of the Temple that followed it, should be continued. Aâŕ on, as the high-priest, wore a splendid robe; and a breast-plate of precious stones was over his bosom; and a peculiar hat, called "a miter," was on his head. It may seem strange to us, that when Aâŕ on and his sons were in the Tabernacle they wore no shoes or stockings, but stood barefooted. This was because it was a holy place, and as we have seen, in those lands people take off their shoes, as we take off our hats, when they enter places sacred to God and his worship.
Aâŕ on and his sons, as Mṓ s̝es̝ also, belonged to the tribe of Lḗ vī, the one among the tribes which stood faithful to God when the other tribes bowed down to the golden calf. This tribe was chosen to help the priests in the services of the Tabernacle; though only Aâŕ on and his sons could enter the Holy Place; and only the high-priest could go into the Holy of Holies, where the Ark of the Covenant was; and he could enter on but one day in each year.
(See John 6:35.)

Story Twenty-Nine

Leviticus 10:1 to 11
SOON after the Tabernacle was set up in the middle of the camp of Ĭś̝ ra-el, and the priests began the daily service of worship, a sad event took place, which gave great sorrow to Aaron the priest, to his family, and to all the people. The two older sons of Aâŕ on, whose names were Nā́ dăb and Ā-bī́ hū, were one day in the Holy Place. It was a part of their work to take in a censor some burning coals from the great altar of burnt-offering in front of the Tabernacle, and with these coals to light the fire in the small golden altar of incense, which stood inside the Holy Place, near the veil. These young men had been drinking wine, and their heads were not clear. They did not think of what they were doing; and instead of taking the fire from the altar of burnt-offering, they took some other fire, and with this they went into the Holy Place to burn the incense upon the golden altar. God was angry with these young men for coming into his holy house in a drunken state, and for doing what he had forbidden them to do; for no fire except that from the great altar was allowed in the Holy Place.
While they were standing by the golden altar, fire came out from it, and they both fell down dead in the Holy Place. And when Mṓ s̞es̞ heard of it, he said: "This is the sign that God's house is holy, and that God's worship is holy; and God will make people to fear him, because he is holy." And Mṓ s̝es̝ would not allow Aâŕ on, the father of these two men, to touch their dead bodies. He said, "You have on the robes of the high-priest, and you are leading in the service of worship. God's work must go on, and must not stop for your trouble, great as it is.”
Then Aâŕ on stood by the altar, and offered the sacrifice, though his heart was very sad. And the cousins of Aâŕ on, by the command of Mṓ s̝es̝, went into the Holy Place and carried out the dead bodies of the two young men, dressed as they were in their priests' robes. And they buried these men outside the camp, in the desert. And Mṓ s̝es̝ said:
"After this, let no priest drink wine or strong drink before he enters the Tabernacle. Be sober, when you are leading the worship of the people, so that you will know the difference between the things that are holy and those that are common; and so that you may teach the people all the laws which the Lord has given them.”
The rule that Mṓ s̝es̝ gave to the priests to be kept when they were leading the worship of the people, not to drink wine or strong drink, is a good rule for everyone to keep, not only when worshipping God, but at all times.
Besides these two sons of Aâŕ on who had died, there were two other sons, named Ē-le-ā́ zar and Ĭth́ a-mār. These young men took their older brothers' places in the services of the Tabernacle; and they were very careful to do exactly, as the Lord had bidden them.

Story Thirty

Lev. 16:1 to 34
YOU have read that only the high-priest could enter the inner room of the Tabernacle, called the Holy of Holies, where was the ark of the covenant, and where God was supposed to live. And even the high- priest could go into this room on but one day in the year. This day was called "the Great Day of Atonement.” The service on that day was to show the people that all are sinners, and that they must seek from God to have their sins taken away. God teaches us these things by word in his book, the Bible; but in those times there was no Bible, and very few could have read a written book; so God taught the people then by acts which they could see.
As a beginning of the service on the Day of Atonement, everybody was required to fast from sunset on the day before until three o'clock on that afternoon, the hour when the offering was placed on the altar. No person could eat anything in all that time. Even children, except nursing babies, were not allowed to have any food. They were to show a sorrow for sin, and were to appear before God as seeking for mercy.
Early in the morning of that day the high-priest offered on the altar before the Tabernacle what was called "a sin-offering," for himself and his family. It was a young ox, burned upon the altar. He took some of the blood of this ox, and carried it through the Holy Place, lifted the veil, entered into the Holy of Holies, and sprinkled the blood on the golden lid to the ark of the covenant before the Lord. This was to show the priest himself as a sinner, seeking mercy and forgiveness from God. The priest must himself have his own sins forgiven, before asking forgiveness for others.
Then the priest came again to the great altar before the Tabernacle. Here two goats were brought to him. Lots were cast upon them and on the forehead of one goat was written, "For the Lord," and on the other words that meant, "To be sent away." These two goats were looked upon as bearing the sins of the people. One was killed, and burned on the altar; and the priest, with some of the blood of the slain goat, again entered the Holy of Holies, and sprinkled the blood on the ark of the covenant, as before, thus asking God to receive the blood and the offering, and to forgive the sins of the people.
Then the high-priest came out of the Tabernacle again, and laid his hands on the head of the living goat, the one whose forehead was marked ' 'To be sent away," as if to place upon him the sin of all the people. Then this goat, which was called the "Scapegoat," was led away into the wilderness, to some desolate place from which he would never find his way back to the camp; and there he was left, to wander as he chose. This was to show the sins of the people as taken away, never to come back to them.
When this service was over, the people were looked upon as having their sins forgiven and forgotten by the Lord. Then the regular afternoon offering was given on the altar; and after that the people could go home happy, and end their long fast with all the food that they wished to eat.
In all this God tried to make the people feel that sin is terrible. It separates from God; it brings death; it must be taken away by blood. Thus so long before Christ came to take away our sins by his death, God showed to men the way of forgiveness and peace.

Story Thirty-One

Num. 13:1, to 14:45
THE Ĭś̞ ra-el-ītes stayed in their camp before Mount Sī nāi almost a year, while they were building the Tabernacle and learning God's laws given through Mṓ s̝es̝. At last the cloud over the Tabernacle rose up; and the people knew that this was the sign for them to move. They took down the Tabernacle and their own tents, and journeyed northward toward the land of Cā́ năan for many days led by the pillar of cloud by day, and the pillar of fire by night.
At last they came to a place just on the border between the desert and Cā́ năan, called Kedesh, or Kā́ desh or Kā́ desh=bāŕ ne˗ȧ Here they stopped to rest, for there were many springs of water and some grass for their cattle. While they were waiting at Kā́ desh=bāŕ ne-ȧ, and were expecting soon to march into the land which was to be their home, God told Mṓ s̝es̝ to send onward some men who should walk through the land, and look at it, and then come back and tell what they had found; what kind of a land it was, and what fruits and crops grew in it, and what people were living in it. The Ĭś̝ ra˗el-ītes could more easily win the land, if these men after walking through it could act as their guides, and point out the best places in it and the best plans of making war upon it. There was need of wise and bold men for such a work as this, for it was full of danger.
So Mṓs̝es̝ chose out some men of high rank among the people, one ruler from each tribe, twelve men in all. One of these was Jŏsh́ ú a, who was the helper of Mṓ s̝es̝ in caring for the people, and another was Cā́ leb, who belonged to the tribe of Jū́ dah. These twelve men went out, and walked over the mountains of Cā́ năan, and looked at the cities, and saw the fields. In one place, just before they came back to the camp, they cut down a cluster of ripe cranes which was so large that two men carried it between them, hanging from a staff. They named the place where they found this bunch of grapes Ĕsh́ cŏl, a word which means "a cluster." These twelve men were called "spies," because they 'went "to spy out the land." After forty days they came back to the camp; and this was what they said:
"We walked all over the land, and found it a rich land. There is grass for all our flocks, and fields where we can raise grain, and trees bearing fruits, and streams running down the sides of the hills. But we found that the people who live there are very strong, and are men of war. They have cities with walls that reach almost up to the sky; and some of the men are giants, so tall that we felt that we were like grasshoppers beside them.”
One of the spies, who was Cắ leb, said, "All that is true, yet we need not be afraid to go up and take the land. It is a good land, well worth fighting for. God is on our side, and he will help us to overcome those people.”
But all the other spies, except Jŏsh́ u-ȧ, said, "No; there is no use in trying to make war upon such strong people. We can never take those walled cities, and we dare not fight those tall giants." And the people, who had journeyed all the way through the wilderness to find this very land, were so frightened by the words of, the ten spies, that now on the very border of Cā́ năan they dared not enter it. They forgot that God had led them out of Ḗ ġy̆pt, that he had kept them in the dangers of the desert, that he had given them water out of the rock, and bread from the sky, and his law from the mountain.
All that night, after the spies brought back their report, the people were so filled with fear that they could not sleep. They cried out against Mṓs̝es̝, and blamed him for bringing them out of the land of Wept. They forgot all their troubles in Ḗ ġy̆pt, their toil and their slavery; and they resolved to go back to that land. They said, "Let us choose a ruler in place of Mṓ s̝es̝, who has brought us into all these evils, and let us turn back to the land of Ḗ ġy̆pt!”
But Cā́ leb and Jŏsh́ u-ȧ, two of the spies, said, "Why should we fear? The land of Cā́ năan is a good land; it is rich with milk and honey. If God is our friend and is with us, we can easily conquer the people who live there. Above all things, let us not rebel against the Lord or disobey him and make him our enemy.”
But the people were so angry with Cā́ leb and Jōsh́ u-ȧ, that they were ready to stone them and kill them. Then suddenly the people saw a strange sight. The glory of the Lord, which stayed in the Holy of Holies, the inner room of the Tabernacle, now flashed out and shone from the door of the Tabernacle in the faces of the people.
And the Lord out of this glory spoke to Mṓs̝es̝, and said:
"How long will this people disobey me and despise me? They shall not go into the good land that I have promised them. Not one of them shall enter in except Caleb and Josh́ u-ȧ, who have been faithful to me. All of the people who are twenty years old and over it, shall die in the desert; but their little children shall grow up in the wilderness, and when they become men they shall enter in and own the land that I promised to their fathers. You people are not worthy of the land that I have been keeping for you. Now turn back into the desert, and stay there until you die. After you are dead, Josh́ u-ȧ shall lead your children into the land of Cā́ năan. And because Cā́ leb showed another spirit, and was true to me, and followed my will fully, Cā́ leb shall live to go into the land, and shall have his choice of a home there: To-morrow, turn back into the desert by the way of the Red Sea.”
And God told Mṓ s̝es̝ that for every day that the spies had spent in Cā́ năan, looking at the land, the people should spend a year in the wilderness; so that they should live in the desert forty ' years, instead of going at once into the promised land.
When Mṓ s̝es̝ told all God's words to the people, they felt worse than before. They changed their minds as suddenly as they had made up their minds. "No," they all said, "we will not go back to the wilderness. We will go straight into the land, and see if we are able to take it, as Josh́ u-ȧ and Cā́ leb have said.”
"You must not go into the land," said Mṓ s̝es̝, "for you are not fit to go; and God will not go with you. You must turn back into the desert, as the Lord has commanded.”
But the people would not obey. They rushed up the mountain, and tried to march at once into the land. But they were without leaders and without order, a mob of men untrained and in confusion. And the people in that part of the land, the Cā́ năan˗ītes and the Ăḿ or-ītes, came down upon them and. killed many of them, and drove them away. Then, discouraged and beaten, they obeyed the Lord and Mṓ s̝es̝, and went once more into the desert.
And in the desert of Pā́ ran, on the south of the land of Cā́năan, the children of Ĭś̝ ra-el stayed nearly forty years; and all because they would not trust in the Lord.
It was not strange that the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes should act like children, eager to go back one day, and then eager to go forward the next day. Through four hundred years they had been weakened by living in the hot land of Ḗ ġy̆pt; and their hard lot as slaves had made them unfit to care for themselves. They were still in heart slavish and weak. Mṓ s̝es̝ saw that they needed the free life of the wilderness; and that their children, growing up as free men and trained for war, would be far better fitted to win the land of promise than they had shown themselves to be. So they went back into the wilderness to wait and to be trained for the work of winning their land in war.

Story Thirty-Two

Num. 20:1, to 22:1
SO the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes, after coming to the border of the Promised Land, went back into the wilderness to wait there until all the men who had sinned against the Lord in not trusting his word, should die. Mṓ s̝es̝ knew that the men who had been slaves in Egypt were in their spirits slaves still, and could not fight as brave men to win their land. There was need of men who had been trained up to a free life in the wilderness; men who would teach their children after them to be free and bold.
They stayed for nearly all the forty years of waiting in the wilderness of Pā́ ran, south of Cā́ năan. Very few things happened during those years. The young men as they grew up were trained to be soldiers, and one by one the old men died, until very few of them were left.
When the forty years were almost ended, the people came again to Kā́ desh=bāŕ ne-ȧ. For some reason they found no water there. Perhaps the wells from which they had drawn water before were now dried up. The people complained against Mṓ s̝es̝, as they always complained when trouble came to them, and blamed him for bringing them into such a desert land, where there was neither fruit to eat nor water to drink, only great rocks all around.
Then the Lord said to Mṓ s̝es̝:
"Take the rod, and bring the people together, and stand before the rock, and speak to the rock before them; and then the water will come out of the rock, and the people and their flocks shall drink.”
Then Mṓ s̝es̝ and Aâŕ on brought all the people together before a great rock that stood beside the camp. And Mṓ s̞es̞ stood in front of the rock, with the rod in his, hand; but he did not do exactly what God had told him to do, to speak to the rock. He spoke to the people instead, in an angry manner.
"Hear now, ye rebels," said Mṓ s̝es̝. "Shall we bring you water out of this rock?”
And Mṓ s̝es̝ lifted up the rod, and struck the rock. Then he struck it again, and at the second blow the water came pouring out of the rock, just as it had come many years before from the rock at Rĕph́ i-dĭm, near Mount Sī́ nāi; and again there was a plenty of water for the people and their flocks.
But God was not pleased with Mṓ s̝es̝, because Moses had shown anger, and had not obeyed God's command just as God had given it. And God said to Mṓ s̝es̝ and to Aâŕ on:
"Because you did not show honor to me, by doing as I commanded you, neither of you shall enter into the land that I have promised to the children of Ĭś̝ ra-el.”
One act of disobedience cost Mṓ s̝es̝ and Aâŕ on the privilege of leading the people into their own land of promise! About this time, Mĭŕ ĭ-am, the sister of Mṓ s̝es̝ and Aâŕ on, died at Kā́ desh=bäŕ ne-ȧ. You remember that when she was a little girl she helped to save the baby Mṓ s̝es̝, her brother, from the river. She also led the women in singing the song of Mṓ s̝es̝ after the crossing of the Red Sea. And soon after her death Mṓ s̝es̝ and Aâŕ on, and Ē-le-ā' zar, Aâŕ on's son, walked together up a mountain called Hôr; and on the top of the mountain Mṓ s̝es̝ took off the priest's robes from Aâŕ on, and placed them on his son Ē-le-ā́ zar; and there on the top of Mount Hôr Aâŕ on died, and Mṓ s̝es̝ and E-le-ā́ zar buried him. Then they came down to the camp and E-le-á zar took his father's place as the priest.
While they were at Kā́ desh=bäŕ ne-ȧ, on the south of Cā́ năan, they tried again to enter the land. But they found that the Cā́ năan-ītes and Aḿ ôr-ītes who lived there were too strong for them; so again they turned back to the wilderness, and sought another road to Cā́ năan. On the south of the Dead Sea, and southeast of Cā́ năan, were living the Ḗ dom-ītes, who had sprung from Ḗsa̤u, Jā́ cob's brother, as the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes had sprung from Jā́ cob. Thus you see the Ḗ dom-ītes were closely related to the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes.
And Mṓ s̝es̝ sent to the king of Ḗ dom, to say to him:
"We men of Ĭś̝ ra-el are your brothers. We have come out of the land of Ḗ ġy̆pt, where the people of Egypt dealt harshly with us, and now we are going to our own land, which our God has promised to us, the land of Cā́ năan. We pray you let us pass through your land, on our way. We will do no harm to your land nor your people. We will walk on the road to Cā́ năan, not turning to the right hand nor the left. And we will not rob your vineyards, nor even drink from your wells, unless we pay for the water that we use.”
But the king of Ḗ dom was afraid to have such a great host of people, with all their flocks and cattle, go through his land. He drew out his army, and came against the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes. Mṓ s̝es̝ was not willing to make war on a people who were so close in their race to the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes, so instead of leading the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes through Ḗ dom, he went around it, making a long journey to the south, and then to the east, and then to the north again.
It was a long, hard journey, through a deep valley which was very hot; and for most of the journey they were going away from Cā́ năan, and not toward it; but it was the only way, since Mṓ s̝es̝ would not let them fight the men of Ḗ dom.
While they were on this long journey the people again found fault with Mṓ s̝es̝. They said, "Why have you brought us into this hot and sandy country? There is no water; and there is no bread except this vile manna, of which we are very tired! We wish that we were all back in Ḗ ġy̆pt again!”
Then God was angry with the people; and he let the fierce snakes that grew in the desert crawl among them and bite them. These snakes were called "fiery serpents," perhaps because of their bright color, or perhaps because of their eyes and tongues, which seemed to flash out fire. Their bite was poisonous, so that many of the people died.
Then the people saw that they had acted wickedly in speaking against Mṓ s̝es̝; for when they spoke against Mṓ s̝es̝ they were speaking against God, who was leading them. They said:
"We have sinned against the Lord, and we are sorry. Now pray to the Lord for us, that he may take away the serpents from us.”
So Mṓ s̝es̝ prayed for the people, as he had prayed so many times before. And God heard Mṓ s̝es̝ prayer, and God said to him:
"Make a serpent of brass, like the fiery serpents; and set it up on a pole, where the people can see it. Then every one who is bitten may look on the serpent on the pole, and he shall live.”
And Mṓ s̞es̞ did as God commanded him. He made a serpent of brass, which looked like the fiery snakes; and he lifted it up on a pole where all could see it. And then, whoever had been bitten by a snake looked up at the brazen snake, and the bite did him no harm.
This brazen snake was a teaching about Christ, though it was given so long before Christ came. You remember the text which says, "As Mṓ s̝es̝ lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up; that whosoever believeth in him may have eternal life."
Northeast of the Dead Sea, above a brook called the brook Äŕ nŏn, lived a people who were called the Ăḿ ôr-ītes. Mṓ s̝es̝ sent to their king, whose name was Sī́ hŏn, the same message as he had sent to the king of Ḗ dom, asking for leave to go through his land.
But he would not allow the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes to pass through. He led his army against Ĭś̝ ra-el, and crossed the brook Äŕ non, and fought against Ĭś̝ ra-el at a place called Jā́ hăz. The Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes here won their first great victory. In the battle they killed many of the Ăḿ ôr-ītes, and with them their king, and they took for their own all their land, as far north as the brook Jăb́ bŏk. Do you remember how Jā́ cob one night prayed by the brook Jăb́ bŏk?
And after this they marched on toward the land of Cā́ năan, coming from the east. And at last they encamped on the east bank of the river Jôŕdan, at the foot of the mountains of Mṓ ab. Their long journey of forty years was now ended, the desert was left behind them, before them rolled the Jôŕ dan river, and beyond the Jôŕ dan they could see the hills of the land which God had promised to them for their own.

Story Thirty-Three

Num. 22:2, to 25:18; 31:1 to 9
WHEN the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes had traveled around the land of Ḗ dom, and encamped beside the river Jôŕ dan, a little north of the Dead Sea, they did not sit down to rest, for Mṓ s̝es̝ knew that a great work was before them, to take the land of Cā́năan. He had already won a great victory over the Ăḿ or-ītes at Jā́ hăz, and slain their king, and won their land. Again Mṓ s̝es̝ sent out an army into the north, a region called Bā́ shăn. There they fought with King Og, who was one of the giants, and killed him, and took his country. This made the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes masters of all the land on the east of the river Jordan, and north of the brook Äŕ nŏn.
South of the brook Äŕ nŏn and east of the Dead Sea were living the Mṓ ab-ītes. This people had sprung from Lŏt the nephew of Ā́ bră-hăm, of whom we read in earlier stories. In the five hundred years since Lŏt’s time, his family or descendants had become a people who were called Mṓ ab-ītes, just as Jā́ cob's descendants were the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes. The Mṓ ab-ītes were filled with alarm and fear as they saw this mighty host of Ĭś̝ ra-el marching around their land, conquering the country and encamping on their border. The Mṓ ab-ītes were ruled by a king whose name was Bā́ lăk, and he tried to form some plan for driving away the people of Ĭś̝ ra-el from that region.
There was at that time a man living far in the east, near the great river Eū-phrā́ tes̝, whose name was Bā́ laam. This man was known far and wide as a prophet, that is, a man who talked with God, and heard God's voice, and spoke from God, as did Mṓ s̝es̝. People believed that whatever Bā́ laam said was sure to come to pass; but they did not know that Bā́ laam could only speak what God gave him to speak.
Bā́ lăk, the king of the Mṓ ab-ītes, sent men to Bā́ laam at his home by the river, with great presents. He said to Bā́ laam:
"There is a people here who have come up out of Ḗ ġy̆pt, and they cover the whole land. I am afraid of them, for they have made war and beaten all the nations around. Come and curse them for me in the name of your God; for I believe that those whom you bless are blessed and prosper, and those whom you curse are cursed and fail.” The men from Mṓ ab brought this message and promised to Bā́ laam a great reward if he would go with them. And Bā́ laam answered them, "Stay here to-night, and I will ask my God what to do.”
That night God came to Bā́ laam, and said to him:
"Who are these men at your house, and what do they want from you?”
The Lord knew who they were, and what they wanted, for God knows all things. But he wished Bā́ laam to tell him. And Bā́ laam said:
"They have come from Bā́ lăk, the king of Mṓ ab, and they ask me to go with them, and to curse for them a people that have come out of Ḗ ġy̆pt.”
And God said to Bā́ laam, "You must not go with these men; you shall not curse this people; for this people are to be blessed.”
So the next morning Bā́ laam said to the men of Mṓ ab, "Go back to your land; for the Lord will not let me go with you.”
When these men brought back to their king, Bā́ lăk, the message of Bā́ laam, the king still thought that Bā́ laam would come, if he should offer him more money. So he sent other messengers, of high rank, the princes of Mṓ ab, with larger gifts. And they came to Bā́ laam, and said:
`Our King Bā́ lăk says that you must come: he will give you great honors, and all the money that you ask. Come now, and curse this people for King Bā́ lăk.”
And Bā́ laam said:
"If Bā lăk should give me his house full of silver and gold, I cannot speak anything except what God gives me to speak. Stay here to-night, and I will ask my God what I may say to you.”
Now Bā́ laam knew very well what God wished him to say; but Bā́ laam, though he was a prophet of the Lord, wished to be rich. He wanted to go with the men, and get Bā́ lăk's money, but he did not dare to go against God's command. And that night God said to Bā́ laam:
"If these men ask you to go with them, you may go; but when you go to Bā́ lăk's country, you shall speak only the words that I give you to speak.”
At this Bā́ laam was very glad, and the next day he went with the princes of Mṓ ab, to go to their land, which was far to the southwest. God was not pleased with Bā́ laam's going, for Bā́ laam knew very well that God had forbidden him to curse Ĭś̝ ra-el; but he hoped in some way to get King Bā́ lăk's money.
And God sent his angel to meet Bā́ laam in the way. In order to teach Bā́ laam a lesson, the angel appeared first to the ass on which Bā́ laam was riding. The ass could see the angel with his fiery sword standing in front of the way, but Bā́ laam could not see him. The ass turned to one side, out of the road, into an open field; and Bā́ laam struck the ass and drove it back into the road, for he could not see the angel, whom the ass saw.
Then the angel appeared again, in a place where the road was narrow, with a stone wall on each side. And when the ass saw the angel it turned to one side, and crushed Bā́ laam's foot against the wall. And Bā́ laam struck the ass again.
Again the angel of the Lord appeared to the ass in a place where there was no place to turn aside; and the ass was frightened, and fell down, while Bā́ laam struck it again and again with his staff. Then the Lord allowed the ass to speak; and the ass said to Bā́ laam, "What have I done that you have struck me these three times?”
And Bā́ laam was so angry that he never thought how strange it was for an animal to talk: and he said: "I struck you because you will not walk as you should. I wish that I had a sword in my hand; then I would kill you.”
And the ass spoke again to Bā́ laam, "Amos 1 not your ass, the one that has always carried you? Did I ever disobey you before? Why do you treat me so cruelly?”
And then trod opened Bā́ laam's eyes, and let him see the angel standing with a drawn sword in front of him. Then Bā́ laam leaped off from the ass to the ground, and fell down upon his face before the angel. And the angel said to Bā́ laam, "Bā́ laam, you know that you are going in the wrong way. But for the ass, which saw me, I would have killed you. The road that you are taking will lead you to death.”
And Bā́ laam said, "I have sinned against the Lord; now let the Lord forgive me, and I will go home again.”
But the angel knew that in his heart Bā́ laam wanted to go on to meet King Bā́ laam; and the angel said:
"You may go with these men of Mṓ ab; but be sure to say only what God gives you to speak.”
So Bā́ laam went on, and came to the land of Mṓ ab; and King Mṓab said to him:
"So you have come at last! Why did you wait until I sent the second time? Do you not know that I will pay you all that you want, if you will only do what I wish?”
And Bā́ laam said, "I have come to you as you asked; hut I have no power to speak anything except what God gives me.”
King Bā́ lăk thought that all Bā́ laam said about speaking God's word was spoken only to get more money. He did not understand that a true prophet could never say anything except what was the will of God. He took Bā́ laam up to the top of a mountain, from which they could look down upon the camp of the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes, as it lay with tents spread on the plain, and the Tabernacle in the middle, overshadowed by the white cloud.
Then Bā́ laam said, "Build for me seven altars, and bring me for an offering seven young oxen and seven rams.”
They did so, and while the offering was on the altar God gave a word to Bā́ laam; and then Bā́ laam spoke out God's word:
"The king of Mṓ ab has brought me from the east, saying, `Come, curse Jā́ cob for me; come, speak against Ĭś̝ ra-el.' How shall I curse those whom God has not cursed? How shall I speak against those who are God's own people? From the mountain-top I see this people dwelling alone and not like other nations. Who can count the men of Ĭś̝ ra-el, like the dust of the earth? Let me die the death of the righteous; and let my last end be like his!”
And King Bā́ lăk was surprised at Bā́ laam's words. He said: "What have you done? I brought you to curse my enemies, and instead you have blessed them!”
And Bā́ laam answered, "Did I not tell you beforehand, that I could only say the words that God should put into my mouth?”
But King Bā́ lăk thought that he would try again to obtain from Bā́ laam a curse against Ĭś̝ ra-el. He brought him to another place, where they could look down on the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes, and again offered sacrifices. And again God gave a message to Bā́ laam; and Bā́laam said:
"Rise up, King Bā́ lăk, and hear. God is not a man, that he should lie, or that he should change his mind. What God has said, that he will do. He has commanded me to bless this people; yea, and blessed shall they be. The Lord God is their king, and he shall, lead them, and give them victory.”
Then King Bā́ lăk said to Bắ laam:
"If you cannot curse this people, do not bless them, but leave them alone!”
And Bā́ laam said again, "Did I not tell you, that what God gives me to speak, that I must speak?”
But King Bā́ lăk was not yet satisfied. He brought Bā́ laam to still another place, and offered sacrifices as before. And again the Spirit of God came on Bā́ laam. Looking down on the camp of Ĭś̞ ra-el, he said:
"How goodly are your tents, O Ĭś̝ ra-el! and your tabernacles, O Jā́ cob! God has brought him out of Ḗ ġy̆pt; and God shall give him the land of promise. He shall destroy his enemies; Ĭś̝ ra-el shall be like a lion when he rises up. Blessed be everyone who blesses him; and cursed be every one that curses him!”
And Bā́ lăk, the king of Mṓ ab, was very angry with Bā́ laam the prophet.
"I called you," said Bā́ lăk, "to curse my enemies; and you have blessed them over and over again. Go back to your own home. I meant to give you great honor and riches; but your God has kept you back from your reward!”
And Bā́ laam said to Bā́ lăk:
"Did I not say to your messengers, `If Bā́ lăk should give me his house full of silver and gold, I cannot go beyond God's command, to say good or evil? What. God speaks, that I must speak.' Now let me tell you what this people shall do to your people in the years to come. A star shall come out of Jacob, and a scepter shall be stretched forth from Ĭś̝ ra-el that shall rule over Mṓ ab. All these lands, Ḗ dom, and Mount Sḗ ir, and Mṓ ab, and Ammon shall some time be under the rule of Ĭś̝ ra-el.”
And all this came to pass, though it was four hundred years afterward, when Dā́ vid, the king of Ĭś̝ ra-el, made all those countries subject to his rule.
But Bā́ laam soon showed that although for a time God spoke through his lips, in his heart he was no true servant of God. Although he could not speak a curse against the Iś̝ ra-el-ītes, he still longed for the money that King Bā́ lăk was ready to give him if he would only help Bā́ lăk to weaken the power of Ĭś̞ ra-el. And he tried another plan to do harm to Ĭś̝ ra-el.
Bā́ laam told King Bā́ lăk that the best plan for him and his people would be to make the Ĭś̞ ra-el-ītes their friends, to marry among them, and not to make war upon them. And this the Mṓ ab-ītes did; until many of the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes married the daughters of Mṓ ab, and then they began to worship the idols of Mṓ ab.
This was worse for the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes than making war upon them. For if the people of Iś̝ ra-el should be friendly with the idol-worshipping people around them, the Mṓ ab-ītes east of the Dead Sea, the Ăḿ mŏn-ītes near the wilderness, and the Ḗ dom-ītes on the south, they would soon forget the Lord, and begin to worship idols.
There was danger that all the people would be led into sin. And God sent a plague of death upon the people, and many died. Then Moses took the men who were leading Ĭś̞ ra-el into sin, and put them to death. And after this the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes made war upon the Mṓ ab-ītes, and their neighbors, the Mĭd́ ĭ-an-ītes, who were joined with them. They beat them in a great battle, and killed many of them. And among the men of Mṓ ab they found Bā́ laam the prophet; and they killed him also, because he had given advice to the Mṓ ab-ītes which brought harm to Ĭś̝ ra-el.
It would have been better for Bā́ laam to have stayed at home, and not to have come when King Bā́ lăk called him; or it would have been well for him to have gone back to his home when the angel met him. He might then have lived in honor; but he knew God's will, and tried to go against it, and died in disgrace among the enemies of God's people.

Story Thirty-Four

Num. 26:1 to 4, 63 to 65; 32:1 to 42; Deut. 31:1, to 34:12
WHILE the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes were in their camp on the plain beside the river Jôŕ dan, at the foot of the mountains of Mṓ ab, God told Moses to count the number of the men who were old enough and strong enough to go forth to war. And Mṓ s̝es̝ caused the men to be counted who were above twenty years of age, and found them to be a little more than six hundred thousand in number. Besides these were the women and children.
And among them all were only three men who were above sixty years of age, men who had been more than twenty years old forty years before, when the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes came out of Ḗ ġy̆pt. The men who had been afraid to enter the land of Cā́ năan, when they were at Kā́ desh=bāŕ ne-ȧ the first time, had all died. Some of them had been slain by the enemies in war; some had died in the wilderness during the forty years; some had perished by the plague; some had been bitten by the fiery serpents. Of all those who had come out of Ḗ ġy̆pt as men, the only ones living were Mṓ s̝es̝, and Jŏsh-ú ȧ, and Caleb. Moses was now a hundred and twenty years old. 'He had lived forty years as a prince in Ḗ ġy̆pt, forty years as a shepherd in Mĭd́ ĭ-an, and forty years as the leader of Ĭś̝ ra-el in the wilderness. But although he was so very old, God had kept his strength. His eyes were as bright, his mind was as clear, and his arm and heart were as strong as they had been when he was a young man.
The people of Ĭś̝ ra-el had now full possession of all the land on the east of the river Jôŕ dan, from the brook Äŕ nŏn up to the great Mount Hēŕ mon. Much of this land was well fitted for pasture; for grass was green and rich, and there were many streams of water.
There were two of the twelve tribes, and half of another tribe, whose people had great flocks of sheep and goats, and herds of cattle.
These were the tribes which had sprung from Reṳ́ben and Gad, the sons of Jā́cob, and half of the tribe of Mā̇-năśseh, the son of Jṓ s̝eph.
For there were two tribes that had sprung from Jṓ s̝eph, his descendants, the tribes of É̄phră-ĭm and Mā-năś seh.
The men of Reṳ́ben, Găd, and half the men of Mā̇-năś seh came to Mṓ s̝es̝, and said: "The land on this side of the river is good for the feeding of sheep and cattle; and we are shepherds and herdsmen. Cannot we have our possessions on this side of the river, and give all the land beyond the river to our brothers of the, other tribes?” Mó̄ s̝es̝ was not pleased at this; for he thought that the men of these tribes wished to have their home at once in order to avoid going to war with the rest of the tribes; and this may have been in their minds.
So Mṓ s̝es̝ said to them: "Shall your brothers of the other tribes go to the war? And shall you sit here in your own land, and not help them? That would be wicked, and would displease the Lord your God." Then the men of the two tribes and the half-tribe came again to Mṓ s̝es̝, and said to him: "We will build sheepfolds here for our sheep, and we will choose some cities to place our wives and our children in; but we ourselves will go armed with our brothers of the other tribes, and will help them to take the land on the other side of the Jôŕ dan. We will not come back to this side of the river until the war is over, and our brothers have taken their shares of the land, each tribe its own part; and we will take no part on the other side of the river, because our place has been given to us here. And when the land is all won and divided, then we will come back here to our wives and our children.”
Then Mṓ s̝es̝ was satisfied with the promise that they had given, and he divided the land on the east of the Jordan to these tribes. To the men of Reṳ́ ben he gave the land on the south; to the men of Găd the land in the middle; and to the half-tribe of Mā̇-năś seh the land on the north, the country called Bā́ shăn. And after their wives and children and flocks had been placed safely, the men of war came to the camp, ready to go with the other tribes across the river when God should call them.
And now the work of Mṓ s̝es̝ was almost done. God said to, him:
"Gather the children of Ĭś̝ ra-el together, and speak to them your last words, for you are not to lead the people across the Jôŕ dan. You are to die in this land, as I said to you at Kā́ desh." (See Story Thirty-one.)
Then Mṓ s̝es̝ called the leaders of the twelve tribes before his tent, and said to them many things, which you can read in the book of the Bible called Deuteronomy. There all the long speech of Mṓ s̞es̝ is given. He told them what wonderful things God had done for their fathers and for them. He gave them again all the words of God's law. He told them that they must not only keep God's law themselves, but must teach it to their children, so that it might never be forgotten. And Mṓ s̝es̝ sang a song of farewell, and wrote down all his last words.
Then he gave a charge to Jŏsh́ u-ȧ, whom God had chosen to take his place as the ruler and leader of the people: though no man could take Moses' place as a prophet of God and the giver of God's law. He laid his hands on Jŏsh́ u-ȧ's head; and God gave to Jŏsh́ u-ȧ some of his spirit that had been on Mṓ s̝es̝.
Then Mṓ s̝es̝, all alone, went out of the camp, while all the people looked at him and wept. Slowly he walked up the mountain side, until they saw him no more. He climbed to the top of Mount Nḗ bō̇, and stood alone upon the height, and looked at the Land of Promise, which lay spread out before him. Far in the north he could see the white crown of Mount Hēŕ mon, where there is always snow. At his feet, but far below, the river Jôŕ dan was winding its way down to the Dead Sea. Across the river, at the foot of the mountains, was standing the city of Jĕŕ ĭ-chō, surrounded with a high wall. On the summits of the mountains beyond he could see Hḗ bron, where Ā́ bră-hăm, and Ĭ́ s̝aac, and Jā́ cob were buried; he could see Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, and Bĕh́-el, and the two mountains where Shḗ-chem lay hidden in the center of the land. And here and there, through the valleys, he could see afar in the west the gleaming water of the Great Sea.
Then Mṓ s̝es̝, all alone, lay down on the mountain's top, and died. Aâŕ on and Hûr, who had held up the hands of Mṓ s̝es̝ in battle, had both died; and there was no man on Mount Nḗ bō̇ to bury Mṓ s̝es̝; so God himself buried him, and no man knows where God laid the body of Mṓ s̝es̝, who had served God so faithfully.
And after Mṓ s̝es̝ there was never a man who lived so neat to God, and talked with God so freely, as one would talk face to face with his friend, until long afterward Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and greater than Mṓ s̝es̝, came among men.
Lesson 12. From the Wilderness to Canaan.
(Omit Stories 28, 29, 30. Tell Stories 31, 32, 34. Omit Story 33.)
1. To what place did the Israelites go after leaving Mount Sinai? To Kadeshbarnea near the land of Canaan.
2. Whom did Moses send to go through the land, and bring word about it? Twelve men, called spies.
3. What did most of the spies say about the land? That the Israelites could not take it.
4. Who said that the Lord would help them to go in and take the land? Caleb and Joshua.
5. Because the people would not believe in God, and go into the land what happened to the Israelites? They were sent back into the wilderness.
6. How long did they live in the wilderness? Forty years.
7. Where did the long journey of the Israelites end? At the river Jordan.
8. On what mountain did Moses die? On Mount Nebo.
9. By what name is Moses spoken of in the Bible? Moses, the man of God.

Story Thirty-Five

Job 1:1, to 2:13; 42:1 to 17
AT some time in those early days—we do not know just at what time, whether in the days of Mṓ s̝es̝ or later—there was living a good man named Job. His home was in the land of Uz, which may have been on the edge of the desert, east of the land of Ĭś̝ ra-el. Jōb was a very rich man. He had sheep, and camels, and oxen, and asses, counted by the thousand. In all the east there was no other man so rich as Job.
And Jōb was a good man. He served the Lord God, and prayed to God every day, with an offering upon God's altar, as men worshipped in those times. He tried to live as God wished him to live, and was always kind and gentle. Every day, when his sons were out in the field, or were having a feast together in the house of any of them, Jōb went out to his altar, and offered a burnt-offering for each one of his sons and his daughters, and prayed to God for them; for he said:
"It may be that my sons have sinned or have turned away from God in their hearts; and I will pray God to forgive them.”
At one time, when the angels of God stood before the Lord, Sā́ tan the Evil One came also, and stood among them, as though he were one of God's angels. The Lord God saw Sā́ tan, and said to him, "Sā́ tan, from what place have you come?" "I have come," answered Sā́ tan, "from going up and down in the earth and looking at the people upon it.”
Then the Lord said to Sā́ tan, "Have you looked at my servant Job? And have you seen that there is not another man like him in the earth, a good and a perfect man, one who fears God and does nothing evil?" Then Sā́ tan said to the Lord: "Does Job fear God for nothing? Hast thou not made a wall around him, and around his house, and around everything that he has? Thou hast given a blessing upon his work, and hast made him rich. But if thou wilt stretch forth thy hand, and take away from him all that he has, then he will turn away from thee and will curse thee to thy face.”
Then the Lord said to the Evil One, "Sā́ tan, all that Job has is in your power; you can do to his sons, and his flocks, and his cattle, whatever you wish; only lay not your hand upon the man himself.”
Then Sā́ tan went forth from before the Lord; and soon trouble began to come upon Job. One day, when all his sons and daughters were eating and drinking together in their oldest brother's house, a man came running to Job, and said:
"The oxen were plowing, and the asses were feeding beside them, when the wild men from the desert came upon them, and drove them all away; and the men who were working with the oxen and caring for the asses have all been killed; and I am the only one who has fled away alive!”
While this man was speaking, another man came rushing in; and he said:
"The lightning from the clouds has fallen on all the sheep, and on the men who were tending them; and I am the only one who has come away alive!”
Before this man had ended, another came in; and he said:
"The enemies from Chăl-dé ȧ have come in three bands, and have taken away all the camels. They have killed the men who were with them; and I am the only one left alive!”
Then at the same time, one more man came in, and said to Jōb:
"Your sons and your daughters were eating and drinking together in their oldest brother's house, when a sudden and terrible wind from the desert struck the house, and it fell upon them. All your sons and your daughters are dead, and I alone have lived to tell you of it.”
Thus in one day, all that Jōb had-his flocks, and his cattle, and his sons and his daughters-all were taken away; and Jōb, from being rich, was suddenly made poor. Then Job fell down upon his face before the Lord, and he said:
"With nothing I came into the world, and with nothing I shall leave it. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.”
So even when all was taken from him Jōb did not turn away from God, nor did he find fault with God's doings.
And again the angels of God were before the Lord, and Satan, who had done all this harm to Job, was among them. The Lord said to Sā́ tan, "Have you looked at my servant Jōb? There is no other man in the world as good as he; a perfect man, one that fears God and does no wrong act. Do you see how he holds fast to his goodness, even after I have let you do him so great harm?" Then Sā́ tan answered the Lord, "All that a man has he will give for his life. But if thou wilt put thy hand upon him and touch his bone and his flesh, he will turn from thee, and will curse thee to thy face.”
And the Lord said to Sā́ tan, "I will give Jōb into your hand; do to him whatever you please; only spare his life.”
Then Sā́ tan went out and struck Jōb, and caused dreadful boils to come upon him, over all his body, from the soles of his feet to the crown of his head. And Jōb sat down in the ashes in great pain; but he would not speak one word against God. His wife said to him, "What is the use of trying to serve God? You may as well curse God, and die!”
But Job said to her, "You speak as one of the foolish women. What? shall we take good things from the Lord? and shall we not take evil things also?" So Job would not speak against God. Then three friends of Job came to see him, and to try to comfort him in his sorrow and pain. Their names were Ĕlí -phăz, and Bĭĺ dăd, and Zṓ phar. They sat down with Jōb, and wept, and spoke to him. But their words were not words of comfort. They believed that all these great troubles had come upon Jōb to punish him for some great sin, and they tried to persuade Jōb to tell what evil things he had done, to make God so angry with him.
For in those times most people believed that trouble, and sickness, and the loss of friends, and the loss of what they had owned, came to men because God was angry with them on account of their sins. These men thought that Jōb must have been very wicked because they saw such evils coming upon him. They made long speeches to Jōb, urging him to confess his wickedness.
Jōb said that he had done no wrong, that he had tried to do right; and he did not know why these troubles had come; but he would not say that God had dealt unjustly in letting him suffer. Jōb did not understand God's ways, but he believed that God was good; and he left himself in God's hands. And at last God himself spoke to Jōb and to his friends, telling them that it is not for man to judge God, and that God will do right by every man. And the Lord said to the three friends of Jōb:
"You have not spoken of me what is right, as Jōb has. Now bring an offering to me; and Job shall pray for you, and for his sake I will forgive you.”
So Jōb prayed for his friends, and God forgave them. And because in all his troubles Jōb had been faithful to God, the Lord blessed Jōb once more, and took away his boils from him, and made him well. Then the Lord gave to Jōb more than he had ever owned in the past, twice as many sheep, and oxen, and camels, and asses. And God gave again to Jōb seven sons and three daughters; and in all the land there were no women found so lovely as the daughters of Jōb. After his trouble, Job lived a long time, in riches, and honor, and goodness, under God's care.
Lesson 13. Review of Early Bible People.
(Tell enough of the stories to bring these names to the memory of the children.)
1. Who was the first man? Adam.
2. Who was the first woman? Eve.
3. What son of Adam and Eve killed his brother? Cain.
4. What was the name of Cain's brother whom he killed?
5. Who was the oldest man that ever lived? Methuselah.
6. What good man was taken to heaven without dying? Enoch
7. Who built the ark and was saved from the flood? Noah.
8. Who believed God and went on a long journey when God sent him?
9. Who was saved from the wicked city of Sodom? Lot.
10. What son of Abraham was laid on an altar? Isaac.
11. What son of Isaac sold his birthright for something to eat? Esau.
12. Who saw the heavenly ladder? Jacob.
13. What other name was given to Jacob?
14. Who was sold as a slave but became a prince? Joseph;
15. Who led the Israelites out of Egypt? Moses.
Lesson 14. Review of Early Bible Places.
1. What place did God give to Adam and Eve for their home? The Garden of Eden.
2. On what mountain did the ark rest after the flood? On Mount Ararat.
3. What great city was built after the flood? Babel or Babylon.
4. What land was promised to Abraham as his home? The land of Canaan.
5. What city was destroyed by rain of fire? Sodom.
6. In what country was Joseph first a slave and then the ruler? Egypt.
7. In what part of Egypt did the Israelites live for four hundred years? The land of Goshen.
8. Through what sea did God lead the Israelites? Through the Red Sea.
9. On what mountain did God give the Ten Commandments? Mount Sinai
10. In what land did the Israelites wander forty years after coming out of Egypt? The Wilderness.
11. From what place did Moses send the twelve spies into the land of Canaan, and then afterward lead the Israelites back into the wilderness? From Kadeshbarnea.
12. On what mountain did Moses die? On Mount Nebo

Part Second


Story One

Josh. 1:1, to 2:24
AFTER the death of Mṓ s̝es̝, while the children of Ĭś̝ ra-el were still encamped upon the east bank of the river Jôŕ dan, God spoke to Jŏsh́ u-ȧ, and said:
"Now that Mṓ s̝es̝ my servant is dead, you are to take his place and to rule this people. Do not delay, but lead them across the river Jôŕ dan, and conquer the land which I have given to them.”
Then God told Jŏsh́ u-ȧ how large would be the land which the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes were to have, if they should show themselves worthy of it. It was to reach from the great river Eū́ phrā-tes̝, far in the north, down to the border of Ḗ ġy̆pt on the south, and from the desert on the east to the Great Sea on the west. And God said to Jŏsh́ u-ȧ:
"Be strong and of a good courage. I will be with you as I was with Mṓ s̝es̝. Read constantly the book of the law which Mṓ s̝es̝ gave you, and be careful to obey all that is written in it. Do this and you will have good success.”
Then Jŏsh́ u-ȧ gave orders to his officers. He said, "Go through the camp, and tell the people to prepare food for a journey; for in three days we shall pass over the river Jôŕ dan, and shall go into the land which the Lord has promised us.”
To say this was very bold; for at that time of the year, in the spring, the Jor̂́ dan was much larger than at other times. All its banks were overflowed, and it was running as a broad, deep, swift river, down to the Dead Sea, a few miles to the south. No one could possibly walk through it; only a strong man could swim in its powerful current; and the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes had no boats in which they could cross it.
On the other side of the river, a few miles distant, the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes could see the high walls of the city of Jĕŕ ĭ-chō, standing at the foot of the mountains. Before the rest of the land could be won, this city must be taken, for it stood beside the road leading up to the mountain country.
Jŏsh́ u-ȧ, chose two careful, brave, and wise men, and said to them, "Go across the river, and get into the city of Jĕŕ i-chō; find out all you can about it, and come back in two days.”
The two men swam across the river, and walked over to Jĕŕ ĭ-chō, and went into the city. But they had been seen, and the king of Jĕŕ ĭ-chō sent men to take them prisoners. They came to a house which stood on the wall of the city, where was living a woman named Rā́ hăb; and she hid the men.
But these strange men had been seen going into her house, and the king sent his officers after them. The woman hid the men on the roof of the house, and heaped over them stalks of flax, which are like long reeds, so that the officers could not find them. After the officers had gone away, thinking that the two spies had left the city, the woman Rā́ hăb came to the two men, and said to them:
"All of us in this city know that your God is mighty and terrible, and that he has given you this land. We have heard how your God dried up the Red Sea before you, and led you through the desert, and gave you victory over your enemies. And now all the people in this city are in fear of you, for they know that your God will give you this city and all this land.”
"Now," said Rā́ hăb, "promise me in the name of the Lord, that you will spare my life, and the lives of my father and mother, and of my brothers and sisters, when you take this city.”
And the men said, "We will pledge our life for yours, that no harm shall come to you; for you have saved our lives.”
This woman's house stood on the wall of the city. From one of its windows Rā́ hăb let down outside a rope, upon which the men could slide down to the ground. It happened that this rope was of a bright scarlet color.
The two spies said to Rā́ hăb, "When our men come to take this city, you shall have this scarlet rope hanging in the window. Bring your father, and mother, and family into the house, and keep them there while we are taking the city. We will tell all our men not to harm the people who are in the house where the scarlet cord hangs from the window; and thus all your family will be safe when the city is taken.”
Then the two men, at night, slid down the rope and found their way to the river, and swam over it again, and told their story to Jŏsh́ u-ȧ.
They said, "Truly the Lord has given to us all the land; for all the people in it are in terror before us, and will not dare to oppose us.” One fact was a great help to the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes in their plans for taking the land of Cā́năan. It was not held by one people, or ruled over by one king, who could unite all his people against the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes.
There were many small nations living in the land, and each little tribe, and even each city, was ruled by its own king. So it would be easy for the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes to destroy them one by one, so long as they kept apart and did not band themselves together into one army.
The Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes were now a strong and united people, trained for war, and willing to obey one leader, so that all the twelve tribes were ready to fight as one man.

Story Two

Josh. 3:1, to 6:27
AFTER the two spies had come back from Jĕŕ i-cho to the camp of Ĭś̝ ra-el, Jŏsh́ u-ȧ commanded the people to take down their tents and remove from their camping place to the bank of the river Jôŕ dan. Then the priests took apart the Tabernacle, and covered the ark and all the furniture in the Holy Place; and ran the poles through the rings for carrying the altar, and made ready for leaving the camp. At the same time the people took down their tents, and rolled them up, and brought together their flocks and cattle, and stood ready to march.
Then Jŏsh́ u-ȧ, gave the word, and they marched down toward the river, which was rolling high and strong in front of them. Jŏsh́ u-ȧ said:
"Let the priests carry the Ark of the Covenant in front, and let there be a space between it and the rest of the people of three thousand feet. Do not come nearer than that space to the ark.”
And all the people stood still, wondering, while the ark was brought on the shoulders of the priests far out in front of the ranks of men, until it came down to the very edge of the water. They could not see the ark, for it was covered, but they knew that it was under its coverings on the shoulders of the priests.
Then said Jŏsh́ u-ȧ to the priests, "Now walk into the water of the river.”
Then a most wonderful thing took place. As soon as the feet of the priests touched the water by the shore, the river above stopped flowing, and far away, up the river, they could see the water rising and piling up like a great heap. And below the place where they were standing the water ran on, until it left a great place dry, and the stones on the river's bed were uncovered. Then, at Jŏsh́ u-ȧ’s command, the priests carried the ark down to the middle of the dry bed of the river, and stood there with it on their shoulders.
And Jŏsh́ u̇-a gave order to the people to march across the river. In front came the soldiers from Reṳ́ ben, Găd, and the half-tribe of Mā̇-năś seh, who had already received their homes on the east of the river, but were with the other tribes to help in the war. After them came all the other tribes, each by itself, until they had all passed over the river; and all this time the priests stood on the river's dry bed holding the ark. Then Jŏsh́ u-ȧ called for twelve men, one man from each tribe and he said to them:
"Go down into the river and bring up from it twelve stones, as large stones as you can carry, from the place where the priests are standing.”
They did so; and with these stones Jŏsh́ u-ȧ, made a stone-heap on the bank; and he said:
"Let this heap of stones stand here to keep in memory what has taken place to-day. When your children shall ask you, 'Why are these stones here?' you shall say to them, 'Because here the Lord God made the river dry before the ark of the covenant, so that the people could cross over into the land that God had promised to their fathers. '”
And Jŏsh́ u-ȧ told these twelve men to take also twelve other stones, and heap them up in the bed of the river where the priests stood with the ark, so that these stones also might stand to remind all who should see them of God's wonderful help to his people.
When all this had been done, and the two heaps of stone had been piled up, one on the bank, the other in the bed of the river, Jŏsh́ u-ȧ said to the priests, "Come now up from the river, and bring the ark to the shore.”
They did so; and then the waters began to flow down from above, until soon the river Jordan was rolling by as it had rolled before. So now at last the children of Ĭś̝ ra-el were safely in the land which God had promised to their fathers more than five hundred years before.
They set up a new camp, with the Tabernacle in the middle, the altar before it, and the tents of the tribes around it in order.
The place of the camp was near the river, on the plain of Jôŕ dan, and was called Ḡĭĺ găl. And there the main camp of the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes was kept all the time that they were carrying on the war to win the land of Cā́ năan.
When they came into the land, it was the time of the early harvest; and in the fields they found grain and barley in abundance. They gathered it, and ground it, and made bread of it; and some of it they roasted in the ear; and on that day the manna which God had sent them from the sky through forty years ceased to fall, now that it was needed no more.
There, in full view of the new camp, stood the strong walls of Jĕŕ ĭ-chō. Jŏsh́ u-ȧ went out to look at the city; and he saw a man all armed coming toward him. Jŏsh́ u˗ȧ walked boldly up to the man, and said to him, "Are you on our side, or are you one of our enemies?”
And he said, "No; but as captain of the Lord's host have I come.”
Then Jŏsh́ u-ȧ saw that he was the angel of the Lord; and Jŏsh́ u-ȧ bowing down before him, said, "What word has my Lord to his servant?”
And the captain of the Lord's host said to Jŏsh́ u-ȧ,
"Take off your shoes from your feet, for it is holy ground where you are standing.”
Jŏsh́ u-ȧ did so; for the one who was speaking to him was not merely an angel, but the Lord himself appearing as a man. And the Lord said to Jŏsh́ u-ȧ., "I have given to you Jĕŕ i-chō, and its king, and its mighty men of war; and I will destroy the city of Jĕŕ i-chō before you.”
Then the Lord told Jŏsh́ u-ȧ, the way in which the city should be taken; and Jŏsh́ u-ȧ went back to the camp at Ḡĭĺ găl, and made ready to march as God commanded. During the next seven days all that was done was according to the word spoken by the Lord to Jŏsh́ u-ȧ.
They drew out the army as if to fight against the city. In front came the soldiers from the tribes on the east of the river. Then came a company of priests with trumpets made of rams' horns, which they blew long and loud. Then came the Ark of the Covenant, borne on the shoulders of the priests. And, last of all came the host of Ĭś̝ ra-el, marching in order. No one shouted, nor was any noise heard, except the sound of the rams'-horn trumpets. They marched around the walls of Jĕŕ ĭ-chō once on that day, and then all marched back to the camp.
The next morning they all formed in the same order, and again marched around the walls of the city; and so they did again and again, marching once each day for six days.
On the seventh day, by God's command, they rose very early in the morning, and did not stop when they had marched around the walls once; but kept on marching round and round, until they had gone about the walls seven times. As they went by they saw at one window on the wall a scarlet cord hanging down; and they knew that this was the house of Rā́ hăb, who had saved the lives of the two spies.
When the seventh march was ended, they all stood still. Even the trumpets ceased, and there was a great silence for a moment, until the voice of Jŏsh́ u-ȧ rang out, "Shout, for the Lord has given you the city!”
Then a great shout went up from the host; and they looked at the wall, and saw that it was trembling, and shaking, and falling! It fell down flat at every place but one. There was one part of the wall left standing, where the scarlet cord was hanging from the window.
And Jŏsh́ u-ȧ said to the two spies, "Go and bring out Rā́ hăb and her family, and take them to a safe place.”
They went into Rā́ hăb's house on the wall and brought her out, and with her her father and mother, and all their family.
They cared for them, and kept them safely in the camp of the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes until all the war against the people of the land was ended.
While some of the soldiers were taking care of Rā́ hăb, all the rest of the army was climbing up over the ruined wall. The people in the city were so filled with fear when they saw the walls falling down on every side, that they did not try to defend it, but sank down helpless and were slain or taken prisoners by the Ĭś̝ ra˗el˗ītes.
Thus the city was taken, with all that was within it. But the Ĭś̝ ra˗el˗ītes were forbidden to use for themselves any of the treasures in the city. Jŏsh́ u-ȧ said to them, "Nothing in this city belongs to you. It is the Lord's, and is to be destroyed as an offering to the Lord.”
So they brought together all the gold, and silver, and precious things, and all that was in the houses. They took nothing for themselves, but kept the gold and silver and the things made of brass and iron for the Tabernacle. All the rest of what they found in the city they burned and destroyed, leaving of the city of Jĕŕ i-chō nothing but a waste and a desolation. And Jŏsh́ u-ȧ said:
"Let the Lord's curse rest on any man who shall ever build again the city of Jĕŕ ĭ-chō. With the loss of his oldest born shall he lay its foundation, and with the loss of his youngest son shall he set up the gates of it.”
After this Rā́ hăb, the woman who had saved the spies, was taken among the people of Ĭś̝ ra-el just as though she had been an Ĭś ra-el-īte born. And one of the nobles of the tribe of Jū́ dah, whose name was Săĺ mŏn , took her for his wife. And from her line of descendants, of those who came from her, many years after this, was born Dā́ vid the king. She was saved and blessed, because she had faith in the God of Ĭś̝ ra-el.
Lesson 15. How Jericho was Taken.
(Tell Stories 1 and 2 in Part Second.)
1. Who became the ruler of the Israelites after Moses died? Joshua.
2. What did God say to Joshua, when he took charge of the Israelites? "Be strong and of a good courage.”
3. Where was the camp of the Israelites at that time? Beside the river Jordan.
4. What land was in front of them across the river? The land of Canaan.
5. What city of Canaan was near to the river? The city of Jericho.
6. Whom did Joshua send to look at the city of Jericho? Two spies.
7. What woman hid the two spies and saved their lives? Rehab.
8. How did God help the Israelites to cross the river Jordan? The river became dry.
9. How did God help them to take the city of Jericho? Its walls fell down.
10. What became of Rahab, who had helped the spies? Her life was saved.

Story Three

Josh. 7:1, to 8:35
WHILE the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes at God's word were destroying the city of Jĕŕ ĭ-chŏ there was one man who disobeyed God's command. A man named Ā́ chăn, of the tribe of Judah, saw in one house a beautiful garment that had come from Băb́ y̆-lon, and a wedge-shaped piece of gold and some silver. He looked at it, longed to have it for his own, took it secretly to his tent, and hid it. He thought that no one had seen him do this thing. But God saw it all; and Ā́ chăn's robbery of God, to whom everything belonged that was in Jĕŕ ĭ-chō, brought great trouble to Ĭś̝ ra-el.
From Jĕŕ ĭ-chō there was a road up the ravines and valleys leading to the mountain country. On one of the hills above the plain stood a little city called Jŏsh́ u-ȧ did not think it needful for all the army to go and take Ā́ ī because it was a small place. So he sent a small army of three thousand men. But the men of Ā́ ī came out against them, and killed a number of them, and drove them away, so that they failed to take the city.
And when the rest of the people heard of this defeat they were filled with fear. Jŏsh́ u-ȧ was alarmed, not because he was afraid of the Cā́ năan-ītes, but because he knew that God was not with the men who went against Ā́ ī And Jŏsh́ u-ȧ fell on his face before the Lord, and said:
"O Lord God, why hast thou led us across Jôŕ dan only to let us fall before our enemies? What shall I say, O Lord, now that the men of Ĭś̝ ra-el have been beaten and driven away?”
And God said to Jŏsh́ u-ȧ:
"Ĭś̝ ra-el has sinned. They have disobeyed my words, and have broken their promise. They have taken the treasure that belongs to me, and have kept it. And that is the reason why I have left them to suffer from their enemies. My curse shall rest on the people until they bring back that which is stolen, and punish the man who robbed me." And God told Jŏsh́ u-ȧ how to find the man who had done this evil thing.
The next morning, very early, Jŏsh́ u-ȧ called all the tribes of Ĭś̝ ra-el to come before him. When the tribe of Jū́ dah came near God showed to Jŏsh́ u-ȧ, that this was the tribe. Then as the divisions of Jū́ dah came by God pointed out one division; and in that division one family, and in that family one household, and A in that household one man. Ā́ chăn was singled out as the man who had robbed God.
And Jŏsh́ u-ȧ said to Ā́ chăn, "My son, give honor to the Lord God, and confess your sin to him; and tell me now what you have done. Do not try to hide it from me.”
And Ā́ chăn said, "I have sinned against the Lord. I saw in Jĕŕ ĭ-chō a garment from Băb́ y̆-lon, and a wedge of gold, and some pieces of silver, and I hid them in my tent." Then Jŏsh́ u-ȧ sent messengers, who ran to the tent of Ā́ chăn, and found the hidden things, and brought them out before all the people.
Then, because Ā́ chăn's crime had harmed all the people, and because his children were with him in the crime, they took them all, Ā́ chăn, and his sons and his daughters, and the treasure that had been stolen, and even his sheep and his oxen, and his tent, and all that was in it. And the people threw stones upon them until all were dead; then they burned their bodies and all the things in the tent. And over the ashes they piled up a heap of stones, so that all who saw it would remember what came to Ā́ chăn for his sin.
Thus did God show to his people how careful they must be to obey his commands, if they would have God with them. After this Jŏsh́ u-ȧ sent another army, larger than before, against Ā́ ī. And they took the city, and destroyed it, as they had destroyed Jĕŕ ĭ-chō. But God allowed the people to take for themselves what they found in the city of Ā́ ī.
Then they marched on over the mountains, until they came near to the city of Shḗ chem, in the middle of the land of Cā́ năan. The people of the land were so filled with fear that none of them resisted the march of the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes. Near Shḗ chem are the two mountains, Ḗ bal on the north, and Ḡĕŕ ĭ-zĭm on the south. Between these is a great hollow place, like a vast bowl. There Jŏsh́ u-ȧ gathered all the people of Ĭś̝ ra-el, with their wives and their children.
In the midst of this place they built an altar of unhewn stones heaped up, for they had left the Tabernacle and the brazen altar standing in the camp at by Ḡĭĺ găl Jôŕ dan. On this new altar they gave offerings to the Lord and worshipped.
Then before all the people Jŏsh́ u-ȧ read the law which Mṓ s̝es̝ had written. And all the people, with their wives, and even the little children, listened to the law of the Lord. Half of the tribes stood on the slope of Mount Ḗ bal on the north, and these, as Jŏsh́ u-ȧ read the words of warning which God had given to those who should disobey, all answered with one voice "Amen." And the other half of the tribes stood on the slope of Mount Ḡĕŕ ĭ-zĭm on the south; and as Jŏsh́ u-ȧ read God's words of blessing to those who should obey the law, these answered "Amen.”
When they had done all this, and thus given the land to the Lord and pledged themselves to serve God, they marched again down the mountains, past the smoldering ruins of Ā́ ī, past the heap of stones that covered Ā́ chăn, and past the broken walls of Jĕŕ ĭ-chō, back to the camp at Ḡĭĺ găl beside the river.

Story Four

THE news of all that Jŏsh́ u-ȧ and the men of Ĭś̝ ra-el had done at Ā́ ī how they had destroyed those cities and slain their people, went through all the land. Everywhere the tribes of Cā́ năan prepared to fight these strangers who had so suddenly and so boldly entered their country.
Near the middle of the mountain region, between Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, and Shḗ chem, were four cities of a race called either the Hī́ vītes, or the Ḡĭb́ e-on-ītes, from their chief city, Ḡĭb́ e-on. These people felt that they could not resist the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes; so they undertook to make peace with them. Their cities were less than a day's journey from the camp at Ḡĭĺ găl, and quite near to Ā́ ī; but they came to Jŏsh́ u-ȧ at the camp, looking as if they had made a long journey.
They were wearing old and ragged garment, and shoes worn out; and they brought dry and moldy bread, and old bags of food, and wine-skins torn and mended. They met Jŏsh́ u-ȧ and the elders of Iś̝ ra-el in the camp, and said to them:
"We live in a country far away; but we have heard of the great things that you have done; the journey you have made, and the cities you have taken on the other side of the river Jordan; and now we have come to offer you our friendship and to make peace with you." And Jŏsh́u-ȧ said to them, "Who are you? And from what land do you come?”
"We have come," they said, "from a country far away. See this bread. We took it hot from the oven, and now it is moldy. These wine-skins were new when we filled them, and you see they are old. Look at our garments and our shoes, all worn out and patched.”
Jŏsh́ u-ȧ and the elders did not ask the Lord what to do, but made an agreement with these men to have peace with them, not to destroy their cities, and to spare the lives of their people. And a very few days after making peace with them they found that the four cities where they lived were very near.
At first the Ĭś̝ ra-el-īte rulers were very angry, and were inclined to break their agreement, but afterward they said:
"We will keep our promise to these people, though they have deceived us. We will let them live, but they shall be made our servants, and shall do the hard work for the camp and for the Tabernacle.”
Even this was better than to be killed, and to have their cities destroyed; and the Gĭb́ e-on-īte people were glad to save their lives. So from that time the people of the four Gĭb́ e-on-īte cities carried burdens, and drew water, and cut wood, and served the camp of Ĭś ra-el.
The largest city near to the camp at Weal was Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, among the mountains, where its king, Mĕl-chĭź e-dĕk, in the days of Ā́ bră-hăm, five hundred years before, had been a priest of the Lord, and had blessed Ā́ bră-hăm. But now, in the days of Jŏsh́ u-ȧ, the people of that city worshipped idols and were very wicked.
When the king of Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm heard that the Ḡĭb́ e-on-ītes, who lived near him, had made peace with Ĭś̝ ra-el, he sent to the kings of Hḗ bron and Lā́ chish and several other cities, and said to them:
"Come, let us unite our armies into one great army and fight the Ḡĭb́ e-on-ītes and destroy them; for they have made peace with our enemies, the people of Ĭś̝ ra-el.”
As soon as the people of Ḡĭb́ e-on heard this they sent to Jŏsh́ u-ȧ, saying:
"Come quickly and help us; for we are your servants; and the king of Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm is coming with a great army to kill us all, and destroy our cities. The whole country is in arms against us; come at once, before it is too late!”
Jŏsh́ u-ȧ, was a very prompt man, swift in all his acts. At once he called out his army, and marched all night up the mountains. He came suddenly upon the five kings and their army at a place called Bĕth=hṓ rŏn. There a great battle was fought, Jŏsh́ u-ȧ leading his men against the Cā́ năan-ĭtes. He did not give his enemies time to form in line, but fell upon them so suddenly that they were driven into confusion, and fled before the men of Ĭś̝ ra-el.
And the Lord helped his people by a storm which drove great hailstones down on the Cā́ năan-ītes; so that more were killed by the hailstones than by the sword. It is written in an old song that on that day Jŏsh́ u-ȧ said before all his men:
"Sun, stand thou still over Ḡĭb́ e˗on,
And thou, moon, in the valley of Āj́ a-lŏn,
And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed,
Until the people had taken vengeance upon their enemies.”
If ever in all the history of the world there was a battle when the sun might well stand still, and the day be made longer, to make the victory complete, it was that day more than any other. For on that day the land was won by the people of the Lord. If Ĭś̝ ra-el had been defeated and destroyed, instead of Cā́ năan, then the Bible would never have been written, the worship of the true God would have been blotted out, and the whole world would have worshipped idols. The battle that day was for the salvation of the world as well as of Ĭś̝ ra-el. So this was the greatest battle in its results that the world has ever seen. There have been many battles where more men fought, and more soldiers were slain, than at the battle of Bĕth=hṓ rŏn. But no battle in all the world had such an effect in the years and the ages after, as this battle.
After the victory Jŏsh‘u-ȧ, followed his enemies as they fled, and killed many of them, until their armies were broken up and destroyed. The five kings who had led against Jŏsh’u-ȧ were found hidden in a cave, were brought out and were slain, so that they might no more trouble the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes. By this one victory all the part of the land of Gā́ năan on the south was won, though there were a few small fights afterward.
Then Jŏsh́ u-ȧ turned to the north, and led his army by a swift march against the kings who had united there to fight the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes. As suddenly as before he had fallen on the five kings at Bĕth=hṓ rŏn, he fell upon these kings and their army, near the little lake in the far north of Cā́ năan, called "the waters of Mḗ rom." There another great victory was won; and after this it was easy to conquer the land. Everywhere the tribes of Cā́ năan were made to submit to the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes, until all the mountain country was under Jŏsh́ u-ȧ's rule.
In the conquest of Cā́ năan, there were six great marches and six battles; three in the lands on the east of the Jordan, while Mṓ s̝es̝ was still living, the victories over the Ăḿ ôr-ītes, the Mĭd́ ĭan-ītes, and the people of Bā́ shăn, on the northeast, and there on the west of Jôŕ dan, the victories at Jĕŕ ĭ-chō, at Bĕth=hṓ rŏn, and Lake Merom, under Jŏsh́ u-ȧ.
But even after these marching’s and victories, it was a long time before all the land was taken by the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes.

Story Five

Joshua 14:1, to 19:51
THE great war for the conquest of Cā́ năan was now ended, though in the land some cities were still held by the Cā́ năan-ītes people. Yet the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes were now the rulers over most of the country, and Jŏsh́u-ȧ prepared to divide the land among the tribes of Ĭś̝ ra-el.
One day the rulers of the tribe of Jū́ dah came to Jŏsh́ u-ȧ's tent at Ḡĭĺ găl, and with them came an old man, Caleb, whom you remember as one of the twelve spies sent by Mṓ s̝es̝ from Kā́ desh=bäŕ ne-ȧ, to go through the land of Cā́ năan. This had, been many years before, and Caleb was now, like Jŏsh́ u-ȧ, an old man, past eighty years of age. He said to Jŏsh́ u-ȧ:
"You remember what the Lord said to Mṓ s̝es̝, the mail of God, when we were in the desert at Kā́ desh=bäŕ ne-ȧ, and you and I with the other spies brought back our report. I spoke to Mṓ s̝es̝ the word that was in my heart, and I followed the Lord wholly, when the other spies spoke out of their own fear, and made the people afraid. On that day, you remember that Mṓ s̝es̝ said to me, `The land where your feet have trodden and over which you have walked shall be yours, because you trusted in the Lord.'
"That was forty-five years ago," Cā́ leb went on to say, "and God has kept me alive all those years. To-day, at eighty-five years of age, I am as strong as I was in that day. And now I ask that the promise made by Mṓ s̝es̝ be kept, and that I have my choice of the places in the land.”
"Well," said Jŏsh́ u-ȧ, "you can take your choice in the land. What part of it will you choose?”
And Cā́ leb answered:
"The place that I will choose is the very mountain on which we saw the city with the high walls, where the giants were living then, and where other giants, their sons, are living now, the city of Hḗ bron. I know that the walls are high, and the giants live there. But the Lord will help me to take the cities, and to drive out the people who live in them. Let me have the city of Hḗ bron.”
This was very bold in so old a man as Cā́ leb, to choose the city which was not yet taken from the enemies, and one of the hardest cities to take, when he might have chosen some rich place already won. But Caleb at eighty-five showed the same spirit of courage, and willingness to war, and faith in God, that he had shown in his prime at forty years of age. Then Jŏsh́ u-ȧ said to Cā́ leb, "You shall have the city of Hḗ bron, with all its giants, if you will gather together your men, and take it." And the old soldier brought together his men, and led them against the strong city of Hḗ bron, where was the tomb of Ā́ bra-hăm, Ī́ s̝aac, and Jā́ cob. By the help of the Lord, Caleb was able to drive out the giants, tall and mighty as they were. They fled from Cā́ leb's men and went down to the shore on the west of the land, and lived among the people of that region, who were called the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝; while Cā́ leb, and his children, and his descendants long after him, held the city of Hḗ bron in the south of the land.
After this, by command of the Lord, Jŏsh́ u-ȧ divided the land among the tribes. Two tribes and half of another tribe had already received their land on the east of Jôŕ dan; so there were nine tribes and a half tribe to receive their shares. Jū́ dah, one of the largest, had the mountain country west of the Dead Sea, from Hḗ bron to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm; Sĭḿ e-on was on the south toward the desert; Bĕń ja-mĭn was north of Jū́ dah on the east, toward the Jôŕ dan, and Dăn north of Jū́ dah on the west, toward the Great Sea.
In the middle of the country, around the city of Shḗ chem, and the two mountains, Ḗ bal and Ḡĕŕ ĭ˗zĭm, where Jŏsh́ u-ȧ had read the law to the people, was the land of the tribe of Ḗ phră-ĭrn. This was one of the best parts of all the country, for the soil was rich and there were many springs and streams of water. And here, near Mount Ḗ bal, they buried the body of their tribe-father Jṓ s̝eph, which they had kept in its coffin of stone, unburied, ever since they left Ḗ ġy̆pt, more than forty years before. As Jŏsh́ u-ȧ himself belonged to the tribe of Ḗ phră-ĭm, his home was also in this land.
North of Ḗ phră-ĭm, and reaching from the river Jôŕ dan to the Great Sea, was the land of the other half of the tribe of Mā̇-năś-seh. Both tribes of Ḗ phră-ĭm and Mā̇-năś seh had sprung from Jṓ s̝eph. So Jṓ s̝eph's descendants had, two tribes, as had been promised by Jā́cob when he was about to die.
The northern part of the land was divided among four tribes. Ĭś sa-cher was in the south, Asher on the west beside the Great Sea, Zĕb́ u-lŭn was in the middle among the mountains, and Năph́ ta-lī was in the north, and by the lake afterward called the Sea of Găĺ ĭ-lee. At that time this lake was called the Sea of Kĭń no-rĕth, because the word "kinnor" means "a harp"; and as they thought that this lake was shaped somewhat like a harp, they named it "the Harp-shaped Sea.”
But although all the land had been divided, it had not all been completely conquered. Nearly all the Cā́ năan-īte people were there, still living upon the land, though in the mountain region they were under the rule of the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ĭtes. But on the plain beside the Great Sea, on the west of the land were the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝, a very strong people whom the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes had not yet met in war, though the time was coming when they would meet them, and suffer from them.
And even among the mountains were many cities where the Cā́ năan-īte people still lived, and in some of these cities they were strong. Years afterward, when Jŏsh́ u-ȧ the great warrior was no longer living, many of these people rose up to trouble the Ĭś̝ ra˗el-ītes. The time came when the tribes of Ĭś̝ ra-el wished often that their fathers had driven out or entirely destroyed the Cā́ năan˗ĭtes, before they ceased the war and divided the land.
But when Jŏsh́ u-ȧ divided the land, and sent the tribes to their new homes, peace seemed to reign over all the country. Up to this time we have spoken of all this land as the land of Cā́ năan, but now and henceforth it was to be called "The Land of Ĭś̝ er-el," or "The Land of the Twelve Tribes," for it was now their home.

Story Six

Josh. 20:1, to 21:45
THERE was among the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes one custom which seems so strange, and so different from our ways that it will be interesting to hear about it. It was their rule with regard to any man who by accident killed another man. With us, whenever a man has been killed, the man who killed him, if he can be found, is taken by an officer before the judge, and he is tried. If he killed the man by accident, not wishing to do harm, he is set free. If he meant to kill him he is punished; he may be sentenced to die for the other man's death; and when he is put to death it is by the officer of the law.
But in the lands of the east, where the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes lived, it was very different. There, when a man was killed, his nearest relative always took it upon himself to kill the man who had killed him; and he undertook to kill this man without trial, without a judge, and by his own hand, whether the man deserved to die, or did not deserve it. Two men might be working in the forest together, and one man's ax might fly from his hand and kill the other; or one man hunting might kill another hunter by mistake. No matter whether the man was guilty or innocent, the nearest relative of the one who had lost his life must find the man who had killed him, and kill him in return, wherever he was. If he could not find him, sometimes he would kill any member of his family whom he could find. This man was called "the avenger of blood," because he took vengeance for the blood of his relative, whether the one whom he slew deserved to die or not. When Mṓ s̝es̝ gave laws to the children of Ĭś̝ ra-el he found this custom of having an "avenger of blood" rooted so deeply in the habits of the people that it could not be broken up. In fact, it still remains, even to this day, among the village people in the land where the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes lived.
But Mṓ s̝es̝ gave a law which was to take the place of the old custom, and to teach the people greater justice in their dealings with each other. And when they came into the land of Cā́ năan,. Jŏsh́ u-ȧ carried out the plan which Mṓ s̝es̝ had commanded.
Jŏsh́ u-ȧ chose in the land six cities, three on one side of the river Jôŕ dan, and three on the other side. All of these were well-known places and easy to find. Most of them were on mountains, and could be seen far away. They were so chosen that from almost any part of the land a man could reach one of these cities in a day, or at the most in two days. These cities were called "Cities of Refuge," because in them a man who had killed another, by mistake could find refuge from the avenger of blood.
When a man killed another by accident, wherever he was, he ran as quickly as possible to the nearest of these cities of refuge. The avenger of blood followed him, and might perhaps overtake him and kill him before he reached the city. But almost always the man, having some start before his enemy, would get to the city of refuge first.
There the elders of the city looked into the case. They learned all the facts; and if the man was really guilty, and deserved to die, they gave him up to be killed by the avenger. But if he was innocent, and did not mean to kill the man who was dead, they forbade the avenger to touch him, and kept him in safety.
A line was drawn around the city, at a distance from the wall, within which line the avenger could not come to do the man harm; and within this line were fields, where the man could work and raise crops, so that he could have food.
And there at the city of refuge the innocent man who had killed another without meaning to kill, lived until the high-priest died. After the high-priest died, and another high-priest took his place, the man could go back to his own home and live in peace.
These were the cities of refuge in the land of Ĭś̝ ra-el: On the north, Kḗ desh in the tribe of Năph́̄ ta-lī; in the center, Shḗ chem, at the foot of Mount Ḡĕŕ˗ĭ-zĭm, in the tribe of Ḗ phra-ĭm; and on the south, Hḗ bron, Cā́ leb's city, in the tribe of Jū́ dah. These were among the mountains, on the west of the river Jôŕ dan. On the east of the river Jôŕ dan, the cities were Gṓ lan of Bā́ shăn in Mā̇-năś seh, Rā́ moth of in the tribe of Găd, and Bḗ zēr in the highlands of the tribe of Reṳ́ ben.
This law taught the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes to be patient, and to control themselves, to protect the innocent, and to seek for justice, and not yield to sudden anger.
Among the tribes there was one which had no land given to it in one place. This was the tribe of Lḗ vī, to which Mṓ s̝es̝ and Aâŕ on belonged. The men of this tribe were priests, who offered the sacrifices, and Lḗ vītes, who cared for the Tabernacle and its worship. Mṓ s̝es̝ and Jŏsh́ u-ȧ did not think it well to have all the Lḗ vītes living in one part of the country, so he gave them cities, and in some places the fields around the cities, in many parts of the land. From these places they went up to the Tabernacle to serve, each for a certain part of the year; and the rest of the year stayed in their homes and cared for their fields.
When the war was over, and the land was divided, Jŏsh́ u-ȧ fixed the Tabernacle at a place called Shī́ lōh, not far from the center of the land, so that from all the tribes the people could come up at least once a year for worship. They were told to come from their homes three times in each year, and to worship the Lord at Shī́ lōh.
These three times were for the feast of the Passover in the spring, when the lamb was killed, and roasted, and eaten with unleavened bread; the feast of the Tabernacles in the fall, when for a week they slept out of doors in huts made of twigs and boughs, to keep in mind their life in the wilderness; and the feast of Pentecost, fifty days after the Passover, when they laid on the altar the first ripe fruits from the fields. All these three great feasts were kept at the place of the altar and the Tabernacle.
And at Shī́ lōh, before the Tabernacle, they placed the altar, on which the offerings were laid twice every day.
God had kept his promise, and had brought the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes into a land which was their own, and had given them rest from all their enemies.

Story Seven

Josh. 22:1, to 24:33
WHEN the war for the conquest of Cā́ năan was ended, and the tribes were about to leave for their places in the land, Jŏsh́ u-ȧ broke up the camp at Ḡĭĺ găl which had been the meeting-place of the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes through all the war.
You remember that two of the tribes and half of another tribe had received their land on the east of Jôŕ dan, but their soldiers crossed the Jōŕ dan with the men of the other tribes. Jŏsh́ u-ȧ now called these soldiers, and said to them:
"You have done all that Mṓ s̝es̝ the servant of the Lord commanded you; you have stood faithfully by your brothers of the other tribes; and now the time has come for you to go back to your wives and your children in your own tribe-lands on the other side of Jordan. Go to your homes, where your wives and children are waiting for you. Only remember always to keep the commandments of the Lord, and be true to the Lord, and serve him with all your heart and all your soul.”
Then Jŏsh́ u-ȧ gave them the blessing of the Lord, and sent them away. They left Shī́ lōh, where the Tabernacle was standing, and came to the river Jôŕ dan. There on a great rock where it could be seen from far, they built a high altar of stone.
Soon it was told among the tribes that the men of the two tribes and a half-tribe had built for themselves an altar. God had commanded the people to have but one altar for all the tribes, and one high-priest, and one offering for all the tribes upon the altar. This was for the purpose of keeping all the people together, as one family, with one worship.
The people of Ĭś̝ ra-el were greatly displeased when they found that these tribes had built an altar, while there was already one altar for all the tribes at Shiloh. They were almost ready to go to war against the tribes on the east of the Jôŕ dan on account of this altar.
But before going to war they sent one of the priests, Phĭń e-has, the son of Ē-le-ā́ zar, and with him ten of the princes of Ĭś̝ ra-el, one from each tribe, to ask the men of the tribes on the east for what purpose they had built this altar. These men came to the men of Reṳ́ ben and Gad, and the half-tribe of Mā̇-năś seh, and said to them:
"What is this that you have done in building for yourselves an altar? Do you mean to turn away from the Lord and set up your own gods? Have you forgotten how God was made angry when Ĭś̝ ra-el worshipped other gods? Do not show yourselves rebels against God by building an altar while God's altar is standing at Shī́ lōh.”
Then the men of the two tribes and a half answered:
"The Lord, the only God, he knows that we have not built this altar for the offering of sacrifices. Let the Lord himself be our judge, that we have done no wrong. We have built this altar so that our children may see it, standing as it stands on your side of the river and not on our side: and then we can say to them, 'Let that altar remind you that we are all one people, we and the tribes on the other side of Jôŕ dan.' This altar stands as a witness between us that we are all one people and worship the one Lord God of Ĭś̝ ra-el.”
Then the princes of the nine tribes and a half were satisfied. They were pleased when they knew that it was an altar for witness and not for offerings. They named the altar Ed, a word which means witness. "For," they said, "it is a witness between us that the Lord is our God, the God of us all.”
Jŏsh́ u-ȧ was now a very old man, more than a hundred years old. He knew that he must soon die, and he wished to give to the people his last words. So he called the elders and rulers and judges of the tribes to meet him at Shḗ chem, in the middle of the land and near his own home.
When they were all together before him, Jŏsh́ u-ȧ reminded them of all that God had done for their fathers and for themselves. He told them the story of Ā́ bră-hăm, how he left his home at God's call; the story of Jacob and his family going down to Ḗ ġy̆pt; and how after many years the Lord had brought them out of that land; how the Lord had led them through the wilderness and had given them the land where they were now living at peace Jŏsh́ u-ȧ then said:
"You are living in cities that you did not build, and you are eating of vines and olive-trees that you did not plant. It is the Lord who has given you all these things. Now, therefore, fear the Lord, and serve him with all your hearts. And if any of you have any other gods, such as Ā́ bră-hăm's father worshipped beyond the River and as your fathers sometimes worshipped in Ḗ ġy̆pt, put them away, and serve the Lord only. And if you are not willing to serve the Lord, then choose this day whatever god you will serve; but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”
Then the people answered Jŏsh́ u-ȧ:
"We will not turn away from the Lord to serve other gods; for the Lord brought us out of Ḗ ġy̆pt where we were slaves; and the Lord drove out our enemies before us; and the Lord gave us this land. We will serve the Lord, for he is the God of Ĭś̝ ra-el.”
"But," said Jŏsh́ u-ȧ, "you must remember that the Lord is very strict in his commands. He will be angry with you if you turn away from him after promising to serve him; and will punish you if you worship images, as the people do around you.”
And the people said, "We pledge ourselves to serve the Lord, and the Lord only.”
Then Jŏsh́ u-ȧ wrote down the people's promise in the book of the law, so that others might read it and remember it. And he set up a great stone under an oak-tree in Shḗ chem, and he said:
"Let this stone stand as a witness between you and the Lord, that you have pledged yourselves to be faithful to him.”
Then Jŏsh́ u-ȧ sent the people away to their tribe-lands, telling them not to forget the promise that they had made. After this Jŏsh́ u-ȧ died, at the age of a hundred and ten years. And as long as the people lived who remembered Jŏsh́ u-ȧ., the people of Ĭś̝ ra-el continued serving the Lord.
Lesson 16. How the Land of Canaan was Won.
(Tell Stories 3, 4, 5 and 7 in Part Second. Omit Story 6.)
1. To what place did Joshua, lead the Israelites after Jericho had been taken? To Shechem, in the middle of the land.
2. What did Joshua do near Shechem? He read God's law to the people.
3. Where was the great battle fought between Joshua, and the Canaanites? At Bethhoron.
4. What is told about this battle? The sun and moon stood still.
5. What did Joshua and the Israelites do in this war? They took the land from the Canaanites.
6. What was the land of Canaan called after this war? The land of Israel.
7. Into how many parts did Joshua, divide the land? Into twelve parts for the twelve tribes.
8. After whom were these tribes named? After the sons of Jacob.
9. Where, near the middle of the lands did Joshua set up the Tabernacle for the worship of God? At Shiloh.
10. What did Joshua, before he died, tell the people they must do? Fear the Lord and serve him.
11. What promise did the people make to Joshua? "We will serve the Lord, and the Lord only.”

Story Eight

Judg. 1:1, to 3:31
YOU would suppose that, after all that God had done for the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes, and after their own promises to serve him faithfully, they would never turn to the idols which could not save their own people, the Cā́ năan-ītes. Yet, when Jŏsh́ u-ȧ was no longer living, and the men who knew Jŏsh́ u-ȧ had also died, the people began to forget their own God and to worship images of wood and stone.
Perhaps it was not so strange after all. In all the world, so far as we know, at that time the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes were the only people who did not worship idols. All the nations around them, the Ḗ ġy̆ṕ tians̝, from whose land they had come, the Ḗ dom-ītes on the south, the Mṓ ab-ītes on the east, the Phĭ˗lĭś tĭnes̝ on the west beside the Great Sea,-all these bowed down to images, and many of them offered their own children upon the idol-altars.
Then, too, you remember that the Cā́ năan-ītes had not been driven out of the land. They were there still, in their own cities and villages everywhere, and their idols were standing under the trees on many high places. So the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes saw idols all around them, and people bowing down before them; while they themselves had no God that could be seen. The Tabernacle was far away from some parts of the land; and the people were so busy with their fields and their houses that few of them went up to worship.
And so it came to pass that the people began to neglect their own worship of the Lord, and then to begin the worship of the idols around them. And from idol-worship they sank lower still into wicked deeds. For all this the Lord left them to suffer. Their enemies came upon them from the lands around, and became their masters; for when God left them they were helpless. They were made poor, for these rulers who had conquered them robbed them of all their grain, and grapes, and olive-oil.
After a time of suffering the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes would think of what God had done for them in other times. Then they would turn away from the idols, and would call upon God. And God would hear them, and raise up some great man to lead them to freedom, and to break the power of those who were ruling over them. This great man they called "a judge"; and under him they would serve God, and be happy and successful once more.
As long as the judge lived and ruled, the people worshipped God. But when the judge died they forgot God again, and worshipped idols and fell under the power of their enemies as before, until God sent another judge to deliver them. And this happened over and over again in the three hundred years after Jŏsh́ u-ȧ died. Seven nations in turn ruled over the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes, and after each "oppression," as this rule was called, a "deliverer" arose to set the people free.
The idols which the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes worshipped most of all were those named Bā́ al and Ăsh-ḗ rah. Ba'al was an image looking somewhat like a man; and Ăsh-ḗ rah was the name given to the one that looked like a woman. These images were set up in groves and on hills by the Cā́ năan-īte people, and to these the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes bowed down, falling on their faces before them.
The first nation to come from another land against the Ĭś̝ ra-el˗ītes was the people of Mĕs-o-pō̇-tā́ mĭ-ȧ, between the great rivers Eū-phrā́ tes̝ and Tī́ gris on the north. Their king led his army into the land and made the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes serve him eight years. Then they cried to the Lord, and the Lord sent to them Oth́ nĭ-el, who was a younger brother of Cā́ leb, of whom we read in Story Five in this Part. He set the people free from the Mĕs-o-pō-tā́ mĭ-ȧns, and ruled them as long as he lived, and kept them faithful to the Lord. Ŏth́ nĭ-el was the first of the judges of Ĭś̝ ra-el.
But after Ŏth́ nĭ-el died the people again began to worship images, and again fell under the power of their enemies. This time it was the Mṓ ab-ītes who came against them from the land east of the Dead Sea. Their king at this time was named Eǵ́ lŏn, and he was very hard in his rule over the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes. Again they cried to the Lord, and God called a man named Ḗ hŭd, who belonged to the tribe of Bĕń ja-mĭn, to set the people free.
Ḗ hŭd came one day to visit King Eǵ lŏn, who was ruling over the land. He said:
"I have a present from my people to the king. Let me go into his palace and see him.”
They let Ḗ hŭd into the palace, and he gave to the king a present; then he went out, but soon came back, and said:
"I have a message to the king that no one else can hear. Let me see the king alone.”
As he had just brought a present they supposed that he was a friend to the king. Then, too, he had no sword on the side where men carried their swords. But Ḗ hŭd was left-handed, and he carried on the other side a short, sharp sword which he had made, like a dagger. This sword was out of sight under his garment.
He went into the room where King Eǵ lŏn was sitting alone, and said, "I have a message from the Lord to you, and this is the message.”
And then he drew out his sword and drove it up to the handle into the king's body so suddenly that the king died without giving a sound. Ḗ hŭd left the sword in the dead body of the king, and went out quietly by the rear door. The servants of the king thought he was asleep in his room, and for a while did not go in to see why he was so still; but when they found him dead Ḗ hŭd was far away.
Ḗ hŭd blew a trumpet and called his people together, and led them against the Mṓ ab-ītes. They were so helpless without their king that Ḗ hŭd and his men easily drove them out of Ĭś̝ ra-el and set the people free. Ḗ hŭd became the second judge over the land. And after that it was many years before enemies again held rule over Ĭś̝ ra-el.
The next enemies to Ĭś̝ ra-el were the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝, who lived on the shore of the Great Sea on the west. They came up from the plain against the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes; but Shăḿ gär, the third judge, met them with a company of farmers, who drove the Phĭ-lĭś tines̝ back with their ox-goads, and so kept them from ruling over the land.

Story Nine

Judg. 4:1, to 5:31
AGAIN many of the people of Ĭś̝ ra-el were drawn away from the worship of the Lord, and began to live like the people around them, praying to idols and doing wickedly. And again the Lord left them to suffer for their sins. A Cā́ năan-īte king in the north, whose name was Jā́ bin, sent his army down to conquer them under the command of his general, named Sĭś e-rȧ. In Sĭś e-rȧ's army were many chariots of iron, drawn by horses; while soldiers in the chariots shot arrows and threw spears at the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes. The men of Ĭś̝ ra-el were not used to horses, and greatly feared these war-chariots.
All the northern tribes in the land of Ĭś̝ ra-el fell under the power of King Jā́ bin and his general, Sĭś e-ra; and their rule was very harsh and severe. This was the fourth of these "oppressions," and it bore most heavily upon the people in the north. But it led those who suffered from it to turn from their idols, and to call upon the Lord God of Ĭś̝ ra-el.
At that time a woman was ruling as judge over a large part of the land; the only woman among the fifteen judges who, one after another, ruled the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes. Her name was Dĕb́ o-rah. She sat under a palm-tree north of Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, between the cities of Rā́ mah and Bĕth́ el, and gave advice to all the people who sought her. So wise and good was Dĕb́ o-rah that men came from all parts of the land with their difficulties and the questions that arose between them. She ruled over the land, not by the, force of any army, or by any appointment, but because all men saw that God's spirit was upon her.
Dĕb́ o-rah heard of the troubles of the tribes in the north under the hard rule of the Cā́ năan-ītes. She knew that a brave man was living in the land of Năph́ ta-lī, a man named Bā́ răk, and to him she sent this message:
"Bā́ răk, call out the tribes of Ĭś̝ ra-el who live near you; raise an army, and lead the men who gather about you to Mount Tā́ bôr. The Lord has told me that he will give Sĭś e-rȧ and the host of the Cā́ năan-ītes into your hands.”
But Bā́ răk felt afraid to undertake alone this great work of setting his people free. He sent back to Dĕb́ o-rah this answer:
"If you will go with me, I will go; but if you will not go with me, I will not go.”
"I will go with you," said Dĕb́ o-rah; "but because you did not trust God, and did not go when God called you, the honor of this war will not be yours, for God will deliver Sĭś e-rȧ into the hands of a woman.”
Dĕb́ o-rah left her seat under the palm-tree and went up to Kḗ desh, where Bā́ răk lived. Together Dĕb́ o-rah and Bḗ răk sent out a call for the men of the north, and ten thousand men met together with such arms as they could find. This little army, with a woman for its chief, encamped on Mount Tā́ bôr, which is one of three mountains standing in a row on the east of a great plain called "the plain of Ĕs-dra-ḗ lon," "the plain of Jĕź re-el," and "the plain of Mē̇-gĭd́ dō̇,"—for it bears all these three names. On this plain, both in Bible times and also in the times since the Bible, many great battles have been fought. Over this plain winds the brook Kī́ shŏn, which at some seasons, after heavy rain, becomes a foaming, rushing river.
From their camp on the top of Mount Tā́ bôr the little army of Ĭś̝ ra-el could look down on the great host of Cā́ năan-ītes with their many tents, their horses and chariots, and their general, Sĭś e-rȧ. But Dĕb́ o-rah was not afraid. She said to Bā́ răk:
"March down the mountain with all your men, and fight the Cā́ năan-ītes. The Lord will go before you, and he will give Sĭś e-rȧ and his host into your hand.”
Then Bā́ răk blew a trumpet and called out his men. They ran down the side of Mount Tā́ bôr and rushed upon their enemies.
The Cā́ năan-ītes were taken so suddenly that they had no time to draw out their chariots. They were frightened and ran away, trampling each other under foot, chariots and horses and men in a wild flight.
And the Lord helped the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes; for at that time the brook Kī́ shŏn was swollen into a river, and the Cā́ năan-ītes crowded after each other into it. While many were killed in the battle, many were also drowned in the river.
Sĭś e-rȧ, the general of the Cā́ năan-ītes, saw that the battle had gone against him and that all was lost. He leaped from his chariot and fled away on foot. On the edge of the plain he found a tent standing alone, and he ran to it for shelter and hiding.
It was the tent of a man named Hḗ be͂r, and Helper's wife, Jā́ el, was in front-of it. She knew Sĭś e-rȧ, and said to him, "Come in, my lord; come into the tent; do not be afraid.”
Sĭś e-rȧ, entered the tent, and Jā́ el covered him with a rug, so that no enemy might find him. Sĭś e-rȧ, said to her, "I am very thirsty; can you give me a little water to drink?”
Instead of water she brought out a bottle of milk and gave him some: and then Sĭś e-rȧ, lay down to sleep, for he was very tired from the battle and from running. While he was in a deep sleep, Jā́ el crept into the tent quietly with a tent-pin and a hammer in her hand. She placed the point of the pin upon the side of his head, near his ear, and with the hammer gave blow after blow, driving it into his brain and through his head until it went into the ground underneath. After a moment's struggle Sĭś e-rȧ was dead, and she left his body upon the ground.
In a little time Jā́ el saw Bā́ răk, the chief of the Ĭś̝ ra-el-īte army, coming toward the tent. She went out to meet him, and said, "Come with me, and I will show you the man whom you are seeking.”
She lifted the curtain of the tent, and led Bā́ răk within; and there he saw lying dead upon the ground the mighty Sĭś e-rȧ, who only the day before had led the army of the Cā́ năan-ītes.
That was a terrible deed which Jā́ el did. We should call it treachery and murder; but such was the bitter hate between Ĭś̝ ra-el-īte and Cā́ năan˗īte at that time that all the people gave great honor to Jā́ el on account of it, for by that act she had set the people free from the king who had been oppressing Ĭś̝ ra-el. After this the land had rest for many years.
Dĕb́ o-rah, the judge, wrote a great song about this victory.
Here are some verses from it :
"Because the elders took the lead in Ĭś̝ ra-el,
Because the people offered themselves willingly,
Bless ye the Lord.

Hear, O ye kings; give ear, O ye princes;
I, even I will sing unto the Lord;
I will sing praise to the Lord, the God of Ĭś́ ra-el.

The kings came and fought.
Then fought the kings of Cā́ năan,
In Tā́ a-năch by the waters of Mē̇˗ḡĭd́ dō̇.
They took no gain of money.

They fought from heaven,
The stars in their courses fought against Sĭś e˗ȧ.
The river Kī́ shŏn swept them away,
That ancient river, the river Kī́ shŏn.
O my soul, march on with strength;

Blessed among women shall Jā́ el be,
The wife of Hḗ be͂r the Kĕń īte,
Blessed shall she be among women in the tent.
He asked water, and she gave him milk,
She brought him butter in a lordly dish.

At her feet he bowed, he fell, he lay;
At her feet he bowed, he fell.
Where he bowed, there he fell clown dead.

Through the window c, woman looked forth and cried,
The mother of Sĭś e-rȧ cried through the lattice,
Why is his chariot so long in coming?
Why tarry the wheels of his chariot?

So let all thine enemies perish, O Lord;
But let them that love him be as the sun,
When he goeth forth in his might."

Story Ten

Judg. 6:1, to 8:28
AGAIN the people of Ĭś̝ ra-el did evil in the sight of the Lord in worshipping Bā́ al; and the Lord left them again to suffer for their sins. This time it was the Mĭd́-ĭ-an-ītes, living near the desert on the east of Ĭś̝ ra-el, who came against the tribes in the middle of the country. The two tribes that suffered the hardest fate were Ḗ phră-im, and the part of Mā̇-năś seh on the west of Jôŕ dan. For seven years the Mĭd́ ĭ-an-ītes swept over their land every year, just at the time of harvest, and carried away all the crops of grain, until the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes had no food for themselves and none for their sheep and cattle. The Mĭd́ ĭ-an-ītes brought also their own flocks, and camels without number, whichh ate all the grass of the field. These Mĭd́ ĭ-an-ītes were the wild Arabs, living on the border of the desert, and from their land they made sudden and swift attacks upon the people' of Ĭś̝ ra-el.
The people of Ĭś̝ ra-el were driven away from their villages and their farms; and were compelled to hide in the caves of the mountains. And if any Ĭś̝ ra-el-īte could raise any grain, he buried it in pits covered with earth, or in empty wine-presses, where the Mĭd́ ĭ-an-ītes could not find it.
One day a man named Ḡĭd́ e-on was threshing out wheat in a hidden place, when suddenly he saw an angel sitting under an oak-tree. The angel said to him, "You are a brave man, Ḡĭd́ e-on; and the Lord is with you. Go out boldly, and save your people from the power of the Mĭd́ ĭ-an-ītes.”
Ḡĭd́ e-on answered the angel, "O Lord, how can I save Ĭś̝ ra-el? Mine is a poor family in Mā̇-năś seh, and I am the least in my father's house.”
And the Lord said to him, "Surely I will be with you, and I will help you drive out the Mĭd́ ĭ-an-ītes.”
Gĭd́ e-on felt that it was the Lord who was talking with him in the form of an angel. He brought an offering, and laid it on a rock before the angel. Then the angel touched the offering with his staff. At once a fire leaped up and burned the offering; and then the angel vanished from his sight. Gĭd́ e-on was afraid when he saw this; but the Lord said to him, "Peace be unto you, Gĭd́ e on; do not fear, for I am with you.”
On the spot where the Lord appeared to Gĭd́ e-on, under an oak-tree near the village of Ŏph́ rah, in the tribe-land of Mā̇-năś seh, Ḡĭd́ e-on built an altar, and called it by a name which means "The Lord is peace." This altar was standing long afterward in that place.
Then the Lord told Gĭd́ e-on that before setting his people free from the Mĭd́ ĭ-an-ītes, he must first set them free from the service of Bā́ al and Ăsh-ḗ rah, the two idols most worshipped among them. Near the house of Gĭd́ e-on's own father stood an altar to Bā́ al, and the image of Ăsh-ḗ rah.
On that night Gĭd́ e-on went out with ten men, and threw down the image of Bā́ al, and cut in pieces the wooden image of Ăsh-ḗ rah, and destroyed the altar before these idols. And in place he built an altar to the God of Ĭś̝ ra-el, and on it laid the broken pieces of the idols for wood, and with them offered a young ox as a burnt-offering. On the next morning, when the people of the village went out to worship their idols, they found them cut in pieces, the altar taken away; in its place stood an altar of the Lord, and on it the pieces of the Ăsh-ḗ rah were burning as wood under a sacrifice to the Lord. The people looked at the broken and burning idols, and they said, "Who has done this?”
Someone said, "Gĭd́ e-on, the son of Jṓ ăsh, did this last night." Then they came to Jṓ ăsh, Ḡĭd́ e-on's father, and said, "We are going to kill your son because he has destroyed the image of Ba'al, who is our god.”
And Jṓ ăsh, Ḡĭd́ e-on's father, said, "If Bā́ al is a god, he can take care of himself; and he will punish the man who has destroyed his image. Why should you help Bā́ al? Let Mal help himself.”
And when they saw that Bā́ al could not harm the man who had broken down his altar and his image, the people turned from Bā́ al back to their own Lord God.
Ḡĭd́ e-on sent men through all his own tribe of Mā̇-năś seh and the other tribes in that part of the land, to say, "Come and help us drive out the Mĭd́ ĭ-an-ītes." The men came, and gathered around Ḡĭd́ e-on. Very few of them had swords and spears, for the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes were not a fighting people, and were not trained for war. They met beside a great spring on Mount Ḡĭl-bṓ ȧ, called "the fountain of Hā́ rod." Mount Gĭl-bṓ ȧ is one of the three mountains on the east of the plain of Ĕs-dra-ḗ lon, or the plain of Jĕź re-el, of which we read in the last Story. On the plain, stretching up the side of another of these mountains, called "the Hill of Mṓ reh,” was the camp of a vast Mĭd́ ĭ-an-īte army. For as soon as the Mĭd́ ĭ-an-ītes heard that Ḡĭd́ e-on had undertaken to set his people free, they came against him with a mighty host. Just as Dĕb́ o-rah and her little army had looked down from Mount Tā́ bôr on the great army of the Cā́ năan-ītes, so now, on Mount Ḡĭl-bṓ ȧ, Ḡĭd́ e-on looked down on the host of the Mĭd́ ĭ-an-ĭtes in their camp on the same plain.
Ḡĭd́ e-on was a man of faith. He wished to be sure that God was leading him; and he prayed to God, and said, "O Lord God give me some sign that thou wilt save Ĭś̝ ra-el through me. Here is a fleece of wool on this threshing-floor. If to-morrow morning the fleece is wet with dew, while the grass around it is dry, then I shall know that thou art with me, and that thou wilt give me victory over the Mĭd́ ĭ-an-ītes.”
Very early the next morning Ḡĭd́ e-on came to look at the fleece. He found it wringing wet with dew, while all around the grass was dry. But Ḡĭd́ e-on was not yet satisfied. He said to the Lord, "O Lord, be not angry with me; but give me just one more sign. To-morrow morning, let the fleece be dry, and let the dew fall all around it; and then I will doubt no more.”
The next morning Ḡĭd́ e-on found the grass and the bushes and the trees wet with dew, while the fleece of wool was dry. And Ḡĭd́ e-on was now sure that God had called him, and that God would give him victory over the enemies of Ĭś̝ ra-el.
The Lord said to Ḡĭd́ e-on, "Your army is too large. If Ĭś̝ ra-el should win the victory, they would say, 'We won it by our own might.' Send home all those who are afraid to fight." For many of the people were frightened as they looked at the host of their enemies; and the Lord knew that these men in the battle would only hinder the rest.
So Ḡĭd́ e-on sent word through the camp, "Whoever is afraid of the enemy may go home." And twenty-two thousand people went away, leaving only ten thousand in Ḡĭd́ e-on's army. But the army was stronger though it was smaller, for the cowards had gone and only the brave men were left.
But the Lord said to Ḡĭd́ e-on, "The people are yet too many. You need only a few of the bravest and best men to fight in this battle. Bring the men down the mountain, beside the water, and I will show you there how to find the men' whom you need.”
In the morning Ḡĭd́ e-on by God's command called his ten thousand men out, and made them march down the hill, just as though they were going to attack the enemy. And when they were beside the water he noticed how they drank; and set them apart in two companies, according to their way of drinking. As they came to the water, most of the men threw aside their shields and spears, and knelt down and scooped up a draft of the water with both hands together like a cup. These men Ḡĭd́ e-on commanded to stand in one company.
There were a few men who did not stop to take a large draft of water. Holding spear and shield in the right hand, to be ready for the enemy if one should suddenly appear, they merely caught up a handful of the water in passing and marched on, lapping up the water from one hand.
God said to Ḡĭd́ e-on, "Set by themselves these men who lapped up each a handful of water. These are the men whom I have chosen to set Ĭś̝ ra-el free.”
Ḡĭd́ e-on counted these men, and found that there were only three hundred of them; while all the rest bowed down on their faces to drink. The difference between them was that these three hundred were earnest men, of one purpose; not turning aside from their aim even to drink, as the others did. Then, too, they were watchful men, always ready to meet their enemies. Suppose that the Mĭd́ ĭ-an-ītes had rushed out on that army while nearly all of them were on their faces drinking, their arms thrown to one side,-how helpless they would have been! But no enemy could have surprised the three hundred, who held their spears and shields ready, even while they were taking a drink.
Some have thought that this test showed also who were worshippers of idols, and who worshipped God; for men fell on their faces when they prayed to the idols, but men stood up while they worshipped the Lord. Perhaps this act showed that most of the army were used to worship kneeling down before idols, and that only a few used to stand up before the Lord in their worship; but of this we are not certain. It did show that here were three hundred brave, watchful men, obedient to orders, and ready for the battle.
Then Ḡĭd́ e-on, at God's command, sent back to the camp on Mount Gil-bed all the rest of his army, nearly ten thousand men; keeping with himself only his little band of three hundred. But before the battle God gave to Ḡĭd́ e-on one more sign, that he might be the more encouraged.
God said to Ḡĭd́ e-on, "Go down with your servant into the camp of the Mĭd́ ĭ-an-ītes, and hear what they say. It will cheer your heart for the fight.”
Then Ḡĭd́ e-on crept down the mountain with his servant, and walked around the edge of the Mĭd́ ĭ-an-īte camp, just as though he were one of their own men. He saw two men talking, and stood near to listen. One man said to the other:
"I had a strange dream in the night. I dreamed that I saw a loaf of barley bread come rolling down the mountain; and it struck the tent, and threw it down in a heap on the ground. What do you suppose that dream means?”
"That loaf of bread," said the other, "means Ḡĭd́ e-on, a man of who will come down and destroy this army; for the Lord God has given us all into his hand.”
Ḡĭd́ e-on was glad when he heard this, for it showed that the Mĭd́ ĭ˗an-ītes, for all their number, were in fear of him and of his army, even more than his men had feared the Mid́ ĭ-an-ītes. He gave thanks to God, and hastened back to his camp, and made ready to lead his men against the Mid́ ĭ-an-ītes.
Ḡĭd́ e-on's plan did not need a large army; but it needed a few careful, bold men, who should do exactly as their leader commanded them. He gave to each man a lamp, a pitcher, and a trumpet, and told the men just what was to be done with them. The lamp was lighted, but was placed inside the pitcher, so that it could not be seen. He divided his men into three companies; and very quietly led them down the mountain, in the middle of the night; anal arranged them all in order around the camp of the Mĭd́ ĭ-an-ītes.
Then at one moment a great shout rang out in the darkness, "The sword of the Lord and of Ḡĭd́ e-on," and after it came a crash of breaking pitchers, and then a flash of light in every direction. The three hundred men had given the shout, and broken their pitchers, so that on every side lights were shining. The men blew their trumpets with a mighty noise; and the Mĭd́ i-an-ītes were roused from sleep, to see, enemies all round them, lights beaming and swords flashing it the darkness, while everywhere the sharp sound of the trumpets was heard.
They were filled with sudden terror and thought only of escape, not of fighting. But wherever they turned, their enemies seemed to be standing with swords drawn. They trampled each other down to death, flying from the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes. Their own land was in the east, across the river Jôŕ dan, and they fled in that direction, down one of the valleys between the mountains.
Ḡĭd́ e-on had thought that the Mĭd́ ĭ-an-ītes would turn toward their own land, if they should be beaten in the battle; and he had already planned to cut off their flight. The ten thousand men in the camp he had placed on the sides of the valley leading to the Jôŕ dan. There they slew very many of the Mĭd́ ĭ-an-ītes as they fled down the steep pass toward the river. And Ḡĭd́ e-on had also sent to the men of the tribe of Ḗ phră-ĭm, who had thus far taken no part in the war, to hold the only place at the river where men could wade through the water. Those of the Mĭd́ ĭ-an-ītes who had escaped from Ḡĭd́ e-on's men on either side of the valley were now met by the É phră-ĭm-ītes at the river, and many more of them were slain. Among the slain were two of the princes of the Mĭd́ ĭ˗an-ītes, named Ṓ reb and Zḗ eb.
A part of the Mĭd́ ĭ-an-īte army was able to get across the river, and to continue its flight toward the desert; but Ḡĭd́ e-on and his brave three hundred men followed closely after them; fought another battle with them, destroyed them utterly, and took their two kings, Zḗ bah and Zăl-mŭń nȧ, whom they killed. After this great victory the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes were freed forever from the Mĭd́ ĭ˗an-ītes. They never again ventured to leave their home in the desert to make war, on the tribes of Ĭś̝ ra-el.
The tribe of Ḗ phră˗ĭm, in the middle of the land, was one of the most powerful of the twelve tribes. Its leaders were quite displeased with Gĭd́ e-on, because their part in the victory had been so small. They said to Ḡĭd́ e-on, in an angry manner, "Why did you not send word to us, when you were calling for men to fight the Mĭd́ ĭ-an-ītes?”
But Ḡĭd́ e-on knew how to make a kind answer. He said to them, "What have I done as compared with you? Did you not kill thousands of the Mĭd́ ĭ-an-ītes at the crossing of the Jordan? Did you not take their two princes, Ṓ reb and Zḗ eb? What could my men have done without the help of your men?" By gentle words and words of praise Ḡĭd́ e-on made the men of Ḗ phră-ĭm friendly.
And after this, as long as Ḡĭd́ e-on lived, he ruled as judge in Ĭś̝ ra-el. The people wished him to make himself a king. "Rule over us as king," they said, "and let your son be king after you, and his son king after him." But Ḡĭd́ e-on said, "No; you have a king already; for the Lord God is the King of Ĭś̝ ra-el. No one but God shall be king over these tribes.”
Of all the fifteen men who ruled as judges in Ĭś̝ ra-el, the fifth judge, was the greatest, in courage, in wisdom, and in faith in God.
If all the people of Ĭś̝ ra-el had been like him, there would have been no worship of idols, and no weakness before enemies, Ĭś̝ ra-el would have been strong and faithful before God. But as soon as Ḡĭd́ e-on died, and even before his death, his people began once more to turn away from the Lord and to seek the idol-gods that could give them no help.
Lesson 17. The Earlier Judges.
(Tell Stories 8, 9 and 10 in Part Second.)
1. Did the Israelites keep the promise which they had made to serve the Lord only? No, they forgot God, and served idols.
2. What came upon them because of their sins? They fell under the power of their enemies.
3. Who many times brought the people back to God, and set them free from their enemies? Rulers who were called Judges.
4. How many of these "judges" in turn ruled over the Israelites? Fifteen.
5. Who was the first of the judges? Othniel.
6. What one of the judges was a woman? Deborah, the fourth judge.
7. What did Deborah do for the Israelites? She led them to a great victory over the Canaanites.
8. Who was the greatest of all the judges? Gideon, the fifth judge.
9. What did Gideon do for the people? He won victories over the Midianites.
10. Who helped Gideon to win his first great victory? A band of three hundred brave men.

Story Eleven

Judg. 8:33, to 11:40
ALTHOUGH Ḡĭd́ e-on had refused to become a king, even when all the tribes desired him, after his death, one of his sons, whose name was Ā̇-bĭḿ e-lĕch, tried to make himself a king. He began by killing all his brothers, except one who escaped. But his rule was only over Shḗ chem and a few places near it, and lasted only a few years; so that he was never named among the kings of Ĭś̝ ra-el. Ā̇-bĭḿ e-lĕch is sometimes called the sixth of the judges, though he did not deserve the title. After him came Tṓ la, the seventh judge and Jā́ ir, the eighth. Of these two judges very little is told.
After this the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes again began to worship the idols of the Cā́ năan-ītes, and again fell under the power of their enemies. The Ăḿ mon-ītes came against them from the southeast and held rule over the tribes on the east of Jôŕ dan. This was the sixth of "the oppressions"; and the man who set Ĭś̝ ra-el free was Jĕph́ thah. He called together the men of the tribes on the east of Jôŕ dan—Reṳ́ ben, Gad, and the half-tribe of Mā̇-năś seh—and fought against Aḿ mon-ītes.
Before Jĕph́ thah went to the battle he said to the Lord: "If thou wilt give me victory over the Ăḿ mon-ītes, then when I come back from the battle, whatever comes out of the house to meet me shall be the Lord's, and I will offer it up as a burnt-offering.”
This was not a wise promise, nor a right one; for God had told the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes long before what offerings were commanded, as oxen and sheep, and what were forbidden. But Jĕph́ thah had lived on the border near the desert, far from the house of God at Shī́ lōh, and he knew very little about God's law.
Jĕph́ thah fought the Ăḿ mon-ītes and won a victory, and drove the enemies out of the land. Then, as he was going back to his home, his daughter, who was his only child, came out to meet him, leading the young girls, her companions, dancing and making music, to welcome his return. When Jĕph́ thah saw her he cried out in sorrow, "Oh, my daughter, what trouble you bring with you! I have given a promise to the Lord, and now I must keep it!”
As soon as his daughter had learned what promise her father had made she met it bravely, as a true daughter of Ĭś̝ ra-el. She said:
"My father, you have made a solemn promise to the Lord, and you shall keep it, for God has given to you victory over the enemies of your people. But let me live a little while and weep with my young friends over the death that I must suffer.”
For two months she stayed with the young girls upon the mountains, for perhaps she feared that if she was at home with her father he would fail to keep his promise. Then she gave herself up to death, and her father did with her as he had promised.
In all the history of the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes this was the only time when a living man or woman was offered in sacrifice to the Lord. Among all the nations around Ĭś̝ ra-el the people offered human lives, even those of their own children, to the idols which they worshipped. But the people of Ĭś̝ ra-el remembered what God had taught Ā́ bră-hăm when he was about to offer up Ĭ́ s̝aac; and they never, except this once, laid a human offering upon God's altar. If Jĕph́ thah had lived near the Tabernacle at Shī́ lōh, and had been taught God's law, he would not have give such a promise, for God did not desire it; and his daughter's life would have been saved. From all these stories it is easy to see how the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes lived during the three hundred years while the judges ruled. There was no strong power to which all gave obedience; but each family lived as it chose. Many people worshipped the Lord; but many more turned from the Lord to the idols, and then turned back to the Lord, after they had fallen under the hand of their enemies. In one part of the land they were free; in another part they were ruled by the foreign peoples.

Story Twelve

Judg. 13:1, to 16:31
AFTER Jĕph́ thah three judges ruled in turn, named Ĭb́ zăn, Ḗ lŏn, and Ăb́ dŏn. None of these were men of war, and in their days the land was quiet. But the people of Ĭś̝ ra-el again began to worship idols; and as a punishment God allowed them once more to pass under the power of their enemies. The seventh oppression, which now fell upon Ĭś̝ ra-el, was by far the hardest, the longest, and the most widely spread of any, for it was over all the tribes. It came from the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝, a strong and warlike people, who lived on the west of Ĭś̝ ra-el upon the plain beside the Great Sea. They worshipped an idol called Dā́ gon, which was made in the form of a fish's head on a man's body.
These people, the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝, sent their armies up from the plain beside the sea to the mountains of Ĭś̝ ra-el, and overran all the land.
They took away from the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes all their swords and spears, so that they could not fight; and they robbed their land of all the crops, so that the people suffered for want of food. And as before, the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes in their trouble cried to the Lord, and the Lord heard their prayer.
In the tribe-land of Dăn, which was next to the country of the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝, there was living a man named Mā̇˗nṓ ah. One day an angel came to his wife, and said, "You shall have a son; and when he grows up he will begin to save Ĭś̝ ra-el from the hand of the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝. But your son must never drink any wine or strong drink as long as he lives. And his hair must be allowed to grow long, and must never be cut, for he shall be a Năź a-rīte under a vow to the Lord.”
When a child was given especially to God, or when a man gave himself to some work for God, he was forbidden to drink wine, and as a sign, his hair was left to grow long while the vow or promise, to God was upon him. Such a person as this was called a Năź a-rīte, a word which means "one who has a vow," and Mā̇-nṓ ah's child was to be a Năź a-rīte, and under a vow, as long as he lived.
The child was born, and was named Săḿ son. He grew up to become the strongest man of whom the Bible tells. Săḿ son was no general, like Ḡĭd́ e-on or Jĕph́ thah, to call out his people and lead them in war. He did much to set his people free; but all that he did was by his own strength, without any help from other men.
When Săḿ son became a young man he went down to Tĭḿ nath, in the land of the Phĭ-lĭś tĭne. There he saw a young Phĭ-lĭś tĭne woman whom he loved, and wished to have as his wife. His father and mother were not pleased that he should marry among the enemies of his own people. They did not know that God would make this marriage the means of bringing harm upon the Phĭ-lĭś́˗tĭnes̝, and of helping the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes.
As Săḿ son was going down to Tĭḿ nath, to see this young woman, a hungry young lion came out of the mountain, growling and roaring. Săḿ son seized the lion, and tore him in pieces as easily as another man would have killed a little kid of the goats; and then went on his way. He made his visit, and came home, but said nothing to anyone about the lion.
After a time Săḿ son went again to Tĭḿ nath, for his marriage with the Phĭ-lĭś tĭne woman. On his way he stopped to look at the dead lion; and in its body he found a swarm of bees, and honey which they had made. He took some of the honey, and ate it as he walked; but told no one of it.
At the wedding-feast, which lasted a whole week, there were many Phĭ-lĭś tĭne young men; and they amused each other with questions and riddles.
"I will give you a riddle," said Săḿ son. "If you answer it during the feast, I will give you thirty suits of clothing. And if you cannot answer it, then you must give me thirty suits of clothing.”
"Let us hear your riddle," they said. And this was Săḿ son's riddle for the young men of the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝ to answer:
"Out of the eater came forth meat.
And out of the strong came forth sweetness.'
They could not find the answer, though they tried to find it, all that day, and the two days that followed. And at last they came to Săḿ son's wife, and said to her, "Coax your husband to tell you the answer. If you do not find it out, we will set your house on fire, and burn you and all your people.”
And Săḿ son's wife urged him to tell her the answer. She cried and pleaded with him, and said, "If you really love me, you would not keep this a secret from me.”
At last Săḿ son yielded, and told his wife how he had killed the lion and afterward found the honey in its body. She told her people, and just before the end of the feast they came to Săḿ son with the answer. They said, "What is sweeter than honey? And what is stronger than a lion?”
And Săḿ son said to them, "If you had not plowed with my heifer, you had not found out my riddle.”
By his "heifer"—which is a young cow—of course Săḿ son meant his wife. Then Săḿ son was required to give them thirty suits of clothing. He went out among the Phĭ-lĭś tines̝, killed the first thirty men whom he found, took off their clothes, and gave them to the guests at the feast. But all this made Săḿ son very angry. He left his new wife and went home to his father's house. Then the parents of his wife gave her to another man.
But after a time Săḿ son's anger passed away, and he went again to Tĭḿ nath to see his wife. But her father said to him, "You went away angry, and I supposed that you cared nothing for her. I gave her to another man, and now she is his wife. But here is her younger sister; you can take her for your wife instead.”
But Săḿ son would not take his wife's sister. He went out very angry, determined to do harm to the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝, because they had cheated him. He caught all the wild foxes that he could find, until he had three hundred of them. Then he tied them together in pairs, by their tails; and between each pair of foxes he tied to their tails a piece of dry wood which he set on fire. These foxes with firebrands on their tails he turned loose among the fields of the Phĭ-lĭś tines̝ when the grain was ripe. They ran wildly over the fields, set the grain on fire, and burned it; and with the grain the olive-trees in the fields.
When the Phĭ-lĭś tines̝ saw their harvests destroyed, they said, "Who has done this?”
And people said, "Săḿ son did this, because his wife was given by her father to another man.”
The Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝ looked on Săḿ son's father-in-law as the cause of their loss; and they came, and set his house on fire, and burned the man and his daughter whom Săḿ son had married. Then Săḿ son came down again, and alone fought a company of Phĭ˗lĭś tĭnes̝, and killed them all, as a punishment for burning his wife. After this Săḿ son went to live in a hollow place in a split rock, called the rock or Ḗ tam. The Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝ came up in a great army, and overran the fields in the tribe-land of Jū́ dah.
"Why do you come against us?" asked the men of Jū́ dah. "What do you want from us?" "We have come," they said, "to bind Săḿ son, and to deal with him as he has dealt with our people.”
The men of Judah said to Săḿ son, "Do you not know that the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝ are ruling over us? Why do you make them angry by killing their people? You see that we suffer through your pranks.
Now we must bind you, and give you to the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes; or they will ruin us all.”
And Săḿ son said, "I will let you bind me, if you will promise not to kill me yourselves; but only to give me safely into the hands of the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝.”
They made the promise; and Săḿ son gave himself up to them, and allowed them to tie him up fast with new ropes. The Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝ shouted for joy as they saw their enemy brought to them, led in bonds by his own people. Little did they know what was to happen. For as soon as Săḿ son came among them he burst the bonds as though they had been light strings; and picked up from the ground the jawbone of an ass, and struck right and left with it as with a sword. He killed almost a thousand of the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝ with this strange weapon. Afterward he sang a song about it, thus:
“With the jawbone of an ass, heaps upon heaps,
With the jawbone of an ass, have I slain a thousand men.”
After this Săḿ son went down to the chief city of the Phĭ-lĭś˗tĭnes̝, which was named Gā́ za. It was a large city; and like all large cities was surrounded with a high wall. When the men of Gā́ za found Săḿ son in their city, they shut the gates, thinking that they could now hold him as a prisoner. But in the night, Săḿ son rose up, went to the gates, pulled their posts out of the ground, and put the gates with their posts upon his shoulder. He carried them twenty miles away, and left them on the top of a hill not far from the city of Hḗ bron.
After this Săḿ son saw another woman among the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝, and he loved her. The name of this woman was Dē-lī́ lah. The rulers of the Phĭ-lĭś tines̝ came to Dē-lī́ lah, and said to her:
"Find out, if you can, what it is that makes Săḿ son so strong; and tell us. If you help us to get control of him, so that we can have him in our power, we will give you a great sum of money.”
And Dē-lī́ lah coaxed and pleaded with Săḿ son to tell her what it was that made him so strong. Săḿ son said to her, "If they will tie me with seven green twigs from a tree, then I shall not be strong anymore.”
They brought her seven green twigs, like those of a willow tree; and she bound Săḿ son with them while he was asleep. Then she called out to him, "Wake up, Săḿ son, the Phĭ-lĭś tines̝ are coming against you!”
And Săḿ son rose up, and broke the twigs as easily as if they had been charred in the fire, and went away with ease.
And Dē-lī́ lah tried again to find his secret. She said, "You are only making fun of me. Now tell me truly how you can be bound.”
And Săḿ son said, "Let them bind me with new ropes, that have never been used before; and then I cannot get away.”
While Săḿ son was asleep again, Dē-lī́ lah bound him with new ropes. Then she called out as before, "Get up, Săḿ son, for the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝ are coming!" And when Săḿ son rose up, the ropes broke as if they were thread. And Dē-lī́ lah again urged him to tell her; and he said:
"You notice that my long hair is in seven locks. Weave it together in the loom, just as if it were the threads in a piece of cloth.”
Then, while he was asleep, she wove his hair in the loom, and fastened it with a large pin to the weaving-frame. But when he awoke, he rose up, and carried away the pin and the beam of the weaving-frame, for he was as strong as before.
And Dē-lī́ lah said, "Why do you tell me that you love me, as long as you deceive me, and keep from me your secret!" And she pleaded with him day after day, until at last he yielded to her, and told her the real secret of his strength. He said:
"I am a Năź a-rīte, under a vow to the Lord not to drink wine, and not to allow my hair to be cut. If I should let my hair be cut short, then the Lord would forsake me, and my strength would go from me, and I would be like other men.”
Then Dē-lī́ lah knew that she had found the truth at last. She sent for the rulers of the Phĭ-lĭś tines̝, saying, "Come up this once, and you shall have your enemy; for I am sure now that he has told me all that is in his heart.”
Then, while the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes were watching outside, Dē-lī́ lah let Săḿ son go to sleep, with his head upon her knees. While he was sound asleep, they took a razor and shaved off all his hair. Then she called out as at other times, "Rise up, Săḿ son; the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝ are upon you.”
He awoke, and rose up, expecting to find himself strong as before; for he did not at first know that his long hair had been cut off. But he had broken his vow to the Lord, and the Lord had left him. He was now as weak as other men, and helpless in the hands of his enemies. The Phĭ-lĭś tines̝ easily made him their prisoner; and that he might never do them more harm, they put out his eyes. Then they chained him with fetters, and sent him to prison at Gā́ za. And in the prison they made Săḿ son turn a heavy millstone to grind grain, just as though he were a beast of burden.
But while Săḿ son was in prison his hair grew long again; and with his hair his strength came back to him, for Săḿ son renewed his vow to the Lord.
One day a great feast was held by the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝ in the temple of their fish-god Dā́ gon. For they said, "Our god has given Săḿ son our enemy into our hands. Let us be glad together and praise Dā́ gon.”
And the temple was thronged with people, and the roof over it was also crowded with more than three thousand men and women. They sent for Săḿ son, to rejoice over him; and Săḿ son was led into the court of the temple, before all the people, to amuse them. After a time, Săḿ son said to the boy who was leading him:
"Take me up to the front of the temple, so that I may stand by one of the pillars, and lean against it.”
And while Săḿ son stood between two of the pillars, he prayed to the Lord God of Ĭś̝ ra-el, and said, "O Lord God, remember me,
I pray thee, and give me strength only this once, O God; and help me, that I may obtain vengeance upon the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝ for my two eyes!”
Then he placed one arm around the pillar on one side, and the other arm around the pillar on the other side, and he said, "Let me die with the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝.”
And he bowed forward with all his might, and pulled the pillars over with him, bringing down the roof and all upon it upon those that were under it. Săḿ son himself was among the dead; but in his death he killed more of the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̆ than he had killed during his life.
Then in the terror which came upon the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝ the men of Săḿ son's tribe came down and found his dead body, and buried it in their own land. After that it was years before the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝ tried again to rule over the Ĭś̝ 'ra-el-ītes.
Săḿ son did much to set his people free, but he might have done much more, if he had led his people, instead of trusting alone to his own strength; and if he had lived more earnestly, and not done his deeds as though he was playing pranks and making jokes upon his enemies. There were deep faults in Săḿ son, but at the end he sought God's help and found it; and God used Săḿ son to begin to set his people free.
The tribe to which Săḿ son belonged was the tribe of Dăn, a people who lived on the edge of the mountain country, between the mountains and the plains by the sea-coast, which was the home of the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝. The tribe-land of Dăn was northwest of Jū́ dah, southwest of Ḗ phră-ĭm, and west of Bĕń ja-mĭn. Săḿ son ruled over his own tribe, but not much over the other tribes. Yet his deeds of courage and strength kept the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝, during his lifetime, from getting control over the lands of Jū́ dah and Bĕń ja-mĭn; so that Săḿ son helped to save Ĭś̝ ra-el from its enemies.

Story Thirteen

Judges 17:1, to 18:31
WHILE the judges were ruling in Ĭś̝ ra-el, at one time there was living in the mountains of Ḗ phră-ĭm, near the road which ran north and south, a man named Mī́ cah, His mother, who was dwelling with him, found that someone had stolen from her a large sum of money. Now, the money had been taken by her son Mī́ cah, and after a time he said to her:
"Those eleven hundred pieces of silver which you lost, and of which you spoke, are with me; for I took them myself.”
And his mother answered, "May the blessing of God rest upon you, my son, for bringing again to me my silver. This money shall be the Lord's. I will give it back to you, to be used in the service of the Lord.”
But instead of taking the money to the Tabernacle of the Lord at Shī́ lōh, Mī́ cah used it to make two images of silver, one carved and the other cast in metal. These he set up in his house to be worshipped. He appointed one of his sons as a priest, and thus made of his house an idol temple.
One day a man on a journey was passing by Mī́ cah's house. Mī́ cah saw from his dress that he belonged to the tribe of Lḗ vī, from which the priests came. He said to him, "Who are you? From what place do you come?”
The young man said, "I am a Lḗ vīte, from Bĕth́=lĕ-hĕm in the land of Judah, and I am trying to find a place where I can earn my living.”
"Stay here with me," said Mī́ cah, "and be a priest in my house. I wi a give you your food, and a place to sleep, and for each year a suit of clothes and ten pieces of silver.”
The Lḗ vīte was well pleased at this, and stayed in Mī́ cah's house, and became his priest. And Mī́ cah’s said to himself:
"I am sure that now the Lord will be pleased with me, since I have a house with gods and a Lḗ vīte as my priest.”
Already many in Ĭś̝ ra-el had forgotten that God would not bless those who set up idols when they should worship the Lord God.
The tribe of Dăn was living at that time between the country of the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝ and the tribe of Bĕń ja-mĭn, having Jū́ dah on the south and Ḗ phră-ĭm on the north. The Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝ pressed closely upon them, and they sought some place where they could live with more room and at peace.
They sent out from their tribe-land five men as spies, to go through the country and find some better place for the home of their tribe. These five men walked through the land, and they came to the house of Mī́ cah. Mī́ cah took them into his house, for it was the custom thus to care for people who were on a journey.
These men from Dăn, who were called Dăń ītes, had seen Mī́ cah's priest before in his earlier home. They knew him, and asked him how he came to be there. The young Lḗ vīte told them that Micah had hired him to become his priest. He took them into the temple-room and showed them the images and the altar, and he offered a sacrifice and a prayer for them.
Then the five men left Mī́ cah's house and went on their way. They walked through all the 'tribes in the north; and far up among the mountains, near one of the great fountains where the river Jôŕ dan begins, they found a little city called Lā́ ish. The people of Lā́ ish were not Īś̝ ra-el-ītes, but came from the country of Zī́ don. The Dăń ītes saw that their little city was far from Zī́ don, and that its people were living alone, with none of their own race to help them.
The men of Dăn walked back over the mountains to their own people, near the Phĭ-lĭś tine country; and they brought back an account of their journey through the land. They said:
"We have found a good place, far up in the north, where there is room for us, and a rich soil, and plenty of water. Come with us, and let us take that place for our home.”
So a large part of the tribe of Dăn, with their wives and their children, went up toward this place. Among them were six hundred men with shields, and swords, and spears for war. As they came near to Mī́ cah’s house, one of the five men who had been there before said to them;
"Do you know that in one of these houses there is an altar, and a carved image, and another image, both of silver? Now think what you would better do.”
Then the five men came again into Mī́ cah's temple while the six hundred soldiers stood outside. They were just about to carry away the silver images when the Lḗ vīte said to them, "What are you doing?”
And the men said to him, "Never mind what we are doing. Keep still and come with us. Is it not better for you to be a priest to a whole tribe than to one man?”
Then the young priest said no more. He took away all the priestly robes, and the silver ornaments, and the images, and went away with the people of Dăn. When Mī́ cah came home he found that his temple had been robbed and his images and his priest were taken away.
He gathered some of his neighbors, and they hastened after the people of Dăn. When they caught up with them Mī́ cah cried out aloud to them. The men of Dăn turned, and said to Mī́ cah: "What is the matter with you, that you come after us with a company and make such a noise?”
And Mī́ cah answered, "You have taken away my gods which I made, and my priest; and now what is left to me? And you say to me, 'What is the matter? '”
Then the men of Dăn said, "Be careful what you say, or you may make some of our men angry, and they will fall on you, and then you will lose your life!”
Mĭ́ cah saw that the men of Dăn were too strong for him to fight them, so he went back to his house without his priest and without his images. The Dăń ītes went up to the little city of Lā́ ish, in the north. They took it, and killed all the people who were living there. Then they built the city again, and changed its name to Dan, the name of the father of their tribe.
There, at Dan, they built a temple, and in it they set up the images, and this Lḗ vīte became their priest. And the strangest part of all the story is, that this Lḗ vīte was a grandson of Mṓ s̝es̝ the man of God and the great prophet. So soon did the people of Ĭś̝ ra-el fall into sin, and so deeply, that the grandson of Mṓ s̝es̝ became the priest in a temple of idols. And at this time the house of God was at Shiloh; yet at Dăn during those years and for many years afterward was a temple of idols, and within its walls a line of priests descended from Mṓ s̝es̝ were worshipping and offering sacrifices to images.
And as the temple of idols in Dăn was much nearer to the people in the northern part of the land than was the house of the Lord, the Tabernacle at Shī́ lōh, very many of those who lived in the north, went to this idol-temple to worship. So the people of Ĭś̝ ra-el were led away from God to serve idols. This was very displeasing to God.

Story Fourteen

Ruth 1:1, to 4:22
IN the time of the judges in Ĭś̝ ra-el, a man named Ē̇-lĭḿ e-lĕch was living in the town of Bĕth=lĕ-hem, in the tribe of Jū́ dah, about six miles south of Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm. His wife's name was Nā̇˗ṓ mī, and his two sons were Mäh́ lon and Chĭĺ ĭ-on. For some years the crops were poor, and food was scarce in Jū́ dah; and Ē˗lĭḿ e-lĕch, with his family, went to live in the land of Mṓ ab, which was on the east of the Dead Sea, as Jū́ dah was on the west.
There they stayed ten years, and in that time Ē-lĭḿ e-lĕch died. His two sons married women of the country of Mṓ ab, one woman named Ôŕ pah, the other named Rṳth. But the two young men also died in the land of Mṓ ab, so that Nā̇-ṓ mī and her two daughters-in-law were all left widows.
Nā̇˗ó mī heard that God had again given good harvests and bread to the land of Jū́ dah, and she rose up to go from Mṓ ab back to her own land and her own town of Bĕth=lĕ˗hĕm. Her two daughters-in-law loved her and both would have gone with her, though the land of Jū́ dah was a strange land to them, for they were of the Mṓ ab-īte people.
Nā̇˗mī said to them, "Go back, my daughters, to your own mothers' homes. May the Lord deal kindly with you, as you have been kind to your husbands and to me. May the Lord grant that each of you may yet find another husband and a happy home." Then Nā̇-ṓ mī kissed them in farewell, and tile three women all wept together. The two young widows said to her, "You have been a good mother to us, and we will go with you, and live among your people.”
"No, no," said Nā̇-ṓ mī. "You are young, and I am old. Go back and be happy among your own people.”
Then Ôŕ pah kissed and went back to her people; but Ruth would not leave her. She said, "Do not ask me to leave you, for I never will. Where you go, I will go; where you live,. I will live; your people shall be my people; and your God shall be my God.
Where you die, I will die, and be buried. Nothing but death itself shall part you and me.”
When Nā̇-ṓ mī: saw that Rṳth was firm in her purpose, she ceased trying to persuade her; so the two women went on together.
They walked around the Dead Sea, and crossed the river Jôŕ dan, and climbed the mountains of Jū́ dah, and came to Bĕth́=lĕ-hĕm.
Nā̇-ṓ mī had been absent from Bĕth'=lĕ-hĕm for ten years, but her friends were all glad to see her again. They said, "Is this Nā̇-ṓ mī, whom we knew years ago?" Now the name Nā̇-ṓ mi means "pleasant." And Nā̇-ṓ mī said:
"Call me not Nā̇-ṓ mī; call me Mā́ rȧ, for the Lord has made my life bitter. I went out full, with my husband and two sons; now I come home empty, without them. Do not call me `Pleasant'; call me 'Bitter.'" The name "Mā́ rȧ," by which Nā̇˗ṓn mī wished to be called, means "bitter." But Nā̇-ṓ mī learned later that "Pleasant" was the right name for her after all.
There was living in Bĕth=lĕ-hĕm at that time a very rich man named Bṓ ăz. He owned large fields that were abundant in their harvests; and he was related to the family of Ḗ lĭm-e-lĕch, Nā̇-ṓ mī's husband, who had died.
It was the custom in Ĭś̝ ra-el when they reaped the grain not to gather all the stalks, but to leave some for the poor people, who followed after the reapers with their sickles, and gathered what was left. When Nā̇-ṓ mī and Rṳth came to Bĕth́=lĕ-hĕm it was the time of the barley harvest; and Ruth went out into the fields to glean the grain which the reapers had left. It so happened that she was gleaning in the field that belonged to Bṓ ăz, this rich man.
Bṓ ăz came out from the town to see his men reaping, and he said to them, "The Lord be with you"; and they answered him, "The Lord bless you." And Bṓ ăz said to his master of the reapers, "Who is this young woman that I see gleaning in the field?”
The man answered, "It is the young woman from the land of Mṓ ab, who came with Nâ-ṓ mi. She asked leave to glean after the reapers, and has been here gathering grain since yesterday.”
Then Bṓ ăz said to Rṳth, "Listen to me, my daughter. Do not go to any other field, but stay here with my young women. No one shall harm you; and when you are thirsty, go and drink at our vessels of water.”
Then Rṳth bowed to Bṓ ăz, and thanked him for his kindness, all the more kind because she was a stranger in Ĭś̝ ra-el. Bṓ ăz said:
"I have heard how true you have been to your mother-in-law, Nâ-ṓ mī, in leaving your own land and coming with her to this land.
May the Lord, under whose wings you have come, give you a reward!" And at noon, when they sat down to rest and to eat, Bṓ ăz gave her some of the food. And he said to the reapers: "When you are reaping, leave some of the sheaves for her; and drop out some sheaves from the bundles, where she may gather them.”
That evening Ruth showed Nā̇-ṓ mī how much she had gleaned, and told her of the rich man Bṓ ăz, who had been so kind to her. And 'Nā̇-ṓ mī said, "This man is a near relation of ours. Stay in his fields as long as the harvest lasts." And so Ruth gleaned in the fields of Boaz until the harvest had been gathered.
At the end of the harvest Bṓ ăz held a feast on the threshing-floor. And after the feast, by the advice of Nā̇-ṓ mī, Ruth went to him, and said to him, "You are a near relation of my husband and of his father, Ē̇-lĭḿ e-lĕch. Now will you not do good to us for his sake?”
And when Bṓ ăz saw Rṳth he loved her; and soon after this he took her as his wife. And Nā̇-ṓ mī and Ruth went to live in his home; so that Nā̇˗ṓ mī's life was no more bitter, but pleasant. And Bṓ ăz and Ruth had a son, whom they named Ṓ bed; and later Ṓ bed had a son named Jesse; and Jĕś se was the father of Dā́ vid, the shepherd boy who became king. So Rṳth, the young woman of Mṓ ab, who chose the people and the God of Ĭś̝ ra-el, became the mother of kings.
Lesson 18. The Later Judges.
(Omit Stories 11 and 13. Tell Stories 12 and 14 in Part Second.)
1. What enemies gave to the Israelites the greatest trouble in the time of the judges? The Philistines.
2. Who began to set Israel free from the Philistines? Samson.
3. For what was Samson famed? For his great strength.
4. What did Samson once carry away from a city? The gates of
5. What did the Philistines do to Samson when they made him prisoner? They put out his eyes.
6. What did Samson do to the Philistines afterward? He pulled down a temple upon them.
7. What good woman came to live among the Israelites in the time of the judges? Ruth.
8. In what city did Ruth live? Bethlehem.
9. What rich man married Ruth? Boaz.
10. What king was the great grandson of Boaz and Ruth? David.

Story Fifteen

1 Sam. 1:1, to 3:21
SĂḾ SON the strong man (see Story Twelve) ruled Ĭś̝ ra-el as the thirteenth of the judges; and after him came Ḗ lī as the fourteenth judge. Ḗ lī was also the high-priest of the Lord in the Tabernacle at Shī́ lōh. While Ḗ lī was the priest and the judge, a man was living at Rā́ mah in the mountains of Ḗ phră-ĭm, whose name was Ĕĺ kă˗nah. He had two wives, as did many men in that time. One of these wives had children, but the other wife, whose name was Hăń nah, had no child.
Every year Ĕĺ kă-nah and his family went up to worship at the house of the Lord in Shiloh, which was about fifteen miles from his home. And at one of these visits Hăń nah prayed to the Lord, saying:
"O Lord, if thou wilt look upon me, and give me a son, he shall be given to the Lord as long as he lives.”
The Lord heard Hăń nah’s prayer, and gave her a little boy; and she called his name Săḿ u-el, which means "Asked of. God," because he had been given in answer to her prayer. While he was still a little child she brought him to Ḗ lī, the priest, and said to him:
"My lord, I am the woman who stood here praying. I asked God for this child; and now I have promised that he shall be the Lord's as long as he lives. Let him stay here with you and grow up in God's house.”
So the child Săḿ u-el stayed at Shī́ lōh and lived with Ḗ lī the priest in one of the tents beside the Tabernacle. As he grew up he helped Ḗ lī in the work of the Lord's house. He lit the lamps, and opened the doors, and prepared the incense, and waited on Ḗ lī, who was now growing old and was almost blind.
Săḿ u-el was all the more a help and a comfort to Ḗ lī because his own sons, who were priests, were very wicked young men. Ḗ lī had not trained them to do right, nor punished them when they did wrong, when they were children; so they grew up to become evil, to disobey God's law, and to be careless in God's worship. Ḗ lī’s heart was very sad over the sins of his sons; but now that he was old he could do nothing to control them.
It had been a long time since God had spoken to men, as in other days God had spoken to Mṓ s̝es̝, to Jŏsh́ u-ȧ, and to Ḡĭd́ e-on. The men of Ĭś̝ ra-el were longing for the time to come when God would speak again to his people as of old.
One night Săḿ u-el, while yet a child, was lying down upon his bed in a tent beside the Tabernacle; he heard a voice calling him by name. It was the Lord's voice, but Săḿ u-el did not know it.
He answered, "Here I am!" and then he ran to Ḗ lī saying, "Here I am. You called me; what do you wish me to do?”
And Ḗ lī said, "My child, I did not call you. Go and lie down again.” Săḿ u-el lay down, but soon again heard the voice calling to him, "Săḿ u-el! Săḿ u-el!”
Again he rose up and went to É lī, and said, "Here I am;, tor I am sure that you called me.''
"No," said Ḗ lī, "I did not call you. Lie down again.”
A third time the voice was heard; and a third time the boy rose up from his bed and went to É̄ lī, sure that El had called him. Eli now saw that this was the Lord's voice that had spoken to Săḿ u-el. He said:
"Go, lie down once more; and if the voice speaks to you again, say 'Speak, Lord, for thy servant heareth." ”
Săḿ u-el went and lay down, and waited for the voice. It spoke as if someone unseen were standing by his bed, and saying, "Săḿ u-el! Săḿ u-el!”
Then Săḿ u-el said to the Lord, "Speak, Lord, for thy servant heareth.”
And the Lord said to Săḿ u-el:
"Listen to what I say. I have seen the wickedness of Ḗ lī’s sons. And I have seen that their father did not punish them when they were doing evil. I am going to give to them such a punishment that the story shall make every one's ears tingle who hears it.”
Săḿ u-el lay in his room until the morning. Then he arose and went about his work as usual, preparing for the daily worship and opening the doors. He said nothing of God's voice until Ḗ lī asked him. Ḗ lī said to him:
"Săḿ u-el, my son, tell me what the Lord said to you last night. Hide nothing from me.”
And Săḿ u-el told Ḗ lī all that God had said, though it was a sad message to Ḗ lī. And Ḗ lī said, "It is the Lord; let him do what seems good to him.”
And then the news went through all the land that God had spoken once more to his people. And Hannah, the lonely mother in the mountains of Ḗ phră-ĭm, heard that her son was the prophet to whom God spoke as his messenger to all Ĭś̝ ra-el.
From that time God spoke to Săḿ u-el, and Săḿ u-el gave God's word to the twelve tribes.

Story Sixteen

1 Sam. 4:1, to 7:1
WHILE the old priest Ḗ lī was still the judge, though he was now very feeble, the Phĭ-lĭś tines̝ came up against Ĭś̝ ra-el from the plain beside the sea. A battle was fought, and many of the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes were slain. Then the chiefs of the people said:
"We have been beaten in the battle, because the Lord was not with us. Let us take with us against our enemies the Ark of the Covenant from the Tabernacle, and then the Lord will be among us.”
So they went to Shiloh, and they took out from the Holy of Holies in the Tabernacle the Ark of the Covenant, and the two sons of the priest went with the ark to care for it. When the ark was brought into the camp of the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes all the men of war gave a great shout, so that the earth rang with the sound.
And when the Phĭ˗lĭś tĭnes̝ heard the shouting they wondered what caused it, and someone told them that it was because the God of the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes had come into their camp. The Phĭ-lĭś˗tĭnes were afraid, and they said to each other:
"Woe unto us, for such a thing as this has never been seen! Who shall save us from this great God who sent plagues on the Ē̇˗ġy̆ṕ tians̝? Let us be bold, and act like men, and fight, so that we may not be made servants to the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes, as they have been to us!”
The next day there was a great battle. The Phĭ˗lĭś tĭnes̝ overcame the Ĭś̝ ra -el-ītes and slew thousands of them. They killed the two sons of Eta, and they took the ark of the Lord away with them into their own land.
On the day of the battle Ḗ lī, old and blind, was sitting beside the door of the Tabernacle, his heart trembling for the ark of the Lord. A man came from the army running, with his garments torn, and with earth on his head as a sign of sorrow. As the man came near the city and brought the news of the battle a great cry rose up from the people. When Ḗ lī heard the noise he said:
"What does this noise mean? What has happened?”
The man came before Ḗ lī, and said:
"I have just come from the army. There has been a great battle. Ĭś̝ ra-el has fled before the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝, and very many of the people have been killed. Your two sons are dead, and the ark of God has been taken by the enemy.”
When the old man heard this last word, that the ark of God was taken, he fell backward from his seat and dropped dead upon the ground. And all the land mourned and wept over the loss of the ark more than over the victory of the Phĭ-lĭś tines̝.
The Phĭ-lĭś tines̝ took the ark of God down to Ăsh́ dŏd, one of their chief cities. They set it in the temple of Dā́ gon, their fish-headed idol. The next morning, when they came into the temple, the image of Dā́ gon was lying upon its face before the ark of the Lord. They stood the image up again; but on the next morning, not only was Dā́ gon fallen down before the ark, but the hands and the head of Dā́ gon had been cut off and were lying on the floor.
Besides all this, in the city of Ashdod, where the ark had been taken, all the people began to have boils and sores. They saw in this the hand of the God of Ĭś̝ ra-el, and they sent the ark to Găth, another of their cities. There, too, the people broke out with boils and sores. They sent the ark to Ĕḱ rŏn, but the people of that city said:
"We will not have the ark of God among us. Send it back to its own land, or we shall all die.”
Then the rulers of the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝ resolved to send back the ark of God into the land of Ĭś̝ ra-el. They placed it upon a wagon, and before the wagon they yoked two cows. The cows had calves, but they tied the calves at home, in order to find whether the cows would go home to their calves or would take the ark away. But the cows took the road which led away from their own calves, straight up the hills toward the land of Ĭś̝ ra-el, and they turned neither to the right hand nor the left.
The cows drew the ark up to the village of Bĕth=shḗ mesh, where the people were reaping their wheat harvest on the hillsides. They saw the ark, and were glad. The cows stopped beside a great stone in the field. Then the men of Bĕth=shé̄ mesh cut up the wagon, and with it made a fire, and on the stone as an altar offered the two cows as an offering to the Lord.
But the men of Bĕth=shḗ mesh opened the ark and looked into it. This was contrary to God's command, for none but the priests were allowed to touch the ark. God sent a plague upon the people of that place, and many of them died, because they did not deal reverently with the ark of God.
They were filled with fear and sent to the men of Kiŕ jath=jḗ a-rĭm, asking them to take the ark away. They did so, and for twenty years the ark stood in the house of a man named Ā̇-bĭń a-dăb in Kīŕ jath=jḗ a-rĭm.
They did not take the ark back to Shī́ lōh, for after the death of the place was deserted, the Tabernacle fell into ruins, and no man lived there again.

Story Seventeen

1 Sam. 7:2 to 17
WHEN the ark of God was taken and the Tabernacle fell into ruins, Săḿ u-el was still a boy. He went to his father's house at Rā́ mah, which was in the mountains, about four miles north of Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lem.
Rā́ mah was the home of Săḿ u-el after this as long as he lived.
For some years, while Săḿ u-el was growing up, there was no judge in Ĭś̝ ra-el, and no head of the tribes. The Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝ ruled the people and took from them a large part of their harvests, their sheep, and their oxen. Often in their need they thought of the ark of the Lord, standing alone in the house at Ki͂ŕ jath=jḗ a-rĭm. And the eyes of all the people turned to the young Săḿ u-el growing up at Rā́ mah. For Săḿ u-el walked with God, and God spoke to Săḿ u-el, as God had spoken to Ā́ bră-hăm, and to Mṓ s̝es̝, and to Jŏsh́ u-a.
As soon as Săḿ u-el had grown up to be a man, he began to go among the tribes and to give to the people everywhere God's word to them. And this was what Săḿ u-el said:
"If you will really come back with all your heart to the Lord God of Ĭś̝ ra-el, put away the false gods, the images of Bā́ al, and of Ăsh-ḗ rah, and seek the Lord alone and serve him, then God will set you free from the Phĭ-lĭś tines̝.
After Săḿ u-el's words the people began to throw down the idols and to pray to the God of Ĭś̝ ra-el. And Săḿ u-el called the people from all the land to gather in one place, as many as could come. They met at a place called Mĭź pah, in the mountains of Bĕń ja-mĭn, not far from jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm.
There Săḿ u-el prayed for the people, and asked God to forgive their sin in turning away from God to idols. They confessed their wrong-doings, and made a solemn promise to serve the Lord, and to serve the Lord only.
The Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝ upon the plain beside the Great Sea heard of this meeting. They feared that the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes̝ were about to, break away from their rule, and they came up with an army to drive the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes̝ away to their homes and keep them under the rule of the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝.
When the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes̝ saw the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝ coming against them they were greatly alarmed. The Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝ were men of war, with swords, and shields, and spears, and they were trained in fighting; while the men of Ĭś̝ ra-el had not seen war. It was more than twenty years since their fathers had fought the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝ and twice had been beaten by them. They had neither weapons nor training, and they felt themselves helpless against their enemies. They looked to just as children would look to a father, and they said to him, "Do not cease praying and crying to the Lord for us, that he may save us from the Phĭ-lĭś tines̝.”
Then Săḿ u-el took a lamb and offered it up to the Lord as a burnt-offering for the people, and he prayed mightily that God would help Ĭś̝ ra-el; and God heard his prayer.
Just as the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝ were rushing upon the helpless men of Īś̝ ra-el there came a great storm with rolling thunder and flashing lightning. Such storms do not come often in that land, and this was so heavy that it frightened the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes. They threw down their spears and swords in sudden terror and ran away.
The men of Ĭś̝ ra-el picked up these arms and gathered such other weapons as they could find, and they followed the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝ and killed many of them, and won a great victory over them. By this one stroke the power of the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝ was broken, and they lost their rule over Ĭś̝ ra-el. And it so happened that the place where Săḿ u-el won this great victory was the very place where the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes had been beaten twice before, the place where the ark of God had been taken, as we read in the last Story. On the battlefield Săḿ u-el set up a great stone to mark the place, and he gave it the name Ēb́ en=ḗ zēr, which means "The Stone of Help.”
"For," said Săḿ u-el, "this was the place where the Lord helped us.”
After this defeat the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝ came no more into the land of Ĭś̝ ra-el in the years while Săḿ u-el ruled as judge over the tribes. He was the fifteenth of the judges, and the last. He went throughout the land, and people everywhere brought to him their questions and their differences for Săḿ u-el to decide, for they knew that he was a good man and would do justly between man and man. From each journey he came back to Rā́ mah: There was his home, and there he built an altar to the Lord.
Săḿ u-el lived many years, and ruled the people wisely, so that all trusted in him. He taught the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes̝ to worship the Lord God, and to put away the idols, which so many of them had served. While Săḿ u-el ruled there was peace in all the tribes, and no enemies came from the lands around to do harm to the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes̝. But the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝ were still very strong, and held rule over some parts of Ĭś̝ ra-el near their own land, although there was no war. Săḿ u-el was not a man of war, like Ḡĭd́ e-on or Jĕph́ thah, but a man of peace, and his rule was quiet, though it was strong.
Lesson 19. The Last of the Judges.
(Omit Stories 13 and 14 in Part Second. Tell Stories 15, 16, 17.)
1. Who was the fourteenth of the fifteen judges in Israel? Eli, who was also priest.
2. What woman brought her little child to Eli in the house of God? Hannah.
3. What was her little boy's name? Samuel.
4. Where did Samuel grow up? In the house of the Lord.
5. What came to Samuel while he was a child? The voice of the Lord.
6. What did Samuel answer when the Lord spoke to him? "Speak, for thy servant heareth.”
7. What was Samuel when he became a man? The last of the judges in Israel.
8. What did Samuel do as judge? He brought the people back to God.
9. What did the prayers of Samuel give to the people? Victory over their enemies.
10. What is said of Samuel as a ruler? He was wise and good.
11. At what place did Samuel live while he was judge? At Ramah.

Story Eighteen

1 Sam. 8:1, to 10:27
WHEN Săḿ u-el, the good man and the wise judge, grew old he made his sons judges in Ĭś̝ ra-el, to help him in the care of the people. But Săḿ u-el's sons did not walk in his ways. They did not try always to do justly. When men brought matters before them to be decided, they would decide for the one who gave them money and not always for the one who was in the right.
The elders of all the tribes of Ĭś̝ ra-el came to Săḿ u-el at his home in Rā́ mah, and they said to him, "You are growing old, and your sons do not rule as well as you have ruled. All the lands around us have kings. Let us have a king also, and do you choose the king for us.”
This was not pleasing to Săḿ u-el, not because he wished to rule, but because the Lord God was their king, and he felt that for Ĭś̝ ra-el to have such a king as those who ruled the nations around them would be turning away from the Lord. Săḿ u-el prayed to the Lord, and the Lord said to him, "Listen to the people in what they ask, for they have not turned away from you; they have turned away from me in asking for a king. Let them have a king, but tell them of the wrong that they are doing, and show them what trouble their king will bring upon them.”
Then Săḿ u-el called the elders of the people together, and he said to them, "If you have a king, as do the nations around, he will take your sons away from you, and will make some of them soldiers, and horsemen, and men to drive his chariots. He will take others of your sons to wait on him, to work in his fields, and to make his chariots and his weapons for war. Your king will take the best of your fields and your farms, and will give them to the men of his court who are 'around him. He will make your daughters cook for him, and make bread, and serve in his palace. He will take a part of 'your sheep, and your oxen, and your asses. You will find that he will be your master and you shall be his servants. The time shall come when you will cry out to the Lord on account of the king that you have chosen, and the Lord will not hear you." But the people would not follow Săḿ u-el's advice. They said, "No, we will have a king to reign over us, so that we may be like other nations, and our king shall be our judge and shall lead us out to war.”
It was God's will that Ĭś̝ ra-el should be a quiet, plain people, living alone in the mountains, serving the Lord and not trying to conquer other nations. But they wished to be a great people, to be strong in war and to have riches and power. And the Lord said to Săḿ u-el, "Do as the people ask, and choose a king for them.”
Then Săḿ u-el sent the people to their homes, promising to find a king for them.
There was at that time in the tribe of Bĕń ja-mĭn a young man named Saul, the son of Kish. He was a very large man and noble looking. From his shoulders he stood taller than any other man in Ĭś̝ ra-el. His father Kĭsh was a rich man, with wide fields and many flocks. Some asses that belonged to Kĭsh had strayed away, and Sa̤ul went out with a servant to find them. While they were looking for the asses they came near to Rā́ mah, where Săḿ u-el lived. The servant said to Sa̤ul, "There is in this city a man of God whom all men honor. They say that he can tell what is about to happen, for he is a seer. Let us go to him and give him a present. Perhaps he can tell us where to find the asses.”
In those times a man to whom God made known his will was called a seer; in later times he was called a prophet.
So Saul and his servant came to Rā́ mah and asked for the seer; and while they were coming the seer, who was Săḿ u-el, met them. On the day before the Lord had spoken to Săḿ u-el, and had said:
"To-morrow, about this time, I will send you a man out of the tribe of Bĕń ja-mĭn, and you shall make him the prince of my people, and he shall save my people from the Phĭ-lĭś tĭne.”
And when Săḿ u-el saw this tall and noble-looking young man coming to meet him, he heard the Lord's voice, saying:
"This is the man of whom I spoke to you. He is the one that shall rule over my people.”
Then Saul came near to Săḿ u-el, not knowing who he was, and he said, "Can you tell me where the seer's house is?" And Săḿ u-el answered Sa̤ul, "I am the seer; come with me up to the hill. We are to have an offering and a feast there. As for the asses that were lost three days ago, do not be troubled about them, for they have been found. But on whom is the desire of all Ĭś̝ ra˗el? Is it not on you and on your father's house?" Saul could not think what the seer meant in those last words. He said, "Is not my tribe of Bĕń ja-min the smallest of all the tribes? And is not my family the least of all the families in the tribe? Why do you say such things to me?”
But Săḿ u-el led Saul and his servant into the best room at his house; at the table, where thirty had been invited, he gave Sa̤ul the best place, and he put before him the choicest of the meat, and he said, "This has been kept for you of all those invited to the feast.”
That night Saul and his servant slept in the best room, which was on the roof of Săḿ u-el's house. And the next morning Săḿ u-el sent the servant on while he spoke with Saul alone. He brought out a vial of oil and poured it on Saul's head, and said:
"The Lord has anointed you to be prince over his land and his people.”
Then he told Saul just what he would find on the way, where he would meet certain people, and what he must do. He said:
"When you come to the tomb where Rā́ chel is buried, two men will meet you and will say to you, 'The asses for which you were looking have been found, and now your father is looking for you.' Then under an oak you will meet three men carrying three kids, three loaves of bread, and a skin-bottle full of wine; and these men will give you as a present two loaves of bread. Next' you will meet a company of prophets, men full of God's Spirit, with instruments of music, and the Lord's Spirit shall come upon you and a new heart shall be given to you. All these things will show you that God is with you. Now go, and do whatever God tells you to do.”
And it came just as Sāḿ u-el had said. These men met Saul, and when the prophets came near, singing and praising God, Saul joined them and also sang and praised the Lord. And in that hour a new spirit came to Sa̤ul. He was no more the farmer's son, for in him was the soul of a king.
He came home, and told at home how he had met Săḿ u-el, and that Săḿ u-el said to him that the asses had been found. But he did not tell them that Săḿ u-el had poured oil upon his head and said that he was to be the king of Ĭś̝ ra-el.
Then Săḿ u-el called all the people to the meeting place at Mĭź peh. And he told them that they had wished for a king, and God had chosen a king for them.
"Now," said Săḿ u-el, "let the men of the tribes pass by, each tribe and each family by itself.”
The people passed by Săḿ u-el, and when the tribe of Bĕń ja-mĭn came, out of all the tribes Bĕń ja-mĭn was taken; out of Bĕń ja-mĭn one family, and out of that family Saul's name was called. But Sa̤ul was not with his family; he had hidden away. They found him and brought him out; and when he stood among the people his head and shoulders rose above them all. And Săḿ u-el, said: "Look at the man whom the Lord has chosen! There is not another like him among all the people!" And all the people shouted "God save the king! Long live the king!”
Then Săḿ u-el told the people what should be the laws for the king and for the people to obey. He wrote them down in a book, and placed the book before the Lord. Then Săḿ u-el sent the people home, and Sa̤ul went back to his own house at a place called Ḡĭb́˗e-ah, and with Saul went a company of men to whose hearts God had given a love for the king. So after three hundred years under the fifteen judges Ĭś̝ ra-el now had a king. But among the people there was some who were not pleased with the new king, because he was an unknown man from the farm. They said, "Can such a man as this save us?" They showed no respect to the king and in their hearts looked down upon him. But Saul said nothing and showed his wisdom by appearing not to notice them.
Lesson 20. The First King of Israel.
(Tell Story 18 in Part Second.)
1. When Samuel grew old, what did the people ask him to do? To give them a king.
2. Why did the Israelites wish for a king? To be like the others around them.
3. Why was Samuel not pleased at this? Because he wished God to be the king of Israel.
4. What did God tell Samuel to do? To let the people have a king.
5. Whom did God choose as the first king of Israel? A young man named Saul.
6. How did Saul look when he was made king? He was the tallest man of all the people.
7. What did the people say when they saw their new king? "Long live the King.”
8. What did Samuel do for the king and the people? He wrote the laws of the land in a book.
9. Where did Saul live as king? At Gibeah.
Lesson 21. Review of Bible People, from Joshua to Saul.
(With each name, tell enough of the story to recall it to the minds of the pupils.)
1. Who was the ruler of the Israelites after Moses died? Joshua.
2. What woman hid the spies and was saved by the Israelites when her city was taken? Rahab.
3. Who ruled the Israelites in turn after Joshua? Fifteen judges.
4. Who was the first judge? Othniel.
5. Who was the woman judge? Deborah.
6. Who was the greatest of the judges? Gideon.
7. What judge offered up his daughter? Jephthah.
8. What judge was a very strong man? Samson.
9. What old man was at the same time judge and priest? Eli.
10. Who was the last of the judges? Samuel.
11. Who was the mother of Samuel? Hannah,
12. Who was the first king of Israel? Saul.
Lesson 22. Review of Bible Places in Part Second.
(Tell enough of the story with each place to recall the name to the pupils.)
1. What land was won by Joshua and the Israelites in war? The land of Canaan.
2. What river stopped flowing while the Israelites walked across its bed? The Jordan river.
3. What city was taken by the Israelites when its walls fell down? Jericho.
4. Near what place did Joshua read the law of God to the Israelites? Near the city of Shechem.
5. At what battle do we read that the sun and moon stood still? The battle of Bethhoron.
6. What name was given to the land of Canaan after it was taken by the Israelites? The land of Israel.
7. Where were the Tabernacle and the ark of God placed after the land was won? At Shiloh.
8. Where did Samuel live while he was judge? At Ramah.
9. Where did Saul live while he was king? At Gibeah.

Part Third


Story One

1 Sam. 11:1, to 12:25
SA̤UL was now the king of all the twelve tribes of Ĭś̝ ra-el, but he did not at once in his manner of life set up the state of a king. He lived at home, and worked in the fields on his father's farm, just as he had always done.
One day, while Sa̤ul was plowing in the field with a yoke of oxen, a man came running with sad news. He said that the Ăḿ mon-ītes, a fierce people living near the desert on the east, beyond the Jôŕ dan, had come up against Jā́ besh in Ḡĭĺ e-ăd, led by their king, Nā́ hăsh. The people in that city were too few to fight the Ăḿ mon-ītes, and they said, "We will submit to your rule, if you will promise to spare our lives.”
And Nā́ hăsh, the king of the Ăḿ mon-ītes, said to the people of Jā́ besh, "You shall live; but within seven days I will come with my soldiers, and I will put out the right eye of every man in your city.”
When a city was taken by its enemies in those times, such cruel deeds were common. Often all the people in it, young and old, were slain without mercy. The men of Jā́ besh sent a messenger to go to Sa̤ul as swiftly as possible, and to tell him of the terrible fate that was hanging over them.
When Sa̤ul heard of it the spirit of a king rose within him. He killed the oxen that he was driving, cut them into twelve pieces, and sent swift messengers through all the land, to say to every fighting man in the twelve tribes, "Whoever will not come out after Sa̤ul and after Săḿ u-el, so shall it be done to his oxen.”
And the Lord gave to all the people the spirit of obedience to their king. At once a great army gathered at a place called' Bḗ zĕk, and he sent word to Jā́ besh, saying, "To-morrow, by the time the sun is hot, you will be set free from all fear of the Ăḿ mon-ītes.”
Sa̤ul and his men marched swiftly over the mountains of Bĕń ja-mĭn and down into the Jôŕ dan valley. They walked across the river where it was shallow and climbed the mountains of Ḡĭĺ e-ăd. There they fell furiously upon the Ăḿ mon-ītes, early in the morning, killed many of them and scattered the rest, so that not even two of their men could be found together.
We read in the last Story that when Sa̤ul was made king some men were not pleased and were unwilling to submit to him. Now that a great victory had been won under Sa̤ul as leader, the people said with one voice, "Where are those men who would not honor our king? Bring them out, and let them be put to death.”
But King Sa̤ul said, "There shall not a man be put to death this day, for to-day the Lord has set his people free from their enemies." Săḿ u-el was with Sa̤ul, and he said, "Let us go to Ḡĭĺ găl, where Jŏsh́ u-ȧ encamped long ago when our fathers crossed the Jordan; and there let us set up the kingdom again.”
They came to Ḡĭĺ găl, and offered sacrifices to the Lord and worshipped. There Săḿ u-el gave up to the new king the rule over the land and spoke words of farewell. He said to the people:
"I have done as you asked me, and have given you a king. Your king stands before you now. I am old and gray-headed, and I have lived before you from my youth up to this day. Here I am; now, in the presence of the Lord and of his anointed king, is there any man whom I have wronged? Have I taken any man's ox or ass? Have I taken a present from any man to make me favor him as judge? If I have robbed any man, let him speak, and I will pay him all that I have taken.”
And all the people said to Săḿ u-el, "You have ruled justly, and have wronged no man, and have robbed no man.”
And Săḿ u-el said, "The Lord is witness, and his anointed, the king, is witness, that I have taken nothing from any man." And all the people said, "He is witness.”
Then Săḿ u-el called to their minds all that God had done for his people since he had led them out of É ġy̆pt; how he had saved them from their enemies, and had given them judges. And he said, "Now the Lord has set a king over you. If you will fear the Lord, and will serve him, then it shall be well with you. But if you disobey the Lord, then God will punish you, as he punished your fathers.”
Then Săḿ u-el called upon God, and God sent thunder and rain on that day, showing his power. The people were filled with fear, and they cried to Săḿ u-el, "Pray to the Lord for us, for we have done wrong in asking for a king.”
"Yes," said Săḿ u-el, "you have done wrong; but if you from this time do right, and seek the Lord, God will not forsake you. He will forgive you and bless you. I will always pray for you, and will teach you the right way. But if you do evil, God will destroy you and your king. So fear the Lord, and serve him in truth with all your heart.”
After this Săḿ u-el went again to his own house at Rā́ mah, and Sa̤ul ruled the people from Gĭb́ e-ah, the home of his family.

Story Two

1 Samuel 13: 1, to 14:46
THE people had hoped that when they should have a king to lead them in war they might break the power of the Phĭ˗lĭś tĭnes̝, who were still rulers over a large part of the land. But after Saul had been king two years the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝ seemed to be stronger than ever.
They held many walled towns on the hills, and from these their warriors went out robbing the villages and taking away the crops from the farmers, so that the men of Ĭś̝ ra-el were kept very poor and in great fear.
The Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝ would not allow the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes to do any work in iron, in order to keep them from making swords and spears for themselves. When a man wished to have his iron plowshare sharpened or to have a new one made, he must go to the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes for the work. So when Sa̤ul gathered an army, scarcely any of the men could find swords or spears, and Sa̤ul and his son Jŏń a-than were the only ones who wore suits of armor to protect them from the darts of the enemy.
Sa̤ul gathered together a little army, of which a part was with him at Mĭch́ mash, and another part with his son Jŏń a-than at Ḡĭb́ e-ah, five miles to the south. Jŏń a-than, who was a very brave young man, led his band against the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝ at Ḡḗ bȧ, halfway between Ḡĭb́ e-ah and Mĭch́ mash, and took that place from them. The news of this fight went through the land, and the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝ came up the mountains with a great army, having chariots and horsemen. Sa̤ul blew a trumpet and called the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes to the old camp at Ḡĭĺ gal, down in the valley of the Jôŕ dan; and many came, but they came trembling with fear of the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝. Săḿ u-el had told him not to march from Ḡĭĺ găl until he should come to offer a sacrifice and to call upon God. But Săḿ u-el delayed coming, and Saul grew impatient, for he saw his men scattering. At last Sa̤ul could wait no longer. He offered a sacrifice himself, though he was no priest. But while the offering was still burning on the altar Săḿ u-el came. He said to Sa̤ul, "What is this that you have done?”
And Sa̤ul answered, "I saw that my men were scattering, and I feared that the enemy might come down upon me, so I offered the sacrifice myself, since you were not here.”
"You have done wrong," said Săḿ u-el. "You have not kept God's commands. If you had obeyed and trusted the Lord, he would have kept you in safety. But now God will find some other man who will do his will, a man after his own heart, and God will in his own time take the kingdom from you and give it to him.”
And Săḿ u-el left the camp and went away, leaving Sa̤ul. Sa̤ul led his men, only six hundred, up the mountains to Ḡḗ bȧ, the place which Jŏń a-than had taken. Across the valley near Mĭch́˗mash was the host of the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝ in plain sight. One morning Jŏń a-than and the young man who waited on him went down the hill toward the camp of the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝. This servant of Jŏń a-than was called his armor-bearer, because he carried Jŏń a-than's shield, and sword, and spear, to have them ready when needed.
Jŏń a-than could see the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝ just across the valley. He said, "If the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝ say to us, 'Come over,' we will go and fight them, even though we two are alone, for we will take it as a sign that God will help us.”
The Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes saw the two Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes standing on a rock across the valley, and they called to them, "Come over here, and we will show you something.”
Then Jŏń a-than said to his armor-bearer, "Come on, for the Lord has given them into our hand.”
Then they crossed the valley and came suddenly up to the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝, and struck them down right and left, without giving them a moment. Some fell down, but others ran away, and soon, as their fellow-soldiers saw them running, they, too, became frightened, and everybody began to run to and fro. Some fought the men who were running away, and before many minutes the Ĭś̝ ra-el˗ītes on the hill across the valley could see the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝ fighting and killing each other, the men running in every direction and their army melting away.
Then Sa̤ul and his men came across the valley and joined in' the fight; and other Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes who were in the camp of the Phĭ˗lĭś tĭnes̝, and under their control, rose against them; and the tribes near at hand came forth and pursued them as they fled. So on that day a great victory was won over the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝.
But a great mistake was made by King Saul on the day of the victory. He feared that his men would turn aside from following the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝ to seize the spoil in their camp, and when the battle began King Sa̤ul said, "Let the curse of God light on any man who takes food until the evening. Whoever takes any food before the sun goes down shall die, so that there may be no delay in destroying our enemies.”
So on that day no man ate any food until it was evening, and they were faint and feeble from hunger. They were so worn out that they could not chase the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝ further, and many of the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝ escaped. That afternoon, as they were driving the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝ through a forest, they found honey on the trees; but no man tasted it, because of Sa̤ul's oath before the Lord, that whoever took a mouthful of food should be put to death.
But Jŏń a-than had not heard of his father's command. He took some honey and was made stronger by it. They said to Jŏń a-than, "Your father commanded all the people not to take any food until the sun goes down, saying, 'May the curse of God come upon any one who eats anything until the evening. ' When Jŏń a-than heard of his father's word, he said, "My father has given us all great trouble; for if the men could have taken some food they would have been stronger to fight and to kill their enemies.”
On that night Saul found that Jŏń a-than had broken his command, though he knew it not at the time. He said, "I have taken an oath before the Lord, and now, Jŏń a-than, you must die, though you are my own son.”
But the people would not allow Jŏń a-than to be put to death, even to keep Sa̤ul's oath. They said, "Shall Jŏń a-than die, after he has done such a great deed, and won the victory, and saved the people? Not a hair of his head shall fall, for he has done God's work this day!”
And they rescued Jŏń a-than from the hand of the king and set him free. A great victory had been won, but Sa̤ul had already shown that he was not fit to rule, because he was too hasty in his acts and his words, and because he was not careful to obey God's command.
The Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝ after this battle stayed for a time in their own land beside the Great Sea, and did not trouble the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes upon the mountains.

Story Three

1 Sam. 15:1 to 35
AFTER the great victory over the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes Sa̤ul led his men against the enemies of Ĭś̝ ra-el on every side of the land. He drove back the Mṓ ab-ītes to their country east of the Dead Sea, and the Ăḿ mon-ītes to the desert regions across the Jôŕ dan. He fought the Ḗ dom-ītes on the south and the kings of Zṓ bah in the far north. For a time the land of Ĭs̝ ra-el was free from its oppressors.
On the south of the land, in the desert where the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes had journeyed for forty years, were living the wild and wandering Ăḿ a-lĕk-ītes, a people who had sought to harm the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes soon after they came out of Ḗ ġy̆pt, and had killed many of their people when they were helpless on their journey. For this God had said that Ĭś̝ ra-el should have war against the Ăḿ a-lĕk-ītes until they were destroyed.
The time had now come for God's word against the Ăḿ a-lĕk ītes to be fulfilled, and Săḿ u-el said to Sa̤ul, "Thus says the Lord, the God of hosts, go down and make war against the Ăḿ a-lĕk-ītes, and destroy them utterly.”
Then Sa̤ul called out the men of war in all the tribes, and they marched southward into the desert where many years before their fathers had lived for forty years. There Sa̤ul made war on the Ăḿ́ a-lĕk-ītes, and took their city and destroyed it. But he did not do what God had commanded him. He brought Ā́ găg, the king of the Ăḿ a-lĕk-ītes, and many of his people as prisoners, and a great train of their sheep and oxen, intending to keep them.
Then the word of the Lord came to Săḿ u-el, saying, "It would have been better never to have chosen Sa̤ul as king, for he does not obey my commands.”
All that night Săḿ u-el prayed to the Lord, and the next day he went to meet Sa̤ul. When Sa̤ul saw him, he said, "May the blessing of the Lord be upon you. I have done what the Lord commanded me to do.”
Then said Săḿ u-el, "If you have obeyed God's command and destroyed all the Ăḿ a-lĕk-ītes and all that they possessed, what is the meaning of this bleating of the sheep and the bellowing of the oxen which I hear?”
"They have brought them from the Ăḿ a-lĕk-ītes," answered Saul, "for the people spared the best of the sheep and of the oxen, to offer in sacrifice to the Lord your God. All the rest we have utterly destroyed." This he said to excuse his wrongdoing and to put the blame for his disobedience to God's command on the people. Then Săḿ u-el said, "I will tell you what God said to me last night. When you were humble in your own sight, God chose you to be king over Ĭś̝ ra-el. He sent you on a long journey to the southward into the desert and said to you, 'Go and utterly destroy the Ăḿ a-lĕk-ītes and leave nothing of them.' Why did you not obey God's word but did seize their oxen and sheep and save many of their people alive, disobeying God's voice?”
And Sa̤ul said, "I have done as God commanded, and have destroyed the Ăḿ a-lĕk-ītes. But the people took some things that should have been destroyed, to offer in sacrifice to the Lord.”
And Săḿ u-el said, "Is the Lord as well pleased with offerings as he is with obeying his words? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to listen to God's word is more precious than to place offerings on his altar. To disobey God's word is as evil as to worship idols. You have refused to obey the voice of the Lord, and the Lord will take away your kingdom from you.”
Sa̤ul saw now how great was the harm that he had done, and he said, "I have sinned in not obeying God's word; but I was afraid of the people, and yielded to them. Now forgive my sin. Come with me, and I will worship the Lord.”
"No," said Săḿ u-el, "I will not go with you, for God will refuse you as king.”
As Săḿ u-el turned away, Sa̤ul took hold of his garment, and it tore in his hand. And Săḿ u-el said, "Even so has God torn the kingdom away from you; and he will give it to a man that is better than you are. And God is not like a man, to say one thing and do another. What God has said shall surely come to pass.”
Sa̤ul begged Săḿ u-el so hard not to leave him, but to give him honor in presence of the people, that Săḿ u-el went with Sa̤ul and Sa̤ul worshipped the Lord with Săḿ u-el.
After this Săḿ u-el went to his house at Rā́ mah, and he never again met Sa̤ul as long as he lived; but he mourned and wept for Sa̤ul, because he had disobeyed the Lord, and the Lord had rejected him as king.
Lesson 23. Saul as King.
(Tell Stories 1, 2 and 3 in Part Third.)
1. How did Saul begin his rule as king of Israel? He began by doing brave deeds.
2. What good things did Saul do soon after he became king? He drove away the enemies of Israel.
3. Who helped Saul in his wars? His brave son Jonathan.
4. Over what enemies did Jonathan win a great victory? Over the
5. Who spoke to Saul the word of the Lord? Samuel, the prophet.
6. What is a prophet? A man who speaks God's word.
7. What did Saul do that was wrong? He disobeyed God's words.
8. What did Samuel say to Saul? "Obeying God is better than offerings.”
9.What did Samuel say that the Lord would do to Saul? That he would take the kingdom from him.
10. How did Samuel feel when he saw that Saul would not obey the Lord? He wept for Saul.

Story Four

1 Sam. 16:1 to 23
WHEN Săḿ u-el told Sa̤ul that the Lord would take away the kingdom from him, he did not mean that Sa̤ul should lose the kingdom at once. He was no longer God's king; and as soon as the right man in God's sight should be found, and should be trained for his duty as king, then God would take away Sa̤ul's power, and would give it to the man whom God had chosen. But it was many years before all this came to pass.
Săḿ u-el, who had helped in choosing Sa̤ul as king, still loved him, and he felt very sorry to find Sa̤ul disobeying God's commands. He wept much, and mourned for Sa̤ul. But the Lord said to Săḿ u-el:
"Do not weep and mourn any longer over Sa̤ul, for I have refused him as king. Fill the horn with oil, and go to Bĕth=lĕ-hem in Jŭ́ dah. There find a man named Jĕś se, for I have chosen a king among his sons.”
But Săḿ u-el knew that Sa̤ul would be very angry, if he should learn that Săḿ u-el had named any other man as king in his place. He said to the Lord, "How can I go? If Sa̤ul hears of it, he will kill me.”
Then the Lord said to Săḿ u-el, "Take a young cow with you; and tell the people that you have come to make an offering to the Lord. And call Jĕś se and his sons to the sacrifice. I will tell you what to do; and you shall anoint the one whom I name to you.”
Săḿ u-el went over the mountains southward from Rā́ mah to Bĕth́ =lĕ˗hĕm, about ten miles, leading a cow. The rulers of the town were alarmed at his coming, for they feared that he had come to judge the people for some evil-doing. But Săḿ u-el said, "I have come in peace to make an offering and to hold a feast to the Lord. Make yourselves ready and come to the sacrifice.”
And he invited Jĕś se and his sons to the service. When they had made themselves ready they came before Săḿ u-el. He looked at the sons of Jĕś se very closely. The oldest was named Ē̇-lī́ ab; and he was so tall and noble-looking that Săḿ u-el thought: "Surely this young man must be the one whom God has chosen." But the Lord said to Săḿ u-el:
"Do not look on his face, nor on the height of his body; for I have not chosen him. Man judges by the outward looks, but God looks at the heart.”
Then Jĕś se's second son, named Shăḿ mah, passed by. And the Lord said, "I have not chosen this one." Seven young men came, and Săḿ u-el said:
"None of these is the man whom God has chosen. Are these all your children?”
"There is one more," said Jĕś se. "The youngest of all. He is a boy in the field caring for the sheep.”
And Săḿ u-el said:
"Send for him; for we will not sit down until he comes." So after a time the youngest son was brought in. His name was Dā́ vid, a word that means "darling," and he was a beautiful boy, perhaps fifteen years old, with fresh cheeks and bright eyes.
As soon as the young Dā́ vid came, the Lord said to Săḿ u-el:
"Arise; anoint him, for this is the one whom I have chosen.”
Then Săḿ u-el poured oil on Dā́ vid's head, in the presence of all his brothers. But no one knew at that time the anointing to mean that Dā́ vid was to be the king. Perhaps he thought that Dā́ vid was chosen to be a prophet like Sāḿ u-el.
From that time the Spirit of the Lord came upon Dā́ vid; and he began to show signs of coming greatness. He went back to his sheep on the hillsides around Bĕth=lĕ-hĕm, but God was with him. Dā́ vid grew up strong and brave; not afraid of the wild beasts which prowled around and tried to carry away his sheep. More than once he fought with lions and bears, and killed them, when they seized the lambs of his flock. And Dā́ vid, alone all day, practiced throwing stones in a sling, until he could strike exactly the place for which he aimed. When he swung his sling, he knew that the stone would go to the very spot at which he was throwing it.
And, young as he was, Dā́ vid thought of God, and prayed to God. And God talked with Dā́ vid, and showed to Dā́ vid his will. And Dā́ vid was more than a shepherd and a fighter of wild beasts. He played upon the harp, and made music, and sang songs about the goodness of God to his people.
One of these songs of Dā́ vid we have all heard, and perhaps know so well that we can repeat it. It is called "The Shepherd Psalm," and begins with the words:
"The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures:
He leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul;
He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
I will fear no evil; for thou art with me;
Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies;
Thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life:
And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”
Some think that Dā́ vid made this Psalm, while he was himself a shepherd, tending his flock. But it seems rather like the thoughts of a man than of a boy; and it is more likely that long after those days, when Dā́ vid was a king, and remembered his youth, and his flock in the fields, that he saw how God had led him, just as he had led his sheep; and then he wrote this Psalm.
But while the Spirit of God came to Dā́ vid among his sheep, that Spirit left King Sa̤ul, because he no longer obeyed God's words. Then Sa̤ul became very unhappy, and gloomy in his feelings. There were times when he seemed to lose his mind, and a madness would come upon him; and at almost all times Sa̤ul was sad and full of trouble, because he was no more at peace with God.
The servants around Sa̤ul noticed that when someone played on the harp and sang, Sa̤ul's gloom and trouble passed away, and he became cheerful. At one time Sa̤ul said:
"Find someone who can play well, and bring him to me. Let me listen to music; for it drives away my sadness.”
One of the young men said:
"I have seen a young man, a son of Jesse in Bĕth=lĕ-hĕm, who can play well. He is handsome in his looks, and agreeable in talking. Then I have heard that he is a brave young man, who can fight as well as he can play; and the Lord is with him.”
Then Sa̤ul sent a message to Jesse, Dā́ vid's father. He said: "Send me your son Dā́ vid, who is with the sheep. Let him come and play before me.”
Then Dā́ vid came to Sa̤ul, bringing with him a present for the king from Jĕś se. When Sa̤ul saw him, he loved him, as did everybody who saw the young Dā́ vid. And Dā̤vid played on the harp, and sang before Sa̤ul. And Dā́ vid's music cheered Sa̤ul's heart, and drove away his sad feelings.
Sa̤ul liked Dā́ vid so well that he made him his armor-bearer; and Dā́ vid carried the shield and spear and sword for Sa̤ul when the king was before his army. But Sa̤ul did not know that Dá̤ vid had been anointed by Săḿ u-el. If he had known it, he would have been very jealous of Dā́ vid.
After a time Sa̤ul seemed well, and Dā́ vid left him, to be a shepherd once more at Bĕth́=lĕ-hĕm.

Story Five

1 Sam. 17:1 to 54
ALL through the reign of Saul there was constant war with the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝, who lived upon the lowlands west of Ĭś̝ ra-el. At one time, when Dā́ vid was still with his sheep, a few years after he had been anointed by Săḿ u-el, the camp of the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝ and the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes were set against each other on opposite sides of the valley of Ḗ lah ready to fight each other. In the army of Ĭś̝ ra-el were the three oldest brothers of Dā́ vid, who were soldiers under King Sa̤ul.
Every day a giant came out of the camp of the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝, and dared someone to come from the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes' camp and fight with him. The giant's name was Gō̇-lī́ ath. He was nine feet high; and he wore armor from head to foot, and carried a spear twice as long and as heavy as any other man could hold; and his shield-bearer walked before him. He came every day and called out across the little valley:
"I am a Phĭ-lĭś tĭne, and you are servants of Sa̤ul. Now choose one of your men, and let him come out and fight with me. If I kill him, then you shall submit to us; and if he kills me, then we will give up to you. Come, now, send out your man!”
But no man in the army, not even King Sa̤ul, dared to go out and fight with the giant. The Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes were mostly farmers and shepherds, and were not fond of war, as were the Phĭ-lĭś tĭne. Then, too, very few of the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes had swords and spears, except such rude weapons as they could make out of their farming tools. Forty days the camps stood against each other, and the Phĭ-lĭś tĭne giant continued his call.
One day old Jĕś se, the father of Dā́ vid, sent Dā́ vid from Bĕth=lĕ-hĕm to visit his three brothers in the army. Dā́ vid came, spoke to his brothers, and gave them a present from his father.
While he was talking with them, Gō̇-lī́ ath, the giant, came out as before in front of the camp, calling for someone to fight with him.
The Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes said to one another, "If any man will go out and kill this Phĭ-lĭś tĭne, the king will give him a great reward and a high rank; and the king's daughter shall be his wife.”
And Dā́ vid said, "Who is this man that speaks in this proud manner against the armies of the living God? Why does not someone go out and kill him?”
Dā́ vid's brother Ē̇lī́ ab said to him, "What are you doing here, leaving your sheep in the field? I know that you have come down just to see the battle.”
But Dā́ vid did not care for his brother's angry words. He was thinking out some way to kill this boasting giant. While all the men were in terror, this boy thought of a plan. He believed that he knew how to bring down the big warrior, with all his armor. Finally, Dā́ vid said:
"If no one else will go, I will go out and fight with this enemy of the Lord's people.”
They brought Dā́ vid before King Sa̤ul. Some years had passed since Sa̤ul had met Dā́ vid, and he had grown from a boy to a man, so that Sa̤ul did not know him as the shepherd who had played on the harp before him in other days.
Sa̤ul said to Dā́ vid, "You cannot fight with this giant. You are very young; and he is a man of war, trained from his youth.”
And Dā́ vid answered King Sa̤ul, "I am only a shepherd, but I have fought with lions and bears, when they have tried to steal my sheep. And I am not afraid to fight with this Phĭ-lĭś tĭne. The Lord saved me from the lion's jaw and the bear's paw, and he will save me from this enemy, for I shall fight for the Lord and his people." Then Sa̤ul put his own armor on Dā́ vid, a helmet on his head, and a coat of mail on his body, and a sword at his waist. But Sa̤ul was almost a giant, and his armor was far too large for Dā́ vid. Dā́ vid said:
"I am not used to fighting with such weapons as these. Let me fight in my own way.”
So Dā́ vid took off Sa̤ul's armor; for Dá̤ vid's plan to fight the giant did not need an armor, but did need a quick eye, a clear head, a sure aim, and a bold heart; and all these Dā́ vid had, for God had given them to him. Dā́ vid's plan was very wise. It was to make Gō̇˗lī́ ath think that his enemy was too weak for him to be on his guard against him; and while so far away that the giant could not reach him with sword or spear, to strike him down with a weapon which the giant would not expect, and would not be prepared for Dā́ vid took his shepherd's staff in his hand, as though that were to be his weapon. But out of sight, in a bag under his mantle, he had five smooth stones carefully chosen, and a sling,—the weapon he knew how to use. Then he came out to meet the Phĭ-lĭś tĭne. The giant looked down on the youth and despised him, and laughed at him.
"Am I a dog," he said, "that this boy comes to me with a staff! I will give his body to the birds of the air and the beasts of the field.”
And the Phĭ-lĭś tĭne cursed Dā́ vid by the gods of his people And Dā́ vid answered him:
"You come against me with a sword and a spear and a dart; but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Ĭś̝ ra-el. This day will the Lord give you into my hand; I will strike you down, and take off your head; and the hosts of the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝ shall be dead bodies, to be eaten by the birds and the beasts; so that all may know that there is a God in Īś̝ ra-el, and that he can save in other ways besides with sword and spear.”
And Dā́ vid ran toward the Phĭ-lĭś tĭne, as if to fight him with his shepherd's staff. But when he was just near enough for a good aim he took out his sling, and hurled a stone aimed at the giant's forehead. Dā́ vid's aim was good, the stone struck the Phĭ-lĭś tĭne in his forehead. It stunned him, and he fell to the ground.
While the two armies stood wondering, and scarcely knowing what had caused the giant to fall so suddenly, Dā́ vid ran forward, drew out the giant's own sword, and cut off his head.
Then the Phĭ-lĭś tĭne knew that their great warrior in whom they trusted was dead. They turned to fly back to their own land; and the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes followed after them, and killed them by the hundred and thousand, even to the gates of their own city of Gath.
So in that day Dā́ vid won a great victory; and stood before all the land as the one who had saved his people from their enemies.
Lesson 24. The Boy David.
(Tell Stories 4 and 5 in Part Third.)
1. To what place did God send Samuel to find a king in the place of Saul? To Bethlehem.
2. Whom did God show to Samuel at Bethlehem, as the one whom he had chosen? A boy named David.
3. Whose son was David? The son of an old man named Jesse.
4. What was David at this time? He was a shepherd.
5. What did Samuel do, to show that David was to be king? He poured oil on his head.
6. What did David do while caring for his sheep? He made music on his harp.
7. Who sent for David to play before him? King Saul.
8. With what people were the Israelites at war most of the time while Saul was king? The Philistines.
9. What Pristine dared the Israelites to choose a man to fight with him? A giant named Goliath.
10. Who fought the giant and killed him? The boy David.
11. With what did David fight the giant? With a sling and stone.

Story Six

1 Sam. 17:55, to 20:42.
AFTER Dắ vid had slain the giant he was brought before King Saul, still holding the giant's head. Sa̤ul did not remember in this bold fighting man the boy who a few years before had played in his presence. He took him into his own house, and made him an officer among his soldiers. Dā́ vid was as wise and as brave in the army as he had been when facing the giant, and very soon he was in command of a thousand men. All the men loved him, both in Sa̤ul's court and in his camp, for Dā́ vid had the spirit that drew all hearts toward him.
When Dā́ vid was returning from his battle with the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝ the women of Ĭś̝ ra-el came to meet him out of the cities, with instruments of music, singing and dancing, and they sang:
"Sa̤ul has slain his thousands,
And Dā́ vid his ten thousands.”
This made Sa̤ul very angry, for he was jealous and suspicious in his spirit. He thought constantly of Săḿ u-el’s words, that God would take the kingdom from him and would give it to one who was more worthy of it. He began to think that perhaps this young man, who had come in a single day to greatness before the people, might try to make himself king.
His former feeling of unhappiness again came over Sa̤ul. He raved in his house, talking as a man talks who is crazed. By this time they all knew that Dā́ vid was a musician, and they called him again to play on his harp and to sing before the troubled king. But now, in his madness, Sa̤ul would not listen to Dā́ vid's voice. Twice he threw his spear at him; but each time Dā́ vid leaped aside, and the spear went into the wall of the house.
Sa̤ul was afraid of Dā́ vid, for he saw that the Lord was with Dā́ vid, as the Lord was no longer with himself. He would have killed Dā́ vid, but did not dare kill him, because everybody loved Dā́ vid. Sa̤ul said to himself, "Though I cannot kill him myself, I will have him killed by the Phĭ-lĭś tĭne.”
And he sent Dā́ vid out on dangerous errands of war; but Dā́ vid came home in safety, all the greater and the more beloved after each victory. Sa̤ul said, "I will give you my daughter Mḗ răb for your wife if you will fight the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝ for me.”
Dā́ vid fought the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝; but when he came home from the war he found that Mḗ răp, who had been promised to him, had been given as wife to another man. Sa̤ul had another daughter, named Mī́ chal. She loved Dā́ vid, and showed her love for him. Then Sa̤ul sent word to Dā́ vid, saying, "You shall have Mī́chal, my daughter, for your wife when you have killed a hundred Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝.'
Then Dā́ vid went out and fought the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝, and killed two hundred of them; and they brought the word to Sa̤ul. Then Sa̤ul gave him his daughter Mī́ chal as his wife; but he was all the more afraid of Dā́ vid as he saw him growing in power and drawing nearer to the throne of the kingdom.
But if Sa̤ul hated Dā́ vid, Sa̤ul's son, Jŏń a-than, loved Dā́ vid with all his heart. This was the brave young warrior of whom we read in Story Two of this Part, who with his armor-bearer went out alone to fight the Phĭ-lĭś tĭne army. Jŏń a-than saw Dā́ vid's courage and, nobility of soul, and loved him with all his heart. He took off his own royal robe, and his sword, and his bow, and gave them all to Dā́ vid. It grieved Jŏń a-than greatly that his father, Sa̤ul, was so jealous of Dá̄vid. He spoke to his father, and said: "Let not the king do harm to Dā́vid; for Dā́vid has been faithful to the king, and he has done great things for the kingdom. He took his life in his hand, and killed the Phĭ-lĭś tĭne, and won a great victory for the Lord and for the people. Why should you seek to kill an innocent man?"
For the time Sa̤ul listened to Jŏń a-than, and said, "As the Lord lives, Dā́ vid shall not be put to death.”
And again Dā́ vid sat at the king's table, among the princes; and when Sa̤ul was troubled again Dā́vid played on his harp and sang before him. But one more Sa̤ul's jealous anger arose, and he threw his spear at Dā́ vid. Dā́ vid was watchful and quick. He leaped aside, and, as before, the spear fastened into the wall.
Sa̤ul sent men to Dā́ vid's house to seize him; but Mī́ chal, Sa̤ul's daughter, who was Dā́ vid's wife, let Dā́ vid down out of the window, so that he escaped. She placed an image on Dā́ vid's bed and covered it with the bed-clothes. When the men came, she said, "Dā́ vid is ill in the bed, and cannot go.”
They brought the word to Sa̤ul, and he said, "Bring him to me in the bed, just as he is.”
When the image was found in Dā́ vid's bed, Dā́ vid was in a safe place, far away. Dā́ vid went to Săḿ u-el at Rā́ mah, and stayed with him among the men who were prophets worshipping God and singing and speaking God's word. Sa̤ul heard that Dā́ vid was there, and sent men to take him. But when these men came and saw Săḿ u-el and the prophets praising God and praying, the same spirit came on them, and they began to praise and to pray. Sa̤ul sent other men, but these also, when they came among the prophets, felt the same power, and joined in the worship.
Finally, Sa̤ul said, "If no other man will bring Dā́ vid to me, I will go myself and take him.”
And Sa̤ul went to Rā́ mah; but when he came near to the company of the worshippers, praising God, and praying, and preaching, the same spirit tame on Sa̤ul. He, too, began to join in the songs and the prayers, and stayed there all that day and that night, worshipping God very earnestly. When the next day he went again to his home in Ḡĭb́ e-ah, his feeling was changed for the time, and he was again friendly to David.
But Dā́ vid knew that Sa̤ul was at heart his bitter enemy and would kill him if he could as soon as his madness came upon him. He met Jŏń a-than out in the field away from the place. Jŏń a-than said to Dā́ vid:
"Stay away from the king's table for a few days, and I will find out how he feels toward you, and will tell you. Perhaps even now my father may become your friend. But if he is to be your enemy, I know that the Lord is with you, and that Sa̤ul will not succeed against you. Promise me that as long as you live you will be kind to me, and not only to me while I live, but to my children after me.”
Jŏń a-than believed, as many others believed, that Dā́ vid would yet become the king of Ĭś̝ ra-el, and he was willing to give up to Dā́ vid his right to be king, such was his great love for him. That day a promise was made between Jŏń a-than and Dā́ vid, that they and their children, and those who should come after them, should be friends forever.
Jŏń a-than said to Dā́ vid, "I will find how my father feels toward you, and will bring you word. After three days I will be here with my bow and arrows, and I will send a little boy out near your place of hiding, and I will shoot three arrows. If I say to the boy, `Run, find the arrows, they are on this side of you,' then you can come safely, for the king will not harm you. But if I call out to the boy, 'The arrows are away beyond you,' that will mean that there is danger, and you must hide from the king.”
So Dā́ vid stayed away from Sa̤ul's table for two days. At first Sa̤ul said nothing of his absence, but at last he said:
"Why has not the son of Jĕś se come to meals yesterday and to-day?"
And Jŏń a-than said, "Dā́ vid asked leave of me to go to his home at Bĕth=lĕ-hĕm and visit his oldest brother.”
Then Saul was very angry. He cried out, "You are a disobedient son! Why have you chosen this enemy of mine as your best friend? Do you not know that as long as he is alive you can never be king? Send after him, and let him be brought to me, for he shall surely die!”
Sa̤ul was so fierce in his anger that he threw his spear at his own son Jŏń a-than. Jŏń a-than rose up from the table, so anxious for his friend Dā́ vid that he could eat nothing. The next day, at the hour agreed upon, Jŏń a-than went out into the field with a little boy. He said to the boy, "Run out yonder, and be ready to find the arrows that I shoot.”
And as the boy was running Jŏń a-than shot arrows beyond him, and he called out, "The arrows are away beyond you; run quickly and find them.”
The boy ran and found the arrows, and brought them to Jŏń a-than. He gave the bow and arrows to the boy, saying to him, "Take them back to the city. I will stay here a while.”
And as soon as the boy was out of sight Dā́ vid came from his hiding-place and ran to Jŏń a-than. They fell into each other's arms and kissed each other again and again, and wept together. For Dā́ vid knew now that he must no longer hope to be safe in Sa̤ul's hands. He must leave home, and wife, and friends, and his father's house, and hide wherever he could from the hate of King Sa̤ul.
Jŏń a-than said to him, "Go in peace; for we have sworn together saying, 'The Lord shall be between you and me, and between your children and my children forever.'”
Then Jŏń a-than went again to his father's palace, and Dā́ vid went out to find a hiding-place.

Story Seven

1 Sam. 21:1, to 22:23
FROM his meeting with Jŏń a-than, Dā́ vid went forth to be a wanderer, having no home as long as Sa̤ul lived. He went away so suddenly that he was without either bread to eat, or a sword for defense. On his way he called at a little city called Nŏb, where the Tabernacle was then standing, although the holy ark was still in another place by itself. The chief priest, Ā̇-hĭḿ e-lĕch, was surprised to see Dā́ vid coming alone. Dā́ vid said to him, "The king has sent me upon an errand of which no one is to be told, and my men are to meet me in a secret place. Can you give me a few loaves of bread?”
"There is no bread here," said the priest, "except the holy bread from the table in the holy house. The priests have just taken it away to put new bread in its place.”
"Let me have that bread," said Dā́ vid, "for we are the Lord's, and are holy.”
So the priest gave Dā́ vid the holy bread, which was to be eaten by the priests alone. Dā́ vid said also, "Have you a spear, or a sword, which I can take with me? The king's errand was so sudden that I had no time to bring my weapons.”
"There is no sword here," said the priest, "except the sword of Gō̇˗lī́ ath of Gath, whom you slew in the valley of Ḗ lah. It is wrapped in a cloth, in the closet with the priest's robe. If you wish that sword, you can have it.”
"There is no sword like that," said Dā́ vid; "give it to me." So Dā́ vid took the giant's sword, and five loaves of bread, and went away. But where should he go? Nowhere in Sa̤ul's kingdom would he be safe; and he went down to live among his old enemies, the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝, on the plain.
But the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝ had not forgotten Dā́ vid, who had slain their great Gō̇-lī́ ath, and beaten them in many battles. They would have seized him and killed him; but Dā́ vid acted as though he was crazy. Then the king of the Phĭ˗lĭś tĭnes̝ said, "Let this poor crazy-man go! We do not want him here.”
And Da˗́ vid escaped from among them, and went to live in the wilderness of Jú̄ dah. He found a great cave, called the cave of Ā̇-dŭĺ lăm, and hid in it. Many people heard where he was, and from all parts of the land, especially from his own tribe of Jŭ́ dah, men who were not satisfied with the rule of King Sa̤ul, gathered around Dā́ vid. Soon he had a little army of four hundred men, who followed Dā́ vid as their captain.
All of these men with Dá̄vid were good fighters, and some of them were very brave in battle. Three of these men at one time wrought a great deed for Dā́ vid. While Dā́ vid was in the great cave, with his men, the Phĭ-lĭś tines̝ were holding the town of Bĕth=lĕ-hĕm, which had been Dā́ vid's home. Dā́ vid said one day: "How I wish that I could have a drink of the water from the well that is beside the gate of Bĕth=lĕ˗ hĕm!”
This was the well from which he had drawn water and drank when a boy; and it seemed to him that there was no water so good to his taste.
Those three brave men went out together, walked to Bĕth=lĕ-hĕm, fought their way through the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝ who were on guard, drew a vessel of water from the well, and then fought their way back through the enemies.
But when they brought the water to Dā́ vid, he would not drink it. He said:
"This water was bought by the blood of three brave men. I will not drink it; but I will pour it out as an offering to the Lord, for it is sacred." So Dā́ vid poured out the water as a most precious gift to the Lord. Sa̤ul soon heard that Dā́ vid, with a band of men, was hiding among the mountains of Jū́ dah. One day while Sa̤ul was sitting in Ḡĭb́ e-ah, out of doors under a tree, with his nobles around him, he said, "You are men of my own tribe of Bĕń ja-mĭn, yet none of you will help me to find this son of Jĕś se, who has made an agreement with my own son against me, and who has gathered an army, and is waiting to rise against me. Is no one of you with me and against mine enemy?”
One man, whose name was Dṓ eg, an Ḗ dom-īte, said, "I was at the city of the priests some time ago, and saw the son of Jesse come to the chief priest, Ā̇-hĭḿ e-lĕch; and the priest gave him loaves of bread and a sword." "Send for Ā̇-hĭḿ e-lĕch and all the priests,” commanded King Sa̤ul; and they took all the priests as prisoners, eighty-five men in all, and brought them before King Sa̤ul. And Sa̤ul said to them, "Why have you priests joined with Dā́ vid, the son of Jĕś se, to rebel against me, the king? You have given him bread, and a sword, and have shown yourselves his friends.”
Then Ā̇-hĭḿ e-lĕch, the priest, answered the king, "There is no one among all the king's servants as faithful as Dā́ vid; and he is the king's son-in-law, living in the palace, and sitting in the king's council. What wrong have I done in giving him bread? I knew nothing of any evil that he had wrought against the king.”
Then the king was very angry. He said, "You shall die, Ā̇-hĭḿ e-lĕch, and all your father's family, because you have helped this man, my enemy. You knew that he was hiding from me, and did not tell me of him.”
And the king ordered his guards to kill all the priests. But they would not obey him, for they felt that it was a dreadful deed to lay hands upon the priests of the Lord. This made Sa̤ul all the more furious, and he turned to Dṓ eg, the Ḗ dom-īte, the man who had told of Dā́ vid's visit to the priest, and Saul said to Dṓ eg, "You are the only one among my servants who is true to me. Do you kill these priests who have been unfaithful to their king.”
And Dṓ eg, the Ḗ dom-īte, obeyed the king, and killed eighty-five men who wore the priestly garments. He went to the city of the priests, and killed all their wives and children, and burned the city.
One priest alone escaped, a young man named Ā̇-bī́ a-thār, the son of Ā̇-hĭḿ e-lĕch. He came to Dā́ vid with the terrible news, that Sa̤ul had slain all the priests, and he brought the high-priest's breastplate and his robes.
Dā́ vid said to him, "I saw this man Dṓ eg, the Ḗ dom-īte, there on that day, and I knew that he would tell Sa̤ul. Without intending to do harm, I have caused the death of all your father's house. Stay with me, and fear not. I will care for your life with my own.”
Ā̇-bī́ a-thär was now the high-priest, and he was with Dā́ vid, and not with Sa̤ul. All through the land went the news of Saul's dreadful deed, and everywhere the people began to turn from Saul, and to look toward Dā́ vid as the only hope of the nation.

Story Eight

1 Sam. 23:1, to 27:12
AFTER this Dā́ vid and his men hid in many places in the mountains of Jū́ dah, often hunted by Sa̤ul, but always escaping from him. At one time Jŏń a˗than Sa̤ul’s son, came to meet Dā́ vid in a forest, and said to him, "Fear not, for the Lord is with you; and Sa̤ul, my father, shall not take you prisoner. You will yet be the king of Ĭś̝ ra-el, and I shall stand next to you; and my father knows this.”
And Jŏń a-than and Dā́ vid made again the promise to be true to each other, and to each other's children always. Then they parted; and Dā́ vid never again saw his dear friend, Jŏń a-than.
At one time Dā́ vid was hiding with a few men in a great cave near the Dead Sea, at a place called Ĕn=ḡḗ dī. They were far back in the darkness of the cave, when they saw Sa̤ul come into the cave alone, and lie down to sleep. Dā́ vid's men whispered to him, "Now is the time of which the Lord said, 'I will give your enemy into your hand, and you may do to him whatever you please." ”
Then Dā́ vid went toward Sa̤ul very quietly with his sword in his hand. His men looked to see him kill Sa̤ul, but instead, he only cut off a part of Sa̤ul's long robe. His men were not pleased at this; but Dā́ vid said to them, "May the Lord forbid that I should do harm to the man whom the Lord has anointed as king.”
And Dā́ vid would not allow his men to harm Sa̤ul. After a time Sa̤ul rose up from sleep and went out of the cave. Dā́ vid followed him at a distance, and called out to him. "My lord the king!” Sa̤ul looked around, and there stood Dā́ vid, bowing to him and holding up the piece of his royal robe. Dā́ vid said to Sa̤ul, "My lord, O king, why do you listen to the words of men who tell you that Dā́ vid is trying to do you harm? This very day the Lord gave you into my hand in the cave, and some told me to kill you, but I said, 'I will not do harm to my lord, for he is the Lord's anointed king.' See, my father, see the skirt of your robe. I cut it off to show you that I would do you no harm, though you are hunting after me to kill me. May the Lord judge between you and me, and may the Lord do justice for me upon you; but my hand shall not touch you.”
When Sa̤ul heard these words his old love for Dā́ vid came back to him, and he cried out, "Is that your voice, my son Dā́ vid?" And Sa̤ul wept, and said, "You are a better man than I am, for you have done good to me, while I have been doing harm to you. May the Lord reward you for your kindness to me this day! I know that it is God's will that you shall be king, and you will rule over this people. Now give to me your word, in the name of the Lord, that you will not destroy my family, but that you will spare their lives.”
And Dā́ vid gave his promise to Sa̤ul in the name of the Lord; and Sa̤ul led his men away from hunting Dā́ vid to his palace at Ḡĭb́ e-ah; but Dā́ vid kept still in his hiding-place, for he could not trust Sa̤ul's promises to spare his life.
And it was not long before Sa̤ul was again seeking for Dā́ vid in the wilderness of Jū́ dah, with Ab́ ne͂r, Sa̤ul's uncle, the commander of his army, and under him three thousand men. From his hiding-place in the mountains Dā́ vid looked down on the plain, and saw Sa̤ul's camp almost at his feet. That night Dā́ vid and Ā̇-bĭsh́ a-ī., one of Dā́ vid's men, came down quietly and walked into the middle of Sa̤ul's camp, while all his guards were asleep. Sa̤ul himself was sleeping, with his spear standing in the ground at his head, and a bottle of water tied to it.
Dā́ vid's follower, knew that Dā́ vid would not kill King Sa̤ul, and he said to Dā́ vid, "God has given your enemy into your hand again. Let me strike him through to the ground at one stroke; only once; I will not need to strike twice.”
But Dā́ vid said, "You shall not destroy him. Who can strike the anointed of the Lord without being guilty of a crime? Let the Lord strike him, or let him die when God wills it, or let him fall in battle; but he shall not die by my hand. Let us take his spear and his water-bottle, and let us go.”
So Dā́ vid took Sa̤ul's spear and his bottle of water, and then Dā́ vid and Ā̇-bĭsh́ a-ī walked out of the camp without awakening any one. In the morning Dā́ vid called out to Sa̤ul's men and to Ăb́ nēr, the chief of Sa̤ul's army, "Ăb́ nēr, where are you? Why do you not answer, Ăb́ nēr?”
And Ăb́ nēr answered, "Who are you, calling to the camp?”
Then Dā́ vid said, "Are you not a great man, Ăb́ nēr? Who is like you in all Ĭś̝ ra-el? Why have you not kept your watch over the king? You deserve to be put to death for your neglect! See, here is the king's spear and his bottle of water!”
Sa̤ul knew Dā́ vid's voice, and he said, "Is that your voice, my son Dā́ vid?”
And Dā́ vid answered, "It is my voice, my lord, O king. Why do you pursue me? What evil have I done? May God deal with the men who have stirred you up against me. I am not worth all the trouble you are taking to hunt for me. The king of Ĭś̝ ra-el is seeking for one who is as small as a flea or a little bird in the mountains!”
Then Sa̤ul said, "I have done wrong; come back, my son Dā́ vid, and I will no longer try to do harm to you, for you have spared my life to-day!" Dā́ vid said, "Let one of the young men come and take the king's spear. As I have spared your life to-day, may the Lord spare mine.”
So Dā́ vid went his way, for he would not trust himself in Sa̤ul's hands, and Sa̤ul led his men back to his home at Ḡĭb́ e-ah. Dā́ vid now was leading quite an army and was a powerful ruler. He made an agreement with the king of the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝ who lived at Gath, King Ā́ chish, and went down to the plain by the Great Sea, to live among the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝. And Ā́ chish gave him a city called Zĭḱ lăg, on the south of the tribe-land of Jū́ dah. To this place Dā́ vid took his followers, and there he lived during the last year of Sa̤ul's reign.
Lesson 25. David and Saul.
(Tell Stories 6, 7 and 8 in Part Third.)
1. What did Saul do with David after David had killed the Philistine giant? He made David an officer in his army.
2. Whom did David marry after this? A daughter of King Saul.
3. How did King Saul feel toward David? He was very jealous.
4. How did Saul show that he was jealous? He tried to kill David.
5. Who loved David greatly? Saul's son Jonathan.
6. What promise did David make to Jonathan? To be true to him and kind to his children.
7. What did David do on account of Saul's hate? He hid in the wilderness.
8. How did David treat Saul, when he found him asleep in a cave? He spared his life.

Story Nine

1 Samuel 28:1, to 31:13
ONCE more the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝ gathered together to make war on King Sa̤ul and the land of Ĭś̝ ra-el. The king of the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝, Ā́ chish, sent for Dā́ vid, and said to him, "You and your men shall go with me in the army, and fight against the men of Ĭś̝ ra-el.”
For Dā́ vid was now living in the Phĭ-lĭś tĭne country, and under their rule. So Dā́ vid came from Zĭḱ lăg, with all his six hundred men, and they stood among the armies of the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝. But when the lords of the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝ saw Dā́ vid and his men, they said, "Why are these Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes here? Is not this the man of whom they sang,
‘Sa̤ul slew his thousands,
And Dā́ vid his ten thousands.'
Will not this man turn from us in the battle, and make his peace with his king by fighting against us? This man shall not go with us to the war.”
Then Ā́ chish, the king of the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝, sent away Dā́ vid and his men, so that Dā́ vid was not compelled to fight against his own people. But when he came to his own city, Zĭḱ lăg, he found it had been burned and destroyed; and all the, people in it, the wives and children of Dā́ vid's men, and Dā́ vid's own wives also, had been carried away by the Āḿ a-lĕk-ītes into the desert on the south.
The Lord spoke to Dā́ vid through the high-priest, Ā̇́ bī́ a-thār, saying, "Pursue these men, and you will overtake them, and take back all that they have carried away.”
So Dā́ vid followed the Ăḿ a-lĕk-ītes into the wilderness. His march was so swift that a part of his men could not endure it, but stopped to rest at the brook Bḗ sôr, while four hundred men went on with Dā́ vid. He found the Ăḿ a-lĕk-ītes in their camp, without guards, feasting upon the spoil that they had taken. And Dā́ vid and his men fell upon them suddenly and killed all of them, except four hundred men who escaped on camels far into the desert, where Dā́ vid could not follow them. And Dā́ vid took from these robbers all the women and children that they had carried away from Zĭk-1ăg, and among them Dā́ vid's own two wives; also he took a great amount of treasure and of spoil, not only all that these men had found in Zĭk-1ăg, but what they had taken in many other places.
Dā́ vid divided all these things between himself and his men, giving as much to those who had stayed at the brook Bḗ sôr as to those who had fought with the Ăḿ a-lĕk-ītes. This treasure taken from the Ăḿ a-lĕk-ītes made Dā́ vid very rich; and from it he sent presents to many of his friends in the tribe of Jū́ dah.
While Dā́ vid was pursuing his enemies in the south, the Phĭ˗lĭś tĭnes̝ were gathering a great host in the middle of the land, on the plain of Ĕs-dra-ḗ lon, at the foot of Mount Gĭl-bṓ ȧ. Saul and his men were on the side of Mount Gil-bed, near the same spring where Ḡĭd́ e-on's men drank, as we read in Story Ten in Part Second. But there was no one like Ḡĭd́ e-on now, to lead the men of Ĭś̝ ra-el, for King Saul was old, and weakened by disease and trouble; Săḿ u-el had died many years before; Dā́ vid was no longer by his side; Sa̤ul had slain the priests, through whom in those times God spoke to men; and Sa̤ul was utterly alone, and knew not what to do, as he saw the mighty host of the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝ on the plain. And the Lord had forsaken Sa̤ul, and would give him no word in his sore need.
Sa̤ul heard that there was living at Ĕń =dôr, on the north side of the Hill Mṓ reh, not far from his camp, a woman who could call up the spirits of the dead. Whether she could really do this, or only pretended to do it, we do not know, for the Bible does not tell. But Sa̤ul was so anxious to have some message from the Lord, that at night he sought this woman. He took off his kingly robes and came dressed as a common man, and said to her, "Bring me up from the dead the spirit of a man whom I greatly long to meet.”
And the woman said, "What spirit shall I call up?”
And Sa̤ul answered, "Bring me up the spirit of Săḿ u-el, the prophet.”
Then the woman called for the spirit of Săḿ u-el; and whether spirits had ever arisen from the dead before or not, at that time the Lord allowed the spirit of Săḿ u-el to rise up from his place among the dead, to speak to King Sa̤ul.
When the woman saw Săḿ u-el's spirit she was filled with fear.
She cried out, and Sa̤ul said to her, "Do not fear; but tell me whom you see.”
For Sa̤ul himself could not see the spirit whom the woman saw. And she said, "I see one like a god rising up. He is an old man, covered with a long robe.”
Then out of the darkness a voice came from the spirit whom Sa̤ul's eyes could not see. "Why have you troubled me, and called me out of my rest?”
And Sa̤ul answered Săḿ u-el, "I am in great distress, for the Phĭ˗lĭś tĭnes̝ make war upon me, and God has forsaken me. He will not speak to me either by a prophet, or a priest, or in a dream. And I have called upon you that you may tell me what to do." And the spirit of Săḿ u-el said to Sa̤ul, "If the Lord has forsaken you and has become your enemy, why do you call upon me to help you? The Lord has dealt with you as I warned you that he would do. Because you would not obey the Lord, he has taken the kingdom away from you and your house, and has given it to Dā́ vid. And the Lord will give Ĭś̝ ra-el into the hands of the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝; and to-morrow you and your three sons shall be as I am, among the dead." And then the spirit of Săḿ u-el the prophet passed from sight. When Sa̤ul heard these words he fell down as one dead, for he was very weak, as he had taken no food all that day. The woman and Saul's servants who were with him raised him up, and gave him food, and tried to speak to him words of cheer. Then Sa̤ul and his men went over the mountain to their camp.
On the next day a great battle was fought on the side of Mount Ḡĭl-bṓ ȧ. The Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝ did not wait for Sa̤ul's warriors to attack them. They climbed up the mountain, and fell upon the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes in their camp. Many of the men of Ĭś̝ ra-el were slain in the fight, and many more fled away. Sa̤ul's three sons were killed, one of them, the brave and noble Jŏń a-than.
When Sa̤ul saw that the battle had gone against him, that his sons were slain, and that the enemies were pressing closely upon him, he called to his armor-bearer, and said, "Draw your sword and kill me; it would be better for me to die by your hand than for the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝ to come upon me and slaughter me.”
But the armor-bearer would not draw his sword upon his king, the Lord's anointed. Then Sa̤ul took his own sword and fell upon it, and killed himself among the bodies of his own men.
On the next day the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝ came to strip off the armor and carry away the weapons of those who had been slain. The crown of King Sa̤ul and the bracelet on his arm had been already carried away; but the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝ took off his armor and sent it to the temple of their idol, Dā́ gon; and the body of Sa̤ul and those of his three sons they fastened to the wall of Bĕth́=shăn, a Cā́ năan-īte city in the valley of the Jordan.
You remember how Sa̤ul, in the beginning of his reign, had rescued the city of Jā́ besh=ḡĭĺ e-ăd from the Ăḿ mon-ītes. The men of Jā́ besh had not forgotten Sa̤ul's brave deed. When they heard what had been done with the body of Sa̤ul they rose up in the night and went down the mountains and walked across the Jordan, and came to Bĕth́=shăn. They took down from the wall the bodies of Sa̤ul and his sons, and carried them to Jā́ besh; and that they might not be taken away again, they burned them and buried their ashes under a tree; and they mourned tor Sa̤ul seven days. Thus came to an end the reign of Sa̤ul, which began well, but ended in failure and in ruin, because Sa̤ul forsook the Lord God of Ĭś̝ ra-el.
Sa̤ul had reigned forty years. At the beginning of his reign the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ĭtes were almost free from the Phĭ˗lĭś tĭnes̝, and for a time Sa̤ul seemed to have success in driving the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝ out of the land. But after Sa̤ul forsook the Lord, and would no longer listen to Săḿ u-el, God's prophet, he became gloomy and full of fear, and lost his courage, so that the land fell again under the power of its enemies. Dā́ vid could have helped him, but he had driven Dā́ vid away; and there was no strong man to stand by Sa̤ul and win victories for him. So at the end, when Sa̤ul fell in battle, the yoke of the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝ was on Ĭś̝ ra-el heavier than at any time before.

Story Ten

2 Sam. 1; 1 to 4:12
ON the third day after the battle on Mount Ḡĭl˗bṓ ȧ Dā́ vid was at his home in Zĭḱ lăg, on the south of Judah, when a young man came into the town, running, with garments torn and earth on his head, as was the manner of those in deep grief. He hastened to Dā́ vid, and fell down before him. And Dā̆ vid said to him, "From what place have you come?”
And the young man said, "Out of the camp of Ĭś̝ ra-el I have escaped.”
And Dā́ vid said to him, "What has taken place? Tell me quickly.”
Then the man answered, "The men of Ĭś̝ ra-el have been beaten in the battle; very many of them are slain, and the rest have fled away. King Sa̤ul is dead, and so is Jŏń a-than, his son.”
"How do you know that Sa̤ul and Jŏń a-than are dead?" asked Dā́ vid.
And the young man said, "I happened to be on Mount Ḡĭl-bṓ ȧ in the battle; and I saw Sa̤ul leaning upon his spear wounded, and near death, with his enemies close upon him. And he said to me, `Come to me, and kill me, for I am suffering great pain.' So I stood beside and killed him, for I saw that he could not live. And I took the crown that was on his head, and the bracelet on his arm, and I have brought them to you, my lord Dā́ vid.”
Then Dā́ vid and all the men that were with him tore their clothes, and mourned, and wept, and took no food on that day, on account of Sa̤ul, and of Jŏń a-than, and for the people of Ĭś̝ ra-el who had fallen by the sword.
And Dā́ vid said to the young man who had brought to him the news, "Who are you? To what people do you belong?”
And he said, "I am no Ĭś̝ ra-el-īte; I am an Ăḿ a-lĕk-īte.”
"How was it," said Dā́ vid to him, "that you were not afraid to slay the king of Ĭś̝ ra-el, the anointed of the Lord? You shall die for this deed.”
And Dā́ vid commanded one of his men to kill him, because he had said that he had slain the king. He may have told the truth, but it is more likely that he was not in the battle, and that after the fighting he came upon the field to rob the dead bodies, and that he brought a false story of having slain Sa̤ul, hoping to have a reward. But as Dā́ vid would not slay the anointed king, even though he were his enemy, he would not reward, but would rather punish the stranger who claimed to have slain him.
And Dā́ vid wrote a song over the death of Sa̤ul and Jŏń a-than. He taught it to the people of Jū́ dah, and called it
Thy glory, O Ĭś̝ ra-el, is slain upon thy high places!
How are the mighty fallen!
Tell it not in Găth.
Publish it not in the streets of Ăś ke-lŏn;
Lest the daughters of the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes rejoice,
Lest the daughters of the heathen triumph.
Ye mountains of Ḡĭl-bṓ ȧ,
Let there be no dew nor rain upon you, neither fields of offerings:
For there the shield of the mighty was cast away as a vile thing,
The shield of Sa̤ul, not anointed with oil.
From the blood of the slain, from the fat of the mighty,
The bow of Jŏń a-than turned not back,
And the sword of Sa̤ul returned not empty.
Saul and Jŏń a-than were lovely and pleasant in their lives,
And in their death they were not divided;
They were swifter than eagles,
They were stronger than lions.
Ye daughters of Ĭś̝ ra-el, weep over Sa̤ul,
Who clothed you in scarlet delicately,
Who put ornaments of gold upon your apparel.
O Jŏń a-than, slain upon thy high places!
I am distressed for thee, my brother Jŏń a-than.
Very pleasant hast thou been unto me;
Thy love to me was wonderful,
Passing the love of women.
How are the mighty fallen,
And the weapons of war perished!”
After this, at the command of the Lord, Dā́ vid and his men went up from Ziḱ lăg to Hḗ bron, in the middle of the tribe-land of Jū́ dah. And the men of Jū́ dah met together at Hḗ bron, and they made Dá̄ vid king over their tribe. And Dā́ vid reigned in Hḗ bron, over the tribe of Jū́ dah, for seven years.
But Sa̤ul's uncle, Ăb́ nēr, who had been the chief over his house and over his army, was not willing to have the kingdom go out of the family of Sa̤ul. He made a son of Sa̤ul king over all the tribes in the north of the land. This king was called Ĭsh=bó̄ sheth, a name which means "a worthless man." He was weak and helpless, except for the strong will and power of Ăb́ ne͂r, who had made him king. For six years seemingly under Ĭshbṓ sheth, but really under Ăb́ ne͂r, the form of a kingdom was kept up, while Ĭsh=bṓ sheth was living at Mā-hā̇-ná im, on the east of Jordan.
Thus for a time there were two kingdoms in Ĭś̝ ra-el, that of the north under Ĭsh=bṓ sheth and that of the south under Dā́ vid.
But all the time Dā́vid's kingdom was growing stronger, and Ĭsh=bó sheth's kingdom was growing weaker.
After a 'time Āb́ ne͂r was slain by one of Dā́ vid's men, and at once Ĭsh=bṓ sheth's power dropped away. Then two men of his army killed him, and cut off his head, and brought it to Dā́ vid. They looked for a reward, since Ĭsh=bó̄ sheth had been king against Dā́ vid. But Dā́ vid said, "As the Lord lives, who has brought me out of trouble, I will give no reward to wicked men, who have slain a good man in his own house, and upon his own bed. Take these two murderers away, and kill them!”
So the two slayers of the weak king, Ĭsh=bṓ sheth, were punished with death, and the head of the slain man was buried with honor. Dā́ vid had not forgotten his promise to Sa̤ul to deal kindly with his children.
Lesson 26. The End of Saul's Reign.
(Tell Stories 9 and 10 in Part Third.)
1. What is said of Saul, in the latter part of his reign? The Lord had left Saul.
2. Why did the Lord leave Saul? Because Saul would not obey the Lord.
3. What showed that the Lord had left Saul? There was no one to help him in his need.
4. What people were at war with the Israelites nearly all the time that Saul was king? The Philistines.
5. Where was fought the last battle of Saul's reign? On Mount
6. Which side was beaten in the battle of Mount Gilboa? Saul and the Israelites.
7. What brave man was killed in the battle? Saul's son Jonathan.
8. What did Saul do after this battle? He killed himself.
9. How long had Saul ruled as king? Forty years.
10. What did David do when he heard of Saul's death? He mourned for Saul and Jonathan.
11. After Saul's death what tribe chose David as its king? The tribe of Judah.

Story Eleven

2 Sam. 5:1, to 7:29
AFTER Dā́ vid had reigned as king over the tribe of Jū́ dah for seven years, and when Sa̤ul's son, Ĭsh=bṓ sheth was dead, all the men in Ĭś̄ ra-el saw Dā́ vid was the one man who was fit to be king over the land. So the rulers and elders of all the twelve tribes came to Dā́ vid in Hḗ bron, and said to him, "We are all your brothers; and in time past, when Sa̤ul was king, it was you who led the people; and the Lord said, Dā́ vid shall be the shepherd of my people, and shall be prince over Ĭś̝ ra-el.' Now we are ready to make you king over all the land.”
Then Dā́ vid and the elders of Ĭś̝ ra-el made an agreement together before the Lord in Hḗ bron; and they anointed Dā́ vid as king over all the twelve tribes of Ĭś̝ ra-el, from Dan in the far north to Bḗ ershḗ bȧ in the south. Dā́ vid was now thirty-seven years old, and he reigned over all Ĭś̝ ra-el thirty-three years.
He found the land in a helpless state, everywhere under the power of the Phĭ-lĭś tines, and with many of its cities still held by the Cā́ năan-īte people. The city of Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, on Mount Zī́ ŏn, had been kept as a stronghold by a Cā́ ná an-īte tribe called the Jĕb́ u-sītes, ever since the days of Jŏsh́ u-ȧ. Dā́ vid led his men of war against it, but the Jĕb́ u-sītes, from their high walls and steep rocks, laughed at him.
To mock King Dā́ vid, they placed on the top of the wall the blind and lame people, and they called aloud to Dā́ vid, "Even Hind men and lame men can keen you out of our city.”
This made Dā́ vid very angry, and he said to his men, "Whoever first climbs up the wall, and strikes down the blind and the lame upon it, he shall be the chief captain and general of the whole army.”
Then all the soldiers of Dā́ vid rushed against the wall, each striving to be first. The man who was able first to reach the enemies and strike them down was Jṓ ăb, the son of Dā́ vid's sister Zĕr-u-ī́ ah; and he became the commander of Dā́ vid's army, a place which he held as long as Dā́ vid lived. After the fortress on Mount Zī́ on was taken from the Jĕb́ u-sītes, Dā́ vid made it larger and stronger, and chose it for his royal house; and around it the city of Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇˗lĕm grew up as the chief city in Dā́ vid's kingdom.
The Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝ soon found that there was a new king in Ĭś̝ ra-el and a ruler very different from King Sa̤ul. They gathered their army and came against Dā́ vid. He met them in the valley of Rĕph́ a-ĭm, a little to the south of Jē̇-rṳ́ sa-lĕm, and won a great victory over them, and carried away from the field the images of their gods; but that the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes might not be led to worship them, Dā́ vid burned them all with fire.
A second time the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝ came up and encamped in the valley of Rĕph́ a-ĭm. And when Dā́ vid asked of the Lord what he should do, the Lord said to him, "Do not go against them openly. Turn to one side, and be ready to come against them from under the mulberry-trees; and wait there until you hear a sound overhead in the tops of the trees. When you hear that sound, it will be a sign that the Lord goes before you. Then march forth and fight the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝.”
And Dá̄ vid did as the Lord commanded him; and again a great victory was won over the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝. But Dā́ vid did not rest when he had driven the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝ back to their own land. He marched with his men into the Phĭ-lĭś tines̝ country, and took their chief city, Găth, which was called "the mother city of the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝." He conquered all their land; and ended the war of a hundred years by making all the Phĭ-lĭś tĭne plain subject to Ĭś̝ ra-el.
Now that the land was free, Dá̝ vid thought that the time had come to bring the holy ark of the Lord out from its hiding-place, where it had remained all through the rule of Săḿ u-el and the reign of Sa̤ul. This was in Kīŕ jath=jḗ a-rĭm, called also Bā́ al-ē, a town on the northern border of Jū́ dah. Dā́ vid prepared for the ark a new Tabernacle on Mount Zī́ ŏn; and with the chosen men of all the tribes, he went to bring up the ark to Mount Zī́ ŏn.
They did not have the ark carried by the priests, as it had been taken from place to place in the earlier days; but they stood it on a wagon, to be drawn by oxen, driven by the sons of the man, in whose house the ark had been standing, though these men were not priests. And before the ark walked Dā́ vid and the men of Ĭś̝ ra-el, making music upon all kinds of musical instruments.
At one place the road was rough, and the oxen stumbled, and the ark almost fell from the wagon. Uź zah, one of the men driving the oxen, took hold of the ark to steady it. God's law forbade anyone except a priest from touching the ark, and God was displeased with Uź zah for his carelessness; and Uź zah fell dead by the ark of the Lord.
This death alarmed Dā́ vid and all the people. Dā́ vid was afraid to have the ark of God come into his city. He stopped the procession and placed the ark in the house nearby of a man named Ṓ bed=ḗ dom. There it stayed three months. They were afraid that it night bring harm to Ṓ bed=ḗ dom and his family; but instead it brought a blessing upon them all.
When Dā́ vid heard of the blessings that had come to Ṓ bed=é dom with the ark, he resolved to bring it into his own city on Mount Zī́ ŏn. This time the priests carried it as the law commanded, and sacrifices were offered upon the altar. They brought up the ark into its new home on Mount Zī́ ŏn, where a Tabernacle was standing ready to receive it. Then as of old the priests began to offer the daily sacrifices, and the services of worship were held, after having been neglected through so many years.
Dā́ vid was now living in his palace on Mount Zī́ ŏn, and he thought of building a temple to take the place of the Tabernacle, for the ark and its services. He said to Nā́ than, who was a prophet, through whom the Lord spoke to the people, "See, now I live in a house of cedar; but the ark of God stands within the curtains of a tent.”
"Go, do all that is in your heart," answered Nā́ than, the prophet, "for the Lord is with you.”
And that night the voice of the Lord came to Nā́ than, saying, "Go and tell my servant Dā́ vid, thus saith the Lord, 'Since the time when the children of Ĭś̝ ra-el came out of Ḗ ġy̆pt, my ark has been in a tent; and I have never said to the people, build me a house of cedar. Say to my servant Dā́ vid, I took you from the sheep-pasture, where you were following the sheep, and I have made you a prince over my people Ĭś̝ ra-el, and I have given you a great name and great power. And now, because you have done my will, I will give you a house. Your son shall sit on the throne after you, and he shall build me a house and a Temple. And I will give you and your children and your descendants, those who shall come from you, a throne and a kingdom that shall last forever.”
This promise of God, that under Dā́ vid's line should rise a kingdom to last always, was fulfilled in Jesus Christ, who came long afterward from the family of Dā́ vid, and who reigns as King in heaven and in earth,

Story Twelve

2 Sam. 8:1, to 9:13
AS soon as the kings of the nations around Ĭś̝ ra-el saw that a strong man was ruling over the tribes, they began to make war upon Dā́ vid, for they feared to see Ĭś̝ ra-el gaining in power. So it came to pass that Dắ vid had many wars. The Mṓ ab-ītes, who lived on the east of the Dead Sea, went to war with Dā́ vid, but Dā́ vid conquered them, and made Mṓ ab submit to Ĭś̝ ra-el. Far in the north, the Sy̆ŕ ĭ-ans̝ came against Dā́ vid; but he won great victories over them, and took Dā̇-măś cus, their chief city, and held it as a part of his kingdom. In the south, he made war upon the Ḗ dom-ītes, and brought them under his rule.
For a number of years Dā́ vid was constantly at war, but at last he was at peace, the ruler of all the lands from the great river Eū-phrā́ tes̝ on the north, down to the wilderness on the south, where the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes had wandered; and from the great desert on the east to the Great Sea on the west. All these lands were under the rule of King Dā́ vid, except the people of Tȳre and Sī́ dŏn, who lived beside the Great Sea on the north of Ĭś̝ ra-el. These people, the Ty̆ŕ ̆-ans, never made war on Ĭś̝ ra-el, and their king, Hiram, was one of Dā́ vid's best friends. The men of Tyre cut down cedar-trees on Mount Lĕb́ a-non for Dā́ vid, and brought them to Jē̇-rṳ́˗sā̇-lĕm, and built for Dā́ vid the palace which became his home.
When Dā́ vid's wars were over, and he was at rest, he thought of the promise that he had made to his friend Jŏú a-than, the brave son of Saul (see Story Six in this Part), that he would care for his children. Dā́ vid asked of his nobles and the men at his court, "Are there any of Sa̤ul's family living, to whom I can show kindness for the sake of Jŏń a-than?”
They told Dā́ vid of Sa̤ul's servant, Zī́ ba, who had the charge of Sa̤ul's farm in the country; and Dā́ vid sent for him. Zī́ bȧ had become a rich man from his care of the lands that had belonged" to Sa̤ul.
Dā́ vid said to Zī́ bȧ, "Are there any of Saul's family living, to whom I can show some of the kindness which God has shown toward me?”
And Zī́ bä said, "Sa̤ul's son Jŏń a-than left a little boy, named Mē̇-phĭb́ o-shĕth, who is now grown to be a man. He is living at Lō̇=dḗ bär, on the east of Jôŕ dan.”
This child of Jŏń a-than was in the arms of his nurse when the news came of the battle at Mount Ḡĭl-bṓ ȧ, where Jŏń a-than was slain. The nurse fled with him, to hide from the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝, and in running fell; and the child's feet were so injured that ever after he was lame.
Perhaps he was kept hidden in the distant place on the east of Jôŕ dan, from fear lest Dā́ vid, now that he was king, might try to kill all those who were of Sa̤ul's family; for such deeds were common in those times, when one king took the power away from another king's children.
Dā́ vid sent for Mē̇-phĭb́ o-shĕth, Jŏń a-than's son; and he was brought into Dá vid's presence, and fell down on his face before the king, for he was in great fear. And Dā́ vid said to him, "Mē̇-phĭb́˗o-shĕth, you need have no fear. I will be kind to you, because I loved Jŏń a-than, your father, and he loved me. You shall have all the lands that ever belonged to Sa̤ul and his family; and you shall always sit at my table in the royal palace.”
Then the king called Zī́ bȧ, who had been the servant of Sa̤ul, and said to him, "All the lands and houses that once belonged to Sa̤ul I have given to Mē̇-phĭb́ o-shĕth. You shall care for them, and bring the harvests and the fruits of the fields to him. But Mē̇-phĭb́ o-shĕth shall live here with me, and shall sit down at the king's table among the princes of the kingdom.”
So Mē̇-phĭb́ o-shĕth, the lame son of Jŏń a-than, was taken into Dā́ vid's palace, and sat at the king's table, among the highest in the land. And Zī́ bȧ, with his fifteen sons and his twenty servants, waited on him, and stood at his command.
This kindness of Dā́ vid to Mē̇-phĭb́ o-shĕth might have brought trouble to Dā́ vid; for Mē̇-phĭb́ o-shĕth, the son of Jŏń a-than, and the grandson of Sa̤ul, might have been the king if Dā́ vid had not won the crown. By giving to Sa̤ul's grandson a place at his table, showing him honor, Dā́ vid might have helped him to take the kingdom away from himself, if Mē̇-phĭb́ o-shĕth had been a stronger man, with a purpose to win the throne of Ĭś̝ ra-el. But Dā́ vid was generous, and Mē̇-phĭb́ o-shĕth was grateful, and was contented with his place in the palace.
Lesson 27. David, King of Israel.
(Tell Stories 11 and 12 in Part Third.)
1. How long did David reign as king over the tribe of Judah only? Seven years.
2. What did the people of the land do seven years after Saul was killed? They made David king over all Israel.
3. How did David find the land when he became king? It was weak and in the power of enemies.
4. What great city did David take from his enemies? The city of Jerusalem
5. On what mountain was the city of Jerusalem? On Mount Zion.
6. What did David do with Jerusalem after he had taken it? He made it strong and lived in it.
7. What enemies did David drive out of the land? The Philistines.
8. What did David bring to Jerusalem? The ark of God.
9. What did David win by war? Rule over all the lands around Israel.
10. Whose son did David treat kindly after he became king? The son of Jonathan.

Story Thirteen

2 Samuel 11:1 to 25; Psa. 51
WHEN Dā́ vid first became king he went with his army upon the wars against the enemies of Ĭś̝ ra-el. But there came a time when the cares of his kingdom were many, and Dā́ vid left Jṓ ab, his general, to lead his warriors, while he stayed in his palace on Mount Zion. One evening, about sunset, Dā́ vid was walking upon the roof of his palace. He looked down into a garden nearby, acid saw a woman, who was very beautiful. Dā́ vid asked one of his servants who this woman was, and he said to him, "Her name is Băth= shĕ-bȧ, and she is the wife of U-rī́ ah.”
Now U-rī́ ah was an officer in Dā́ vid's army, under Jṓ ăb; and at that time he was fighting in Dā́ vid's war against the Aḿ˗mon-ītes, at Răb́ bah, near the desert, on the east of Jôŕ dan. Dā́ vid sent for U-rī́ ah's wife, Băth=shĕ˗bȧ, and talked with her. He loved her, and greatly longed to take her as one of his own wives,—for in those times it was not thought a sin for a man to have more than one wife. But Dā́ vid could not marry Băth́ =shĕ-bȧ while her husband, U-rī́ ah, was living. Then a wicked thought came into Dā́ vid's heart, and he formed a plan to have U-rī́ ah killed, so that he could then take Băth́=shĕ-bȧ, into his own house.
Dā́ vid wrote a letter to Jṓ ab, the commander of his army. And in the letter he said, "When there is to be a fight with the Ăḿ mon-ītes, send U-rī́ ah into the middle of it, where it will be the hottest; and manage to leave him there, so that he may be slain by the Ăḿ mon-ītes.”
And Jṓ ăb did as Dā́ vid had commanded him. He sent U-rī́ ah with some brave men to a place near the wall of the city, where he knew that the enemies would rush out of the city upon them; there was a fierce fight beside the wall; U-rī́ ah was slain, and other brave men with him. Then Join sent a messenger to tell King Dā́ vid how the war was being carried on, and especially that U-rī́ah, one of his brave officers, had been killed in the fighting.
When Dā́ vid heard this, he said to the messenger, "Say to Jṓ ăb, ‘Do not feel troubled at the loss of the men slain in battle. The sword must strike down some. Keep up the siege; press forward, and you will take the city.”
And after Băth́=shĕ˗bȧ had mourned over her husband's death for a time, then Dā́ vid took her into his palace, and she became his wife. And a little child was born to them, whom Dā́ vid loved greatly. Only Jṓ ăb, and Dā́ vid, and perhaps a few others, knew that Dā́ vid had caused the death of U-rī́ ah; but God knew it, and God was displeased with Dā́ vid for this wicked deed.
Then the Lord sent Nā́ than, the prophet, to Dā́ vid to tell him that, though men knew not that Dā́ vid had done wickedly, God had seen it, and would surely punish Dā́ vid for his sin. Nā́ than came to Dā́ vid, and he spoke to him thus:
"There were two men in one city; one was rich, and the other poor. The rich man had great flocks of sheep and herds of cattle; but the poor man had only one little lamb that he had bought. It grew up in his home with his children, and drank out of his cup, and lay upon his lap, and was like a little daughter to him.
"One day a visitor came to the rich man's house to dinner. He did not take one of his own sheep to kill for his guest. He robbed the poor man of his lamb, and killed it, and cooked it for a meal with his friend.”
When Dā́ vid heard this, he was very angry. He said to Nā́ than, "The man who did this thing deserves to die! He shall give back to his poor neighbor fourfold for the lamb taken from him. How cruel to treat a poor man thus, without pity for him!”
And Nā́ than said to Dā́ vid, "You are the man who has done this deed. The Lord made you king in place of Sa̤ul, and gave you a kingdom. You have a great house, and many wives. Why, then, have you done this wickedness in the sight of the Lord? You have slain U-rī́ ah with the sword of the men of Ăḿ mon; and you have taken his wife to be your wife. For this there shall be a sword drawn against your house; you shall suffer for it, and your wives shall suffer, and your children shall suffer, because you have done this.”
When Dā́ vid heard all this, he saw, as he had not seen before, how great was his wickedness. He was exceedingly sorry; and said to Nā́ than, "I have sinned against the Lord.”
And Dā́ vid showed such sorrow for his sin that Nā́ than said to him, "The Lord has forgiven your sin; and you shall not die on account of it. But the child that U-rī́ ah's wife has given to you shall surely die.”
Soon after this the little child of Dā́ vid and Băht́=shĕ-bȧ, whom Dā́ vid loved greatly, was taken very ill. Dā́ vid prayed to God for the child's life; and Dá̄ vid took no food, but lay in sorrow, with his face upon the floor of his house. The nobles of his palace came to him, and urged him to rise up and take food, but he would not. For seven days the child grew worse and worse, and Dā́ vid remained in sorrow. Then the child died; and the nobles were afraid to tell Dā́ vid, for they said to each other, "If he was in such grief while the child was living, what will he do when he hears that the child is dead?”
But when King Dā́ vid saw the people whispering to one another with sad faces, he said, "Is the child dead?"
And they said to him, "Yes, O king, the child is dead.”
Then David rose up from the floor where he had been lying. He washed his face, and put on his kingly robes. He went first to the house of the Lord, and worshipped; then he came to his own house, and sat down to his table, and took food. His servants wondered at this, but Dā́ vid said to them, "While 'the child was still alive, I fasted, and prayed, and wept; for I hoped that by prayer to the Lord, and by the mercy of the Lord, his life might be spared. But now that he is dead, my prayers can do no more for him. I cannot bring him back again. He will not come back to me, but I shall go to him.”
And after this God gave to Dā́ vid and to Băth́=shĕ-bȧ, his wife, another son, whom they named Sŏĺ o-mon. The Lord loved Sŏĺ o-mon, and he grew up to be a wise man.
After God had forgiven Dā́ vid's great sin, Dā́ vid wrote the Fifty-first Psalm, in memory of his sin and of God's forgiveness. Some of its verses are these:
Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy loving kindness:
According to the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions.
Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity,
And cleanse me from my sin.
For I acknowledge my transgressions:
And my sin is ever before me.
Against thee, thee only, have I sinned,
And done that which is evil in thy sight:
Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean:
Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.
Hide thy face from my sins,
And blot out all mine iniquities.
Create in me a clean heart, O God,
And renew a right spirit within me.
Cast me not away from thy presence;
And take not thy holy spirit from me.
Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation;
And uphold me with a free spirit.
Then will I teach transgressors thy ways;
And sinners shall be converted unto thee.
For thou delightest not in sacrifice; else would I give it
Thou hast no pleasure in burnt-offering.
The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit:
A broken and a contrite heart. O God, thou will not despise,

Story Fourteen

2 Samuel 13:1, to 17:23
NOT long after Dā́ vid's sin, the sorrows of which the prophet had foretold him, began to fall upon Dā́ vid. He had many wives, and his wives had many sons; but most of his sons had grown up wild and wicked, because Dā́ vid had not watched over them, and not taught them in their youth to love God and do God's will. He had been too busy as a king to do his duty as a father.
One of Dā́ vid's sons was Ăb́ sa-lŏm, whose mother was the daughter of Tăĺ mai, the king of a little country called Ḡḗ shŭr, on the north of Ĭś̝ ra-el. Ăb́ sa-lŏm was said to be the most beautiful young man in all the land. He had long locks of hair, of which he was very proud, because all the people admired them. Ăb́ sa-lŏm became very angry with Ăḿ nŏn, another of Dā́ vid's sons, because Ăḿ nŏn had done wrong to Ăb́ sa-lŏm's sister, named Tā́ mar.
But Ăb́ sa-lŏm hid his anger against Ăḿ nŏn, and one day invited Amnon with all the king's sons to a feast at his house in the country. They all went to the feast; and while they were all at the table, Ăb́ sa-lŏm's servants, by his orders, rushed in and killed Ăḿ nŏn. The other princes, the king's sons, were alarmed, fearing that they also would be slain; and they ran away in haste. But no harm was done to the other princes, and they came back in safety to Dā́ vid.
Dā́ vid was greatly displeased with Ăb́ sa-lŏm, though he loved him more than any other of his sons; and Ăb́ sa-lŏm went away from, his father's court to that of his grandfather, his mother's father, the king of Ḡḗ shŭr. There Ăb́ sa-lŏm stayed for three years; and all the time Dā́ vid longed to see him, for he felt that he had now lost both sons, Ăb́ sa-lŏm as well as Ăḿ nŏn. And after three years Dā́ vid allowed Ăb́ sa-lŏm to come back to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm; but for a time would not meet him, because he had caused his brother's death. At last Dā́ vid's love was so strong that he could no longer refuse to see his son. He sent for Ăb́ sa-lŏm, and kissed him, and took him back to his old place among the king's sons in the palace.
But Ăb́ sa-lŏm's heart was wicked, and ungrateful, and cruel. He formed a plan to take the throne and the kingdom away from his father, Dā́ vid, and to make himself king in Dā́ vid's place. He began by living in great state, as if he were already a king, with a royal chariot, and horses, and fifty men to run before him. Then too, he would rise early in the morning, and stand at the gate of the king's palace, and meet those who came to the king for any cause. He would speak to each man and find what was the purpose of his coming; and he would say:
"Your cause is good and right, but the king will not hear you; and he will not allow any other man to hear you in his place. O that I were made a judge! then I would see that right was done, and that every man received his due!" And when any man bowed down before Ăb́ sa-lŏm as the king's son, he would reach out his hand, and lift him up, and kiss him as his friend. Thus Ăb́ sa-lŏm won the hearts of all whom he met, from every part of the land, until very many wished that he was king instead of Dā́ vid, his father. For Dā́ vid no longer led the army in war, nor did he sit as judge, nor did he go among the people; but lived apart in his palace, scarcely knowing what was being done in the land.
After four years Ăb́ sa-lŏm thought that he was strong enough to seize the kingdom. He said to Dā́ vid, "Let me go to the city of Hḗ bron, and there worship the Lord, and keep a promise which I made to the Lord while I was in the land of Ḡḗ shŭr.”
Dā́ vid was pleased with this, for he thought that Ăb́ sa-lŏm really meant to serve the Lord. So Ăb́ sa-lŏm went to Hḗ bron, and with him went a great company of his friends. A few of these knew of Ăb́ sa-lŏm's plans, but most of them knew nothing. At Hḗ bron Ăb́ sa-lŏm was joined by a very wise man, named Ā̇-hĭth́ o˗phel, who was one of Dā́ vid's chief advisers, and one in whom Dā́ vid trusted fully.
Suddenly the word was sent through all the land by swift runners, "Ăb́ sa-lŏm has been made king at Hḗ bron!" Those who were in the secret helped to lead others, and soon it seemed as though all the people were on Ăb́ sa-lŏm's side and ready to receive him as king in place of Dā́ vid.
The news came to Dā́ vid in the palace, that Ăb́ sa˗lŏm had made himself king, that many of the rulers were with him, and that the people in their hearts really desired Ăb́ sa-lŏm. Dā́ vid did not know whom he could trust, and he prepared to escape before it would be too late. He took with him a few of his servants who chose to remain by his side, and his wives, and especially his wife Băth́=shĕ-bȧ, and her son, the little Sŏĺ o-mon.
As they were going out of the gates they were joined by Ĭt́ ta-ī, who was the commander of his guard, and who had with him six hundred trained men of war. Ĭt́ ta˗ī was not an Ĭś̝ ra˗el˗īte, but was a stranger in the land, and Dā́ vid was surprised that he should offer to go with him. He said to Ĭt́ ta-ī, "Why do you, a stranger, go with us? I know not to what places we may go or what trouble we may meet. It would be better for you and your men to go back to your own land; and may mercy and truth go with you!”
And Ĭt́ ta˗ī answered the king, "As the Lord God lives, and as my lord the king lives, surely in what place the king shall be, whether in death or in life, there will we, his servants, be with him.”
So Ĭt́ ta-ī and his brave six hundred soldiers went with Dā́ vid out of the city, over the brook Kĭd́ ron, toward the wilderness. And soon after came Zā́ dŏk and Ā̇bī́ a-thär, the priests, and the Lḗ vītes, carrying the holy ark of the Lord. And Dá̄ vid said, "Take back the ark of God into the city. If I shall find favor in the sight of the Lord, he will bring me again to see it; but if the Lord says, 'I have no pleasure in Dā́ vid,' then let the Lord do with me as seems good to him.”
And Dā́ vid thought also that the priests might help him more in the city than if they should go away with him. He said to Zā́ dŏk, "Do you go back to the city and watch; and send word to me by your son, Ā̇-hĭḿ a-ăz, and Jŏń a-than, the son of Ă-bī́ a-thär. I will wait at the crossing place of the river Jôŕ dan for news from you.”
So Zā́ dŏk and Ā̇-bī́ a-thär, the priests, carried the Holy Ark back to its Tabernacle on Mount Zī́ ŏn, and watched closely, that they might send Dā́ vid word of anything that would help his cause.
Dā́ vid walked up the steep side of the Mount Ŏĺ ĭ-vĕt, on the east of Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, with his head covered and his feet bare, as one in mourning, weeping as he walked. And all the people who were with him, and those who saw him, were weeping in their sorrow over Dā́ vid's fall from his high place.
On the top of the hill David found another man waiting to see him. It was Hū́ shāi, who was one of Dā́ vid's best friends. He stood there in sorrow, with his garments torn and earth upon his 'head, ready to go into the wilderness with Dā́ vid. But Dā́ vid said to Hū́ shāi, "If you go with us you cannot help me in any way; but if you stay in the city, and pretend to be Ăb́ sa-lŏm's friend, then perhaps you can watch against the advice that the wise man, Ā̇-hĭth́ o-phĕl, gives to Ăb́ sa-lŏm, and prevent Ăb́ sa-lŏm from following it. Zā́ dŏk and Ā̇-bī́ a-thär, the priests, will help you, and through their sons, Ā̇-hĭḿ a-ăz and Jŏń a-than, you can send word to me of all that you hear.”
A little past the top of the hill another man was waiting for Dā́ vid. It was Zī́ bȧ, the servant of Mē̇-phĭb́ o-shĕth. You remember how kindly Dā́ vid had treated Mē̇-phĭb́ o-shĕth, because he was the son of Dā́ vid's dear friend, Jŏń a-than. Zī́ bȧ had by his side a couple of asses saddled, and on them two hundred loaves of bread, and a hundred clusters of raisins, and a quantity of fruit, and a goat-skin full of wine. Dā́ vid said to Zī́ bȧ, "For what purpose are all these things here?”
And Zī́ bȧ said, "The asses are for the king; and here is food for the journey, and wine for those who may grow faint and may need it in the wilderness.”
And Dā́ vid asked Zī́ bȧ, "Where is Mē̇-phĭb́ o-shĕth, your master?”
"He is in Jē̇˗rú sā̇-lĕm," said Zī́ bȧ; "for he says that the kingdom may be given back to him, as he is the heir of Sa̤ul's house.”
Dā́ vid felt very sad as he heard that Mē̇-phĭb́ o-shĕth had forsaken him, and he said to Zī́ bȧ, "Whatever has belonged to Mē̇-phĭb́ o-shĕth shall be yours from this time.”
But Dā́ vid did not know that all Zī́ bȧ's words were false, and that Mē̇-phĭb́ o-shĕth had not forsaken him. This he learned afterward, as we shall see.
Soon after this another man came out to meet Dā́ vid, but in a very different spirit from Ĭt́ ta-ī, Hū́ shāi, and Zī́ bȧ. This man was Shĭḿ e-ī, and he belonged to the family of King Sa̤ul. As Dā́ vid and his party walked along the crest of the hill, Shĭḿ e-ī walked over the hill on the other side of a narrow valley, and as he walked he threw stones at Dá̄ vid, and cursed him, shouting, "Get out, get out, you man of blood, you wicked man! Now the Lord is bringing upon you all the wrong that you did to Sa̤ul, when he was your king. You robbed Saul of his kingdom, and now your own son is robbing you. You are suffering just as you deserve, for you are a bloody man!”
Then Ā̇-bĭsh-a-ī, the son of Zĕr-u-ī́ ah, who was one of Dā́ vid's men and Dā́ vid's own nephew, said, "Why should this dog be allowed to bark against my lord the king? Let me go across the valley, and I will strike off his head at one blow!”
But Dā́ vid said, "If it is the Lord's will that this man should curse Dā́ vid, then let him curse on. My own son is seeking to take away my life, and is it strange that this man of another tribe should hate me? It may be that the Lord will look upon the wrong done to me, and will do good to me.”
So Dā́ vid and his wives, and his servants, and the soldiers who were faithful to him, went on toward the wilderness and the valley of the Jôŕ dan. Soon after Dā́ vid had escaped from the city, Āb́ sa-lŏm came into it with his friends and a host of his followers. As Ăb́ sa-lŏm drew near, Hú̄ shāi, Dā́ vid's friend, stood by the road, crying, "Long live the king! Long live the king!”
And Ăb́ sa-lŏm said to Hū́ shāi, "Is this the way you treat your friend? Why have you not stayed beside your friend Dā́ vid?”
Hū́ shāi said to Ăb́ sa-lŏm, "Whom the Lord and his people have chosen, him will I follow, and with him I will stay. As I have served the father, so will I serve the son.”
Then Hū́shāi went into the palace among the followers of Ăb́ sa-lŏm. And Ā̇b́ sa-lŏm said to Ā̇-hĭth́ o-phĕl, "Tell me what to do next?”
Now Ā̇-hĭth́ o-phĕl was a very wise man. He knew what was best for Ăb́ sa-lŏm's success, and he said, "Let me choose out twelve thousand men, and I will pursue Dā́ vid this very night. We will come upon Dā́ vid when he is tired, while only a few people are with him, and before he has time to form any plans or to gather an army, I will kill Dā́ vid, and will harm no one else; and then you can reign as king in peace, and all the people will submit to you when they know that Dā́ vid is no longer living.”
Ăb́ sa-lŏm thought that this was wise advice; but he sent for Hū́ shāi. He told him what Ā̇-hĭth́ o-phĕl had said, and asked for his advice also. And Hū́ shāi said, "The advice that Ā̇-hĭth́ o-phĕl gives is not good for the present time. You know that Dā́ vid and his men are very brave, and just now they are as savage as a bear robbed of her cubs. Dā́ vid is with his men in some safe place, hidden in a cave or among the mountains, and they will watch against those who come out to seek for them, and will rush upon them suddenly from their hiding-place. Then, as soon as the news goes through the land that Ab́ sa-lŏm's men have been beaten, everybody will, turn away from Ăb́ sa-lŏm to Dā́ vid. The better plan would be to wait until you can gather all the men of war in Ĭś̝ ra-el, from Dăn in the north to Bḗ eŕ=shḗ bȧ in the south. And then, if Dā́ vid is in a city, there will be men enough to pull the city in pieces, or if he is in the field we will surround him on every side." And Ăb́ sa-lŏm and the rulers who were with him said to each other, "The advice of Hū́ shāi is better than the advice of Ā̇-hĭth́ o-phĕl. Let us do as Hū́ shāi tells us to do.”
So Ăb́ sa-lŏm sat down in his father's palace and began to enjoy himself while they were gathering his army. This was just what Hū́ shāi wished, for it would give Dā́ vid time to gather his army also, and he knew that the hearts of the people would soon turn from Ăb́ sa-lŏm back to Dā́ vid.
Hū́ shāi told Zā́ dŏk and Ā̇-bī́ a-thär, the priests, of Ăb́ sa-lŏm's plans; and they sent word by a young woman to their sons, Ā̇-hĭḿ ā ăz and Jŏń a-than, who were watching outside the city, and these young men hastened to tell Dá̄ vid, who was waiting beside the river Jôŕ dan. Then Dā́ vid and his men found a safe refuge in Mā-hā̇nā́ im, in the tribe of Gad, across Jôŕ dan; and there his friends from all the land began to come to him.
When Ā̇-hĭth́ o-phĕl saw that his advice had not been taken, and that Hū́ shāi was preferred in his place, he knew at once that Ăb́ sa-lŏm could not hold the kingdom, and that Ăb́ sa-lŏm’s cause was already as good as lost. He went to his home, put all his house and his affairs in order, and hanged himself; for he thought that it was better to die by his own hand than to be put to death as a traitor by King Dā́ vid.
Ăb́ sa-lŏm for a little time had his wish. He sat on the throne, and wore the crown, and lived in the palace at Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm as the king of Ĭś̝ ra-el.

Story Fifteen

2 Sam. 17:24, to 20:26
THE land on the east of Jôŕ dan, where Dā́ vid found a refuge, was called Ḡĭĺ e-ăd, a word which means "high," because it is higher than the land opposite on the west of Jordan. There, in the city of Mā˗hā̇˗nā́ im, the rulers and the people were friendly to Dā́ vid. They brought food of all kinds and drink for Dā́ vid and those who were with him; for they said, "The people are hungry, and thirsty, and very tired, from their long journey through the wilderness.”
And at this place Dā́ vid's friends gathered from all the tribes of Ĭś̝ ra-el, until around him was an army. It was not so large as the army of Ăb̝́ sa-lŏm, but in it were more of the brave old warriors who had fought under Dā́ vid in other years. Dā́ vid divided his army into three parts, and placed over the three parts Jṓ ăb, his brother Ă-bĭsh́ a-ī, and Ĭt́ ta˗ī who had followed him so faithfully.
Dā́ vid said to the chiefs of his army and to his men, "I will go out with you into the battle.”
But the men said to Dā́ vid, "No, you must not go with us; for if half of us should lose our lives, no one will care; but you are worth ten thousand of us, and your life is too precious. You must stay here in the city, and be ready to help us if we need help.”
So the king stood by the gate of Mā-hā̇-nā́ im while his men marched out by hundreds and by thousands. And as they went past the king the men heard him say to the three chiefs, Jṓ ăb, and Ā̇-bĭsh́ a-ī, and Ĭt́ ta-ī, "For my sake, deal gently with the young man, Ăb́ sa-lŏm.”
Even to the last Dā́ vid loved the son who had done to him such great wrong, and Dā́ vid would have them spare his life.
A great battle was fought on that day at a place called "The Wood of Ḗ phră-Am," though it was not in the tribe of Ḗ phră˗ĭm, but of Găd, on the east of the Jôŕ dan. Ăb́ sa-lŏm's army was under the command of a man named Ăḿ a-sȧ, who was a cousin of Jṓ ăb; for his mother, Ăb́ ĭ-gail, and Jṓ ăb's mother, Zĕr-u-ī́ ah, were both sisters of Dā́ vid. So both the armies were led by nephews of King Dā́ vid.
Ăb́ sa-lŏm himself went into the battle, riding upon a mule, as was the custom of kings.
Dā́ vid's soldiers won a great victory, and killed thousands of Ắb́ sa-lŏm's men. The armies were scattered in the woods, and many men were lost, so that it was said that the woods swallowed up more men than the sword. When Ăb́ sa-lŏm saw that his cause was hopeless he rode away, hoping to escape. But as he was riding under the branches of an oak-tree, his head, with its great mass of long hair, was caught in the boughs of the tree. He struggled to free himself, but could not. His mule ran away, and Ăb́ sa-lŏm was left hanging in the air by his head.
One of Dā́ vid's soldiers saw him, and said to Jṓ ăb, "I saw Ăb́ sa-lŏm hanging in an oak.”
"Why did you not kill him?" asked Jṓ ăb. "If you had killed him I would have given you ten pieces of silver and a girdle.”
"If you should offer me a thousand pieces of silver," answered the soldier, "I would not touch the king's son; for I heard the king charge all the generals and the men, 'Let no one harm the young man Ăb́ sa-lŏm.' And if I had slain him, you yourself would not have saved my life from the king's anger.”
"I cannot stay to talk with you," said Jṓ ăb; and with three darts in his hand he hastened to the place where Ăb́ sa-lŏm was hanging. He thrust Ăb́ sa-lŏm's heart through with the darts, and after that his followers, finding that Ăb́ sa-lŏm was still living, pierced his body until they were sure that he was dead. Then they took down his body, and threw it into a deep hole in the forest, and heaped a great pile of stones upon it.
During his life Ăb́ sa-lŏm had built for himself a monument in the valley of Kĭd́ ron, on the east of Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm. There he had expected to be buried; but though the monument stood long afterward, and was called "Ăb́ sa-lŏm's pillar," yet Ăb́ sa-lŏm's body lay not there, but under a heap of stones in the wood of Ḗ phră-ĭm.
After the battle Ā̇-hĭḿ a-ăz, the son of the priest Zā-dŏk, came to Jṓ ăb. Ā̇-hĭḿ a-ăz was one of the two young men who brought news from Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm to Dā́ vid at the river Jôŕ dan, as we read in the last Story. He said to Jṓ ăb, "Let me run to the king, and take to him the news of the battle.”
But Jṓ ăb knew that the message of Ab́ sa-lŏm's death would not be pleasing to King Dā́ vid, and he said, "Some other time you shall bear news, but not today, because the king's son is dead.”
And Jṓ ăb called a negro who was standing near, and said to him, "Go, and tell the king what you have seen.”
The negro bowed to Jṓ ăb, and ran. But after a time Ā̇-hĭḿ a-ăz the son of Zā́ dŏk, again said to Jṓ ăb, "Let me also run after the negro, and take news.”
"Why do you wish to go, my son?" said Jṓ ăb; "the news will not bring you any reward.”
"Anyhow, let me go," said the young man; and Jṓ ăb gave him leave. Then Ā̇-hĭḿ a-ăz ran with all his might, and by a better road over the plain, though less direct than the road which the negro had taken over the mountains. Ā̇-hĭḿ-ăz outran the negro, and came first in sight to the watchman who was standing on the wall, while King Dā́ vid was waiting below in the little room between the outer and inner gates, anxious for news of the battle, but more anxious for his son, Ăb́ sa-lŏm.
The watchman on the wall called down to the king, and said, "I see a man running alone.”
And the king said, "If he is alone, he is bringing a message." He knew that if men were running away after a defeat in battle there would be a crowd together. Then the watchman called again, "I see another man running alone.”
And the king said, "He also is bringing some news.”
The watchman spoke again, "The first runner is coming near, and he runs like Ā̇-hĭḿ a-ăz, the son of Zā́ dŏk.
And Dā́ vid said, "He is a good man, and he comes with good news." Ā̇-hĭḿ a-ăz came near, and cried out as he ran, "All is well!”
The first words which the king spoke were, "Is it well with the young man Ăb́ sa-lŏm?”
Ā̇-hĭḿ a-ăz was too wise to bring to the king the word of Ăb́ sa-lŏm's death. He left that to the other messenger, and said, "When Jṓ ăb sent me, there was a great noise over something that had taken place, but I did not stop to learn what it was.”
A little later came the negro, crying, "News for my lord the king! This day the Lord has given you victory over your enemies!”
And Dā́ vid said again, "Is it well with the young man Ăb́ sa˗lŏm?”
Then the negro, who knew nothing of Dā́ vid's feeling, answered, "May all the enemies of my lord the king, and all that try to do him harm, be as that young man is!”
Then the king was deeply moved. His sorrow over Ăb́ sa-lŏm made him forget the victory that had been won. Slowly he walked up the steps to the room in the tower over the gate, and as he walked he said, "O my son Ăb́ sa-lŏm! my son, my son Ăb́ sa-lŏm! I wish before God that I had died for you, O Ăb́ sa-lŏm, my son, my son!”
The word soon went forth that the king, instead' of rejoicing over the victory, was weeping over his son. The soldiers came stealing back to the city, not as conquerors, but as if they had been defeated. Everyone felt sorry for the king, who sat in the room over the gate, with his face covered, and crying out, "O Ăb́ sa-lŏm, my son! my son, my son Ăb́ sa-lŏm!”
But Jṓ ăb saw that such great sorrow as the king showed was not good for his cause. He came to Dá vid, and said to him, "You have put to shame this day all those who have fought for you and saved your life. You have shown that you love those who hate you, and that you hate those who love you. You have said by your actions that your princes and your servants, who have been true to you, are nothing to you; and that if Ab́ sa-lŏm had lived and we had all died, you would have been better pleased. Now rise up, and act like a man, and show regard for those who have fought for you. I swear to you in the name of the Lord, that unless you do this, not a man will stay on your side, and that will be worse for you than all the harm that has ever come upon you in all your life before this day!”
Then Dá vid rose up, and washed away his tears, and put on his robes, and took his seat in the gate as a king. After this he came from Mā-hā̇-nā́ im to the river Jôŕ dan, and there all the people met him, to bring him back to his throne in Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm.
Among the first to come was Shĭḿ e-ī, the man who had cursed Dá vid and thrown stones at him as he was flying from Ăb́ sa-lŏm. He fell on his face, and confessed his crime, and begged for mercy. Ā̇-bĭsh́ a-ī brother, said, "Shall not Shĭḿ e-ī be put to death, because he cursed the king, the Lord's anointed?”
But Dá vid said, "Not a man shall be put to death this day in Ĭś̝ ra-el, for to-day I am king once more over Ĭś̝ ra-el. You shall not be slain, Shĭḿ e-ī; I pledge you the word of a king.”
And Zī́ bȧ, the servant of Mē̇-phĭb́ o-shĕth, was there with his sons and his followers; and Mē̇-phĭb́ o-shĕth was there also to meet the king. And Mē̇-phĭb́ o-shĕth had not dressed his lame feet, nor trimmed his beard, nor washed his clothes, from the day when Dá vid had left Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm until the day when he returned in peace. And Dá vid said to him, "Mē̇-phĭb́ o-shĕth, why did you not offer to go with me?”
"My lord, O king," said Mē̇-phĭb́ o-shĕth, "my servant deceived me. He said, 'You are lame, and cannot go; but I will go in your name with the king, and will help him.' And he has done me wrong with the king; but what matters it all, now that the king has come again?”
Dá vid said, "You and Zī́ bȧ may divide the land and the property.”
And Mē̇-phĭb́ o-shĕth said, "Let him have it all, now that the king has come in peace to his own house!”
The army of Ăb́ sa-lŏm had melted away, and was scattered throughout all Ĭś̝ ra-el. Dá vid was still displeased with Jṓ ăb, the chief of his army, because he had slain Ăb́ sa-lŏm, contrary to Dá vid's orders. He sent a message to Ăḿ a-sȧ, who had been the commander of Ăb́ sa-lŏm’s army, and who was, like Jṓ ăb and Dá vid's own nephew. He said to Ăḿ a-sȧ, "You are if my own family, of my bone and my flesh, and you shall be the general in place of Jṓ ăb.”
Jṓ ăb and his brother were strong men, not willing to submit to Dá vid's rule; and Dá vid thought that he would be safer on his throne if they did not hold so much power. Also, Dá vid thought that to make Ăḿ a-sȧ general would please not only those who had been friends to Ab́ sa-lŏm, but many more of the people, for many feared and hated Jṓ ăb.
At the river Jôŕ dan almost the whole tribe of Jū́ dah were gathered to bring the king back to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm. But this did not please the men of the other tribes. They said to the men of Judah, "You act as though you were the only friends of the king in all the land! We, too, have some right to Dá vid.”
The men of Jū́ dah said, "The king is of our own tribe, and is one of us. We come to meet him because we love him."
But the people of the other tribes were still offended, and many of them went to their homes in anger. The tribe of Ḗ phră-ĭm, in the middle of the land, was very jealous of the tribe of Jū́ dah, and unwilling to come again under Dá vid's rule. One man in Ḗ phră-ĭm, Shḗ bȧ, the son of Bĭch́ rī, began a new rebellion against Dá vid, which for a time threatened again to overthrow Dā́ vid's power.
Ăḿ a-sȧ, the new commander of the army, called out his men to put down Shḗ bȧ's rebellion. But he was slow in gathering his army, and Jṓ ăb, the old general, went forth with a band of his own followers. Jṓ ăb met Ăḿ a-sȧ, pretending to be his friend, and killed him, and then took the command. He shut up Shḗ bȧ in a city far in the north, and finally caused him to be slain. So at last every enemy was put down; and Dā́ vid sat again in peace upon his throne. But Jṓ ab, whom Dā́ vid feared and hated because of many evil deeds that he had done, was, as before, the commander of the army and in great power. Jṓ ăb was faithful to Dā́ vid, and was a strong helper to Dā́ vid's throne. Without Jṓ ăb's courage and skill in Dā́ vid's cause Dā́ vid might have failed in some of his wars, and especially in the war against. Ăb́ sa-lŏm's followers. But Jṓ ăb was cruel and wicked; and he was so strong that Dā́ vid could not control him. Dā́ vid felt that he was not fully the king while Jṓ ăb lived.
But few people knew how Dā́ vid felt toward Jṓ ăb; and in appearance the throne of Dā́ vid was now as strong as it had ever been; and Dá̄ vid's last years were years of peace and of power.
Lesson 28. David and Absalom.
(Tell Stories 13, 14 and 15 in Part Third.)
1. What wicked thing did King David do? He caused one of his brave soldiers to be killed.
2. For what purpose was this done? So that David might marry the soldier's wife.
3. Who came to David and told him that he had done wickedly? The prophet Nathan.
4. In what story did Nathan show the king how wickedly he had acted? In the story of a little lamb.
5. What did David say when Nathan spoke to him? "I have sinned against the Lord.”
6. What did Nathan say should come to David because of his sin? He should be made to suffer.
7. What son of David tried to take his kingdom from him? Absalom.
8. How far did Absalom succeed? He drove David away from Jerusalem.
9. Where was the battle fought between the men of Absalom and the men of David? In the, wood of Ephraim.
10. What happened to Absalom in the battle? He was killed.
11. What came to David? He reigned again as king.

Story Sixteen

2 Sam. 24:1 to 25; 1 Chronicles 21: 1 to 27
AFTER the death of Ăb́ sa-lŏm, Dā́ vid ruled in peace over Ĭś̝ er-el for many years. His kingdom stretched from the river Ēū-phrā́ tēs̝ to the border of Ḗ ġy̆pt and from the Great Sea on the west to the great desert on the east. But again David did that which was very displeasing to God. He gave orders to Jṓ ăb, who was the commander of his army, to send officers throughout all the tribes of Ĭś̝ ra-el, and to count all the men who could go forth to battle.
It may be that Dā́ vid's purpose was to gather a great army for some new war. Even Jṓ ăb, the general, knew that it was not right to do this; and he said to Dā́ vid, "May the Lord God make his people an hundred times as great as they are; but are they not all the servants of my lord the king? Why does the king command this to be done? Surely it will bring sin upon the king and upon the people.”
But. Dā́ vid was firm in his purpose, and Jó̄ ăb obeyed him, but not willingly. He sent men through all the twelve tribes to take the number of those in every city and town who were fit for war. They went throughout the land, until they had written down the number of eight hundred thousand men in ten of the tribes, and of nearly five hundred thousand men in the tribe of Jū́ dah, who could be called out for war. The tribe of Lḗ vī was not counted, because all its members were priests and Lḗ vītes in the service of the Tabernacle; and Bĕń ja-mĭn, on the border of which stood the city of Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, was not counted, because the numbering was never finished.
It was left unfinished because God was angry with Dā́ vid and with the people on account of this sin. Dā́ vid saw that he had done wickedly, in ordering the count of the people. He prayed to the Lord, and said, "O Lord, I have sinned greatly in doing this. Now, O Lord, forgive this sin, for I have done very foolishly.”
Then the Lord sent to Dā́ vid, a prophet, a man who heard God's voice and spoke as God's messenger. His name was Găd. Găd came to Dā́ vid, and said to him, "Thus saith the Lord, You have sinned in this thing, and now you and your land must suffer for your sin. I will give you the choice of three troubles to come upon the land. Shall I send seven years of famine, in which there shall be no harvest? Or shall your enemies overcome you, and win victories over you for three months? Or shall there be three days when pestilence shall fall upon the land, and the people shall die every-where?”
And Dā́vid said to the prophet Gad, "This is a hard choice of evils to come upon the land; but let me fall into the hand of the Lord, and not into the hands of men; for God's mercies are great and many. If we must suffer, let the three days of pestilence come upon the land.”
Then the Lord's angel of death passed through the land, and in three days seventy thousand men died. And when the angel of the Lord stretched out his hand over the city of Jē̇-rṳ sā̇-lĕm, the Lord had pity upon the people, and the Lord said to him, "It is enough; now hold back your hand, and cause no more of the people to die.”
Then the Lord opened Dā́ vid's eyes, and he saw the angel standing on Mount Mō̇-rī́ ah, with a drawn sword in his hand, held out toward the city. Then Dā́ vid prayed to the Lord, and he said:
"O Lord, I alone have sinned, and have done this wickedness before thee. These people are like sheep; they have done nothing. Lord, let thy hand fall on me, and not on these poor people.”
Then the Lord sent the prophet Găd to Dā́ vid, and Gad said to him, "Go, and build an altar to the Lord upon the place where the angel was standing.”
Then Dā́ vid and the men of his court went out from Mount Zī́ ŏn, where the city was standing, and walked up the side of Mount Mō̇-rī́ ah. They found the man who owned the rock on the top of the mountain threshing wheat upon it, with his sons; for the smooth rock was used as a threshing-floor, upon which oxen walked over the heads of grain, beating out the kernels with their feet. This man was not an Ĭś̝ ra-el-īte, but a foreigner, of the race that had lived on those mountains before the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes came. His name was Ā̇-ra̤ú nah.
When Ā̇-ra̤ú nah saw Dá vid and his nobles coming toward him, he bowed down with his face toward the ground, and said, "For what purpose does my lord the king come to his servant?”
"I have come," said Dá vid, "to buy your threshing-floor, and to build upon it an altar to the Lord, that I may pray to God to stop the plague which is destroying the people.”
And Ā̇-ra̤ú nah said to Dá vid, "Let my lord the king take it freely as a gift, and with it these oxen for a burnt-offering, and the threshing-tools and the yokes of the oxen for the wood on the altar. All this, O king, Ā̇-ra̤ú nah gives to the king.”
"No," said King Dā́ vid, "I cannot take it as a gift; but I will pay you the price for it. For I will not make an offering to the Lord my God of that which costs me nothing.”
So Dā́ vid gave Ā̇-ra̤ú nah the full price for the land, and for the oxen, and for the wood. And there, on the rock, he built an altar to the Lord God, and on it he offered burnt-offerings and peace offerings. The Lord heard Dá̄ vid's prayer and took away the plague from the land.
And on that rock afterward stood the altar of the temple of the Lord on Mount Mō̇-rī́ ah. The rock is standing even to this day; and over it a building called "The Dome of the Rock." Those who visit the place can look upon the very spot where Dā́ vid built his altar and called upon the Lord.

Story Seventeen

1 Kings 1:1 to 53
DURING the later years of Dá vid's reign he laid up great treasure of gold, and silver, and brass, and iron, for the building of a house to the Lord on Mount Mȯ-rī́ ah. This house was to be called "The Temple," and it was to be made very beautiful, the most beautiful building, and the richest, in all the land. Dā́ vid had greatly desired to build this house while he was the king of Ĭś̝ ra-el, but God said to him:
"You have been a man of war, and have fought many battles, and shed much blood. My house shall be built by a man of peace. When you die, your son Sŏĺ o-mon shall reign, and he shall have peace, and shall build my house.”
So Dā́ vid made ready great store of precious things for the Temple, also stone, and cedar to be used in the building. And Dā́ vid said to Sŏĺ o-mon, his son:
"God has promised that there shall be rest and peace to the land while you are king; and the Lord will be with you, and you shall build a house, where God shall live among his people,”
But Dā́ vid had other sons who were older than Sŏĺ o-mon; and one of these sons, whose name was Ăd-o-nī́ jah, formed a plan to make himself king. Dā́ vid was now very old, and he was no longer able to go out of his palace and to be seen among the people.
Ad-o-nī́ jah gathered his friends; and among them were Jṓ ăb, the general of the army, and Ā̇-bī́a-thär, one of the two high-priests. They met at a place outside the wall, and had a great feast, and were about to crown Ăd-o-nī́ jah as king, when word came to Dā́ vid in the palace. Dā́ vid, though old and feeble, was still wise. He said, "Let us make Sŏĺ o-mon king at once, and thus put an end to the plan of these men.”
So, at Dá vid's command, they brought out the mule on which no one but the king was allowed to ride, and they placed Sŏĺ o-mon upon it, and with the king's guards, and the nobles, and the great men, they brought the young Sŏĺ o-mon down to the valley of Ḡī́ hon, south of the city.
And Zā́ dŏk the priest took from the Tabernacle the horn filled with holy oil that was used for anointing or pouring oil on the head of the priests when they were set apart for their work. He poured oil from this horn on the head of Sŏĺ o-mon, and then the priests blew the trumpets, and all the people cried aloud, "God save King Sŏĺ o-mon.”
All this time Ăd-o-nī́ jah, and Jṓ ăb, and their friends were not far away, almost in the same valley, feasting and making merry, intending to make Ăd-o-nī́ jah king. They heard the sound of trumpets and the shouting of the people. Jṓ ăb said, "What is the cause of all this noise and uproar?”
A moment later Jŏń a-than, the son of Ā̇-bīa-thär, came running in. We read of him as one of the two young men who brought news from Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm to Dā́ vid at the river Jordan. Jŏń a-than said to the men who were feasting:
"Our lord, King Dā́ vid, has made Sŏĺ o-mon king, and he has just been anointed in anon; and all the princes and the heads of the army are with him, and the people are shouting, 'God save King Sŏĺ o-mon!' And Dá vid has sent from his bed a message to Sŏĺ o-mon, saying, `May the Lord make your name greater than my name has been! Blessed be the Lord, who has given me a son to sit this day on my throne!'”
When Ăd-o-nī́ jah and his friends heard this they were filled with fear. Every man went at once to his house, except Ăd-o-nī́ jah. He hastened to the altar of the Lord, and knelt before it, and took hold of the horns that were on its corners in front. This was a holy place and he hoped that there Sŏĺ o-mon might then have mercy on him. And Sŏĺ o-mon said, "If Ăd-o-nī́ jah will do right and be true to me as the king of Ĭś̝ ra-el, no harm shall come to him; but if he does wrong he shall die." Then Ăd-o-nī́ jah came and bowed down before King Sŏĺ o-mon, and promised to obey him, and Sŏĺ o-mon said, "Go to your own house.”
Not long after this Dā́ vid sent for Sŏĺ o-mon; and from his bed he gave his last advice to Sŏĺ o-mon. And soon after that Dā́ vid died, an old man, having reigned in all forty years, seven years over the tribe. of Jū́ dah at Hḗ bron, and thirty-three years over all Ĭś̝ ra-el in Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm. He was buried in great honor on Mount Zī́ ŏn, and his tomb remained standing for many years.

Story Eighteen

I Kings 3:1, to 4:34; 2 Chron. 1:1 to 13.
SŎĹ O-MON was a very young man, not more than twenty years old, when he became king and bore the heavy care of a great land. For his kingdom was larger than the twelve tribes of Ĭś̝ ra-el, from Dăn to Bḗ er=shḗ ba. On the north he ruled over all from Mount Hēŕ mon as far as the great river Eū-phrā́ tes̝. On the east, Ăḿ mŏn and Mṓ ab were under his power, and in the south all the land of Ē̄ dom, far down into the desert where the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes had wandered long before. He had no wars, as Dā́ vid had before him, but at home and abroad his great realm was at peace as long as Sŏĺ o-mon reigned.
Soon after Sŏĺ o-mon became king he went to Ḡĭb́ e-on, a few miles north of Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, where the altar of the Lord stood until the Temple was built. At Ḡĭb́ e-on Sŏĺ o-mon made offerings and worshipped the Lord God of Ĭś̝ ra-el.
And that night the Lord God came to Sŏĺ o-mon, and spoke to him. The Lord said, "Ask of me whatever you choose, and I will give it to you.”
And Sŏĺ o-mon said to the Lord, "O Lord, thou didst show great kindness to my father, David; and now thou hast made me king in my father's place. I am only a child, O Lord. I know not how to rule this great people, which is like the dust of the earth in number. Give me, O Lord, I pray thee, wisdom and knowledge, that I may judge this people, and may know how to rule them aright.”
The Lord was pleased with Sŏĺ o-mon's choice, and the Lord said to Sŏĺ o-mon, "Since you have not asked of me long life, nor great riches for yourself, nor victory over your enemies, nor great power, but have asked wisdom and knowledge to judge this people, I have given you wisdom greater than that of any king before you, and greater than that of any king that shall come after you. And because you have asked this, I will give you not only wisdom, but also honor and riches. And if you will obey my words, as your father Dā́ vid obeyed, you shall have long life, and shall rule for many years.”
Then Sŏĺ o-mon awoke and found that it was a dream. But it was a dream that came true, for God gave to Sŏĺ o-mon all that he had promised, wisdom, and riches, and honor, and power, and long life. Soon after this Sŏĺ o-mon showed his wisdom. Two women came before him with two little babies, one dead and the other living. Each of the two women claimed the living child as her own, and said that the dead child belonged to the other woman. One of the women said, "O my lord, we two women were sleeping with our children in one bed. And this woman in her sleep lay upon her child, and it died. Then she placed her dead child beside me while I was asleep, and took my child. In the morning I saw that it was not my child; but she says it is mine, and the living child is hers. Now, O king, command this woman to give me my own child." Then the other woman said, "That is not true. The dead baby is her own, and the living one is mine, which she is trying to take from me.”
Then Sŏĺ o-mon said, "Give the living child to the woman who would not have it slain, for she is its mother.”
And all the people wondered at the wisdom of one so young; and they saw that God had given him understanding.
Sŏĺ o-mon chose some of the great men who had helped his father Dā́ vid, to stand beside his throne and do his will. Among those was a man named Bē̇-nā́ iah, the son of Jē̇-hoí a-dȧ. He was one of those who had come to Dā́ vid while he was hiding from Sa̤ul, as we read in Story Seven of this Part. At that time Bē̇-nā́ iah, while still a young man, did a very bold deed. He found a lion in a deep pit, leaped into the pit, and killed the lion. For this act, Bē̇-nā́ iah became famous, for few people would dare to venture so near to a lion, with the weapons in use at that time. This brave man was old in Sŏĺ o-mon's day, but he was still strong, and Solomon gave him a high place, at the head of his guards.
Lesson 29. Solomon.
(Omit Story 16. Tell Stories 17 and 18 in Part Third.)
1. What did David wish to do while he was king? To build a temple to the Lord.
2. Why would not God allow David to build the temple? Because he had been a man of war.
3. What did pod promise to David? That his son should build the temple.
4. How long did David reign? Forty years, seven over Judah and thirty-three over Israel.
5. What does the Bible say of David as king? He was the greatest and best of all the kings of Israel.
6. Whom did David make king before he died? His son Solomon.
7. What did Solomon have through all his reign? Peace in all the land.
8. What did the Lord say to Solomon at night? "Ask what I shall give you.”
9. For what did Solomon ask the Lord? For wisdom to rule the people.
10. What did God promise to give to Solomon besides wisdom? Riches, and honor, and long life.

Story Nineteen

1 Kings 5:1, to 9:9; 2 Chronicles 3: 1, to 7:22
The young king listened to both women. Then he said, "Bring me a sword.”
They brought a sword, and then Sŏĺ o-mon said, "Take this sword, and cut the living child in two, and give half of it to each one.”
Then one of the women cried out, and said, "O my lord, do not kill my child! Let the other woman have it, but let the child live!”
But the other woman said, "No, cut the child in two, and divide it between us!”
HE great work of Sŏĺ o-mon's reign was the building of the house of God, which was called "The Temple.” This stood on Mount Mō̇-rī́ ah, on the east of Mount Zī́ ŏn, and it covered the whole mountain. King Dā́ vid had prepared for it by gathering great stores of gold, and silver, and stone, and cedar-wood. The walls were made of stone, and the roof of cedar.
For the building the cedar was bought from Mount Lĕb́ a-non, where there were many large cedar- trees. The trees were cut down and carried to Tyre on the seacoast. There they were made into rafts in the Great Sea, and were floated down to Jŏṕ pȧ. At Jŏṕ pȧ they were taken ashore and were carried up to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm. All this work was done by the men of Tyre, at the command of their king, Hiram, who was a friend of Sŏĺ o-mon, as he had been a friend of King Dā́ vid.
All the stones for the building of the Temple were hewn into shape and fitted together before they were brought to Mount Mō̇-rī́ ah. And all the beams for the roof and the pillars of cedar were carved and made to join each other; so that as the walls arose no sound of hammer or chisel was heard; the great building rose up quietly. You remember the form of the Tabernacle which was built before Mount Sī́nāi, in the wilderness, with its court, its Holy Place, and its Holy of Holies. The Temple was copied after the Tabernacle, except that it was much larger, and was a house of stone and cedar, instead of a tent.
The Tabernacle had one court around it, where the priests only could enter; but the Temple had two courts, both open to the sky, with walls of stone around them, and on the walls double rows of cedar pillars, and a roof above the pillars, so that people could, walk around the court upon the walls protected from the sun. The court in front was for the people, for all the men of Ĭś̝ ra-el could enter it, but no people of foreign race. This was called the "Forecourt." Beyond the Fore-court was the Court of the Priests, where only the priests were allowed to walk. At the east gate of this court stood the great altar of burnt-offerings, built of rough, unhewn stones, for no cut stones could be used in the altar. This altar stood on the rock which had been the threshing-floor of Ā̇-ra̤ú nah, where Dā́ vid saw the angel of the Lord standing.
Near the altar, in the Court of the Priests, stood a great tank for water, so large that it was called "a sea." It was made of brass, and stood on the backs of twelve oxen, also made of brass. From this the water was taken for washing the offerings.
Within the Court of the Priests stood the Holy House, or the Temple building, made of marble and of cedar. Its front was a high tower, called the Porch. In this were rooms for the high-priest and his sons.
Back of the Porch was the Holy Place. This was a long room in which stood the table for the twelve loaves of the bread, and golden altar of incense. In the Holy Place of the Tabernacle stood the golden lamp stand. We are not sure whether it was in the Temple; for either in place of the lamp stand, or perhaps in addition to it, Sŏĺ o-mon placed ten lamps of gold in the Holy Place.
Between the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies was a great veil, as in the Tabernacle. And in the Holy of Holies the priests placed the Ark of the Covenant. This, you remember, was a box or chest of gold, in which were kept the two stone tablets of the Ten Commandments. This Ark of the Covenant was all that stood in the Holy of Holies; and into this room only the high-priest came, and he only on one day in the year, the great Day of Atonement, when the scapegoat was sent away.
Outside of the Temple building were rooms for the priests. They were built on the outer wall of the house, on the rear and the two sides, but not in front, three stories high; and were entered from the outside only. In these rooms the priests lived while they were staying at the Temple to lead in the worship.
Seven years were spent in building the Temple, but at last it was finished; and a great service was held when the house was set apart to the worship of the Lord. Many offerings were burned upon the great altar, the ark was brought from Mount Zī́ on and placed in the Holy of Holies, and King Sŏĺ o-mon knelt upon a platform in front of the altar and offered a prayer to the Lord before all the people, who filled the courts of the Temple.
One night, after the Temple was finished, the Lord appeared to Sŏĺ o-mon in a dream for the second time. And the Lord said to Sŏĺ o-mon, "I have heard the prayer which you have offered to me, and I have made this house holy. It shall be my house, and I will dwell there. And if you will walk before me as Dā́ vid, your father, walked, doing my will, then your throne shall stand forever. But if you turn aside from following the Lord, then I will leave this house, and will turn from it, and will let the enemies of Ĭś̝ ra-el come and destroy this house that was built for me.”

Story Twenty

1 Kings 10:1, to 11:43.
King Sŏĺo-mon the land of Ĭś̝ ra-el arose to greatness as never before and never afterward. All the countries around Ĭś̝ ra-el, and some that were far away, sent their princes to visit Sŏĺ o-mon. And every one who saw him wondered at his wisdom and his skill to answer hard questions. It was said that King Sŏĺ o-mon was the wisest man in all the world. He wrote many of the wise sayings in the Book of Proverbs, and many more that have been lost. He wrote more than a thousand songs. He spoke of trees, and of animals, and of birds, and of fishes. From many lands people came to see Sŏĺ o-mon's splendor in living and to listen to his wise words.
In a land more than a thousand miles from Jē̇-rú sā̇-lem, on the south of Ā̇́ rā́ bĭ-ȧ, in the land of Shḗ bȧ, the queen heard of Sŏĺ o-mon's wisdom. She left her home, with a great company of her nobles, riding on camels and bearing rich gifts; and she came to visit King Sŏĺ o-mon. The queen of Shḗ ba brought to Sŏĺ o-mon many hard questions, and she told him all that was in her heart. Sŏĺ o-mon answered all her questions, and showed her all the glory of his palace, and his throne, and his servants, and the richness of his table, and the steps by which he went up from his palace to the house of the Lord. And when she had heard and seen all, she said:
"All that I have heard in my own land of your wisdom and your greatness was true. But I did not believe it until I came and saw your kingdom. And not half was told me; for your wisdom and your splendor are far beyond what I had heard. Happy are those who are always before you to hear your wisdom! Blessed be the Lord thy God, who has set thee on the throne of Ĭś̝ ra-el!”
And the queen of Shḗ bȧ gave to Sŏĺ o-mon great treasures of gold, and sweet-smelling spices, and perfumes; and Sŏĺ o-mon also made to her rich presents. Then she went back to her own land.
Sŏĺ o-mon's great palace, where he lived in state, stood on the southern slope of Mount Mō̇-rī́ ah, a little lower than the Temple. Its pillars of cedar were very many, so that they stood like a forest; and on that account it was called "The House of the Forest of Lĕb́ a-non." From this palace a wide staircase of stone led up to the Temple, and Sŏĺ o-mon and his princes walked up these stairs when they went to worship.
But there was a dark side as well as a bright side to the reign of Sŏĺ o-mon. His palaces, and the walled cities that he built to protect his kingdom on all sides, and the splendor of his court, cost much money. To pay for these he laid heavy taxes upon his people, and from all the tribes he compelled many of the men to work on buildings, to become soldiers in his army, to labor in his fields, and to serve in his household. Before the close of Sŏĺ o-mon's reign the cry of the people rose up against Sŏĺ o-mon and his rule, on account of the heavy burdens that he had laid upon the land.
Sŏĺ o-mon was very wise in affairs of the world, but he had no feeling for the poor of the land, nor did he love God with all his heart. He chose for his queen a daughter of Phā́ raōh, the king of Ḗ ġy̆pt, and he built for her a splendid palace. And he married many other women who were the daughters of kings. These women had worshipped idols in their own homes, and to please them, Sŏĺ o-mon built on the Mount of (Wives a temple of idols, in full view of the Temple of the Lord. So images of Bā́ al, and the Ăsh́ ḗ rah, and of Chḗ mŏsh, the idol of the Mṓ ab-ītes, and of Mṓ lech, the idol of the Ăm mon-ītes, stood on the hill in front of Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm; and to these images King Sŏĺ o-mon himself offered sacrifices. How great was the shame of the good men in Ĭś̝ ra-el when they saw their king surrounded by idol-priests, and bowing down upon his face before images of stone!
The Lord was very angry with Sŏĺ o-mon for all this, and the Lord said to Sŏĺo-mon, "Since you have done these wicked things, and have not kept your promise to serve me, and because you have turned aside from my commands, I will surely take away the kingdom of ‘Ĭś̝ ra-el from your son, and will give it to one of your servants. But for the sake of your father, Dā́ vid, who loved me And obeyed my commands, I will not take away from your son all the kingdom, but I will leave to him, and to his children after him, one tribe.”
The servant of King Sŏĺ o-mon, of whom the Lord spoke, was a young man of the tribe of Ḗ phră-ĭm, named Jĕr-o-bṓ am. He was a very able man, and in the building of one of Sŏĺ o-mon's castles he had charge over all the work done by the men of his tribe. One day a prophet of the Lord, named Ā̇-hí jah, met the young Jĕr-o-bṓ am as he was going out of Je-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm. A-hī́ jah took off his own mantle, which was a new one, and tore it into twelve pieces. Ten of these pieces he gave to Jĕr-o-bó am, saying to him:
"Take these ten pieces, for thus saith the Lord, the God of Ĭś̝ ra-el, I will tear the kingdom out of the hand of Sŏĺ o-mon's son, and will give ten tribes to you. But Sŏĺ o-mon's son shall have one tribe for my servant Dā́ vid's sake, and for the sake of Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm. You shall reign over ten of the tribes of Ĭś̝ ra-el, and shall have all that you desire. And if you will do my will, saith the Lord, then I will be with you, and will give to your children and children's children to rule long over this land.”
When King Sŏĺ on-mon’s heard what the prophet Ā̇-hī́ jah had said and done, he tried to kill Jĕr-o-bṓ am. But Jĕr-o-bṓ am fled into Ḗ ġy̆pt, and stayed there until the end of Sŏĺ o-mon's reign.
Sŏĺ o-mon reigned in all forty years, as Dā́ vid had reigned before him. He died, and was buried on Mount Zī́ ŏn, and Rē-ho-bṓ am, his son, became king in his place.
Sometimes the reign of Sŏĺ o-mon has been called "the Golden Age of Ĭś̝ ra-el," because it was a time of peace, and of wide rule, and of great riches. But it would be better to call it "the Gilded Age," because under all the show and glitter of Sŏĺ o-mon's reign there were many evil things, a king allowing and helping the worship of idols, a court filled with idle and useless nobles, and the poor of the land heavily burdened with taxes and labor. The empire of Sŏĺ o-mon was ready to fall in pieces, and the fall soon came.
Lesson 30. The Temple.
(Tell Stories 19 and 20, in Part Third.)
1. What was the greatest work in the reign of Solomon? The building of the temple.
2. For what purpose was the temple built? For the house of God.
3. Where was the temple built? On Mount Moriah.
4. Of what older building was it a copy in its plan? The Tabernacle.
5. What stood in front of the temple? An open court.
6. What were the two rooms of the building? The holy place, and the holy of holies.
7. What was kept in the holy of holies? The Ark of the Covenant.
8. What was in the Ark of the Covenant? The Ten Commandments.
9. For what was Solomon known throughout the world? For his wisdom.
10. What queen came from a far country to see Solomon? The Queen of Sheba.
Lesson 31. Review of Part Third.
(Tell enough of the stories to help the pupils in answering the questions.)
1. Who was the first king of Israel? Saul.
2. Where did Saul live as king? At Gibeah.
3. What was the name of Saul's brave son? Jonathan.
4. Who spoke to Saul the word of the Lord? Samuel.
5. Why was the kingdom taken from Saul? Because he disobeyed God.
6. Whom did God choose for king in place of Saul? David.
7. Where did David live as a boy? At Bethlehem.
8. What was the name of the giant whom David killed? Goliath.
9. Where did David hide from Saul? In the wilderness.
10. What people were at war with Saul and the Israelites? The Philistines
11. Where was Saul killed? On Mount Gilboa
12. Who became king after Saul? David.
13. What city did David take from enemies and make his home? Jerusalem.
14. Who tried to make himself king in place of David? Absalom
15. Who was king after David? Solomon.
16. What did Solomon build? The temple.

Part Fourth


Story One

1 Kings 12:1 to 24; 2 Chron. 10:1 to 19
WHEN the strong rule of King Sŏĺ o-mon was ended by his death, and his weak son, Rē-ho-bṓ am, followed him as king, all the people of Ĭś̝ ra-el rose as one man against the heavy burdens which Sŏĺ o-mon had laid upon the land. They would not allow Rē-ho-bṓ am to be crowned king in Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, but made him come to Shḗ chem, in the tribe-land of Ḗ phră-ĭm, and in the center of the country. The people sent for Jĕr-o-bṓ am, who was in Ḗ ġy̆pt, and he became their leader. They said to Rē-ho-bṓ am, "Your father, Sŏĺ o-mon, laid upon us heavy burdens of taxes and of work. If you will promise to take away our load, and make the taxes and the work lighter, then we will receive you as king, and will serve you.”
"Give me three days," said Rē-ho-bṓ am, "and then I will tell you what I will do.”
So Jĕr-o-bṓ am and the people waited for three days, while Rē-ho-bṓ am talked with the rulers and with his friends. Rē-ho-bṓ am first called together the old men who had stood before the throne of Sŏĺ o-mon and had helped him in his rule. He said to these men, "What answer shall I give to this people, who ask to have their burdens made light?”
And these old men said to King Rē-ho-bṓ am, ".If you will be wise to-day, and yield to the people, and speak good words to them, then they will submit to you, and will serve you always. Tell them that you will take off the heavy burdens, and that you will rule the land in kindness.”
But Rē-ho-bó am would not heed the advice of these wise old men. He talked with the young princes who had grown up with him in the palace, and who cared nothing for the people or their troubles and he said to these young men, "The people are asking to have their heavy burdens taken away. What shall I say to them?”
And the young nobles said to Rē-ho-bṓ am, "Say to the people this, `My father made your burdens heavy, but I will make them heavier still. My father beat you with whips, but I will sting you with scorpions. My little finger shall be thicker than my father's waist.'”
On the third day Jĕr-o-bō am and all the people came to Rē-ho-bṓ am for his answer. And the foolish young king did not follow the good advice of the old men who knew the people and their needs. He did as the haughty young princes told him to do, and spoke harshly to the people, and said, "My father made your yoke heavy, but I will add to it, and make it heavier. You will find my little finger thicker than my father's waist. My father struck you with whips, but I will sting you with scorpions." Then the people of Ĭś̝ ra-el were very angry against the king. They said, "Why should we submit any longer to the house of Dā́ vid? Let us leave the family of Dā́ vid, and choose a king of our own. To your tents, O Ĭś̝ ra-el! Now, Rē-ho-bṓ am, son of Dā́ vid, care for your own house!”
Thus in one day ten of the twelve tribes of Ĭś̝ ra-el broke away forever from the rule of King Rē-ho-bṓ am and the house of Dā́ vid. They made Jĕr-o-bṓ am, of the tribe of Ḗ phră-ĭm, their king. In his kingdom was all the land northward from Bĕth́=el to Dăn, and also all the tribes on the east of the river Jordan. His kingdom being the larger, was called Ĭś̝ ra-el; but it was also called "the kingdom of the Ten Tribes," and because Ḗ phră,-ĭm Was its leading tribe, it was often spoken of as "the land of Ḗphră-ĭm.”
When Rē-ho-bṓ am saw that he had lost his kingdom, he made haste to save his life by fleeing away from Shḗ chem. He rode in his chariot quickly to Jē̇-rṳ-sā̇́ lĕm, where the people were his friends; and there he ruled as king, but only over the tribe of Jū́ dah and as much of Bĕń ja-mĭn as was south of Bĕth́=el. The tribe of Sĭḿ e-on had once lived on the south of Jū́ dah, but some of its people were lost among the people of Jū́ dah, and others among the Arabs of the desert, so that it was no longer a separate tribe.
Rē-ho-bṓ am ruled over the mountain country on the west of the Dead Sea, but he had no control over the Phĭ-lĭś tĭne cities on the plain beside the Great Sea. So the kingdom of Jū́ dah, as it was called, was less than one-third the size of the kingdom of Ĭś̝ ra-el, or the Ten Tribes.
Dā́ vid had conquered, and Sŏĺ o-mon had ruled, not only the land of Ĭś̝ ra-el, but sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ on the north of Ĭś̝ ra-el, reaching up to the great river Eū-phrā́ tēs̝, and Ammon by the desert on the east, and Mṓ ab on the east of the Dead Sea, and Ḗ dom on the south. When the kingdom was divided, all the empire of Sŏĺ o-mon was broken up. The Sy̆ŕ ĭ-ans̝ formed a kingdom of their own, having Dā̇-măś cus as its chief city. The Ăḿ mon-ītes, the Mṓ ab-ītes, and the Ḗ dom-ītes, all had their own kings, though the king of Mṓ ab was for a time partly under the king of Ĭś̝ ra-el, and the king of Ḗ dom partly under the king of Jū́ dah. So the great and strong empire founded by Dā́ vid, and held by Sŏĺ o-mon, fell apart, and became six small, struggling states.
Yet all this was by the will of the Lord, who did not wish Ĭś̝ ra-el to become a great nation, but a good people. The Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes were growing rich, and were living for the world, while God desired them to be his people, and to worship him only. So, when Rē-he-bṓ am undertook to gather an army to fight the Ten Tribes, and to bring them under his rule, God sent a prophet to Rē-he-bṓ am, who said to him, "Thus saith the Lord, Ye shall not go up and fight against your brothers, the children of Ĭś̝ ra-el. Return every man to his house; for it is God's will that there should be two kingdoms.”
And the men of Jū́ dah obeyed the word of the Lord, and left the Ten Tribes to have their own kingdom and their own king.

Story Two

1 Kings 12:25, to 14:20; 15:25 to 32
THE Lord had told Jĕr-o-bṓ am that he should become O king over the Ten Tribes; and the Lord had promised Jĕr-o-bṓ am that if he would serve the Lord, promised and do his will, then his kingdom would become great, and his descendants, those who should come after him, should sit long on the throne. But Jĕr-o-bṓ am, though wise in worldly matters, was not faithful to the Lord God of Ĭś̝ rā-el.
He saw that his people, though separated from the rule of King Rē-ho-bṓ am, still went up to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lem to worship in the Temple, because there was the only altar in all the land, Jĕr-o-bṓ am said to himself:
"If my people go up to worship at Jē̇-rṳ́ sa-lĕm, then after a time they will become the friends of Rē-ho-bó am and his people; and then they will leave me, or perhaps kill me, and let Rē-hó bō-am rule again over all the land. I will build places for worship and altars in my own kingdom; and then my people will not need to go abroad to worship.”
Jĕr-o-bṓ am forgot that the Lord, who had given him the kingdom, could care for him and keep him, if he should be faithful to the Lord. But because he would not trust the Lord, he did that which was very evil. He chose two places, Bĕth́=el in the south, on the road to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, and Dan far in the north; and made these places of worship for his people. And for each place he made a calf of gold, and set it up; and he said to the people of Ĭś̝ ra-el: "It is too far for you to go up to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm to worship. Here are gods for you, at Bĕth́=el and at Dăn. These are the gods which brought you up out of the land of Ḗ ġy̆pt. Come and worship these gods.”
And as the priests of the tribe of Lḗ vī would not serve in Jĕr-o-bṓ am's idol-temples, he took men out of all the tribes, some of them common and low men, and made them his priests. And all through the land, upon hills and high places, Jĕr-o-bṓ am caused images to be set up, to lead the people in worshipping idols.
In the fall of the year there was held a feast to the Lord in Je-rṳ́ sa-lĕm, to which the people went from all the land. Jĕr-o-bṓ am made a great feast at Bĕth́=el, a few weeks later than the feast at Je-rṳ́ sa-lĕm, in order to draw people to his idol-temple at Bĕth́=el, and to keep them away from the Temple of the Lord at Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm. At this feast King Jĕr-o-bṓ am went up to the idol-altar at Bĕth́=el, and burned incense, which was a sweet-smelling smoke, made by burning certain gums. Thus Jĕr-o-bṓ am led his people away from the Lord to idols; and ever after this, when his name is mentioned in the Bible, he is spoken of as "Jĕr-o-bṓ am, who made Ĭś̝ ra-el to sin.”
On a day when Jĕr-o-bṓ am was offering incense at the altar, a man of God, a prophet, came from Jū́ dah; and he cried out against the altar, saying:
"O altar, altar, thus saith the Lord, Behold, in the time to come there shall rise up a man of the house of Dā́ vid, Jō̇-sī́ ah by name. And Jō̇-sī́ ah shall burn upon this altar the bones of the priests that have offered sacrifices to idols in this place. And this altar and this temple shall be destroyed.”
The prophet from Jū́ dah also said to Jĕr-o-bṓ am, "I will prove to you that I am speaking in the power of the Lord; and this shall be the sign. This altar shall fall apart, and the ashes upon it shall be poured out.”
When King Jĕr-o-bṓ am heard this, he was very angry. He stretched out his arm toward the prophet, and called to his guards, saying, "Take hold of that man!”
And instantly the hand which Jĕr-o-bó am held out toward the prophet, dried up and became helpless. And as if by an earthquake the altar before which the king stood was torn apart, and the ashes fell out upon the ground. Then the king saw that this was the work of the Lord. He said to the prophet, "Pray to the Lord your God for me, that he may make my hand well again.”
Then the prophet prayed to the Lord, and the Lord heard his prayer, and made the king's hand well once more. Then King Jĕr-o-bṓam said to the prophet, "Come home with me, and dine, and rest; and I will give you a reward.”
And the man of God said to the king:
"If you would give me half of your house, I will not go to your home, nor eat bread, nor drink water in this place. For the word of the Lord came to me, saying, 'Eat no bread, and drink no water in this place; and go to your home in the land of Judah by another way.”
So the man of God left Bĕth́=el by a road different from that by which he came, and went toward his own home in the land of Judah.
There was living in Bĕth́=el at that time another prophet, an old man. His sons told him of the coming of the man of God from Jū́ dah, what he had said, and what the Lord had wrought. The old man learned from his sons which road the prophet had taken, and followed after him, and found him resting under an oak-tree. He said to him:
"Are you the man of God that came from Jŭ́ dah?”
And he said, "I am." Then said the old prophet of Bĕth́=el to him, "Come home with me, and have supper with me.”
But the man of God said to him, "The Lord has commanded me not to eat bread or drink water in this place; and I must therefore go back to my own home in the land of Jū́ dah.”
Then the old man said:
"I am a prophet of the Lord as you are; and an angel spoke to me from the Lord, saying, ' Bring the prophet from Jū́ dah back to your house, and let him eat and drink with you." Now this was not true, It was a wicked lie. Then the prophet from Jū́ dah went home with him, and took a meal at his house. This also was not right, for he should have obeyed what the Lord had said to him, even though another man claimed to have heard a different message from the Lord.
And even while they were sitting at the table, a word came from the Lord to the old prophet who had told the lie; and he cried out to the prophet from Jū́ dah, saying: "Thus saith the Lord, 'Because you have disobeyed my command, and have come back to this place, and have eaten bread and drunk water here, therefore you shall die and your body shall not be buried in the tomb with your fathers."'
After dinner the prophet started again to ride upon his ass back to his own home. And on the way a lion came out, and killed him. But the lion did not eat the man's body. He stood beside it, and the ass stood by it also. And this was told to the old prophet whose lies had led him to disobey the Lord. Then the old prophet came, and took up his body, and laid it in his own tomb, and mourned over him. And he said to his sons:
"When I am dead, bury me beside the body of the prophet from the land of Jū́ dah. For I know that what he spoke as the message of God against the altar at Bĕth́=el shall surely come to pass.”
At one time the child of King Jĕr-o-bṓ am was taken very ill: and his mother, the queen, went to the prophet Ā̇-hī́ jah, the one who had promised the kingdom to Jĕr-o-bṓ am, who was now an old man and blind, if the child would be well again. But Ā̇-hī́ jah said to her: "Tell King Jĕr-o-bṓ am that thus saith the Lord to him:
"You have done evil worse than any before you; and have made graven images, and have cast the Lord behind your back. Therefore the Lord will bring evil upon you and upon your house. Your sick child shall die, and every other child of yours shall be slain; and your family shall be swept away. The dogs shall eat the bodies of your children in the city, and the birds of the air shall eat these that die in the field. And in times to come God shall smite Ĭś̝ ra-el, and shall carry them into a land far away, because of the idols which they have worshipped.”
And after this Jĕr-o-bó am died, and his son Nā́ dăb began to reign in his place. But after two years Bā́ a-shȧ, one of his servants, rose up against Nā́ dăb, and killed him, and made himself king over Ĭś̝ ra-el. And Bā́ a-shȧ killed every child of Jĕr-o-bṓ am, and left not one son or daughter of Jĕr-o-bṓ am alive, as Ā̇-hī́ jah the prophet had said.
So, although Jĕr-o-bṓ am was made king, as God had promised him, it came to pass that the kingdom was taken away from his family, because he did not obey the word of the Lord, but lei his people into sin.

Lesson 2. the Two Kingdoms.

(Tell Stories 1 and 2 of Part Fourth.)
1. What took place after King Solomon died? The kingdom was divided.
2. What was the larger part called? The kingdom of Israel.
3. How many of the tribes were in the kingdom of Israel? Ten of the twelve tribes.
4. Who was the first king of the Ten Tribes of Israel? Jeroboam.
5. What was the smaller part called? The kingdom of Judah.
6. What tribes were in the kingdom of Judah? Judah and Benjamin.
7. Who was the first king of Judah? Rehoboam the son of Solomon.
8. What wicked thing did Jeroboam the king of Israel do? He led his people away from God.
9. What did Jeroboam lead his people to do? To pray to idols.
10. What is Jeroboam called in the Bible? “Jeroboam who made Israel to sin.”
11. What did the prophet of God tell Jeroboam? That the kingdom should be taken from his family.

Story Three

1 Kings 15:33, to 17:24
AFTER Jĕr-o-bṓ am and Nā́ dăb his son, Bā́ a-shȧ reigned as king of Ĭś̝ ra-el. But he did as Jĕr-o-bṓ am had done before him, disobeying the word of the Lord and worshipping idols. Therefore the Lord sent a prophet to Bā́ a-shȧ, saying, "Thus saith the Lord to Bā́ a-shȧ., king of Ĭś̝ ra-el, I lifted you up from the dust and made you the prince over my people Ĭś̝ ra-el. But you have walked in the way of Jĕr-o-bṓ am, and have made Ĭś̝ ra-el sin. Therefore your family shall be destroyed, like the family of Jĕr-o-bṓ am.”
When Bā́ a-shȧ died, his son Ḗ lah became king; but while he was drinking wine and making himself drunk, his servant, Zĭḿ rī, came in and killed him, and killed also all his family, and all the house of Bā́ a-shȧ, so that not one was left.
Zĭḿ rī tried to make himself king, but his reign was short, only seven days. Ŏḿ rī, the general of the Ĭś̝ ra-el-īte army, made war upon him, and shut him up in his palace. When Zĭḿ rī found that he could not escape, he set his palace on fire and was burned up with it. After this there was war in Ĭś̝ ra-el between Ŏḿ rī and another man, named Tĭb́ nī, each trying to win the kingdom. But at last Tĭb́ nī was slain, and Ŏḿ rī became king.
Ŏḿ rī was not a good man, for he worshipped idols, like the kings before him. But he was a strong king, and made his kingdom great. He made peace with the kingdom of Jū́ dah, for there had been war between Jū́ dah and Ĭ́ ra-el ever since Jĕr-o-bṓ am had founded the kingdom. Ŏḿ rī bought a hill in the middle of the land, from a man named Shemer; and on the hill he built a city which he named Sā̇́ mā́ rĭ-ȧ, after the name of the man from whom he had bought the hill. The city of Sā̇-mā́ rĭ-ȧ became in Ĭś̝ ra-el what Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm was in Jū́ dah, the chief city and capital. Before the time of Ŏḿ ri the kings of Ĭś̝ ra-el had lived in different cities, sometimes in Shḗ chem, and sometimes in Tīŕ zah; but after Ŏḿ rī all the kings lived in Sā̇-mā́ rĭ-ȧ; so that the kingdom itself was often called "the kingdom of Sā̇-mā́ rĭ-ȧ.”
After Ŏḿ rī came his son, Ā́ hăb, as king of Ĭś̝ ra-el, reigning in Sā̇-mā́ rĭ-ȧ. He was worse than any of the kings before him. Ā́ hăb took for his wife Jĕź e-bĕl, the daughter of the king of Zī́ dŏn, on the coast of the Great Sea; and Jĕź e-bĕl brought into Ĭś̝ ra-el the worship of Bā́ al and of the Ash-ḗ rah, which was far more wicked than even the worship of the golden calves at Bĕth́=el and Dăn. And Jĕź e-bĕl was so bitter against the worship of the Lord God of Ĭś̝ ra-el that she sought out the prophets of the Lord everywhere, and slew them; so that to save their lives the prophets hid in caves among the mountains.
You remember that when Jŏsh́u-ȧ destroyed and burned the city of Jĕŕ ĭ-chō, he spoke a curse, in the name of the Lord, upon any man who should ever build again the walls of Jĕŕ ĭ-chō. (See Story Two in Part Second.) In the days of Ā́ hăb, king of Ĭś̝ ra-el, five hundred years after Jŏsh́ u-ȧ, the walls of Jĕŕ ĭ-chō were built by a man named Hī́ el, who came from Bĕth́=el, the place of the idol temple. When he laid the foundation of the wall his oldest son, Ā̇-bī́ ram, died; and when he set up the gates of the city his youngest son, Sḗ gub, died. Thus came to pass the word of the Lord spoken by Jŏsh́ u-ȧ.
In the reign of King Ahab a great prophet suddenly rose up, named Ē̇-lī́ jah. He came from the land of Ḡĭĺ e-ăd, beyond the river Jôŕ dan, and he lived alone out in the wilderness. His clothing was a mantle of skin, and his hair and beard were long and rough. Without any warning, Ē̇-lī́ jah came into the presence of King Ā́ hăb, and said, "As the Lord God of Ĭś̝ ra-el lives, before whom I stand, there shall not fall upon the ground any dew or rain until I call for it.”
And then he went away as suddenly as he had come. At the Lord's command he hid himself in a wild place by the brook Chḗ rĭth, which flows down from the mountains into the river Jordan. There he drank of the water in the brook, and every day the wild birds, the ravens, brought him food.
It came to pass as Ē̇-lī́ jah had said, that no rain fell upon the land, and there was not even any dew upon the grass. Every day the brook from which Ē̇-lī́ jah drank grew smaller, until at last it was dry, and there was no water. Then the Lord spoke to Ē̇-lī́ jah again, and said, "Rise up, and go to Zăŕ e-phăth, which is near to Zī́ dŏn, by the Great Sea, on the north of the land of Ĭś̝ ra-el. I have commanded a widow woman there to care for you." So Ē̇-lī́ jah left the brook Chḗ rĭth and walked northward through the land until he came near to the city of Zăŕ-e-phăth. There, beside the gate of the city, he saw a woman dressed as a widow picking up sticks. Ē-lī́ jah said to her, "Will you bring to me some water, that I may drink?”
She went to bring him the water, and Ē-lī́ jah said again, "Bring me also, I pray you, a little piece of bread to eat.”
And the woman said to Ē-lī́ jah, "As sure as the Lord your God lives, I have not in the house even a loaf of bread; but only one handful of meal in the barrel, and a little oil in a bottle; and now am gathering a few sticks to make a fire, that I may bake it for me and my son; and when we have eaten it, there is nothing left for us but to die.”
Then the word of the Lord came to Ē-lī́ jah, and he said to the woman, "Fear not; go and do as you have said; but first make me a little cake, and bring it to me, and afterward make for yourself and your son. For thus saith the Lord, the God of Ĭś̝ ra-el, 'The barrel of meal shall not waste nor the bottle of oil fail, until the day when the Lord sends rain upon the earth.'
And the widow woman believed Ē-lī́ jah's word. She took from her barrel the meal and from her bottle the oil, and made a little cake for the prophet, and then found enough left for herself and for her son. And the barrel always had meal in it, and the bottle held oil every day. And the prophet, and the woman, and her son had food as long as they needed it.
After this, one day the son of the widow was taken very and his illness was so great that there was no breath left in him. The boy's mother said to Ē-lī́ jah, "O man of God! have you come here to cause my son to die?”
And Ē-lī́ jah said to her, "Give me your son.”
And Ē-lī́ jah carried the boy up to his own room, and laid him on the bed. Then he cried to the Lord, and said, "O Lord God, halt thou brought trouble upon this woman, by taking away the life of her son?”
Then he stretched himself upon the child's body three times, and cried to the Lord again, "O Lord God, I pray thee, let this child's soul come into him again!”
And the Lord heard Ē-lí̄ jah's prayer, and the child became living once more. Then Ē-lī́ jah carried the living boy back to his mother; and she said, "Now I am sure that you are a man of God, and that the word of the Lord which you speak is the truth.”
Lesson 33. Elijah.
(Read Story 3 in Part Fourth.)
1. Who was the most wicked of all the kings of Israel? Ahab.
2. What was the name of Ahab wife, who led him to wickedness? Jezebel.
3. At what city did the kings of Israel live? At Samaria.
4. What great prophet came at the time while Ahab was king? Elijah.
5. What did Elijah tell King Ahab? That no rain should come upon the land.
6. Where did Elijah hide from King Ahab? By the brook Cherith.
7. Who brought him food while he was by the brook? Wild birds called ravens.
8. Where did God send Elijah afterward? To the city of Zarephath.
9. Who cared for Elijah in that city? A poor widow.
10. What did Elijah do for this widow? He brought her dead son to life,

Story Four

1 Kings 18:1 to 46
THREE years passed after Ē̇-lī́ jah gave the message of the Lord to King Ā́ hăb, and in all that time no rain fell upon the land of Ĭś̤ ra-el. Everywhere the brooks ceased to flow, the springs became dry, the ground was parched, and the fields gave no harvest. There was no grass for the cattle and the flocks, and there was scarcely any food for the people.
King Ā̇́ hăb was in great trouble. He knew that Ē̇-lī́ jah had the power to call down rain; but Ē̇-lī́ jah was nowhere to be found. He sent men to search for him everywhere in the land, and he asked the kings of the nations around to look for him in their countries; for he hoped to persuade the prophet to set the land free from the long drought by calling for rain.
When the land was at its worst, in the third year, Ā́ hăb called the chief of his servants, the man who stood next to the king. His name was Ō-ba-dī́ ah, and, unlike Ā́ hăb, he was a good man, worshipping the Lord, and trying to do right. Once, when Queen Jĕź e-bĕl sought to kill all the prophets of the Lord, Ō-ba-dī́ ah hid a hundred of them in two caves, fifty in each cave, and gave them food, and kept them in safety.
Ā́ hăb said to Ō-ba-dī́ ah, "Let us go through all the land, you in one part, and I in another, and look for running streams and fountains of water. Perhaps we can find some water, enough to save a part of the horses and mules, so that we may not lose them all.”
And as Ō-ba-dī́ ah was going through his part of the country, looking for water, suddenly Ē̇-lī́ jah met him. Ō-ba-dī́ ah knew Ē̇-lī́ jah at once. He fell on his face before him, and said, "Is this my lord Ē̇-lī́ jah?”
And Ē-lī́ jah answered him, "Yes, it is I, Ē̇-lī́ jah. Go and tell your master that Ē-lī́ jah is hem”
And Ō-ba-dī́ ah said, "Oh, my lord, what wrong have I done, that you would cause King Ā́ hăb to kill me? For there is not a land where Ā́ hăb has not sent for you; and now when I go to tell him that you are here, the Spirit of the Lord will send you away to some other place, and then if Ā́ hăb cannot find you he will be angry at me, and kill me. Do you not know that I fear the Lord, and serve him?" And Ē̇-lī́ jah said, "As the Lord God lives, I will surely show myself to King Ā́ hăb to-day.”
So Ō-ba-dī́ah went to meet Ā́ hăb, and told him of Ē-lī́ jah's coming; and Ahab went to meet Ē-lī́ jah. When Ā́ hăb saw Ē-lī́ jah, he said to him, "Are you here, you that have brought all this trouble upon Ĭś̝ ra-el?”
And Ē̇-lī́ jah answered the king, "I am not the one that has brought trouble upon Ĭś̝ ra-el. It is you, and your house; for you have turned away from the commands of the Lord, and have worshipped the images of Ba'al. Now send and, bring all the people to Mount Cāŕ mel, and with them the four hundred prophets of Bā́ al, and the four hundred prophets of the Ăsh-ḗ rah, who ate at Jĕź ebĕl's table.”
So Ā́ hăb did as Ē̇-lī́ jah commanded, and brought all the people to Mount Cāŕ mel, which stands by the Great Sea. And Ḗ -lī́ jah stood before all the multitude, and he said to them, "How long will you go halting and limping back and forth between two sides, not choosing either? If the Lord is God, follow him; but if Bā́ al is God, then follow him.”
And the people had not a word to say, Then Ē̇-lī́ jah spoke again, and said, "I am alone, the only prophet of the Lord here to-day; but Bā́ al's prophets are four hundred and fifty men. Now, let the people give us two young oxen, one for Bā́ al's prophets, and one for me. Let the prophets of Bā́ al take one ox, and cut it up, and lay it on the altar on the wood. But let no fire be placed under it. And I will do the same; then you call on your god, and I will call on the Lord. And the God who sends down fire upon his altar, he shall be the God of Ĭś̝ ra-el.”
And the people said, "What you have spoken is right. We will do as you say, and will see who is the true God.”
Then the two oxen were brought, and one was cut in pieces and laid on the altar of Bā́ al. The prophets of Bā́ al stood around the altar, and cried aloud, "O Bā́ al, hear us!" But there was no answer, nor any voice. After a time the worshippers of Bā́ al became furious. They leaped and danced around the altar, and they cut themselves with swords and lances, until the blood gushed out upon them. And Ē̇-lī́ jah laughed at them, and mocked them, calling out, "Call out louder, for surely he is a god! Perhaps he is sitting still and thinking, or he has gone on a journey; or perhaps he is asleep, and must be awaked!”
But it was all in vain. The middle of the afternoon came, and there was no answer. The altar stood with its offering, but no fire came upon it. Then Ē-lí̄ jah said to all the people, "Come near to me.”
And they came near. He found an old altar to the Lord that had been thrown down, and he took twelve stones, one for each of the twelve tribes, and piled them up to form the altar anew. Around the altar he dug a trench, to carry away water. Then he cut wood, and laid it on the altar, and on the wood he placed the young ox, cut into pieces for a sacrifice. Then he said, "Fill four barrels with water, and pour it on the offering.”
The Great Sea was near at hand, in sight of all the people; and from it they brought four barrels of water, and poured it on the altar. He called upon them to do it again, and a third time, until the offering, and the wood, and the altar were soaked through and through, and the trench was filled with water.
Then, in the sight of all the people, Ē̇-lī́ jah, the prophet, drew near, and stood all alone before the altar, and prayed in these words, "O Lord, the God of Á̄ bră-hăm, of Ī́ s̝aac, and of Ĭś̝ ra-el, let it be known this day that thou art God in Ĭś̝ ra-el, and that I am thy servant, and that I have done all these things at thy word. Hear me, O Lord, hear me; that this people may know that thou, Lord, art God, and that thou hast turned their hearts back again to thyself.”
Then the fire fell from the Lord, and burned up the offering, and the wood, and the stones and the dust, and licked up the water that was in the trench. And when the people saw it, they fell on their faces, and they cried, "The Lord, he is God! The Lord, he is God!" And Ē̇-lī́ jah said to the people, "Seize the prophets of Bā́ al; let not one of them escape!”
They took them all, four hundred and fifty men; and by Ē̇-lī́ jah's command they brought them down to the dry bed of the brook Kī́ shŏn, at the foot of the mountain; and there Ē̇-lī́ jah caused them to be put to death, because they had led Ĭś̝ ra-el into sin.
Ahab, the king, was present upon Mount Cäŕ mel, and saw all that had been done. Ē̇-lī́ jah now said to Ā́ hăb, "Rise up; eat and drink; for there is a sound of a great rain.”
While Ā́ hăb was eating and drinking, Ē̇-lī́ jah was praying upon Mount Cäŕ mel. He bowed down, with his face between his knees, and prayed to the Lord to send rain. After a time he sent his servant up to the top of the mountain, saying, "Go up and look toward the sea.”
The servant went up, and came back, saying, "I can see nothing.”
Ē̇-lī́ jah sent him up seven times; and at the seventh time his servant said, "I see a cloud rising out of the sea as small as a man's hand.”
Then Ē̇-lī́ jah sent to Ā́ hăb, saying, "Hasten; make ready your chariot before the rain stops you.”
In a little while the sky was covered with black clouds, and there came a great rain. And Ā́ hăb rode in his chariot to his palace, at Jĕź re-el, on the eastern side of the great plain. And the power of the Lord was on Ē̇-lī́ jah, and he ran before Ā́ hăb's chariot to the gate of the city.
Thus in one day a great victory was wrought for the Lord God, and the power of Bā́ al was thrown down.

Story Five

1 Kings 19:1 to 21
WHEN King Ā́ hăb told his wife, Queen Jĕź e-bĕl, of all that Ē̇-lī́ jah had done; how the fire had fallen from heaven upon his altar, and how he had slain all the prophets of Bā́ al with the sword, Queen Jĕź e-bĕl was very angry. She sent a messenger to Ē̇-lī́ jah with these words:
"May the gods do to me as you have done to the prophets of Bā́ al, if I do not by to-morrow kill you, as you have killed them!" Ē̈-lī́ jah saw that his life was in danger, and he found that not one man in all the kingdom dared to stand by him against the hate of Queen Jĕź e-bĕl. He rose up, and ran away to save his life. He went southward to the land of Jū́ dah, but did not feel safe even there. He hastened across Jū́ dah southward to Bḗ er=shē-bȧ, which is on the edge of the desert, eighty miles away from Sā̇-mā́ rĭ-ȧ. But not even here did Ē̇-lī́ jah dare to stay, for he still feared the wrath of Queen Jĕź e-bĕl. He left his servant at Bḗ er=shḗ bȧ, and went out alone into the desert, over which the children of Ĭś̝ ra-el had wandered five hundred years before. After he had walked all day under the sun, and over the burning sand, he sat down to rest under a juniper-tree. He was tired, and hungry, and discouraged. He felt that his work had all been in vain, that in heart the people were still worshippers of Bā́ al; and he felt, too, that he had shown weakness in running away from his place of duty in fear of Queen Jĕź e-bĕl. Ē̇-lī́ jah cried out to the Lord, and said, "O Lord, I have lived long enough! Take away my life, O Lord, for I am no better than my people!" Then, tired out, he lay down to sleep under the tree. But the Lord was very kind to Ē̇-lí jah. While he was sleeping an angel touched him, and said, "Arise, and eat.”
He opened his eyes, and saw beside him a little fire, with a loaf of bread baking upon it, and near it a bottle of water. He ate and drank, and then lay down to sleep again. A second time he felt the angel touch him, and he heard a voice say, "Arise, and eat; because the journey is too long for you.”
He arose, and ate once more. Then he went on his way, and in the strength given him by that food he walked forty days through the desert. He came at last to Mount Hṓ reb, the mountain where Mṓ s̝es̝ saw the burning bush, and where God spoke forth the words of the Ten Commandments. Ē̇-lī́ jah found a cave in the side of the mountain, and went into it to rest. While he was in the cave he heard God's voice speaking to him, and saying, "What are you doing here, Ē̇-lī́ jah?”
And Ē̇-lī́ jah said to the Lord, "O Lord God, I have been very earnest for thee; for the people of Ĭś̝ ra-el have turned away from their promise to serve thee; they have thrown down thine altars, and have slain thy prophets with the sword; and now I, even I only am left; and they are seeking my life, to take it away.”
Then the Lord said to Ē̇-lī́ jah, "Go out and stand upon the mountain before the Lord.”
Then, while Ē-lī́ jah was standing upon the mountain, a great and strong wind swept by and tore the mountains apart, and broke the rocks in pieces; but the Lord was not in the wind. Then came an earthquake, shaking the mountains; but the Lord was not in the earthquake. And after the earthquake a fire passed by; but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire there was silence and stillness, and Ē̇-lí̄ jah heard a low, quiet voice which he knew was the voice of the Lord.
Then Ē̇-lī́ jah wrapped his face in his mantle, for he feared to look upon the form of God, and he stood at the opening of the cave. The voice said to him, "What are you doing here, Ē̇-lī́ jah?”
And Ē-lī́ jah said, as he had said before, "O Lord, I have been very earnest for thee; for the people of Ĭś̝ ra-el have turned away from their promise to serve thee; they have thrown down thine altars, and have slain thy prophets with the sword; and now I, even I only, am left; and they are seeking my life, to take it away.”
Then the Lord said to Ē-lí̄ jah, "Go back to the land from which you have come, and then go to the wilderness of Dā̇-măś cus, and anoint Hăź a-el to be king over Sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ; and Jḗ hū, the son of Nĭḿ shī, you shall anoint to be king over Ĭś̝ ra-el; and Ē-lí̄ sha, the son of Shā́ phat, of the village of Ā́ bel=mē̇-hṓ lah, in the land of Mā̇-năś seh, west of Jôŕ dan, you shall anoint to take your place as prophet. And it shall come to pass that those who escape from the sword of Hăź a-el, Jḗ hū shall slay, and those that escape from the sword of Hăź a-el, Jḗ hū shall Ē̇-lī́ shȧ slay. But there will be found some, even seven thousand men in Ĭś̝ ra-el, who have not bowed the knee to Bā́ al or kissed his image with their lips.”
Here were tasks that would take all the rest of Ē̇-lī́ jah's life; for, as we shall see, some of them were not completed until after Ē̇-lī́ jah had passed away, though Ē̇-lī́ jah prepared the way for them. But they gave to Ē̇-lī́ jah what he needed most, work to do; a friend to stand beside him, so that he would no longer be alone; one also who would carry on his work after him; and the knowledge that he had not lived in vain, since there were still in the land seven thousand men faithful to the Lord God of Ĭś̝ ra-el.
One of these commands Ē̇-lī́ jah obeyed at once. He left Mount Hṓ reb, journeyed northward through the wilderness, across the kingdom of Jū́ dah, and into the land of Ĭś̝ ra-el. He found Ā́ bel=mē̇-hṓ lah, in the tribe-land of Mā̇-năś seh on the west of Jôŕ dan, and there he saw Ē̇-lī́ sha, the son of Shā́ phat.
Ē̇-lī́ sha was plowing in the field, with twelve yoke of oxen in front of him; for Ē̇-lī́ sha was a rich man's son, and cared for a large farm.
Ē̇-lí̄ jah came to the field where Ē̇-lī́ sha, was at work, and without a word, took off his own mantle of skin, and threw it upon Ē̇-lī́ shȧ's shoulders, and walked away. Ē̇-lī́ shȧ knew well who this strange, rough, hair-covered man was; and he knew, too, what it meant when Ē̇-lí̄ jah cast his mantle upon him.
It was a call for him to leave his home, to go out into the wilderness with Ē̇-lī́ jah, to take up the life of a prophet, to face the danger of the queen's hate, and perhaps to be slain, as many prophets had been slain before. But Ē̇-lī́ shȧ was a man of God, and he did not hesitate to obey God's call. He left his oxen standing in the field; he ran after Ē̇-lī́ jah, and said to him, "Let me kiss my father and my mother, and then I will go with you.”
Ē̇-lī́ jah said to him, "Go back, if you wish; for what have I done to you?”
Then Ē̇-lí̄ sha went back to the field, killed the oxen, made a fire with the yokes and the wooden plow, roasted the flesh of the oxen on the fire, and gave them to be eaten by the people on the farm. This he did to show that he had left his farm forever. Then he kissed his father and mother, and left them, and went forth to live with Ē̇-lī́ jah and to be Ē̇-lí̄ jah's helper.
Lesson 34. Elijah on Cannel and Horeb.
(Tell Stories 4 and 5 in Part Fourth.)
1. For how long did no rain fall on the land of Israel? For more than three years.
2. At what place did Elijah call for all the people to meet him after three years? On Mount Carmel.
3. What did Elijah tell them to build on Mount Carmel? Two altars.
4. For whom were these altars? One for God, and the other for the idol called Baal.
5. What came upon God's altar when Elijah prayed? Fire from heaven.
6. What also came in answer to Elijah's prayer? A great rain.
7. Who tried to kill Elijah after this? Queen Jezebel.
8. Where did Elijah go to escape from Jezebel? To Mount Horeb in the wilderness.
9. Who spoke to Elijah there? The Lord God.
10. What did the Lord give to Elijah? A great work to do.
11. Whom did Elijah call to go with him and help him? Elisha.

Story Six

1 Kings 20:1 to 43
THE country nearest to Ĭś̝ ra-el on the north was Sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ of which the chief city and capital was Dā̇-măś cus; and its king was named Bĕn=hā́ dăd. His kingdom was far greater and stronger than Ĭś̝ ra-el; and when he went to make war upon King Ā́ hăb, such was the fear of the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes for the Sy̆ŕ ĭ-ans̝, that Ā́ hăb could bring only seven thousand men against the Sy̆ŕ ĭ-an army. The host of the Syŕ ĭ-ans̝ filled all the valleys and plains around Sā̇-mā́ ri-ȧ; but Bĕn=hā́ dăd and his chief rulers were drinking wine when they should have been making ready for the battle; and the little army of Ĭś̝ ra-el won a great victory over the Sy̆ŕ ĭ-ans̝, and drove them back to their own land.
Again the Sy̆ŕ ĭ-an came against Ĭś̝ ra-el, with an army as large as before; but again God gave to Ā́ hăb and the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes a victory, and the Sy̆ŕ ĭ-an army was destroyed. King Bĕn=hā́ dăd fled away to his palace, and King Ā́ hăb might easily have taken him prisoner and conquered all Sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ If he had done this, all danger from that land might have been forever removed. But Bĕn=hā́ dăd dressed himself in sackcloth, and put a rope around his waist, and came as a beggar to Ā́ hăb, and pleaded with him for his life and his kingdom. Ā́ hăb felt very proud to have so great a king as Bĕn=hā́ dăd come kneeling before him. He spared his life, and gave him back his kingdom. This was not wise; and God soon showed to Ā́ hăb what a mistake he had made.
By this time, through the teaching of Ē̇-lī́ jah and Ē̇-lī́ sha, there were many prophets of the Lord in Ĭś̝ ra-el. The word of the Lord came to one of these prophets, and he said to a fellow-prophet, "Strike me, and give me a wound.”
But the man would not strike him, and the prophet said, "Because you have not obeyed the voice of the Lord, as soon as you go away from me, a lion shall kill you.”
And as the man was going away, a lion rushed out upon him, and killed him. Then the prophet said to another man, "Strike me, I pray you!”
The man struck him, and wounded him, so that the blood flowed. Then the prophet, all bloody, with his face covered, stood by the road as King Ā́ hăb passed by, and he cried out to the king. The king saw him, and stopped, and asked him what had happened to him. Then the prophet said, "O king, I was in the battle; and a soldier brought to me a prisoner, and said to me, 'Keep this man; If you lose him, then your life shall go for his life, or you shall pay me a talent of silver for him.' And while I was busy here and there, the prisoner escaped. Now, O king, do not let my life be taken for the man's life.”
But the king said, "You have given sentence against yourself, and it shall be as you have said. Your life shall go for your prisoner's life.”
Then the prophet threw off the covering from his face, and the king saw that he was one of the prophets. And the prophet said to the king, "Thus saith the Lord, 'Because you have let go the king whom I willed to have destroyed, therefore your life shall go for his life, and your people for his people.'”
When Ā́ hăb heard this he was greatly troubled and displeased. He went to his palace in Sā̇-mā́ rĭ-ȧ full of alarm, for he saw that he had not done wisely for his own kingdom in sparing his kingdom's greatest enemy.

Story Seven

1 Kings 21:1 to 29
KING Ā́ HĂB'S home was at Sā̇-mā́ rĭ-ȧ, the capital of the kingdom. But he had also a palace at Jĕź re-el, which overlooked the great plain of Ĕs-dra-ḗ lon. And beside Ā́ hăb’s palace at Jĕź re-el was a vineyard, belonging to a man named Nā́ bŏth. Ā́ hăb wished to own this vineyard, and he said to Nā́ bŏth, "Let me have your vineyard, which is near my house. I would like to make of it a garden for vegetables. I will give you a better vineyard in place of it, or I will pay you the worth of it in money.”
But Nā́ bŏth answered the king, "This vineyard has belonged to my father's family for many generations, and I am not willing to give it up or to leave it.”
Ā́ hăb was very angry when he heard this. He came into his house, and refused to eat; but lay down on his bed, and turned his face to the wall. His wife Jĕź e-bĕl came to him, and said, "Why are you so sad? What is troubling you?”
And Ā́ hăb answered her, "I asked Nā́ bŏth to sell me his vineyard, or to let me give him another vineyard for it, and he would not." Then Jĕź e-bĕl said to him, "Do you indeed rule over the kingdom of Ĭś̝ ra-el? Rise up, and eat your dinner, and enjoy yourself. I will give you the vineyard of Ná bŏth." Then Queen Jĕź e-bĕl sat down, and wrote a letter in Ā́ hăb's name, and sealed it with the king's seal. And in the letter she wrote, "Let the word be given out that a meeting of the men of Jĕź re-el is to be held, and set Nā́ bŏth up before all the people. Have ready two men, no matter how worthless and wicked they may be, who will swear that they heard Nā́ bŏth speak words of cursing against God and against the king. Then take Nā́ bŏth out, and stone him with stones until he is dead.” Such was the fear of Queen Jĕź e-bĕl among all the people, that they did as she gave command. They held a meeting, and set Nā́ bŏth up in presence of the people; then they brought in two men, who told lies, declaring that they had heard Nā́ bŏth speak words of cursing against God and against the king; and then they dragged Nā́ bŏth out of the city, and stoned him, and killed him. Afterward they sent word to Queen Jĕź e-bĕl that Nā́ bŏth was dead, and Jĕź e-bĕl said to Ā́ hăb, "Now you can go and take as your own the vineyard of Nā́ bŏth in Jĕź re-el; for Nā́ bŏth is no longer living; he is dead.”
Then Ā́ hăb rode in his chariot from Sā̇-mā́ rĭ-ȧ. to Jĕź́ re-el, and with him were two of his captain’s, one named Jḗ hu, and another named Bĭd́ kär. Just as they were riding in the vineyard that had been Nā́ bŏth's, suddenly É̇-lī́ jah, the prophet, with his mantle of skin, stood before them. Ā́ hăb was startled as he saw Ē̇-lī́ jah, and he called out, "Have you found me, O my enemy?”
"I have found you," answered Ē̇-lī́ jah, "because you have sold yourself to do evil in the sight of the Lord. In the place where dogs licked up the blood of Nā́ bŏth, shall dogs lick up your own blood. I will bring evil upon you, and will sweep you away; and I will cut off every man-child from Ā́ hăb; and I will make your family like the family of Jĕr-o-bṓ am, who made Ĭś̝ ra-el to sin. And because your wife, Jĕź e-bĕl, has stirred you up to sin, she shall die, and the wild dogs of the city shall eat the body of Jĕź e-bĕl by the wall of Jĕź re-el.”
When Ā́ hăb heard these words of Ē̇-lī́ jah he saw how wickedly he had acted, and he felt sorrow for his sin. He put on sackcloth, and fasted, and sought for mercy. And the word of the Lord came to Ē̇-lí̄ jah, saying, "Do you see how Ā́ hăb has humbled himself before me, and shows sorrow for his sin? Because of this, I will not bring the evil in his lifetime, but after he is dead, I will bring it upon his children.”

Story Eight

1 Kings 22:1 to 40
AFTER the two victories which King Ahab gained over the Sy̆ŕ ĭ-ans̝ there was peace between Sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ and Ĭś̝ ra-el for three years. But in the third year the Sy̆ŕ ĭ-ans̝ became strong once more, and they seized a city of Ĭś̝ ra-el on the Jôŕ dan, called Rā́ moth=ḡĭĺ e-ăd. At that time there was peace and friendship between the kingdoms of Ĭś̝ ra-el and Jū́ dah; and Ā́ hăb, the king of Ĭś̝ ra-el, sent to Jē̇-hŏsh́ a-phăt, the king of Jū́ dah, saying, "Do you know that Rā́ moth=ḡĭĺ e-ăd is ours, and yet we have done nothing to take it out of the hands of the king of Sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ?
Will you go up with me to battle at Rā́ moth=ḡĭĺ e-ăd?" And King Jē-hŏsh́ a-phăt sent word to the king of Ĭś̝ ra-el, "I am with you, and my people are with your people, and my horses with your horses.”
So the king of Ĭś̝ ra-el and the king of Jū́ dah gathered their armies for war against the Sy̆ŕ ĭ-ans̝, and King Jē-hŏsh́ a-phăt came to Sā-mā́ rĭ-ȧ to meet King Ā́ hăb. Jē-hŏsh́ a-phăt was a good man, and a worshipper of the Lord. He said to Ā́ hăb, "Let us ask the prophets to give us the word of the Lord before we go to battle.”
Then the king of Ĭś̝ ra-el called together his prophets, four hundred men, not prophets of the Lord, but false prophets of the idols, and he asked them, "Shall I go up to battle at Rā́ moth=ḡĭĺ e-ăd, or shall I remain at home?" And the prophets of the idols said, with one voice, "Go up; for the Lord will give Rā́ moth=ḡĭĺ e-ăd to you.”
But Jē-hŏsh́ a-phăt was not satisfied with the works of these men. He asked, "Is there not here a prophet of the Lord, of whom we can ask the Lord's will?”
"There is one prophet, "answered Ā́ hăb; "his name is Mī-cā́ iah, the son of Ĭḿ lah; but I hate him; for he never prophesies any good about me, but always evil.”
"Let not the king say that," said Jē-hŏsh́ a-phăt. "Let us hear what Mī-cā́ iah will speak.”
Then King Ahab sent one of his officers to bring the prophet Mī-cā́ iah. And the officer said to Mī-cā́ iah, "All the prophets have spoken good to the king; now, I pray you, let your words be like theirs, and do you speak good also.”
And Mī-cā́ iah said, "As the Lord lives, what the Lord says to me, that I will speak, and nothing else.”
The king of Ĭś̝ ra-el and the king of Jū́ dah were seated together in their royal robes, at an open place in front of the gate of Sā-mā́ rĭ-ȧ. And King Ā́ hăb said to Mī-cā́ iah, "Mī-cā́ iah, speak to me nothing but the truth, in the name of the Lord.”
Then Mī-cā́ iah said, "I saw all Ĭś̝ ra-el scattered upon the mountains, as sheep that have no shepherd; and the Lord said, `These have no master; let every man go back to his own house.'”
Then the king of Ĭś̝ ra-el said to Jē-hŏsh́ a-phăt, "Did I not tell you that Mī-cā́ iah would prophesy about me no good, but only evil?”
For Ā́ hăb knew that the words of Mī-cā́ iah meant that he would be slain in the battle.
And Mī-cā́ iah went on and said, "Hear thou the word of the Lord; I saw the Lord sitting on his throne, and all the host of heaven standing around him, on his right hand and on his left. And the Lord said, 'Who will go and deceive Ā́ hăb, so that he will go up and fall at Rā́ moth=ḡĭĺ e-ăd?' And one spirit came forth and said, 'I will go, and will be a lying spirit in the mouth of all Ā́ hăb's prophets.' And the Lord said to the spirit, Go and deceive him.' Now, therefore, the Lord has let all these false prophets deceive you; and the Lord has spoken evil against you.”
Then the king of Ĭś̝ ra-el said to his guards, "Take Mī-cā́ iah, and lead him to the governor of the city, and say, 'Put this fellow in prison, and let him have nothing to eat but dry bread and water until I come again in peace.”
And Mī-cā́ iah said, "If you return at all in peace, then the Lord has not spoken by me. Hear my words, all ye people.”
So the kings of Ĭś̝ ra-el and Jū́ dah led their armies across the river Jordan and up the mountains on the east, to battle at Rā́ moth= ḡĭĺ e-ăd. Ahab felt afraid after the prophecy of Mī-cā́ iah, and he said to Jē-hŏsh́ a-phăt, "I will dress as a common soldier before going into the battle; but do you wear your royal robes.”
Now the king of had given word to all his captains to look out especially for the king of Ĭś̝ ra-el, and to fight him, and kill him, even if they should kill no other man. When they saw Jē-hŏsh́ a-phăt in his kingly garments standing in his chariot, they thought that he was King Ā́ hăb, and they turned all the battle toward him. But Jē-hŏsh́ a-phăt cried out, and then they found that he was not the king of Ĭś̝ ra-el, and they left him. In the battle one soldier of the Sy̆ŕ ĭ-ans̝ drew his bow, and shot an arrow, not knowing that he was aiming at the king of Ĭś̝ ra-el. The arrow struck King Ahab just between his breastplate and his lower armor. He was badly wounded, but they held him up in his chariot, so that the men might not see him fall; and his blood was running out of the wound upon the floor of the chariot, until the sun set, when Ahab died. And the cry went through all the host of Ĭś̝ ra-el, "Every man to his city, and every man to his country.”
And then all knew that the king of Ĭś̝ ra-el was dead. They brought his body to Sā̇-mā́ rĭ-ȧ, and buried him there. And at the pool of Sā̇-mā́ rĭ-ȧ, they washed the king's chariot and his armor. And there the wild dogs of the city licked up Ā́ hăb's blood, according to the word of the Lord spoken by Ē-lī́ jah.
Thus died King Ā́ hăb, the son of Ŏḿ rĭ. He was not a bad man at heart, but he was weak in the hands of his wife, Jĕż́ e-bĕl, who led him and his kingdom into wickedness in the sight of the Lord.

Story Nine

2 Kings 1:1, to 2:15
AFTER the death of Ā́ hăb, his son Ā-ha-zī́ ah reigned for only two years as king of Ĭś̝ ra-el. He fell out of a window in his palace, and was injured so that he died; and as he had no son, his brother, Jē̇-hṓ ram, became king in his place.
The work of Ē-Iī́ jah, the prophet, was now ended, and the Lord was about to take him up to heaven. Ē-lī́ jah and Ē-l̄́ shȧ went together to a place called Gĭĺ găl, not the place beside the river Jôŕ dan where the army of Ĭś̝ ra-el was encamped under Jŏsh́ u-ȧ, but another place of the same name among the mountains, not far from Beth́=el. And Ē̇-lī́ jah said to Ē̇́-lī́ shȧ, "Stay here, I pray you, for the Lord has sent me to Bĕth́=el.”
Ē̇-lī́ shȧ knew that Ē̇-lī́ jah would be taken from him very soon, and he said, "As surely as the Lord lives, and as your soul lives, I will not leave you.”
So Ē̇-lī̇́ jah and Ē̇-lī́ shȧ walked together to Beth' el. At Bĕth́=el were living many worshippers of the Lord, who were called "sons of the prophets," because they followed the teaching of the prophets, and some of them became prophets themselves.
These men came to Ē̇-lī́ shȧ, and said to him, "Do you know that the Lord will take away your master from you very soon?”
And Ē̇-lī́ shȧ answered them "Yes, I know it; but hold your peace; do not speak of it.”
And at Bĕth́=el Ē̇-lī́ jah said to Ē̇-lī́ shȧ again, "Ē̇-lī́ shȧ, stay here; for the Lord has sent me to Jĕŕ ĭ-chō." But Ē̇-lī́ shȧ answered him, "As surely as the Lord lives, and as your soul lives, I will not leave you.”
So Ē̇-lī́ jah and Ē̇-lī́ shȧ walked together down the steep road from Bĕth́=el to Jĕŕ ĭ-chō. And at Jĕŕ ĭ-chō the followers of the prophets came to Ē̇-lī́ shȧ and said to him, "Do you know that the Lord will take your master away from you today?”
And he answered them, "Yes, I know it; but hold your peace, and say nothing," And Ē̇-lī́ jah said to him again, "Stay here at Jĕŕ ĭ-chō, I pray you, for the Lord has sent me to the river Jôŕ dan.”
But Ē̇-lī́ shȧ said to Ē̇-lí̄ jah once more, "As surely as the Lord lives, and as your soul lives, I will not leave you.”
So Ē̇-lī́ jah and Ē̇-lī́ shȧ walked from Jĕŕ ĭ-chō to the river Jôŕ dan, about five miles. About fifty men of the sons of the prophets who lived at Jĕŕ ĭ-chō followed them at a distance. When they came to the bank of Jôŕ dan, Ē̇-lí̄ jah took his mantle, and wrapped it together, and struck the waters. Then the waters were divided on each side, and a path was made across the river; and the two prophets walked across on dry ground. And as they walked, Ē̇-lī́ jah said, "Ask what I shall do for you, before I am taken away from you.”
Ē̇-lī́ shȧ answered him, "All that I ask is that your spirit shall come upon me in greater power than comes upon any other man.”
And Ē̇-lī́ jah said to him, "You have asked a great blessing; and if you see me when I am taken away, it shall cord to you; but if you do not see me, it shall not come.”
And as they still went on, and talked, suddenly a chariot of fire and horses of fire came between them, and parted them; and Ĕ-lī́ jah went up in a whirlwind on the fiery chariot to heaven. Ē̇-lī́ shȧ saw him going up toward heaven Land he cried out, "O my father, my father, the chariot of Ĭś̝ er-al and the horsemen thereof!”
He meant that in losing Ē̇-lī́ jah the kingdom had lost more than an army of chariots and horsemen. After this he saw Ē̇-lī́ jah no more; but he caught up the mantle of Ē̇-lī́ jah which had fallen from him. With the mantle he struck the waters of Jôŕ dan, saying, "Where now is the Lord God of Ē̇-lī́ jah?”
And as he struck the water with Ē̇-lī́ jah's mantle it parted on either side, and Ē̇-lī́ shȧ walked across the Jôŕ dan. The sons of the prophets who were standing near the river had not seen Ē̇-lī́ jah go up; but now they saw Ē̇-lī́ sha walking through the river alone, and they felt that God had taken Ē̇-lī́ jah away. They said, "The spirit of Ē̇-lī̇́ jah now rests upon. Ē̇-lī́ shȧ," and they came to meet him, and bowed down before him as their chief. So Ē̇-lī́ jah was taken away, but Ē̇-lī́ shȧ stood in his place as the Lord's prophet.

Story Ten

2 Kings 2:19, to 3:27
AFTER Ē̇-lī́ jah had been taken up to heaven, Ē̇-lī́ shȧ stayed for a time at Jĕŕ ĭ-chō; for, unlike Ē̇-lī́ jah, Ē̇-lī́ did not live in the wilderness, away from the people. He lived in the cities, and helped many by the power which the Lord gave to him.
The people of Jĕŕ ĭ-chō said to Ē̇-lī́ shȧ, "This city stands in a pleasant place; but the water of its spring is very bitter, and causes disease and death; and the land around it is barren, giving no fruit.”
Ē̇-lī́ shȧ said to them, "Bring me a small new bottle, and fill it with salt.”
They brought it to him, and he poured the salt into the fountain that gave water to the city, and said:
"Thus saith the Lord, 'I have healed these waters; from them there shall no more be death or unfruitfulness to the land."'
And the waters became pure and sweet from that time onward. Many believe that the fountain which still flows at the foot of the mountain near the ruins where once stood Jĕŕ ĭ-chō is the one which was healed by the prophet; and it is called "The Fountain of Ē̇-lī́ shȧ”
At this time Jē̇-hṓ ram, the son of Ā́ hăb, was king of Ĭś̝ ra-el. He reigned twelve years, not so wickedly as his father Ā́ hăb had ruled, but still doing evil in the sight of the Lord. From the days of King Dā́ vid the land of Mṓ ab, on the east of the Dead Sea, had been under the control of Ĭś̝ ra-el. The land was governed by its own king, but he paid every year a large sum to Ĭś̝ ra-el. The king of Mṓ ab in the times of Ā́ hăb and Jē̇-hṓ ram was named Mḗ shȧ. He had great flocks of sheep, and he paid to the king of Ĭś̝ ra-el every year the wool of a hundred thousand sheep and of as many rams.
When King Ā́ hăb was dead, the king of Mṓ ab rose against Ĭś̝ ra-el, and tried to set his land free. Then King Jē̇-hó ram sent for King Jē̇-hŏsh́ a-phăt of Jū́ dah, and these two kings', gathered their armies, and made war on Mḗ shȧ, the king of Mṓ ab. They led their armies southward through Jū́ dah, and then through Ḗ dom, on the south of the Dead Sea, and from Ḗdom into the land of Mṓ ab; and with them was the king of Ḗ dom, who was under the king of Jū́ dah.
While they were on their march they found no water, either for the army or for the horses. And the king of Ĭś̝ ra-el said, "Alas! The Lord has brought together these three kings, only to let them fall into the hands of the king of Mṓ ab!”
But the good King Jē̇-hŏsh́ a-phăt said, "Is there not here a prophet of the Lord, so that we may ask of him to show us the Lord's will?”
And one man said, " Ē̇-lī́ shȧ, the son of Shā́ phat, is here; the man who poured water on the hands of Ē̇-lī́ jah, and was his servant." And Jē-hŏsh́ a-phăt said, "The word of the Lord is with him; let us see him.”
And the three kings went to find Ē̇-lī́ shȧ; but Ē̇-lī́ shȧ said to the king of Ĭś̝ ra-el, "Why do you come to me? Go to the idol-prophets of your father Ā́ hăb and your mother Jĕź e-bĕl, and ask them!”
And the king of Ĭś̝ ra-el said to Ē̇-lī́ sha, "You must help us; for the Lord has brought these three kings together, to let them fall into the hands of the king of Mṓ ab.”
Then said Ē̇-lī́ shȧ, "As surely as the Lord of hosts lines, before whom I stand, if Jē̇-hŏsh́ a-phăt, the king of Jū́ dah, were not here, I would not look on you nor speak to you. But now bring me one who can play on the harp, a minstrel.”
And while the minstrel made music on his harp, the power of the Lord came upon Ē̇-lī́ sha, and he said, "Thus saith the Lord, `Make this valley full of ditches. For the Lord tells me that you shall not see any rain, nor hear any wind, yet the valley shall be filled with water; and you shall drink, and your cattle and your horses also shall drink. And the Lord shall give the Mṓ ab-ītes into your hand; and you shall take their cities, and cut down their trees, and stop their wells, and shall conquer their land.”
And it came to pass as Ē̇-lī́ shȧ had said. They dug ditches in the valley, and the next morning they found them full of water, enough for all the host. And when the men of Mṓ ab saw the water in the light of the sun, it was red like blood. They said, one to another, "That is blood; the three kings have quarreled, and their armies have killed each other; now, men of Mṓ ab, hasten to take the camp of the three kings, and all the treasure that is in it!”
So the men of Mṓ ab came rushing unguarded and without their arms. But the army of Ĭś̝ ra-el and of Jū́ dah and of Ḗ dom, met them, and slew them, and won over them a great victory. From that place they went on laying waste the land of Mṓ ab, until the cities were taken, and the whole land was made desolate.
And Mḗ shȧ, the king of Mṓ ab, was in such distress, that, hoping to please the god of his land, who was called Chḗ mŏsh, he took his oldest son, who was to have reigned in his place, and killed him, and offered him up as a burnt-offering. But all was in vain, for the Mṓ ab-ītes were still held under the power of the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes. The story of this war between Īś̝ ra-el and Mṓ ab is written not only in the second Book of Kings in the Bible, but also on a stone pillar, which was set up by the king of Mṓ ab afterward. This pillar was found in the land of Mṓ ab not many years ago, and the writing upon it was read, showing that the history of this war as given in the Bible is true.

Story Eleven

2 Kings 4:1 to 7; 4:38 to 44; 6:1 to 7
IN many places in the land of Ĭś̝ ra-el there were living families of people who listened to the teaching of the prophets, and worshipped the Lord. They were among the seven thousand in Ĭś̝ ra-el who never bowed their knees to the images of Ba'al. Ē̇-lī́ shȧ went through the land meeting these people, and teaching them, and leading them in their worship. They were called the "sons of the prophets," and among them were some to whom God spoke, men who themselves became prophets of the Lord.
The wife of one of these men, the sons of the prophets, came one day to Ē̇-lī́ shȧ, and said, "O man of God, my husband is dead; and you know that he served the Lord while he lived. He was owing some money when he died; and now the man to whom he owed it has come, and he says that he will take my two sons to be his slaves, unless I pay the debt.”
For in those lands, when a man owed a debt, he could be sold, or his children, that the debt might be paid. Ē̇-lī́ shȧ said to the woman, "What shall I do to help you? What have you in the house?”
"I have nothing in the house," answered the woman, "except a pot of oil.”
Then Ē̇-lī́ shȧ said to her, "Go to your neighbors and borrow of them empty jars, and vessels, and bowls; borrow a great many. Then go into the room, and shut the door upon yourself and your sons; and pour out the oil into the vessels, and as each vessel is filled set it aside.”
The woman went out, and borrowed of all her neighbors vessels that would hold oil, until she had a great many. Then she went into the house, and shut the door, and told her sons to bring the vessels to her one by one; and she poured out oil, filling vessel after vessel until all were full. At last they said to her, "There is not another vessel that can hold oil.”
And then the oil stopped running. If she had borrowed more vessels there would have been more oil. She came and told Ē̇-lī́ shȧ, the man of God; and he said, "Go and sell the oil; pay the debt, and keep the rest of the money for yourself and your sons to live upon.”
At another time Ē̇-lī́ shȧ came to Ḡĭĺ găl among the mountains, near Bĕth́=el, and with him were some of these men, the sons of the prophets. It was a time when food was scarce, and they sought in the field for vegetables and green things to be eaten. One man by mistake brought a number of wild gourds, which were poisonous, and threw them into the pot to be cooked with the rest of the food.
While they were eating they felt suddenly that they had been poisoned, and they cried out, "O man of God, there is death in the pot! The food is poisoned!”
Then Ē̇-lī́ shȧ took some meal, and threw it into the pot with the poisoned food. And he said, "Now take the food out of the pot, and let the people eat of it.”
They did so; and there was no longer any poison in the food.
At one time a man came bringing to the prophet a present of loaves of barley-bread, and some ears of new corn in the husks. There were with Ē̇-lī́ shȧ that day a hundred men of the sons of the prophets, and Ē̇-lī́ shȧ said to his servant, "Give this to the people for their dinner.”
The servant said, "What, should I give this for a meal to a hundred men?”
And Ē̇-lī́ shȧ said, "Yes, set it before them, and let them eat. For thus saith the Lord, 'They shall eat, and shall have enough, and shall leave some of it.'”
So he gave them the food; and every man took as much as he wished, and some was left over, according to the word of the Lord.
Once a company of these sons of the prophets went down from the mountains to a place near the river Jôŕ dan, and began to build a house; and Ĕ-lī́ shȧ was with them. As one of the men was cutting down a tree the head fell off from his ax, and dropped into the water. In those times iron and steel were very scarce and costly. The man said, "O my master, what shall I do? for this was a borrowed ax!”
Then Ē̇-lī́ shȧ asked to be shown just where the ax-head had fallen into the water. He cut off a stick of wood, and threw it into the water at the place. At once the iron ax-head rose to the surface of the water, and floated, as it if were wood. The prophet said, "Reach out and take it," and the man took the iron, fitted it to the handle, and went on with his work.
By these works of power all the people came to know that Ē̇-lī́ shȧ was a true prophet of the Lord, and spoke as with the voice of the Lord to Ĭś̝ ra-el.

Story Twelve

2 Kings 4:8 to 37
THE prophet Ē̇-lī́ shȧ went through the land of Ĭś̝ ra-el, meeting in many places the people who worshipped the Lord, and teaching them. On one of his journeys he visited the little city of Shṳ́ nem, which was on a hill looking over the great plain of Ĕś dra-ḗ lon from the east. A rich woman who was living in that place asked him to come to her house, and to take his meals there whenever he journeyed by. So, as often as Ē̇-lī́ shȧ came to Shṳ́ nem on his journeys, he stopped for a meal or a night at this woman's home. After a time the lady said to her husband, "I see that this is a holy man of God who Comes to our house so often. Let us build a little room for him on the side of the house; and let us place in the room for him a bed, and a table, and a stool, and a candlestick; so that when he comes it' will be a home for him, and he can sleep there.”
So they built the room, and as often as Ê-lī́ shȧ passed by he stayed there with his servant, the man who waited on him, as Ē̇-lī́ shȧ himself in other days had waited upon Ē̇-lī́ jah. The servant's name was Ḡē̇-hā́ zī. At one time Ē̇-lī́ shȧ said to the woman, "You have been very kind to me and to my helper, and have done much for us. Now, what can I do for you? Shall I ask the king to show you some favor? Or would you like anything that the chief of the army can do for you?" The woman said, "I live among my own people, and there is nothing else that I wish." Then Ḡē̇-hā́ zī said to Ē̇-lī́ shȧ, "This woman has no son." And Ē̇-lī́ shȧ said to her, "A year from this time, God will give to you a little boy.”
The promise made the woman very happy; but she could scarcely believe it to be true, until the little child came. He grew up, and became old enough to go with his father out into the field among the men who were reaping grain. Suddenly, in the field, the child cried out to his father, "O my head, my head!”
His father saw that he was very ill, and he told one of his men to take him to his mother. He lay in his mother's arms until noon, and then he died. The mother did not tell her husband that the boy was dead; but she rode as quickly as she could go to the prophet, who was on the other side of the plain, near Mount Cäŕ mel.
While she was yet far off, Ē̇-lī́ shȧ saw her coming, and he said to Ḡē̇-hā́ zī, his servant, "Run to meet this lady of Shṳ́ nem, and ask her, 'Is it well with you? Is it well with your husband? Is it well with the child?"'
She answered, "It is well"; but she did not stop until she met the prophet, and then she fell down before him and took hold of his feet. Ḡē̇-hā́ zī., the prophet's servant, did not think it was proper for her to seize him in this manner, and was about to take her away. But Ē̇-lī́ shȧ said to him, "Let her alone, for she is in deep trouble; and the Lord has hid it from me, and has not told me.”
And the woman said, "Did I ask for a son? Did I not say, `Do not deceive me?" Then Ē̇-lī́ shȧ, knew what had taken place.
He said to Ḡē̇-hā́ zī, "Take my staff, and go at once to this woman's house. If you meet any man, do not stop to speak to him; and if any one speaks to you, do not stop to answer him. But go, and lay my staff on the face of the child.”
But the mother was not content to have the servant only go to her house. She wanted Ē̇-lī́ shȧ himself to go; and she said, "As surely as the Lord lives, and as your soul lives, I will not leave you.”
Then Ē̇-lī́ shȧ, followed her back to Shṳ́ nem, across the plain. On the way they met Ḡē̇-hā́ zī coming back. He had laid the staff, as he had been told to lay it, on the face of the child; and he said, "The child is not awaked.”
When Ē̇-lī́ shȧ came he found the child dead, and laid upon the bed in the prophet's room, the staff upon his face. He shut the door, and prayed beside the bed to the Lord. And after his prayer, he lay with his face upon the child's face, and his hands on the child's hands; and as he lay the child's body began to grow warm. Then he rose up, and walked up and down in the house; and again he lay upon the child, and put his arms around him. Suddenly the child began to sneeze, and then he opened his eyes, alive once more.
Ē̇-lī́ shȧ told his servant to call the mother, and when she came he said to her, "Take up your son.”
The mother saw that her son was alive from the dead; she fell at Ē̇-lī́ shȧ's feet to show how great was her thankfulness to him, and then she took her son up in her arms, and went out.

Story Thirteen

2 Kings 5:1 to 27
AT one time, while Ē̇-lī́ shȧ, was living in Ĭś̝ ra-el, the general of the Sy̆ŕ ĭ-an army was named Nā́ a-man. He was a great man in his rank and power; and a brave man in battle; for he had won victories for Sy̆ŕ ̆-ȧ. But one sad terrible trouble came to Ná a-man. He was a leper. A leper was one with a disease called leprosy, which is still found in those lands. The leper's skin turns a deathly white and is covered with scales. One by one his fingers and toes, his hands, his feet, his arms and limbs, decay, until at last the man dies; and for the disease there is no cure. Yet, strange to say, through it all, the leper feels no pain; and often will not for a long time believe that he has leprosy.
There was in Nā́ a-man's house at Dā̇-măs-cus, in Sy̆r-́́ĭ-ȧ little girl, who waited on Nā́ a-man's wife. She was a slave-girl stolen from her mother's home in Ĭś̝ ra-el, and carried away as a captive to Sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ. Even when there, was no open war between Sy̆ŕ́ ĭ-ȧ and Ĭś̝ ra-el, parties of men were going out on both sides, and destroying villages on the border, robbing the people, and carrying them away, to be killed or sold as slaves. But this little girl, even though she had suffered wrong, had a kind heart, full of sorrow for her master Nā́ a-man; and one day she said to her mistress:
"I wish that my lord Nā́ a-man might meet the prophet who lives in Sā̇-mā́ rĭ-ȧ; for he could cure his leprosy.”
Someone told Nā́ a-man what the little girl had said; and Nā́ a-man spoke of it to the king of Sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ. Now the king of Sy̆ŕ í-ȧ. loved Nā́ a-man greatly; and when he went to worship in the temple of his god, out of all his nobles he chose Nā́ a-man as the one upon whose arm he leaned. He greatly desired to have Nā́ a-man's leprosy cured; and he said, "I will send a letter to the king of Ĭś̝ ra-el, and I will ask him to let his prophet cure you.”
So Nā́ a-man, with a great train of followers, rode in his chariot from Dā̇-măś cus to Sā̇-mā́ rĭ-ȧ, about a hundred miles. He took with him as a present a large sum in gold and silver, and many beautiful robes and garments. He came to the king of Ĭś̝ ra-el, and gave him the letter from the king of Sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ. And this was written in the letter "With this letter I have sent to you Nā́ a-man, my servant; and I wish you to cure him of his leprosy.”
The king of Sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ supposed that as this prophet who could cure leprosy was in Sā̇́ mā́ rĭ-ȧ, he was under the orders of the king of Ĭś̝ ra-el, and must do whatever his king told him to do; and as he did not know the prophet, but knew the king, he wrote to him. But the king was greatly alarmed when he read the letter.
"Am I God," he said, "to kill men and to make men live! Why should the king of Sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ send to me to cure a man of his leprosy? Do you not see that he is trying to find an excuse for making war, in asking me to do what no man can do?”
And the king of Ĭś̝ ra-el tore his garments, as men did when they were in deep trouble. Ē̇-lī́ shȧ the prophet heard of the letter, and of the king's alarm, and he sent a message to the king.
"Why are you so frightened? Let this man come to me, and he shall know that there is a prophet of the Lord in Ĭś̝ ra-el.”
So Nā́ a-man came with his chariots, his horses, and his followers, and stood before the door of Ē̇-lī́ shȧ's house. Ē̇-lī́ shȧ did not come out to meet him, but sent his servant out to him, saying:
"Go and wash in the river Jôŕ dan seven times, and your flesh and your skin shall become pure, and you shall be free from the leprosy.”
But Nā́ a-man was very angry because Ē̇-lī́ shȧ had not treated with more respect so great a man as he was. He forgot, or he did not know, that by the laws of Ĭś̝ ra-el no man might touch or even come near a leper; and he said:
"Why, I supposed that of course he would come out and meet me, and would wave his hand over the leper spot, and would call on the name of the Lord his God, and in that manner would cure my leprosy! Are not Ăb́ a-nȧ and Phäŕ par, the two rivers of Dā̇-măs-cus, better than all the waters in Ĭś̝ ra-el? May I not wash in them and be clean?”
And Nā́ a-man turned and went away in a rage of anger. But his servants were wiser than he. They came to him, and one of them said:
"My father, if the prophet had told you to do some great thing, would you not have done it? Then why not do it, when he says, `Wash and be clean'?”
After a little Nā́ a-man's anger cooled, and he rode down the mountains to the river Jordan. He washed in its water seven times, as the prophet had bidden him. And the scales of leprosy left his skin; and his flesh became like the flesh of a little child, pure and clean. Then Nā́ a-man, a leper no more, came back to Ē̇-lī́ shȧ's house with all his company; and he said, "Now I know that there is no God in all the earth, except in Ĭś̝ ra-el. Let me make you a present in return for what you have done for me.”
But the true prophets of God never gave their message or did their works for pay; and Ē̇-lī́ shȧ said to Nā́ a-man:
"As surely as the Lord lives, before whom I stand, I will receive nothing.”
And Nā́ a-man urged him to take the present, but he refused. Then Nā́ a-man asked as a favor that he might be allowed to take. away from the land of Ĭś̝ ra-el as much soil as could be carried on two mules, with which to build an altar; for he thought that an altar to the God of Ĭś̝ ra-el could be made only of earth from the land of Ĭś̝ ra-el; and he said:
"From this time I will offer no burnt-offering or sacrifice to any other God except the God of Ĭś̝ ra-el. When I go with my master, the king of Sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ, to worship in the temple of Rĭḿ mon his god; and my master leans on my arm, and I bow down to Rĭḿ mon with him, then may the Lord forgive me for this, which will look as if I were worshipping another God.”
And Ē̇-lī́ shȧ said to him, "Go in peace.”
Then Nā́ a-man went on his way back to his own land. But Ḡē̇-hā́ zī, the servant of Ē̇-lī́ shȧ, said to himself:
"My master has let this Sy̆ŕ-an go, without taking anything from him; but I will run after him, and ask him for a present.”
So Ḡē̇-hā́ zī ran after Nā́ a-man; and Nā́ a-man saw him following, and stopped his chariot, and stepped down to meet him. And Gē̇-hā́ zī said to him:
"My master has sent me to you to say that just now two young men of the sons of the prophets have come to his house; will You give them a talent of silver and two suits of clothing?”
And Nā́ a-man said, "Let me give you two talents of silver.”
So he put two talents of silver in two bags, a talent in each bag, and gave them to Gē̇-hā́ zī, and with them two suits of fine clothing; and he sent them back by two of his servants. But before they came to Ē̇-lī́ shȧ's house, Ḡē̇-hā́ zī took the gifts and hid them. Then Ḡē̇-hắ zī went into the house, and stood before Ē̇-lī́ shȧ. And É̄̇-lī́ shȧ said to him, "Ḡē̇-hā́ zī, where have you been?”
And Ḡē̇-hā́ zī answered, "I have not been at any place."
And Ē̇-lī́ shȧ said to him:
"Did not my heart go with you, and did I not see you, when the man stepped down from his chariot to meet you? Is this a time to receive gifts of money, and garments, or gifts of vineyards and olive yards, and of sheep and oxen? Because you have done this wickedness, the leprosy of Nā́ a-man shall come upon you, and shall cling to you, and to your children after you forever!”
And Ḡē̇-hā́ zī walked out from Ē̇-lī́ shȧ's presence, a leper, with his skin as white as snow.
Lesson 35. The Prophet Elisha.
(Omit Stories 6, 7, 8. Tell Stories 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 in Part Fourth. In Story 10, tell only about "The Spring Sweetened by Salt.")
1. How was the prophet Elijah taken to heaven? In a chariot of fire.
2. Who took Elijah's place as prophet? Elisha.
3. How did Elisha make the bitter water of a spring sweet? By pouring in salt.
4. How did Elisha, help a poor woman to pay a debt? By a vessel of oil.
5. What lady built a room in her house for Elisha.? The woman of Shunem.
6. What did Elisha, do for this woman? He raised her son to life.
7. What Syrian general came to Elisha? Naaman.
8. What disease did Naaman have? He was a leper.
9. What did Elisha tell him to do? To wash seven times in the rive Jordan.
10. What took place when he had washed? He was made well.

Story Fourteen

2 Kings 6:8 to 23
THERE was constant war between Ĭś̝ ra-el through all the years of Ē̇-lī́ shȧ, the prophet. And the king of Ĭś̝ ra-el found Ē̇-lī́ shȧ a greater help than his horses and chariots. For whenever the king of Sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ told his officers to make an attack upon any place in the land of Ĭś̝ ra-el, Ē̇-lī́ shȧ would send word to the king of Ĭś̝ ra-el, saying, "Watch carefully that place, and send men to guard it, for the Sy̆ŕ ĭ-ans̝ are coming to attack it.”
And then, when the Sy̆ŕ an army came to the place, they were sure to find it strongly guarded so that their soldiers could do nothing. This happened so many times that the king of Sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ, at last said to his nobles, "Someone among you is secretly helping the king of Ĭś̝ ra-el, and is sending him word of all our plans. Will no one tell me who the traitor is?”
And they said, "No one of us, my lord, O king, has made known your plans; but Ē̇-lī́ shȧ, the prophet that is in Ĭś̝ ra-el, tells the king of Ĭś̝ ra-el the words that you speak in your own room.”
Then the king of Sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ said, "Go and find where that man is, so that I may send an army to take him.”
After a time the king of Sy̆ŕ ĭ-a heard that Ē̇-lī́ shȧ was staying in Dṓ than. Then he sent to that place a great army, with horses and chariots. They came by night, and stood in a great ring all around the city, ready to seize the prophet. In the morning the prophet's helper rose up early; and he found the city surrounded on every side by a host of men, with swords and spears. He called Ē̇-lī́ shȧ, in great alarm, and said to him, "O my master, what shall we do?”
"Fear not," answered Ē̇-lī́ shȧ, "there are more men on our side than on theirs.”
And then Ē̇-lī́ shȧ prayed to the Lord, saying, "O Lord, open the eyes of this young man, and let him see who are with us.”
Then the Lord opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw what other men could not see, that the mountain on which the city stood was covered with horses and chariots of fire, sent by the Lord to keep his prophet safe. But this the Sy̆ŕ ĭ-ans̝ could not see; and they came up to the gates of the city to take Ē̇-lī́ shȧ. Then Ē̇-lī́ shȧ prayed to the Lord, saying, "Lord, make these men blind for a little while." Then a mist came over the eyes of the Sy̆ŕ ĭ-ans̝, and they could not see clearly. And Ē̇-lī́ shȧ went out to them, and said, "This is not the right city, but I will show you the way. Follow me.”
And Ē̇-lī́ shȧ led them from Dṓ than to Sā̇-mā́ rĭ-ȧ, and into the walls of the city, where the army of Ĭś̝ ra-el were standing all around them. Then Ē̇-lī́ shȧ prayed, "O Lord, open the eyes of these men, that they may see.”
And the Lord opened their eyes, and they saw the walls of Sā̇-mā́ rĭ-ȧ, and the host of Ĭś̝ ra-el all around them. The king of Ĭś̝ ra-el was glad to have his enemies in his power; and he said to Ē̇-lī́ shȧ, "My father, shall I kill them? Shall I kill them?”
But Ē̇-lī́ shȧ said to him, "You shall not kill them. Would you kill helpless men whom you had taken as prisoners? Give them bread to eat, and water to drink, and send them home to their master.”
So, instead, of killing the Sy̆ŕ ĭ-an soldiers, or holding them as prisoners, the king of Ĭś̝ ra-el set plenty of food before them, and gave them all that they needed. Then he sent them home to their master, the king of Sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ. And after that it was a long time before the Sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ armies came into the land of Ĭś̝ ra-el.

Story Fifteen

2 Kings 6:24, to 7:20
AFTER a time there was another great war between Sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ, and Ĭś̝ ra-el; and Bĕn=hā́ dăd, the king of Sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ, led a mighty army into the land of Ĭś̝ ra-el, and laid siege against the city of Sā̇-mā́ rĭ-ȧ. So hard and so long was the siege that the people in Sā̇-mā́ rĭ-ȧ could find nothing to eat; many died from want of food, and some killed their own children, and ate them.
But through all the siege Ē̇-lī́ shȧ encouraged the king of Ĭś̝ ra-el not to give up the city. When it seemed that there could be no hope, Ē̇-lī́ shā said to the king, "Hear the word of the Lord, 'Tomorrow, at this hour, in the gate of Sā̇-mā́ rĭ-ȧ, a peck of flour shall be sold for sixty cents, and two pecks of barley for sixty cents.'”
One of the nobles, on Whose arm the king was leaning, did not believe Ē̇-lī́ shȧ word, and said, scornfully, "If the Lord would make windows in heaven, and rain down wheat and barley, then this might be." "You shall see it with your own eyes," answered Ē̇-lī́ shȧ; "but you shall not eat any of the food.”
On the next morning, about daybreak, four men that were lepers were standing together outside the gate of Sā̇-mā́ rĭ-ȧ. Being lepers, they were not allowed by the laws of Ĭś̝ ra-el inside the walls of the city. (We have read of leprosy and lepers in the story of Nā́ a-man.) These four men said to each other, "What shall we do? If we go into the city we must die there from the want of food; if we stay here we must die. Let us go to the camp of the Sy̆ŕ ĭ-ans̝; perhaps they will let us live; and at the worst they can do no more than kill us.”
So the four men went toward the Sy̆ŕ ĭ-an camp; but as they came near they were surprised to find no one standing on guard. They went into a tent, and found it empty, as though it had been left very suddenly, for there were food, and drink, and garments, and gold, and silver. As no one was there they ate and drank all they needed; and then they took away valuable things and hid them. They looked into another tent, and another, and found them like the first, but not a man was in sight. They walked through the camp; but not a soldier was there, and the tents were left just as they had been when men were living in them.
In the night the Lord had caused the Sy̆ŕ ĭ-ans̝ to hear a great noise, like the rolling of chariots, and the trampling of horses, and the marching of men. They said to each other, in great fear, "The king of Ĭś̝ ra-el has sent for the Hĭt́ tītes on the north, and the Ē̇-ġy̆ṕ tians on the south, to come against us.”
And so great and so sudden was their terror, that in the night they rose up and fled away, leaving everything in their camp; even leaving their horses tied, and their asses, and all their treasure, and all their food, in their tents.
After a time the lepers said to each other, "We do wrong not to tell this good news in the city. If they found it out, they will blame us for not letting them know, and we may lose our lives on account of it.”
So they went up to the gate, and called the men on guard, and told them how they had found the camp of the Sy̆ŕ ĭ-ans̝, with tents standing, and horses tied, but not a man left. The men on guard told it at the king's palace. But the king, when he heard it, thought that it was a trick of the Sy̆ŕ ĭ-ans̝ to hide themselves, and to draw the men out of the city, so that they might take the city.
The king sent out two men with horses and chariots, and they found that not only had the camp been left, but that the road down the mountains to the river Jôŕ dan was covered with garments, and arms, and treasures that the Sy̆ŕ ĭ-ans̝ had thrown away in their wild flight.
The news soon spread through the city of Sā̇-mā́-rĭ-ȧ; and in a few hours all the city was at the gate. And when the food was brought in from the camp, there was abundance for all the people. And it came to pass as Ē̇-lī́ shȧ had said, a peck of grain, and two pecks of barley were sold for sixty cents in the gate of Sā̇-mā́ rĭ-ȧ, by noon of that day.
The king chose the noble upon whose arm he had leaned the day before to have charge of the gate. So he saw with his own eyes that which the prophet had foretold; but he did not eat of it, for the crowd was so great that the people pressed upon him, and he was trodden under their feet, and killed in the throng. Thus the king and all the city of Sā̇-mā́ rĭ-ȧ, knew that Ē̇-lī́ shȧ had indeed spoken the word of the Lord.
We have seen how different from the ways of Ē̇-lī́ jah were the ways of Ē̇-lī́ shȧ. Ē̇-lī́ jah lived alone in the wilderness, and never came before kings except to tell them of their evil deeds, and to warn them of punishment. But Ē̇-lī́ shȧ, lived in the city, at times even in the city of Sā̇-mā́ rĭ-ȧ, often sent helpful messages to the king, and seemed to be his friend. Both these men were needed, Ē̇-lī́ jah and Ē̇-lī́ shȧ, one to destroy the evil in the land, and the other to build up the good.

Story Sixteen

2 Kings 8:7 to 15; 9:1, to 10:36
You remember that when the Lord came to the prophet Ē̇-lī́ jah at Mount Hṓ reb in the wilderness, the Lord gave to Ē̇-lī́ jah a command to anoint or call Hăź a-el to be king of Sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ and Jḗ hū to be king of Ĭś̝ ra-el. But to prepare the way for these changes of rule a long time was needed, and Ē̇-lī́ jah was taken home to heaven before these men were called to be kings.
The time to call these men had now come, and Ē̇-lī́ sha undertook the pork that had been left to him by E-lī́ jah. He went to Dā̇-măś cus, the chief city of Sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ; and Ben=hā́ dăd, the king of heard that the great prophet of Ĭś̝ ra-el had come, for the fame of Ē̇-lī́ shȧ's deeds had made his name known through all those lands.
At that time King Bĕn=hā́ dăd was ill; and he sent one of his chief princes, whose name was Hăź a-el, to ask Ē̇-lī́ shȧ whether he would be well again. Hăź a-el came to meet Ē̇-lī́ sha with a rich present, which loaded forty camels, and he spoke to Ē̇-lī́ shȧ with great respect, saying, "Your son, Bĕn=hā́ dăd, king of Sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ, has sent me to you to ask, 'Shall I become well again from this sickness? '”
And Ē̇-lī́ shȧ said to Hăź a-el, "You may tell Bĕn=hā́ dăd that he will get well; nevertheless, the Lord has shown me that he will surely die.”
Then Ē̇-lī́ shȧ looked steadily upon Hăź a-el’s face, until Hăź a-el felt ashamed, and Ē̇-lī́ shȧ, wept as he looked upon him. Hăź a-el said to him, "Why does my lord weep?" "I weep," said Ē̇-lī́ shȧ, "because I know the evil that you will do to the people of Ĭś̝ ra-el. You will take their castles, and set them on fire; you will kill their young men, and you will destroy their children.”
Hăź a-el was surprised' at this, and said, "I am nothing but a dog; and how can I do such great things?”
And Ē̇-lī́ shȧ answered him, "The Lord has shown me that you shall be king over Sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ.”
Then Hăź a-el went to King Bĕn=há dăd, and said to him, "The man of God told me that you will surely be well from your sickness.”
And on the next day Hăź a-el took the cover from the bed, and dipped it in water, and pressed it tightly over Bĕn=hā́ dăd's face, so that he died; and Hăź a-el reigned in his place as king of Sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ. As soon as Hăź a-el became king, he made war upon the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes; and a battle was fought at Rā́ moth=ḡĭĺ e-ăd, the same place where King Ā́ hăb had been slain more than ten years before. In this battle Jē̇-hṓ ram, the king of Ĭś̝ ra-el, was wounded; and he was taken to Jĕź re-el, beside the great plain of Ĕs-dra-ḗ lon, there to recover from his wounds. Ā-ha-zī́ ah, who was at that time king of Jū́ dah, and who was a nephew of Jē̇-hṓ ram, went to Jĕź re-el to visit him while he was ill from his wounds.
By this time Ē̇-lī́ sha, the prophet, had returned from his visit to Sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ He knew that the time had now come to finish the work in Ĭś̝ ra-el left to him by Ē̇-lī́ jah; and he called one of the sons of the prophets to him, and said, "Rise up, and go to the camp at Rā́ moth=ḡĭĺ e-ad; and take with you this little bottle of oil. And when you reach Rā́ moth=ḡĭĺ e-ăd, find one of the captains of the army, Jḗ hū, the son of Jē̇-hŏsh́ a-phăt, the son of Nĭḿ shī; and lead him into a room alone, and pour the oil on his head, and say, 'Thus saith the Lord, I have anointed you as king over Ĭś̝ ra-el.' When you have done this, come back to me at once without waiting.”
Then the young man, who was a prophet like Ē̇-lī́ shȧ, took the bottle of oil in his hand and went to Rā́ moth=ḡĭĺ e-ăd. In the camp of Ĭś̝ ra-el he found the captains of the army sitting together. He came suddenly among them, and said, "O captain, I have an errand to you.”
And Jḗ hū, one of the captains, said to him, "To which one of us is your errand?”
He said to Jḗ hú, "My errand is to you alone, O captain.”
Then Jḗ hū went with the young prophet into the house; and he poured the oil on his head, and said, "Thus saith the Lord, the God of Ĭś̝ ra-el, 'I have anointed you as king over my people Ĭś̝ ra-el. And you shall destroy the family of Ā́ hăb, because they destroyed the prophets of the Lord. And I will make the house of Ā́ hăb like the house of Jĕr-o-bṓ am, who made Ĭś̝ ra-el to sin. And the wild dogs shall eat Jĕź e-bĕl in the city of Jĕź re-el, and there shall be no one to bury her!”
And after he had said this, the prophet opened the door, and went away as suddenly as he had come. Jḗ hū came back to the other captains, and sat down again. One of the captains said to him, "Is all well? Why did this wild fellow call you out?”
Jḗ hū said to them, "You know the man, and you know what he said to me.”
"No, no," they all said, "we do not know. Tell us what he said.”
Then Jḗ hū told them what the prophet had said, and that he had anointed him as king. This pleased all the captains. At once they took off their outer garments, and spread them as a carpet on the stairs of the house, and at the head of the stairs they placed Jḗ hū; and they blew the trumpets and called out to the army, "Jḗ hū is the king!”
Jḗ hū said to the captains, "Do not let anyone go out of the camp to bear word to Jē̇ hṓ ram. I will go myself.”
Then Jḗ hū made ready his chariot, and rode swiftly toward Jĕź re-el, his company riding after him. The watchman on the tower at Jĕź re-el saw him coming, and he called out to King Jē̇-hṓ ram, "I see a company coming toward the city.”
Jē̇-hṓ ram thought that they were bearing news of the war with the Sy̆ŕ ĭ-ans̝. He sent out a man on horseback to meet the company. The man came, and said, "Is all well?”
Jḗ hū answered him, "What difference is it to you? Come after me.”
Then the man turned, and joined Jḗ hū's company; and so did another man whom Jē̇-hṓ ram sent when the first man did not return. And the watchman called out to Jē̇-hṓ ram again, "Two men have gone out to meet the company that is drawing near, but they have not come back; and the man at the head drives like Jḗ hū, the son of Nĭḿ shī, for he drives furiously.”
Then Jē̇-hṓ ram became anxious; he sent for his chariot, and went out to meet Jḗ hū; and with him went Ā-ha-zī́ ah, the king of Judah, each in his own chariot. It came to pass that they met Jḗ hū in the very place which had been the vineyard of Nā́ bŏth; the same place where Ā́ hăb had met Ē̇-lī́ jah, when that same Jḗ hū was standing behind Ahab in his chariot. As Jē̇-hṓ ram drew near to Jḗ hū, he called to him, "Is all well, Jḗ hū?”
"Can anything be well," answered Jḗ hū, "as long as your mother Jĕź e-bĕl lives, with all her wickedness?”
When Jē̇-hṓ ram heard this he saw that Jḗ hū was his enemy. He cried out to King Ā-ha-zī́ ah, and turned his chariot, and fled. But he was too late, for Jḗ hū drew his bow with all his strength and sent an arrow to his heart. Jē̇-hṓ ram fell down dead in his chariot. Then Jḗ hū said to Bĭd́ kär, whom he had made his chief captain, "Take away the body of Jē̇-hṓ ram, and throw it into the field where the body of Nā́ bŏth was thrown. Do you remember how when you and I were riding in the chariot behind Ā́ hăb, his father, the Lord said, 'I have seen the blood of Nā́ bŏth on this spot, and the punishment of Ā́ hăb and his sons shall be in this place'?”
When Ā-ha-zī́ ah, the king of Jū́ dah, saw Jē̇-hṓ ram fall, he, too, turned and fled. But Jḗ hū pursued him, and ordered his followers to kill him. So Ā-ha-zī́ ah, the son of Jē̇-hŏsh́ a-phăt, and grandson of Ā́ hăb (for his mother, Ăth-a-lī́ ah, was a daughter of Jĕź e-bĕl), he also died at the hand of Jḗ hū. His servants took the body of Ā-ha-zī́ ah to Jē̇-rṳ sā̇-lĕm, and buried it there.
When Jḗ hū rode into the city of Jeź rĕ-el Queen Jĕź e-bĕl knew that her end had come; but she met it boldly, like a queen. She put on her royal robes, and a crown upon her head, and sat by the window, waiting for Jḗ hū to come. As he drew near, she called out to him, "Good day to you, Jḗ hū, you who are like Zĭḿ rī, the murderer of your master!”
You have read of Zĭḿ rī who slew King Ḗ lah, and was himself burned in his palace seven days after. (See Story Three in this Part.) Jḗ hū looked up to the window, and called out, "Who is on my side? Who?”
And some men looked out to him, and he said, "Throw her out of the window.”
They threw her down, and her blood was spattered on the wall and on the horses. King Jḗ hū came into the palace, and sat down as master, and ate and drank. Then he said, "Take up the body of that wicked woman, Jĕź e-bel, and bury her, for, though wicked, she was the daughter of a king.”
But when they looked on the pavement there was nothing left of her except her skull, and the bones of her feet and her hands, for the wild dogs of the city had eaten her body; and thus the wicked life of Jĕź e-bĕl came to an end, and the word of the Lord by the prophet Ē̇-lī́ jah came to pass. And Jḗ hū slew all the sons of Ā́ hăb, and their children with them, so that not one of Ā́ hăb's family was left alive. When Jḗ hū saw that he was safe and strong on the throne, he sent out a message to all the worshippers of Bā́ al, the idol which Jĕź e-bĕl and the house of Ā́ hăb had brought into Ĭś̝ ra-el. This message was, "Ā́ hăb served Bā́ al a little, but Jḗ hū will serve him much. Now, let all the priests of Bā́ al meet in the temple of Bā́ al in Sā̇-mā́ rĭ-ȧ.”
They came by hundreds, hoping that Jḗ hū would be their friend as Ā́ hăb and his family had been. But when they were all in the temple, he brought an army of his soldiers, and placed them on guard around it; and when no one could escape, he gave the order, "Go into the temple and kill all the priests of Bā́ al; let not one get away alive.”
And this was done in a cruel manner. He killed all the prophets and priests of Bā́ al, and tore down the temple of Bā́ al in Sā̇-mā́ rĭ-ȧ. But though Jḗ hū broke up the worship of Bā́ al, he did not worship the Lord God of Ĭś̝ ra-el as he should. He continued to serve the golden calves which Jĕr-o-bṓ am had set up long before at Bĕth́= el and at Dan. And the Lord sent a prophet to Jḗ hū, who said to him, "Because you have done my will in destroying the house of Ā́ hăb, and in destroying those that worshipped Bā́ al, your children to the fourth generation shall sit on the throne of Ĭś̝ ra-el.”
On account of the many sins of the people of Ĭś̝ ra-el the Lord began in the days of Jḗ hū to take away the land of the Ten Tribes. Hăź a-el, the new king of Sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ, made war on Jḗ hū and conquered all the land on the east of the Jôŕ dan, from the brook Äŕ nŏn to the land of Bā́ shän in the north; so all that was left of Ĭś̝ ra-el was the country on the west of Jôŕ dan, from Bĕth́=el northward to Dăn.

Story Seventeen

2 Kings 13:1 to 25; Jonah 1:1, to 4:11
AFTER Jḗ hū, his son Jē̇-hṓ a-hăz reigned in Ĭś̝ ra-el. He was not only a wicked but also a weak king and under him Ĭś̝ ra-el became helpless in the hands of its enemies, Hăź a-el, the fierce king of Sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ, and his son, Bĕn=hā́ dăd the second. But when Jē̇-hṓ a-hăz died, his son Jṓ ash became king, and under his rule Ĭś̝ ra-el began to rise again.
Ē̇-lī́ shȧ, the prophet, was now an old man, and very feeble, and near to death. The young king, Jṓ ăsh, came to see him, and wept over him, and said to him, as Ē̇-lī́-shȧ himself had said to Ē̇-lī́ jah, "My father, my father, you are to Ĭś̝ ra-el more than its chariots and its horsemen!”
But Ē̇-lī́ shȧ, though weak in body, was yet strong in soul. He told King Jṓ ăsh to bring to him a bow and arrows, and to open the window to the east, looking toward the land of Sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ. Then Ē̇-lī́ shȧ caused the king to draw the bow, and he placed his hands on the king's hands. And as the king shot an arrow, Ē̇-Iī́ sha said, "This is the Lord's arrow of victory, of victory over Sy̆ŕ ĭ-a, for you shall smite the Sy̆ŕ ĭ-ans̝ in Ā́ phek, and shall destroy them." Then Ē̇-lī́ shȧ told the king to take the arrows, and to strike with them on the ground. The king struck them on the ground three times, and then stopped striking. The old prophet was displeased at this, and said, "Why did you stop? You should have struck the ground five or six times; then you would have won as many victories over Sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ; but now you shall beat the Sy̆ŕ ĭ-ans̝ three times, and no more.”
Soon after this Ē̇-lī́ shȧ died, and they buried him in a cave. In the spring of the next year the bands of the Mṓ ab-ītes came upon the place just as they were burying another man, and in their haste to escape from the enemies they placed the body in the cave where Ē̇-lī̇shȧ was buried. When the body of this man touched the body of the dead prophet, life came to it, and the man stood up. Thus, even after Ē̇-lī́ shȧ was dead, he still had power.
After the death of Ē̇-lī́ shȧ, Jṓ ăsh, the king of Ĭś̝ ra-el, made war upon Bĕn=hā́ dăd the second, king of Sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ. Jṓ ăsh beat him three times in battle, and took from him all the cities that Hăź a-el, his father, had taken away from Ĭś̝ ra-el. And after leash, his son Jĕr-o-bṓ am the second reigned, who became the greatest of all the kings of the Ten Tribes. Under him the kingdom grew rich and strong. He conquered nearly all Sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ, and made Sā̇-mā́ rĭ-ȧ the greatest city in all those lands.
But though Sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ went down, another nation was now rising to power, Ăs-sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ, on the eastern side of the river Tī́ gris. Its capital was Nĭń e-veh, a great city, so vast that it would take three days for a man to walk around its walls. The Ăs-sy̆ŕ ĭ-ans̝ were beginning to conquer all the lands near them, and Ĭś̝ ra-el was in danger of falling under their power. At this time another prophet, named Jonah, was giving the word of the Lord to the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes. To Jṓ nah the Lord spoke, saying, "Go to Nĭń e-veh, that great city, and preach to it, for its wickedness rises up before me.”
But Jṓ nah did not wish to preach to the people of Nĭń e-veh, for they were the enemies of his land, the land of Ĭś̝ ra-el. He wished Nĭń e-veh to die in its sins, and not turn to God and live. So Jṓ nah tried to go away from the city where God had sent him. He went down to Jōṕ pȧ, upon the shore of the Great Sea. There he found a ship about to sail to Tāŕ shish, far away in the west. He paid the fare, and went on board, intending to go as far as possible from Nĭń e-veh.
But the Lord saw Jonah on the ship, and the Lord sent a great storm upon the sea, so that the ship seemed as though it would go in pieces. The sailors threw overboard everything on the ship, and when they could do no more, every man prayed to his god to save the ship and themselves. Jó̄ nah was now lying fast asleep under the deck of the ship, and the ship's captain came to him, and said, "What do you mean by sleeping in such a time as this? Awake, rise up, and call upon your God. Perhaps your God will hear you, and will save our lives.”
But the storm continued to rage around the ship, and they said, "There is some man on this ship who has brought upon us this trouble. Let us cast lots, and find who it is.”
Then they cast lots, and the lot fell on Jṓ nah. They said to him, all at once, "Tell us, who are you? From what country do you come? What is your business? To what people do you belong? Why have you brought all this trouble upon us?" Then Jṓ nah told them the whole story; how he came from the land of Ĭś̝ ra-el and, that he had fled away from the presence of the Lord. And they said to him, "What shall we do to you, that the storm may cease?" Then Jṓ nah said, "Take me up, and throw me into the sea; then the storm will cease, and the waters will be calm; for I know that for my sake this great tempest is upon you.”
But the men were not willing to throw Jṓ nah into the sea. They rowed hard to bring the ship to the land, but they could not.
Then they cried unto the Lord, and said, "We pray thee, O Lord, we pray thee, let us not die for this man's life; for thou, O Lord, hast done as it pleased thee." At last, when they could do nothing else to save themselves, they threw Jṓ nah into the sea. At once the storm ceased, and the waves became still. Then the men on the ship feared the Lord greatly. They offered a sacrifice to the Lord, and made promises to serve him.
And the Lord caused a great fish to swallow up Jṓ nah; and Jonah was alive within the fish for three days and three nights. Long afterward, when Jesus was on the earth, he said that as Jonah was three days inside the fish, so he would be three days in the earth; so Jṓ nah in the fish was like a prophecy of Christ. In the fish Jṓ nah cried to the Lord; and the Lord heard his prayer, and caused the great fish to throw up Jṓ nah upon the dry land. By this time Jṓ nah had learned that some men who worshipped idols were kind in their hearts, and were dear to the Lord. This was the lesson that God meant Jṓ nah to learn; and now the call of the Lord came to Jṓ nah a second time.
"Arise; go to Nĭń e-veh, that great city, and preach to it what I command you.”
So Jṓ nah went to the city of Nĭń e-veh, and as he entered into it, he called out to the people, "Within forty days shall Nĭń e-veh be destroyed." And he walked through the city all day, crying out only this, "Within forty days shall Nĭń e-veh be destroyed.”
And the people of Nĭń e-veh believed the word of the Lord as spoken by Jṓ nah. They turned away from their sins, and fasted, and sought the Lord, from the greatest of them even to the least. The king of Nĭń e-veh arose from his throne, and laid aside his royal robes, and covered himself with sackcloth, and sat in ashes, as a sign of his sorrow. And the king sent out a command to his people, that they should fast, and seek the Lord, and turn from sin.
And God saw that the people of Nĭń e-veh were sorry for their wickedness, and he forgave them, and did not destroy their city. But this made Jṓ nah very angry. He did not wish to have Nĭń e-veh spared, because it was the enemy of his own land, and also he feared that men would call him a false prophet when his word did not come to pass. And Jonah said to the Lord:
"O Lord, I was sure that it would be thus, that thou wouldest spare the city; and for that reason I tried to flee away; for I knew that thou wast a gracious God, full of pity, slow to anger, and rich in mercy. Now, O Lord, take away my life, for it is better for me to die than to live.”
And Jṓ nah went out of the city, and built a little hut on the east side of it, and sat under its roof, to see whether God would keep the word that he had spoken. Then the Lord caused a plant with thick leaves called a gourd to grow up, and to shade Jṓ nah from the sun; and Jṓ nah was glad, and sat under its shadow. But a worm destroyed the plant; and the next day a hot wind blew, and Jṓ nah suffered from the heat; and again Jṓ nah wished that he might die. And the Lord said to Jṓ nah, "You were sorry to see the plant die, though you did not make it grow, and though it came up in a night and died in a night. And should not I have pity on Nĭń e-veh, that great city, where are more than a hundred thousand little children, and also many cattle, all helpless and knowing nothing?”
And Jṓ nah learned that men, and women, and little children, are all precious in the sight of the Lord, even though they know not God.
In most of the books of the Old Testament, we read of the Ĭś̝ ra-el-īte people, and of God's care of them; but we do not find in the Old Testament much about God as the Father of all men of every nation and every land. The book of Jṓ nah stands almost alone in the Old Testament, as showing that God loves people of other nations than Ĭś̝ ra-el. Even the people of Nĭń e-veh, who worshipped images, were under God's love; God was ready to hear their prayer and to save them. So the book of Jṓ nah shows us God as "our Heavenly Father.”
Lesson 36. Elisha and Jonah.
(Tell Stories 14 and 17 in Part Fourth. Omit Stories 15 and 16.)
1. With what land was Israel often at war in the time of the Kings? With Syria.
2. Who greatly helped the king of Israel by his power as a prophet? Elisha.
3. At what place did the Syrians send an army to make Elisha, their prisoner? At Dothan.
4. What did the servant of Elisha see around Elisha to keep him safe from the Syrians? Chariots and horses of fire.
5. Who came to visit Elisha, when he was dying? Nash the King of
6. What did the dying Elisha promise to the king? Victory over the Syrians.
7. What prophet was sent to preach to a great city? Jonah.
8. To what city was Jonah sent? To Nineveh.
9. What wonderful thing happened to Jonah? He was for three days inside a great fish.
10. What did Jonah do afterward? He preached to the people of Nineveh.

Story Eighteen

2 Kings 15:8, to 17:41
THE power and peace that Judah enjoyed under Jĕr-o-bṓ am bṓ am the second did not last after his death. His great kingdom fell apart, and his son Zăch-a-rī́ah reigned only six months. He was slain in the sight of his people by Shăĺ lum, who made himself king. But after only a month of rule, Shăĺ lum himself was killed by Mĕń a-hĕm, who reigned ten years of wickedness and of suffering in the land, for the As-sy̆ŕ ĭ-ans̝ spoiled the land and took away the riches of Ĭś̝ ra-el. Then came Pḗ kah and who was slain by Pé̄ kah, and Hō̇-shḗ ȧ, who in turn slew Pḗ kah. So nearly all the latter kings of Ĭś̝ ra-el won the throne by murder, and were themselves slain. The land was helpless, and its enemies, the Ăs-sy̆ŕ ĭ-ans̝ from Nĭń e-veh, won victories, and carried away many of the people, and robbed those who were left. All these evils came upon the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes, because they and their kings had forsaken the Lord God of their fathers and worshipped idols.
Hō̇-shḗ ȧ was the last of the kings over the Ten Tribes; nineteen kings in all, from Jĕr-o-bṓ am to Hō̇-shḗ ȧ. In Hō̇-shḗ ȧ's time, the king of Ăs-sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ, whose name was Shăl-man-ḗ s̝ēr, came up with a great army against Sā̇-mā́ ri-ȧ. He laid siege against the city; but it was in a strong place, and hard to take, for it stood on a high hill. The siege lasted three years, and before it was ended, Shăl-man-ḗ s̝ēr, the king of Ăs-sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ, died, and Säŕ gon, a great warrior and conqueror, reigned in his place. Säŕ gon took Sā̇-mā́ rĭ-ȧ, and put to death Hō̇-shḗ ȧ the last king of Ĭś̝ ra-el. He carried away nearly all the people from the land, and led them into distant countries in the east, to Mĕs-o-pō̇-tā́ mĭ-ȧ, to Mḗ dĭ-ȧ, and the lands near the great Caspian Sea. This Säŕ gon did, in order to keep the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes from again breaking away from his rule.
As in their own land the children of Ĭś ra-el had forsaken the Lord and had worshipped idols, so after they were taken to these distant lands they sought the gods of the people among whom they were living. They married the people of those lands, and ceased to be Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes; and after a time they lost all knowledge of their own God, who had given them his words and sent them his prophets. So there came an end to the Ten Tribes of Ĭś̝ ra-el, for they never again came back to their own land, and were lost among the peoples of the far east.
But a small part of the people of Ĭś̝ ra-el were left in their own land. The king of Ăs-sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ brought to the land Ĭś̝ ra-el people from other countries, and placed them in the land. But they were too few to fill the land, and to care for it; so that the wild beasts began to increase in Ĭś̝ ra-el, and many of these strange people were killed by lions who lived among the mountains and in the valleys. They thought that the lions came upon them because they did not worship the God who ruled in that land, and they sent to the king of Ăs-sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ, saying, "Send us a priest who can teach us how to worship the God to whom this land belongs; for he has sent lions among us, and they are destroying us.”
They supposed that each land must have its own God, as the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝ worshipped Dā́ gon, and the Mṓ ab-ĭtes Chḗ mosh, and the Ty̆ŕ ĭ-ans̝ and Zī-dṓ nĭ-ans̝, Ba'al and the Ăsh-ḗ rah. They did not know that there is only one God, who rules all the world, and who is to be worshipped by all men.
Then the king of Ăs-sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ sent to these people a priest from among the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes in his land; and this priest tried to teach them how to worship the Lord. But with the Lord's worship, they mingled the worship of idols; and did not serve the Lord only, as God would have them serve him. In after time these people were called Sā̇-măŕ ĭ-tans̝, from Sā̇-mā́ rĭ-ȧ, which had been their chief city. They had their temple to the Lord on Mount Ḡĕŕ ĭ-zĭm, near the city of Shḗ chem, and in that city a few of them are found even in our time.
Lesson 37. The Ten Tribes Lost; with Review of Part Fourth.
(Read Story 18 in Part Fourth, and recall of the other stories as much as may be needed for the Review.)
1. How many tribes were in the kingdom of Israel? Ten.
2. Who was the first king of the Ten Tribes? Jeroboam.
3. How many kings ruled over Israel or the Ten Tribes? Nineteen.
4. What is said of these kings? Nearly all of them were wicked.
5. Who was the most wicked of all the kings of Israel?
6. Who was Ahab’s wife? Queen Jezebel.
7. What was the chief city in the kingdom of Israel? Samaria
8. What great prophet lived in the times of Ahab and Jezebel? Elijah.
9. How was Elijah fed while hiding by a brook? By ravens.
10. Where did he restore to life a widow's son? At Zarephath.
11. Where did he call down fire from heaven upon an altar? On Mount Carmel.
12. Where did God talk with Elijah? At Mount Horeb.
13. How was Elijah taken to heaven? In a chariot of fire.
14. Who was the prophet after Elijah?
15. How did Elisha make a bitter spring fresh? By pouring in salt.
16. What woman's son did Elisha raise to life? The woman of Shunem.
17. What Syrian general did Elisha cure of leprosy? Naaman.
18. Where were chariots and horses of fire seen around Elisha ? At Dothan.
19. Who lived three days inside a great fish? Jonah.
20. To what land were the Ten Tribes carried away as prisoners? To Assyria

Part Fifth


Story One

2 Chronicles 12:1, to 20:37
NOW we turn from the story of the kingdom of Ĭś̝ ra-el in the north to the story of the kingdom of Jū́ dah in the south. You read how the Ten Tribes broke away from the rule of King Rē-ho-bṓ am and set up a kingdom of their own under Jĕr-o-bṓ am. This division left the kingdom of Jū́ dah very small and weak. It reached from the Dead Sea westward to the land of the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝ on the shore of the Great Sea, and from Bē-er=shḗ bȧ on the south not quite to Bĕth=el on the north; but it held some control over the land of Ḗ dom on the south of the Dead Sea. Its chief city was Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, where stood the Temple of the Lord and the palace of the king.
After Rē-ho-bṓ am found that he could no more rule over the Ten Tribes he tried to make his own little kingdom strong by building cities and raising an army of soldiers. But he did not look to the Lord, as his grandfather Dā́ vid had looked; he allowed his people to worship idols, so that soon on almost every hill and in almost every grove of trees there was an image of stone or wood. God was not pleased with Rē-ho-bṓ am and his people, because they had forsaken him for idols. He brought upon the land of Jū́ dah a great army from Ḗ ġy̆pt, led by Shī́ shăk, the king of Ḗ ġy̆pt. They marched over all the land of Jū́ dah they took the city of Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm and they robbed the Temple of all the great treasure in gold and silver which Sŏĺ o-mon had stored up. This evil came upon Judah because its king and its people had turned away from the Lord their God.
After Jĕr-o-bṓ am had reigned seventeen years he died, and his son Ā̇-bī́ jah became king of Jū́ dah. When Jĕr-o-bṓ am, the king of Ĭś̝ ra-el, made war upon him, Ā̇-bī́ jah led his army into the land of Ĭś̝ ra-el. But Jĕr-o-bó am's army was twice as large as Ā̇-bī́ jah's, and his men stood not only in front of the men of Jū́ dah but also behind them, so that the army of Jū́ dah was in great danger of being destroyed. But Ā̇-bī́ jah told his men to trust in the Lord, and to fight bravely in the Lord's name. And God helped the men of Jū́ dah against Ĭś̝ ra-el, and they won a great victory; so that Jĕr-o-bṓ am never again came against Jū́ dah.
Ā̇-bī́ jah's reign was short, only three years; and after him came Ā́ sa, his son, who was a great warrior, a great builder of cities, and a wise ruler. Against Ā́ sa a great army of enemies came up from Ē-thĭ-ṓ pĭ-a, which was south of Ḗ ġy̆pt. Ā́ sa, drew out his little army against the Ē-thĭ-ṓ pĭ-ans̝ at a place called Mā̇-rḗ shah, in the south of Jū́ dah, near the desert. He had no hope of success in his soldiers, because they were so few and the enemies were so many. But Ā́ sa called upon the Lord, and said:
"O Lord, it makes no difference to thee whether there are few or many. Help us, O Lord, for we trust in thee; and in thy name we fight this vast multitude. O Lord, thou art our God; let not man succeed against thee.”
The Lord heard Ā́ sȧ's prayer, and gave him a great victory over the Ē-thĭ-ṓ pĭ-ans̝ took again the cities in the south which had gone over to the side of the Ē-thĭ-ṓ pĭ-ans̝ and he brought to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm great riches, and flocks of sheep, and herds of cattle, and camels, which he had taken from his enemies.
Then the Lord sent to Ā́ sȧ a prophet named Az-a-rī́ ah. He said, "Hear me, King Ā́ sȧ, and all Jū́ dah and Bĕń ja-Mĭn. The Lord is with you while you are with him. If you seek him you shall find him; but if you forsake the Lord he will forsake you. Now be strong, and put away the wickedness out of the land, and the Lord shall reward your work.”
Then Ā́ sȧ rebuilt the altar of the Lord which had fallen into decay, and he called upon his people to worship. He went through the land, and broke down the idols, and burned them. He found that his own mother, the queen, had made an idol, and he cut it down and broke it in pieces; and he would not allow her to be queen any longer, because she had worshipped idols.
Until Ā́ sȧ was old he served the Lord; but in his old age he became sick, and in his sickness he did not seek the Lord. He turned to men who called themselves physicians or doctors, but they were men who tried to cure by the power of idols. This led many of Ā́ sȧ's people to worship images, so that when he died there were again idols throughout the land.
Ā́ sȧ's son, Jē̇-hŏsh́ a-phăt, was the next king, and he was the wisest and strongest of all the kings of Jū́ dah, and ruled over the largest realm of any. When he became king Ā́ hăb was king of "Ĭś̝ ra-el. Jē̇-hŏsh́ a-phăt made peace with Ĭś̝ ra-el, and united with the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes against the kingdom of Sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ. He fought against the Sy̆ŕ ĭ-ans̝ in the battle at Rā́ moth=ḡĭĺ e-ăd, where King Ā́ hăb was slain, and afterward with Ā́ hăb's son, Jē̇-hṓ ram, he fought against the Mṓ ab-ītes.
Jē̇-hŏsh́ a-phăt served the Lord with all his heart. He took away the idols that had again arisen in the land; he called upon his people to worship the Lord, and he sent princes and priests throughout all Jū́ dah to read to the people the law of the Lord and to teach the people how to serve the Lord.
The Lord gave to Jē̇-hŏsh́ a-phăt great power. He ruled over the land of Ḗ dom, over the wilderness on the south, and over the cities of the Phĭ-lĭś tĭne upon the coast. And Jē̇-hŏsh́ a-phăt chose judges for the cities in all the land, and he said to them:
"Remember that you are not judging for men, but for the Lord; and the Lord is with you, and sees all your acts. Therefore fear the Lord, and do his will. Do not allow men to make you presents, so that you will favor them; but be just toward all, and be strong in doing right.”
At one time news came to King Jē̇-hŏsh́ a-phăt that some of the nations on the east and south and north, Mṓ ab-ītes, Ăḿ mon-ītes, and Sy̆ŕ ĭ-ans̝, had banded together against him, and were encamped with a great army at En=ḡḗ dī, near the Dead Sea. Jē̇-hŏsh́ a-phăt called forth his soldiers, but before they went to battle he led them to the Temple to worship the Lora. And Jē̇-hŏsh́- a-phăt called upon the Lord for help, saying:
"O Lord, the God of our fathers, art not thou God in heaven? Dost thou not rule over the nations of earth? Is not power thine, so that none can stand against thee? Now, Lord, look upon these hosts who have come against thy people. We have no might against this great company, and we know not what to do; but our eyes look toward thee for help.”
Then the Spirit of the Lord came upon one of the Lḗ vītes, a man named Jā̇-hā́ zĭ-el, and he said:
"Hear, ye men of Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm and Jū́ dah, and hear, O King Jē̇-hŏsh́ a-phăt. Thus saith the Lord, 'Fear not this great host of your enemies, for the battle is not yours, but the Lord's. Go out against them; but you will not need to fight. You shall stand still, and see how the Lord will save you. Do not fear, for the Lord is with you Then Jē̇-hŏsh́ a-phăt and all his people worshipped the Lord, bowing with their faces on the ground. And the next day, when they marched against the enemies, the Lḗ vītes walked in front, singing and praising the Lord, while all the people answered:
"Give thanks to the Lord, for his mercy endureth forever.”
When the men of Judah came to the camp of their enemies, they found that a quarrel had risen up among them. The Aḿ mon-ītes and the Mṓ ab-ītes began to fight with the rest of the bands, and soon all the host were fighting and killing each other. And when the men of Jū́ dah came, part of the host were lying dead, and the rest had fled away into the desert, leaving behind them great treasure. So it came to pass as the prophet Az-a-rī́ ah had said, they did not fight, but the Lord fought for them, and saved them from their foes.
The place where this strange battle had taken place they named "the valley of Bĕŕ a-chah," which means "blessing," because there they blessed the Lord for the help that he had given them. And afterward they came back to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm with songs, and praises, and the great riches which they had taken. And God gave to King Jē̇-hŏsh́ a-phăt peace and rest from his enemies, and great power as long as he lived.

Story Two

2 Chronicles 21:1, to 24:27
JĒ̇-HŎSH́ A-PHĂT, the king of Judah, was a good man and a wise king, but he made one mistake which brought in great trouble upon his family and upon his land in after days. He married his son Jē̇-hṓ ram to Ăth-a-lī́ ah, the daughter of Ā́ hăb and the wicked Jĕź e-bĕl. When Jē̇-hŏsh́ a-phăt died and Jē̇-hó ram became king of Jū́ dah, his wife, Ăth-a-lī́ ah, led him into all the wickedness of the house of Ā́ hăb. Jē̇-hó ram killed all his brothers, the sons of Jē̇-hŏsh́ a-phăt, so that no one of them might rise up against him. His queen Ăth-a-lī̇ ah, set up idols all around Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lem and in Jū́ dah, and led the people in worshipping them.
The prophet Ē̇-lī́ jah was still living in Ĭś̝ ra-el when Jē̇-hṓ ram began to reign in Jū́ dah. He sent to King Jē̇-hṓ ram a letter containing a message from the Lord. He wrote:
"Thus saith the Lord, the God of Dā́ vid, 'Because you have not walked in the ways of your father, Jē̇-hŏsh́ a-phăt, but have walked in the ways of the kings of Ĭś̝ ra-el, and have led the people of Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm and of Jū́ dah to turn from the Lord to idols, and because you have slain your brothers; who were better than you, therefore the Lord will strike you and your house, and your people; and you shall have a terrible disease that none can cure.'
And after this great troubles came upon Jē̇-hṓ ram and his land. The Ḗ dom-ītes on the south, who had been under the rule of Jū́ dah since the days of Dā́ vid, broke away from King Jē̇-hṓ ram and set up a kingdom of their own. The Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝ on the west and the Ā̇-rā́ bĭ-ans̝ of the desert made war upon him. They broke into his palace, and carried away his treasures, and killed all his children except one, the youngest.
And upon Jē̇-hṓ ram himself fell a sickness that lasted many years, and caused him great suffering. No cure could be found, and after long years of pain Jē̇-hṓ ram died. So evil had been his reign of eight years that no one was sorry to have him die, and they would not allow his body to be buried among the kings of Jū́ dah.
After Jē̇-hṓ ram his youngest son, Ā-ha-zī́ ah, became king. His mother was the wicked Ăth-a-lī́ ah, the daughter of Jĕź e-bĕl. A-ha-zī́ ah reigned only one year; for while he was visiting King Jē̇-hṓ ram of Ĭś̝ ra-el, his uncle, he was slain by Jḗ hu; for this was the time when Jḗ hū rose against the house of Ā́ hăb, killed Jē̇-hō-́ ram, Ā́ hăb's son, and Jĕź e-bĕl,
Ā́ hăb's widow, and made himself king of Ĭś̝ ra-el. But Jḗ hu gave to the body of Ā́ ha-zī ah a king's burial, for he said, "He was the son of Jē̇-hŏsh́ a-phăt, who sought the Lord with all his heart.”
When Ăth-a-lī́ ah, the mother of Ā-ha-zī́ ah, heard that her son was dead, all the fierceness of her mother Jĕź e-bĕl arose in her. She seized the princes who belonged to the family of Dā́ vid and killed them, so that there was not a man of the royal line left. And she made herself the queen and ruler over the land of Judah. She shut up the house of the Lord, and built a temple for Bā́ al; and for six years led the people of Jū́ dah in all wickedness.
In the slaughter of the royal family by Ăth-a-lī́ ah one little child of Ā-ha-zī́ ah had been saved alive. His name was Jṓ ăsh. He was a baby, only a year old when his grandmother, Ăth-a-lī́ ah, seized the throne; and his aunt, a sister of Ā-ha-zī́ ah and the wife of the priest Jē̇-hoí a-dȧ, hid him in the Temple of the Lord, and kept him safe from the hate of Queen Ăth-a-lī́ ah, There he stayed for six years, while Jē̇-hoí a-dȧ, the priest, was preparing to make him king. When all things were ready, and little Jṓ ăsh was seven years old, Jē̇-hoí a-dȧ, the priest, brought him out of his hiding-place, and set him before the people and the rulers in the temple, and placed the crown upon his head. Then all the people shouted, "Long live the king! Long live the king!”
Queen Ăth-a-lī́ ah heard the noise of the shouting, and came out of her palace to see what had taken place. She saw the little boy-king standing by a pillar in the Temple, with the crown upon his head, and around him the soldiers and the people, crying aloud, "Long live the king!”
Ăth-a-lī́ ah was very angry as she saw all this. She called for her servants and her soldiers to break up this gathering of the people, and to take the boy-king. But no one would follow her, for they were tired of her cruel rule, and they wished to have for their king one who came from the line of Dā́ vid.
Jē̇-hoí a-dȧ said to the soldiers, "Take this woman a prisoner, and carry her out of the Temple of the Lord. Let not her blood be spilled in the holy house.”
So they seized Ath-a-lī́ ah, and dragged her out of the Temple, and killed her. Then Jē̇-hoí a-dȧ and all the people made a promise to serve the Lord only. They tore down the house of the idol Bā́ al, and destroyed the images, and broke its altar in pieces. They made the Temple holy once more, and set the house in order, and offered the sacrifices, and held the daily worship before the altar. And all the people were glad to have a descendant of Dā́ vid, one of the royal line, once more on the throne of Jū́ dah.
As long as Jē̇-hoí a-dȧ, the good priest lived, Jṓ ash ruled well, and his people served the Lord. When King Jṓ ăsh grew up he wished to have the Temple of the Lord made new and beautiful; for in the years that had passed since the Temple had been built by Sŏĺ o-mon, it had grown old, and had fallen into decay. Then, too, Queen Ăth-a-lī́ ah and the men who worshipped Bā́ al had broken down the walls in many places, and they had carried away the gold and the silver of the Temple to use in the worship of Bā́ al.
At first King Jṓ ash told the priests and Lḗ vītes, who served in the Temple, to go through the land; and ask the people for money to be spent in the fitting up of the Temple. But the priests and the Lḗ vītes were slow in the work, and the king tried another plan for getting the money that was needed.
He caused a large box or chest to be made, and had it placed at the door of the Temple, so that all would see it when they went to worship the Lord. In the lid of the box was a hole through which they dropped money into the box. And the king caused word to be sent through all the land that the princes and the people should bring gifts of money, and drop it into the chest, whenever they came to the Temple.
The people were glad, and brought their gifts willingly; for they all wished to have God's house made beautiful. In a short time the box was full of gold and silver. Then the king's officers opened the box, and tied up the money in bags, and placed the bags of money in a safe place. The box was filled with gold and silver many times, until there was money in abundance to pay for all the work needed in the Temple, and for making new ornaments of gold and silver for the house.
When Jē̇-hoí a-dȧ, the good priest, was very old, he died; and after his death there was no one to keep King Jṓ ash in the right way. The princes of the land loved to worship idols, and did not serve God, and they led King Jṓ ash into wicked ways after he had done so well. God was not pleased with Rash after he forsook the Lord, and God allowed the Sy̆ŕ ĭ-ans̝ from the north to come upon the land. They robbed the cities and left Jṓ ăsh sick and poor. Soon after the coming of the Sy̆ŕ ĭ-ans̝ his own servants killed him, and made Ăm-a-zī́ ah, his son, king in his place.

Story Three

2 Chron. 25:1, to 28:27; Isa. 6
AM-A-ZĪ́ AH was the ninth of the kings of Jū́ dah, if the years of Ăth-a-lī́ ah's rule be counted as a separate reign. Am-a-zī́ ah worshipped the Lord, but he did not serve the Lord with a perfect heart. He gathered an army of three hundred thousand men, to make war on Ḗ dom, and bring its people again under the rule of Jū́ dah. He hired also an army from Ĭś̝ ra-el to help him in this war; but a prophet said to him, "O king, do not let the army of Ĭś̝ ra-el go with you against Ḗ dom, for the Lord is not with the people of Ĭś̝ ra-el. But go with your own men, and be strong and brave; and the Lord will help you.”
"But how will I get back the money that I have paid to the army of Ĭś̝ ra-el?" said Ăm-a-zī́ ah to the prophet.
"Fear not," said the prophet; "the Lord is able to give you much more than you have lost.”
Then Ăm-a-zī́ ah obeyed the Lord, and sent back the men of Ĭś̝ ra-el to their own land, and went against the Ḗ dom-ītes with the men of Jū́ dah. The Lord gave him a great victory in the land of Ḗ dom; Am-a-zī́ ah was cruel to the people whom he conquered, and killed very many of them in his anger. And when he came back from Ḗ dom, he brought with him the idol-gods of that land, and although they could not save their own people, Ăm-a-zī́ ah set them up for his own gods, and burned incense to them and bowed down before them. And when a prophet of the Lord came to him, and warned him that God was angry with him, and would surely punish him for this wickedness, Am-a-zī́ ah said to the prophet, "Who has asked you to give advice to the king? Keep still, or you will be put to death!" And the prophet answered him, "I know that it is God's will that you shall be destroyed, because you will not listen to the word of the Lord.”
Ăm-a-zī́ ah's punishment was not long delayed, for soon after this, he made war upon Jṓ ash, the king of Ĭś ra-el, whose kingdom was far greater and stronger than his own. The two armies met at Bĕth=shḗ mesh, northwest of Jē̇-rṳ-sā̇́ lĕm. Ăm-a-zī́ ah was beaten in a great battle, many of his men were slain, and Ăm-a-zī́ ah himself was taken prisoner by Jṓ ash, the king of Ĭś̝ ra-el. Jṓ ăsh took the city of Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, and broke down the wall, and carried away all the treasures in the palace and in the Temple of the Lord.
After this Ăm-a-zī́ ah lived fifteen years, but he never gained the power that he had lost. His nobles made a plan to kill him, and Am-a-zī́ ah fled away from the city to escape them. But they caught him, and slew him, and brought his body back to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm to be buried in the tombs of the kings. His reign began well, but it ended ill, because he failed to obey the word of the Lord.
After Ăm-a-zī́ ah came his son Ŭz-zī́ ah, who was also called Ăz-a-rī́ ah. He was the tenth king of Judah. Ŭz-zī́ ah was only sixteen years old when he began to reign, and he was king for fifty-two years. He did that which was right in the sight of the Lord during most of his reign. Ŭz-zī́ ah found the kingdom weak and he made it strong, for the Lord helped him. He won back for Jū́ dah the land of the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝, the land of the Aḿ mon-ītes on the east of Jôŕ dan, and of the Ā̇-rā́ bĭ-ans̝ on the south. He built cities and made strong walls around them, with towers full of weapons for defense against enemies. He loved the fields, and planted trees and vineyards, and raised crops of wheat and barley.
But when Ŭz-zī́ ah was strong and rich his heart became proud, and he no longer tried to do God's will. He sought to have the power of the high-priest as well as that of the king, and he went into the Holy Place in the Temple to offer incense upon the golden altar, which was allowed to the priests only. The high-priest Ăz-a-rī́ ah followed Ŭz-zī́ ah into the Holy Place with the other priests, and said to him:
"It is not for you to offer incense, O King Ŭz-zī́ ah, nor to come into the Holy Place. This belongs to the priests alone. Go out of the Holy Place, for you have disobeyed the Lord's command; and it will not bring upon you honor, but trouble.”
Ŭz-zī́ ah was standing before the golden altar with a censor of incense in his hand. Instantly the white scales of leprosy rose upon his forehead. The priests saw in that moment that God had smitten Ŭz-zī́ ah with leprosy; indeed, he felt it himself, and turned to leave the Holy Place. But they would not wait for him to go out; they drove him out, for the leper's presence made the house unholy. And from that day until he died, Ŭz-zī́ ah was a leper. He could no longer sit as king, but his son Jṓ tham took his place; nor was he allowed to live in the palace, but he stayed in a house alone. And when he died they would not give him a place among the tombs of the kings; but they buried him in a field outside. Jṓ tham, the eleventh king, ruled after his father's death sixteen years. He served the Lord, but he did not stop his people from worshipping the idols. He was warned by his father's fate, and was content to be a king, without trying at the same time to be a priest and to offer incense in the Temple. God was with Jṓ tham, and gave his kingdom some success.
The next king, the twelfth, was Ā́ hăz, who was the wickedest of all the kings of Jū́ dah. He left the service of God, and worshipped the images of Bā́ al. Worse than any other king, he even offered some of his own children as burnt-offerings to the false gods. In his reign the house of the Lord was shut up, and its treasures were taken away, and it was left to fall into ruin. For his sins and the sins of his people, God brought great suffering upon the land. The king of "Ĭś̝ ra-el, Pḗ kah, came against Ā́ hăz, and killed more than a hundred thousand of the men of Jū́ dah, among them the king’s own son. The Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes also took away many more,— men, women and children,—as captives. But a prophet of the Lord in Ĭś̝ ra-el, whose name was Ṓ ded, came out to meet the rulers, and said to them.
"The Lord God was angry with Jū́ dah, and gave its people into your hand. But do you now intend to keep your brothers of Jū́ dah as slaves? Have not you also sinned against the Lord? Now listen to the word of the Lord, and set your brothers free and send them home."
Then the rulers of Ĭś̝ ra-el gave clothing to such of the captives as were in need, and set food before them; and they sent them home to their own land, even giving to those that were weak among them asses to ride upon. They brought them to Jĕŕ ĭ-chō in the valley of the Jordan, and gave them to their own people.
When the Ḗ dom-ītes came against Jū́ dah, King Ā́ hăz sent to the Ās-sy̆ŕ ĭ-ans̝, a great people far away, to come and help him. The Ăs-sy̆ŕ ĭ-ans̝ came, but they did not help him, for they made themselves the rulers of Jū́ dah, and robbed Ā́ hăz of all that he had, and laid heavy burdens upon the land. At last Ā́ hăz died, leaving his people worshippers of idols and under the power of the king of Ăs-sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ.
In the days of these three kings; Ŭz-zī́ ah, Jṓ tham and Ā́ hăz, God raised up a great prophet in Jū́ dah, whose name was Ī-s̝á̄ iah. The prophecies that he spoke in the name of the Lord are given in the book of Ī-s̝ā́ iah. In the year that King Ŭz-zī́ ah died, Ī-s̝ā́ iah was a young man. One day, while he was worshipping in the Temple, a wonderful vision rose suddenly before his sight. He saw the form of the Lord God upon a throne, with the angels around him. He saw also strange creatures called seraphim, standing before the throne of the Lord. Each of these had six wings. With two wings he covered his face before the glory of the Lord, with two wings he covered his feet, and with two he flew through the air to do God's will. And these seraphim called out to one another, "Holy, holy, is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory!”
And the young Ī-s̝ā́ iah felt the walls and the floor of the Temple shaking at these voices; and he saw a cloud of smoke covering the house. Ī-s̝ā́ iah was filled with fear. He cried out saying:
"Woe has come to me! for I am a man of sinful lips, and I live among a people of sinful lips: and now my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts!”
Then one of the seraphim took into his hand the tongs that were used in the sacrifices. He flew to the altar, and with the tongs took up a burning coal. Then he flew to the place where Ī-s̝ā́ iah was standing, and pressed the fiery coal to Ī-s̝ā́ iah's lips; and he said, "This coal from God's altar has touched your lips, and now your sin is taken away, and you are made clean.”
Then Ī-s̝ā́ iah heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send to this people? Who will bear the message of the Lord to them?”
And Ī-s̝ā́ iah said, "Here am I, Lord; send me!”
And the Lord said to Ī-s̝á iah, "You shall be my prophet, and shall go to this people, and shall give to them my words. But they will not listen to you, nor understand you. Your words will do them no good, but will seem to make their hearts hard, and their ears heavy, and their eyes shut. For they will not hear with their ears, nor see with their eyes, nor understand with their hearts, nor will they turn to me and be saved.”
And Ī-s̝ā́ iah said, "How long must this be, O Lord?”
And the Lord said:
"Until the cities are left waste without people, and the houses without men to live in them; and the land shall become utterly desolate; and the people shall be taken far away into another land. But out of all this there shall be a few people, a tenth part, to come back, and to rise like a new tree from the roots where the old tree has been cut down. This tenth part shall be the seed of a new` people in the times to come.”
By this Ī-s̝ā́ iah knew that, though his words might seem to do no good, yet he was to go on preaching, for long afterward a new Jū́ dah should rise out of the ruins of the old kingdom, and should serve the Lord.
Ī-s̝ā́ iah lived for many years, and spoke the word of the Lord to his people until he was a very old man. He preached while four kings, perhaps also a fifth, were ruling. Some of these kings were friendly, and listened to his words: but others were not willing to obey the prophet and do the will of God; and the kingdom of Jū́ dah gradually fell away from the worship of the Lord, and followed the people of the Ten Tribes in the worship of idols.

Part Fifth. - the Kingdom and People of Judah

Lesson 38. The Early Kings of Judah.
(Tell Stories 1, 2 and 3 in Part Fifth.)
1. Where was the kingdom of Judah? West of the Dead Sea.
2. What was its chief city? Jerusalem.
3. How many kings reigned over the kingdom of Judah? Nineteen kings and one queen.
4. To what family did all these kings belong? To the family of David.
5. Who was the first king of Judah? Rehoboam.
6. Who was the greatest and strongest of the kings of Judah? Jehoshaphat.
7. What wicked woman made herself queen and ruled the land? Athaliah.
8. What little boy was crowned king after Athaliah? Joash.
9. What king became a leper? Uzziah.
10. What great prophet lived in Judah at that time and saw the Lord in the temple? Isaiah.

Story Four

2 Kings 18:1, to 21:21; 2 Chron. 29:1, to 32:33; Isa. 35:1, to 38:22
AFTER Ā́hăz, the wickedest of the kings of Jū́ dah, came Hĕz-kī́ ah, who was the best of the kings. He listened to the words of the prophet I-s̝ā́ iah, and obeyed the commands of the Lord. In the first month of his reign, when he was a young man, he called together the priests and the Lḗ vītes, who had the charge of the house of the Lord, and he said to them:
"My sons, give yourselves once more to the service of the Lord, and be holy, as God commands you. Now open the doors of the house of the Lord, which have been shut for these many years; and take out of the house all the idols that have been placed in it; and make the place clean, and pure from all evil things. Because the people have turned away from the Lord, he has been angry with us, and has left us to our enemies; now let us go back to the Lord, and promise again to serve him. God has chosen you, my sons, to lead in his 'worship; do not neglect the work that the Lord has given you to do.”
Then the Temple was opened as of old; the idols Were taken away; the altar was made holy to the Lord, and the daily offering was laid upon it; the lamps were lighted in the Holy Place; the priest stood before the golden altar offering incense; the Lḗ vītes in their robes sang the psalms of Dā́ vid, while the silver trumpets made music; and the people came up to worship in the Temple as they had not come in many years.
You remember that the great Feast of the Passover kept in mind how the children of Ĭś̝ ra-el had come out of Ḗ ġy̆pt. (See Part First, Story Twenty-three.) For a long time the people had ceased to keep this feast, both in Jū́ dah and in Ĭś̝ ra-el. King Hĕz-e-kī́ ah sent commands through all Jū́ dah for the people to come up to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, and to worship the Lord in this feast. He also sent men through the land of Ĭś̝ ra-el, the Ten Tribes, to ask the men of Ĭś̝ ra-el also to come up with their brothers of Jū́ dah to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, and to keep the feast. At that time Hō̇-shḗ ȧ, the last king of Ĭś̝ ra-el, was on the throne, the land was overrun by the Ăs-sy̆ŕ ĭ-ans̝, and the kingdom was very weak, and nearing its end. Most of the people in Ĭś̝ ra-el were worshippers of idols, and had forgotten God's law. They laughed at Hĕz-e-kī́ ah's messengers, and would not come to the feast. But in many places in Ĭś̝ ra-el there were some who had listened to the prophets of the Lord, and these came up to worship with the men of Judah. For each family they roasted a lamb, and with it ate the unleavened bread, that is bread made without yeast, and they praised the Lord who had led their fathers out from Egypt to their own land.
After the feast, when the people had given themselves once more to the service of God, King Hĕz-e-kī́ ah began to destroy the idols that were everywhere in Judah. He sent men to break down the images, to tear in pieces the altars to the false gods, and to cut down the trees under which the altars stood. You remember that Moses made a serpent of brass in the wilderness.
This image had been brought to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, and was still kept there in the days of Hĕz-e-kī́ ah. The people were worshipping it as an idol; and were burning incense before it. Hĕz-e-kī́ ah said, "It is nothing but a piece of brass," and he commanded that it should be broken up. Everywhere he called upon his people to turn from the idols, to destroy them, and to worship the Lord God.
When Hĕz-e-kī́ ah became king, the kingdoms of Ĭś̝ ra-el, and Sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ, and Jū́ dah, with all the lands near them, were under the power of the great kingdom of the Ăs-sy̆ŕ ĭ-ans̝. Each land had its own king, but he ruled under the king of Ăs-sy̆ŕ ĭ-a̝; and every year a heavy tax was laid upon the people, to be paid to the Ăs-sy̆ŕ-ĭ-ans̝. After a few years, Hĕz-e-kī́ ah thought that he was strong enough to set his kingdom free from the Ăs-sy̆ŕ ĭ-an rule. He 'refused to pay the tax any longer, and gathered an army, and built the walls of Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm higher, and made ready for a war with the Ăs-sy̆ŕ ĭ-ans̝. But Sĕn-năch́ e-rĭb, the king of Ăs-sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ, came into the land of Jū́ dah with a great army, and took all the cities in the west of Jū́ dah, and threatened to take Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm also. Then Hĕz-e-kī́ ah saw that he had made a mistake. He was not able to fight the Ăs-sy̆ŕ ĭ-ans̝, the most powerful of all the nations in that part of the world. He sent word to the king of As-sy̆ŕ ĭ-ans̝, saying:
"I will no more resist your rule; forgive me for the past, and I will pay whatever you ask.”
Then the king of Ăs-sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ, laid upon Hĕz-e-kī́ ah and his people a tax heavier than before. To obtain the money, Hĕz-e-kī́ ah took all the gold and silver in the Temple, all that was in his own palace, and all that he could find among the people, and sent it to the Ăs-sy̆ŕ ĭ-ans̝. But even then the king of Ās-sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ, was not satisfied. He sent his princes to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm with this message:
"We are going to destroy this city, and to take you away into another land, a land far away; as we have taken the people of Ĭś̝ ra-el away, and as we have carried captive other peoples. The gods of other nations have not been able to save those who trusted in them against us, and your God will not be able to save you. Now give yourselves up to the great king of Ăs-sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ, and go to the land where he will send you.”
When King Hĕz-e-kī́ ah heard this, he was filled with fear. He took the letter into the house of the Lord, and spread it out before the altar, and called upon the Lord to help him and to save his people. Then he sent his princes to the prophet I-s̝ā́ iah, to ask him to give them some word from the Lord. And Ī-s̝ā́ iah said:
"Thus saith the Lord, 'The king of Ăs-sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ shall not come to this city, nor shall he shoot an arrow against it. But he shall go back to his own land by the same way that he came. And I will cause him to fall by the sword in his own land. For I will defend this city, and will save it for my own sake and for my servant Dā́ vid's sake.'”
Just at that time, Sĕn-năch́ e-rĭb, the king of Ăs-sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ, heard that a great army was marching against him from another land. He turned away from the land of Jū́ dah, and went to meet these new enemies. And the Lord sent upon the army of the Ăs-sy̆ŕ ĭ-ans̝ a sudden and terrible plague, so that in one night nearly two hundred thousand of them died in their camp. Then King Sĕn-năch́ e-rĭb own land, and never again came into the land of Judah; nor did he again send an army there. And years after this, while he was worshipping his idol-god in his temple at Nĭń e-veh, his chief city, two of his sons came upon him, and slew him with the sword. They escaped into a distant land, and É sar= hăd́ don, another of his sons, became king over the lands ruled by the Ăs-sy̆ŕ ĭ-ans̝. Thus did God save his city and his people from their enemies, because they looked to him for help. At the time while the Ăs-sy̆ŕ ĭ-ans̝ were in the land, and the kingdom was in great danger, King Hĕz-e-kī́ ah was suddenly stricken with a deadly disease. It was a tumor or a cancer, which no physician could cure; and the prophet Ī-s̝ā́ iah said to him:
"Thus saith the Lord, 'Set your house in order, and prepare to leave your kingdom, for you shall die, and not live.”
But King Hĕz-e-kī́ ah felt that in a time of such trouble to the land he could not be spared, especially as at that time he had no son who could take charge of the kingdom. Then Hĕz-e-kī́ ah upon his bed prayed to the Lord that he might live; and he said:
"O Lord, I beseech thee, remember now how I have walked before thee in truth and with a perfect heart, and have done that which was good in thy sight. Let me live and not die, O Lord!”
The Lord heard Hĕz-e-kī́ ah's prayer, and before Ī-s̝ā́ iah had reached the middle of the city, on his way home, the Lord said to him, "Turn again, and say to Hĕz-e-kī́ ah the prince of my people, `Thus saith the Lord, I have heard your prayer, I have seen your tears; I will heal you; and in three days you shall go up to the house of the Lord. I will add to your life fifteen years, and I will save this city from the king of As-sy̆ŕ í-ȧ.'”
Then I-s̝ā́ iah the prophet came again to Hĕz-e-kī́ ah, and spoke to him the word of the Lord; and he said, also, "Lay on the tumor a plaster made of figs, and he shall be cured.”
When Hĕz-e-kī́ ah heard the words of Ī-s̝ā́ iah, he said, "What sign will the Lord give, to show that he will cure me, and that I shall again go up to the house of the Lord?”
And Ī-s̝ā́ iah said, "The Lord will give you a sign, and you shall choose it yourself. Shall the shadow on the dial go forward ten degrees, or go back ten degrees?" Near the palace was standing a sun-dial, by which the time of the day was shown, for there were no clocks in those years. And Hĕz-e-kī́ ah said, "It is easy for the shadow to go forward ten degrees. Let it go back ten degrees.” Then Ī-s̝ā́ iah the prophet called upon the Lord, and the Lord heard him; and caused the shadow to go backward on the sun-dial ten degrees. And within three days Hĕz-e-kī́ ah was well, and went to worship in the house of the Lord. After this Hĕz-e-kī́ ah lived fifteen years in honor. When he died all the land mourned for him as the best of the kings.

Story Five

2 Kings 21:1, to 23:25; 2 Chron. 33:1, to 35:27
MĀ̇-NĂŚ SEH, the fourteenth king of Jū́ dah, followed the sins of his grandfather Ā́ hăz, and not the good deeds of his father Hĕz-e-kī́ ah. He was only twelve years old when he began to reign, too young for so great a care as the kingdom; and in his youth he turned away from the teachings of the prophet Ī-s̝ā́ iah and from the service of the Lord. He built again the altars to Bā́ al and the Ăsh-ḗ rah, which his father Hĕz-e-kī́ ah had thrown down; he worshipped the sun, and moon, and stars; he set up images even in the Temple, the house of the Lord. When Mā̇-năś seh grew older, and had children of his own, he made them go through the fire, seeking to please the false gods. He would not listen to the prophets whom the Lord sent to warn him; and there is reason to believe,—though the Bible does not say it,—that he put to death the good prophet Ī-s̝ā́ iah. And -Mā̇-năś seh in his wickedness reigned a long time, longer than any of the wicked kings who had gone before him; so that he led his people further away from God than even Ā́ hăz, who had been as wicked as Mā̇́ năs-seh. Because of Mā̇-năś seh's sins, and the sins of his people, the Lord brought upon the land the generals of the Ăs-sy̆ŕ ĭ-an army with their host. They took Mā̇-năś seh a prisoner and bound him with chains and carried him to the city of Băb́ y̆-lon, where the king of Ăs-sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ was then living. There Mā̇-năś seh was kept a prisoner for a time.
While he was in prison Mā̇́ năs-seh saw how wicked he had been, and he sought the Lord. He prayed to be forgiven for his sins, and the Lord heard him. Afterward, the king of Ăs-sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ allowed Mā̇-năś seh to rule over his land again. Then Mā̇-năś seh knew that the Lord was the only true God; and from that time he worshipped the Lord only. He took the altars and the images of the false gods out of the Temple, and built again the altar of the Lord, and caused the offerings to be laid upon it. He commanded his people to worship the Lord, and to leave the idols; but they had gone too far to come back, and only a few of them followed their king's example in seeking the Lord. He could easily lead his people into sin, but he could not bring them back to God.
After a long reign of fifty-five years Mā̇-năś seh died, and his son Ā́ mon became king. He reigned only two years, but they were years of wickedness and of worshipping idols. Then his servants in his own house killed Ā́ mon; but the people killed them in turn, and made his son Jō̇-sī́ ah king.
Jō̇-sī́ ah, the sixteenth king, was only eight years old when his father Ā́ mon was slain. At first he was too young to rule over the land, and the princes of his court governed in his name.
But when Jō̇-sī́ ah was sixteen years old he chose the Lord God of his father Dā́ vid, the God whom Hĕz-e-kī́ ah had worshipped; and he served the Lord more fully than any of the kings who had gone before him. When he was twenty years old, he began to clear away the idols and the idol-temples from the land of Jū́ dah. He did his work more thoroughly than it had ever been done before, by Jē̇-hŏsh́ a-phat or by Hĕz-e-kī́ ah; for he left in all the land not a single place where idols were worshipped. He went even beyond his own borders, into the land that had been the land of Ĭś̝ ra-el, from which most of the people had been carried away captive long before; and in every place he broke down the altars, and burned the images, and even dug up the bones of the idol-priests, and burned them with their images.
He came to Bĕth́ =el, twelve miles north of Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, where Jĕr-o-bṓ am of Ĭś̝ ra-el had built the temple for the worship of the golden calves, two hundred years before. There, as he was burning the bones of the idol-priests upon the ruins of their own altars, he found a tomb, and asked who was buried there. They said, "This is the tomb of the man of God who came from Judah, and warned King Jĕr-o-bṓ am of one that you are doing.”
"Let his bones rest," said King Jō̇-sī́ ah. "Let no man touch the bones of the prophet.”
While the men of King Jō̇-sī́ ah were at work in the Temple on Mount Mō̇-rī́ ah, taking away the idols, and making the house pure once more, they found an old book, written upon rolls of leather. It was the book of the law of the Lord, given by Mṓ s̝es̝, but it had been hidden so long that men had forgotten it. They brought the book, and read from it aloud to the king.
And when King Jō̇-sī́ ah heard the words of the law, and the warning of the woes that were to come upon the people for disobeying them, the king was filled with alarm. He said to the rulers: "Go and ask of the Lord for me and for all the people. Great is the anger of the Lord against us, because our fathers have disobeyed the words of the Lord written in this book." They sought for a prophet to give them the word of the Lord, and they found a woman named Hŭĺ dah, living in Jē̇-rṳ́-sā̇-lĕm, to whom the word of the Lord came. She was called "a prophetess," and they brought to her the message of King Jō̇-sī́ ah. And the prophetess Hŭĺ dah said to them, "Thus saith the Lord, the God of Ĭś̝ ra-el, ‘Go and tell the man who has sent you, Behold, I will bring evil on this place and on the people living in it, because they have forsaken the Lord and have worshipped other gods. My anger will fall upon this city and upon this land. But because' King Jō̇-sī́ ah has sought the Lord, and has done God's will, and has called upon the Lord, therefore the Lord says that he will hold back his anger against this city and this land as long as Jō̇-sī́ ah lives, and he shall go down to his grave before all these evils come upon Jū́ dah and Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm.' "
When Jō̇-sī́ ah heard this he called all the princes and the priests and the people to meet in the Temple of the Lord. There the king stood by a pillar and read to all the people the words of the book that had been found. Then the king and all his people made a promise to serve the Lord and to do his will, and to keep his law with all their hearts. And this promise they kept while Jō̇-sī́ ah lived; but that was only a few years.
All this time the kingdom of Jū́ dah, like all the kingdoms around, was a part of the greater kingdom or empire of Ăs-sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ. But the great kings of Ăs-sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ, had passed away, and now the kingdom or empire of Ăs-sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ was becoming weak and falling apart. Phā́ raōh=nḗ choh, the king of Ḗ ġy̆pt, went to war with the Ăs-sy̆ŕ ĭ-ans̝, and on his way passed through the land of Jū́ dah and what had once been Ĭś̝ ra-el before its people were carried away captive. Jō̇-sī́ ah thought that as the king of Ăs-sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ was his over-lord, he must fight against the king of Ḗ ġy̆pt, who was coming against him.
Phā́ raōh=nḗ choh, the king of É̄ ġy̆pt, sent a message to King Jō̇-sī́ ah, saying, "I have nothing against you, O, king of Jū́ dah, and I am not coming to make war on you, but on the king of Ăs-sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ. God has sent me, and commanded me to make haste. Do not stand in my way, or you may be destroyed.”
But Jō̇-sī́ ah would not heed the message of the king of Ḗ ġy̆pt. He went out against him with his army, and met him in battle on the great plain of Ĕs-dra-ḗ lon, where so many battles had been fought before and have been fought since. There the Ê-ġy̆ṕ tians̝ won a victory, and in the fight the archers shot King Jō̇-sī́ ah. He died in his chariot, and they brought his dead body to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm. And all the land mourned and wept for the king whom they loved because he had ruled wisely and well. And with the good King Jō̇-sī́ ah died the last hope of the kingdom of Jū́ dah.

Story Six

2 Kings 23:31, to 25:22; 2 Chron. 36:1 to 21; Jer. 22:10 to 12; 24:1 to 10; 29:1 to 29; 36:1, to 43:13
WHEN the good King Jō̇-sī́ ah fell in battle the people of the land made his son Jē̇-hṓ a-hăz king. At that time all the kingdoms around Jū́ dah were in confusion. The great empire of Ăs-sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ had been the ruler of nearly all that part of the world; but now it had been broken up, Nĭń e-veh, its chief city, had been destroyed and Ḗ ġy̆pt, Băb-y̆-lṓ nĭ-a, and other lands were at war, each striving to take the place of Ăs-sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ as the ruler of the nations.
Phā́ raōh=nḗ choh, the king of Ḗ ġy̆pt, whose warriors had slain King Jō̇-sī́ ah, became for a time the master of the lands between Ḗ ġy̆pt and the Eū-phrā́ tēs̝ river. He felt that he could not trust the young King Jē̇-hṓ a-hăz, and he took his crown from him, and carried him a captive down to Ḗ ġy̆pt, so that Jē̇-hṓ a-hăz, the seventeenth king, reigned only three months. The prophet Jĕr-e-mī́ ah, who arose during Jō̇-sī́ ah's reign, spoke thus of the young king who so soon was taken away a prisoner, "Weep not for the dead King Jō̇-sī́ ah, nor sorrow over him, but weep for him that goeth away, the King Jē̇-hṓ a-hăz, for he shall return no more, nor shall he again see his own land. In the place where they have led him captive, there shall he die, and he shall look upon this land no more.”
The man whom Phā́ raōh=nḗ choh set up as king over Judah in place of Jē̇-hṓ a-hăz was his brother Jē̇-hoí a-kĭm, another son of Jō̇-sī́ ah. But he was not like his father, for he lived most wickedly, and led his people back to the idols which Jō̇-sí ah had tried to destroy. Jĕr-e-mí ah, the prophet, spoke to him the words of the Lord, and warned him that the evil way in which he was going would surely end in ruin to the king and the people. This made King Jē̇-hoí a-kĭm very angry. He tried to kill the prophet, and to save his life Jĕr-e-mī́ ah was hidden by his friends.
Jĕr-e-mī́ ah could no longer go out among the people nor stand in the Temple to speak the word of the Lord. So he wrote upon a roll God's message, and gave it to his friend Bā́ rṳch to read before the people. While Bā́ rṳch was reading it some officers of the king came and took the roll away, and brought it to the king. King Jē̇-hoí a-kĭm was sitting in his palace, with the princes around him, and a fire was burning before him, for it was the winter time. The officer began to read the roll before the king and the princes, but when he had read a few pages the king took up a knife and began cutting the leaves and throwing them into the fire. Even the princes were shocked at this, for they knew that the writing on the roll was God's word to the king and the people. They begged the king not to destroy the roll, but he would not heed them. He went on cutting up the roll and throwing it in the fire until it was all burned.
The king told his officers to take Jĕr-e-mī́ ah the prophet and Bā́ rṳch, who read his words; and he would have killed them if he had found them. But they were hidden, and he could not find them, for the Lord kept them in safety.
Jē̇-hoí a-kĭm reigned a few years as the servant of the king of Ḗ ġy̆pt. But soon the Ē̇-ġy̆ṕ tians̝ lost all the lands that they had gained outside of their own country; and the Băb-y̆-lṓ ni-ans̝, under Nĕb-u-chad-nĕź zar, rose to power over the nations, and took the place of empire that had been held by the Ăs-sy̆ŕ ĭ-ans̝. Nĕb-u-chad-nĕź zar was the son of the king of Băb́ y̆-lon, and at first was the general of his army. He came against Jū́ dah and Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, but Jē̇-hoí a-kĭm did not dare to fight with him. He promised to serve Nĕb-u-chad-nĕź zar, and on that condition was allowed to remain king; but no sooner had the Băb-y̆-lṓ ni-an army gone away than he broke his promise, and rose against Băb-y̆́ lon, and tried to make himself free.
But in this King Jē̇-hoí a-kĭm did not succeed. Instead, he lost his kingdom and, his life, for either by the Băb-y̆-ló ni-ans̝ or by his own people he was slain, and his dead body, like that of a beast, was thrown outside the gate of the city. He had reigned in wickedness eleven years, and he died in disgrace.
Jē̇-hoí a-kĭḿ s young son Jē̇-hoí a-chĭn, who was also called Cō̇-nī́ ah or Jĕc-o-nī́ ah, was then made king by the people. But he reigned only three months, for Nĕb-u-chad-nĕź zar, who was now the king of Băb́ y̆-lon, and was conquering all the lands, came with his army and took the city of Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm. He carried the young king a captive to Băb́ y̆-lon, as Nḗ choh had carried Jē̇-hṓ a-hăz a captive to Ḗ ġy̆pt eleven years before. With King Jē̇-hoí a-chĭn were taken away many of the nobles and rulers, and the best people of the land. Most of these were worshippers of the Lord, who carried with them to the land of Băb-y̆-lṓ ni-ȧ a love for the Lord, and who served him there, for their trouble only drew them the closer to their God. After these captives had been taken away the Lord showed to Jĕr-e-mī́ ah in the Temple a vision of what should come to pass. Jĕr-e-mī́ ah saw two baskets of figs. One basket was full of fresh, ripe figs, the best that could be found. The other basket was full of poor, decayed figs, not fit to be eaten. The Lord said, "Jĕr-e-mī́ ah, what do you see?”
And Jĕr-e-mī́ ah said, "Figs; the good figs very good; and the bad figs very bad, figs so bad that they cannot be eaten.”
Then the Lord said to Jĕr-e-mī́ ah, "Like these good figs are the captives who have been taken away to the land of Băb-́ y̆-lon. I will care for them, and keep them, and will bring them again to this land. I will give them a heart to know me; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. And the bad figs are like those who are left in this land, the king who shall reign over them, and his princes, and his people. They shall suffer, and shall die by the sword, and by famine, and by plague, until they are destroyed. God showed Jĕr-e-mī́ ah in this way that the captives in Băb́ y̆-lon were the hope of the nation. And afterward Jĕr-e-mī́ ah sent a letter to these captives, saying, "Thus saith the Lord to those who have been carried away captive, 'Build houses and live in them; and plant gardens, and eat the fruit of them; and have sons and daughters, and let your children be married in that land when they grow up. And pray the Lord to give peace to the city and the land where you are living, for you and your children shall stay there seventy years, and after seventy years they shall come again to their own land in peace. For my thoughts, saith the Lord, are thoughts of peace and kindness toward you. You shall call upon me, and I will hear you. You shall seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart."'
After Jē̇-hoí a-chĭn and the captives had been taken away, Nĕb-u-chad-nĕź zar set up as king in Jū́ dah Zĕd-e-kī́ ah, the uncle of Jē̇-hoí a-chĭn and another son of Jō̇-sī́ ah. He was the twentieth and last king of the kingdom of Jū́ dah. He began by promising to be true and faithful to his over-lord, Nĕb-u-chad-nĕź zar, the king of Băb́ y̆-lon, who had made him king. But very soon he was led by the nobles who stood around his throne to break his promise and to throw off the rule of Băb́ y̆-lon; also he left the worship of the Lord, as did his people, and began to pray to the idols of wood and stone that could give him no help.
Jĕr-e-mī́ ah the prophet told King Zĕd-e-kī́ ah that he was doing wickedly in breaking his promises and in turning from the Lord to idols. He told Zĕd-e-kī́ ah that he would fail, and would bring his kingdom to ruin. He said, "It is better to obey the king of Băb́ y-lon than to fight against him, for God will not bless you and your people in breaking your word. The king of Băb́ y̆-lon will come and will destroy this city. You shall see him face to face, and he will take you away a captive to his own land, and this city shall be destroyed.”
This made the princes and nobles very angry against Jĕr-e-mī́ ah. They said, "This man Jĕr-e-mī́ ah is an enemy of his land and a friend to the king of Băb́ y̆-lon. He is a traitor; and should be put to death." Zĕd-e-kī́ ah said to his nobles, "Jĕr-e-mī́ ah is in your hands; you can do with him what you choose. The king cannot help him against you.”
Then these men seized Jĕr-e-mī́ ah, and took him to the prison, and threw him into a dungeon, down below the floor, and filled with mud and filth, into which the prophet sank; and there they left him to die. But in, the court of the king there was one kind man, a negro named Ḗ bed= mḗ lech. He found Jĕr-e-mī́ ah in the dungeon, and let down to him a rope and drew him up, and brought him to a safe and dry place, though still in the prison.
By this time Nĕb-u-chad-nĕź zar, the king of Băb́ y-lon, and his army were again before the city of Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, laying siege to it. No one could go out or come in; no food could be found for the people, and many of them starved to death. The soldiers of Nĕb-u-chad-nĕź zar built forts, and threw darts and stones, and broke down the gates, and made great openings in the walls of the city.
When King Zĕd-e-kī́ ah saw that the city must fall before its enemies he tried to escape. But the men of Băb́ y̆-lon followed him and took him prisoner, and with him all his family, his wives anti his sons. They were all brought before King Nĕb-u-chad-nĕź zar, so that it came to pass as the prophet had said, Zĕd-e-kī́ ah saw the king of Băb-y̆́ lon.
But he saw what was more terrible; he saw all his sons slain before him. Then Zĕd-e-kī́ ah's eyes were put out, and, a blinded captive, he was dragged away to Băb́ y̆-lon. The Băb-y̆-ló ni-an soldiers killed all the leaders of the people who had led Zĕd-e-kī́ ah to rebel against Nĕb-u-chad-nĕź zar; and the rest of the people, except the very poorest in the land, they took away to the land of Băb́ y̆-lon. The king of Băb́ y̆-lon was friendly to Jĕr-e-mī́ ah, the prophet, because of the advice that he had given to Zĕd-e-kī́ ah and his people. The ruler whom Nĕb-u-chad-nĕź zar set over the city opened the door of Jĕr-e-mī́ ah's prison, and allowed him to choose between going to Băb́ y̆-lon with the captives or staying with the poor people in the land. Jĕr-e-mī́ ah chose to stay; but not long after he was taken down to Ḗ ġy̆pt by enemies to the king of Băb́ y̆-lon. And there in Ḗ ġy̆pt Jĕr-e-mī́ ah died; some think that he was slain. His life had been sad, for he had seen nothing but evil come upon his land; and his message from the Lord had been a message of woe and wrath. Because of his sorrow, Jĕr-e-mī́ ah has been called "the weeping prophet.”
Nĕb-u-chad-nĕź zar carried away all that was left of the valuable things in the Temple, and then he burned the buildings. He tore down the walls of Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm and set the city on fire. So all that was left of the city of Dā́ vid and the Temple of Sŏĺ -mon was a heap of ashes and blackened stones. And thus the kingdom of Jū́ dah ended, nearly four hundred years after Rē-ho-bṓ am became its first king.
Lesson 39. The Later Kings of Judah.
(Tell Stories 4, 5 and 6 in Part Fifth.)
1. Who was the best of all the kings of Judah? Hezekiah.
2. From what enemies did the Lord save the city of Jerusalem in the time of Hezekiah? From the Assyrians.
3. What bad king became good after being put into prison? Manasseh.
4. What king while he was young chose the Lord and followed him? Josiah.
5. What lost book was found in the temple in the time of Josiah? The book of the law.
6. Who was the last king of Judah? Zedekiah.
7. What prophet warned the people by Judah of evils that were coming? Jeremiah.
8. What great king over many lands came against Jerusalem? Nebuchadnezzar.
9. What did Nebuchadnezzar do? He burned the city and the temple.
10. To what land did he carry away all the people of Judah? To the land of Babylonia.

Story Seven

Ezekiel 37
ALL that was now left of the people of Jū́ dah was a company of captives, carried away from their own land to the land of Băb́ y̆-lon. Theirs was a long, sorrowful journey, with their wives and children, dragged by cruel soldiers over mountains and valleys almost a thousand miles. They could not go straight across the vast desert which lies between the land of Jū́ dah and the plains of Băb-ý̆-lṓ ni-a. They were led around this desert far to the north, through Sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ, up to the Eū-phrā́ tēs̝ river, and then following the great river in all its windings down to the land of their captivity. There in the land of Băb-y̆-lṓ ni-a or Chăl-dḗ ȧ they found rest at last.
When they were once in their new home the captives met with less trouble than they had feared; for the people of the land under Nĕb-u-chad-nĕź zar, the great king, treated them kindly, and gave them fields to work in as their own. The soil was rich, and they could raise large crops of wheat, and barley, and other grains. They planted gardens and built for themselves houses. Some of them went to live in the cities, and became rich, and some were in the court of King Nĕb-u-chad-nĕź zar, and rose to high place as nobles and princes, standing next to the king in rank and honor.
And the best of all was that these captives in a strange land did not worship idols. They saw the images of the Băb-y̆-lṓ ni-an gods all around them, but they did not bow down to them. They worshipped the Lord God of their fathers, and the Lord only. The idol-worshippers in Jū́ dah had been slain, and most of the captives were good men and women, who taught their children to love and serve the Lord.
And these people did not forget the land from which they had come. They loved the land of Ĭś̝ ra-el, and they taught their children to love it by singing songs about it. Some of these songs which the captive Jews sang in the land of Chăl-dḗ ȧ are in the Book of Psalms. Here is a part of one of these songs:
"By the rivers of Băb́ y̆-lon,
There we sat down, yea, we wept,
When we remembered Zī́ ŏn.
Upon the willow-trees in the midst of that land
We hanged up our harps.

For there they that led us captive asked as to sing:
And they that wanted us asked us to be glad, saying,
‘Sing us one of the songs of Zī́ ŏn.
How shall we sing the Lord's song
In a foreign land?

If I forget thee, O Jē̇-rṳ́ sa-lĕm,
Let my right hand forget her skill.
Let my tongue cleave to the rod of my mouth.
If I do not remember thee.
If I do not prefer Jē̇-rṳ́ sā-lĕm
Above my chief joy.”
From this time these people were called Jews, a name which means "people of Jū́ dah." And the Jews everywhere in the world belong to this people, for they have sprung or descended from the men who once lived in the land of Judah. And because they had once belonged to the twelve tribes of Ĭs̝ ra-el, and ten of the tribes had been lost, and their kingdom had forever passed away, they were also spoken of as Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes. So from this time "people of Jū́ dah," Jews, and Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes, all mean the people who had come from the land of Judah, and their descendants after them.
God was good to his people in the land of Băb́ y̆-lon, or Chăl-dḗ ȧ, another name by which this country was called. He sent to them prophets, who showed to them the way of the Lord. One of these prophets was Dăń iel, a young man who lived in the court of King Nĕb-u-chad-nĕź zar. Another was a priest named Ē̇-zḗ kĭ-el, who lived among the captive people beside a river in Chăl-dḗ ȧ, called the river Chḗ bār. God gave to Ē̇-zḗ kĭ-el wonderful visions. He saw the throne of the Lord, and the strange creatures with six wings, that the prophet Ī-s̝ā́ iah had seen long before. (See Story Three in this Part.) And he heard the voice of the Lord telling him of what should come to his people in the years to come.
At one time the Lord lifted up Ē̇-zḗ kĭ-el and brought him into the middle of a great valley. The prophet looked around, and saw that the valley was covered with the bones of men, as though a great battle had been fought upon it, and the bodies of the slain had been left there, and they had become a vast army of dry bones.
"Son of man," spoke the voice of the Lord to Ē-zḗ kĭ-el, "can these dry bones live again?”
And Ē-zḗ kĭ-el answered. "O Lord God, thou knowest whether these dry bones can live.”
Then the Lord said to Ē-zḗ kĭ-el, "Preach to these dry bones, O son of man, and say to them, O ye dry bones, hear the voice of the Lord. Thus saith the Lord, I will send breath into you, and you shall live, and I will put flesh upon you, and cover you with skin, and you shall be alive again, and know that I am the Lord.'
Then Ē̇-zḗ kĭ-el spoke to the army of dry bones spread over the valley, as the Lord bade him speak. And while he was speaking there sounded a noise of rolling thunder, and all through the field the different bones began to come together, one part to another part, until there were no more loose bones, but skeletons of bones fitted together. Then another change came. Suddenly the flesh grew over all the bones, and they lay on the ground like an army of dead men, a host of bodies without life. Then the Lord said to Ē̇-zḗ kĭ-el, "Speak to the wind, O son of man; speak, and say, 'Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe upon these slain, that they may live.'”
Then Ē̇-zḗ kĭ-el called upon the wind to come, and while he was speaking the dead bodies began to breathe. Then they stood up on their feet, a great army of living men, filling the whole valley. Then the Lord said to Ē̇-zḗ kĭ-el, "Son of man, these dry bones are the people of Ĭś̝ ra-el. They seem to be lost, and dead, and without hope. But they shall live again, for I, the Lord, will put life into them; and they shall go back to their own land, and be a people once more. I, the Lord, have spoken it, and I will do it.”
When Ē̇-zḗ kĭ-el told the captive people this vision their hearts were lifted up with a new hope that they should see their own land again.

Story Eight

Dan. 1:1, to 2:49
IN the Book of Chronicles, we read of Jē̇-hoí a-kĭm, the wicked son of the good King Jō̇-sī́ ah. While Jē̇-hoí-a-kĭm was ruling over the land of Judah, Nĕb-u-chad-nĕź zar, the great conqueror of the nations, came from Băb́ y̆-lon with his army of Chăl-dḗ an soldiers. He took the city of Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, and made Jē̇-hoí a-kĭm promise to submit to him as his master, a promise that Jē̇-hoí a-kĭm soon broke. And when Nĕb-u-chad-nĕź zar went back to his own land he took with him all the gold and silver that he could find in the Temple; and he carried away as captives very many of the princes and nobles, the best people in the land of Jū́ dah.
When these Jews̝ were brought to the land of Chăl-dḗ ȧ or Băb́ y̆-lon, King Nĕb-u-chad-nĕź zar gave orders to the prince who had charge of his palace to choose among these Jewish captives some young men that were of noble rank, and beautiful in their looks, and also quick and bright in their minds, young men who would be able to learn readily. These young men were to be placed under the care of wise men, who should teach them all that they knew, and fit them to stand before the king of Băb́ y̆-lon, so that they might be his helpers, to carry out his orders; and the king wished them to be wise, so that they might give advice in ruling the people.
Among the young men thus chosen were four Jews̝, men who, had been brought from Jū́ dah. By order of the king the names of these men were changed. One of them, named Dăń iel, was to be called Bĕl-te-shăź zar, the other three young men were called Shā́-drach, Mḗ shach, and Ā̇-bĕd́ =ne-gō. These four young men were taught in all the knowledge of the Chăl-dḗ ans̝; and after three years of training they were taken into the king's palace to stand before the king.
After they came to the palace the chief of the princes in the palace sent to these men as a special honor some of the dishes of food from the king's table, and some of the wine that was set apart for the king and his princes to drink. But both the meat and the wine of the king's table had been a part of the offerings to the idols of wood and stone that were worshipped by the Chăl-dḗ ans̝. These young Jews̝ felt that if they should take such food they, too, would be worshipping idols. Then, too, the laws of the Jews were very strict with regard to what kind of food might be eaten, and how it should be cooked. Food of certain kinds was called "unclean," and the Jews were forbidden to touch it.
These young Jews̝, far away from their own land and from their Temple, felt that they must be very careful to do nothing forbidden by the laws which God had given to their people. They said to the chief of the nobles in the palace:
"We cannot eat this meat and drink this wine, for it is forbidden by our laws.”
The chief of the nobles said to Dăń iel:
"If you do not eat the food that is given you, the king will see that you are not looking well. He will be angry with me for not giving you better care. What shall I do? I am afraid that the king may command me to be put to death.”
Dăń iel said:
"Give us vegetable food, and bread. Let us eat no meat, and drink no wine for ten days; and see if we do not look well-fed.”
The chief of the nobles, to whose care these young men had been given, loved Dăń iel; as everyone loved him who knew him. So he did as Dăń iel asked. He took away the meat and the wine, and gave to these young Jews only vegetables and bread. At the end of ten days the four young men were brought into the room where the great King Nĕb-u-chad-nĕź zar sat; and they bowed low before him. King Nĕb-u-chad-nĕź zar was pleased with these four young men, more than with any others who stood before him. He found them wise, and faithful in the work given to them, and able to rule over men under them. And these four men came to the highest places in the kingdom of the Chăĺ dē-ans̝.
And Daniel, one of these men, was more than a wise man. He was a prophet, like Ē̇-lī́ jah and Ē̇-lī́ shȧ, and Jĕr-e-mī́ ah. God gave him to know many things that were coming to pass; and when God sent to any man a dream that had a deep meaning, like Jṓ s̝eph in Story Sixteen of Part First, Dăń iel could tell what was the meaning of the dream.
At one time King Nĕb-u-chad-nĕź zar dreamed a dream which troubled him greatly. When he awakened he knew that the dream had some deep meaning, but in the morning he had forgotten what the dream was. He sent for the wise men who had in times past given him the meaning of his dreams, and said to them:
"O ye wise men, I have dreamed a wonderful dream; but I have forgotten it. Now tell me what my dream was, and then tell me what it means; for I am sure that it has a meaning.”
The wise men said:
"O king, may you live forever! If you will tell us your dream, we will tell you its meaning. But we have no power to tell both the dream and also its meaning. That only the gods can know.”
The king became very angry, for these men had claimed that their gods gave them all knowledge. He said:
"Tell me the dream, and its meaning; and I will give you rich reward and high honor. But, if you cannot tell, I shall know that you are liars, and you shall be put to death.”
The wise men could not do what, the king asked; and in great fury he gave command that all of them should be slain. Among these men were Dăń iel and his three friends, Shā́ drach, Mḗ shach, and Ā̇-bĕd́ ne-gō; and these four Jews were to be slain with the rest of the wise men. Dăń iel said to the chief captain, who had been sent to kill the wise men:
"Give me a little time; and I will call upon my God. I know that he will help me to tell to the king his dream and its meaning.”
So time was given; and Dăń iel and his three friends prayed to the Lord God. That night the Lord gave to Dăń iel the secret of the king's dream and its meaning. Then Dăń iel gave praise and thanks to the Lord; and in the morning he said to the king's captain:
"Do not kill the wise men. Take me before the king, and I will show him his dream and its meaning.”
Then in haste Dăń iel was brought before King Nĕb-u-chad-nĕź zar. The king said to him;
"Are you able to tell me the dream that I dreamed and the meaning of it?”
Dăń iel answered:
"The wise men of Băb́ y̆-lon, who look to their idol-gods, cannot tell the king his dream. But there is a God in heaven who knows all things; and he has given me his servant to know your dream and the meaning of it. This is the dream, O king. You saw a great image, tall and noble-looking. The head of this image was of gold, his breast and his arms were of silver, his waist and his hips of brass, his legs of iron, and his feet and toes were of iron and clay mixed together. And while this great image was standing, you saw a stone cut out without hands; and the stone rolled and dashed against the feet of the image; and the whole image fell down; and was broken in pieces; and was crushed and ground into a powder so fine that the wind blew it away like chaff. And you saw the stone that struck the image grow until it became a mountain, and it filled the whole world. This was your dream, O king.”
And Dăń iel went on, and said:
"And this, O king, is the meaning of the dream. God has shown to you what shall come to pass in the years that are to be. You are that head of gold, O king; for that head means your kingdom that now is. After your kingdom has passed away, another kingdom shall take its place; the shoulders and arms of silver. That kingdom shall be followed by another,—the waist and hips of brass; and after that shall come one more kingdom, that of iron. But as you saw a stone cut out without hands; so while the last of these kingdoms shall be standing, the Lord God of heaven shall set up his kingdom. And God's kingdom like that stone, shall be small at first, but it shall break down and destroy all those kingdoms. They shall pass away and perish before it. And as you saw the stone grow into a mountain, so God's kingdom shall become great, and shall rule all the lands. And that kingdom of God shall never pass away, but shall last forever.”
When King Nĕb-u-chad-nĕź zar heard this he was filled with wonder. He bowed down before Dăń iel, and worshipped him, as though Dăń iel were a god. Then he gave to him great presents, and made him ruler over the part of his kingdom where the city of Bab́ y̆-lon was standing. He gave to Shā́ drach, Mḗ shach, and Dăń iel's friends, high offices; but Dăń iel himself he kept in 'his 'palace, to be near him all the time.

Story Nine

Dan. 3:1 to 30
AT one time King Nĕb-u-chad-nĕź zar caused a great image to be made and to be covered with gold. This image he set up as an idol to be worshipped, on the plain of Dṳ́ rȧ, near the city of Băb́ y̆-lon. When it was finished, it stood upon its base or foundation almost a hundred feet high, so that upon the plain it could be seen far away. Then the king sent out a command for all the princes, and rulers, and nobles in the land to come to a great gathering, when the image was to be set apart for worship.
The great men of the kingdom came from far and near, and stood around the image. Among them, by command of the king, were Dăń iel's three friends, the young Jews̝, Shā́ drach, Mḗ shach, and Ā̇-bĕd=ne-gō. For some reason Dăń iel himself was not there. He may have been busy with the work of the kingdom in some other place.
At one moment in the service before the image all the trumpets sounded, the drums were beaten, and music was made upon musical instruments of all kinds, as a signal for all the people to kneel down and worship the great golden image. But while the people were kneeling there were three men who stood up and would not bow down. These were the three young Jews̝, Shā́ drach, Mḗ shach, and Ā̇-bĕd=ne-gō. They knelt down before the Lord God only.
Many of the nobles had been jealous of these young men because they had been lifted to high places in the rule of the kingdom, and these men, who hated Dăń iel and his friends, were glad to find that these three men had not obeyed the command of King Nĕb-u-chad-nĕź zar. The king had said that if any one did not worship the golden image he should be thrown into a furnace of fire.
These men who hated the Jews̝ came to the king, and said, "O king, may you live forever! You gave orders that when the music sounded everyone should bow down and worship the golden image; and that if any man did not worship he should be thrown into a furnace of fire. There are some Jews̝ whom you have made rulers in the land, and they have not done as you commanded. Their names are Shā́ drach, Mḗ shach, and Ā̇-bĕd́=ne-gō: They do not serve your gods, nor worship the golden image that you have set up.”
Then Nĕb-u-chad-nĕź zar was filled with rage and fury at knowing that any one should dare to disobey his words. He sent for these three men, and said to them, "O Shā́ drach, Mḗ shach, and Ā̇-bĕd́=ne-gō, was it by purpose that you did not fall down and worship the image of gold? The music shall sound once more, and if you then will worship the image, it shall be well. But if you will not, then you shall be thrown into the furnace of fire to die.”
These three young men were not afraid of the king. They said, "O King Nĕb-u-chad-nĕź zar, we are ready to answer you at once. The God whom we serve is able to save us from the fiery furnace and we know that he will save us. But if it is God's will that we should die, even then, you may understand, O king, that we will not serve your gods, nor worship the golden image that you have set up.”
This answer made the king more furious then before. He said to his servants, "Make a fire in the furnace hotter than ever it has been before, as hot as fire can be made, and throw these three men into it.”
Then the soldiers of the king's army seized the three young Jews̝ as they stood in their loose robes, with their turbans or hats on their heads. They tied them with ropes, and dragged them to the mouth of the furnace, and threw them into the fire. The flames rushed from the open door with such fury that they burned even to death the soldiers who were holding these men; and the men themselves fell down bound into the middle of the fiery furnace.
King Nĕb-u-chad-nĕź zar stood in front of the furnace, and looked into the open door. As he looked he was filled with wonder at what he saw; and he said to the nobles around him:
"Did we not throw three men bound into the fire? How is it then that I see four men loose, walking in the furnace, and the fourth man looks as though he were a son of the gods?”
The king came near to the door of the furnace as the fire became lower, and he called out to the three men within it:
"Shā́ drach, Mḗ shach, and Ā̇-bĕd́=ne-gō, ye who serve the Most High God, come out of the fire and come to me.”
They came out and stood before the king, in the sight of all the princes, and nobles, and rulers; and every one could see that they were alive. Their garments had not been scorched nor their hair singed, nor was there even the smell of fire upon them. The king, Nĕb-u-chad-nĕź zar, said before all his rulers:
" Blessed be the God of these men, who has sent his angel and has saved their lives. I make a law that no man in all my kingdoms shall say a word against their God, for there is no other god who can save in this manner. And if any man speaks a word against their God, the Most High God, that man shall be cut in pieces, and his house shall be torn down." And after this the king lifted up these three young men to still higher places in the land of Băb́ y̆-lon.
Lesson 40. The Jews in Babylon.
(Tell Stories 7, 8 and 9 in Part Fifth.)
1. By what name were the people of Judah called, after they were taken to Babylon? By the name Jews.
2. What prophet among them saw a vision? Ezekiel.
3. What prophet lived in the palace of King Nebuchadnezzar? Daniel.
4. What did Daniel and his Jewish friends in the palace refuse to eat? The meat and wine of the king.
5. What did God help Daniel to do for King Nebuchadnezzar? To tell him the meaning of his dreams.
6. What did three friends of Daniel refuse to do? To bow down before a golden image.
7. What was done to these men? They were thrown into a furnace of fire.
8. Whom did King Nebuchadnezzar see with those men in the fire? The Lord God.
9. What did God do for these men in the fire? He kept them alive.

Story Ten

Dan. 4:1 to 37
THIS is the story that King Nĕb-u-chad-nĕź zar himself told to all the people in his great kingdom, of a strange dream that came to him, the meaning of the dream, as it was given by Dăń iel, and how the dream came true. He said, "Nĕb-u-chad-nĕź zar the king sends this message to all the people, and nations, that live in all the world. May peace be given to you! It has seemed good to me to show you the signs and wonders that the Most High God has sent to me. How great are God's works! How mighty are his wonders! His kingdom is without end, and his rule is from age to age forever!
"I, King Nĕb-u-chad-nĕź zar, was at rest in my house, and was living at peace in my palace. One night a dream came to me which made me afraid, and my thoughts and my visions made me troubled in heart. I sent for all the wise men of Băb́ y̆-lon to come before me, and to tell me the meaning of my dream. But they did not tell me what the meaning was because they could not. At last came Dăń iel, in whom is the spirit of the holy gods; and to him I said:
" 'O Dăń iel, master of the wise men, I know that in you is the spirit of the holy gods, and that no secret is hidden from you; now tell me what is the meaning of the dream that has come to me. This was the dream:
" 'I saw a tree standing upon the earth. It grew until the top of it reached up to heaven; and it was so great that it could be seen over all the earth. The leaves of it were beautiful, and its fruit was in plenty, and gave food for all. The beasts in the field stood in its shadow, and the birds of the heaven lived on its branches, and many people ate of its fruit.
" I saw in my dream that a Holy One came down from heaven. He cried aloud, and said:
" Hew down the tree, and cut off its branches, shake off its leaves, and scatter its fruit. Let the beasts get away from beneath it, and let the birds fly from its branches. But leave the stump of the tree with its roots in the ground, with a band of iron and of brass around it, and the grass of the field growing about it. Let the stump be wet with the dew from heaven, and let it be among the beasts eating the grass of the field.' And let seven years pass over it; that those who live may know that the Moist High God rules over the kingdoms of men, and gives them as is pleasing to his will." This dream I saw, and now, O Dăń iel, whose name is Bĕl-te-shăź zar, tell me what it means.' Then Dăń iel stood surprised and wondering, and was in deep trouble.
And I, Nĕb-u-chad-nĕź zar, said to him, Dăń iel, let not the dream give you trouble. Fear not to tell me what is the meaning of it.'
"Then Dăń iel said to me, 'My lord, O king, may the dream be to those who hate you, and the meaning to your enemies! The tree which you saw, with green leaves, and rich fruit, and height reaching to heaven, and in sight of all the earth; that tree is yourself. You have become great; your power reaches up to heaven, and your rule is over all the lands.
" 'And as you saw a Holy One coming down from heaven, saying, "Cut down the tree, and destroy it; but leave its stump in the earth, with a band of iron arid of brass until seven years pass over it," this is the meaning, O king, and it is the command of the Most High God that shall come upon my lord the king.
" 'You, O king, shall be driven away from men. You shall live with the beasts of the field; you shall be made to eat grass like oxen; and you shall be wet with the dew of heaven; and seven years shall pass over you, until you know that the Most High God rules in your kingdom, and, gives it to the one whom he chooses. And as the Holy One gave command to leave the stump of the tree with its roots, so it shall be with you. Your kingdom shall stand and shall be sure to you, and shall come back to you when you have known that he who sits in the heavens shall rule over the earth.
" 'And now, O king, take my advice, and break off from your sins, and do right, and show mercy to the poor. It may be that God will give to you more days of peace.'
"All this Dăń iel said to me, King Nĕb-u-chad-nĕź zar; and it came to pass. Twelve months afterward I was walking in, my kingly palace. I looked over the city, and said, 'Is not this great Băb́ y̆-lon that I have built for my own royal home, by my power, and for my own glory?'
"While the word was in my mouth a voice fell from heaven, saying, 'O King Nĕb-u-chad-nĕź zar, the word has been spoken, and your kingdom is gone from you!'
"And in that hour my reason left me, and another heart was given to me, the heart of a beast instead of the heart of a man. I was driven out of my palace, and lived among the beasts, and ate grass as oxen eat it; and my body was wet with the dew of heaven, until my hair was grown like eagles' feathers, and my nails like birds' claws.
"And at the end of seven years my mind came back to me, and my reason returned. I blessed the king of heaven, and praised him that lives forever. My kingdom was given to me once more, my princes and rulers came to me again, and I was again the king over all the lands.
"Now I, Nĕb-u-chad-nĕź zar, praise and honor the king of heaven. His words are truth and his works are right; and those who walk in pride he is able to make humble.”
This was the story of the seven years' madness of King Nĕb-u-chad-nĕź zar, and of his reason and his power coming back to him again.

Story Eleven

Dan. 5:1 to 31
THE great kingdom or empire of Nĕb-u-chad-nĕź zar was made up of many smaller kingdoms which he had conquered. As long as he lived his kingdom was strong; but as soon as he died it began to fall in pieces. His son became king in his place, but was soon slain; and one king followed another quickly for some years. The last king was named Nā-boń i-dus. He made his son Belshazzar king with himself, and left Bĕl-shăź zar to rule in the city of Băb́ y̆-lon, while he was caring for the more distant parts of the kingdom.
But a new nation was rising to power. Far to the east were the kingdoms of Mḗ dĭ-ȧ and Pe͂ŕ s̝iȧ. These two peoples had become one, and were at war with Băb́ y̆-lon, under their great leader, Cȳ́ rus. While Bĕl-shăź zar was ruling in the city of Băb́ y̆-lon, Cȳ́ rus and his Pēŕ s̝ian soldiers were on the outside, around the walls, trying to take the city. These walls were so great and high that the Pēŕ s̝ian soldiers could not break through them.
But inside the city were many who were enemies of Bĕĺ shăź zar and were friendly with Cȳ́ rus. These people opened the gates of Băb́ y̆-lon to Cȳ́ rus. At night he brought his army quietly into the city and surrounded the palace of King Bĕl-shăź zar.
On that night King Bĕl-shăź zar was holding in the palace a great feast in honor of his god. On the tables were the golden cups and vessels that Nĕb-u-chad-nĕź zar had taken from the Temple of the Lord in Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm; and around the table were the king, his many wives, and a thousand of his princes and nobles. They did not know that their city was taken, and that their enemies were at the very doors of the palace.
While they were all drinking wine together suddenly a strange thing was seen. On the wall appeared a great hand writing letters and words that no one could read. Every eye was drawn to the spot, and all saw the fingers moving on the wall, and the letters written. The king was filled with fear. His face became pale and his knees shook. He called for the wise men of Băb́ y̆-lon, who were with him in the palace, to tell what the writing meant. He said, "Whoever can read the words on the wall shall be dressed in a purple robe, and shall have a chain of gold around his neck, and shall rank next to King Bĕl-shăź zar as the third ruler in the kingdom.”
But not one of the wise men could read it, for God had not given to them the power. At last the queen of Băb́ y̆-lon said to Bĕl-shăź zar, "O king, may you live forever! There is one man who can read this writing, a man in whom is the spirit of the holy gods, a man whom Nĕb-u-chad-nĕź zar, your father, made master of all the wise men. His name is Dăń iel. Send for him, and he will tell you what these words are and what they mean.”
Dăń iel was now an old man; and since the time when Nĕb-u-chad-nĕź zar died he had been no longer in his high place as ruler and chief adviser of the king. They sent for Dăń iel, and he came. The king said to him, "Are you that Dăń iel who was brought many years ago by my father to this city? I have heard of you, that the spirit of the holy gods is upon you, and that you have wisdom and knowledge. If you can read this writing upon the wall, and tell me what it means, I will give you a purple robe, and a gold chain, and a place next to myself as the third ruler in the kingdom."
And Dăń iel answered the king, "You may keep your rewards yourself, and may give your gifts to whom you please, for I do not want them; but I will read to you the writing. O king, the Most High God gave to Nĕb-u-chad-nĕź zar this kingdom, and great power, and glory. But when Nĕb-u-chad-nĕz' zar became proud, and boasted of his greatness, then the Lord took from him his crown and his throne, and let him live among the beasts of the field, until he knew that the Most High God rules over the kingdoms of men. O Bĕl-shăź zar, you knew all this, yet you have not been humble in heart. You have risen up against the Lord, and have taken the vessels of his house, and have drunk wine in them in honor of your own gods of wood and stone; but you have not praised the Lord God who has given to you your kingdom and your power. For this reason God has sent this hand to write these words upon the wall. This is the writing, MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN. And this is the meaning, Numbered, Numbered, Weighed, Divided.
"MENE: God has counted the years of your kingdom, and has brought it to an end.
"TEKEL: You have been weighed in the balances, and have been found wanting.
"UPHARSIN: Your kingdom is divided, and taken from you, and given to the Mēdes̝ and the Pe͂ŕ s̝ians̝.”
King Bĕl-shăź zar could scarcely believe what he heard; but he commanded that the promised reward be given to Dăń iel. And almost while he was speaking his end came. The Pe͂ŕ s̝ians̝ and the Mēdes̝ burst into his palace; they seized Bĕl-shăź zar and killed him in the midst of his feast.
On that night the empire or great kingdom set up by Nĕb-u-chad-nĕź zar came to an end. A new empire arose, greater than that of Băb́ y̆-lon, called the Pēŕ s̝ian Empire. And in the place of Bĕl-shăź zar, Cȳ́ rus, the commander of the Pe͂ŕ s̝ians̝, made an old man named Dā̇-rī́ us king until the time when he was ready to take the kingdom for himself.
This empire of Pe͂ŕ s̝ia was the third of the world-kingdoms of which we read in the Bible. The first was the Ăs-sy̆ŕ ĭ-an kingdom, having Nĭń e-veh for its capital. This was the kingdom that carried the Ten Tribes of Ĭś̝ ra-el into captivity. The second was the Băb-y̆-ni-an or Chăl-dḗ an kingdom, which carried the Jews into captivity. And the third was the Pe͂ŕ s̝ian kingdom, which lasted two hundred years, ruling all the lands named in the Bible.

Story Twelve

Dan. 6:1 to 28
THE lands which had been the Băb-y̆-lṓ an or Chal-dḗ an empire now became the empire of Pe͂ŕ s̝iȧ; and over these Dā̇-rī́ us was the king. King Dā̇-rī́ us gave to Dăń iel, who was now a very old man, a high place in honor and in power. Among all the rulers over the land Dăń iel stood first, for the king saw that he was wise, and able to rule. This made the other princes and rulers very jealous, and they tried to find something evil in Dăń iel, so that they could speak to the king against him.
These men knew that three times every day Dăń iel went to his room, and opened the window that was toward the city of Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, and looking toward Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm made his prayer to God. Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm was at that time in ruins, and the Temple was no longer standing; but Dăń iel prayed three times each day with his face toward the place where the house of God had once stood, although it was many hundreds of miles away.
These nobles thought that in Dăń iel’s prayers they could find a chance to do him harm, and perhaps cause him to be put to death. They came to King Dā̇-rī́ us, and said to him:
"All the rulers have agreed together to have a law made that for thirty days no one shall ask anything of any god or any man, except from you, O king; and that if any one shall pray to any god, or shall ask anything from any man during thirty days, except from you, O king, he shall be thrown into the den where the lions are kept. Now, O king, make the law, and sign the writing, so that it cannot be changed, for no law among the Mēdes̝ and Pe͂r ́s̝ians̝ can be altered.”
The king was not a wise man, and being foolish and vain, he was pleased with this law which would set him even above the gods. So, without asking Dăń iel's advice, he signed the writing; and the law was made, and the word was sent out through the kingdom that for thirty days no one should pray to any god, or ask a favor of any man.
Dăń iel knew that the law had been made, but every day he went to his room three times, and opened the window that looked toward Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, and offered his prayer to the Lord, just as he had prayed in other times. These rulers were watching nearby, and they saw Dăń iel kneeling in prayer to God. Then they came to the king, and said, "O King Dā̇-rī́ us, have you not made a law that if any one in thirty days offers a prayer, he shall be thrown into the den of lions?" "It is true," said the king. "The law has been made, and it must stand.”
They said to the king, "There is one man who does not obey the law which you have made. It is that Dăń iel, one of the captive Jews. Every day Dăń iel prays to his God three times, just as he did before you signed the writing of the law.”
Then the king was very sorry for what he had done, for he loved Dăń iel, and knew that no one could take his place in the kingdom. All day, until the sun went down, he tried in vain to find some way to save Dăń iel's life; but when evening came these men again told him of the law that he had made, and said to him that it must be kept. Very unwillingly the king sent for Dăń iel, and gave an order that he should be thrown into the den of lions. He said to Dăń iel, "Perhaps your God, whom you serve so faithfully, will save you from' the lions.”
They led Dăń iel to the mouth of the pit where the lions were kept, and they threw him in; and over the mouth they placed a stone; and the king sealed it with his own seal and with the seals of his nobles, so that no one might take away the stone and let Dăń iel out of the den.
Then the king went again to his palace, but that night he was so sad that he could not eat, nor did he listen to music as he was used to listen. He could not sleep, for all through the night he was thinking of Daniel. Very early in the morning he rose up from his bed, and went in haste to the den of lions. He broke the seal, and took away the stone, and in a voice full of sorrow he called out, scarcely hoping to hear any answer except the roaring of the lions, "O Dăń iel, servant of the living God, has your God been able to keep you safe from the lions?”
And out of the darkness in the den came the voice of Dăń iel, saying, "O king, may you live forever! My God has sent his angel, and has shut the mouths of the lions. They have not hurt me, because my God saw that I had done no wrong. And I have done no wrong toward you, O king!”
Then the king was glad. He gave to his servants orders to take Dăń iel out of the den. Dăń iel was brought out safe and without harm, because he had trusted fully in the Lord God. Then, by the king's command, they seized those men who had spoken against Dăń iel, and with them their wives and their children, for the king was exceedingly angry with them. They were all thrown into the den, and the hungry lions leaped upon them, and tore them in pieces as soon as they fell upon the floor of the den.
It was very cruel and unjust to put to death with these men their wives and children, who had done no wrong, either to King Dā̇-rī́ us or to Dăń iel. But cruel and unjust as it was, such things were very common in all the lands of that part of the world. The lives of people were but little cared for, and children often suffered death for their parents' crime.
After this King Dā̇-rī́ us wrote to all the lands and the peoples in the many kingdoms under his rule, "May peace be given to you all abundantly! I make a law that everywhere among my kingdoms men fear and worship the Lord God of Dăń iel, for he is the living God, above all other gods, who only can save men.”
And Dăń iel stood beside King Dā̇-rī́ us unto the end of his reign, and afterward while Cȳ́ rus the Pe͂ŕ s̝ian was king over all the lands.
Dăń iel lived for a number of years after being saved from the lions. He had several wonderful dreams and visions, which showed him what would come to pass many years afterward, and even to the coming of Jesus Christ.
Lesson 41. Daniel.
(Tell Stories 10, 11, and 12 in Part Fifth.)
1. What came upon King Nebuchadnezzar? He lost his mind for seven years.
2. What became of the Babylonian kingdom when Nebuchadnezzar died? It lost its power.
3. Who was the last king in Babylon? Belshazzar.
4. What did Belshazzar see one night in his palace? A hand writing on the wall.
5. Who read the writing to the king? Daniel.
6. What did the writing mean? That his kingdom was ended.
7. How was the kingdom ended? The, city was taken and Belshazzar was killed.
8. What kingdom took the place of the Babylonian kingdom? The kingdom of Persia.
9. What was done to Daniel after this? He was thrown into a den of lions.
10. How was Daniel saved from the lions? The Lord shut the lions' mouths.

Story Thirteen

Ezra 1:1, to 3:7
WE have seen, in the story of the kingdom of Ĭś̝ ra-el, or the Ten Tribes, how the great empire of Ăs̝-sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ arose from the city of Nĭń e-veh, on the Tī́ gris river; how it ruled all the lands and carried away the Ten Tribes of Ĭś̝ ra-el into captivity, from which they never came back to their own land. We saw, too, how the empire of Ăs-sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ., went down, and the empire of Băb́ y̆-lon, or Chăl-dḗ ȧ, arose in its place under Nĕb-u-chad-nĕź zar. As soon as Nĕb-u-chad-nĕź zar died, the empire of Băb́ y̆-lon began to fall, and in its place arose the empire of Pe͂ŕ s̝iȧ, under Cȳ́ rus, who is called Cȳ́ rus the Great, because of his many victories and his wide rule. His empire was much greater than either the Ăs-sy̆ŕ ĭ-an or the Chal-dean empire, for it held in its rule the land of Ḗ ġy̆pt, all the lands known as Asia Minor, and also many lands in the far east.
Cȳ́ rus, the great king, was a friend to the Jews̝, who at this time were still living in the land of Chăl-dḗ ȧ, between the Tī́ gris and Eū-phrā́ tēs̝ rivers. It was now seventy years since the first company of captives had been taken away from the land of Jū́ dah by Nĕb-u-chad-nĕź zar, and fifty years since the city of Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm had been burned. By that time the Jews were no longer looked upon as captives in the land of Chăl-dḗ ȧ. They lived in their own houses, and tilled their own farms, and were in peace. Many of them were rich, and some of them, like Dăń iel and his three friends, were in high places at the court of the king.
You remember that in the early days of the captivity, Jĕr-e-mī́ ah the prophet wrote a letter to those who had been carried away to Băb́ ẏ-lon, telling them that after seventy years they would come back to their own land. The seventy years were now ended. The older men and women who had been taken away had died in the land of Chăl-dḗ ȧ, but their children, and their children's children still loved the land of Jū́ dah as their own land, although it was so far away.
The Lord put it into the heart of Cȳ́ rus, the king of Pēŕ s̝iȧ, very early in his reign, to send word among the Jews that they might now go back to their own land. This was the word, as it was written and sent out:
"Thus saith Cȳ́ rus, the king of Pēŕ s̝iȧ, The Lord, the God of heaven, has given me all the kingdoms of the earth; and he has commanded me to build him a house in Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, in the land of Judah. Therefore, let those of the people of God who are among you go up to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, and help to build the house of the Lord. And those who do not go to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, but stay in the places where they are living, let them give to those who go back to their own land gifts of gold and silver, and beasts to carry them, and goods, and also a free gift toward the building of the house of the Lord in Jē̇-rṳ́ sa-lĕm.”
At this the Jews in the land of Chăl-dḗ a̤ were very glad, for they loved their own land, and longed to see it. One of them wrote a song at this time. It is Psa. 126
"When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zī́ ŏn,
We were like unto them that dream,
Then was our mouth filled with laughter,
And our tongue with singing:
Then said they among the nations,
`The Lord hath done great things for them,
The Lord hath done great things for us;
Whereof we are glad.

Turn again our captivity, O Lord,
As the streams in the South.
They that sow in tears
Shall reap in joy,
Though he goeth on his way weeping,
Bearing forth the seed,
He shall come again with joy,
Bringing his sheaves with him.”
So the Jeẃ ĭsh people began to make ready for going back in their own land. Those who were rich, and noble in rank, stayed to the land of Chăl-dḗ ȧ, and in other lands of the Pe͂ŕ s̝ian Empire. But though they did not go back to the land from which their fathers had come, they gave large gifts of gold and silver to help those who did go. And Cȳ́ rus, the king, took from the treasure-house in Băb́ y̆-lon all the vessels of the Temple that had been taken away by Nĕb-u-chad-nĕź zar, and gave them to the Jews̝, to be used in the new Temple which they were soon to build. These were plates, and dishes, and bowls, and cups of gold and silver, more than four thousand in all. So, with the gifts of the king, and the gifts of their own people, and what was owned by those who went to the land of Jū́ dah, the company took away a vast treasure of gold and silver.
It was a happy company of people that met together for the journey back to the land which they still called their own, though very few of them had seen it. There were forty-two thousand of them, besides their servants to help them in the journey. They traveled slowly up the Eū-phrā́ tēs̝ river, singing songs of joy, until they reached the northern end of the great desert. Then they turned toward the south-west, and journeyed beside the Lĕb́ a-non mountains, past Dā̇-măś cus, and through Sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ, until at last they came to the land of their fathers, the land of Judah.
With all their joy they must have felt sad when they saw the city of Jē̇-rṳ́ sa-lĕm all in ruins, its walls broken down, its houses heaps of blackened stone, its once beautiful Temple burned into a heap of ashes.
As soon as they came, they found the rock where the altar of the Lord had stood, the same rock where Dā́ vid had long before offered a sacrifice, and the same rock upon which travelers look even in our time under the Dome of the Rock. From the smooth face of this rock they gathered up the stones, and swept away the ashes and the dust. Then they built upon it the altar of the Lord, and Jŏsh́ u-ȧ, the high-priest, began to offer the sacrifices which for fifty years had not been placed upon the altar. Every morning and every afternoon they laid on the altar the burnt-offering, and thus gave themselves to the Lord, and asked God's help.
From this time there were two branches of the Jewish race. Those who came back to the land of Judah, which was also called the land of Ĭś̝ ra-el, were called "Hḗ brews̝," which was an old name of the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes. Those who stayed in the lands abroad, in Chăl-dḗ ȧ and throughout the empire of Pe͂ŕ s̝iȧ, were called "the Jews̝ of the Dispersion." There were far more of the Jews̝ abroad than in their own land, and they were the richer, and the greater people. Many of them went up to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm to visit and to worship, and many others sent rich gifts; so that between the two great branches of the Jeẃ ĭsh people, in their own land and in other lands, there was a close friendship, and they all felt that wherever the Jews were they were still one people.
The Jews̝ who had been captives in the land of Băb́ y̆-lon were now free to go wherever they chose; and besides those who went back to the land of their fathers, there were many who chose to visit other lands, wherever they could find work and get gain. It was not many years before Jews̝ were found in many cities of the Pēŕ s̝ian Empire. They went also to Africa, and also to Europe, choosing the cities for their home rather than the country. Everywhere, in all the great cities, the "Jews̝ of the Dispersion" were found, besides those who were living in their own land of Ĭś̝ ra-el.
When the Jews̝ came back to their land their leader was named Zē̇-rŭb́ ba-bĕl, a word which means "One born in Băb́ y̆-lon." He belonged to the family of Dā́ vid, and was called "the prince"; but he ruled under the commands of Cȳ́ rus, the great king, for Jū́ dah (which now began to be spoken of as Jū-dḗ ȧ) was a small part, or "province" as it was called, in the great empire of Pe͂ŕ s̝iȧ.

Story Fourteen

Ezra 3:8, to 6:22; Hag. 1:1, to 2:23; Zech. 4:6 to 10
AFTER the Jew came back to their own land they first built the altar upon Mount Mō̇-rī́ ah, as we read in the last Story. Then they built some houses for themselves, for the winter was coming on. And early in the next year they began to build again the Temple of the Lord. Zē̇-rŭb́ ba-bĕl, the prince, and Jŏsh́ u-ȧ, the priest, led in the work, and the priests and Lḗ vītes helped in it. They gave money to masons, and carpenters, and they paid men of Tȳre and Zī́ dŏn, on the shore of the Great Sea, to float down cedar-trees from Mount Lĕb́ a-non to Jŏṕ pȧ; and from Jŏṕ pȧ, they carried them up the mountains to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm for the building of the house.
When they laid the first stones in the new building the priests in their robes stood ready with trumpets, and the Lḗ vītes with cymbals, to praise the Lord for his goodness in bringing them once again to their own land. The singers sang:
"Praise the Lord, for he is good:
His mercy endureth forever toward Ĭś̝ ra-el his people.”
And all the people shouted with a great shout as the first stones were laid. But some of the priests, and Lḗ vītes, and Jews̝, were old men who had seen the first Temple, while it was still standing more than fifty years before. These old men wept as they thought of the house that had been burned, and of their friends who had been slain in the destruction of the city. Some wept, and some shouted, but the sound was heard together, and those who heard at a distance could not tell the weeping from the shouting.
But these builders soon found enemies, and were hindered in their work. In the middle of the land, near the cities of Shḗ chem and Sā̇-mā́ rĭ-ȧ, were living the Sā̇-măŕ ĭ-tan people, some of whom were from the old Ten Tribes, and others from the people that had been brought into the land by the Ăs-sy̆ŕ ĭ-ans̝ many years before. These worshipped the Lord, but with the Lord they worshipped other gods. These people came to the Prince Zē̇-rŭb́ ba-bĕl, and said, "Let us join with you in building this house, for we seek the Lord as you do, and we offer sacrifices to him.”
But Zē̇-rŭb́ ba-bĕl and the rulers said to them, "You are not with us, and you do not worship as we worship. You have nothing to do with us in building the Lord's house. We will build by ourselves to our God, the God of Ĭś̝ ra-el, as Cȳ́ rus, the king of Pe͂ŕ s̝iȧ, has told us to build.”
This made the people of Sā̇-mā́ rĭ-ȧ, very angry. They tried to stop the Jews from building, and frightened them, and wrote letters to the king, urging him to stop the work Cȳ́ rus, the king, was a friend to the Jews̝, but he was in a land far away in the east, carrying on war, so that he could not help them; and soon after this he died. His son, who took his great kingdom, did not care for the Jews̝, and he, too, died in a few years. Then a nobleman of another family seized the throne, and held it nearly a year before he was slain. His name was Smeŕ dis, but he is called in the Bible by another name, Är-tăx̝-e͂rx̝́ ēs̝. While this king was reigning, the Sā̇-măŕ ĭ-tan rulers wrote to him a letter, saying:
"Let it be known to the king that the Jews̝ have come back to Jė̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm. They are building again the city which was always bad, and would not obey the kings when it was standing before. If that city be built, and its walls finished, then the Jews̝ will not serve the king, nor pay to him their taxes. We are true to the king, and we do not wish to see harm come to his rule. Of old time this city was rebellious, and for that cause it was laid waste. If it is built again, soon the king will have no power anywhere on this side of the river Eū-phrā́ tēs̝.”
The King Smeŕ dis, or Är-tăx̝-e͂rx̝́ ēs̝, wrote an answer to the chief men of Sā̇-mā́ rĭ-ȧ, thus:
"The letter which you sent has been read to me. I have caused search to be made in the records; and I find that the city of Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm has been in old time a strong city, with great kings ruling in it, and ruling also the lands around it. I find, too, that this city did rise up and make war against the kings of empires in the past. Command the men who are building the city of Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm to stop the work; and let it not go on until an order is given from the king.”
The Sā̇i-măŕ ĭ-tans̝ and other enemies of the Jews̝ were glad to have this letter come from the great king of Pe͂ŕ s̝iȧ. They went to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm and made the work of building the Temple and the city stop. So the foundations of the Temple lay unfinished through several years.
But after a time two prophets arose in the land of Jū-dḗ ȧ. They were Hăǵ ga-ī and Zĕch-a-rī́ ah; and they spoke the word of the Lord to the people, telling them to go forward with the building. Hăǵ ga-ī said, "Is it a time for you to dwell in richly finished houses of your own while the Lord's house lies waste? Go up to the mountains, and bring wood, and build; and I will be pleased with you, and will bless you, saith the Lord. The glory of this house shall be greater than the glory of the other house, and in this place I will give peace, saith the Lord of hosts.”
And Zĕch-a-rī́ ah, the other prophet, said, "It shall not be by might nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord. The hands of Zē̇-rŭb́ ba-bĕl have laid the foundation of this house, and his hands shall finish it. He shall lay the head-stone with shouting’s of `Grace, grace unto it!'”
Then Zē̇-rŭb́ ba-bĕl, and Jŏsh́ u-ȧ, and the rest of the Jews. began again, and went on with the work. Soon after this a new king began to reign in Pe͂ŕ s̝iȧ. He was a wise man and a great ruler, whose name was Dā̇-rī́ us.
King Dā̇-rī́ us looked in the records of Pe͂ŕ s̝iȧ., and found it written that Cȳ́ rus, the king, had commanded the Temple to be built. He wrote a letter to the rulers in all the lands around Jū́ dē-ȧ no longer to hinder the work, but to help it, and to give what was needed for it. Then the Jews̝ went on with the building in great joy; and it was finished at last, twenty-one years after it had been begun, while Zē̇-rŭb́ ba-bĕl, the prince, and Jŏsh́ u-ȧ, the priest, were still ruling over the people.
The Temple, which was thus built for the second time, was like the one built by Sŏĺ o-mon nearly five hundred years before; but though larger, it was not so beautiful nor costly. In front of it was an open court, with a wall around it, where the people could go to worship. Next to the people's court, on higher ground, was the priests' court, where stood the altar, and the laver for washing. Within this court rose the house of God, with the Holy Place, and the Holy of Holies, separated by a great veil. In the Holy Place, as before, stood the table for bread, the golden lamp-stand, and the golden altar for incense. But in the Holy of Holies there was no ark of the covenant, for this had been lost, and was never brought back to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm. In place of the ark stood a marble block, upon which the high-priest sprinkled the blood, when he went into the Holy of Holies, on the great day of, atonement, once in each year. (See the account of the Tabernacle and its worship.)
Lesson 42. The Return from Babylon.
(Tell Stories 13 and 14 in Part Fifth.)
1. Who broke up the Babylonian kingdom and formed the kingdom of Persia,? Cyrus.
2. How did Cyrus, the new king, treat the Jews who were in Babylon? He was kind to them.
3. What did Cyrus allow the Jews to do? To go back to their own land.
4. How long had the Jews been in the land of Babylon? Seventy years.
5. What happy journey did the Jews take? To the land of Judea.
6. What city did they begin to build again? The city of Jerusalem.
7. What house did they build? The temple of God.
8. Who led the Jews in their journey and their building? Zerubbabel the ruler.
9. What prophet encouraged the people to build? Haggai and Zechariah.

Story Fifteen

Esther 1:1, to 10:3
WHEN Dā̇-rī́ us, the great king, died, his son Xe͂ŕ xes̝, who is called in the Bible Ā̇-hăs̝-ū-ḗ rŭs, took his place upon the throne of Pe͂ŕ s̝iȧ. Ā̇-hăs̝-ū-ḗ rŭs was not, like his father Dā̇-rī́ us, a wise man. He was hasty in his temper and did many foolish acts.
At that time the palace where the king of Pe͂ŕ s̝iȧ, lived was I to longer at Băb́ y̆-lon, but at a city named Shṳ́ shan, among the mountains of a region called Ḗ lăm. King Ā̇-hăs̝-ū-ḗ rŭs held at Shṳ́ shan a great feast with his nobles. When the king and his company were all drunken with wine, he sent for his queen, Văsh́ tī, that he might let all the nobles see how beautiful she was. Among the Pe͂ŕ s̝ians̝ it was held to be very wrong for a woman ever to allow her face to be seen by any man except her husband. Queen Văsh́ tī refused to come to the feast that these drunken men might stare at her. This made the king very angry. He said that because Văsh́ ti would not obey him, she should not be queen any longer, and he put her away from him and from his house.
After this King A-hăs̝-ū-ē-rŭs thought to choose another woman to be his queen instead of Văsh́ tī. He sent commands throughout all the kingdom that in every land and province they should find the most beautiful young women and bring them to the royal city of Shṳ́ shan. There the king would see them all, and among them he would choose the one that pleased him best, and would take her as his queen. So from every land in the great empire of Pe͂ŕ s̝iȧ, the loveliest young women were brought to Shṳ́ shan, and there they were left in the care of Hĕǵ a-ī, the chief of the king's palace.
At that time many Jews were living in the cities of Pēŕ s̝iȧ, for we have seen that only a small part of the Jews went back to the land of Ĭś̝ ra-el when King Cȳ́ rus allowed them to return. There was a Jew living in Shṳ́ shan, named Môŕ de-cāi. He belonged to the tribe of Bĕń ja-Mĭn, and came from the same family and line with Sa̤ul, the first of the kings of Ĭś̝ ra-el. At the house of Môŕ-de-cāi lived his cousin, a young girl named Hā̇-dăś sah, or Ĕś thēr, a name which means "Star." Her father and mother had died, and she had been left alone; so Môŕ de-cāi took her to his house, and brought her up as his own daughter. Ĕś the͂r was very beautiful, and was as lovely in her heart as she was in her face. Among the other beautiful young women she was taken to the palace as one of those who were to be brought before the king.
When King Ā̇-hăs̝.-ū-ḗ rŭs saw Ĕś the͂r, the Jeẃ ĭsh girl, he loved her, and chose her out of all the young women to be his queen, and set upon her head the royal crown of Pe͂ŕ s̝iȧ. Ĕś thēr was taken into the king's palace; rooms and servants were given to her, and she lived in the state of a queen. When the king wished to see her he sent for her, and she came to his room. No one could go to the king or could see him unless sent for. And if any one, man or woman, came before the king without being called, that person was seized by the guards, and was led away to death, unless the king held out toward him his golden scepter, the rod which he held.
In the palace Môŕ de-cāi could no longer meet his cousin Ĕś the͂r, for no man except the king could enter the rooms set apart for the women. But Ĕś the͂r from her window could see Môŕ de-cāi as he walked by, and by her servants she could send word to him, and in the same way could hear word from him. Môŕ de-cāi loved the lovely young queen who was to him as a daughter, and every day sat at the gate of the palace to hear from her.
While Môŕ de-cāi was sitting by the gate he saw two men who were keepers of the gate often whispering together. He watched them closely, and found that they had made a plan to kill King Ā̇-hăs̝-u-ḗ rŭs. He sent word of this to Queen Ĕś the͂r, and Ĕś the͂r told the king of it. The men were taken, and, as Môŕ de-cāi's word was found to be true, they were both slain by being hanged on a tree. And an account or story of all their plan, of how they were found out by Môŕ de-cāi the Jew, and how they were punished by death, was written in the book of records of the kingdom.
After this a man named Hā́ man arose to great power in the kingdom. The king gave him a seat above all the other princes, and asked his advice in all matters, and allowed Hā́ man to do whatever he pleased. Of course everybody in the palace showed great respect to Hā́ man, the man who stood next to the king. When he came near, all the men in the palace and in the city bowed down before him, and many fell on their faces, even in the very dust. But Môŕ de-cāi was a worshipper of God, and he would not fall upon his face before any man. Hā́ man noticed that there was one man who did not bow down, as did the others around him. He said to his servants, "Who is that man sitting by the gate, who does not bow down when I pass by?”
They answered Hā́ man, "That is Môŕ de-cāi the Jew.” But they did not tell Hā́ man, for they did not know, that Môŕ de-cāi was the cousin of Queen Ĕś the͂r, and that the queen of Pe͂ŕ s̝iȧ herself was a Jewess.
When Hā́ man found that Môŕ de-cāi was a Jew he became very angry, not only at Môŕ de-cāi, but at all his people. He hated the Jews, and he resolved to have revenge on Môŕ de-cāi, and on his account to make all Môŕ de-cāi's people suffer. Hā́ man went in to the king, and said to him, "O King Ā̇-hăs̝-ū-ḗ rŭs, there is a certain people scattered abroad through your kingdom and apart from all other peoples. Their laws are different from those of every other nation, and they do not keep the king's laws. It is not well to allow such a people to live. If it is pleasing to the king, let a law be made that this strange people be destroyed. I will myself pay all the cost of putting them to death, and will place the money in the king's treasury.”
The king, living in his palace and never going out among his people, knew nothing of the Jews, and believed Hā́ man's words. He took from his hand the ring on which was the royal seal, and gave it to Hā́ man, saying:
"Do as you please; write whatever law you wish, and stamp it with the king's seal. The money is yours, and I give this strange people to you. You can do with them as you please.”
Then, by Hā́ man's command, a law was written, and sealed with the king's seal, that on a certain day, which was the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, all the Jews in every part of Pe͂ŕ s̝ia might be slain. Anyone who chose to kill them might do so; and those who killed them might take for their own all their money, the gold, and silver, and garments which they might find in the houses of the Jews.
The copies of this law were sent to every city of the empire of Pe͂ŕ s̝iȧ, to be read everywhere, so that all might know that the Jews̝ were to be destroyed. Everybody who heard of it was filled with wonder, for no one knew of any evil against the king that the Jews had done to deserve death. They could not understand why the law had been made; but everywhere the enemies of the Jews̝ made ready to destroy them, that they might have the Jews̝' riches; for in those times, even as now, there was great wealth among the Jews.
The news of this terrible law came to Môŕ de-cāi, as it came to all the Jews̝ in Shṳ́ shan. Môŕ de-cāi tore his clothes, as was the manner of those in deep grief; he put on garments of sackcloth; he covered his head with ashes, and he went forth in front of the palace, crying a loud and bitter cry. Queen Ĕś the͂r saw him and heard his voice. She sent one of her servants, named Hā́ tăch, to Môŕ de-cāi, to find why he was in such deep trouble. Hā́ tăch came to Môŕ-de-cāi, and Môŕ de-cāi told him of the law for killing the Jews on a certain day, the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, and gave him a copy of it to show to Queen Ĕś the͂r; and he told Hā́ tăch to ask the queen, in his name, to go in to King Ā̇-hăs̝-ū-ḗ rŭs and beg him to spare the lives of her people. Queen Ĕś the͂r heard Hā́ tăch's words, and sent this message to Môŕ de-cāi:
"It is the rule of the palace that if any man or woman shall go in to the king in his own room, without being sent for by the king, he shall be slain unless the king holds out to him the golden scepter. But I have not been called to meet the king for thirty days.”
When Môŕ de-cāi heard this message he sent word again by Reach to Queen Ĕś the͂r:
"Do not think that in the king's palace you are safe, and shall escape the fate of your people. If you keep still, and do nothing to save your people, God will surely save them in some other way; and you and your father's family shall be destroyed. Who can tell whether God has not raised you up and given you your royal place for such a time as this?”
Then Ĕś the͂r sent this answer to Môŕ de-cāi, "Go, and bring together all the Jews̝ in Shṳ́ shan, and let them all pray for me, eating and drinking nothing, for three days. I and my maids in the palace will pray and fast also at the same time. And then I will go in to the king, even though it is against the law; and if it be God's will that I should die in trying to save my people, then I will die.”
When Môŕ de-cāi heard these words he was glad, for he felt sure that God would save his people through Queen Ĕś the͂r. For three days all the Jews̝ in Shṳ́ shan met together, praying; and in the palace Ĕś the͂r and her servants were praying at the same time.
The third day came, and Ĕś the͂r dressed herself in all her robes as queen. She went out of her own rooms, and across the open court, and entered the door in front of the throne where the king was sitting. The king saw her standing before him, in all her beauty, and his heart was touched with love for her. He held out toward her the golden rod or scepter that was in his hand. Ĕś the͂r came near, and touched the top of the scepter. The king said to her:.
"What do you wish, Queen Ĕś thēr? It shall be given to you, even to the half of my kingdom.”
But Ĕś thēr did not at once ask for all that was in her heart. She was very wise, and she said, "If it pleases the king, I have come to ask that the king and Holman, the prince, shall come this day to a dinner that I have made ready for them.”
The king said, "Send word to Hā́ man that he haste, and come to dine with the king and queen.”
So that day King Ā̇-hăs̝-ū-ḗ rus and Hā́ man sat at the table with the queen. She was covered with a veil, for even Hā́ man was not allowed to look upon her face. While they were sitting together, the king said, "Queen Ĕś the͂r, is there anything that you wish? It shall be given to you, whatever it is, even to half of the kingdom.”
"My wish," answered the queen, "is that the king and Hā́ man shall come again to a dinner with me to-morrow.”
Há̄ man walked out of the palace that day happy at the honor that had come to him, but when he saw Môŕ de-cāi sitting by the gate, and not rising up to bow before him, all his gladness passed away, and he was angry in his heart. When he came to his own house he told his wife Zḗ resh, and his friends, how the king and the queen had honored him, and then he said, "But all this is as nothing to me when I see that man, Môŕ de-cāi the Jew, sitting at the king's gate.”
But his wife said to him, "That is nothing. Before you go to the feast to-morrow, have a gallows made, and then ask the king to command that Môŕ de-cāi be hanged upon it. The king will do whatever you wish, and then, when you have sent Môŕ de-cāi to death, you can be happy at your feast with the king and the queen.”
This was very pleasing to Hā́ man; and on that very day he caused the gallows to be set up, ready for hanging Môŕ de-cāi on the next day.
It so happened that on that night the king could not sleep. He told them to read in the book of records of the kingdom, hoping that the reading might put him to sleep. They read in the book how Môŕ de-cāi had told of the two men who had sought to murder the king. The king stopped the reading, and said, "What reward has been given to Môŕ de-cāi for saving the life of the king from these men?”
"O king," they answered, "nothing has been done for Môŕ de-cāi.”
Then said the king, "Is any, one of the princes standing outside in the court?”
"Yes, O king," was answered; "the noble Hā́ man is in the court.”
Hā́ man had come in at that very moment to ask the king that Môŕ de-cāi might be put to death. The king sent word to Hā́ man to come in, and as soon as he entered said to him, "What shall be done to any man whom the king wishes especially to honor?”
Now Hā́ man thought within himself, "There is no man whom the king will wish to honor more than myself." Then he said, "The man whom the king wishes especially to honor, let him be dressed in the garments of the king, and let him sit on the horse that the king rides upon, and let the royal crown be set upon his head; let him ride through the main street of the city, and let one of the nobles call out before him, 'This is the man whom the king delights to honor.'”
Then the king said to Hā́ man, "Make haste, and do all this that you have said to Môŕ de-cāi the Jew, who sits in the king's gate. See that nothing is left out of what you have spoken.”
Hā́ man was astonished, and was cut to the heart, but he did not dare to speak as he felt. He obeyed the king's command, sent for the king's horse, his robes, and his crown; dressed Môŕ de-cāi like a king, mounted him on the horse, and went before him through the street of Shṳ́ shan, calling aloud, "This is the man whom the king delights to honor!" And after that Hā́ man hid his anger and his sorrow of heart, and sat down to the feast in the queen's palace. He had not said a word to the king of having Môŕ de-cāi hanged upon the gallows which he had set up the day before.
King Ā̇-hăs̝-ū-ḗ rŭs knew very well that his queen had still some favor to ask; and at the feast he said to her, "What do you wish, Queen Ĕś the͂r? Tell me, and I will give it to you, even though it be half of my kingdom.”
Then Ĕś the͂r saw that her time had come. She said to the king: If I have found favor in your sight, O king, and if it please you, let my life be given me, and the lives of my people. For we have been sold, I and all my people, to be destroyed, to be slain, and to perish. If only we had been sold as slaves, I would have said nothing; but we are to be slain, in order to please our enemy.”
Then said the king, "Who is the man, and where is he, that has dared to do this thing?”
"The enemy," said Queen Ĕś the͂r, "is this wicked Hā́ man!"
As the king heard this he was so angry that he rose up from the table, and walked out into the garden. In a moment he came back and saw Hā́ man fallen down upon his face, begging the queen to spare his life. The king looked at him in anger, and the servants at once covered Hā́ man's face, as of one doomed to death. One of the officers standing near said, "There stands the gallows, seventy-five feet high, which Hā́ man set up yesterday for Môŕ de-cāi to be hanged upon it.”
"Hang Hā́ man himself on it," commanded the king. So Hā́ man died upon the very gallows that he had made for Môŕ de-cāi. And on that day the king gave Hā́ man's place to Môŕ de-cāi, and set him over the princes. He gave to Môŕ de-cāi his own ring, with its seal. And all the family of Hā́ man, his sons, were put to death for their father's evil-doing, according to the cruel usage of those times.
The law for killing the Jews̝ on the thirteenth day of the twelfth month had been made and sent abroad; and no law of the Pe͂ŕ s̝ians̝ could be changed. But though this law could not be taken back, another law was made that the Jews could defend themselves against any who might try to do them harm. When the day came most of their enemies feared to harm the Jews̝, for now they were under the care of the king, and Môŕ de-cāi, a Jew, stood next to the king; and such of their enemies as tried to kill them on that day were soon destroyed.
So everywhere, instead of sorrow and death, on the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, the Jews̝ had joy and gladness. And on the day following, the fourteenth day of the twelfth month, the Jews̝ kept a feast of thanksgiving to God for his mercy in saving them from their enemies. The same feast was kept on that day every year afterward, and it is still kept among the Jews̝ in all lands, and is called the feast of Pū́ rim. On that feast the story of Ĕś thēr, the beautiful queen, is read by all the Jewish people.
Lesson 43. Queen Esther.
(Tell Story 15 in Part Fifth.)
1. In what city did the king of Persia live? In the city of Shushan.
2. What beautiful Jewish girl lived in Shushan? Esther.
3. Who cared for Esther and brought her up? Her cousin Mordecai
4. Who was the king of Persia at that time? Ahasuerus.
5. What did king Ahasuerus do when he saw Esther? He made her queen.
6. Who stood next to the king in power? A man named Haman.
7. What law did Haman cause king Ahasuerus to make? That all the Jew should be killed.
8. What did Queen Esther do when she heard that this law had been made? She went to the king in his palace.
9. What did she ask the king to do? To spare the lives of her people
10. What became of Haman, the Jews' enemy? He was put to death.

Story Sixteen

Ezra 7:1, to 10:44
FROM the court of the great king at Shṳ́ shan we turn once more to the Jews at Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm and in Jū-dḗ ȧ. For a long time after the first company came to the land under Zē̇-rŭb́ ba-bĕl very few Jews from other countries joined them. The Jews̝ in Jū-dḗ ȧ were poor, and discouraged. Many of them had borrowed money which they could not pay, and had been sold as slaves to richer Jews̝. Around them on every side were their enemies, the idol-worshipping people in the land, and the Sā̇-măŕ ĭ-tans̝, on the north. These enemies robbed them of their crops in the field, and they also constantly sent evil and false reports of them to the Pe͂ŕ s̝ian governors. Many of the men of Ĭś̝ ra-el had married women of the land not of the Ĭś̝ ra-el-īte race, and their children were growing up half heathen and half Jewish, unable to talk in the language of their fathers, and knowing nothing of the true God.
Ninety years after the Jews̝ had come back to the land Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm was a small town, with many of its old houses still in ruins, and no wall around it. In those times no city could be safe from its enemies without a wall; so that Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm lay helpless against bands of robbers who came up from the desert and carried away nearly all that the people could earn.
Just at the time when the land was in the deepest need God raised up two men to help his people. These two men were Ĕź rȧ and Nē-he-mī́ ah. Through Ĕź rȧ, the people of Judah were led back to their God, to worship him, to serve him, and especially to love God's book as they never had loved it before. And about the same time Nē-he-mī́ ah gave new hope, and courage, and strength to the people by helping them to build a wall around Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm. The work of these two men brought to Jū-dḗ ȧ peace and plenty, and led many Jews from other lands to their own country.
Ĕź rȧ was a priest, living in the city of Băb́ y̆-lon, though he had sprung from the family of Aâŕ on, the first priest. He was also a prophet, through whom God spoke to his people. But above all, Ĕź rȧ was a lover of God's book in a time when the book of the Lord was almost forgotten. Nearly all the books of what we call the Old Testament had been written for a long time; but in those days there were no printed books; each copy was written separately with a pen; and as the labor was great, there were very few copies of the different books of the Bible. And these copies were in different places; one book of the Bible was in one place, another book was in another place. No one man in those times before Ĕź rȧ had ever owned or had ever seen the whole of the Old Testament in one book or set of books.
Ĕź rȧ began to seek everywhere among the Jews̝ for copies of these different books. Whenever he found one he wrote it out, and kept the copy, and also led other men to copy the books as they found them. At last Ĕź rȧ, had copies written of all the books in the Old Testament except the very latest books. They were written very nearly as we have them now, except that his copies were all in Hḗ brew, the language spoken by the men who wrote most of the Old Testament.
Ĕź ra put all these different books together, making one book out of many books. This great book was written on parchment, or sheepskin, in long rolls, as in old time all books were written. When the book was finished it was called "The Book of the Law," because it contained God's law for his people, as given through Mṓ s̝es̝, and Săḿ u-el, and Dā́ vid, and Ĭ-s̝ā́ iah, and all the other prophets.
When Ĕź rȧ had finished writing this book of the law, he went on a long journey from Băb́ y̆-lon to Jū-dḗ ȧ, taking with him the rolls of the book. With Ĕź rȧ went a company of men whom he had taught to love the law, to write copies of it, to read it, and to teach it to others. These men, who gave their lives to studying, and copying, and teaching the law, were called "scribes," a word which means "writers.”
Ĕź rȧ was the first and the greatest of these scribes; but from his time there were many scribes among the Jews, both in Jŭ-dḗ ȧ and in all other lands. For wherever the Jews̝ lived they began to read the Bible and to love it. The time came, soon after Ĕź rȧ's day, when in every place where the Jews met to worship at least one copy of all the books in the Old Testament was kept; so that there was no more danger that the Bible, or any part of it, would be lost.
You remember that there was only one Temple for all the Jews in the world, and only one altar. Upon this one altar, and there alone, was offered the sacrifice every day. But the Jews̝ in distant places needed to meet together for worship, and there grew up among the Jews everywhere what was called "the Synagogue," a word which means "coming together." At first they met in a room, but afterward they built houses for the synagogues much like our churches. Some of these synagogues were large and beautiful, and in them the people met every week to worship God, to sing the Psalms, to hear the law and the prophets read, and to talk together about what they had heard. It was something like a prayer-meeting, for any Jew who wished to speak in the meeting could do so. The men sat on mats laid on the floor; the rulers of the synagogue were on seats raised up above the rest; the women were in a gallery on one side, covered with a lattice-work, so that they could see and hear, but could not be seen. And on the end of the room nearest to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm there was a large box or chest, called "the ark," within which were kept the copies of the books of the Old Testament. Thus through the synagogue all the Jews̝ in the world listened to the reading of the Old Testament until very many of them knew every word of it by heart. All this came to pass from Ē̇ź rȧ's work in copying and teaching the word of the Lord.
And Ē̇ź rȧ wrought another work almost as great as that of giving the Bible to the world. He taught the Jeẃ ĭsh people, first in Ĭś̝ ra-el, and then in other lands, that they were the people of God, and that they must live apart from other nations. If they had gone on marrying women of other races, who worshipped other gods, after a time there would have been no Jews̝, and no worshippers of God. Ĕź rȧ made some of them give up their wives of other nations, and he taught the Jews to be a people by themselves, keeping away from those who worshipped idols, even though they lived among them. Thus Ĕź rȧ led the Jews to look upon themselves as a holy people, given up to the service of God: and he taught them to live apart from other nations, with their own customs and ways of living, and very exact in obeying the law of God in the books given by Mṓ s̝es̝, even in some things that would seem small and not important. They were to be trained age after age in the service and worship of God. It was God's will that the Jews should be separate from other peoples, and very strict in keeping their law, until the time should come for them to go out and preach the Gospel to all the world. But that was long after Ĕź rȧ's day.
The Jews̝ even now in our time continue to keep many of the rules that were given to their fathers long ago by Ezra; so next to Mṓ s̝es̝, Ĕź rȧ had greater power over the Jews than any other prophet or teacher.

Story Seventeen

Neh. 1:1, to 7:73
WHILE the good scribe Ezra was at work finding the books of the Bible, and copying them, and teaching them, another great man was helping God's people in another way. This man was Nē-he-mī́ ah. He was a nobleman of high rank at the court of the great King Är-tăx̝-e͂rx̝́ ēs̝. Är-tăx̝-e͂rx̝́ ēs̝ reigned after Ä-hăs̝-u-ḗ rŭs, of whom we read in the story of the beautiful Queen Ĕś the͂r.
Nē-he-mī́ ah was the "cup-bearer" to the king of Pe͂ŕ s̝iȧ at Shṳ́ shan. It was his office to take charge of all the wine that was used at the king's table, to pour it out and hand the cup to the king. This was an important office, for he saw the king every day at his meals, and could speak with him, as very few of even the highest princes could speak. Then, too, the life of the king was in his hands, for if he were an enemy he could have allowed poison to be put into the wine to kill the king. So the cup-bearer was always a man whom the king could trust as his friend.
Nē-he-mī́ ah was a Jew, and, like all the Jews, felt a great love for Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm. At one time a Jew named Hā̇-nā́ nī, and certain of his friends who had come from Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, visited Nē-he-mī́ ah. Nē-he-mī́ ah asked them, "How are the Jews̝ in Jē̇-zṳ́ sā̇-lĕm doing? How does the city look?”
And they answered, "The people who are living in the land of Jū-dḗ ȧ are very poor, and are looked down upon by all around them. The wall of Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm is broken down, and its gates have been burned with fire.”
When Nē-he-mī́ ah heard this he was filled with sorrow for his city and his people. After the Jews̝ left him he sat down for days, and would eat nothing. He fasted, and wept, and prayed. He said, "O Lord God of heaven, the great God, who keeps his promises to those who love him and do his will; hear, O Lord, my prayer for the people of Ĭś̝ ra-el, thy servants. We have done very wickedly, O Lord, and because of our sins thou hast scattered us among the nations. Now, O Lord, give me grace this day in the sight of this man, the king of Pe͂ŕ s̝ia, and may the king help me to do good and to help my people in the land of Ĭś̝ ra-el.”
A few days after this Nē-he-mī́ ah was standing beside the king's table, while the king and queen were seated at their meal. As he poured out the wine the king saw that his face was sad, which was not usual, for Nē-he-mī́ ah was of a cheerful spirit, and generally showed a happy face. The king said to him, "Nē-he-mī́ ah, why do you look so sad? You do not seem to be sick. I am sure that there is something that gives you trouble. What is it? Tell me.”
Then Nē-he-mī́ ah was afraid that the king might be displeased with him, but he said, "Let the king live forever! Why should not my face be sad, when the city where my fathers are buried lies waste, with its walls broken down, and its gates burned with fire?”
The king said, "Do you wish to ask of me any favor? Tell me what I can do to help you.”
Then Nē-he-mī́ ah lifted up a silent prayer to God, and said, "May it please the king, I would be glad if you would send me to Jē̇-rṳ́ sa-lem, in the land of Jū́ dah, with an order to build the walls.”
The king said, "How long will the journey be? And when will you come back?”
Nē-he-mī́ ah fixed upon a time, and told the king how long it would be, and he asked also that he might have letters to the men who ruled the different provinces through which he would pass, for them to give him a safe journey; and also a letter to the keeper of the king's forest, to give him wood for the beams of a house which he wished to build, and for repairing the Temple, and for building the wall. The king was kind to Nē-hē-mī́ ah, and he gave him all that he asked.
Nē-he-mī́ ah, with a company of horsemen and many friends, made the long journey of almost a thousand miles to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm. All the people were glad to have a visit from a man of such high rank, and the whole city rejoiced at his coming. But Nē-he-mī́ ah was distressed as he saw how poor and mean and helpless the city lay.
One night, without telling any of the men in the city his purpose, he rose up with a few of his friends, and by the light of the moon rode on his horse around the city. There he saw in how many places the walls were mere heaps of ruins, and gates were broken down and burned. He found great heaps of ashes, and piles of stone, so that in some places his horse could not walk over them. The next day he called together the rulers of the city and the chief priests, and he said to them, "You see how poor and helpless this city lies, without walls, or gates, and open to all its enemies. Come, let us build the wall of Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, so that no longer other people may look upon us with contempt." Then he told them how God had heard his prayer, and had made the king friendly, and had sent gifts to help them. Then the people and the rulers said, "Let us rise up and build the wall!" So at once they began the work. Each family in Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm agreed to build a part of the wall. The high-priest said that he would build one of the gates, and the wall beside it to a certain tower. Some of the rich men built a long space, and others did very little, and some would do nothing. One man built just as much of the wall as would stand in front of his house, and no more, and another man only as much as fronted upon his Own room. One man and his daughters hired workers to build; the goldsmiths built some, and so did the apothecaries, the men who sold medicines; and the merchants built a part. Almost all the men of the city, and some of the women, took part in the building, for the people had a mind to work.
Soon the news went abroad through Jū-dḗ ȧ, and the lands around, that the walls of Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm were rising from their ruins. There were many who were far from pleased as they heard this, for they hated the Jews and their God, and they did not wish to see Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm strong, as it had been of old. The leader of these enemies was a man named Săn-băĺ lat, who came from Sā̇-mā́ rĭ-ȧ, where all the people were jealous of the Jews̝.
"What are these feeble Jews doing?" said Săn-băĺ lat. "Do they intend to make their city strong? Will they pile up stones out of the rubbish of the burned city?”
And his servant Tō̇-bī́ ah was with him, saying, "Why, if a fox should go up, he could break down their little wall!”
The A-rail-wig from the desert, and the Phĭ-lĭś tĭnes̝ from Ăsh́ dŏd on the plain, and the Ăḿ mon-ītes from the east of Jôŕ dan, saw that if the wall should be built they could no more rob and plunder the city. They tried to form an army to come against the city and stop building. But Nē-he-mī́ ah prayed to God for help, and he chose watchmen who should go around the wall, and look out for the coming of the enemies. Half of Nē-he-mī́ ah's men worked on the wall, and the other half held the bows, and spears, and armor of the workers. And in some places a man would hold a spear in one hand while he spread mortar with the other. At other places men worked with their swords hanging at one side, ready for the fight any moment.
Nē-he-mī́ ah rode on his horse around the wall, and his servant walked beside him with a trumpet. He said, "The work is large, And you are apart from each other. Whenever you hear the sound of the trumpet, leave your work, take your arms, and go to the place where it sounds; and there the Lord will fight for us.”
But their enemies were not strong enough to fight the Jews̝; so Săn-băĺ lat, and Tō̇-bī́ ah, and another of their leaders named Ḡḗ shem, sent a letter to Nē-he-mī́ ah, saying, "Come and meet us in one of the villages on the plain near the Great Sea, and let us talk over this matter.”
Now Nē-he-mī́ ah knew that to go to this place and then come back again to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm would take more than a week; and he sent answer thus, "I am doing a great work, and I cannot come down; why should the work stop, while I leave it, to come down and talk with you?”
Over and over again they sent for Nē-he-mī́ ah, but he refused to come. Finally, Săn-băĺ lat sent a letter, with this message:
"It is told among all the people, and Ḡḗ shem says it is a fact, that you are building this city to rebel against the king of Pe͂ŕ s̝ia, and to set up a kingdom of your own. Come now, and let us talk with you, or trouble may come to you.”
Nē-he-mī́ ah wrote back, "You know very well that there is no truth in all these stories. You have made them up yourselves.”
Some of the Jews in the city were friendly to these enemies outside, and these men tried to frighten Nē-he-mī́ ah. One of them made believe that he was a prophet, and said to Nē-he-mī́ ah, "Go into the Temple and hide, for in the night your enemies will come to kill you!”
"Should such a man as I am run away and hide himself?" said Nē-he-mī́ ah. "No; I will not go.”
So earnestly did the men of Jū́ dah work that in fifty-two days after the work was begun it was finished, and the gates were hung, and guards were placed within, so that no enemies might enter. Thus Jē̇-rṳ́ sa-lĕm began to rise from its weakness and helplessness, and once more to be a strong city.

Story Eighteen

Neh. 8:1, to 13:31; Mal. 1:1, to 4:6
WHEN the wall of Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm was finished, Nē-he-mī́ ah called together all the Jews̝ from the villages and cities in the land to meet in Jē̇-rṳ́ sa-lĕm. They met, a great company with their wives and children, in an open place before the Temple. Ĕź rȧ, the good priest and scribe, who had wrought so great a work in bringing together and writing the books of the Old Testament, was in the city at that time: They asked Ĕź rȧ to being the book, and to read the law of the Lord to the people.
He came, carrying with him the great rolls upon which the law was written, and stood up on a pulpit which they had built, where all the people could see him; and with Ezra were men whom he had taught in the law, so that they could teach it to others.
When Ĕź rȧ, stood up in the pulpit, above the heads of the people, and unrolled the scroll, all the people, who had been sitting upon the ground, rose up, while Ĕź rȧ gave thanks to the Lord, who had given to them his law. Then the people said "Amen!" with a loud voice, and they bowed until their heads touched the ground, and worshipped.
Then Ĕź rȧ began to read in the book, aloud, so that as many as possible could hear. But as the people did not all understand the old Hḗ brew tongue in which the book was written, men were chosen to stand by Ĕź rȧ; and as he read each sentence, these men explained it to the people, while all the people stood listening. So, as Ĕź rȧ, read, these men told its meaning, so that the people could understand the word of the Lord.
Many of the people had never heard God's law read before, and they wept as they listened to it But Nē-he-mī́ ah, who was there as the ruler, said to them, "This day is holy to the Lord; do not mourn nor weep, but rather be glad, and eat and drink, and send gifts of food to those who are in need, for you are strong in the Lord, and should be joyful.”
And the Lḗ vītes quieted the people, saying, "Hold your peace, for the day is holy. Do not weep, but be glad in the Lord.”
And all the people went home to feast and to be glad, because they could hear and understand the words of God's law.
After this another meeting was held, and the people confessed their sins before God, and the sins of their fathers in forsaking God's law,' and in not doing his will. And all the people made a solemn promise that they would keep God's law, and would do his will; that they would be God's people, and no more give their sons to marry women who did not worship the Lord; that they would keep holy God's day, the Sabbath; and they would give to the Lord's house for all the offerings. And they wrote the promise on a roll, and all the princes and rulers and priests signed it, and placed their seals upon it.
Nē-he-mī́ ah had now finished the work for which he had made the long journey to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇ lĕm. He went back to Shṳ́ shan, and stood once more in his place, pouring the wine at the king's table. But after some years he came again to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm. He found that not all the people had fulfilled their promises to serve the Lord, and especially, that the Sabbath-day was not kept as it should be. People were treading wine-presses, and bringing into the city loads of grain, and selling wine, and grapes and figs, on the Sabbath-day. And men from the city of Tyre, beside the Great Sea, who were not worshippers of the Lord, brought in fish, and sold them on the Sabbath. When Nē-he-mī́ ah saw all these evils, he was greatly displeased, and said to the rulers of the city, "Why do you allow these evil things to be done, and the Sabbath-day to be broken? Were not these the very things that made God angry with our fathers, so that he let this city be destroyed? Will you bring God's anger upon us again by doing such things on God's holy day?”
Then Nē-he-mī́ ah gave orders that before the sun set on the evening before the Sabbath the gates of the city should be shut, and not opened until the morning after the Sabbath was over. The men came with their things to be sold, and waited outside. for the gates to be opened. Nē-he-mī́ ah looked over the wall, and saw them, and said to them, "What are you doing here? If you come here again on the Sabbath, I will put you in prison!”
Then they went away, and came no more upon the holy day. By such strong acts as these Nē-he-mī́ ah led the people to a more faithful service of the Lord. And after this Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm grew large and strong, and was full of people. And Jews̝ from other lands began to come to live in the land, until it was once more filled with cities and towns; and the hills over all the land were covered with vineyards and oliveyards, and the plains were waving with fields of grain.
A little after the time of Ĕź rȧ and Nē-he-mī́ ah, Măĺ chī arose as the last of the prophets of the Old Testament.
"Thus saith the Lord, Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me. And the Lord shall suddenly come to his Temple; behold, he cometh, saith the Lord. Behold, I will send you Ē̇-lī́ jah, the prophet, before the great day of the Lord shall come. And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers.”
And with these words the Old Testament ends.
Lesson 44. The end of the Old Testament.
(Tell Stories 16, 17 and 18 in Part Fifth.)
1. What good man came to Jerusalem soon after the time of Queen Esther? Ezra the scribe.
2. What was a scribe among the Jews? One who wrote copies of God's laws.
3. What great work did Ezra do? He brought together the books of the Old Testament.
4. What did Ezra, do at Jerusalem? He taught the people to obey God's law.
5. What other good man came while Ezra was at Jerusalem? Nehemiah.
6. What did Nehemiah do? He helped the people to build a wall around the city.
7. Why did they need a wall around the city? To make it strong against enemies.
8. What was done at a great meeting of the people when the wall was finished? The law was read to the people.
9. Who was the last prophet of the Old Testament? Malachi.
Lesson 45. Review of Jewish People.
1. How many kings reigned over Judah? Nineteen kings and one queen.
2. Who was the first king of Judah? Rehoboam.
3. Who was the greatest king? Jehoshaphat.
4. Who was the youngest when he became king? Nash.
5. Who was the best of the kings? Hezekiah.
6. What prophet saw the Lord in the temple?
7. What young king chose the Lord and followed him? Josiah.
8. Who was the last king of Judah? Zedekiah.
9. To what land were the people of Judah carried as captives? To Babylonia
10. What prophet saw the vision of the valley of dry bones? Ezekiel
11. What prophet lived in the palace of the king of Babylon?
12. Who was the great king of Babylon? Nebuchadnezzar.
13. What king of Babylon saw the hand writing on the wall? Belshazzar.
14. Who was kept alive when thrown into a den of lions? Daniel.
15. How long were the Jews captives in Babylon? Seventy years.
16. Who allowed the Jews to go back to their own land? Urns.
17. What queen saved the lives of her people? Esther.
18. Who read the law of God to the people in Jerusalem?
19. Who helped the Jews to build a wall around the city? Nehemiah.
20. Who was the last prophet of the Old Testament? Malachi.

Part Sixth


Story One

Luke 1:1 to 80
AT the time when the story of the New Testament began, the land of Ĭś̝ ra-el, called also the land of Jū-dé ȧ, was ruled by a king named Hĕŕ od. He was the first of several Hĕŕ ods, who at different times ruled either the whole of the land, or parts of it.
But Hĕŕ od was not the highest ruler. Many years before this time, the Rṓ mans, who came from the city of Rome in Italy, had won all the lands around the Great Sea, the sea which we call the Med-ĭ-ter-rā́ nē-an; and above King Hĕŕ od of Jū-dḗ ȧ was the great king at Rome, who was called "Emperor," ruling over all the lands, and over the land of Jū-dḗ ȧ among them. So Hĕŕ od, though king of Jū-dḗ ȧ, obeyed his over-lord, the emperor at Rome. At the time when this story began, the emperor at Rome was named A̤u-gŭś tus Cǽ s̝ar.
At this time the land where the Jews lived was full of people. Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm was its largest city, and in Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm was standing the Temple of the Lord, which King Hĕŕ od had begun to build anew, taking the place of the old Temple built in the time of Zē̇-rub́̄ ba-bĕl, which had long needed repair. There were also many other large cities besides Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm. In the south was Hḗ bron, among the mountains; on the shore of the Great Sea were Gā́ zȧ, and Jŏṕ pȧ, and Cæs-a-rḗ a. In the middle of the land were Shḗ chem and Sā̇-mā́ rĭ-a; and in the north were Năź a-rĕth and Cā́ nȧ; down by the shore of the Sea of Găĺ-ĭ-lee were Tī-bḗ rĭ-as, and Ca-pe͂ŕ na-ŭm, and Bĕth-sā́ ĭ-dȧ. Far up in the north, at the foot of snowy Mount Hḗ bron, was another Cæs-a-rḗ a; but so that it might not be confused with Cæs-a-rḗ a upon the sea-coast, this city was called Cæs-a-rḗ ȧ-Phĭ-lĭṕ pī, or "Phĭĺ ip's Cæs-a-rḗ ȧ," from the name of one of Hĕŕ od's sons.
One day, an old priest named Zăch-a-rī́ as was leading the service of worship in the Temple. He was standing in front of the golden altar of incense, in the Holy Place, and was holding in his hand a censor or cup full of burning coals and incense; while all the people were worshipping in the court of the Temple, outside the court of the priests, where the great altar of burnt-offering stood.
Suddenly Zăch-a-rī́ as saw an angel from the Lord, standing on the right side of the altar of incense. He felt a great fear when he saw this strange being, with shining face; but the angel said to him:
"Do not be afraid, Zăch-a-rī́ as; for I have come from the Lord to bring you good news. Your wife Ē̇-lĭś̝ a-bĕth shall have a son, and you shall name him Jŏhn. You shall be made glad, for your son Jŏhn shall being joy and gladness to many. He shall be great in the sight of the Lord; and he shall never taste wine nor strong drink as long as he lives; but he shall be filled with God's Holy Spirit. He shall lead many of the people of Ĭś̝ ra-el to the Lord, for he shall go before the Lord in the power of Ē̇-lī́ jah the prophet, as was promised by Măĺ a-chī, the last of the old prophets (see the last Story). He shall turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and those who are disobeying the Lord to do his will.”
As Zăch-a-rī́ as heard these words, he was filled with wonder, and could hardly believe them true. He was now an old man, and his wife Ē̇-lĭś̝ a-bĕth was also old; so that they could not expect to have a child. He said to the angel.
"How shall I know that your words are true, for I am an old man, and my wife is old?”
"I am Gā́ brĭ-el, that stand in the presence of God," said the angel, "and I was sent from the Lord to speak to you, and to bring you this good news. But because you did not believe my words, you shall become dumb, and shall not be able to speak until this which I have said comes to pass.”
All this time, the people outside, in the court, were wondering why the priest stayed so long in the Temple. When at last he came out, they found that he could not speak a word; but he made signs to them, to tell them that he had seen a vision in the Temple.
After the days of his service were over, Zăch-a-rī́ as went to his own home, which was near Hḗ bron, a city of the priests, among the mountains in the south of Jū-dḗ ȧ. When his wife Ē̇-liś̝ a-bĕth found that God was soon to give her a child, she was very happy, End praised the Lord. About six months after Zăch-a-rī́ as saw the vision in the Temple, the same angel Gā́ brĭ-el was sent from the Lord to a city in the part of the land called Găĺ ĭ-lee, which was in the north. The city to which the angel was sent was Năź a-rĕth.
There the angel found a young girl named Mā́ ry̆, who was a cousin to Ē̇-lĭś̝ a-bĕth. Mā́ ry̆ was soon to be married to a good man who had sprung from the line of King Dā́ vid, though he was not himself a king, or a rich man. He was a carpenter or wood-worker, living in Năź a-rĕth, and his name was Jṓ s̝eph. The angel came into the room where Mā́ ry̆ was, and said to her:
"Hail, woman favored by the Lord; the Lord is with you!" Mā́ ry̆ was surprised at the angel's words, and wondered what they could mean. Then the angel spoke again, and said:
"Do not be afraid, Mā́ ry̆. The Lord has given to you his favor, and has chosen you to be the mother of a son whose name shall be Jesus, which means 'salvation,' because he shall save his people from their sins. He shall be great; and shall be called the Son of God; and the Lord shall give to him the throne of his father Dā́ vid. He shall be a king; and shall reign over the people of God forever, and of his kingdom there shall be no end.”
But Mā́ ry̆ could not see how all this was to come to pass. And the angel said to her:
"The Holy Spirit shall come upon you, and the power of the Most High God shall be over you; and the holy child which you shall have shall be called the Son of God.”
Then the angel told Mā́ ry̆ that her cousin Ē̇-lĭś̝ a-bĕth was soon to have a child, through the power of the Lord. And when Mā́ ry̆ heard all this she said, "I am the servant of the Lord, to do his will. Let it be to me as you have said.”
When the angel had given his message and had gone away, Mā́ ry̆ rose up in haste, and made a journey to the home of Zăch-a-rī́ as and E-lĭś̝ a-bĕth, eighty miles away in the south country. When E-lĭś̝ a-bĕth saw Mā́ ry̆, she was filled with the Spirit of the Lord, and said, "Blessed are you among women, and blessed among men shall be your son! And why is it that the mother of my Lord comes to visit me? Blessed is the woman who believed that the promise of the Lord to her shall be made true!”
Then Mā́ ry̆ was filled with the Spirit of the Lord, and broke out into a song of praise. She stayed with Ē̇-lĭś̝ a-bĕth for nearly three months, and then went again to her own home at Năź a-rĕth.
As the angel had said, to the aged woman Ē̇-lĭś̝ a-bĕth was given a son. They were going to name him Zăch-a-rī́ as, after his father. But his mother said, "No, his name shall be Ran.”
"Why," they said, "none of your family have ever been named John.”
They asked his father Zăch-a-rī́ as, by signs, what name he wished to be given to the child. He asked for something to write upon; and when they brought it, he wrote, "His name is Jŏhn.”
Then all at once the power to hear and to speak came back to Zăch-a-rī́as. He spoke, praising and blessing God; and he sang a song of thanks to God, in which he said:
"You, O child, shall be called a prophet of the Most High; to go before the Lord, and to make ready his ways.”
When Jŏhn was growing up, they sent him out into the desert on the south of the land, and there he stayed until the time came for him to preach to the people, for this child became the great prophet Jŏhn the Băṕ tĭst.
Lesson 1. The Angel by the Altar and in Nazareth.
(Tell Story 1 of Part 6, in "Hurlbut's Story of the Bible.")
1. What angel was sent by God to Jerusalem? The angel Gabriel.
2. To whom was the angel Gabriel sent? To a priest named Zacharias.
3. What did the angel tell Zacharias? That his wife should have a son.
4. What was the name of the wife of Zacharias? Elisabeth.
5. What name was to be given to this son promised to Zacharias and Elisabeth? The name of John.
6. For what did the angel say that John, when he grew up, should make the people ready? For the coming of the Lord.
7. To what city was the angel Gabriel sent after this? To the city of Nazareth.
8. To whom did the angel speak in Nazareth? To a young woman named Mary.
9. What did the angel tell Mary? That she should have a son.
10. What name was to be given to her son? The name Jesus.
11. Where did John, the son of Zacharias and Elisabeth, live while he was a boy? In the desert.

Story Two

Matt. 1:18 to 25; Luke 2:1 to 39
SOON after the time when Jŏhn the Băṕ tĭst was born, Jṓ s̝eph, the carpenter of Năź a-rĕth, the husband of Mā́ ry̆, had a dream. In his dream he saw an angel from the Lord standing beside him. The angel said to him:
"Jṓ s̝eph, I have come to tell you, that Mā́ ry̆, the young woman whom you are to marry, will have a son, sent by the Lord God. You shall call his name Jesus, which means 'salvation,' because he shall save his people from their sins.”
Jṓ s̝eph knew from this that this coming child was to be the King of Ĭś̝ ra-el, of whom the prophets of the Old Testament had spoken so many times.
Soon after Jṓ s̝eph and Mā́ ry̆ were married in Năź a-rĕth, a command went forth from the emperor, A̤u-gŭś tus Cǽ s̝ar, through all the lands of the Roman empire, for all the people to go to the cities and towns from which their families had come, and there to have their names written down upon a list, for the emperor wished a list to be made of all the people under his rule. As both Jṓ s̝eph and Mā́ ry̆ had come from the family of Dā́ vid the king, they went together from Năź a-rĕth to Bĕth́ lĕ-hĕm, there to have their names written upon the list. For you remember that Bĕth́ lĕ-hĕm in Jū-dḗ ȧ, six miles south of Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, was the place where Dā́ vid was born, and where his father's family had lived for many years (see Story Four in Part Third).
It was a long journey from Năź a-rĕth to Bĕth́ lĕ-hĕm; down the mountains to the river Jôŕ dan, then following the Jôŕ dan almost to its end, and then climbing the mountains of Jū́ dah to the town of Bĕth́ lĕ-hĕm. When Jṓ s̝eph and Mā́ry came to Bĕth́-lĕ-hĕm they found the city full of people who, like themselves, had tome to have their names enrolled or written upon the list. The inn or hotel was fur, and there was no room for them; for no one but themselves knew that this young woman was soon to be the mother of the Lord of all the earth. The best that they could do was to go to a stable, where the cattle were kept. There the little baby was born, and was laid in a manger, where the cattle were fed.
On that night some shepherds were tending their sheep in a field near Bĕth́ lĕ-hĕm. Suddenly a great light shone upon them, and they saw an angel of the Lord standing before them. They were filled with fear, as they saw how glorious the angel was. But the angel said to them:
"Be not afraid; for behold I bring you news of great joy, which shall be to all the people; for there is born to you this day in Bĕth́ lĕ-hĕm, the city of Dā́ vid, a Savior who is Christ the Lord, the anointed king. You may see him there; and may know him by this sign: He is a new-born baby, lying in a manger at the inn.”
And then they saw that the air around and the sky above them were filled with angels, praising God and singing:
"Glory to God in the highest. And on earth peace among men in whom God is well pleased.”
While they looked with wonder, and listened, the angels went out of sight as suddenly as they had come. Then the shepherds said, one to another:
"Let us go at once to Bĕth́ lĕ-hĕm, and see this wonderful thing that has come to pass, and which the Lord has made known to us.”
Then as quickly as they could go to Bĕth́ lĕ-hĕm, they went, and found Jṓ s̝eph, the carpenter of Năź a-rĕth, and his young wife Mā́ ry̆, and the little baby lying in the manger. They told Mā́ ry̆, and Jṓ s̝eph and others also, how they had seen the angels, and what they had heard about this baby. All who heard their story wondered at it; but Mā́ ry̆, the mother of the child, said nothing. She thought over all these things, and silently kept them in her heart. After their visit, the shepherds went back to their flocks, praising God for the good news that he had sent to them.
When the little one was eight days old they gave him a name; and the name given was "Jesus," a word which means "salvation"; as the angel had told both Mā́ ry̆ and Jṓ s̝eph that he should be named. So the very name of this child told what he should do for men; for he was to bring salvation to the world.
It was the law among the Jews̝ that after the first child was born in a family, he should be brought to the Temple; and there an offering should be made for him to the Lord, to show that this child was the Lord's. A rich man would offer a lamb, but a poor man might give a pair of young pigeons, for the sacrifice. On the day when Jesus was forty days old, Jṓ s̝eph and Mā́ ry̆ brought him to the Temple; and as Jṓ s̝eph the carpenter was not a rich man, they gave for the child as an offering a pair of young pigeons.
At that time there was living in Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm a man of God named Sĭḿ e-on. The Lord had spoken to Sĭḿ e-on, and had said to him that he should not die until the Anointed King should come, whom they called "the Christ," for the word Christ means "anointed." On a certain day the Spirit of the Lord told Sĭḿ e-on to go to the Temple. He went, and was there when Jṓ s̝eph and Mā́ ry̆ brought the little child Jesus. The Spirit of the Lord said to Sĭḿ e-on:
"This little one is the promised Christ.”
Then Sĭḿ e-on took the baby in his arms and praised the Lord, and said
"Now, O Lord, thou mayest let thy servant depart,
According to thy word in peace,
For my eyes have seen thy salvation.
Which thou hast given before all the peoples
A light to give light to the nations,
And the glory of thy people Ĭś̝ ra-el.”
When Jṓ s̝eph and Mā́ ry̆ heard this, they wondered greatly. Sĭḿ e-on gave to them a blessing in the name of the Lord; and he said to Mā́ ry̆, "This little one shall cause many in Ĭś̝ ra-el to fall, and to rise again. Many shall speak against him; and sorrow like a sword shall pierce your heart also.”
You know how this came to pass afterward, when Mā́ ry̆ saw her son dying on the cross. While Sĭḿ e-on was speaking, a very old 'Woman came in. Her name was Ăń nȧ, and God spoke to her as to a prophet. She stayed almost all the time in the Temple, worshipping God day and night. She, too, saw, through the Spirit of the Lord, that this little child was Christ the Lord, and gave thanks to God for his grace.
Thus early in the life of Jesus God showed to a few that this little child should become the Savior of his people and of the world.
Lesson 2. The Stable and Shepherds.
(Tell Story 2 in Part Sixth.)
1. Who was the husband of Mary, the young woman in Nazareth to whom the angel came? A man named Joseph.
2. To what place did Joseph and Joseph go? To Bethlehem, near Jerusalem.
3. Where was the child of Mary born? In a stable in Bethlehem.
4. What name was given to this child? The name Je'sus.
5. What does the word Je'sus mean? It means "salvation.”
6. Why was this name given to this child? Because he is the Savior of the world.
7. To what people were brought the first news that the Savior had come? To shepherds near Bethlehem.
8. What did the shepherds do as soon as they heard the news? They went to Bethlehem and saw the little child and his mother.
9. Who saw the child when he was brought into the Temple, knew that he was the Savior, and took him up in his arms? Simeon.
10. What woman also saw the child and gave thanks to God? Anna.

Story Three

Matt. 2:1 to 23
FOR some time after Jesus was born, Jṓ s̝eph and Mā́ ry̆ stayed with him in Bĕth́ lĕ-hĕm. The little baby was not kept long in the stable, sleeping in the manger; for after a few days they found room in a house; and there another visit was made to Jesus by strange men from a land far away.
In a country east of Jū-dḗ ȧ, and many miles distant, were living some very wise men, who studied the stars. One night they saw a strange star shining in the sky; and in some way they learned that the coming of the star meant that a king was soon to be born in the land of Jū-dḗ ȧ. These men felt a call of God to go to Jū-dḗ ȧ, far to the west of their own home, and there to see this new-born king, They took a long journey, with camels and horses, and at last they came to the land of Jū-dḗ ȧ, just at the time when Jū-dḗ ȧ was born at Bĕth́ lĕ-hĕm. As soon as they were in Jū-dḗ ȧ they supposed that everyone would know all about the king; and they said:
"Where is he that is born the King of the Jews? In the east we have seen his star; and we have come to worship him.”
But no one of whom they asked had ever seen this king or had heard of him. The news of their coming was sent to Hĕŕ od, the king, who was now a very old man. He ruled the land of Jū-dḗ ȧ, as you know, under the emperor at Rome, A̤u-gŭś tus Cǽ s̝ar. (See Story One of this Part.) Hĕŕ od was a very wicked man; and when he heard of someone born to be a king he feared that he might lose his own kingdom.
He made up his mind to kill this new king, and thus to keep his own power. He sent for the priests and scribes, the men who studied and taught the books of the Old Testament, and asked them about this Christ for whom all the people were looking. He said, "Can you tell me where Christ, the King of Ĭś̝ ra-el is to be born?" They looked at the books of the prophets, and then they said, "He is to be born in Bĕth́ lĕ-hĕm of Jū-dḗ ȧ; for thus it is written by the prophet, 'And thou, Bĕth́ le-hĕm, in the land of Jū́ dah, art not the least among the princes of Jū́ dah; for out of 'thee shall come forth one who shall rule my people Ĭś̝ ra-el."'
Then Hĕŕ od sent for the wise men from the east, and met them alone, and found from them at what time the star was first seen. Then he said to them:
"Go to Bĕth́ lĕ-hĕm, and there search carefully for the little child; and when you have found him bring me word again, so that I also may come and worship him.”
Then the wise men went on their way toward Bĕth́ lĕ-hĕm, and suddenly they saw the star again shining upon the road before them. At this they were glad, and followed the star until it led them to the very house where the little child was. They came in, and there they saw the little one, with Mā́ ry̆ its mother. They knew at once that this was the King, and they fell down on their faces and worshipped him as the Lord. Then they brought out gifts of gold and precious perfumes, frankincense and myrrh, which were used in offering sacrifices, and they gave them as presents to the royal child.
That night God sent a dream to the wise men, telling them not to go batik to Hĕŕ od, but to go home at once to their own land by another way. They obeyed the Lord, and found another road to their own country without passing through Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, where Hĕŕ od was living. So Hĕŕ od could not learn from these men who the child was that was born to be a king.
And very soon after these wise men had gone away the Lord sent another dream to Jṓ s̝eph, the husband of Mary. He saw an angel, who spoke to him, saying:
"Rise up quickly; take the little child and his mother, and go down to the land of Ḗ ġy̆pt; for Hĕŕ od will try to find the little child, to kill him.”
Then, at once, Jṓ s̝eph rose up in the night, without waiting even for the morning. He took his wife and her baby, and quietly and quickly went with them down to Ḗ ġy̆pt, which was on the southwest of Jū-dḗ ȧ. There they all stayed in safety as long as the wicked King Herod lived, which was not many months.
King Hĕŕ od waited for the wise men to come back to him from their visit to Bĕth́ lĕ-hĕm; but he soon found that they had gone to their home without bringing to him any word. Then Hĕŕ od was very angry. He sent out his soldiers to Bĕth́ lĕ-hĕm. They came, and by the cruel king's command they seized all the little children in Bĕth́ lĕ-hĕm who were three years old, or younger, and killed them all. What a cry went up to God from the mothers of Bĕth́ lĕ-hĕm as their children were torn from their arms and slain! But all this time the child Jesus, whom they were seeking, was safe with his mother in the land of Ḗ ġy̆pt.
Soon after this King Hĕŕ od died, a very old man, cruel to the last. Then the angel of the Lord came again and spoke to Jṓ s̝eph in a dream, saying:
"You may now take the young child back to his own land, for the king who sought to kill him is dead.”
Then Jṓ seph took his wife and the little child Jesus, and started to go again to the land of Jū-dḗ ȧ. Perhaps it was his thought to go again to Bĕth́ lĕ-hĕm, the city of Dā́ vid, and there bring up the child. But he heard that in that part of the land Är-chĕ-lā́ us was now ruling, who was a son of Hĕŕ od, and as wicked and cruel as his father. He feared to go under his rule, and instead took his wife and the child to Năź a-rĕth, which had been his own home and that of Mā́ ry̆ his wife, before the child was born.
Năź a-rĕth was in the part of the land called Găĺ ĭ-lee, which at that time was ruled by another son of King Hĕŕ od, a king named Hĕŕ od He was not a good man, but was not so cruel nor bloody as his wicked father had been.
So again Jṓ s̝eph the carpenter, and Mā́ ry̆ his wife, were living in Năź a-rĕth. And there they stayed for many years while Jesus was growing up. Jesus was not the only child in their house, for other sons and daughters were given to them.
Lesson 3. The Wise Men and the Star.
(Tell Story 3 in Part Sixth.)
1. What men from a distant land came to see Je'sus? Wise men from the east.
2. What led them on their journey to the land where Jesus was born? A star in the sky.
3. What question did the wise men ask? “Where is he that is born King of the Jews?”
4. Of whom did they ask this question? Of Herod the king.
5. To which place did Herod send them? To Bethlehem.
6. What did they find in Bethlehem? The little child and his mother.
7. What did they do when they saw the child? They gave him rich gifts.
8. What did an angel tell Joseph to do after the wise men had gone away? To take the child to Egypt.
9. Why must the child be taken to Egypt? To save his life from King Herod.
10. How long did Joseph, and Mary, and the child Je'sus stay in Egypt? Until King Herod died.
11. Where did Joseph and Mary take the child Je'sus from Egypt? To Nazareth.

Story Four

Luke 2:40 to 52
JESUS was brought to Năź a-rĕth when he was a little child not more than three years old there he grew up as a boy and a young man; and there he lived until he was thirty years of age. We should like to know many things about his boyhood, but the Bible tells us very little. As Jṓ s̝eph was a workingman, it is likely that he lived in a house with only one room, with no floor except the earth, no' window except a hole in the wall, no pictures upon the walls, and neither bedstead, nor chair, nor looking-glass. They sat upon the floor, or upon cushions; they slept upon rolls of matting; and their meals were taken from a low table, not much larger than a stool.
Jesus may have learned to read at the village school, which was generally held in the house used for worship, called the "synagogue." The lessons were from rolls on which were written parts of the Old Testament; but Je'sus never had a Bible of his own. From the time when he was a child he went with Joseph to the worship in the synagogue twice every week. There they sat on the floor, and heard the Old Testament read and explained; while Mā́ ry̆ and the younger sisters of Jesus listened from a gallery behind a lattice-screen. The Jeẃ ĭsh boys of that time were taught to know almost the whole of the Old Testament by heart.
It was the custom for the Jews from all parts of the land to go up to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm to worship at least once every year at the feast of the Passover, which was held in the spring. Some families also stayed to the feast of Pentecost, which was fifty days after Passover; and some went again in the fall to the feast of Tabernacles, when for a week all the families slept out of doors under roofs made of green twigs and bushes. When Jesus was a boy twelve years old he was taken up to the feast of the Passover, and then for the first time he saw the holy city Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm and the Temple of the Lord on Mount Mō̇-rī́ ah. Young as he was, his soul was stirred as he walked among the courts of the Temple, and saw the altar with its smoking sacrifice, the priests in their white robes, and the Lḗ vītes with their silver trumpets. Though a boy, Jesus began to feel that he was the Son of God, and that this was his Father's house.
His heart was so filled with the worship of the Temple, with the words of the scribes or teachers whom he heard in the courts, and with his own thoughts, that when it was time to go home to Năź a-rĕth he stayed behind, held fast by his love for the house of the Lord. The company of people who were traveling together was large, and at first he was not missed. But when night came and the boy Jesus could not be found, his mother was alarmed.
The next day Jṓ s̝eph and Mā́ ry̆ left their company and hastened back to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lem. They did not at first think to go to the Temple. They sought him among their friends' and kindred who were living in the city, but could not find him.
On the third day they went up to the Temple with heavy hearts, still looking for their boy. And there they found him, sitting in a company of the teachers of the law, listening to their words and asking them questions. Everybody who stood near was surprised to find how deep was the knowledge of this boy in the word of the Lord.
His mother spoke to him a little sharply, for she felt that her son had not been thoughtful of his duty. She said:
"Child, why have you treated us in this way? Do you not know that your father and I have been looking for you with troubled hearts?”
"Why did you seek for me?" said Jesus. "Did you not know that I must be in my Father's house?”
They did not understand these words, but Mā́ ry̆ thought often about them afterward, for she felt that her son was no common child and that his words had a deep meaning. Though Jesus was wise beyond his years, he obeyed Jṓ s̝eph and his mother in all things. He went with them to Năź a-rĕth, and lived contented with the plain life of their country home.
As the years went on Jesus grew from a boy to a young man. He grew, too, in knowledge, and in wisdom, and in the favor of God. He won the love of all who knew him, for there was something in his nature that drew all hearts, both young and old.
Jesus learned the trade of a carpenter or worker in wood with Jṓ s̝eph; and when Jō̝ s̝eph died, while Jesus was still a young man, Jesus, as the oldest son, took up the care of his mother and his younger brothers and sisters. And so in the work of the carpenter's shop and the quiet life of a country village, and the worship of the synagogue, the years passed until Jesus was thirty years of age.
Lesson 4. The Boy Jesus.
(Tell Story 4 in Part Sixth.)
1. Where did Je'sus live while he was a boy? In Nazareth.
2. To what city was he taken when twelve years old? To Jerusalem.
3. What place did the boy Jesus visit in Jerusalem? The Temple.
4. What did Je'sus do when Joseph and Mary left Jerusalem to go home to Nazareth? He stayed in Jerusalem.
5. How long was it before Mary and Joseph found the boy Jesus? Three days.
6. Where did they find him? In the Temple.
7. What was Jesus doing in the Temple? Talking with the teachers of the Bible.
8. What is said of Jesus as a boy? He was wise, and good, and loved by all.
9. How long did Jesus live in Nazareth? Until he was thirty years old.
10. At what trade did Jesus work when he became a man? As a carpenter.

Story Five

Matthew 3:1 to 17; Mark 1:1 to 11; Luke 3:1 to 22
WE come now to a time when Jesus, the son of Mā́ ry̆ was a young man about thirty years of age. Jŏhn, the son of the old priest Zăch-a-rī́ as, was six months older, but these two young men had never met, for one was in the north at Năź a-rĕth, and the other was living in the desert on the south of Jū-dḗ a.
Suddenly the news went through all the land of Ĭś̝ ra-el that a prophet had risen up and was giving to the people the word of the Lord. It was more than four hundred years since God had sent a prophet to his people; and when it was known that again a man was speaking what God had told him, and not what he had learned by studying the old writings, a thrill went through the hearts of all the people. From all parts of the land, out of cities and villages, people poured forth to the wild region beside the river Jôŕ dan, where the new prophet was preaching the word of the Lord.
This prophet was Jŏhn, the son of Zăch-a-rī́ as. He lived in the wilderness, where he was alone with God and listened to God's voice. Then he spoke to the people the words that God had given to him. In his looks and dress John was not like other men. His garment was made of rough cloth woven from camel's hair; around his waist was a girdle of skin; and the food which he ate was dried locusts and the wild honey from the trees. And this was his message, "Turn from sin to doing right, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand, and the King is soon to come." The people came to hear his words, and when they asked him, "What shall we do?" Jŏhn said to them, He that has two coats, let him give to him that has none; and he that has food, more than he needs, let him give to him that is hungry.”
The men who gathered the taxes, and were called publicans, asked of Jŏhn, "Master, what shall we do?" And John answered them, "Do not cheat the people, nor rob them, nor take more money than the law tells you to take from them.”
And when the soldiers came to him, he said to them, "Do not harm anyone, nor bring false charges against any; and be content with the wages that are paid to you.”
There came to Jŏhn some people who were called Phaŕ ĭ-sees̝. These men made a great show of being good, and of worshipping often, and of keeping the law of Mṓ s̝es̝. But in their hearts they were evil, and their goodness was not real. Jŏhn said to these men when he saw them, "O ye brood of vipers! Who has told you to escape from the wrath of God that is soon to come? Turn from your sins to God, and do right. And do not say to yourselves, ‘Ā́ bră-hăm is our father,' for God is able out of these stones to raise up children to Ā́ bră-hăm.”
When men who heard the words of Jŏhn wished to give themselves up to serve God and to do his will, Jŏhn baptized them in the river Jôŕ dan, as a sign that their sins were washed away. And because of this he was called "Jŏhn the Băṕ tĭst." Some of the people began to ask, "Is not this man the Christ whom God promised long ago to send to rule over the people?”
Jŏhn heard this, and he said, "I baptize you with water, but there is one coming after me who is greater than I. He shall baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire. He is so high above me that I am not worthy even to stoop down and untie the strings of his shoes. This mighty one who is coming shall sift out the wheat from the chaff among the people. The wheat he will gather into his garner, but the chaff he will burn up with fire that no man can put out.”
Nearly all the people in the land came to hear Jŏhn in the wilderness, and were baptized by him. Among the last who came was Jesus, the young carpenter from Năź a-rĕth. When Jŏhn saw Jesus something within told Jŏhn that here was one greater and holier than himself. He said to Jesus, "I have need to be baptized by thee, and comest thou to me?”
Jesus answered him, "Let it be so now, for it is fitting that I should do all things that are right.”
Then Jŏhn baptized Jesus, as he had baptized others. And as Jesus came up out of the water, and was praying, Jŏhn saw above the head of Jesus the heavens opening, and the Holy Spirit coming down like a dove and lighting upon him. And Jŏhn heard from heaven a voice saying:
"This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”
And then Jŏhn knew and told to others that this was the Son of God, the Christ whom God had promised to send to the people.
Lesson 5. John the Baptist.
(Tell Story 5 in Part Sixth.)
1. When Jesus was a young man in Nazareth who began to preach? John the son of Zacharias.
2. Where did John preach? In the desert near the river Jordan.
3. Who went to hear John preach? All the people of the land.
4. What did John tell the people to do? To turn from sin and serve God.
5. Who did John say was soon to come? One greater than himself.
6. What did John do to those who were willing to serve God? He baptized them in the river Jordan.
7. By what name was John called? John the Baptist.
8. Who came to be baptized by John the Baptist? Jesus of Nazareth.
9. What took place when Jesus was baptized? The Spirit of God came upon Him.
10. What voice was heard from heaven? "This is my beloved Son."
11. What did this mean? That Jesus was the Son of God,

Story Six

Matt. 4:1 to 11; Mark 1:12, 13; Luke 4:1 to 13; John 1:29 to 51
FROM the earliest years of Jesus the Holy Spirit of God was with him, growing as he grew. And in the hour when he was baptized and the form of a dove was seen hovering over him, Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit as no man before him had been filled, for he was the Son of God. At that hour he knew more fully than he had ever known before the work that he should do to save men. The Spirit of God sent Jesus into the desert, there to be for a time alone with God and to plan out his work for men.
So earnest was the thought of Jesus in the desert, so full was his union with God, that for forty days he never once ate anything, or felt any wish for food. But when the forty days were ended, then suddenly hunger came upon him, and he felt faint and starving, as any other man would feel who had fasted for so long a time.
At that moment Sā́ tan, the evil spirit, came to Jesus, just as he comes to us, and put a thought into his mind. It was this thought:
"If you are the Son of God, you can do whatever you please, and can have whatever you wish. Why do you not command that these stones be turned into loaves of bread for you to eat?”
Jesus knew that he could do this, but he knew also that this power had been given to him, not for himself, but that he might help others. He said to the evil spirit, "It is written in God's book, `Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that cometh out of the mouth of God."'
Then the evil spirit led Jesus to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, the holy city, and brought him to the top of a high tower on the Temple, and said to him, "Now show all the people that you are the Son of God by throwing yourself down to the ground. You know that it is written in the book of Psalms, 'He shall give his angels charge over thee; and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone.'”
But Jesus knew that this would not be right, for it would be done not to please God, but to show himself before men and as a trial of God's power, when God himself had not commanded it. He answered, "It is written again, 'Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.'”
Again the evil spirit tried to lead Jesus into doing wrong, as he leads us all. He led him to the top of a high mountain, and caused a vision of all the kingdoms of the world and their glory to stand before the eyes of Jesus. Then he said, "All these shall be yours; you shall be the king of all the earth if you will only fall down and worship me.”
Then Jesus said to him, "Leave me, Sā́ tan, thou evil spirit! For it is written, 'Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.”
When Sā́ tan found that Jesus would not listen to him, he left him; and then the angels of God came to Jesus in the desert and gave to him the food that he needed.
After this victory over the evil spirit, Jesus went again from the desert to the place at the river Jôŕ dan where he had been baptized. It was near a city sometimes called Bĕth-ăb́ a-rȧ, a word which means "a place of crossing," because it was one of the places where the river Jôŕ dan was so shallow that the people could walk across it. The city was called also "Bĕth́ a-ny̆ beyond Jôŕ dan," so that it would not be mistaken for another Bĕth́ a-ny̆ on the Mount of Ŏĺ ĭves̝, very near Je-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm.
There Jŏhn the Baptist saw Jesus coming toward him, and he said, "Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! This is the one of whom I spoke, saying, 'There is One coming after me who is greater than I.' This is the Son of God.”
And again, the next morning, Jŏhn the Băṕ tĭst was standing with two young men, his followers. They were fishermen who had come from the Sea of Găĺ ĭ-lee to hear him. One was name Andrew, and the other Jŏhn. Jŏhn the Baptist saw Jesus walking nearby, and he said again, "Behold the Lamb of God!”
When the two young men heard this they left John and went to speak with Jesus, although they had not known him before. Jesus saw that they were following him, and he said, "What is it that you wish from me?”
They said to him, "Master, we would like to know where you are staying, so that we can see you and talk with you.”
Jesus said to them, "Come and see.”
They went with Jesus and saw where he was staying, and stayed and talked with him, and listened to his words all the rest of that day, for it was about ten o'clock in the morning when they first saw Jesus. And these two young men went away from the meeting with Jesus, believing that Jesus was the Savior and the King of Ĭś̝ ra-el. These two, Ăń drew and Jŏhn, were the first two men, after Jŏhn the Băṕ tĭst, to believe in Jesus.
Each of these two men had a brother whom he wished might know Jesus. Ăń drew's brother was named Sī́ mon, and Jŏhn's brother was named Jāmes̝. These four men were all fishermen together upon the Sea of Găĺ ĭ-lee. Ăń drew found his brother first, and he said to him, "We have found the Anointed One, the Christ, who is to be the King of Ĭś̝ ra-el.”
And Ăń drew brought his brother to meet Jesus. Jesus saw him coming, and without waiting to hear his name, he said, "Your name is Sī́ mon, and you are the son of Jṓ nas. But I will give you a new name. You shall be called `The Rock.'
The word "rock" in Hḗ brew, the language of the Jews, was "Cḗ phas," and in Greek, the language in which the New Testament was written, it is "Petros," or Pḗ te͂r. So from that time Sī́ mon was called Sī́ mon Pḗ te͂r, that is, "Sī́ mon the Rock." So now Jesus had three followers, Ań drew, Jŏhn, and Sī́ mon Pḗ ter. The next day as he was going back to Găĺ ĭ-lee, the part of the land where was his home, he met another man named Phĭĺ ĭp, who had also come from Găĺ ĭ-lee. He said to Phĭĺ ĭp, "Follow me.”
And Phĭĺ ĭp went with Jesus as the fourth of his followers. Phĭĺ ĭp found a friend, whose name was Nā-thăń a-el. He came from a place in Găĺ ĭ-lee, called Cā́ nȧ. Phĭĺ ĭp said to Nā-thăń a-el, "We have found the one of whom Mṓ s̝es̝ wrote in the law, and of whom the prophets spoke, the Anointed Christ. It is Jesus of Năź a-rĕth.”
Nā-thăń a-el lived not many miles from Năź a-rĕth, and he did not think that such a place as Năź a-rĕth could have in it one so great as the Christ, whom the Jews looked for as their king. He said to Phĭĺ ĭp, rather in scorn, "Can there any good thing come out of Năź a-rĕth?”
Phĭĺ ĭp knew that if Nā-thăń a-el could only meet Jesus and hear his words he would believe in him, as the others believed. He said to Nā-thăń a-el, "Come and see him for yourself.”
And he brought Nā-thăń a-el to Jesus. As soon as Jesus saw him he said, "Here is an Ĭś̝ ra-el-īte indeed, a man without evil.”
Nā-thăń a-el was surprised at this, and he said to Jesus, "Master, how did you know me?”
"Before Phĭĺ ĭp called you, when you were standing under the fig-tree, I saw you," said Jesus.
At this Nā-thăń a-el wondered all the more, for he saw that Jesus knew what no man could know. He said, "Master, thou art the Son of God! Thou art the King of Ĭś̝ ra-el!”
Jesus said to Nā-thăń a-el, "Do you believe in me because I tell you that I saw you under the fig-tree? You shall see greater things than these. The time shall come when you will see heaven opened, and the angels of God going up and coming down through me, the Son of God.”
Jesus had now five followers. These men and others who walked with him, and listened to his words, were called "disciples," a word which means "learners.”
Lesson 6. Jesus in the Desert and by the River.
(Tell Story 6 in Part Sixth.)
1. To what place did Jesus go after he was baptized? To a desert place.
2. What happened to Jesus at that place? He was forty days without any food..
3. Who came to Jesus at that time? Satan, the evil spirit.
4. What did Satan, the evil spirit, try to persuade Jesus to do? To live a selfish life.
5. What did Jesus say to the evil spirit? " Leave me, Satan, thou evil spirit.”
6. Where did Jesus go after being tempted in the desert? To Bethabara, the place of his baptism.
7. Who saw Jesus again at Bethabara? John the Baptist.
8. What did John the Baptist say when he saw Jesus? " Behold the lamb of God.”
9. What did some young men do, who had been following John the Baptist? They followed Jesus.
10. What were these men who followed Jesus called? His disciples.

Story Seven

John 2:1, to 3:21
A FEW days after Jesus met his first followers or disciples at the river Jôŕ dan, he came with these men to a town in Găĺ ĭ-lee called Cā́ nȧ, to be present at a wedding. In those lands a feast was always held at a wedding, and often the friends of those who were married stayed several days, eating and drinking together. The mother of Jesus was at this wedding as a friend of the family, for Năź a-rĕth, where she lived, was quite near to Cā́ nȧ. Before the wedding feast was over all the wine had been used, and there was no more for the guests to drink. The mother of Jesus knew that her son had power to do whatever he chose, and she said to him, "They have no wine.”
Jesus said to her, "O woman, what have I to do with thee? My hour is not yet come.”
But his mother knew that Jesus would in some way help the people in their need; and she said to the servants who were waiting at the table, "Whatever he tells you to do, be sure to do it.”
In the dining hall were standing six large stone jars, each about as large as a barrel, holding twenty-five gallons. These jars held water for washing, as the Jews̝ washed their hands before every meal, and washed their feet as often as they came from walking in the street, since they wore no shoes, but only sandals. Jesus said to the servants, "Fill the water jars with water.”
The servants obeyed Jesus, and filled the jars up to the brim. Then Jesus spoke to them again, and said, "Now draw out some of the water, and take it to the ruler of the feast.”
They drew out water from the jars, and saw that it had been turned into wine. The ruler did not know from what place the wine had come, but he said to the young man who had just been married, the bridegroom, "At a feast everybody gives his best wine at the beginning, and afterward, when his guests have drunk freely, he brings on wine that is not so good; but you have-kept the good wine until now.”
This was the first time that Jesus used the power that, God had given him, to do what no other man could do. Such works as these were called "miracles," and Jesus did them as signs of his power as the Son of God. When the disciples saw this miracle they believed in Jesus more fully than before. After this Jesus went with his mother and his younger brothers to a place called Cā-pe͂ŕ na-ŭm, on the shore of the Sea of Găĺ ĭ-lee. But they stayed there only a few days, for the feast of the Passover was near, and Jesus went up to Jē̇-rṳ-sā̇,-lĕm to attend it. You remember that the feast of the Passover was held every year to keep in mind how God had led the people of Ĭś̝ ra-el out of Ḗ ġy̆pt long before.
When Je'sus came to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm he found in the courts of the Temple men who were selling oxen and sheep and doves for the sacrifices, and other men sitting at tables changing the money of Jews̝ who came from other lands into the money of Jū-dḗ a. All this made the courts around the Temple seem like a market, and not a place for the worship of God.
Jesus picked up some cord, and made from it a little whip. With it he began to drive out of the Temple all the buyers and sellers. He was but one, and they were many; but such power was in his look that they ran before him. He drove the men, and the sheep and the oxen; he overturned the tables, and threw on the floor the money; and to those who were selling the doves he said, "Take these things away; make not my Father's house a house for selling and buying!”
These acts of Jesus were not pleasing to the rulers of the Jews̝, for many of them were getting rich by this selling of sacrifices and changing of money. Some of the rulers came to Je'sus, and said to him, "What right have you to come here and do such things as these? What sign can you show that God has given to you power to rule in this place?”
Jesus said to them, "I will give you a sign. Destroy this house of God, and in three days I will raise it up.”
Then said the Jews, "It has taken forty-six years to build this Temple, and it is not finished yet. Will you raise it up in three days?”
But Jesus did not mean that Temple on Mount Mō̇-rī́ ah. He was speaking of himself; for in him God was dwelling as in a temple, and he meant that when they should put him to death, he would rise again in three days. Afterward, when Jesus had died and risen again, his followers, the disciples, thought of what he had said, and understood these words.
While Jesus was in Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm one of the rulers of the Jews̝, a man named Nĭc-o-dḗ mus, came to see him. He came in the night, perhaps because he was afraid to be seen coming in the daytime. He said to Jesus, "Master, we know that you are a teacher come from God, for no man can do these wonderful things that you do unless God is with him.”
Jesus said to Nĭc-o-dḗ mus, "I say to you in truth, that unless a man is born anew he cannot see the kingdom of God.”
Nĭc-o-dḗ mus did not know that this meant that to be saved we must have new hearts given to us by the Lord. He said, "Why, how can a man be born twice? How can one be born again after he has grown up?”
Jesus said to him, "I tell you of a truth, that unless a man is born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.”
By this he meant that we must be baptized, and that God must put his Spirit in us, if we are to become God's children. Jesus said also, "As Mṓ s̝es̝ lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that every one who believes in him may have everlasting life. For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whosoever believes in him may not perish, but may have everlasting life. For God sent not his son into the world to condemn (that is to judge) the world; but that the world through him might be saved.”
We have already read how Mṓ s̝es̝ lifted up the brazen serpent in the wilderness, and how that serpent pointed to Christ.
Lesson 7. The Water Turned to Wine.
(Tell Story 7 in Part Sixth.)
1. To what place did Jesus and his first disciples go from Bethabara? To Cane in Galilee.
2. What took place at Cana.? A wedding.
3. Who came to Jesus at the wedding feast? His mother Mary.
4. What did she say to Jesus? "They have no wine.”
5. What did Jesus do? He turned water into wine.
6. What do we call such a work as this, which no one but God can do? A miracle.
7. Where did Jesus and his disciples go from Cana? To Jerusalem.
8. What did Jesus find in the temple at Jerusalem? People buying and selling.
9. What did Jesus do to these people? He drove them out of the temple.
10. Who came to talk with Jesus at night? Nicodemus.
11. What did Jesus say to Nicodemus? "Ye must be born anew.”

Story Eight

Mat. 14:3 to 5; Mark 6:17 to 20; Luke 3:19, 20; John 3:22, to 4:42
WHILE Jesus was teaching in Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm and in the country places near it, John the Băṕ tĭst was still preaching and baptizing. But already the people 4 were leaving Jŏhn and going to hear Jesus. Some of the followers of John the Băṕ tĭst were not pleased as they saw that fewer people came to their master, and that the crowds were seeking Jesus. But Jŏhn said to them, "I told you that I am not the Christ, but that I am sent before him. Jesus is the Christ, the King. He must grow greater, while I must grow less, and I am glad that it is so.”
Soon after this Hĕŕ od Ăń tĭ-păs, the king of the province or land of Găĺ ĭ-lee, put John in prison. Hĕŕ od had taken for his wife a woman named Hē̇-ró dĭ-as, who had left her husband to live with Hĕŕ od, which was very wicked. Jŏhn sent word to Hĕŕ od that it was not right for him to have this woman as his wife. These words of Jŏhn made. Hē̇-ró dĭ-as very angry. She hated Jŏhn, and tried to kill him. Hĕŕ od himself did not hate Jŏhn so greatly, for he knew that Jŏhn had spoken the truth. But he was weak, and yielded to his wife Hē̇-ró dĭ-as. To please her he sent Jŏhn the Băp-tĭst to a lonely prison among the mountains east of the Dead Sea, for the land in that region, as well as Găĺ ĭ-lee, was under Hĕŕ od's rule. There in prison Hĕŕ od hoped to keep Jŏhn safe from the hate of his wife Hē̇-ró dĭ-as.
Soon after Jŏhn the Băṕ tĭst was thrown into prison, Jesus left the country near Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, with his disciples, and went toward Găĺ ĭ-lee, the province in the north. Between Jū-dḗ ȧ, in the south and Găĺ ĭ-lee in the north lay the land of Sā̇-mā́ rĭ-ȧ, where the Sā̇-măŕ ĭ-tans̝ lived, who hated the Jews̝. They worshipped the Lord as the Jews̝ worshipped him, but they had their own temple and their own priests. And they had their own Bible, which was only the five books of Mṓ s̝es̝, for they would not read the other books of the Old Testament. The Jews̝ and the Sā̇-măŕ ĭ-tans̝ would scarcely ever speak to each other, so great was the hate between them.
When Jews̝ went from Găĺ ĭ-lee to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, or from Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm to Găĺ ĭ-lee, they would not pass through Sā̇-mā́ rĭ-ȧ, but went down the mountains to the river Jôrdan, and walked beside the river, in order to go around Sā̇-mā́ rĭ-ȧ. But Jesus, when he would go from Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm to Găĺ ĭ-lee, walked over the mountains, straight through Sā̇-mā́ rĭ-ȧ. One morning, while he was on his journey, he stopped to rest beside an old well at the foot of Mount Ḡĕŕ ĭ-zĭm, not far from the city of Shechem, but nearer to a little village that was called Sȳ́ chär. This well had been dug by Jā́cob, the great father or ancestor of the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes, many hundreds of years before. It was an old well then in the days of Jesus, and it is much older now, for the same well may be seen in that place still. Even now travelers may have a drink from Jā́ cob's well.
It was early in the morning, about sunrise, when Jesus was sitting by Jā́ cob's well. He was very tired, for he had walked a long journey; he was hungry, and his disciples had gone to the village near at hand to buy food. He was thirsty, too; and as he looked into the well he could see the water, a hundred feet below, but he had no rope with which to let down a cup or a jar and to draw up some water to drink.
Just at this moment a Sā̇-măŕ ĭ-tan woman came to the well, with her water-jar upon her head, and her rope in her hand. Jesus looked at her, and in one glance read her soul, and saw all her life. He knew that Jews̝ did not often speak to Sā̇-măŕ ĭ-tans̝, but he said to her, "Please to give me a drink.”
The woman saw from his looks and his dress that he was a Jew, and she said to him, "How is it that you, who are a Jew, ask drink of me, a Sā̇-măŕ ĭ-tan woman?”
Jesus answered her, "If you knew what God's free gift is, and if you knew who it is that says to you, Give me a drink,' you would ask him to give you living water, and he would give it to you.”
There was something in the words and the looks of Jesus which made the woman feel that he was not a common man. She said to him, "Sir, you have nothing to draw water with, and the well is deep. Where can you get that living water? Are you greater than our father Rica), who drank from this well, and who gave it to us?”
"Whoever drinks of this water," said Jesus, "shall thirst again; but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up unto everlasting life.”
"Sir," said the woman, "give me some of this water of yours, so that I will not thirst any more, nor come all the way to this well.”
Jesus looked at the woman, and said to her, "Go home, and bring your husband, and come here.”
"I have no husband," answered the woman.
"Yes," said Jesus, "you have spoken the truth. You have no husband. But you have had five husbands, and the man whom you now have is not your husband.”
The woman was filled with wonder as she heard this. She saw that there was a man who knew what a stranger could not know. She felt that God had spoken to him, and she said, "Sir, I see that you are a prophet of God. Tell me, whether our people or the Jews̝ are right. Our fathers have worshipped on this mountain. The Jews̝ say that Jē̇-rṳ́ sâ-lĕm is the place where men should go to worship. Now, which of these is the right place?”
"Woman, believe me," said Jesus, "there is coming a time when men shall worship God in other places besides on this mountain and in Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm. The time is near; it has even now come, when the true worshippers everywhere shall pray to God in spirit and in truth; for God himself is a Spirit.”
The woman said, "I know that the Anointed One is coming, the Christ. When he comes he will teach us all things.”
Jesus said to her, "I that speak to you now am he, the Christ!”
Just at this time the disciples of Jesus came back from the village. They wondered to see Jesus talking with this Sā̇ ‘măŕ ĭ-tan woman, but they said nothing.
The woman had come to draw water, but in her interest in this wonderful stranger she forgot her errand. Leaving her water jar, she ran back to her village, and said to the people, "Come, see a man who told me everything that I have done in all my life! Is not this man the Christ whom we are looking for?”
When the woman was gone away, the disciples urged Jesus to eat some of the food which they had brought. A little while before Jesus had been hungry, but now he had forgotten his own needs of food and drink. He said to them, "I have food to eat that you know nothing of, the food of the soul; and that food is to do the will of God, and to work for him. Do you say to me that there are four months before the harvest? I tell you to look on the fields, and see them white for the harvest. You shall reap, and shall have a rich reward, gathering fruit to everlasting life.”
Jesus meant that as this woman, bad though she may have been before, was now ready to hear his words; so they would find the hearts of men everywhere, like a field of ripe grain, ready to be won and to be saved.
Soon the woman came back to the well with many of her people. They asked Jesus to come to their town, and to stay there and teach them. He went with them, and stayed there two days, teaching the people, who were Sā̇-măŕ ĭ-tans̝. And many of the people in that place believed in Plus, and said, "We have heard for ourselves; now we know that this is indeed the Savior of the world.”
Lesson 8. Jesus at Jacob's Well.
(Tell Story 8 in Part Sixth.)
1. What was done with John the Baptist while Jesus was teaching at Jerusalem? He was put in prison.
2. Who put John the Baptist in prison? Herod, the wicked king.
3. To what part of the land did Jesus go after this? To Galilee
4. Where was Galilee? In the north of the land.
5. What part of the land did Jesus go through on his way to Galilee? Through Samaria.
6. What were the people called who lived in that country? Samaritans.
7. At what place in Samaria did Jesus rest on his journey? At Jacobs Well.
8. With whom did Jesus talk at Jacob's Well? With a Samaritan woman.
9. What did Jesus tell this woman that he could give her? Living water.
10. How did Jesus say that all should worship God? In spirit and In truth.

Story Nine

John 4:46 to 54; Luke 4:16 to 31
FROM Sȳ́ chär, the village near Jā́ cob's well, Jesus went northward into Găĺ ĭ-lee, to Cā́ nȧ, the place where he had made the water into wine. The news that Jesus had come back from Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, and was again in Găĺ ĭ-lee, went through all that part of the land, and everybody wished to see the prophet who had wrought such wonders.
There was one man living in Cā̇-pe͂ŕ na-um, a town beside the Sea of Găĺ ĭ-lee, who heard with great joy that Jesus was again at Cā́ nȧ. He was a man of high rank, a nobleman at the court of King Hĕŕ od; but he was in deep trouble over his son, who was very sick, and in danger of dying. This nobleman went up the mountains in great haste from Cā̇-pe͂ŕ na-ŭm to Cā́ nȧ, to see Jesus. He rode all night, and in the morning, when he found Jesus, he begged him to come down to Cā̇-pe͂ŕ na-um and cure his son. Jesus said to the man, "You people will not believe on me as the Savior, unless you continually see signs and wonders.”
"O my lord," said the father, "do come down quickly, or my child will die.”
"You may go home," said Jesus, "for your son will live.”
The man believed the words of Jesus, and went home, but he did not hurry, nor did he ask Jesus to go with him. The next morning, as he was going down the mountains, his servants met him, and said, "Master, your son is living, and is better.”
"At what hour did he begin to grow better?" asked the nobleman.
"It was yesterday, at seven o'clock in the morning, when the fever left him," they answered.
That was the very hour when Jesus had said to him, "Your son will live." And after that the nobleman believed in Jesus, and so did all who were living in his house.
Jesus had come to Găĺ ĭ-lee to preach to the people, and to tell them of his gospel. He thought that he would begin his preaching in the town of Năź a-rĕth, where he had lived so many years, where his brothers and sisters were living still, and where all the people had known him. He loved the men who had played with him when he and they were boys together, and he longed to give them the first news of his gospel.
So Jesus went to Năź a-rĕth; and, as on the Sabbath-days he had always worshipped in the synagogue, he went to that place once more. He was no longer the carpenter, but the teacher, the prophet, of whom all the land were talking, and the synagogue was filled with people eager to hear him, and, especially, hoping to see him do some wonderful works. Seated on the floor before him were men who had known him since he was a little boy, and perhaps some of his own sisters were looking down from the gallery behind the lattice-screen.
Jesus stood up, to show that he wished to read from the Scriptures, and the officer who had the care of the books handed him the roll of the prophet Ĭs̝ā́ iah. Jesus turned to the sixty-first chapter, and from it read:
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
Because he hath anointed me to preach good tidings to the poor.
He hath sent me to proclaim freedom to the captives,
And recovering of sight to the blind,
To set at liberty those that are bruised,
To proclaim the year of God's grace to men.
When Jesus had read these words he rolled up the book and gave it again to the keeper of the rolls, and sat down; for in the synagogue a man stood up to read the Bible, and sat down to speak to the people. He began by saying:
"This day this word of the Lord has come to pass before you.”
And then he showed how he had been sent to preach to the poor, to set the captives free, to give sight to the blind, to comfort those in trouble, and to tell to men the news of God's grace. At first the people listened with the deepest interest, and they were touched with the kind and tender words that he spoke.
But soon they began to whisper among themselves. One said, "Why should this carpenter try to teach us?" And another, "This man is no teacher! He is only the son of Jṓ s̝eph! We know his brothers and his sisters are living here." And some began to say, "Why does he not do here the wonders that they say he has done in other places? We want to see some of his miracles!”
Jesus knew their thoughts, and he said, "I know that you will say to me, 'Let us see a miracle like that on the nobleman's son in Cā̇-pe͂ŕ na-ŭm.' Of a truth, I say to you, `No prophet has honor among his own people.'
"You remember what is told of Ē̇-lī́ jah the prophet; when the heavens were shut up, and there was no rain for three years and six months. There were many widows in the land of Ĭś̝ ra-el at that time, but Ē̇-lī́ jah was not sent by the Lord to any one of them. The Lord sent him out of the land to Zăŕ e-phăth, a town near Zī́ dŏn, to a widow there; and there he wrought his miracles.
"And in the time of Ē̇-lī́ shȧ, the prophet, there were many lepers in Ĭś̝ ra-el that Ē̇-lī́ shȧ might have cured; but the only leper that Ē̇-lī́ shȧ made well was Nā́ a-man the Sy̆ŕ ĭ-an.”
All this made the people in the synagogue very angry; for they cared only to see some wonderful work, and not to hear the words of Jesus. They would not listen to him; they leaped up from their seats upon the floor; they laid hold of Jesus, and dragged him out doors. They then took him up to the top of the hill above the city, and they would have thrown him down to his death. But Jesus, by the power of God, slipped quietly out of their hands and went away, for the time for him to die had not yet come.
Very sadly Jesus went away from Năź a-rĕth, for he had longed to bring God's blessings to his own people. He walked down the mountains to the city of Cā̇-pe͂ŕ na-ŭm, by the seashore, and there on the Sabbath-days he taught the people in the synagogues.
You can read the story of Ē̇-lī́ jah the prophet and the woman of Zăŕ e-phăth, and the story of Ē̇-lī́ shȧ healing Nā́ a-man the Sy̆ŕ ĭ-an. These were the stories of which Jesus spoke to the people in the synagogue at Năź a-rĕth.
Lesson 9. Jesus at Cana and Nazareth.
(Tell Story 9 in Part Sixth.)
1. Where did Jesus go after his visit to Samaria? To Cana where he had made the water wine.
2. Who came to see Jesus at Cana? A man of high rank.
3. What did this man wish Jesus to do? To cure his son, who was sick.
4. At what place was his son lying sick? At Capernaum.
5. What did Jesus say to this man? "Go home; your son will live.”
6. What did the man find when he came to his home? His son was getting well.
7. To what place did Jesus go soon after this miracle? To Nazareth, where he had lived as a boy.
8. For what purpose did Jesus go to Nazareth? To preach to the people.
9. How did the people of Jesus town feel when they heard his words? They were very angry.
10. What did they try to do? To kill Jesus.

Story Ten

Matt. 4:18 to 22; Mark 1:16 to 34; Luke 4:33, to 5:11
YOU remember that when Jesus was by the river Jôŕ dan, a few young men came to him as followers, or disciples. We have read of these men—Ăń drew and Jŏhn, Pḗ te͂r and Phĭĺ ĭp, and Nā̇-thăń a-el.
While Jesus was teaching near Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm and in Sā̇-mā́ rĭ-ȧ, these men stayed with Jesus; but when he came to Găĺ ĭ-lee, they went again to their homes and their work, for most of them were fishermen from the Sea of Găĺ ĭ-lee.
One morning, soon after Jesus came to Cā̇-pe͂ŕ na-ŭm, he went out of the city, by the sea, followed by a great throng of people, who had come together to see him and to hear him. On the shore were lying two fishing boats, one of which belonged to Sī́ mon and Ań drew, the other to James and Jŏhn and their father Zĕb́ é dee. The men themselves were not in the boats, but were washing their nets nearby.
Jesus stepped into the boat that belonged to Sī́ mon Pḗ ter and his brother Ăń drew, and asked them to push it out a little into the lake, so that he could talk to the people from it without being crowded too closely. They pushed it out; and then Jesus sat in the boat, and spoke to the people as they stood upon the beach. After he had finished speaking to the people, and had sent them away, he said to Sī́ mon Pḗ tĕr:
"Put out into the deep water, and let down your nets to catch some fish.”
"Master," said Simon, "we have been fishing all night, and have caught nothing; but if it is your will, I will let down the net again.”
They did as Jesus bade them; and now the net caught so many fishes, that Sī́ mon and Ăń drew could not pull it up, and it was in danger of breaking. They made signs to the two brothers, Jāmes̝ and Jŏhn, who were in the other boat, for them to come and help them. They came, and lifted the net, and poured out the fish. There were so many of them that both the boats were filled, and began to sink.
When Sī́ mon Pḗ te͂r saw this, he was struck with wonder, and felt that it was by the power of God. He fell down at the feet of Jesus, saying, "O Lord, I am full of sin, and am not worthy of all this! Leave me, O Lord.”
But Jesus said to Sī́ -mon, and to the others, "Fear not; but follow me, and I will make you from this time fishers of men.”
From that time these four men, Sī́ mon and Ăń drew, Jāmes and Jŏhn, gave up their nets and their work, and walked with Jesus as his disciples.
On the Sabbath after this Jesus and his disciples went together to the synagogue, and spoke to the people. They listened to him and were surprised at his teaching; for while the scribes always repeated what the other scribes had said before, Jesus never spoke of what the men of old time had taught; but spoke in his own name, and by his own power, saying, "I say unto you," as one who had the right to speak. Men felt that Jesus was speaking to them as the voice of God.
On one Sabbath, while Jesus was preaching, a man came into the synagogue, who had in him an evil spirit; for sometimes evil spirits came into men, and lived in them, and spoke out from them. The evil spirit in this man cried out, saying:
"Let us alone, thou Jesus of Năź a-rĕth! What have we to do with thee? Hast thou come to destroy us? I know thee and I know who thou art, the Holy One of God!" Then Jesus spoke to the evil spirit in the man, "Be still; and come out of this man!”
Then the evil spirit threw the man down, and seemed as if he would tear him apart; but he came out, and left the man lying on the ground, without harm.
Then wonder fell upon all the people. They were filled with fear, and said, "What mighty word is this? This man speaks even to the evil spirits, and they obey him!”
After the meeting in the synagogue Jesus went into the house where Sī́ mon Pḗ te͂r lived. There he saw lying upon a bed the mother of Sī́ mon's wife, who was very ill with a burning fever. He stood over her, and touched her hand. At once the fever left her; she rose up from her bed and waited upon them.
At sunset the Sabbath-day was over; and then they brought to Jesus from all parts of the city those that were sick, and some that had evil spirits in them. Jesus laid his hands upon the sick and they became well; he drove out the evil spirits by a word, and would not allow them to speak.

Story Eleven

Matt. 8:2 to 4; 9:2 to 8; Mark 1:40 to 45; 2:1 to 12; Luke 5:12 to 26
AFTER the great day of teaching and healing, of which we read in the last Story, Jesus lay down to rest in the house of Simon Peter. But very early the next morning, before it was light, he rose up, and went out of the house to a place where he could be alone, and there for a long time he prayed to God. Soon Simon and the other disciples missed him, and sought for him until they found him. They said, "Everybody is looking for you; come back to the city.”
But Jesus said, "No, I cannot stay in Cā̇-pe͂ŕ na-ŭm. There are other places where I must preach the kingdom of God, for this is the work to which I am sent,”
And Jesus went out through all the towns in that part of Găĺ ĭ-lee, preaching in the synagogues, and healing all kinds of sickness, and casting out the evil spirits. His disciples were with him, and great crowds followed him from all the land. They came, to hear his wonderful words and to see his wonderful works.
While he was on this journey of preaching in Găĺ ĭ-lee a leper came to him. You remember, from the story of Nā́ a-man the Sy̆ŕ ĭ-an, what a terrible disease leprosy was, and still is, in those lands, and that no man could cure the leper.
This poor leper fell down before the feet of Jesus, and cried out, "O Lord, if you are willing, I know that you can make me well and clean!" Jesus was full of pity for this poor man. He reached out his hand and touched him, and said, "I am willing; be clean!" And in a moment all the scales of leprosy fell away, his skin became pure, and the leper stood up a well man. Jesus said to him, "Do not tell anyone; but go to the priests, and offer the gift that the law commands, and let them see that you have been cured.”
Jesus said this because he knew that if the man should tell everyone whom he met how he had been cured, such crowds would come to him for healing that he would find no time for preaching the word of God; and preaching God's word, and not healing the sick, was the great work of Jesus.
But this leper who had been healed did not obey the command of Jesus. He could not keep still, and told everybody whom he knew that Jews, the great prophet, had taken away his leprosy. And it came to pass as Jesus had expected; such great crowds gathered in all the towns and villages to see Jesus, and to ask him to heal their sick, that Jesus could not enter the cities to preach the gospel. He went out to the fields and the open country, and there the people followed him in great throngs.
After a time Jesus came again to Cā̇-pe͂ŕ na-ŭm, which was now his home. As soon as the people heard that he was there they came in great crowds to see him and to hear him. They filled the house, and the courtyard inside its walls, and even the streets around it, while Jesus sat in the open court of the house and taught them. It was the spring-time and warm, and a roof had been placed over the court as a shelter from the sun.
In the crowd listening to Jesus were not only his friends, but some that were his enemies, Phăŕ ĭ-sees̝, men making a great show of serving God, but wicked in their hearts, and scribes who taught. the law, but were jealous of this new teacher, whose words were so far above theirs. These men were watching to find some evil in Jesus, so that they might lead the people away from him.
While Jesus was teaching, and these men were listening, the roof was suddenly taken away above their heads. They looked up, and saw that a man was being let down in a bed by four men on the walls above.
This man had a sickness called palsy, which made his limbs shake all the time, and kept him helpless, so that he could neither walk nor stand. He was so eager to come to Jesus that these men, finding that they could not carry him through the crowd, had lifted him up to the top of the house, and had opened the roof, and were now letting him down in his bed before Jesus.
This showed that they believed in Jesus, without any doubt whether he could cure this man from his palsy. Jesus said to the man, "My son, be of good cheer; your sins are forgiven!”
The enemies of Jesus who were sitting near heard these words, and they thought in their own minds, though they did not speak it aloud, "What wicked things this man speaks! He claims to forgive sins! Who except God himself has power to say, 'Your sins are forgiven'?”
Jesus knew their thoughts, for he knew all things, and he said, "Why do you think evil in your hearts? Which is the easier to say, `Your sing are forgiven,' or to say, 'Rise up and walk '? But I will show you that while I am on earth as the Son of Man, I have the power to forgive sins.”
Then he spoke to the palsied man on his couch before them, "Rise up, take up your bed, and go to your house!”
At once a new life and power came to the palsied man. He stood upon his feet, rolled up the bed on which he had been lying helpless, placed it on his shoulders and walked out through the crowd, which opened to make a way for him. The man went, strong and well, to his own house, praising God as he walked. By this Jesus had shown that, so the Son of God, he had the right to forgive the sins of men.
These enemies of Jesus could say nothing, but in their hearts they hated him more than ever, for they saw that the people believed on Jesus. They praised the Lord God, and felt fear toward one who could do such mighty works, and they said, "We have seen strange things to-day!”
Lesson 10. Many Mighty Works.
(Tell Stories 10 and 11 in Part Sixth.)
1. To what place did Jesus go from Nazareth? To Capernaum by the sea.
2. From what did Jesus preach beside the sea? From a boat.
3. After preaching, what did Jesus help his followers to do? To catch many fishes.
4. What four fishermen became disciples of Jesus? Peter and Andrew, James and John.
5. Whom did Jesus cure from a great fever? The mother of Peter's Wife.
6. Whom did Jesus heal by a touch? A leper.
7. How did they bring a sick man to Jesus? Through the roof.
8. What did Jesus say as he made the sick man well? "Your sins are forgiven.”
9. Why had Jesus the right to forgive sins? Because he was the son of God.

Story Twelve

'WHILE Jesus was living in Cā̇-pe͂ŕ na-ŭm the time for the Passover of the Jews̝ drew near, and Jesus went up to Jē̇-rṳ-sā̇-lĕm to keep the feast, as he had kept it a year before. You remember that at that time he drove out of the Temple the people that were buying and selling. The feast which Jesus now kept was the second Passover in the three years while Jesus was preaching.
While Je'sus was at Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm he saw in the city, not far from the Temple, a pool called Bē̇-thĕś̝ dȧ. Beside this pool were five arches or porches; and in these porches were lying a great crowd of sick and blind, helpless and crippled people. At certain times the water rose and bubbled up in the pool; and it was believed that at these times it had power to cure diseases. We know that there are springs of water that will cure many kinds of sickness, and this may have been one of these.
On the Sabbath-day Jesus walked among these poor helpless and suffering people, who were waiting for the water to rise. Je'sus looked at one man, and though no one told him, he knew tilt this man had been a cripple, without power to walk, for almost forty years. He said to this man, "Do you wish to be made well?”
The man did not know who Jesus was. He answered, "Sir, I cannot walk; and I have no man to carry me down to the water when it rises in the pool; but while I am trying to crawl down, others crowd in before me, and the place is full, so that I cannot reach the water and be cured.”
Jesus said to the man, "Rise, take up your bed, and walk!”
The cripple had never heard words like these before; but as they were spoken he felt a new power shoot through his limbs. He rose up, took the piece of matting on which he had been lying, rolled it up, and walked away toward his home!
Someone who saw him said, "Stop; this is the Sabbath-day, and it is against the law for you to carry your bed!”
The man did not lay down his load. He only said, "The one who made me well said to me, 'Take up your bed and walk.'”
The Jews said, "Who was this man that told you to carry your bed on the Sabbath-day?”
The man who had been cured did not know who it was that had cured him; for there were many standing near, and Jesus, after healing the man, had walked away without being noticed. But after this Jesus met this man in the Temple, and said to him, "You have been made well; do not sin against God any more, or something worse than disease will come upon you.”
The man went away from the Temple, and told the Jews that it was Jesus who had made him well. The Jews̝ were very angry at Jesus because he had cured this man on the Sabbath. But Jesus said to them, "My Father works on all days to do good to men, and I work also.”
These words made the Jews̝ ready to, kill Jesus, not only because, as they said, he had broken the Sabbath, but because he had spoken of God as his Father, as though he were the Son of God. He was indeed the Son of God, although they would not believe it.
After the feast of the Passover Jesus went again to Cā̇-pe͂ŕ na-u͂m in Gall-lee, beside the lake. One Sabbath-day he was walking with his disciples through the fields of ripe grain; and the disciples, as they walked, picked the heads of grain, rubbed them in their hands, blew away the chaff, and ate the kernels of wheat. The law of the Jews allowed any one walking through the fields to eat what he could gather with his hands, though it did not allow him to take any of the grain home. But the Phăŕ ī-sees̝, whose goodness was all for show, said that it was a breaking of the Sabbath to pick the ears and to rub them in the hands on the Sabbath-day. They said to Jesus, "Do you see how your disciples are doing on the Sabbath what is against the law?”
Jesus answered them, "Have you never read what Dā́ vid did when he was hungry? He went into the house of God, and took the holy bread from the table, and ate some of it, and gave some to his men, though the law said that only the priests might eat this bread. And do you not know that on the Sabbath-day the priests in the Temple do work, in killing and offering the sacrifices, yet they do no wrong? I say to you that one greater than the Temple is here; for the Son of man is lord of the Sabbath.”
Jesus meant them to understand that he was the Son of God, that God lived in him even more fully than he lived in the Temple, and that he spoke as Lord of all.
We have read this, about Dā́ vid and the holy bread in the Tabernacle, of which Jesus spoke to the Jews̝, in Story Seven of Part Third.
On another Sabbath-day Jesus went to the synagogue. A man was there whose hand was withered. The Phăŕ ĭ-sees̝ watched Jesus, to see whether on the Sabbath-day he would make his hand well. Not that they felt for the poor man; they only wished to chance to speak evil against Jesus. Jesus knew all their thoughts, and he spoke to the man, "Rise up, and stand where all can see you!”
The man rose up from the mat where he had been sitting, and stood before all the people. Then Jesus looked around upon them sternly, being sad because their hearts were so hard and cruel, and he said, "Is it against the law to do good on the Sabbath-day, or to do evil? to heal a man, or to try and kill a man, as you are doing? If any one of you owns a sheep, and it falls into a pit on the Sabbath-day, will he not take hold of it and lift it out? Is not a man worth more than a sheep? I say unto you that it is right to do good to men on the Sabbath-day.”
And then, turning to the man, he said, "Stretch out your hand!”
The man obeyed the word of Jesus, and held out his hand. At once it became strong and well, like his other hand. Many of the people were glad as they saw this; but the Phăŕ ĭ-sees̝, who hated Jesus, went out very angry; and they met together to find some plan for putting Jesus to death.

Story Thirteen

Matt. 9:9 to 13; 5 to 8; Mark 2:13 to 17; Luke 5:27 to 32; 6:12 to 49
AMONG the Jews there was one class of men hated and despised by the people more than any other. That was "the publicans." These were the men who took from the people the tax which the Rṓ man rulers had laid upon the land. Many of these publicans were selfish, grasping, and cruel. They robbed the people, taking more than was right. Some of them were honest men, dealing fairly, and faking no more for the tax than was needful; but because so many were wicked, all the publicans were hated alike; and they were called "sinners" by the people.
One day, when Jesus was going out of Cā̇-pe͂ŕ na-ŭm to the seaside, followed by a great crowd of people, he passed a publican or tax-gatherer, who was seated at his table taking money from the people who came to pay their taxes. This man was named Măt́-thew or Lḗ vī, for many Jews had two names. Jesus could look into the hearts of men, and he saw that Măt́ thew was one who might help him as one of his disciples. He looked upon Mat́ thew, and said, "Follow me!”
At once the publican rose up from his table, and left it to go with Jesus. All the people wondered as they saw one of the hated publicans among the disciples, with Pḗ te͂r, and Jŏhn, and the rest. But Jesus knew that Măt́ thew would long afterward do a work that would bless the world forever. It was this same Măt́ thew the publican, who many years after this wrote "The Gospel according to Măt́ thew," the book which tells us so much about Jesus, and more than any other book gives us the words that Jesus spoke to the people. Jesus chose Măt́ thew, knowing that he would write this book. A little while after Jesus called him Măt́ thew made a great feast for Jesus at his house; and to the feast he invited many publicans, and others whom the Jews called sinners.
The Phăŕ ĭ-sees̝ saw Jesus sitting among these people, and they said with scorn to his disciples, "Why does your Master sit at the table with publicans and sinners?”
Jesus heard of what these men had said, and he said, "Those that are well do not need a doctor to cure them, but those that are sick do need one. I go to these people because they know that they are sinners and need to be saved. I came not to call those who think themselves to be good, but those who wish to be made better.”
One evening Jesus went alone to a mountain not far from Cā̇-pe͂ŕ-na-ŭm. A crowd of people and his disciples followed him; but Jesus left them all, and went up to the top of the mountain, where he could be alone. There he stayed all night, praying to God, his Father and our Father. In the morning, out of all his followers, he chose twelve men who should walk with him, and listen to his words, so that they might be able to teach others in turn. Some of these men he had called before; but now he called them again, and others with them. They were called "The Twelve," or "the disciples “; and after Jesus went to heaven they were called "The Apostles," a word which means "those who were sent out," because Jesus sent them 'but to preach the gospel to the world.
The names of the twelve disciples, or apostles were these: Sī́ mon Pḗ tēr, and his brother Ăń drew; Jāmes̝ and Jŏhn, the two sons of Zĕb́ e-dee; Phĭĺ ĭp of Bĕth-sā́ ĭ-dȧ, and Nā̇-thăń a-el, who was also called Bär-thŏĺ o-mew, a name which means "the son of Tholmai"; Thŏḿ as, who was also called Dĭd́ y̆-mŭs, a name which means "a twin," and Măt́ thew, the publican or tax-gatherer; another Jāmes̝, the son of Ăĺ phaé us, who was called "Jāmes̝ the Less," to keep his name apart from the first Jāmes̝, the brother of Jŏhn, and Lĕb-bé us, who was also called Thăd́ de-us. Lĕb-bé us was also called Judas, but he was a different man from another Jū́ das, whose name is always given last. The eleventh name was another Sī́ mon, who was called "the Cā́ năan-īte," or "Sī́ mon Zē̇-lṓ tēs̝;" and the last name was Jū́ das Ĭs-căŕ ĭ-ot, who was afterward the traitor. We know very little about most of these men, but some of them in later days did a great work. Sī́ mon Pḗ te͂r was a leader among them, and Jŏhn, long after those times, when he was a very old man, wrote one of the most wonderful books in all the world, "The Gospel according to Jŏhn," the fourth among the gospels.
In the sight of all the people who had come to hear Jesus, Jesus called these twelve men to stand by his side. Then, on the mountain: he preached to these disciples and to the great company of people. Jesus sat down, the disciples stood beside him, and the great crowd of people stood in front, while Jesus spoke. What he said on that day is called "The Sermon on the Mount." Măt́ -thew wrote it down, and you can read it in his gospel, in the fifth, sixth, and seventh chapters. Jesus began with these words to his disciples:
Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.
Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.
Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.
Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.
This is what Jesus said about prayer to our Heavenly Father:
Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are ye when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.
Rejoice, and be exceeding glad; for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.
Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savor, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and be trodden under foot of men.
Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.
Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
Here are some more of the words of Jesus in this sermon:
I say unto you, Do not be anxious for your life what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?
Behold the birds of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?
Which of you, by taking thought, can add one cubit unto his stature?
And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they toil not, either do they spin:
And yet I say unto you, That even Sŏĺ o-mon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to-day is, and to-morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?
Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal. shall we be clothed?
(For after all these things do the Gĕń tĭles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
Take therefore no anxious thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.
This is what Jesus said about prayer to our Heavenly Father:
Ask, and it shall be given you: seek, and ye shall find: knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
For every one that asketh receiveth: and he that seeketh findeth: and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.
Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone?
Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent?
If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him!
Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the Law and the Prophets.
And this was the end of the sermon:
Therefore, whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:
And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house: and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.
And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand:
And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.
Lesson 11
(Tell Stories 12 and 13 in Part Sixth.)
1. What place did Jesus visit in Jerusalem? The pool of Bethesda.
2. Whom did Jesus find there, beside the pool? A man who could not walk.
3. What did Jesus say to this man? "Take up your bed and walk.”
4. On what day did Jesus make this man well? On the Sabbath day.
5. How did the Jews of Jerusalem feel toward Jesus, when he made the man well on the Sabbath day? They were angry at Jesus.
6. What did Jesus say to them? "My Father works and I work.”
7. What other good work was done by Jesus on the Sabbath day? He cured a withered hand.
8. What did Jesus do on a mountain? He prayed all night.
9. Whom did he choose on the next day? His twelve disciples or apostles.
10. What did Jesus preach to them and to the people? The Sermon on the Mount.

Story Fourteen

Matt. 8:5 to 13; Luke 7:1 to 17; 36 to 50
THERE was at Cā̇-pe͂ŕ na-ŭm an officer of the Rṓ man army, a man 'who had under him a company of a hundred men. They called him "a centurion," a word which means "having a hundred," but we should call him "a captain." This man was not a Jew, but was what the Jews̝ called "a Gĕń tīle," "a foreigner," a name which the Jews̝ gave to all people outside of their own race. All the world, except the Jews̝ themselves, were Gĕń tiles̝.
This Rṓ man centurion was a good man, and he loved the Jews̝, because through them he had heard of God, and had learned how to worship God. Out of his love for the Jews̝ he had built for them, with his own money, a synagogue, which may have been the very synagogue in which Jesus taught on the Sabbath-days.
The centurion had a young servant, a boy, whom he loved greatly; and this boy was very sick with a palsy, and near to death. The centurion had heard that Jesus could cure those who were sick; and he asked the chief men of the synagogue, who were called its "elders," to go to Jesus, and ask him to come and cure his young servant.
The elders spoke to Jesus just as he came again to Cā̇-pe͂ŕ-na-ŭm, after the Sermon on the Mount. They asked Jesus to go with them to the centurion's house; and they said, "He is a worthy man, and it is fitting that you should help him, for though a Gĕń tīle, he loves our people, and he has built for us our synagogue.”
Then Jesus said, "I will go and heal him.”
But while he was on his way, and with him were the elders, and his disciples, and a great crowd of people, who hoped to see the work of healing, the centurion sent some other friends to Jesus with this message:
"Lord, do not take the trouble to come to my house; for I am not worthy that one so high as thou art should come under my roof; and I did not think that I was worthy to go and speak to thee. But speak only a word where you are, and my servant shall be made well. For I also am a man under rule, and I have soldiers under me, and I say to one; `Go,' and he goes; and to another, ‘Come,’ and he comes; and to my servant, 'Do this,' and he does it. You, too, have power to speak and to be obeyed. Speak the word, and my servant will be cured.”
When Jesus heard this he wondered at this man's faith. He turned to the people following him, and said, "In truth I say to you, I have not found such faith as this in all Ĭś̝ ra-el!”
Then he spoke to the friends of the centurion who had brought word from him:
"Go and say to this man, As you have believed in me, so shall it be done to you.”
Then those who had been sent went again to the centurion's house, and found that in that very hour his servant had been made perfectly well.
On the day after this, Jesus, with his disciples and many people, went out from Cā̇-pe͂ŕ na-ŭm, and turned southward, and came to a city called Nā́ in. Just as Jesus and his disciples came near to the gate of the city they were met by a company who were carrying out the body of a dead man to be buried. He was a young man, and the only son of his mother, and she was a widow. All the people felt sad for this woman who had lost her only son.
When the Lord Jesus saw the mother in her grief, he pitied her, and said, "Do not weep.”
He drew near, and touched the frame on which they were carrying the body, wrapped round and round with long strips of linen. The bearers looked with wonder on this stranger, and set down the frame with its body, and stood still. Standing beside the body, Jesus said, "Young man, I say to you, Rise up!”
And in a moment the young man sat up and began to speak. Jesus gave him to his mother, who now saw that her son, who had been dead, was alive again.
A great fear came upon all who had looked upon this wonderful work of Jesus. They praised God, and said, "God has indeed come to his people, and has given us a great prophet!”
And the news that Jesus had raised a dead man to life again went through all the land.
While Jesus was on this journey through southern Găĺ ĭ-lee, at one place a Phăŕ ĭ-see, whose name was Sī́ mon, asked Jesus to come and dine at his house. This man did not believe in Jesus, but he wanted to watch him, and, if possible, to find some fault in him. He did not show Jesus the respect due to a guest, did not welcome him, nor did he bring water to wash Jesus' feet, as was done to people when they came in from walking. For in that land they wore no shoes or stockings, but only sandals, covering the soles of their feet; and they often washed their feet when they came into the house.
At meals they did not sit up around the table, but leaned on couches, with their heads toward the table and their feet away from it. While Jesus was leaning in this manner upon his couch at the table, 'a woman came into the dining-room, bringing a flask of ointment, such as was used to anoint people of high rank. She knelt down at the feet of Jesus, weeping, and began to wet his feet with her tears, and then to wipe them with her long hair. She anointed his feet with the ointment, and kissed them over and over again.
This woman had not been a good woman. She had led a wicked life; but by her act she showed that in her heart she was truly sorry for her sins. When Sī́ mon, the Phăŕ ĭ-see, saw her at the Savior's feet he thought within himself, though he did not say it, "If this man were really a prophet coming from God, he would have known how wicked this woman is, and he would not have allowed her to touch him.”
Jesus knew this man's thought, and he said, "Sī́ mon, I have something to say to you.”
And Sī́ mon said, "Master, say on.”
Then Jesus said, "There was a certain lender of money to whom two men were owing. One man owed him five hundred shillings, and the other owed him fifty. When he found that they could not pay their debts, he freely forgave them, and let them both go free. Which of these two will love that man most?”
"Why," said Sī́ mon, "I suppose that the one to whom he forgave the most will love him the most.”
"You are right," said Jesus. Then he turned toward the woman, and added, "Do you see this woman? I came into your house; you gave me no water for my feet, but she has wetted my feet with her tears, and has wiped them with her hair. You gave me no kiss of welcome, but she has not ceased to kiss my feet. You did not anoint my head even with oil, but she has anointed my feet with ointment. You have acted as though you owed me little, and you have loved me little; but she feels that she owes me much, and she loves me greatly. I say to you, 'Her sins, which are many, are forgiven.'”
Then he spoke to the woman, "Your sins are forgiven.”
Those who were around the table whispered to each other, "Who is this man that dares to act as God, and even to forgive sins?”
But Jesus said to the woman, "Your faith has saved you; go in peace!”
And Jesus went through all that part of Găĺ ĭ-lee, preaching and teaching in all the villages, telling the people everywhere the good news of the kingdom of God.
Lesson 12. The Captain's Servant and the Widow's Son.
(Tell Story 14 in Part Sixth.)
1. Who sent to Jesus, asking him to cure his servant who was sick? A Centurion.
2. What was a centurion? A captain in the Roman army.
3. How did the centurion say that his servant could be cured without having Jesus come to his house? By Jesus speaking a word where he was.
4. What did Jesus praise in this man? His faith.
5. To what place did Jesus go at one time with his disciples? To Nain.
6. What did Jesus meet at the gate of the city of Nain? The funeral of a young man.
7. What did Jesus do to the young man who was dead? He raised him to life.
8. What did a woman do to Jesus at a supper? She washed his feet.
9. What did Jesus say to this woman? "Your sins are forgiven.”

Story Fifteen

Matt. 13:1 to 53; Mark 4:1 to 34; Luke 8:4 to 18
AFTER Jesus had journeyed through the southern parts of Găĺ ĭ-lee, teaching and healing the sick, he came again to Cā̇-pēŕ na-ŭm; and one day went out of the city to a place where the beach rose up gently from the water. There he sat in Simon Peter's boat, as he had sat before, and spoke to a great crowd of people who stood on the beach.
At this time Jesus began teaching the people by parables; that is, by stories which showed the truths of the gospel. Everybody liked to hear a story; and the story would often lead people to think, and to find out the truth for themselves. The first of these parables or stories that Jesus gave was called "The Parable of the Sower.
"Listen to me," said Jesus. "A sower went out to sow his seed. And as he sowed, some seeds fell by the roadside, where the ground was hard, where some of the seed was trodden down, and other seeds were picked up by the birds. Some of the seed fell where the soil was thin, because rocks were under it. These seeds grew up quickly, but when the sun became hot, they were scorched and dried up, because they did not have enough soil and moisture for their roots. Other seeds fell among briars and thorns, and the thorns kept them from growing. And some seeds fell into good ground, and brought forth fruit, thirty times as many as were sown, sixty times, and even a hundred times. Whoever has ears to hear this, let him hear!" When Jesus was alone with his disciples, they said to him, "Why do you speak to the people in parables? What does this parable about the man sowing his seeds mean?”
And Jesus said to them, "To you it is given to know the deep things of the kingdom of God, because you seek to find them out. But to many these things are spoken in parables, for they hear the story, but do not try to find out what it means. They have eyes, but they do not see; and they have ears, but they do not hear. For they do not wish to understand with the heart, and turn to the Lord and have their sins forgiven them. But blessed are your eyes, for they see, and your ears, for they hear. Listen now to the meaning of the parable of the sower.
"The sower is the one who speaks the word of God; and the seed is the word which he speaks. The seed by the roadside are those who hear; but the evil one comes, and snatches away the truth, so that they forget it. The seed on the rock are those who hear the word with joy, but have no root in themselves, and their goodness lasts only for a little time. That which is sown among the thorns are they who hear, but the cares of the world, and seeking after riches and the enjoyments of this life, crowd out the gospel from their lives, so that it does them but little good. But that which is sown on the good ground are they who take the word into an honest and good heart, and keep it, and bring forth fruit in their lives.”
Another parable or story given by Jesus to the people was "The Parable of the Tares":
"The kingdom of God is as a man sowing good seed in his field; but while people were asleep, his enemy came and sowed tares, or weeds, among the wheat, and then went away. When the shoots of grain began to have heads of wheat then the tares were seen among them. The servants of the farmer came to him, and said, `Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How did the tares come into it?'
"He said to them, 'An enemy has done this.'
'Shall we go and pick out the tares from among the wheat?' asked the servants.
"`No,' answered the farmer, 'for while you are pulling up the tares, you will root up also the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest; and in the time of the harvest, I will say to the reapers," Take out the tares first, and bind them in bundles, to be burned; but gather the wheat into my barn."'”
Another parable was that of "The Mustard Seed." He said:
"The kingdom of heaven is like a grain of mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in his field. This is the smallest of all seeds; but it grows up to be a large bush, almost a tree, so that the birds of the air light upon its branches and rest under its shadow.”
Another parable was "The Leaven, or Yeast":
"The kingdom of heaven is like a little leaven, or yeast, that a woman mixed with dough when she was making bread. It worked through all the dough and changed it into good, light bread.”
These parables Jesus told to the people as he sat in the boat and the people stood on the shore. But he did not tell them what the parables meant, for he wished them to think out the meaning for themselves. After giving the parables he sent the people away, and came back to the house in the city. There his disciples said to him, "Tell us the meaning of the parable of the tares growing in the field.”
Jesus said to them, "The one who sows the good seed is the Son of man; the field is the world; the good seed are those who belong to the kingdom of God; but the tares, the weeds, are the children of the evil one; the enemy that sowed them is Sā́ tan, the devil; and the reapers are the angels. Just as the tares are gathered and burned in the fire, so shall it be in the end of the world. The Son of man shall send out his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all that do evil and cause harm, and shall cast them into a furnace of fire; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. But the people of God in that day shall shine as the sun in the kingdom of their Father.”
And in the house Jesus gave to his disciples some more parables for them to think upon. He said:
"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure which a man found hidden in a field. He was glad when he saw it, but hid it again; and then went home and sold all that he had and bought that field with the treasure in it.
"The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant who was seeking precious pearls. This man found one pearl of great price. He went and sold all that he had, and bought the pearl.
"Once more: the kingdom of heaven is like a net that was cast into the sea, and took in fish of all kinds. When it was full, they drew the net to the shore. Then they sat down and picked out the good fish from among the bad. The good fish they put away for safe keeping, but the bad fish they threw away. So shall it be at the end of the world. The angels shall come, and shall place the wicked apart from the good, and shall cast them into a furnace of fire; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”

Story Sixteen

Matt. 8:18 to 34; Mark 4:35, to 5:21; Luke 8:22 to 40
WHEN the evening came, after teaching all day by the sea and in the house, Jesus saw that the crowds of people were still pressing around him, and there was no time for him to rest. Jesus said, "Let us go over to the other side of the lake.”
So they took Jesus into the boat, and began to row across the Sea of Găĺ ĭ-lee. Other little boats were with them, for many wished to go with Jesus. While they were rowing, Jesus fell asleep, resting on a cushion of the boat. Suddenly a storm arose, and drove great waves of water into the boat, so that it was in danger of sinking, but Jesus slept on. The disciples awoke him, saying, "Master, Master, we are lost! Help us, or we shall perish!”
Jesus awaked, and rose up, and looked out upon the sea. He said to the waves, "Peace, be still!”
And at once the wind ceased, the waves were quiet, and there was a, great calm. Jesus said to his disciples, "Why are you afraid? How is it that you have so little faith in me?”
They all wondered at Je'sus' power, and said to each other, "Who is this man whom even the winds and the sea, obey?”
They came to the land on the eastern side of the lake, which was sometimes called "the country of the Găd́ a-rēnes̝," from the people who lived in the large city of Gard́ a-ra, which was not far away, and sometimes "Dē̇-căṕ o-lĭs." As they were landing a man came running down to meet them. He was one of those poor men in whose body evil spirits were living. He would not stay in any house, but slept in the graveyard among the dead. Nor did he wear any clothes. They had often chained him, but he had broken loose from his chains, and no one was able to bind him.
When this man saw Jesus afar off he ran towards him and fell down on his face before him. Jesus saw what was the trouble with this man, and he spoke to the evil spirit in him, "Come out of this man, vile spirit of evil!” The spirit within the man cried with a loud voice, "What have I to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of the Most High God? I call upon thee in the name of the Lord, do not make me to suffer!”
Jesus saw that this man was troubled more even than most men who had evil spirits in them. He said to the evil one, "What is your name?”
And the spirit said, "My name is Legion, because there are many of us." "A legion" was a name given to an army; and in this man was a whole army of evil spirits. There was on the mountain side a great drove of hogs feeding. The Jews were not allowed to keep hogs, nor to eat their flesh; and the evil spirits said to Jesus, "If we must leave this man, will you let us go into the drove of hogs?”
Jesus gave them leave; and the evil spirits went out of the man, and went into the hogs. The whole drove, two thousand in number, became at once wild. They rushed down a steep place on the mountain, and into the sea, and were all drowned.
The men who kept the hogs ran into the city nearby, and told all the people how the man had been made well, and what had come to the drove of hogs, how they had been drowned. The people came out to meet Jesus, and they were full of fear. They saw the man who had been filled with evil spirits, now sitting at the feet of Jesus, no longer naked, but clothed, and in his right mind. But they did not think of what Jesus had done to this man; they thought only of the hogs that they had lost; and they begged Jesus to go away from their land.
Jesus turned away from these people, and went again to the boat on the shore; and then the man who had been set free from the evil spirits pleaded with Jesus that he might go with him. But Jesus would not take him into the boat. He said:
"Go home to your friends, and tell them how the Lord has had mercy on you, and has done great things for you.”
The man went home and told all the people in the land of Dē̇-căṕ o-lĭs the great things that Jesus had done for him.
And Jesus went on board the boat, and crossed over the lake, and came again to his own city of Cā̇-pe͂ŕ na-ŭm.
Lesson 13. The Parables, the Storm and the Wild Man.
(Tell Stories 15 and 16 in Part Sixth.)
1. How did Jesus teach the people by the Sea of Galilee? In parables.
2. What is a parable? A story showing some truth.
3. What was the first parable given by Jesus? The parable of the Sower.
4. What was the next parable that Jesus gave? The parable of the Wheat and the Tares.
5. After teaching some parables, where did Jesus and his disciples go? Across the sea in a boat.
6. What came while they were sailing across the sea? A great storm.
7. What did Jesus say to the winds and the waves? "Peace, be still.”
8. What came after Jesus had spoken these words? A great calm.
9. Whom did Jesus meet on the shore at the other side of the sea? A wild man.
10. What made this man wild? The evil spirit in him.
11. What did Jesus do to this man? He set him free from the evil spirit.

Story Seventeen

Matt. 9:18 to 38; 10:1 to 42; Mark 5:22 to 43; Luke 8:41 to 56; 9:1 to 5
WHEN Jesus and his disciples landed at Cā̇́ pe͂ŕ na-ŭm, after their sail across the lake, they found a crowd of people on the shore waiting for them. And a man came forward from the throng and fell down at the feet of Jesus. He was one of the chief men in the synagogue, and his name was Jā̇-ī́ rus. He said:
"O Master, come to my house at once! My little daughter is dying; but if you will come and lay your hands upon her, she will live.”
And Jesus went with Jā̇-ī́ rus, and his disciples followed him, and also many people, who thronged around Jesus. In the crowd was a poor woman who had been ill for very many years from a sore out of which her blood ran, so that she was very weak. Many doctors had tried to help her, but they could not; and she had spent all her money, so that she was now very poor.
This woman had heard of Jesus; and she tried to come to him, but she could not reach him in the throng of people. She said to herself, "If I can touch only his garment, I know that the touch will make me well." And as Jesus passed by, she reached out her hand and touched the hem of his robe. At that instant she felt in her body that she was cured. Jesus himself felt her touch, and turning around, said, "Who touched me?”
Peter said to him, "Master, the crowd throngs around you and presses upon you. How can you ask, 'Who touched me?”
But Jesus said, "Some one has touched me; for I feel that power has gone out from me.”
And he looked around to see who it was. Then the woman came forward, fearing and trembling over what she had done. She fell down before Jesus, and told how she had touched him and had been made well. But Jesus said to her, "Daughter, be of good comfort; your faith has made you well; rise up and go in peace.”
And from that hour the woman was free from her disease. All this time, while Jesus was waiting, Jā̇-ī́ rus, the father of the dying child, stood beside Jesus in great trouble, for he feared that his child would die before Jesus could come to his house. And at that moment someone came to him and said, "It is too late; your daughter is dead; you need not trouble the Master any more.”
But Jesus said to him, "Do not be afraid; only believe, and she will yet be saved to you.”
Soon they came to the house where Jā̇-ī́ rus lived; and they could hear the people weeping and crying aloud. Jesus said to them, "Why do you make such a noise? The little girl is not dead, but only asleep.”
Jesus meant by this that we need not be filled with sorrow when our friends die, for death is only a sleep for a time until God shall awake them. But they did not understand this; and they would not be comforted, for they knew that the child was dead.
Jesus would not allow any of the crowd of people to go into the room where the dead child was. He took with him three of his disciples, Pḗ te͂r, Jāmes̝, and Jŏhn, and the father and mother of the child, and shut out all the rest of the people. On a couch was lying the dead body of a girl, twelve years old. Taking the hand of the child into his own, he said to her, "Little girl, rise up!”
And the life of the little girl came again. She opened her eyes, and sat up. Jesus told them to give her something to eat; and he said to them, "Do not tell any one how the little girl was brought to life.”
Already the crowds following him were so great that he could not teach the people in the city; and if it became known that he could raise the dead to life, the throng and the press of the multitudes would be greater. His great work was to teach and to bring life to the souls of men, rather than to heal, or to raise the dead.
And he went out once more among the villages of Găĺ ĭ-lee, teaching in the synagogues, and healing the sick people who were brought to him. He pitied the people, because there was no one to give them the gospel; and they were like sheep wandering and lost without a shepherd. He said to his disciples:
"The harvest truly is great, but the workers to gather the harvest are few. Pray to the Lord of the harvest, that he may send out reapers into these harvest-fields.”
And after this Jesus sent out his twelve disciples to different places to preach in his name to the people. He sent them forth in pairs, two of them together, so that they could help each other. And he gave them power to heal the sick, and to cast out evil spirits from men. He said to them:
"Go to the lost sheep of the house of Ĭś̝ ra-el; and as you go, preach, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.' Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out the evil spirits; freely you have received, freely give. Do not take any money with you; but at every place ask for some good man, and stay at his house.
"And if any people will not listen to your words, when you go out of that house or out of that city, shake off the dust from your sandals, as a sign; and God will judge that house or that city.
"He that hears you, hears me; and he that hears me, hears him who sent me. And if any one will give to drink to one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, he shall not lose his reward.”
The twelve disciples went out in pairs, as Jesus had commanded them, and preached in all the cities of Găĺ ĭ-lee, that men should cease from their sins and turn to God.
Lesson 14. The Little Girl Raised to Life.
(Tell Story 17 in Part Sixth.)
1. After his visit to the other side of the sea, where did Je'sus go with his disciples? To Capernaum again.
2. Who came to meet Jesus at the shore of the sea? A man named Jairus.
3. What did Jairus ask Jesus to do? To cure his sick daughter.
4. Who met Jesus on his way to the house of Jairus? A sick woman.
5. What did this woman do? She touched his robe.
6. What came to the woman after touching Jesus' robe? She was made well.
7. What happened while Jesus was going to the house of Jairus? His little girl died.
8. What did Jesus say when he stood beside the little girl who was dead? "Little girl, rise up!”
9. What then took place? The girl opened her eyes and sat up.

Story Eighteen

Matt. 11:2 to 19; 14:1 to 12; Mark 6:14 to 29; Luke 7:18 to 35
YOU remember that just before Jesus went from Jē̇-rú-sā̇-lĕm to Găĺ i-lee, Jŏhn the Băṕ tĭst was put in prison by the king, Hĕŕ od Ăń tĭ-păs. Jesus stayed in Găĺ ĭ-lee for a year, and nearly all the time Jŏhn the Baptist was alone in his prison near the Dead Sea. His followers, who were now very few, came to see him, and told him of the works that Jesus was doing. These were wonderful, but they were not what Jŏhn had expected Jesus to do; and in his prison, with no one to explain what Jesus was saying and doing, Jŏhn began to doubt a little whether Jesus were the Savior who had been promised so long. Then, too, Jŏhn's followers were inclined to feel jealous, because their master was now left alone, and all the people were seeking Jesus. Jŏhn sent two of his followers to Jesus, to ask him this question, "Are you really the Savior who is to come, or are we to look for some other as the: promised Christ?”
When these men came with this message from Jŏhn the Băṕ tĭst they found Jesus in the midst of a great company of suffering people. They saw him making the sick well by his touch, giving sight to the blind, and casting out the evil spirits; and they listened to the words of Jesus as he taught the people.
When his work for the time was done, Jesus turned to the men who had come from Jŏhn, and said to them, "Go and tell Jŏhn what you have seen and heard, how the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are made clean, the deaf hear, the dead are raised to life, and the poor have good news preached to them. And blessed is that man who believes in me without doubting.”
After these men had gone to bear the words of Jesus to Jŏhn, Jesus spoke to the people about Jŏhn the Baptist. He said:
"What was it that you went out into the wilderness to see? Was it a reed shaken by the wind? Was it a man dressed in rich robes? Those who are clad in splendid garments, and sit at feasts, are in the houses of kings. Who was the man whom you went out to see? Was he a prophet of God? I tell you that he was a prophet, and more than a prophet; for he was the one who came to make men ready for the coming of the king. And I say to you, that among those who are born on the earth, there has never arisen a greater man than Jŏhn the Băṕ tĭst. Yet he who is the least in the kingdom of God is greater than Jŏhn; for he can see with his own eyes, what Jŏhn can only hear of from others, the works of the gospel.”
All the common people who heard this were glad, for they believed that Jŏhn was a prophet, and they had been baptized by him. But the Phăŕ ĭ-sees̝ and the rulers were not pleased, because they had refused to listen to Jŏhn the Băṕ tĭst or to be baptized by him.
Not long after this the end came to the noble life of Jŏhn the Băṕ tĭst. A great feast was held on King Hĕŕ od's birthday, and all the princes and nobles of his kingdom were in the palace, eating and drinking together. While they were making merry, the young daughter of the woman Hē̇-rṓ dĭ-as, who lived with Hĕŕ od as his wife, came into the supper-room and danced before the guests. Hĕŕ od was so greatly pleased with her dancing that he said to her "Ask whatever you please, and I will give it to you.”
He swore a solemn oath that he would give her whatever she might ask, even to the half of his kingdom. The girl went to her mother, and said to her, "Tell me, what shall I ask?”
Her mother told her what to ask, and she came back with haste to the king, and said, "I will ask that you give me here upon a plate the head of Jŏhn the Băṕ tĭst!”
The king was very sorry that he had made the promise, but he was ashamed to break his word in the presence of his princes. He sent a man to the prison, with orders that the head of Jŏhn the Băṕ tĭst should be cut off and brought. It was done; and the young girl took it upon a plate, and gave it to her mother Hē̇-rṓ dĭ-as So, as Hĕŕ od's father, thirty years before, had caused all the little children of Bĕth́ lĕ-hĕm to be killed, this King Hĕŕ od, the son, caused Jŏhn the Băṕ tĭst, one of the best of men and a great prophet, to be put to death.
The followers of Jŏhn the Băṕ tĭst went to the prison, and took away his body and buried it; and then they went and told Jesus of all that had been done. After this they were among the followers of Jesus.
Hĕŕ od the king heard of what Jesus was doing, the sick healed, the blind made to see, and the dead raised to life. Everybody by this time was talking of Jesus and wondering who he was. Some said, "This is the prophet Ē̇-lī́ jah come again to earth.”
Others said, "If he is not Ē̇-lī́ jah, he is surely one of the prophets of the old time who has come to life.”
But Hĕŕ od said, "I know who this is. It is Jŏhn the Băṕ tĭst, whom I killed! He has come back to life, and by him all these great works are wrought!”
And Hĕŕ od was in great alarm, for he was afraid of the man whom he had slain.

Story Nineteen

Matt. 14:13 to 36; Mark 6:30 to 56; Luke 9:10 to 17; John 6:1 to 71
WHEN the twelve disciples came back to Jesus, after preaching in his name among the villages of Găĺ ĭ-lee, they told him of all that they had done, and of what they had said to the people. The multitudes seeking after Jesus were now greater than ever before, for it was again near the time of the Passover, and very many on their way to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm turned aside to see and to hear the great Teacher. So many people were coming and going that they could scarcely find time even to eat. Jesus said to the twelve:
"Come with me apart into a quiet place, away from the crowds, and let us rest for a time.”
They went into the boat and rowed across the lake to an open place, where no one lived, not far from the city of Bĕth-sā́ ĭ-dȧ. But they could not be alone, for the people saw them going, and watched them from the shore, and went on foot around the northern end of the lake, and found them. When Jesus saw how eager the crowds were to hear him, he took pity on them and taught them, and healed such among them as were sick.
As it began to grow toward evening, the disciples said to Jesus, "This is a lonely place, and there is nothing here for such a crowd of people to eat. Send them away before it is too late, and tell them to go to the towns and get food.”
But Jesus said to them, "They need not go away. You can give them food to eat.”
They said to him, "Shall we go into the town and buy two hundred shillings' worth of bread, so that each one of them may have a little?”
Jesus turned to Philip, one of his disciples, and said to him, "Phĭĺ ĭp, where shall we find bread, that all these may eat?”
Jesus said this to try Phĭĺ ĭp's faith, for he himself knew what he would do. Phĭĺ ĭp looked at the great crowd, full five thousand men, besides women and children, and he said, "Two hundred shillings' worth of bread would not be enough to give to every one even a little piece.”
Just then another of the disciples, Ăń drew, the brother of Pḗ tēr, said to Jesus, "There is a boy here who has five loaves of barley bread and two little fishes; but what use would they be among so many people?”
Jesus said to the disciples, "Go out among the people, and divide them into companies of fifty and a hundred, and tell them to sit down in order.”
So the people all sat down; and upon the green grass, arranged in rows and squares in their garments of different colors, they looked like beds of flowers.
Then Jesus took into his hands the five loaves and the two fishes which the boy had brought. He looked up to heaven, and blessed the food; and broke the loaves and the dried fishes, and gave the pieces to the disciples. They went among the companies of people, and gave to everyone bread and fish, as much as each needed. So they all ate, and had enough.
Then Jesus said, "Gather up the pieces of food that are left, so that nothing may be lost.”
Each of the disciples carried a basket among the people, and when they came to Jesus all the twelve baskets were filled with the pieces that were left over of the five loaves and the two fishes. When the people saw that here was one who could give them food, they were ready at once to make Jesus their king, and to break away from the rule of the Rṓ mans̝. Jesus was a King, but he would not be such a king as they wished. His kingdom was to be in the hearts of men who loved him, not a kingdom set up by the swords of soldiers. He found that his disciples were ready to help the people to make him a king, even against his own will. So Jesus first compelled his disciples to go on board the boat though they were not willing to do so, and to row across the lake to Cā̇́ pe͂ŕ na-ŭm. Then he sent away the great crowd of people who were still eager that he should be their king. And when all had gone away, and he was left alone, he went up into the mountain to pray. While he was praying in the night a great storm arose upon the lake, and from the mountain Jesus could see his disciples working hard with their oars against the waves, although they could not see him. A little after midnight, when the storm was the highest, Jesus went to his disciples, walking upon the water, just as though the sea was dry land. The men in the boat saw a strange figure coming near them upon the sea, and cried out with fear, for they thought that it must be a spirit. But Jesus called out to them, "Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid!" And then they knew that it was their Lord.
Pḗ te͂r spoke to Jesus, and said, "Lord, if it be thou, let me come to thee, walking upon the water." And Jesus said to Pḗ te͂r, "Come.”
Then Sī́ mon Pḗ te͂r leaped overboard from the ship, and he, too, walked on the water to go to Jesus. But when he saw how great was the storm on the sea, he began to be afraid, and forgetting to trust in the word of Jesus, he began to sink. He cried out, "Lord, save me!”
And Jesus reached out his hand, and caught hold of him, and lifted him up, saying, "O man of little faith, why did you doubt my word?”
When Jesus came on board the boat with Pḗ te͂r, at once the wind ceased and the sea was calm. The disciples wondered greatly as they saw the power of Jesus. They fell down before him, and said, "In truth thou art the Son of God!" When they came to the shore, and the day-light arose, they saw that they were at the land of Ḡen-nĕś a-rĕt, a plain a little to the south of Cā̇́ pe͂ŕ na-ŭm. They went ashore; and as soon as the people saw Jesus, and knew who he was, they brought their sick to him, and begged that they might only touch the border of his garment; and as many as touched him were made well.
Soon after this Jesus came again to Cā̇-pe͂ŕ na-ŭm, and went into the synagogue, which was full of people, some of whom had eaten of the five loaves a few days before. These people wished Jesus to feed them in the same way again, but Jesus said to them, "Seek not for food that passes away, but for the food that gives everlasting life, such as the Son of man can give you.”
They said to him, "What sign can you show that God has sent you? Moses gave our fathers bread from heaven, the manna in the desert. What can you do?”
You have read of the manna which fed the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes in the wilderness. Then Jesus said to them, "It was not Moses, but God, who gave your fathers bread; and God gives you now the true bread from heaven, in his Son who came down from heaven, to give life to the world.”
As soon as the people found that Jesus would not work wonders to please them, they turned away from him and left him, although only a few days before they would have made him a king. When Jesus saw that the great crowds of people were with him no longer, Jesus said to his twelve disciples, "Will you also go away and leave me?”
Then Simon Pḗ te͂r answered him, "Lord, to whom else can we go? for thou only hast the words that will give us everlasting life.”
Lesson 15. The Death of John the Baptist.
(Tell Stories 18 and 19 in Part Sixth.)
1. Where was John the Baptist, while Jesus was preaching in Galilee? In prison.
2. Who put John the Baptist in prison? The wicked Bing Herod.
3. What did Jesus say of John the Baptist while he was in prison? "No greater man than John has lived.”
4. What other wicked deed was done by King Herod? He put to death John the Baptists.
5. Where did Jesus go with his disciples, when he heard that John the Baptist was dead? To a quiet place by the Sea of Galilee.
6. Near what city was this place? Near Bethsaida.
7. What great work did Jesus do at this place? He gave food to a great company.
8. How many people did Jesus feed at that time? Five thousand people.
9. With what did Jesus feed the five thousand people? With five loaves and two fishes.
10. After feeding the five thousand, how did Jesus go to his disciples? By walking on the water.

Story Twenty

Matthew 25:21 to 39; Mark 7:24, to 8:26
AFTER the feeding of the five thousand, and the talk which followed it in the synagogue of Cā̇-pēŕ na-ŭm, Jesus no longer sought to preach to the people in crowds, as he had preached before. He had spoken his last words to the people of Găĺ ĭ-lee, and now he sought to be alone with his disciples, that he might teach them many things which they needed. Jesus knew that in a few months, less than a year, he would leave his disciples to carry on the work of preaching his gospel to the world. Before that time should come Jesus wished to teach and train his disciples; so he tried to be apart from the people and alone with these twelve men.
With this purpose in his mind, Jesus led his disciples away from Cā̇-pe͂ŕ na-ŭm, across Găĺ ĭ-lee westward, to the land of Tyre and Sī́ dŏn, near the Great Sea. On the border of this land he came to a village, and in it went with his disciples into a house. Jesus did not wish the people of the place to know that he was there; but he could not be hid.
A woman of that place, who was not of the Jeẃ ĭsh race, but belonged to the old Cā́ năan-īte people, heard of Jesus' coming. She sought out Jesus, and fell down before him, and begged him to come to her house and cure her daughter, in whom was an evil spirit. At first Jesus would not answer her, for he had not come to that place to do works of healing. But she kept on crying and calling upon Jesus to help her daughter, until the disciples said, "Master, send this woman away, for she is a trouble to us, crying out after us!”
They thought that a Gĕń tīle woman, one who did not belong to the race of Ĭś̝ ra-el, was not worthy of the Lord's care. But Jesus wished to teach his disciples that he did care for this woman, though she was a Gĕń tīle and a stranger. To show them how strong was her faith, he said to her, "I am not sent to the Gĕń tīles̝, but only to the lost sheep of the house of Ĭś̝ ra-el.”
But the woman would not be discouraged; she kept on saying, "Lord, help me!” Jesus said to her again, "It is not fitting to take the children's bread, and throw it to the dogs!” Then the woman said, "It is true, Lord; yet the little dogs under the table eat of the children's crumbs!” And Je'sus said to her, "O woman, your faith is great! It shall be done even as you ask. Go your way; the evil spirit is sent out of your daughter.”
The woman believed the words that Jesus spoke. She went to her home and there found her daughter resting upon the bed, freed from the evil spirit.
So many people sought to see Jesus in that place, that he left that land with his disciples, and went around Găĺ ĭ-lee, and came again to the country called Dē̇-căṕ o-lĭs, on the east of the Sea of Găĺ ĭ-lee. You remember that Jesus had visited this country before, when he cast the army of evil spirits out of a man into the hogs. At that time the people almost drove Jesus away from their land; but now they were glad to see him, and brought their sick to him to be healed. Perhaps they had heard from the man out of whom the evil spirits had gone how kind and good and helpful Jesus was.
They led to Jesus a man who was deaf, and could not speak plainly. He was what we would call "tongue-tied." They asked Jesus to cure him; but Jesus would not do his work as a sight for men to look upon. He took the man away from the crowd, and when he was alone with him he put his fingers into the man's ears and touched his tongue. Then he looked up to heaven, and gave a sigh, and said to the man, "Be opened!”
Then the man's ears were opened, and his tongue was set free, so that he heard and spoke plainly. Jesus told the man, and those with him, not to let others know what he had done; but they could not keep from telling the good news to everybody. They were full of wonder, for they had not before seen the works of Jesus; and they said, "He has done all things well; he makes even the deaf to hear, and the dumb to speak!”
And in the land of Dē̇-căṕ o-lĭs, as before in Găĺ ĭ-lee, great crowds of people came to see and hear Jesus. They followed him, without thinking that they would need any food to eat; and Jesus said to his disciples, "I feel a pity for this people, for they have now been with me three days, and they have nothing to eat. If I send them home hungry, they will faint by the way, for many of them came from far.”
The disciples answered him, "How can we find bread for such a great crowd of people, here in a desert place, so far from the villages?”
"How many loaves of bread have you?" asked Jesus. They said, "We have seven loaves and a few small fishes.”
Then he told all the people to sit down on the ground. When they were seated, Jesus took the seven loaves and the fishes, and gave thanks to God, and broke them, and gave them to his disciples, and they gave them to the people. Then, as before, he caused them to gather up the food that was left, and they filled seven large baskets with the pieces. At this time four thousand men were fed, besides women and children. And at once after the meal, he sent the people to their homes, and with his disciples went on board a boat, and sailed across the lake to a place on the western shore. There he stayed only a short time, and then sailed northward to Bĕth-sā́ ĭ-dȧ, at the head of the lake.
At Bĕth-sā́ ĭ-dȧ they brought to him a blind man, and asked him to touch his eyes. But Jesus would not heal the man while a crowd was looking on. He led the man by his hand out of the village alone. Then he spat on the man's eyes, and touched them with his hands, and said to him, "Can you see anything?”
The man looked up, and said, "I see men; but they look like trees walking.”
Then again Jesus laid his hands upon the man's eyes. He looked once more, and now could see all things clearly. Jesus sent him to his home, and said to him, "Do not even go into the village, nor tell it to any one in the village.”
For Jesus wished not to have crowds of people coming to him, but to be alone with his disciples, for he had many things to teach them.
Lesson 16. The Mother's Prayer, and the Four Thousand Fed.
(Tell Story 20 in Part Sixth.)
1. To what land did Je'sus go with his disciples after feeding the five thousand? To the land of Tyre and Sidon.
2. Why did Jesus go to that country? To be alone with his disciples.
3. Who came to Jesus at that place? A woman praying for her daughter.
4. What did this woman ask Jesus to do for her daughter? To set her free from an evil spirit.
5. What did Jesus say to this woman when he cured her daughter? "O woman, your faith is great.”
6. To what country did Jesus and his disciples go from the land of Tyre and Sidon? To Decapolis.
7. Where was the country of Decapolis? East of the Sea of Galilee.
8. What did the people in that land say of Jesus as they saw his great works? "He has done all things well.”
9. To how many people in Decapolis did Jesus give food at one time? To four thousand people.
10. With how many loaves did Jesus feed the four thousand people? With seven loaves.

Story Twenty-One

Matt. 16:13, to 17:23; Mark 8:27, to 9:32; Luke 9:18 to 45
FROM Bĕth-sā́ ĭ-dȧ on the Sea of Găĺ i-lee, Jesus led his disciples still further north to Cæs-a-rḗ a Phĭ-lĭṕ pī, at the foot of the great Mount Hermon. The name of this place means "Phĭĺ ĭp's Cæs-a-rḗ a;" and it was so called because it was under the rule of King Hĕŕ od Phĭĺ ĭp, a brother of King Hĕŕ od Ăń tĭ-păs, who ruled in Găĺ ĭ-lee; and there was another Cæs-a-rḗ a on the shore of the Great Sea, south of Mount Carmel. At Cæs-a-rḗ a Phĭ-lĭṕ pī, Jesus asked his disciples this question, "Who do men say that I, the Son of man, am?" "The Son of man" was the name by which Jesus often spoke of himself.
They answered him:
"Some men say that you are Jŏhn the Băṕ tĭst risen from the dead; some say that you are the prophet Ē̇-lī́ jah, or the prophet Jĕr-e-mī́ ah, come again to earth.”
Then said Jesus, "But who do you say that I am?”
Sī́ mon Pḗ te͂r answered for them all, saying:
"Thou art the Anointed One, the Christ, the Son of the living God!”
Jesus said to Pḗ te͂r:
"Sī́ mon, this has come to you not from men, but from my Father who is in heaven. You are Pḗ te͂r, the Rock; and on this rock I will build my church, and all the powers of earth shall not overcome it.”
For the church of Christ is made of those who believe what Pḗ te͂r said, that Jesus is the Christ, the Savior of the world; and who obey Jesus as their Lord and King.
After this Jesus began to tell his disciples what things were to come upon him before many months. He said:
"We are going up to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm; and there the people will refuse to own the Son of man; and he shall suffer many wrongs from the rulers, and chief priests; and shall be killed; and on the third day he shall be raised to life.”
But the disciples could not believe that such sad things would come to pass with Jesus. They thought that he would reign as a king, and that high places in his kingdom would be given to themselves. Pé̄ ter took Jesus apart from the rest, and said to him:
"Master, do not speak of such things. You will not suffer and die. You shall be a king!”
But Jesus saw that under Pḗ te͂r's words was the evil one, tempting him, and he said to Pḗ ter:
"Go from me, Sā́ tan, evil one! You would be a stumbling-block to me, to make me fall! You are seeking not that which is of God, but that which is of men!”
For Jesus knew that while all men wished him to be a king, ruling over a kingdom on the earth, it was God's will for him to die upon the cross to save the world from sin. Then Jesus called the people to come near with his disciples, and he said to them all: "If any man will come after me, let him give up his own will, and take up his cross, and follow me. For whoever has a will to save his life here, shall lose it hereafter. And whoever is willing to give up his life for my sake, shall find it again in the life everlasting. What gain will it be to a man to have the whole world, and to lose his own soul? For the Son of man will come in his glory, with all the holy angels, and then he Will give to every man according to his acts. And if any man is ashamed to own the Lord now, the Lord will not own him in that day!”
One night, about a week after saying those words, Jesus called three of his disciples, Pḗ te͂r, Jāmes̝, and Jŏhn, and with them climbed up the side of Mount He͂ŕ mon. At a high place on the mountain, the three disciples lay down to sleep, but Jesus sought his Father in prayer. While Jesus was praying, a great change came over him. His face began to shine as bright as the sun, and his garments became whiter than snow. The three disciples awoke, and saw their Lord with all this glory beaming from him.
And they saw two men talking with Jesus. These were Mṓ s̝es̝ and Ē̇-lī́ jah, who had come down from heaven to meet Jesus; and they spoke with him of the death that he was to die in Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm. As these men were passing from the sight of the disciples, Pḗ te͂r spoke, scarcely knowing what he was saying, "Master, it is good for us to be here! Let us make here three tabernacles, one for thee, and one for Mṓ s̝es̝, and one for Ē̇-lī́ jah!”
While Pḗ te͂r was speaking a bright and glorious cloud came over them all; and the three disciples felt a great fear as they found themselves in the cloud, and no longer able to see their Master. Out of the cloud came the voice of God, saying these words:
"This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him!”
As the disciples heard this voice they fell upon their faces on the ground in great fear. And Jesus came and touched them saying, "Rise up, and do not be afraid.”
Then they looked up, and lo, the bright cloud had passed away, the two men were no more in sight, and Jesus was standing alone. They walked together down the mountain; and Jesus said to them very earnestly:
"Do not tell to any man what you have seen, until the Son of man is risen from the dead.”
They wondered what this "rising from the dead" could mean; for even yet they could not believe that Jesus would die. But they said nothing to any one, not even to the other disciples, of what they had seen upon the mountain.
When Jesus and the three disciples came down the mountain, they found many people around the other nine disciples. As the people saw Jesus they were filled with wonder, for some of the glory still remained upon his face; and they bowed before him. One man came to Jesus, and said:
"Master, look upon my son, my only child, and have mercy upon him; for he is terribly troubled by an evil spirit. At times he cannot speak, and then he will cry out suddenly. The spirit almost tears him in pieces; and makes him fall into the fire, and into the water. He foams at the mouth; and grinds his teeth, and pines away. And I spoke to your disciples, but they could not cast out the evil spirit.”
And Jesus said:
"O ye people without faith, and wandering from God, how long must I be with you? how long must I bear with you? Bring your child to me.”
While they were bringing the boy to Jesus; the evil spirit in him threw him down; and seemed to tear him apart; and he lay suffering and rolling on the ground. Jesus said to the boy's father: "How long is it since this came to him?”
The father said, "Ever since he was a little child; but if you can do anything, have mercy' on us and help us!”
"If I can!" said Jesus. "Do you not know that all things are possible to the one that believes in me?”
At once the father of the child cried out, "Lord, I believe! Help my lack of faith!”
Then Jesus spoke to the evil spirit in the boy:
"Dumb and deaf spirit, come out of this child, and never again enter into him!”
Then the spirit gave a cry, and came out, and left the child as one dead on the ground. Indeed, many who looked at him said, "He is dead!”
But Jesus took him by the hand and lifted him up; and the boy stood up well, set free from the evil spirit; and Jesus gave him to his father. And all who saw it wondered at the mighty power of the Lord.
When Jesus was in the house, his disciples asked him, "Why could not we cast out the evil spirit?”
And Jesus said to them, "Because you were wanting in faith. But this kind of evil spirits can be sent out only through prayer and fasting.”
While all were wondering at the great things which Jesus did he said again to his disciples:
"Let what I say to you sink down into your hearts. The time is coming when the Son of man shall be given into the hands of men; and they shall kill him; and after he is killed, on the third day he shall rise again.”
But they could not understand what he meant by these words; and they were afraid to ask him.
Lesson 17. The Glory of Jesus on the Mountain.
(Tell Story 21 in Part Sixth.)
1. What question did Jesus ask his disciples? " Who do you say that I am?”
2. Who answered Jesus question for all the disciples? Peter.
3. What did Peter say in answer to Jesus? "You are Christ, the Son of God.”
4. What does the word "Christ" mean? The Anointed One, the King.
5. On what mountain did Jesus go with three of his disciples? On Mount Hermon.
6. What change came upon Jesus while he was praying on the mountain? He shone as bright as the sun.
7. What two men of the past were seen talking with Jesus? Moses and Elijah
8. What did a voice from a cloud say? "This is my beloved Son.”
9. What did Jesus and the three disciples find when they came down the mountain? A child with an evil spirit.
10. What did Jesus do to the child? He set him free from the evil spirit.

Story Twenty-Two

Matt. 17:24, to 18:35; Mark 9:33 to 48; Luke 9:46 to 50
FROM Cæs-a-rḗ ȧ Phĭ-lĭṕ pī, in the far north, Jesus went with his disciples through Gall-lee, but not, as at other times, with a great multitude following him. At this time Jesus wished no one to know of his coming, for he had already preached to this people, and now he sought to be alone with his disciples. They came to Cā̇-pe͂ŕ na-ŭm; and while they were there the officer to whom the Jews̝ paid the tax of half a shekel, or about thirty cents, for each man, said to Pḗ te͂r, "Does not your Master pay the half-shekel?”
Pḗ te͂r said, "Yes." But when Pḗ te͂r came into the house, Jesus said to Pḗ te͂r, "Sī́ mon, do the kings of the earth take taxes of their own children, or of strangers?” Pḗ te͂r said to him, "of strangers, not of their own children."
And Jesus said, "Then the children of the King should be free from the tax. But that we may not cause trouble, do you go to the lake, and cast in a hook, and pull up the first fish that comes; and when you have opened his mouth you shall find in it a piece of money. Take that, and pay it to them for you and for me.”
While Jesus was in the house, he said to his disciples, "What was it that you were talking about among yourselves while you were on the way?”
They looked at one another, and said nothing; for on the way they had been disputing as to who of them should have the highest places in their Lord's kingdom. Then Jesus said to them, "If any one among you wishes to be first, let him be willing to be the last of all, and to be a servant of all.”
And Jesus took a little child in his arms, and held him up before all his disciples, and said to them, "Unless you turn from your ways, and become like little children in spirit, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Whoever shall be gentle and lowly and willing to be taught, like this little child, he shall be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever shall receive one such little child for my sake, he receives me.
Take care not to despise one of these little ones; for I say unto you, that in heaven their angels do always look upon the face of my Father who is in heaven. For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost; and it is not the will of your Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish." And Pḗ te͂r said to Jesus, "Lord, how many times should I forgive a brother when he has sinned against me? Till seven times?”
Jesus said to Pḗ te͂r, "I do not say that you should forgive him seven times only, but seventy times seven.”
Then Jesus gave to his disciples the parable or story of the Unkind Servant:
"There was once a king who had an account made with his servants of how much money they owed him. One servant was brought before the king; and he owed the king a great sum of money, ten millions of dollars. The man had nothing with which to pay his debt, and the king commanded that the man, and his wife, and his children should be sold as slaves for the debt. Then the servant fell down before the king, and said, 'Be patient with me; give me time, and I will pay all that I owe!'
"Then the king felt a pity for his servant, set him free, and let him go without any payment, giving him all that he owed.
"But that servant went out and found another servant who owed him a small sum, only ten dollars. He came to this man, and took hold of him by the throat, and said, Pay what you owe me!' The man fell down before him, and said, 'Have patience with me, and I will pay you!' He would not wait for the man to earn the money, but threw the man in prison, to stay there until he should pay the debt. When his fellow-servants heard of what had been done, they were sorry for the poor debtor in prison, and came and told the king all that had been done. Then the king sent for the servant, and said to him, 'You wicked servant, I forgave you all your debt when you asked me to give you time. And you should have had mercy on your fellow-servant, just as I had mercy on you!' And the king was angry against the unkind servant, and sent him to prison, and ordered that he should be made to suffer until he should pay all his debt. So also shall my heavenly Father do to you, if from your hearts you do not forgive your brothers who have sinned against you.”
Lesson 18. The Little Child, the Ten Lepers, and the Two Sisters.
(Tell Stories 22 and 23 in Part Sixth.)
1. Whom did Jesus take in his arms and hold up before his disciples? A little child.
2. What did Jesus say to his disciples at that time? "Be like little children.”
3. How did Jesus say we should treat those who have been unkind to us? We should forgive them
many times.
4. Through what country did Jesus go on his way from Galilee to Jerusalem? Through Samaria.
5. Who met Jesus while he was in that country? Ten men that were lepers.
6. What did Jesus do to these men? He made them all well.
7. How many of the men after they were made well, came and thanked Jesus? Only one.
8. At what town did Jesus stay while he was near Jerusalem? At Bethany.
9. With what two sisters in Bethany did Jesus stay? With Martha and Mary.

Story Twenty-Three

Matt. 8:19 to 22; Luke 9:57 to 62; 10:38 to 42; 17:11 to 19; John 7:2 to 52
IN the fall of every year there was held at Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm. "The Feast of Tabernacles." It was kept to remind the people of the time when the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes came out of Ḗ ġy̆pt and lived for forty years in the wilderness, more than a thousand years before the days when Jesus was on the earth. At this feast the people from all parts of the land came up to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, and worshipped in the Temple. And as the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes had lived in tents in the wilderness, the people during the feast did not sleep in-doors, but made arbors and huts from green boughs on the roofs of the houses, and on the hills around the city, and slept in them at night.
Jesus and his disciples went from Găĺ ĭ-lee to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm to attend this feast. Just as Jesus was leaving, a man who had heard Jesus said to him, "Master, I will follow thee wherever thou goest.”
And Jesus said to him, "The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of man has net a place where he can lay his head.”
There was another man to whom Jesus had said, "Follow me." This man said, "Lord, let me go and bury my father, who is very old and must die very soon, and then I will follow thee.”
Jesus said to him, "Let the dead bury their own dead; but do you go and, preach the kingdom of God.”
And another said, "Lord, I will follow thee; but let me first go home and say 'good-bye' to those who are in my house.”
Jesus said to him, "No man who has put his hand to the plow, and looks back, is fit for the kingdom of God.”
On his way to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lem Jesus went through the country of Sā̇-mā́ rĭ-ȧ, where the people hated the Jews. In one place the Sā̇-măŕ ĭ-tans̝ would not let Jesus and his disciples come into their village, because they saw that they were Jews going up to Jē̇-rṳ́ -sā̇-lĕm. The disciples were very angry at such treatment of their Master; and Jāmes̝ and Jŏhn said to him, "Lord, shall we call down fire from heaven, to destroy this village, as Ē̇-lī́́ jah the prophet did once?”
But Jesus would not allow them to do this to their enemies. He said to them, "Your spirit is not the spirit of my kingdom. The son of man has not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them.”
And they went to another village to find a resting place. At one town they met outside the gate ten men with the dreadful disease of leprosy, of which we read in the Story of Nā́ man. These men had heard of Jesus and his power to heal; and when they saw him they cried out aloud, "Jesus, Master,. Have mercy on us!" Jesus said to them, "Go and show yourselves to the priests.”
If ever a leper became well, he went to the priest, and offered a sacrifice, and then was allowed to go to his home. These men obeyed the word of Jesus, believing that he would cure them; and as soon as they started to go to the priests they found that they were already well. All but one of the men went on their way, but one returned, and came back to Jesus, and fell at his feet, giving praise to God; and this man was not a Jew, but a Sā̇-măŕ ĭ-tan. Jesus said as he saw him, "Were there not ten cleansed? But where are the nine? Were there none who came back to give glory to God, except this stranger?”
Then he said to the man, "Rise up, and go your way; your faith has saved you.”
Jesus came to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm not on the first day of the feast, but in the middle, for the feast was held for a week. He stood in the Temple, and taught the people, and all wondered at his words. On the last and greatest day of the feast, when they were bringing water and pouring it out in the Temple, Jesus cried aloud; "If any man thirst, let him come to me and drink! He that believes on me, out of him shall flow rivers of living water.”
While Jesus was teaching in Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm he often went out of the city to the village of Bĕth́ a-ny̆, on the Mount of Ŏĺ ives̝.
There he stayed with the family of Mäŕ tha, her sister Mā́ ry, and their brother Lăź a-rŭs. These were friends of Jesus, and he loved to be with them. One day, while Jesus was at the house, Mā́ ry̆ sat at the feet of Jesus, listening to his words; but Mäŕ thȧ was busy with work, and full of cares. Mäŕ thȧ came to Jesus, and said, "Master, do you not care that my sister has left me to do all the work? Tell her to come and help me!”
But Jesus said to her, "Mäŕ thȧ, Mäŕ thȧ, you are anxious and troubled about many things. Only one thing is needful; for Mā́ ry̆ has chosen the good part which shall not be taken away from her.”

Story Twenty-Four

John 9:1 to 41
ONE Sabbath-day, as Jesus and his disciples were walking Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lem they met a blind man begging. This man in all his life had never seen, for he had been born blind. The disciples said to Jesus as they were passing him, "Master, whose fault was it that this man was born blind? Was it because he has sinned, or did his parents sin?”
For the Jews thought that when any evil came, it was caused by some one's sin. But Jesus said, "This man was born blind, not because of his parents' sin, nor because of his own; but so that God might show his power in him. We must do God's work while it is day; for the night is coming when no man can work. As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.”
When Jesus had said this he spat on the ground, and mixed up the spittle with earth, making a little lump of clay. This clay Jesus spread on the eyes of the blind man, and then he said to him, "Go and wash in the pool of Sī-lṓ am.”
The pool of Sī-lṓ am was a large cistern or reservoir on the southeast of Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, outside the wall, where the valley of Ḡī́ hon and the valley of the Cḗ dron come together. To go to this pool the blind man, with two great blotches of mud on his face, must walk through the streets of the city, out of the gate, and into the valley. He went, and felt his way down the steps into the pool of Sī-lṓ am. There he washed, and then at once his lifelong blindness passed away, and he could see. When the man came back to the part of the city where he lived, his neighbors could scarcely believe that he was the same man. They said, "Is not this the man who used to sit on the street begging?”
"This must be the same man," said some; but others said, "No, it is someone who looks like him.”
But the 'man said, "I am the very same man who was blind!" "Why, how did this come to pass?" they asked him. "How were your eyes opened.”
"The man called Jesus," he answered, "mixed clay, and put it on my eyes, and said to me, 'Go to the pool of Sī-lṓ am and wash,' and I went and washed, and then I could see.”
"Where is this man?" they asked him.
"I do not know," said the man.
Some of the Phăŕ ĭ-sees̝, the men who made a show of always obeying the law, asked the man how he had been made to see. He said to them, as he had said before, "A man put clay on my eyes, and I washed and my sight came to me." Some of the Phăŕ ĭ-sees̝ said, "The man who did this is not a man of God, because he does not keep the Sabbath. He makes clay, and puts it on men's eyes, working on the Sabbath-day. He is a sinner.”
Others said, "How can a man who is a sinner do such wonderful works?" And thus the people were divided in what they thought of Jesus. They asked the man who had been blind, "What do you think of this man who has opened your eyes?”
"He is a prophet of God!" said the man.
But the leading Jews̝ would not believe that this man had gained his sight until they had sent for his father and his mother. The Jews̝ asked them, "Is this your son, who you say was born blind? How is it that he can now see?”
His patents were afraid to tell all they knew; for the Jew had agreed that if any man should say that Jesus was the Christ, the Savior, he should be turned out of the synagogue, and not be allowed to worship any more with the people. So his parents said to the Jews̝, "We know that this is our son, and we know that he was born blind. But how he was made to see we do not know, or who has opened his eyes we do not know. He is of age; ask him, and let him speak for himself." Then again the rulers of the Jews̝ called the man who had been blind; and they said to him, "Give God the praise for your sight. We know that this man who made clay on the Sabbath-day is a sinner.”
"Whether that man, is a sinner or not, I do not know," answered the man; "but one thing I do know, that once I was blind, and now I see." They said to him again, "What did this man do to you? How did he open your eyes?”
"I have told you already, and you would not listen," said the man. "Why do you wish to hear it again? Do you intend to believe in him and be his followers?”
This made them very angry, and they said to the man," "You are his follower; but we are followers of Mṓ s̝es̝. We know that God spoke to Mṓ s̝es̝; but as for this fellow, we do not even know from what place he comes!”
The man said, "Why, that is a very wonderful thing! You who are teachers of the people, do not know who this man is, or from what place he comes; and yet he has had power to open my eyes! We know that God does not hear sinners; but God hears only those who worship him and do his will. Never before has any one opened the eyes of a man born blind. If this man were not from God, he could not do such works as these!”
The rulers of the Jews̝, these Phăŕ ĭ-sees̝, then said to the man, "You were born in sin; and do you try to teach us?”
And they turned him out of the synagogue, and would not let him worship with them. Jesus heard of this; and when Jesus found him he said to him, "Do you believe on the Son of God?”
The man said, "And who is he, Lord, that I may believe on him?" "You have seen him," said Jesus, "and it is he who now talks with you!”
The man said, "Lord, I believe." And he fell down before Jesus and worshipped him.
Lesson 19. The Man with Clay on his Face.
(Tell Story 24 in Part Sixth.)
1. Whom did Jesus and his disciples meet in Jerusalem one day? A man who had been born blind.
2. What did Jesus do to the blind man? He put clay on his eyes.
3. What did Jesus tell the blind man to do? To wash in the pool of Siloam.
4. What change came to the blind man after he had washed in the pool of Siloam? He could see.
5. On what day was this blind man made to see? On the Sabbath day.
6. How did the Jews feel toward Jesus when they found that he had done this on the Sabbath? They were very angry.
7. What did they say of Jesus? "He is a sinner.”
8. What did the man who had been blind say of Jesus? "He is a prophet of God.”
9. What is a prophet? One who speaks the word of God.
10. What did Jesus say to this man when he met him afterward? "Do you believe on the Son of God?”
11. How did the man answer Jesus? "Lord, I believe.”

Story Twenty-Five

John 10:1 to 41; Luke 10:1 to 37
AFTER the cure of the man born blind, Jesus gave to the people in Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm the parable or story of "The, Good Shepherd."
"Verily, verily (that is, "in truth, in truth"), I say to you, if any one does not go into the sheepfold by the door, but climbs up some other way, it is a sign that he is a thief and a robber. But the one who comes in by the door is a shepherd of the sheep. The porter opens the door to him, and the sheep know him, and listen to his call, for he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out to the pasture-field. And when he has led out his sheep, he goes in front of them, and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice. The sheep will not follow a stranger, for they do not know the stranger's voice.”
The people did not understand what all this meant, and Jesus explained it to them. He said:
"Verily, verily, I say to you, I am the door that leads to the sheepfold. If any one comes to the sheep in any other way than through me and in my name, he is a thief and a robber; but those who are the true sheep will not hear such. I am the door; if any man goes into the fold through me, he shall be saved, and shall go in and go out, and shall find pasture.
"The thief comes to the fold that he may steal, and rob the sheep and kill them; but I come to the fold that they may have life, and may have all that they need. I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd will give up his life to save his sheep; and I will give up my life that my sheep may be saved.
`I am the good shepherd; and just as a true shepherd knows all the sheep in his flock, so I know my own, and my own know me, even as I know the Father, and the Father knows me; and I lay down my life for the sheep. And other sheep I have, which are hot of this fold; them also I must lead, and they shall hear my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd.”
The Jews̝ could not understand these words of Jesus; but they became very angry with him, because he spoke of God as his Father. They took up stones to throw at him, and tried to seize him, intending to kill him. But Jesus escaped from their hands, and went away to the land beyond Jôŕ dan, at the place called Bĕth-ab́ a-rȧ, or "Bĕth́ a-ny̆ beyond Jôŕ dan," the same place where he had been baptized by Jŏhn the Băṕ tĭst more than two years before. From this place Jesus wished to go out through the land on the east of the Jordan, a land which was called "Pe-rḗ ȧ," a word that means "beyond." But before going out himself through this land, Jesus sent out seventy chosen men from among his followers to go to all the villages, and to make the people ready for his own coming afterward. He gave to these seventy the same commands that he had given to the twelve disciples, when he sent them through Găĺ ĭ-lee, and sent them out in pairs, two men to travel and to preach together. He said:
"I send you forth as lambs among wolves. Carry no purse, no bag for food, no shoes except those that you are wearing. Do not stop to talk with people by the way; but go through the towns and the villages, healing the sick, and preaching to the people, ' The kingdom of God is coming.' He that hears you, hears me; and he that refuses you, refuses me; and he that will not hear me, will not hear him that sent me.”
And after a time the seventy men came again to Jesus, saying, "Lord, even the evil spirits obey our words in thy name!”
And Jesus said to them, "I saw Sā́ tan, the king of the evil spirits, falling down like lightning from heaven. I have given you power to tread upon serpents and scorpions; and nothing shall harm you. Still, do not rejoice because the evil spirits obey, you; but rejoice that your names are written in heaven." And at that time, one of the scribes,—men who wrote copies of the books of the Old Testament, and studied them, and taught them,—came to Jesus and asked him a question, to see what answer he would give. He said, "Master, what shall I do to have everlasting life?”
Jesus said to the scribe, "What is written in the law? You are a reader of God's law; tell me what it says?”
Then the man gave this answer, "thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." Jesus said to the man, "You have answered right; do this, and you shall have everlasting life.”
But the man was not satisfied. He asked another question, "And who is my neighbor?”
To answer this question, Jesus gave the parable or story of "The Good Sā̇-măŕ i-tan." He said, "A certain man was going down the lone road from Jé-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm to Jĕŕ i-chō; and he fell among robbers, who stripped him of all that he had, and beat him; and then went away, leaving him almost dead. It happened that a certain priest was going down that road; and when he saw the man lying there, he passed by on the other side. And a Levite also, when he came to the place, and saw the man, he, too, went by on the other side. But a certain Sā̇-măŕ ĭ-tan, as he was going down, came where this man was; and as soon as he saw him he felt a pity for him. He came to the man, and dressed his wounds, pouring oil and wine into them. Then he lifted him up, and set him on his own beast of burden, and walked beside him to an inn. There he took care of him all night; and the next morning he took out from his purse two shillings, and gave them to the keeper of the inn, and said, `Take care of him; and if you need to spend more than this, do so; and when I come again I will pay it to you.'
"Which one of these three do you think showed himself a neighbor to the man who fell among the robbers?”
The scribe said, "The one who showed mercy on him.”
Then Jesus said to him, "Go and do thou likewise.”
By this parable Jesus showed that "our neighbor" is the one who needs the help that we can give him, whoever he may be.
Lesson 20. The Good Shepherd and the Good Samaritan.
(Tell Story 25 in Part Sixth.)
1. What parable or story did Jesus tell while he was in Jerusalem? "The Good Shepherd.”
2. How did Jesus say the true shepherd goes into the sheepfold? By the door.
3. What did Jesus say of himself? "I am the door.”
4. What else did Jesus say of himself? "I am the good shepherd.”
5. What did Jesus say the good shepherd does for his sheep? He gives his life for them.
6. To what part of the country did Jesus go from Jerusalem? To Perea.
7. Where was Perea? East of the river Jordan.
8. What parable or story did Jesus tell a man in Perea? "The Good Samaritan.”
9. What did the good Samaritan do? He helped a man who was in need.
10. What did Mug say to the man to whom he told the story? "Go and do likewise.”

Story Twenty-Six

John 11:1 to 55
WHILE Jesus was at Bĕth-ab́ a-rȧ beyond Jordan, and ready to begin preaching in the land of Pe-rḗ ȧ, he was suddenly called back to the village of Bĕth́ a-ny̆, on the Mount of Ŏĺ ĭves̝, near Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm. You remember that Mäŕ thȧ, and Mā́ ry̆, and Lăź a-rŭs, the friends of Jesus, were living in this place.
The word came to Jesus that Lăź a-rŭs was very ill. But Jesus did not hurry away from Bĕth-ab́ a-rȧ to go to Bĕth́ a-ny̆. He stayed two days, and then he said to his disciples, "Let us go again into Jū́ dē-ȧ, near Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm.”
The disciples said to Jesus, "Master, when we were in Jū-dḗ ȧ last the people tried to stone you and to kill you; and now would you go there again?”
Jesus said, "Our friend Lăź a-rŭs has fallen asleep; but I go that I may awake him out of his sleep." The disciples said, "Master, if he has fallen asleep, he may be well." For they thought that Jesus was speaking of taking rest in sleep; but Jesus meant that Lăź a-rŭs was dead. Then Jesus said to them, "Lăź a-rŭs is dead; and I am glad that I was not there to keep him alive; for now you will be led to believe in me all the more fully. But let us now go to him.”
Then one of the disciples, named Thŏḿ as, said to the others, "Let us also go, and die with our Master!" So Jesus left Beth-ab́ a-rȧ with his disciples, and came to Bĕth́-a-ny̆; and then he found Lăź a-rŭs had been buried four days. Many of the Jews̝ had come to comfort Mäŕ thȧ and Mā́ ry̆ in the loss of their brother. They told Mäŕ thȧ that Jesus was coming, and she went to meet him, but Mā́ ry̆ sat still in the house. As soon as Mäŕ thȧ saw Jews̝, she said to him very sadly, "Lord, if you had been here, my brother need not have died. And even now, I know that God will give you whatever you may ask.”
Jesus said to her, "Your brother shall rise again.”
"I know that he shall rise," said Mäŕ thȧ, "when the last day comes, and all the dead are raised.”
Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection, the raising from the dead; and I am the life. Whoever believes on me, even though he may die, he shall live; and whoever lives and believes on me shall never die. Do you believe this?”
She said to him, "Yes, Lord, I believe that thou art the Christ, the Son of God, the one who comes into the world.”
Then Mäŕ thȧ went to her home, and said to her sister Mari, but quietly, so that no other person heard her, "The Master is here, and he asks for you!”
At once Mā́ ry̆ rose up to go to Jesus. Her friends thought that she was going to her brother's tomb, and they went with her. Jesus was still at the place where Mäŕ thȧ had met him, near the village. When Mā́ ry̆ came to him, she fell down at his feet, and said, as her sister had said, "Lord, if you had been here, my brother need not have died!”
When Jesus saw her weeping, and the Jews̝ weeping with her, he also was touched, and groaned in his spirit, and was filled with sorrow. He said, "Where have you laid him?”
They showed him the place where Lăź a-rŭs was buried, a cave, with a stone laid upon the door. Jesus wept as he stood near it, and the Jews̝ said, "See how he loved Lăź a-rŭs!”
But some of them said, "If this man could open the eyes of the blind, why is it that he could not keep this man whom he loved from dying?”
Jesus, standing before the cave, and still groaning within, said, "Take away the stone!”
Mäŕ thȧ said, "Lord, by this time his body has begun to decay, for he has been dead four days.”
Jesus said to her, "Did I not say to you that if you would believe, you should see the glory of God?”
They took away the stone, as Jesus had commanded. Then Jesus lifted up his eyes toward heaven, and said:
"Father, I thank thee that thou didst hear me. I know that thou Dost hear me always; but because of those who are standing here I spoke, so that they may believe that thou hast sent me.”
Then, with a loud voice, Jesus called out, "Lăź a-rus, come forth!”
And the man who had been four days dead came out of the tomb. His body, and hands, and feet were wrapped round and round with grave bands, and over his face was bound a napkin.
Jesus said to those standing near, "Loose him, and let him go!”
When they saw the wonderful power of Jesus in raising Lăź a-rŭs to life many of the people believed in Jesus. But others went away and told the Phăŕ ĭ-sees̝ and rulers what Jesus had done. They called a meeting of all the rulers, the great council of the Jews̝, and they said, "What shall we do, for this man is doing many works of wonder? If we let him alone everybody will believe on him, and will try to make him the king; and then the Rṓ mans̝ will make war upon us and destroy our nation and our people.”
But the high-priest Cā́ ia-phăs said, "It is better for us that one man should die for the people than that our whole nation should be destroyed. Let us put this man to death.”
And to this they agreed, and from that day all the rulers found plans to have Jesus slain. But Jesus knew their purpose, for he knew all things. His time to die had not yet come, and he went away with his disciples to a city near the wilderness and not far from Bĕth-ab́ a-rȧ, where he had been before. And from this place he went forth to preach in the land of Pe-rḗ ȧ, into which he had sent the seventy disciples, as we read in the last Story.
Lesson 21. Lazarus Raised to Life.
(Tell Story 26 in Part Sixth.)
1. Who sent for Jesus very suddenly, asking him to come to them? Martha and Mary.
2. To what place did they ask Jesus to come? To Bethany near Jerusalem
3. Why did Martha and Mary send for Jesus to come to Bethany? Because their brother was very sick.
4. What was the name of their brother? Lazarus.
5. What took place before Jesus went to Bethany? Lazarus died.
6. How long had Lazarus been buried when Jesus came to Bethany? Four days.
7. What is told of Jesus, as he stood before the tomb of Lazarus? "Jesus wept.”
8. What did Jesus say at the tomb of Lazarus? " Lazarus, come forth!”
9. What took place when Jesus had spoken these words? Lazarus came out of the tomb living.
10. What did many of the people do when they saw this mighty work of Jesus? Many believed on Jesus.
11. What did the rulers of the Jews resolve to do? To kill Jesus.

Story Twenty-Seven

Luke 12:1, to 15:32
JESUS went with his disciples through the land of Pe-rḗ ȧ, on the east of the Jôŕ dan, the only part of the Ĭś̝ ra-el-īte country that he had not already visited. The people had heard of Jesus from the seventy disciples whom he had sent through the land, and in every place great multitudes of people came to see him and to hear him. At one time, one man called out of the crowd, and said to Jesus:
"Master, speak to my brother, and tell him to give me my share of what our father left us!” Jesus said:
"Man, who made me a judge over you, to settle your disputes? Let both of you, and all of you, take care and keep from being covetous, seeking what is not yours.”
Then Jesus gave to the people the parable or story of "The Rich Fool." He said:
"There was a rich farmer whose fields brought great harvests, until the rich man said to himself:
“‘What shall I do? for I have no place where I can store up the fruits of my fields. This is what I will do. I will pull down my barns, and will build larger ones; and there I will store all my grain and my goods. And I will say to my soul, "Soul, you have goods laid up enough to last for many years; take your ease, eat, drink, and be merry."'
"But God said to the rich man, 'Thou foolish one; this night thou shalt die, and thy soul shall be taken away from thee. And the things which thou hast laid up; whose shall they be?”
And Jesus said, "Such is the man who lays up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God.”
On one Sabbath-day, Jesus was teaching in a synagogue. And a woman came in who for eighteen years had been bent forward, and could not stand up straight. When Jesus saw her, he called her, and said to her:
"Woman, you are set free from your trouble of body.”
He laid his hands upon her; and she stood up straight, and praised God for his mercy. But the chief man in the synagogue was not pleased to see Jesus healing on the Sabbath. He spoke to the people, and said:
"There are six days when men ought to work; in them, you should come and be healed, and not on the Sabbath-day.”
But Plus said to him and to the others:
"Does not each one of you on the Sabbath-day loose his ox or his ass from the stall, and lead him away to give him water? And should not this woman, a daughter of Ā́ bră-hăm who has been bound for eighteen years, be set free from her bonds on the Sabbath-day?”
And the enemies of Jesus could say nothing; while all the people were glad at the glorious works which he did.
At one place Jesus was invited to a dinner. He said to the one who had invited him:
"When you make a dinner or a supper, do not invite your friends, or your rich neighbors; for they will invite you in return. But when you make a feast, invite the poor, the helpless, the lame and the blind; for they cannot invite you again; but God will give you a reward in his own time.”
And there went with Jesus great multitudes of people; and he turned, and said to them:
"If any man comes after me, he must love me more than he loves his own father, and his mother, and wife and children, yes, and his own life also; or else he cannot be my disciple. "For who of you, wishing to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he will be able to finish? For if after he has laid the foundation, and then leaves it unfinished, every one who passes by will laugh at him, and say, 'This man began to build, and was not able to finish,’
"Or what king going out to meet another king in war, will not sit down first, and find whether he is able with ten thousand men to meet the one who comes against him with twenty thousand? And if he finds that he cannot meet him, while he is yet a great way off, he sends his messengers and asks for peace.
"Even so, every one of you must give up all that he has, if he would be my disciple.”
While Jesus was teaching, many of the publicans, those who took up the taxes from the people, came to hear him; and many others who were called "sinners" by the Phăŕ ĭ-sees̝ and the Scribes. The enemies of Jesus said:
"This man likes to have sinners come to see him, and he eats with them.”
Then Jesus spoke a parable called "The Lost Sheep," to show why he was willing to talk with sinners. He said:
"What man of you, who has a hundred sheep; if one of them is lost, does not leave his ninety and nine sheep in the field, and go after the one that is lost until he finds it? And when he has found it, he lays it on his shoulders, glad to see his lost sheep again. And when, he comes home he calls together his friends and neighbors, and says to them:
“‘Be glad with me; for I have found my sheep that was lost!'
"Even so," said Jesus, "there is joy in heaven over one sinner who has turned to God, more than over ninety and nine good men, who do not need to turn from their sins.”
Jesus gave to the people also the parable of "The Lost Piece of Money." He said:
"If any woman has ten pieces of silver, and loses one piece, will she not light a lamp, and sweep her house carefully until she finds it? And when she has found it, she calls together her friends and her neighbors, saying:
"'Be glad with me; for I have found the piece of silver that I had lost.'
"Even so, there is joy among the angels of God over one sinner that turns from his sins.”
Then Jesus told another parable, that one called "The Parable of the Prodigal Son." A prodigal is one who spends everything that he has, as did the young man in this parable. Jesus said, "There was once a man who had two sons. The younger of his sons said to his father:
"Father give to me the share that will come to me, of what you own.'
"Then the father divided all that he had between his two sons; and not many days after the younger son took his share, and went away into a far country; and there he wasted it all in wild and wicked living. And when he had spent all there arose a mighty famine of food in that country; and he began to be in want.
"And he went to work for one of the men in that land; and this man sent him into the fields to feed his hogs. And the young man was so hungry that he would have filled himself with the husks that were fed to the hogs; and no one gave anything to him. At last the young man began to think of his father's house; and he said to himself:
“‘How many hired servants of my father's have bread enough and to spare, while I am dying here with hunger! I will arise, and will go to my father, and will say to him, "Father, I have sinned against heaven and in your sight. I am no more worthy to be called your son; let me be one of your hired servants."'
"And he rose up, to go back to his father's house. But while he was yet afar off, his father saw him, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him. And the son said unto him:
“‘Father, I have sinned against heaven, and in your sight. I am no more worthy to be called your son—’
"But before he could say any more, his father called to the servants, and said:
" 'Bring out quickly the best robe, and put it on him; and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet; and bring the fatted calf, and kill it, and let us eat and make merry; for this my son was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.' Now his elder son was in the field; and as he came and drew nigh to the house, he heard music and dancing. And he called to him one of the servants, and asked what these things might be. And the servant said to him:
“‘Your brother has come; and your father has killed the fatted calf, and is having a feast, because he is at home safe and sound.'
"But the elder brother was angry, and would not go in; and his father came out and urged him. But he answered his father, and said:
“‘I have served you for these many years; and I have never disobeyed your commands; and yet you never gave me even a kid, that I might make merry with my friends. But when this your son has come, who has wasted your living with wicked people, you killed for him the fatted calf!'
"And the father said to him:
"'My son, you are always with me, and all that I have is yours. But it was fitting that we should make merry and be glad; for this your brother was dead, and is alive again; he was lost and is found.'”
By these parables Jesus showed that he came not to seek those who thought themselves so good that they did not need him; but those who were the sinful and the needy.
Lesson 22. Some Parables in Perea.
(Tell Story 27 in Part Sixth.)
1. To what country did Jesus go, soon after he brought Lazarus to life? To Perea east of the river Jordan.
2. What did Jesus do in Perea? He went through the land teaching.
3. What was one of the parables or stories that Jesus told in Perea? The Lost Sheep.
4. What did the shepherd do for the sheep that was lost? He went after it and found it.
5. Who seeks after us when we are lost from God? Jesus the good shepherd.
6. Of whom did Jesus tell in another parable or story? Of a young man who went away from home.
7. What happened to this young man? He became very poor.
8. What did the young man say when he was in need? "I will arise, and will go to my father.”
9. What did the father do when his son came home? He made him a great feast.
10. Who is the one that forgives our sins and gives us blessings? Our Heavenly Father.

Story Twenty-Eight

Luke 16:1 to 31, to 18:1 to 34; Matthew 19:13 to 30; 20:17 to 19; Mark 10:13 to 34
ANOTHER parable that Jesus gave was that of "The, Rich Man and Lăź a-rŭs." He said:
"There was a rich man; and he was dressed in garments of purple and fine linen, living every day in splendor. And at the gate leading to his house was laid a beggar named Lăź a-rus, covered with sores, and seeking for his food the crumbs that fell from the rich man's table. Even the dogs of the street came and licked his sores.
"After a time the beggar died, and his soul was carried by the angels into Ā́ bră-hăm's bosom. The rich man also died, and his body was buried. And in the world of the dead he lifted up his eyes, being in misery; and far away he saw Ā́ bră-hăm, and Lăź a-rŭs resting in his bosom. And he cried out and said, 'Father Ā́ bră-hăm, have mercy on me, and send Lăź a-rŭs, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am suffering in this flame!'
"But Ā́ bră-hăm said, 'Son, remember that you had your good things in your lifetime, and that Lăź a-rŭs had his evil things; but now here he is comforted and you are in sufferings. And besides all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed, so that no one may cross over from us to you, and none can come from your place to us.'
"And he said, `I pray, O father Ā́ bră-hăm, if Lăź a-rŭs cannot come to me, command that he be sent to my father's house, for I have five brothers, and let him speak to them, so that they will not come to this place of torment.'
"But Ā́ bra-hăm said, 'They have Mó́́̄ s̝es̝ and the prophets; let them hear them!'
"And he said, 'O father Ā́ bră-hăm, if one should go to them from the dead, they will turn to God.'
"And Ā́ bră-hăm said, `If they will not hear Mṓ s̝es̝ and the prophets, they will not believe, even though one should rise from the dead!”
And this was true, for as the people would not listen to the words of Mōs̝es̝ and the prophets about Christ, they would not believe, even after Jesus himself arose from the dead. There was another parable of Jesus, called "The Unjust Steward.'
"A certain rich man had a steward, a man who took the care of all his possessions. He heard that his steward was wasting his property; and he sent for him, and said, `What is this that I hear about you? You shall soon give up your place, and be my steward no longer.'
"Then the steward said to himself, 'In a few days I shall lose my place; and what shall I do? I cannot work in the fields, and I am ashamed to go begging from door to door. But I have thought of a plan that will give me friends, so that when I am put out of my place, some people will take me into their houses, because of what I have done for them.'
"And this was his plan. He sent for the men who were in debt to his master, and said to the first one, 'How much do you owe to my master?'
"The man said, 'I owe him a thousand gallons of oil.'
"Then said the steward, 'You need only pay five hundred gallons.' Then to another he said, 'How much do you owe?'
"The man answered, 'I owe fifteen hundred bushels of wheat.' And the steward said to him, 'You need pay only twelve hundred bushels.'
"When his master heard of this which his steward had done, he said, 'That is a sharp, shrewd man, who takes care of himself.”
And Jesus said, "Be as earnest and as thoughtful for the eternal life as men are for this present life.”
Jesus did not approve the 'actions of this unjust steward, but he told his disciples to learn some good lessons even from his wrong deeds.
Jesus spoke another parable to show that people should pray always, and not be discouraged. It was the parable of "The Unjust Judge and the Widow." Jesus said:
"There was in a city a judge who did not fear God, nor seek to do right; nor did he care for man. And there was a poor widow in that city who had suffered wrong. She came to him over and over again, crying out, `Do justice for me against my enemy who has done me wrong!'
"And for a time the judge, because he did not care for the right, would do nothing. But as the widow kept on crying, at last he said to himself, 'Even though I do not fear God nor care for man, yet because this widow troubles me and will not be still, I will give her justice, or else she will wear me out by her continual crying.'
And the Lord said, "Hear what this unjust judge says! And will not a just God do right for his own who cry to him by day and night, even though he may seem to wait long? I tell you that he will answer their prayer, and will answer it soon!”
And Jesus spoke another parable to some who thought that they were righteous and holy, and set others at naught. This was the parable of "The Phăŕ ĭ-see and the Publican.”
"Two men went up into the Temple to pray, the one a Phăŕ ĭ-see, the other a publican. The Phăŕ ĭ-see stood and prayed thus with himself, 'God, I thank thee that I am not as other men are.
I do not rob, I do not deal unjustly. I am free from wickedness.
I am not even like this publican. I fast twice in each week. I give to God one-tenth of all that I have.' But the publican standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but beat his breast, saying, 'God be merciful to me, a sinner!'
"I say unto you," said Jesus, "this man went down to his house having his sins forgiven rather than the other. For every one that lifteth up himself shall be brought low; and he that is humble shall be lifted up.”
And at this time the mothers brought to Jesus their little children, that he might lay his hands on them and bless them. The disciples were not pleased at this, and told them to take their children away. But Jesus called them to him, and said, "Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of God. Whoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter into it." And he put his hands on them and blessed them.
And a certain young man, a ruler, came running to Jesus, and said, "Good Master, what shall I do that I may have everlasting life?”
"Why do you call me good?" said Jesus. "No one is good except one, that is God. You know the commandments; keep them.”
"What commandments?" asked the young man.
"Do not kill; do not commit adultery; do not steal; do not bear false witness; honor thy father and mother.”
The young man said, "All these I have kept from my youth up. What do I need more than these?”
"One thing more you need to do," said Jesus. "Go sell all that you have, and give to the poor, and you shall have treasure in heaven. Then come and follow me.”
But when he heard this he turned and went away very sad, 'for he was very rich. And when Jesus saw this, he said, "How hard it is for those that are rich to enter into the kingdom of God! It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.”
At this the disciples were filled with wonder. They said, "If that be so, then who can be saved?”
And Jesus said, "The things that are impossible with men are possible with God.”
And Peter said, "Lord, we have left our homes and all that we have, and have followed thee.”
And Jesus answered him, "Verily, I say to you, there is no man who has left house, or wife, or brothers, or parents, or children, for the sake of the kingdom of God, who shall not have given to him many more times in this life, and in the world to come life everlasting.”
Then Jesus again told his twelve disciples of what was soon to come to pass, even in a few weeks. He said, "We are going up to Je-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, and there all the things written by the prophets about the Son of man shall come true. He shall be made a prisoner, and shall be mocked, and treated shamefully, and shall be spit upon, and beaten, and shall be killed; and then the third day he shall rise again."
But they could not understand these things, and they did not believe that their Master was to die.
Lesson 23. Jesus and the Little Children.
(Tell Story 28 in Part Sixth, omitting "The Rich Man and Lazarus," "The Unjust Steward and the Unjust Judge.")
1. What parable or story did Jesus give about prayer? He told of two men who prayed.
2. Where did these two men pray? In the temple.
3. How did one of these two men pray to God? He told God how good he was.
4. What did the other man say? "God be merciful to me a sinner.”
5. Which of these two men did God bless? The one who asked for mercy.
6. Who were brought to Jesus? Little children.
7. What did Jesus say of the children? Of such is the kingdom of heaven.
8. What did Jesus do to the children? He put his hands on them and blessed them.
9. What question did a rich young man ask of Jesus? "What good thing shall I do?”
10. What did Jesus tell this man to do? To give all he had to the poor.
11. What else did Jesus say to him? "Come and follow me.”

Story Twenty-Nine

Matt. 20:20 to 34; Mark 10:35 to 52; Luke 18:35, to 19:28
JESUS was passing through the land of Pe-rḗ ȧ on his way to Jē-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm. His disciples were with him, and a great multitude of people, for again the feast of the Passover was near, and the people from all parts of the land were going up to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm to take part in the feast; and although Jesus had said, over and over again, that he was to die in Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, still many believed that in Jē̇-rṳ sā̇-lĕm he would make himself king and would reign over all the land.
On one day Jāmes̝ and Jŏhn, two of the disciples of Jesus, who were brothers, the sons of Zĕb́ e-dee, came to Jesus with their mother. She knelt before Jesus, and her two sons knelt beside her. Jesus said to her, "What is it that you would ask of me?”
She said to him, "Lord, grant to me that my two sons may be allowed to sit beside thy throne, one on the right hand, the other on thy left, in thy kingdom.”
"You do not know what you are asking," answered Jesus. "Are you able to drink of the cup that I am about to drink?”
By "the cup" he meant the suffering that he was soon to endure; but this they did not understand; and they said to him, "We are able.”
He said to them, "My cup indeed you shall drink; but to sit on my right hand and on my left is not mine to give, but it shall be given to those for whom God has made it ready.”
When the other disciples heard that Jāmes̝ and Jŏhn had tried to get the promise of the highest places in the Lord's kingdom, they were very angry against these two brothers. But Jesus called them to him, and he said, "You know that the rulers of nations lord it over them; and their great ones are those who bear rule. But not so shall it be among you. For whoever among you would be great, let him serve the rest. For the Son of man himself did not come to be served, but to serve others; and to give up his life that he might save many." Jesus with his disciples and a great multitude drew nigh to Jĕŕ ĭ-chō, which was at the foot of the mountains, near the head of the Dead Sea. Just outside the city, at the gate, was sitting a blind man begging. His name was Bär-ti-maé us, which means "the son of Tī-maé us." This man heard the noise of a crowd, and he asked what it meant. They said to him, "Jesus of Năź a-rĕth is passing by." As soon as he heard this he began to cry out aloud, “Jesus, son of Dā́ vid, have mercy on me!”
Many people told him not to make so great a noise, but he cried all the louder, "Jesus, son of Dā́ vid, have mercy on me!”
Jesus heard his cry, and stood still, and said, "Call the man to me!”
Then they came to the blind man and said, "Be of good cheer; rise up; he calls you!”
The blind man sprung up from the ground and threw away his garment, and came to Jesus. And Jesus said to him, "What do you wish me to do to you?”
"Lord, that I might have my sight given to me," answered blind Bäŕ ti-mae-us.
Then Jesus touched his eyes, and said, "Go your way; your faith has made you well.”
Then immediately sight came to his eyes, and he followed Jesus, while all the people who saw it gave thanks to God.
There was another man in Jĕŕ ĭ-chō who had heard of Jesus, and greatly longed to see him. This was a man named Zăc-chaé us. He was a chief man among the publicans, the men who gathered the taxes from the people, and whom all the people hated greatly. Zăc-chaé us was a rich man, for many of the publicans made great gains. Wishing to see Jesus, and being little in size, Zăc-chaé us ran on before the crowd, and climbed up into a sycamore-tree by the road, so that he might see Jesus as he passed by.
When Jesus came to the tree he stopped, and looked up, and called Zăc-chaé us by name, saying, "Zăc-chaé us, make haste and come down, for to-day I must stop in your house.”
At this Zăc-chaé us was glad. He came down at once, and took Jesus into his house. But at this many of the people found fault. They said, "He has gone in to lodge with a man who is a sinner!”
Because he was a publican, they counted him as a sinner. But Zăc-chaé us stood before the Lord, and said, "Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor; and if I have wrongly taken anything from any man, I give him four times as much.”
And Plus said, "To-day salvation has come to this house; for this man also is a son of Ā́ bră-hăm. For the Son of man came to seek and to save that which was lost.”
Jesus was now drawing nigh to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇,-lĕm, and all the people were expecting the kingdom of God to begin at once, with Jesus as its King. On this account, Jesus gave to the people "The Parable of the Pounds," saying, "A certain nobleman went to a far country, expecting there to be made a king, and thence to return to his own land. Before going away he called ten servants of his, and gave to each one a pound of money, and said to them, 'Take care of this and trade with it until I come back.'
"But the people of his own land hated this nobleman, and sent messengers to the place where he had gone, to say, 'We are not willing that this man should be king over us.'
"But in the face of this message from the people, the nobleman received the crown and the kingdom, and then went back to his own land. When he had come home, he called his servants to whom he had given the pounds, so that he might know how much each had gained by trading. The first servant came before him, and said, 'Lord, your pound has made ten pounds more.'
"The king said to him, 'Well done, my good servant; because you have been found faithful in a very little, you shall bear rule over ten cities.'
"And the second came, saying, 'Your pound, lord, has made five pounds.' And his lord said to him, 'You shall be over five cities.'
"And another came, saying, 'Lord, here is your pound, which I have kept wrapped up in a napkin; for I feared you, because you are a harsh master; you take up what you did not lay down, and you reap what you did not sow.' He said to the servant, 'Out of your own mouth I will judge you, you unfaithful servant. If you knew that I was a harsh master, taking up what I did not lay down, and reaping what I did not sow, then why did you not put my money into the bank, so that when I came I should have had my own money and its gains? ' And he said to those who were standing by, Take away from him the pound, and give it to him that has the ten pounds.'
"They said to him, 'Lord, he hath ten pounds already!'
"But the king said, 'Unto every one who cares for what he has, more shall be given; but the one who cares not for it, what he has shall be taken away from him.'
"And the king added, 'Those, my enemies, who would not have me to reign over them; bring them here, and slay them before me." ”
And after giving this parable Jesus went before his disciples up the mountains toward Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm
Lesson 24. Jesus at Jericho.
(Tell Story 29 in Part Sixth.)
1. What city did Jesus visit, as he was leaving the land of Perea? Jericho.
2. Whom did Jesus meet at the gate of Jericho? A blind man.
3. What was this blind man's name? Bartimæus.
4. What did Bartimæus cry out as Jesus came near? "Have mercy on me.”
5. What did Jesus do to blind Bartimæus? He gave to him sight.
6. With what rich man did Jesus stay while he was in Jericho? With Zacchæus.
7. What did the people think that Zacchæus was? A sinner.
8. For what purpose did Jesus say that he came? To seek and to save the lost.
9. What parable did Jesus give at that time? The parable of the Pounds.
10. What does the parable of the Pounds show us that we should do? That we should work for Christ.

Story Thirty

Matt. 21:1 to 11; 26:6 to 16; Mark 2:1 to 11; 14:3 to 11; Luke 19:29 to 41; 22:3 to 6; John 12:1 to 19
FROM Jĕŕ ĭ-chō, Jesus and his disciples went up the mountains, and came to Bĕth́ a-ny̆, where his friends Mäŕ thȧ and Mā́ ry̆ lived, and where he had raised Lăź a-rŭs to life. Many people in Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm heard that Jesus was there; and they went out of the city to see him, for Bĕth́ a-ny̆ was only two miles from Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm. Some came also to see Lăź a-rŭs, whom Jesus had raised from the dead; but the rulers of the Jews said to each other:
"We must not only kill Jesus, but Lăź a-rŭs also, because on his account so many of the people are going after Jesus and are believing on him.”
The friends of Jesus in Bĕth́ a-ny̆ made a supper for Jesus at the home of a man named Simon. He was called "Sī́ mon the 'Leper"; and perhaps he was one whom Jesus had cured of leprosy.
Jesus and his disciples, with Lăź a-rŭs, leaned upon the couches around the table, as the guests; and Mäŕ thȧ was one of those who waited upon them. While they were at the supper, Mā́ ry̆, the sister of Lăź a-rŭs, came into the room, carrying a sealed jar of very precious perfume. She opened the jar, and poured some of the perfume upon the head of Jesus, and some upon his feet, and she wiped his feet with her long hair. And the whole house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume.
But one of the disciples of Jesus, Jū́ das Ĭs-căŕ i-ot, was not pleased at this. He said, "Why was such a waste of the perfume made? This might have been sold for more than forty-five dollars, and the money given to the poor!”
This he said, but not because he cared for the poor. Jū́ das was the one who kept the bag of money for Jesus and the twelve, and he was a thief, and took away for his own use all the money that he could steal.
But Jesus said, "Let her alone; why do you find fault with the woman? She has done a good work upon me. You have the poor always with you, and whenever you wish you can give to them. But you will have me with you only a little while. She has done what she could; for she has come to perfume my body for its burial. And truly I say to you, that wherever the gospel shall be preached throughout all the world, what this woman has done shall be told in memory of her." Perhaps Mā́ ry̆ knew what others did not believe, that Jesus was soon to die; and she showed her love for him, and her sorrow for his coming death, by this rich gift.
But Jū́ das, the disciple who carried the bag, was very angry at Je'sus; and from that time he was looking for a chance to betray Jesus, or to give him up to his enemies. He went to the chief priests, and said, "What will you give me if I will put Jesus into your hands?”
They said, "We will give you thirty pieces of silver."
And for thirty pieces of silver Jū́ das promised to help them take Jesus, and make him their prisoner. On the morning after the supper at Bĕth́ a-ny̆, Jesus called two of his disciples and said to them, "Go into the next village, and at a place where two roads cross, and there you will find an ass tied, and a colt with it. Loose them, and bring them to me. And if any one says to you, 'Why do you do this?' say 'The Lord has need of them,' and they will let them go.”
They went to the place, and found the ass and the colt, and were loosing them, when the owner said, "Who! are you doing, untying the ass?”
And they said, as Jesus had told them to say, "The Lord has need of it!”
Then the owner gave them the ass and the colt for the use of Jesus. They brought them to Jesus, on the Mount of Ŏĺ ĭves̝, and they laid some of their own clothes on the colt for a cushion, and set Jesus upon it. Then all the disciples and a very great multitude threw their garments upon the ground for Jesus to ride upon. Others cut down branches from the trees and laid them on the ground.
And as Jesus rode over the mountain toward Jē̇-rṳ́ sa-lĕm many walked before him waving branches of palm-trees. And they all cried together:
"Hosanna to the Son of Dā́ vid! Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord! Blessed be the kingdom of our father Dā́ vid, that cometh in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!”
These things they said because they believed that Jesus was the Christ, the Anointed King, and they hoped that he would now set up his throne in Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm. Some of the Phăŕ ĭ-sees̝ in the crowd, who did not believe in Jesus, said to him, "Master, stop your disciples!”
But Jesus said, "I tell you, that if these should be still, the very stones would cry out!”
And when he came into Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇ lĕm with all this multitude, all the city was filled with wonder. They said, "Who is this?”
And the multitude answered, "This is Jesus, the prophet of Năź a-rĕth in Găĺ ĭ-lee!”
And Jesus went into the Temple, and looked around it; but he did not stay, because the hour was late. He went again to Bĕth́ a-ny̆, and there stayed at night with his friends.
These things took place on Sunday, the first day of the week; and that Sunday in the year is called Palm Sunday, because of the palm-branches which the people carried before Jesus.
Lesson 25. Palm Sunday.
(Tell Story 30 in Part Sixth.)
1. To what place did Jesus go from Jericho? To Bethany near Jerusalem
2. What was made for Jesus in Bethany? A supper.
3. Who came to Jesus at this supper? Mary, the sister of Lazarus.
4. What did Mary do to Jesus? She poured costly perfume on him.
5. What did Jesus say of Mary? "She has done a good work.”
6. Which of Jesus disciples agreed to sell him to his enemies? Judas.
7. What did the enemies of Jesus promise to give Judas, if he would give Jesus to them? Thirty pieces of silver.
8. Over what mountain did Jesus ride, from Bethany to Jerusalem? The Mount of Olives.
9. Who went with Jesus as he rode over the Mount of Olives? A great company of people.
10. What did the people carry and wave around Jesus? Branches of palm trees.
11. What did they call out together? Praises to Jesus as king.

Story Thirty-One

Matt. 21:18, to 23:39; Mark 11:12, to 12:44; Luke 19:45, to 21:4
ON Monday morning, the second day of the week, Jesus rose very early in the morning and, without waiting to take his breakfast, went with his disciples from Bĕth́ a-ny̆ over the Mount of Ŏĺ ĭves̝ toward Jē̇-rṳ́́-sā̇-lĕm. On the mountain he saw at a distance a fig-tree covered with leaves, and although it was early for figs to be ripe, he hoped that he might find upon it some figs fit to be eaten. Among the Jews̝, and by their law, any one passing a tree could eat of its fruit, even though he were not the owner; but he would not be allowed to carry any away.
But when Jesus came near to this tree he saw that there was no fruit upon it, neither ripe nor green, but leaves only. Then a thought came into the mind of Jesus; and he spoke to the tree, while his disciples heard his words, "No fruit shall grow on thee from this time forever." And then he walked on his way to Jē̇-rṳ́-sā̇-lĕm. We shall see later why Jesus spoke those words, and what came from them.
You remember that when Jesus came to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm the first time after he began to preach, he found the courts of the Temple filled with people buying, and selling, and changing money, and he drove them all out. But that had been three years before; and now when Jesus came into the Temple on the Monday morning before the Passover he found all the traders there once more, selling the oxen, and sheep, and doves for sacrifices and changing money at the tables.
And again Jesus rose up against these people who would make his Father's house a shop and a place of gain. He drove them all out; he turned over the tables of the money-changers, scattering their money on the floor; he cleared away the seats of those that were selling doves; and whenever he saw any one even carrying a jar, or a basket, or any load through the Temple, he stopped him, and made him go back. He said to all the people, "It is written in the prophets, 'My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations, but you have made it a den of robbers!'”
The Jews had made it a rule that no blind man, nor any lame man, could go into the Temple; for they thought only those perfect in body should come before the Lord. But they forgot that God looks at hearts and not at bodies. And when Jesus found that many blind and lame people were at the doors of the Temple he allowed them to come in, and made them all well.
And the little children, who always loved Jesus, saw him in the Temple, and they cried out, as they heard others crying, "Hosanna to the Son of Dā́ vid!”
The chief priests and scribes were greatly displeased as they heard the voices of these children, and they said to Jesus, "Do you hear what these are saying?”
And Jesus said, "Yes; and have you never read what is written in the Psalms, 'Out of the mouth of babes and little ones, thou hast made thy praise perfect'?”
And all the common people came to hear Jesus as he taught in the Temple, and they listened to him gladly, for he gave them plain and simple teachings, with many parables or stories. But the rulers and chief priests grew more and more angry as they saw the courts of the Temple filled with people eager to hear Jesus. They tried to find some way to lay hands on Jesus, and to kill him; but they dared not while all the crowds were around him.
All that day Jesus taught the people, and when night came he went out of the city, over the Mount of Ŏĺ ives, to Bĕth́ a-ny̆, where he was safe among his friends.
And on the next morning, which was Tuesday of the week before the Passover, Jesus again went over the Mount of Ŏĺ ives̝ with his disciples. They passed the fig-tree to which Jesus had spoken such strange words on the day before. And now the disciples saw that the tree was standing, withered and dried, with its leaves dry and rustling in the wind. "Look, Master!" said Pḗ te͂r. "The fig-tree to which you spoke yesterday is withered!" And Jesus said to them all, "Have faith in God, for in truth I say to you, that if you have faith, you shall not only do this which has been done to the fig-tree; but also, if you shall say to this mountain, 'Be moved away and thrown into the sea!' it shall be done. And all things, whatever they may be, that you ask in prayer, if you have faith, shall be given to you." Again Jesus went into the Temple and taught the people.
And Jesus gave another parable or story, that of "The Wedding Feast." He said:
"There was a certain king who made a great feast at the wedding of his son; and he sent out his servant to call those whom he had invited to the feast. But they would not come. Then he sent forth other servants, and said, 'Tell those who were invited that my dinner is all ready; my oxen are killed, and the dishes are on the table. Say to them, "All things are ready; come to the marriage-feast!" '
"But the men who had been sent for would not come. One went to his farm, another to his shop, and some of them seized the servants whom he sent, and beat them, and treated them roughly; and some of them they killed. This made the king very angry. He sent his armies, and killed those murderers, and burned up their city. Then he said to his servants, `The wedding-feast is ready, but those that were invited were not worthy of such honor. Go out into the streets, and call in everybody that you can find, high and low, rich and poor, good and bad, and tell them that they are welcome.'
"The servants went out and invited all the people of every kind, and brought them to the feast, so that all the places were filled. And to all who came they gave a wedding garment, so that every one might be dressed as was fitting before the king.
"But when the king came in to meet his guests, he saw there a man who had not on a wedding garment. He said to him, 'Friend, why have you come to the feast without a wedding garment?'
"The man had nothing to say; he stood as one dumb. Then the king said to his officers, 'Bind him hand and foot, and throw him out into the darkness, where there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. For in the kingdom of God many are called, but few are chosen.'”
The enemies of Jesus thought that they had found a way to bring him into trouble, either with the people, or with the Rṓ mans̝, who were the rulers over the land. So they sent to him some men, who acted as though they were honest and true, but were in their hearts seeking to destroy Jesus. These men came, and they said, "Master, we know that you teach the truth, and that you are not afraid of any man. Now tell what is right, and what we should do. Ought our people, the Jews̝, to pay taxes to the Roman Emperor Cǽ s̝ar, or not? Shall we pay, or shall we not pay?”
And they watched for his answer. If he should say, "It is right to pay the tax," then these men could tell the people, "Jesus is the friend of the Romans, and the enemy of the Jews̝." And then they would turn away from him. But if he should say, "It is not right to pay the tax; refuse to pay it," then they might say to the Roman governor that Jesus would not obey the laws, and the governor might put him in prison or kill him. So whatever answer Jesus might give, they hoped he might make trouble for himself.
But Jesus knew their hate and the thoughts of their hearts, and he said, "Let me see a piece of the money that is given for the tax.”
They brought him a silver piece, and he looked at it, and said, "Whose head is this on the coin? Whose name is written over it?”
They answered him, "That is Cǽ s̝ar, the Rṓ man emperor.”
"Well, then," said Jesus, "give to Cǽ s̝ar the things that are Cǽ s̝ar's, and give to God the things that are God's!”
They wondered at his answer, for it was so wise that they could speak nothing against it. They tried him with other questions, but he answered them all and left his enemies with nothing to say.
Then Jesus turned upon his enemies, and spoke to them his last words. He told them of their wickedness, and warned them that they would bring down the wrath of God upon them.
Jesus was in the part of the Temple called "The Treasury," because around the wall were boxes in which the people dropped their gifts when they came to worship. Some that were rich gave much money; but a poor widow came by and 'dropped in two little coins, the very smallest, the two together worth only a quarter of a cent. Jesus said, "I tell you in truth that this poor widow has dropped into the treasury more than all the rest. For the others gave out of their plenty, but she, in her need, has given all that she had.”
And with these words Jesus rose up, and went out of the Temple for the last time. Never again was the voice of Jesus hear/ within those walls.
Lesson 26. The Last Visits to the Temple.
(Tell Story 31 of Part Sixth.)
1. Where did Jesus go on the morning after he rode over the Mount of (Wives? To the temple in Jerusalem.
2. What did he do in the temple? He drove out the people who were buying and selling.
3. What did Jesus say of the temple? "My house shall be called a house of prayer.”
4. Who came to hear Jesus as he was teaching in the temple? The common people.
5. Where did Jesus stay at night, during those days while he was teaching in the temple? At Bethany.
6. What parable did Jesus give on the last day of his teaching in the temple? "The Wedding Feast.”
7. Who were invited to the wedding feast? Everybody, both rich and poor.
8. Who came to the feast? A man without a wedding garment.
9. What was done with the man who had no wedding garment? He was sent away from the feast.
10. Whose gift in the temple did Jesus praise? The gift of a poor woman.

Story Thirty-Two

Matthew 24:1, to 25:46; Mark 13:1 to 37; Luke 21:5 to 38
AFTER Jesus had spoken his last words to the people and their rulers, he walked out of the Temple with his disciples. As they were passing through the great gates on the east of the Temple the disciples said to Jesus, "Master, what a splendid building this is! Look at these great stones in the foundation!”
Jesus answered the disciples, "Do you see these great walls? The time is coming when these buildings shall be thrown down; when not one stone that you are looking upon shall be left in its place; when the very foundations of this house and this city shall be torn up!”
These words filled the followers of Jesus with the deepest sorrow, for they loved the Temple and the city of Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, as all Jews̝ loved it, and to them its fall seemed the ruin of the whole world. Yet they believed the words of their Master, for they knew that he was a prophet, whose words were sure to come to pass, and that he was more than a prophet, even the Son of God. They walked with Jesus down into the valley of the brook Cḗ dron, and up the slopes of the Mount of Ŏĺ ĭves̝. On the top of the mountain they looked down upon the Temple and the city; and then some of the disciples said to Jesus:
"Master, tell us when shall these dreadful things be? Give us some sign, that we may know when they are coming.”
Then Jesus sat down with his disciples on the mountain and told them of many things that were to come upon the city and the world; how wars should arise, and earthquakes and diseases should break forth; how enemies were to come and fight against Jē̇-rṳ́ sa-lĕm, and destroy it and scatter its people; and how trouble should arise upon all the earth. And he told them that he would some time come again, as the Lord of all; and that all who believe in him should watch, and be ready to meet him. Then he gave the parable of "The Ten Young Women." This was the story: "There were ten young women who were going out one night with their lamps in their hands to meet a wedding party. Five of these young women were wise, and five were foolish. Those that were foolish took with them their lighted lamps, but had no more oil than that which was in their lamps; but each of the wise young women carried also a bottle of oil. It was night, and while they were waiting for the bridal party they all fell asleep. At midnight they were all awaked by the sudden cry, 'The bridegroom is coming! Go out to meet him!'
"Then all the young women rose up, and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish ones said, 'Let us have some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.'
"But the other young women said, 'Perhaps there will not be enough for us and for you too; go to those who sell, and buy oil for yourselves.'
"The young women who had no oil went away to bay; and while they were away the bridal party came; and those that were ready went in with them to the feast; and then the door was shut.
And afterward the other young women came, knocking on the door, and calling out, `Lord, Lord, open to us!' "But he said, 'I do not know you.'
"And he would not open the door. Watch, therefore, for you do not know the day nor the hour when your Lord will come.”
Jesus also gave to his disciples another parable or picture of what shall come to pass at the end of the world. He said:
"When the Son of Man shall come in his glory, and all the angels of God shall come with him, then he shall sit on his glorious throne as King. And before him shall be brought together all the people of the world; and he shall divide them, and make them stand apart, just as a shepherd divides the sheep from the goats. And he shall put his sheep on his right hand, and the goats on his left. Then tile King shall say to those on his right hand, 'Come, ye whom my, Father has blessed; come, and take the kingdom Which God has made ready for you. For I was hungry, and you gave me food; I was thirsty, and you gave me drink; I was a stranger, and you took me into your home; I was naked, and you save me clothes; I was sick, and you visited me; I was in prison, and you came to me.'
"Then all those on the right of the King will say:
"'Lord, when did we see thee hungry, and feed thee? or thirsty and gave thee drink? And when did we see thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked and gave thee clothes? And when did we see thee sick, or in prison, and come to thee?'
"And the King shall answer, and shall say to them:
" 'Inasmuch as you did it to one of these my brothers, even the very least of them, you did it to me.'
"Then the King shall turn to those on his left hand, and shall say to them:
" `Go away from me, ye cursed ones, into the everlasting fire which has been made ready for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry, and you gave me no food; I was thirsty, and you gave me no drink; I was a stranger, and you did not open your doors to me; I was naked, and you gave me no clothes; I was sick, and in prison, and you did not visit me.'
"Then shall they answer him:
" 'Lord, when did we see thee hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not help thee?'
"And the King shall say to them:
" 'Inasmuch as you did it not to one of these the least of my brothers, you did it not to me.'
"And the wicked shall go away to be punished forever; but the righteous unto everlasting life.”
After these words, Jesus went with his disciples again to Bĕth́ a-ny̆.
Lesson 27. On the Mount of Olives.
(Tell Story 32 of Part Sixth.)
1. To what place did Jesus go with his disciples from the temple? To the Mount of Olives.
2. Of what did Jesus tell his disciples on the Mount? Of things to come.
3. What parable did be give to them at that time? "The Ten Young Women.”
4. To what were these young women going? To a wedding at night.
5. What did Jesus say of these women? Five were wise and five were foolish.
6. Wherein were the five young women foolish? In not taking oil for their lamps.
7. Of what time to come did Jesus tell his disciples? Of the time when Jews shall sit as king.
8. Who shall then stand before Jesus? All the people of the world.
9. What shall Jesus say in that day to those on his right hand, who have done his will? "Come, ye that are blessed of my Father."
10. What shall he say to those on his left hand? "Go away from me, ye wicked.”

Story Thirty-Three

Matt. 26:17 to 35; Mark 14:12 to 31; Luke 22:7 to 38; John 13:1, to 17:26
ON one of the days in the week before the Passover the disciples came to Jesus at Bĕth́ a-ny̆, and said,
"Master, where shall we make ready the Passover for you to eat?”
Then Jesus called to himself the two disciples, Pḗ ter and Jŏhn, and said to them, "Go into the city, and a man carrying a pitcher of water will meet you; follow him, and go into the house where he goes, and say to the head of the house, `The Master says, "Where is my guest-room; where I can eat the Passover with my disciples?" '
"And he will himself show you a large upper room, furnished; there make ready for us.”
Pḗ ter and Jŏhn went into Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, and soon in the street they saw a man walking toward them carrying a pitcher of water. They followed him, went into the house where he took the pitcher, and spoke to the man who seemed to be its head:
"The Master says, 'Where is the guest-room for me, where I may eat the Passover with my disciples?"
The man led them upstairs, and showed them a large upper room, with the table and the couches around it, all ready for the guests at dinner. Then the disciples went out, and brought a lamb, and roasted it; and made ready the vegetables and the thin wafers of bread made without yeast, for the meal.
On Thursday afternoon, Jesus and his disciples walked out of Bĕth́ a-ny̆ together, and over the Mount of Ŏĺ ives̝, and into the city. Only Jesus, who could read the thoughts of men, knew that one of these disciples, Jū́ das, had made a promise to the chief priests to lead them and their servants to Jesus, when the hour should Come to seize him: and Jū́ das was watching for the best time to do this dreadful deed. They came into the house, and went Upstairs to the large room, where they found the supper all ready. The meal was spread upon a table; and around the table were couches for the company, where each one lay down with his head toward the table, so near that he could help himself to the food, while his feet were at the foot of the couch, toward the wall of the room. Their feet were bare, for they had all taken off their sandals as they came in.
Jesus was leaning at the head of the table, and Jŏhn, the disciple whom Jesus loved most, was lying next to him. While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and gave thanks. Then he broke it, and passed a piece to each one of the twelve, saying:
"Take, and eat; this is my body which is broken for you; do this and remember me.”
Afterward, he took the cup of wine, and passed it to each one, with the words:
"This cup is my blood, shed for you, and for many, that their sins may be taken away; as often as you drink this, remember me.”
While they were still leaning on the couches around the table, Jesus rose up, and took off his outer robe, and then tied around his waist a long towel. He poured water into a basin, and while all the disciples were wondering, he carried the water to the feet of one of the disciples, and began to wash them, just as though he himself were a servant. Then he washed the feet of another disciple, and then of still another. When he came to Sī́ mon Pḗ te͂r,
Pḗ ter said to him, "Dost thou, O Lord, wash my feet?”
Jesus said to him, "What I do, you cannot understand now, but you will understand it after a time.”
"Lord, thou shalt never wash my feet," said Pḗ ter.
"If I do not wash you," said Jesus, "then you are none of mine.”
Then Peter said, "O Lord, wash not only my feet, but my hands and my head too!”
But Jesus said to him, "No, Pḗ ter; one who has already bathed needs only to wash his feet, and then he is clean. And you are clean, but not all of you.”
For he knew that among those whose feet he was washing was one, the traitor, who would soon give him up to his enemies. After he had washed their feet, he put on his garments again, and leaned once more on his couch, and looked around, and said:
"Do you know what I have done to you? You call me ' Master' and 'Lord,' and you speak rightly, for so I am. If I, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash each other's feet; for I have given you an example that you should do to each other as I have done to you.”
By this Jesus meant that all who follow him should help and serve each other, instead of seeking great things for themselves.
While Jesus was talking, he became very sad and sorrowful, and said, "Verily, verily, I say to you, that one of you that are eating with me shall betray me, and give me up to those who will kill me.”
Then all the disciples looked round on each other, wondering who was the one that Jesus meant. One said, and another said, "Am I the one, Lord?”
And Jesus said, "It is one of you twelve men, who are dipping your hands into the same dish and eating with me. The Son of Man goes, as it is written of him; but woe to that man who betrays him and gives him up to die. It would have been good for that man if he had never been born.”
While Jesus was speaking, Sī́ mon Pḗ te͂r made signs to Jŏhn across the table, that he, leaning next to Jesus, should ask him who this traitor was. So Jŏhn whispered to Jesus, as he was lying close to him, "Lord, who is it?”
Jesus answered, but so low that none else heard: "It is the one to whom I will give a piece of bread after I have dipped it in the dish.”
Then Jesus dipped into the dish a piece of bread, and gave it to Jū́ das Ĭs-căŕ ĭ-ot, who was lying near him. And as he gave it, he said, "Do quickly what you are going to do.”
No one except Jŏhn knew what this meant. Not all heard what Jesus said to Jū́ das; and those who heard thought that Jesus was telling him to do something belonging to the feast, or perhaps, as Jū́ das carried the money, that he should make some gift to the poor. But Jū́ das at once went out, for he saw now that his plan was known, and it must be carried out now or never. He knew that after the supper Jesus would go back to Bĕth́ a-ny̆, and he went to the rulers, told them where they might watch for Jesus on his way back to Bĕth́ a-ny̆, and went with a band of men to a place at the foot of the Mount of Ŏĺ ĭves̝, where he was sure Jesus would pass.
As soon as Judas had gone out, Jesus said to the eleven disciples, "Little children, I shall be with you only a little while. I am going away; and where I go, you cannot come now. But when I am gone away from you, remember this new commandment that I give you, that you love one another even as I have loved you.”
Sī́ mon Pḗ te͂r said to Jesus, "Lord, where are you going?”
Jesus answered, "Where I go, you cannot follow me now, but you shall follow me afterward.”
Pḗ te͂r said to him, "Lord, what, cannot I follow you even now? I will lay down my life for your sake.”
Jesus said, "Will you lay down your life for me? I tell you, Pḗ te͂r, that before the cock crows to-morrow morning you will three times deny that you have ever known me!”
But Peter said, "Though I die, I will never deny you, Lord!”
And so said all the other disciples; but Jesus said to them, "Before morning comes every one of you will leave me alone. Yet I will not be alone, for the Father will be with me.”
Jesus saw that Pḗ te͂r and all his disciples were full of sorrow at his words, and he said, "Let not your hearts be troubled; ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many houses; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I am going to make ready a place for you. And when it is ready, I will come again, and take you to myself, that where I am, there you may be also.”
Then Jesus talked with the disciples a long time, and prayed for them. And about midnight they left the supper-room together, and came to the Mount of Ŏĺ ives̝.

Story Thirty-Four

Matt. 26:36 to 75; Mark 14:32 to 72; Luke 22:40 to 62; John 18:1 to 27
AT the foot of the Mount of Ŏĺ ĭves̝, near the path over the hill toward Bĕth́ a-ny̆, there was an orchard of olive trees, called "The Garden of Ḡĕth-sĕḿ a-nē̇.” The word "Gĕth-sĕḿ a-nē̇" means "oil press." Jesus often went to this place with his disciples, because of its quiet shade. At this garden he stopped, and outside he left eight of his disciples, saying to them, "Sit here, while I go inside and pray.”
He took with him the three chosen ones, Pḗ te͂r, Jamey and Jŏhn, and went within the orchard. Jesus knew that in a little while Judas would be there with a band of men to seize him; that within a few hours he would be beaten, and stripped, and led out to die. The thought of what he was to suffer came upon him and filled his soul with grief. He said to Pḗ te͂r, and Jāmes̝, and Jŏhn:
"My soul is filled with sorrow; a sorrow that almost kills me; Stay here and watch while I am praying.”
He went a little further among the trees, and flung himself down upon the ground, and cried out:
"O, my father, if it be possible, let this cup pass away from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou wiliest!”
So earnest was his feeling and so great his suffering, that there came out upon his face great drops of sweat like blood, falling upon the ground. 'After praying for a time, he rose up from the earth, and went to his three disciples, and found them all asleep. He awaked them, and said to Pḗ te͂r:
"What, could you not watch with me one hour? Watch and pray, that you may not go into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.”
He left them, and went a second time into the woods, and fell on his knees, and prayed again, saying:
"O, my Father, if this cup cannot pass away, and I must drink it, then thy will be done.”
He came again to the three disciples, and found them sleeping; but this time he did not wake them. He went once more into the woods, and prayed, using the same words. And an angel from heaven came to him, and gave him strength.
He was now ready for the fate that was soon to come, and his heart was strong. Once more he went to the three disciples, and said to them:
"You may as well sleep on now, and take your rest, for the hour is at hand; and already the Son of man is given by the traitor into the hands of sinners. But rise up, and let us be going. See, the traitor is here!”
The disciples awoke; they heard the noise of a crowd, and saw the flashing of torches and the gleaming of swords and spears. In the throng they saw Jū́ das standing, and they knew now that he was the traitor of whom Jesus had spoken the night before. Jū́ das came rushing forward, and kissed Jesus, as though he were glad to see him. This was a signal that he had given beforehand to the band; for the men of the guard did not know Jesus, and Jū́ das had said to them, "The one that I shall kiss is the man that you are to take; seize him and hold him fast.”
Jesus said to Jū́ das, "Jū́ das, do you betray the Son of man with a kiss?”
Then he turned to the crowd, and said, "Whom do you seek?" They answered, "Jesus of Năź a-rĕth.”
Jesus said, "I am he.”
When Jesus said this, a sudden fear came upon his enemies; they drew back, and fell upon the ground.
After a moment, Jesus said again, "Whom do you seek?" And again they answered, "Jesus of Năź a-rĕth.”
And Jesus said, pointing to his disciples, "I told you that I am he. If you are seeking me, let these disciples go their own way.”
But as they came forward to seize Jesus, Pḗ ter drew his sword, and struck at one of the men in front, and cut off his right ear.
The man was a servant of the high-priest, and his name was Măĺ chus.
Jesus said to Pḗ ter, "Put up the sword into its sheath; the cup which my Father has given me, shall I not drink it? Do you not know that I could call upon my Father, and he would send to me armies upon armies of angels?”
Then he spoke to the crowd: "Let me do this." And he touched the place where the ear had been cut off, and it came on again and was well. Jesus said to the rulers and leaders of the armed men, "Do you come out against me with swords and clubs as though I were a robber? I was with you every day in the Temple, and you did not lift your hands against me. But the words in the Scriptures must come to pass; and this is your hour.”
When the disciples of Jesus saw that he would not allow them to fight for him, they did not know what to do. In their sudden alarm they all ran away, and left their Master alone with his enemies. These men laid their hands on Jesus, and bound him, and led him away to the house of the high-priest. There were at that time two men called high-priests by the Jews̝. One was Ań nas, who had been high-priest until his office had been taken from him by the Rṓ mans̝, and give to Cā́ ia-phăs, his son-in-law. But Ăń nas still had great power among the people; and they brought Jesus, all bound as he was, first before Ăń nas.
Sī́ mon Pḗ te͂r and Jŏhn, the disciple whom Jesus loved, had followed after the crowd of those who carried Jesus away, and they came to the door of the high-priest's house. Jŏhn knew the high-priest and went in, but Pḗ ter at first stayed outside, until Jŏhn went out and brought him in. He came in, but did not dare to go into the room where Jesus stood before the high-priest Ăń nas. In the courtyard of the house they had made a fire of charcoal, and Pḗ ter stood among those who were warming themselves at the fire. Ăń nas, in the inner room, asked Jesus about his disciples and teaching. Jesus answered him, "What I have taught has been open in the synagogues and in the Temple. Why do you ask me? Ask those that heard me; they know what I said.”
Then one of the officers struck Jesus on the mouth, saying to him, "Is this the way that you answer the high-priest?”
Jesus answered the officer calmly and quietly, "If I have said anything evil, tell what the evil is; but if I have spoken the truth, why do you strike me?”
While Ăń nas and his men were thus showing their hate toward Jesus, who stood bound and alone among his enemies, Pḗ ter was still in the courtyard, warming himself at the fire. A woman, who was a serving-maid in the house, looked at Pḗ ter sharply, and finally said to him, "You were one of those men with this Jesus of Năź a-rĕth!”
Pḗ te͂r was afraid to tell the truth, and he answered her, "Woman, I do not know the man and I do not know what you are talking about.”
And to get away from her he went out into the porch of the house. There another woman-servant saw him and said. "This man was one of those with Jesus!'”
And Pḗ ter swore with an oath that he did not know Jesus at all. Soon a man came by, who was of kin to Măĺ chus, whose ear Pḗ te͂r had cut off. He looked at Pḗ ter, and heard him speak, and said, "You are surely one of this man's disciples, for your speech shows that you came from Găĺ ĭ-lee.”
Then Pḗ ter began again to curse and to swear, declaring that he did not know the man of whom they were speaking.
Just at that moment the loud, shrill crowing of a cock startled Pḗ ter, and at the same time he saw Jesus, who was being dragged through the hall from Ăń nas to the council-room of Cā́ ia-phăs, the other high-priest. And the Lord turned as he was passing and looked at Pḗ ter.
Then there flashed into Pḗ te͂r's mind what Jesus had said on the evening before, "Before the cock crows to-morrow morning, you will three times deny that you have ever known me.”
Then Pḗ te͂r went out of the high-priest's house into the street, and he wept bitterly because he had denied his Lord.
Lesson 28. At the Supper and in the Garden.
(Tell Stories 33 and 34 in Part Sixth.)
1. What meal did Jesus take with his disciples one night? The last supper.
2. What did Jesus say at the supper as he gave his disciples the bread? "This is my body.”
3. What did he say as he gave them the cup of wine? "This is my blood.”
4. What did Jesus do after the supper? He washed the disciples feet.
5. Where did he go with the disciples on that night? To a garden.
6. What did Jesus do in the garden? He prayed to God.
7. Who came to the garden to find Jesus? Judas and the enemies of Jesus.
8. What did these enemies do? They bound Jesus and took him away.
9. To what place did they take Jesus? To the high-priest's house.
10. What did the disciples do at that time? They left Jesus alone.

Story Thirty-Five

Matt. 26:57, to 27:26; Mark 15:1 to 15; Luke 22:66, to 23:25; John 18:19, to 19:16
FROM the house of Ăń nas the enemies of Jesus led him away bound to the house of Cā́ ia-phăs, whom the Rṓ mans had lately made high-priest. There all the rulers of the Jews̝ were called together, and they tried to find men who would swear that they had heard Jesus say some wicked thing. This would give the rulers an excuse for putting Jesus to death. But they could find nothing. Some men swore one thing, and some swore another; but their words did not agree.
Finally the high-priest stood up, and said to Jesus, who stood bound in the middle of the hall, "Have you nothing to say? What is it that these men are speaking against you?”
But Jesus stood silent, answering nothing. Then the high-priest spoke again, "Are you the Christ, the Son of God?”
Aid Jesus said, "I am; and the time shall come when you will see the Son of man sitting on the throne of power and coming in the clouds of heaven!”
These words made the high-priest very angry. He said to the rulers, "Do you hear these dreadful words? He says that he is the Son of God. What do you think of words like these?”
They all said, with one voice, "He deserves to be put to death!”
Then the servants of the high-priest and the soldiers that held Jesus began to mock him, They spat on him, and they covered his face, and struck him with their hands, and said, "If you are a prophet, tell who it is that is striking you!”
The rulers of the Jews̝ and the priests and the scribes passed a vote that Jesus should be put to death. But the land of the Jews̝ was then ruled by the Rṓ mans, and no man could be put to death unless the Rṓ man governor commanded it The Rṓ man governor at that time was a man named Pŏń tĭ-us Pī́ late, and he was then in the city. So all the rulers and a great crowd of people came to Pī́ late's castle, bringing with them Jesus, who was still bound with cords.
Up to this time Jū́ das Ĭs-căŕ ĭ-ot, although he had betrayed Jesus did not believe that he would be put to death. Perhaps he thought that Jesus would save himself from death, as he had saved others, by some wonderful work. But when he saw Jesus bound and beaten, and doing nothing to protect himself, and when he heard the rulers vote that Jesus should be put to death, Jū́ das knew how wicked was the deed that he had wrought. He brought back the thirty pieces of silver that had been given to him as the reward for betraying his Lord, and he said, "I have sinned in betraying one who has done no wrong!”
But they answered him, "What is that to us? You look after that!”
When Jū́ das saw that they would not take back the money and let Jesus go free, he carried the thirty pieces to the Temple, and threw them down on the floor. Then he went away and hanged himself. And thus the traitor died.
After that the rulers scarcely knew what to do with the money. They said, "We cannot put it into the treasury of the Temple, because it is the price paid for a man's blood.”
And when they had talked together, they used it in buying a piece of ground called "the potter's field." This they set apart as a place for burying strangers who died in the city and had no friends. But everyone in Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm spoke of that place as "The Field of Blood.”
It was very early in the morning when the rulers of the Jews brought Jesus to Pī́ late. They would not go into Pī́ late's hall, because Pī́ late was not of their nation; and Pilate came out to them, and asked them, "What charge do you bring against this man?”
They answered, "If he were not an evil doer, we would not have brought him to you.”
Pī́ late did not wish to be troubled, and he said, "Take him away, and judge him by your own law!”
The Jews̝ said to Pī́ late, "We are not allowed to put any man to death, and we have brought him to you. We have found this man teaching evil, and telling men not to pay taxes to the Emperor Cǽ s̝ar, and saying that he himself is Christ, a king.”
Then Pī́ late went into his court-room, and sent for Jesus; and when he looked at Jesus, he said, "Are you the King of the Jews̝? Your own people have brought you to me. What have you done?”
Jesus said to him, "My kingdom is not of this world. If it were of this world, then those who serve me would fight to save me from my enemies. But now my kingdom is not here.”
Pī́ late said, "Are you a king, then?”
Jesus answered him, "You have spoken it. I am a king. For this was I born, and for this I came into the world, that I might speak the truth of God to men.”
"Truth," said Pī́ late, "What is truth?”
Then, without waiting for an answer, Pī́ late went out to the rulers and the crowd, and said, "I find no evil in this man.”
Pī́ late thought that Jesus was a harmless man, but perhaps one whose mind was weak, and he could see no reason why the rulers and the people should be so bitter against him. But they cried out all the more, saying, "He stirs up the people everywhere, from Găĺ ĭ-lee even to this place.”
When Pī́ late heard the word "Găĺ ĭ-lee," he asked if this man had come from that land. They told h m that he had; and then Pī́ late said, "Găĺ ĭ-lee and its people are under the rule of Hĕŕ od. He has come up to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, and I will send this man to him.”
So, from Pī́ late's court-room, Jesus was sent, still bound, to Hĕŕ od's palace. This was the Hĕŕ od who had put John the Băṕ-tĭst in prison, and had given his head to a dancing-girl, as we read in Story Eighteen of this Part. Hĕŕ od was very glad to see Jesus, for he had heard many things about him; and he hoped to see him do some wonderful thing. But Jesus would not work wonders as a show, to be looked at; and when Hĕŕ od asked him many questions, Jesus would not speak a word: Hĕŕ od would not judge Je'sus, for he knew that Jesus had done nothing wrong; so he and his soldiers mocked Jesus, and dressed him in a gay robe, as though he were a make-believe king, and sent him back to Pī́ late.
So Pī́ late, much against his will, was compelled to decide either for Jesus or against him. And just as Jesus was standing bound before him a message came to Mate from his wife, saying, "Do nothing against that good man; for in this night I have suffered many things in a dream on account of him.”
Pilate said to the Jews̝, "You have brought this man to me as one who is leading the people to evil; and I have seen that there is no evil in him, nor has Hĕŕ od; now I will order that he be beaten with rods, and then set free. For you know that it is the custom to set a prisoner free at the time of the feast.”
They set some prisoner free, as a sign of the joy at the feast. And 'at that time there was in the prison a man named Bā̇-răb́ bas, who was a robber and a murderer. Pī́ late said to the people, "Shall I set free Jesus, who is called the King of the Jews̝?”
But the rulers went among the people and urged them to ask for Bā̇-răb́ bas to be set free.
And the crowd cried out, "Not this man, but Bā̇-răb́ bas!" Then Mate said, "What, then, shall I do with Jesus?”
And they all cried out, "Crucify him! Let him die on the cross!”
Pilate wished greatly to spare the life of Jesus. To show how he felt, he sent for water, and he washed his hands before all the people, saying, "My hands are clean from the blood of this good man!”
And they cried out, "Let his blood be on us, and on our children after us! Crucify him! Send him to the cross!”
Then Pī́ late, to please the people, gave them what they asked. He set free Bā̇-răb́ bas, the man of their choice, though he was a robber and a murderer; but before giving way to the cry that he should send Jesus to the cross, he tried once more to save his life. He caused Jesus to be beaten until the blood came upon him, hoping that this might satisfy the people. As Jesus was spoken of as a king, the soldiers who beat Jesus made a crown of thorns, and put it on his head, and they put on him a purple robe, such as was worn by kings, and bowing down before him they called out to him, "Hail, King of the Jews̝!”
Then, hoping, to awaken some pity for Jesus, Pilate brought him out to the people, with the crown of thorns and the purple robe upon him, and Pī́ late said, "Look on this man!”
But again the cry arose, "Crucify him! Send him to the cross!”
And at last Pī́ late yielded to the voice of, the people. He sat down on the judgment-seat, and gave commands that Jesus, whom he knew to be a good man, one who had done nothing evil, should be put to death upon the cross.
Lesson 29. The Trial of Jesus.
(Tell Story 35 in Part Sixth.)
1. Before whom was Jesus brought for trial? Before the high-priest Caiaphas
2. What did the high-priest ask Jesus? "Are you the Christ, the Son of God?”
3. How did Je'sus answer the high-priest? "I am.”
4. What was agreed by the rulers of the Jews? That Jesus should be put to death.
5. Before whom did they bring Jesus for another trial? Before Pilate the governor.
6. What did Pilate say to the Jews after he had talked with Jesus? "I find no evil in this man.”
7. To whom did Pilate send Je'sus, to be tried again? To Herod the King of Galilee.
8. What did Herod do with Jesus? He sent him back to Pilate.
9. What did the crowd of people cry out about Jesus? "Let him be crucified."
10. What did Pilate at last order? That Jews should be put to death.

Story Thirty-Six

Matt. 27:31 to 66; Mark 15:20 to 47; Luke 23:26 to 56; John 19:16 to 42
AND so Pŏń tĭ-us Pī́ late, the Rṓ man governor, gave order that Jesus should die by the cross. The Rṓ man soldiers then took Jesus and beat him again most cruelly; and then led him out of the city to the place of death. This was a place called "Gŏĺ gō̇ thȧ." in the Jew-ĭsh language, "Căĺ va-ry̆.'" in that of the Rṓ mans̝; both words meaning "The Skull Place.”
With the soldiers went out of the city a great crowd of people, some of them enemies of Jesus, glad to see him suffer; others of them friends of Jesus, and the women who had helped him, now weeping as they saw him, all covered with his blood, and going out to die. But Jesus turned to them, and said:
"Daughters of Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, do not weep for me, but weep for yourselves, and for your children. For the days are coming when they shall count those happy who have no little ones to be slain; when they shall wish that the mountains might fall on them, and the hills might cover them, and hide them from their enemies!”
They had tried to make Jesus bear his own cross, but soon found that, he was too weak from his sufferings, and could not carry it. They seized on a man who was coming out of the country into the city, a man named Simon; and they made him carry the cross to its place at Căĺ va-ry̆.
It was a custom among the Jew, to give to men about to die by the cross some medicine to deaden their feelings, so that they would not suffer so greatly. They offered this to Jesus, but when he had tasted it, and found what it was, he would not take it. He knew that he would die, but he 'wished to have his mind clear, and to understand what was done and what was said, even though his sufferings might be greater.
At the place Căĺ va-ry̆ they laid the cross down, and stretched Jesus upon it, and drove nails through his hands and feet to fasten him to the cross; and then they stood it upright with Jesus upon it. While the soldiers were doing this dreadful work, Jesus prayed for them to God, saying, "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they are doing.”
The soldiers also took the clothes that Jesus had worn, giving to each one a garment. But when they came to his undergarment, they found that it was woven, and had no seams; so they said, "Let us not tear it, but cast lots for it, to see who shall have it." So at the foot of the cross the soldiers threw lots for the garment of Christ. Two men who had been robbers and had been sentenced to die by the cross, were led out to die at the same time with Jesus. One was placed on a cross at his right side, and the other at his left; and to make Jesus appear as the worst, his cross stood in the middle. Over the head of Jesus on his cross, they placed, by Pī́ late's order, a sign on which was written:
This was written in three languages: in Hḗ brew, which was the language of the Jews̝; in Lat-in, the language of the Rṓ mans̝, and in Greek. Many of the people read this writing; but the chief priests were not pleased with it. They urged Pī́ late to have it changed from "The King of the Jews̝" to "He said, I am King of the Jews̝.”
But Pī́ late would not change it. He said, "What I have written, I have written.”
And the people who passed by on the road, as they looked at Jesus on the cross, mocked at him. Some called out to him, "You that would destroy the Temple, and build it in three days, save yourself. If you are the Son of God, come down from the cross!”
And the priests and scribes said, "He saved others, but he cannot save himself. Come down from the cross, and we will believe in you!”
And one of the robbers who was on his own cross beside that of Jesus joined in the cry, and said, "If you are the Christ, save yourself and save us!”
But the other robber said to him, "Have you no fear of God, to speak thus, while you are suffering the same fate with this man? And we deserve to die, but this man has done nothing wrong." Then this man said to Jesus, "Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom!”
And Jesus answered him, as they were both hanging on their crosses:
"To-day you shall be with me in heaven.”
Before the cross of Jesus his mother was standing, filled with sorrow for her son, and beside her was one of his disciples, John, the disciple whom he loved best. Other women besides his mother were there, his mother's sister, Mā́ ry̆ the wife of Clḗ o-phăs, and a woman named Mā́ ry̆ Măg-da-lḗ nē̇, out of whom a year before Jesus had sent an evil spirit. Jesus wished to give his mother, now that he was leaving her, into the care of Jŏhn, and he said to her, as he looked from her to Jŏhn, "Woman, see your son.”
And then to Jŏhn he said, "Son, see your mother.”
And on that day Jŏhn took the mother of Jesus home to his own house, and cared for her as his own mother.
At about noon a sudden darkness came over the land, and lasted for three hours. And in the middle of the afternoon, when Jesus had been on the cross six hours of terrible pain, he cried out aloud words which meant:
"My Lord, my God, why hast thou forsaken me!" words which are the beginning of the twenty-second Psalm, a psalm which long before had spoken of many of Christ's sufferings.
After this he spoke again, saying, "I thirst!” And some one dipped a sponge in a cup of vinegar, and put it upon a reed, and gave him a drink of it. Then Je'sus spoke his last words upon the cross:
"It is finished! Father, into thy hands I give my spirit!" And then Je'sus died. And at that moment the veil in the Temple between the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies was torn apart by unseen hands from the top to the bottom. And the Rṓ man officer who had charge of the soldiers around the cross saw what had taken place, and how Jesus died, and he said, "Truly this was a righteous man; he was the Son of God.”
After Jesus was dead, one of the soldiers, to be sure that he was no longer living, ran his spear into the side of his dead body; and out of the wound came pouring both water and blood.
There were even among the rulers of the Jews̝ a few who were friends of Jesus, though they did not dare to follow Jesus openly. One of these was Nĭc-o-dḗ mus, the ruler who came to see Jesus at night. Another was a rich man who came from the town of Ăr-ĭ-mă-thǽ ȧ, and was named Jṓ seph. Joseph of Ăr-ĭ-mă-thǽ ȧ, went boldly in to Pī́ late, and asked that the body of Jesus might be given to him. Pī́ late wondered that he had died so soon, for often men lived on the cross two or three days. But when he found that Jesus was really dead, he gave his body to Jṓ s̝eph.
Then Jṓ s̝eph and his friends took down the body of Jesus from the cross, and wrapped it in fine linen. And Nĭc-o-dḗ mus brought some precious spices, myrrh and aloes, which they wrapped up with the body. Then they placed the body in Jṓ s̝eph's own new tomb, which was a cave dug out of the rock, in a garden near the place of the cross. And before the opening of the cave they rolled a great stone.
And Mā́ ry̆ Măg-da-lḗ nē̇ and the other Mā́ rẏ and some other women saw the tomb, and watched while they laid the body of Jesus in it. On the next morning, some of the rulers of the Jews̝ came to Pī́ late, and said:
"Sir, we remember that that man Jesus of Năź a-rĕth, who deceived the people, said while he was yet alive, 'After three days I will rise again.' Give orders that the tomb shall be watched and made sure for three days; or else his disciples may steal his body, and then say, 'He is risen from the dead': and thus even after his death he may do more harm than he did while he was alive.”
Pilate said to them, "Set a watch, and make it as sure as you can.”
Then they placed a seal upon the stone, so that no one might break it; and they set a watch of soldiers at the door.
And in the tomb the body of Jesus lay from the evening of Friday, the day when he died on the cross, to the dawn of Sunday, the first day of the week.
Lesson 30. Jesus on the Cross.
(Tell Story 36 in Part Sixth.)
1. To what place was Jesus led to be put to death? To Calvary.
2. What did they try to make Jesus carry? His cross.
3. What was done with Jesus at Calvary? He was fastened to the cross.
4. What writing was put upon the cross above the head of Jesus? "This is Jesus, the King of the Jews.
5. How long did Jesus live on the cross? Six hours.
6. How many times did he speak from the cross? Seven times.
7. What were the last words of Jesus before he died? "Father, into thy hands I give my spirit.”
8. Who took down the body of Jesus from the cross? Joseph of Arimathæa
9. Where was the body of Jesus buried? In Joseph's own tomb.
10. How long was the body of Jesus in the tomb? From Friday evening until Sunday morning.

Story Thirty-Seven

Matt. 28:1 to 10; Mark 16:1 to 13; Luke 24:1 to 49; John 20:1 to 23.
ON Sunday morning, two days after the death and burial of Jesus, some women went very early, as soon as it was light, to the tomb in the garden. One of these women was Mā́ ry̆ Măg-da-lḗ ne, another was also named Mā́ ry̆, and another was named Sā̇-lṓ mē̇. They were bringing some more fragrant gums and spices to place in the wrappings upon the body of Jesus. And as they went they said to each other, "Who will roll away for us the great stone at the door of the cave?”
But when they came to the cave, they saw that the seal was broken, the stone was rolled away, and the soldiers who had been on guard were gone. There stood the tomb of Jesus all open! They did not know that before they came to the tomb there had been an earthquake; and that an angel had come down from heaven and rolled away the stone, and sat upon it. When the soldiers on guard saw the angel, with his flashing face, and his dazzling garments, they fell to the ground as though they were dead, and as soon as they could rise up, they fled away from the spot in terror; so when the women came there was no man in sight.
As soon as Mā́ ry̆ Măg-da-lḗ nē̇ saw that the tomb was open, without stopping to look into it, she ran quickly to tell the disciples. A moment after she had gone, the other women looked into the tomb, and they saw that the body of Jesus was not there. But they saw sitting at each end of the tomb a young man, clothed in a long white garment. Their faces shone like angels, and when the women saw them they were filled with fear. One of the angels said to them:
"Do not be afraid; you are looking for Jesus of Năź a-rĕth, who was crucified. He is not here; he is risen, as he said that he would rise from the dead. Come, see the place where the Lord lay; and then go and tell his disciples, and tell Pḗ te͂r, too, that Jesus will go before you into Găĺ ĭ-lee, and you shall see him there.”
Then the women went away in mingled joy and fear. They ran in haste to bring this word of the angel to the disciples.
But while these women were looking into the tomb, and were listening to the angel, Mā́ ry̆ Măg-da-lḗ ne was seeking the disciples, to tell them that the tomb was open, and the body of Jesus was not there; for she did not know that he had risen. She found Pḗ ter and Jŏhn, and said to them, "They have taken away the Lord out of the tomb, and we do not know where they have laid him!”
Then Pḗ ter and Jŏhn at once went as quickly as they could go, to the tomb. Jŏhn outran Pḗ ter, and came first to the tomb, perhaps because he was the youngest. But when he saw the open door, and the broken seal, and the stone lying at one side, he stood still for a moment. Jŏhn stooped and looked into the cave, and he could see the linen cloths that had been wrapped around the body of Jesus lying together. But when Pḗ ter came up, he did not wait, but pressed at once into the tomb; and then Jŏhn followed him, and he too walked into the cave. Now he could see not only the long strips of linen rolled up; but in another place, carefully folded, the napkin that had been tied over the face of Jesus.
Then suddenly it flashed upon the mind of Jŏhn, "Jesus has risen from the dead!" For he had not seen the angel, nor heard his words. From that moment Jŏhn believed that Jesus was once more living. Both Pḗ ter and Jŏhn went away, to think of the strange things they had seen. And very soon Mā́ ry̆ Măg-da-lḗ nē̇ came back to the tomb. No one was there, for both the women and the disciples had gone away. Mā́ ry̆ Măg-da-lḗ nē̇ did not know that Jesus had risen, for she had not heard the angel's message.
She wept as she thought of her Lord, slain by wicked men, and not even allowed to rest in his grave. And still weeping, she stooped and looked into the tomb. There she saw two men in white garments sitting, one at the head, the other at the feet, where the body of Jesus had lain. They were the two angels whom the other women had seen, but Mā́ ry̆ Măg-da-lḗ nē̇ did not know this. One of them said to her, "Woman, wily do you weep?" She answered, "Because they have taken away my Lord; and I do not know where they have laid him.”
Something caused her to turn around; and she saw a man standing beside her. It was Jesus; but her eyes were held for a moment from knowing him. He said to her, "Woman, why do you weep?”
She supposed that he was the gardener, and said, hardly looking at him, "Sir, if you have carried him out of this place, tell me where you have laid him, and I will take him away.”
Then the stranger spoke her name, "Mā́ ry̆!" and she knew that he was Jesus, no longer dead, but living. She turned around and fell down before him, and was about to seize his feet, as she said, "My Master!”
But Jesus said to her, "Do not take hold of me; I am not yet going away to my Father. But go to my brothers, and say to them, I go up to my Father, and to your Father, to my God, and your God!”
Mā́ ry̆ Măg-da-lḗ nē̇ came and told the disciples how she had seen the Lord, and how he had spoken these things to her. So this was the first time that any one saw Jesus after he rose from the dead.
You remember that the other women, another Mā́ ry̆, and Sā̇-lṓ mē̇, and the rest, had not seen the risen Christ, but they had seen an angel, who told them that he had risen, and would meet his disciples in Găĺ ĭ-lee. They went into the city, and were looking for the disciples, when suddenly Jesus himself stood before them, and said, "All hail!" That means, "A welcome to all of you!" They fell down before him, and worshipped him. And Jesus said to them, as he had said to Mā́ ry̆ Măg-da-lḗ nē̇, only a few moments before, "Do not be afraid; but find my brothers, and tell them to go into Găĺ ĭ-lee, and they shall see me there.”
And this was the second time that Jesus showed himself living on that day when he arose. On that same day two of the followers of Jesus were walking out of Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm to a village called Ĕm-mā́ us, about seven miles away. While they were talking over the strange happenings of the day, they saw that a stranger was walking beside them. It was Jesus, their risen Lord, but they were held back from knowing him. The stranger said to them, "What words are these that you are speaking with each other, which seem to make you so sad?”
One of the two men, named Clḗ o-păs, answered, "Are you even a stranger in Jē̇-rṳ-sā̇-lĕm, and have not heard of what things have taken place there in the last few days?”
The stranger said, "What things?”
And they said, "The things with regard to Jesus of Năź a-rĕth, who was a prophet mighty in his acts and his words before God and all the people; how the chief priests and our rulers caused him to be sentenced to death, and how he died on the cross. But we hoped that he was the promised One, who was to save Ĭś̝ ra-el. And now it is the third day since he was put to death. And today some women of our company who were early at the tomb surprised us with the news that the tomb was empty, his body was not there; and they had seen a vision of angels, who said that Jesus was alive. Then some of us went to the tomb, and found it just as the women had said; but they did not see him.”
Then the stranger said to them, "O foolish men, and slow of heart to believe what the prophets have said! Was it not needful for the Christ to suffer these things, and then to enter in his glory?”
Then he began with the books of Mṓ s̝es̝, and went through the prophets, and showed them in all the Scriptures the meaning of all that was told about Christ. And as they went on, they came to the village to which they were going, and he acted as though he would go on beyond it. Then they urged and persuaded him to stay with them. They said, "Abide with us, for it is now almost evening, and the day is at its close.”
And he went in with them, and sat down with them to a supper. As they were about to eat he took the loaf of bread into his hands, and blessed it, and broke it, and gave it to them. And at that moment their eyes were opened, and they knew that he was the Lord; and he passed out of their sight. They said to each other, "Was not our heart burning within us while he talked to us on the road, and while he opened to us the words of the Scriptures?”
This was the third time that Jesus showed himself on that day. These two men hastened to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm that night to tell what they had seen. And they found ten of the disciples met together and saying, "The Lord has risen indeed, and has been seen by Sī́ mon Pḗ ter.”
We do not know what Jesus said to Pḗ ter; but this was the fourth time that he was seen living on that day when he arose.
The ten disciples and other followers of Jesus were together in a room on that night, and the doors were shut. Suddenly Jesus himself was seen standing among them. He said, "Peace be unto you!”
Some of them were alarmed when they saw him, and thought that he must be a spirit. But he said to them, "Why are you troubled? And why do fears come to you? Look at the wounds in my hands and my feet! Handle me, and see. A spirit does not have flesh and bones, as you see that I have.”
And he showed them his hands and his side. They could scarcely believe for the joy of seeing him again. He said, "Have you here anything to eat?”
They gave him a piece of broiled fish, and of a honeycomb, and he ate before them. And he said, "This is what I told you while I was with you, that everything written of me in the law of Mṓ s̝es̝, and in the prophets, and in the Psalms, must come to pass. It was needful that Christ should suffer thus, and should rise from the dead, and that everywhere the gospel should be preached in his name. I will send the promise of my Father upon you; but stay in Jē̇-rṳ́̄ sā̇-lĕm after I leave you, until power shall come upon you from on high.”
Then, when the disciples saw that it was really the Lord, and that he was alive from the dead, they were glad. And Jesus said to them again, "Peace be to you, as my Father has sent me, even so I send you. May the Spirit of God come upon you!”
And this was the fifth time that Jesus showed himself alive on that day. This Sunday was the brightest day in all the world, because on it Jesus rose from the dead. And that Sunday in every year is called Easter Sunday.
Lesson 31. The First Easter Day.
(Tell Story 37 in Part Sixth.)
1. What took place two days after Jesus died on the cross? He became alive and came out of his tomb.
2. Who brought the news that Jesus had risen from the dead? Angels at his tomb.
3. Who first saw Jesus after he rose from the dead? Mary Magdalene.
4. Who saw the risen Jesus soon after Mary had seen him? Some other women.
5. Who met the risen Jesus and walked with him on that morning? Two of his followers.
6. To whom did Jesus show himself next on that day? To Peter.
7. How many of the disciples met that afternoon in Jerusalem? Ten.
8. Who came suddenly among them, talked with them, and ate before them? The risen Jesus.
9. What did Jesus say when he came among the disciples? "Peace be unto you.”
10. What is the day of the year called on which Jesus rose from the dead? Easter Sunday.

Story Thirty-Eight

Matt. 28:16 to 20; Mark 16:14 to 20; Luke 24:50 to 53; John 20:26, to 21:25; Acts 1:1 to 11; 1 Cor. 15:3 to 8.
WHEN Jesus showed himself to the disciples on the evening of the day of his rising from the dead, only ten of the disciples saw him, for Jū́ das was no longer among them, and Thomas the Twin (which is the meaning of his other name, Dĭd́ y̆-mŭs) was absent. The other disciples said to Thŏḿ as, "We have seen the Lord!" But Thŏḿ as said, "I will not believe that he has risen unless I can see in his hands the marks of the nails on the cross. I must see them with my own eyes, and put my finger upon them, and put my hand into the wound in his side, before I will believe.”
A week passed away, and on the next Sunday evening the disciples were together again, and at this time Thŏḿ as was with them.
The doers were shut, but suddenly Jesus was seen again standing in the middle of the room. He said, as before, "Peace be with you.”
Then he turned to Thŏḿ as, and said to him, "Thŏḿ as, come here, and touch my hands with your finger, and put your hand into my side; and no longer refuse to believe that I am living, but have faith in me!" And Thŏḿ as answered him, "My Lord and my God!”
Then Jesus said to him, "Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.”
You remember that the angels had said to the women at the tomb of Jesus, that his disciples should go into Găĺ ĭ-lee and there they would see the risen Lord. They Went to and waited for some days without seeing Jesus. Finally Pḗ te͂r said, "I am going fishing.”
"We will go with you," said the others. There were with Pḗ ter the two brothers, Jāmes̝ and Jŏhn, Thŏḿ as and Nā̇-thăń a-el, and two other disciples. They went out upon the lake in the fishing-boat, and worked all night, but found no fish. Just as the day was breaking they saw someone standing on the beach. It was Jesus, but they did not know him. He called out to them, as one friend calls to another, "Boys, have you caught anything?”
They answered him, "No.”
He said to them, "Cast the net on the right side of the ship, and you will find some fish.”
They may have thought that standing on the shore he could see the signs of a shoal of fish, which they from the boat could not see. But the quick eyes of Jŏhn, the beloved disciple, were the first to see who was this stranger on the shore. He said to Pḗ ter, "It is the Lord!”
When Pḗ ter heard this, he flung around him his fisherman's coat, and leaped into the water, and swam to the shore to meet his Lord. But the other six disciples stayed in the boat, and rowed to the shore, dragging after them the net full of fishes. When they came to the land, they found burning a fire of charcoal, and a fish broiling upon it: and a loaf of bread beside it. They all knew now that it was the Lord Jesus, and he said to them, "Bring some of the fish that you have now caught.”
Sī́ mon Pḗ te͂r waded out to where the net was lying, filled with fish, and drew it to the shore. Afterward they counted the fish that were in it, and found them one hundred and fifty-three large fishes, besides small ones. Yet the net was not broken with all these fish in it. Jesus said to them, "Come now and breakfast.”
He took the bread, and eve it to them, and gave them fish also; and the seven disciples at a breakfast with their risen Lord. This was the third time that Jesus showed himself to his disciples in a company after rising from the tomb, the seventh of the times that he was seen.
After the breakfast, Jesus turned to Sī́ mon Pḗ te͂r, the one who three times had denied that he knew Jesus, and he said to him, "Sī́ mon, son of Jṓ nas, lovest thou me?”
Pḗ te͂r answered him, "Yes, Lord, thou knowest that I love thee.”
Jesus said to him, "Feed my lambs.”
Then after a time Jesus said again, "Sī́ mon, son of Jṓ nas, dost thou love me?”
Pḗ te͂r answered him as before, "Yes, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee.”
And Jesus said to him, "Tend my sheep.”
The third time Jesus said to him, "Sī́ mon, son of Jṓ nas, lovest thou me?”
Pḗ te͂r was troubled to have this question asked again and again, and he answered, "Lord, thou knowest all things; thou knowest that I love thee.”
Then Jesus said to him, "Feed my sheep." And Jesus added, "Follow me!”
And thus Pḗ ter, after his fall, three times declared his love to Christ, and was again called to his place among the disciples.
After this the followers of Jesus met on a mountain in Găĺ ĭ-lee, perhaps the same mountain where Jesus had before given the teachings called "The Sermon on the Mount," of which we read in Story Thirteen. More than five hundred people were gathered ' at this time; and there Jesus showed himself to them all. He said to them:
"All power is given to me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore and preach my gospel to all the nations of the earth, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit; teaching them to keep all the commandments that I have given you. And I am with you always, even to the end of the world.”
This was the eighth time that Jesus was seen after he rose from the dead. The ninth was when he showed himself to Jāmes̝, not the apostle of that name, but another Jāmes̝, who was called "The Lord's Brother," and may have been a son of Jṓ s̝eph, the carpenter of Năź a-rĕth, and of Mā́ ry̆ his wife. We do not know what was said at this meeting; but from this time Jāmes̝ was a strong believer in Jesus.
Once more, the tenth time, the risen Savior showed himself to all his eleven disciples. It may have been in Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, for he told them not to leave the city, but to wait until God should send down upon them his Spirit, as he had promised. And Jesus said to them:
"When the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you shall have a new power, and you shall speak in my name in Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, and in Jū-dḗ ȧ, and in Sā̇-mā rĭ-ȧ, and in the farthest parts of the earth.”
Jesus led his disciples out of the city and over the Mount of near to the village of Bĕth́ a-ny̆. And he lifted up his hands in blessing upon them; and while he was blessing them, he began to rise in the air, higher and higher, until a cloud covered him, and the disciples saw him no more.
While they were looking up toward heaven, they found two men, like angels, with shining garments, standing by them. These men said "O ye men of Găĺ ĭ-lee, why do you stand looking up into heaven? This Jesus, who has been taken up from you, shall come again from heaven to earth, as you have seen him go up from earth to heaven!”
Then the disciples were glad. They worshipped their risen Lord Jesus, now gone up to heaven; and they went again to Jē̇-rṳ́ -sā̇-lĕm. And they were constantly in the Temple, praising and giving thanks to God.
Lesson 32. Jesus on the Shore and on the Mountain.
(Tell Story 38 in Part Sixth.)
1. After the first Easter day, when did the risen Jesus show himself again to his disciples? On Sunday, a week later.
2. Which of the disciples saw Jesus then for the first time? Thomas.
3. Where did the disciples of Jesus go to meet him? To Galilee.
4. Where was the risen Christ first seen in Galilee? At the shore of the Sea of Galilee.
5. What did Jesus say to Peter at that time? "Feed my lambs.”
6. Where was the risen Jesus seen again by many of his followers? On a mountain in Galilee.
7. How many saw Jesus at that time? More than five hundred.
8. What did Jesus tell his disciples to do? To preach his gospel to all the world.
9. Where was Jesus seen by his disciples for the last time? On the Mount of Olives.
10. What did the risen Jesus do on the Mount of Olives? He went up to heaven.
11. What promise was then given to the disciples? That Jesus will come again.
Lesson 33. Review of People in the Gospel Story.
1. What great prophet was born a few months before Jesus? John the Baptist.
2. Who was the father of John the Baptist? Zacharias.
3. Who was the mother of John the Baptist?
4. Who brought the news that Christ would soon come? The angel Gabriel
5. Who was the mother of Jesus? Mary
6. Who heard the first news that Jesus Christ was born? Shepherds.
7. Who came from a far country and brought gifts to the child Jews? Wise men.
8. Who took up the child Jesus in the temple and gave thanks to God? Simeon.
9. Who baptized Jesus? John the Baptist.
10. Who tried to tempt Jesus to do wrong? Satan, the evil spirit.
11. Who talked with Jesus at night in Jerusalem? Nicodemus.
12. Who met Jesus by a well? The Samaritan woman.
13. With what two sisters did Jesus stay near Jerusalem? With Martha and Mary.
14. What brother of these two sisters did Jesus raise to life? Lazarus.
15. To what blind man did Jesus give sight at Jericho? To Bartimæus.
16. What rich man at Jericho took Jesus to his house? Zacchæus.
17. Who poured costly perfume on the head of Jesus at a supper? Mary, the sister of Lazarus.
18. What disciple of Christ sold him to his enemies for money? Judas.
19. What ruler ordered that Jesus should be put to death on the cross? Pilate.
20. Who first saw Jesus after he rose from the dead? Mary Magdalene.
Lesson 34. Review of Places in the Gospel Story.
1. Where was Je'sus born? At Bethlehem.
2. To what land was he taken, that his life might be saved from King Herod? To Egypt.
3. Where did Je'sus live as a boy? In Nazareth.
4. In what place was he found when twelve years old? In the temple.
5. In what river was he baptized? In the river Jordan.
6. Where was he tempted by Satan? In the wilderness.
7. Where was his first miracle? At Cana in Galilee.
8. In what land did Jesus preach during the first year of his teaching? In Judea
9. Where did Jesus talk with a woman by a well? In Samaria.
10. Where did Jesus preach during the second year of his teaching? In Galilee.
11. Where did he live while he preached in Galilee? At Capernaum.
12. On what sea did he still the storm? The Sea of Galilee.
13. At what pool in Jerusalem did he heal a man who could not walk? The Pool of Bethesda.
14. To what other pool at Jerusalem did he send a blind man to wash? To the Pool of Siloam.
15. At what place in Galilee did he raise to life a widow's son? At Nein.
16. Where did he feed five thousand people? Bethsaida.
17. On what mountain did he show his glory? On Mount Hermon.
18. At what place did he raise Lazarus to life? At Bethany.
19. At what place did Jesus die on the cross? At Calvary.
20. From what mountain did Je'sus go up to heaven? From the Mount of Olives.

Part Seventh


Story One

Acts 1:12, to 2:47
AFTER the Lord Jesus had gone away to heaven, the eleven disciples and a small company of those who believed in Christ were left alone on the earth. But they were not sad, as we should have expected them to be. They were very happy, for their Lord had left with them his promise to send power from God upon them. Every day they met together, and praised God, and prayed, in the large upper room where Jesus had taken his last supper with them.
The eleven disciples chose a twelfth man to take the place which had belonged to Judas the traitor. His name was Măt-thī́ as. With these were Mā́ ry̆, the mother of Jesus, and his brothers, and the women who had been at the cross and the tomb, and a number of others, men and women, who believed in Jesus as the Christ. The whole number of the company was one hundred and twenty people. In all the world these were all who at that time believed in Christ.
Ten days after Jesus went away to heaven there came a day which the Jews̝ called "The Day of Pentecost," or "The Fiftieth Day," for it was just fifty days after the Feast of the Passover. On that day the believers in Christ were all together in the upper room praying, when suddenly a sound was heard like the rushing of a mighty wind coming straight down from the sky. And what looked like tongues of fire seemed to be over the heads of all the company. Then the Spirit of God came upon them all, and they began to speak of Christ and of his gospel with a power that none of them had ever known before.
This strange noise as of a sounding wind was heard all over the city, and at once a great crowd of people came together at the place, to learn what the sound meant. There they saw these people, one hundred and twenty in number, singing, praising God and telling of his wonderful works. And there was another marvelous thing. These people who had heard the noise, and had been drawn to the place, were Jews̝ from many lands, who had come up to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm to worship, some from the lands far in the east, others from lands in the west, and others from isles of the sea. Every man heard these believers in Jesus speaking in the language of the land from which he had come! It was as though in every tongue of the earth men were telling of God's wonderful work.
"What does all this mean?" asked some; and others said, "These people act as though they were drunken with wine!”
Then stood up Sī́ mon Pḗ ter, with the other apostles around him; for from that time the twelve disciples were called "apostles," which means "The men sent forth," because they were now sent out to win the world to Christ. Pḗ ter spoke in a loud voice to all the crowd of people, and said:
"Ye men of Jū-dḗ ȧ, and all ye that live in Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, listen to me. This which you see is what the prophet said long ago should come to pass, that God would pour out his Spirit upon men. This is the great day of the Lord, when everyone who shall call upon the Lord shall be saved. Jesus of Năź a-rĕth, one who wrought wonders and signs among you, you did put to death oil the cross, by the hands of wicked men; but God has raised him up from death. We who have seen him living declare this to you, that he whom you killed on the cross is now the Lord and the Christ.”
Then many of the people began to see how wicked had been the deed of their people in killing Jesus, whom God had sent to them as his Son; and they cried out to Pḗ te͂r and to the other apostles, "Men and brethren, what shall we do?”
And Peter answered them, "Turn away from your sins, believe in Jesus, and be baptized in his name; and your sins shall be taken away, and you shall have this power of the Holy Spirit of God.”
Then a great many people believed in Jesus Christ as their Savior, and were baptized by the apostles. And on that day three thousand were added to the Church of Christ. And they, too, met with the believers daily in the upper room, and worshipped in the Temple, and listened to the teaching of the apostles.
And all the followers of Jesus were like one family of brothers and sisters. Those who had money gave it to help those who were in need, and some who had lands and houses sold them, and gave all for those who were poor. All were happy, praising God, loving and loved by each other. And every day more and more of those who were being saved were united to the Church.
Lesson 35. The First Days.
(Tell Story 1 in Part Seventh.)
1. Where did the followers of Christ meet after Jesus went away to heaven? In Jerusalem.
2. What day came ten days after Jesus left the earth? The Day of Pentecost.
3. What seemed to fall from heaven on all the followers of Christ on the day of Pentecost? Tongues of fire.
4. What power came upon them all? Power from God.
5. What did they all begin to speak? The wonderful words of God.
6. Who preached to the people on that day? Peter.
7. What new name was given to Peter and the other eleven disciples of Christ? They were called apostles.
8. What did the apostle Peter tell the people to do? To believe in Christ as their Savior.
9. How many were added to the church on that day? Three thousand.
10. How did all these people act toward each other? Like brothers.

Story Two

Acts 3:1 to 31
THE two apostles, Pḗ ter and Jŏhn, were one day going up to the Temple at the afternoon hour of prayer, about three o'clock. They walked across the court of the Gĕń tīles̝, which was a large open square paved with marble, having on its eastern side a double row of pillars with a roof above them, called Sŏĺ o-mon's Porch. In front of this porch was the principal entrance to the Temple, through a gate which was called "The Beautiful Gate." At this gate, outside the Temple, they saw a lame man sitting. He was one who in all his life had never been able to walk; and as he was very poor, his friends carried him every day to this place; and there he sat, hoping that some of those who went into the Temple might take pity on him, and give him a little money.
In front of this man Pḗ ter and Jŏhn stopped; and Pḗ ter said, "Look at us!”
The lame man looked earnestly on the two apostles, thinking they were about to give him something. But Pḗ ter said:
"Silver and gold have I none; but what I have that I will give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Năź a-rĕth, walk!" '
And Pḗ ter took hold of the lame man's right hand, and raised him up. At once the lame man felt a new power entering into his feet and ankle-bones. He leaped up, and stood upon his feet, and began to walk, as he had never done before in all his life. He walked up the steps with the two apostles, and went by their side into the Temple, walking, and leaping, and praising God. The people who now saw him leaping up and running, knew him, for they had seen him every day sitting as a beggar at the Beautiful Gate; and everyone was filled with wonder at the change which had come over him.
After worshipping and praising God in the Temple, the man, still holding fast to Pḗ ter and Jŏhn, went out with them through the Beautiful Gate into Sŏĺ o-mon's Porch. And in a very few minutes a great crowd of people were drawn together to the place to see the man who had been made well, and to see also the two men who had healed him.
Then Pḗ ter stood up before the throng of people, and spoke to them.
"Ye men of Ĭś̝ ra-el," he said, "why do you look wondering on this man? or why do you fix your eyes upon us, as though by our own power or goodness we had made this man to walk? The God of Ā́ bra-hăm, of Ī́ s̝aac, and of Jā́ cob, has in this way shown the power and the glory of his Son Jesus; whom you gave up to his enemies, and whom you refused before Pŏń tĭ-us Pī́ late, when Pī́ late was determined to set him free. But you refused the Holy One and the Righteous One, and chose the murderer Bā̇-răb́ bas to be set free in his place; and you killed the Prince of life, whom God raised from the dead. We who have seen him risen, declare that this is true. And the power of Jesus, through faith in his name, has made this man strong. Yes, it is faith in Christ that has given him this perfect soundness before you all. Now, my brothers, I am sure that you did not know that it was the Son of God and your own Savior whom you sent to the cross. Therefore turn to God in sorrow for this great sin, and God will forgive you; and in his own time he will send again Jesus Christ. God who has raised up his Son is ready to bless you, and turn away every one of you from his sins.”
While Pḗ ter was speaking, the priests, and the captain of the Temple, and the rulers, came upon them; for they were angry as they heard Pḗ ter speak these words. They laid hold of Pḗ ter and Jain, and put them into the guard-room for the night. But many of those who had heard Pḗ ter speaking believed on Jesus, and sought the Lord; and the number of the followers of Christ rose from three thousand to five thousand.
On the next day the rulers came together; and Ăń nas and Cā́ ia-phăs, the two high-priests, were there, and with them many of their friends. They brought Pḗ ter and Jŏhn, and set them before the company. The lame man who had been healed was still by the side of the two apostles. The rulers asked them:
"By what power or through whom have you done this?”
Then Pḗ ter spoke boldly to the priests and the rulers. He said:
"Ye rulers of the people and elders, if you are asking us about the good deed done to this man who was so helpless, how it was that he was made well, I will tell you that by the name and the power of Jesus of Năź a-rĕth, whom you put to death on the cross, whom God raised from the dead; even by him this man stands here before you all strong and well. And there is no salvation except through Jesus Christ, for there is no other person under heaven who can save us from our sins.”
When these rulers saw how bold and strong were the words of Pḗ ter and Jŏhn, they wondered, especially as they knew that they were plain men, not learned in books, and not used to speaking. They remembered that they had seen these men among the followers of Jesus, and they felt that in some way Jesus had given them this power. And as the man who had been healed was standing beside them, they could say nothing to deny that a wonderful, work had been done.
The rulers sent Pḗ ter and Jŏhn out of the council-room, while they talked together. They said to each other:
"What shall we do to these men? We cannot deny that a wonderful work has been done by them, for every one knows it.
But we must stop this from spreading any more among the people. Let us command them not to speak to any man about the name of Jesus; and let us tell them that if they do speak, we will punish them." So they called the two apostles into the room again, and said to them: "We forbid you to speak about Jesus, and the power of his name, to any man. If you do not stop talking about Jesus, we will lay hands on you, and put you in prison, and will have you beaten.”
But Peter and John answered the rulers:
"Whether it is right to obey you or to obey God, you yourselves can judge. As for ourselves we cannot keep silent; we must speak of what we have seen and heard.”
The rulers were afraid to do any harm to Pḗ ter and Jŏhn, because they knew that the people praised God for the good work that they had done; and they would be angry to have harm come to them. For fear of the people, they let them go. And being let go, they went to their own friends, the company who met in the upper room, and there they gave thanks to God for helping them to speak his word without fear.

Story Three

Acts 4:32, to 5:42
IN those early days the Church of Christ in Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm was like a great family; for each one was full of love for all the others. No one said of anything that he owned, "This is mine," but they had all things together, as belonging to all. Those who owned lands or houses sold them, and brought the money, and laid it down at the feet of the apostles. This was not because a rule was made commanding it; but because each member loved the rest, and wished to help them. The money that was given in this free way the apostles divided among those that were poor, so that no one among those who believed in Christ was in need.
There was one man especially who gave away all that he had to help" the Church. His name was Jṓ s̝eph, but he was called "Bäŕ na-băs," which means "The one who encourages," because he was so helpful and cheering in his words. Bäŕ na-băs sold his land, and gave the money from it to the apostles, that they might help with it those who were poor; and Bäŕ na-băs spent all his time, as well as his money, in doing good.
But there was another man in the Church at Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm whose spirit was not that of Bäŕ na-băs, to give up all and live fully for the Lord. This man, whose name was Ăn-a-nī́ as, wanted to have the name of giving all, while he kept a part for himself. Ăn-a-nī́ as sold some land which he had owned, and agreed with his wife Săp-phī́ rȧ, to give a part of the money to the apostles for the Church, and to keep back a part for themselves. This they had a right to do, or even to keep it all. But they agreed together to act as though they were giving all the money, and that was agreeing together" to tell Ăn-a-nī́ as brought his money and laid it down before the apostles. But Peter, by the power of God, saw what was in the thought of Ăn-a-nī́ as, and said to him, "Ăn-a-nī́ as, why has the evil spirit filled your heart to tell a lie by your act, in keeping back part of the money? Before it was sold was not the land your own? And after it was sold, was not the money in your hand? You have tried to tell a lie, not to man, but to God; and God will judge you!’
As Pḗ ter spoke these words, Ăn-a-nī́ as fell down before him, and in a moment was lying dead upon the floor. The young men in the meeting took up his dead body, and wrapped it with long rolls of cloth, and carried it out and buried it, as was the manner of the Jew.
After three hours, Săp-phī́ rȧ, the wife of Ăn-a-nī́ as, came into the room. She did not know that her husband was dead, for no one had told her; such was the fear upon all.
Pḗ ter said to her, "Tell me, did you sell the land for so much?" And he named the sum that Ăn-a-nī́ as had placed before him. Săp-phī́ rȧ said, "Yes, that was the price of the land.”
But Pḗ ter said to her, "How is it that you two people agreed together to bring down God's anger upon you? Those who have buried your husband are at the door, and they shall carry you out also!”
Then Săp-phī́ rȧ fell down, struck dead by the power of God. The young men coming in found her dead; and they carried out her body and buried it beside her husband. A great fear came upon all the church, and upon all who heard how Ăn-a-nī́ as and Săp-phī́ rȧ died. After that no one dared to try and deceive the apostles in their gifts to the Lord's church.
And every day the apostles went to the Temple; and standing in Sŏĺ o-mon's Porch, they preached to the people about Jesus, and salvation through his name. They wrought many wonders also in healing the sick. From the houses those that were sick were brought out into the street, lying on beds and couches, so that as the apostle Pḗte͂r passed by, his shadow might fall on them. And from the villages around Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm they brought people that had diseases, or were held by evil spirits; and by the power of God in the apostles they were all made well.
All these wonderful works brought great multitudes to hear the apostles, as they spoke in Sŏĺ o-mon's Porch. Very many believed in Christ as they heard, and men and women in great numbers were added to the church.
But all these things, the wonders wrought, the crowds brought together, and the people believing in Christ, gave great offense to the high-priest and the rulers: for they were the ones who had led in sending Jesus Christ to the cross, only a few months before. These rulers sent their officers, who seized all the twelve apostles, and thrust them into the common prison of the city. But at night, an angel of the Lord came, and opened the doors of the prison and brought the apostles out, and said:
"Go, and stand in the Temple, and speak to the people all the words of this life.” Then, very early in the morning, just at the breaking of the day, they went into the Temple and preached to the people.
On that day the high-priest and all the rulers met together, and sent to the prison-house to have the apostles brought before them. But the officers who were sent did not find them in the prison. They came back to the rulers, and said:
"The prison we found shut and locked, and the keepers standing at the doors; but when we opened the doors and went inside we found none of the prisoners there!”
When the captain of the Temple and the rulers heard this they wondered greatly; for they could not understand it. Then came someone, who said, "The men whom you put in prison are standing in the Temple and are teaching the people!”
Then the captain of the Temple went with his officers, and again took the apostles, but without doing them any harm, for they were afraid that the people would stone them if they dealt harshly with these men, whom all held in high honor. They brought them into the hall where the rulers were met together. The high-priest said to them:
"We told you not to speak in this name, or about that man; and now you have filled Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm with your teaching, and you are trying to bring the blood of this man upon us.”
But Pḗ ter, in the name of all the apostles, answered the high-priest:
"We must obey God rather than men. You put Jesus to death, hanging him upon the cross. But the God of our fathers raised him from the dead, and lifted him up to be at his right hand as a Prince and a Savior, to give the forgiveness of sins. And we declare these things; and God's Holy Spirit tells us that they are true.”
When the rulers heard these words they were made very angry, and thought of causing the apostles to be slain. But there was among them one very wise man, named Gā̇-mā́ lĭ-el, a man who was held in honor by all the people. Gā̇-mā́ lĭ-el asked to have the apostles sent out of the hall, while he would speak to the rulers. When the apostles were taken away, Gā̇-mā́ lĭ-el said:
"Ye men of Ĭś̝ ra-el, be careful in what you do to these men. If what they say comes from themselves alone, it will soon pass away; but if it be of God, you cannot destroy it, and you may even find yourselves to be fighting against God. My advice to you is: do no harm to these men, and leave them alone.”
The rulers agreed with these words. They sent for the apostles, and caused them to be beaten; then they commanded them again not to speak in the name of Jesus, and they let them go. The apostles went forth from the meeting of the rulers, happy in suffering for the name of Jesus. And in the Temple and among the homes of the people they did not cease from preaching Jesus as the Savior and the Lord.
Lesson 6. The Beautiful Gate, and the Apostles in Prison.
(Tell Stories 2 and 3 in Part Seventh.)
1. Whom did Peter and John meet at the Beautiful Gate of the temple? A lame man.
2. What did Peter say to the lame man? "In the name of Jesus Christ, walk.”
3. What did the lame man do? He walked and leaped and praised God.
4. Who did Peter say had given to this man power to walk? Jesus Christ.
5. What did the rulers of the city tell Peter and John? That they must not preach Christ.
6. How did Peter and John answer the rulers? "We must speak of what we know.”
7. What good man gave his money to the poor in the church? Barnabas.
8. Who died because they told a lie? Ananias and Sapphira.
9. What did the rulers of the Jews do to Peter and John? They put them in prison.
10. How were they set free from the prison? By an angel of the Lord.

Story Four

Acts 6:1, to 8:3
WE have read how the members of the church in Jē̇-rṳ́-sā̇-lĕm gave their money freely to help the poor. This free giving led to trouble, as the church grew so fast; for some of the widows who were poor were passed by; and their friends made complaints to the apostles. The twelve apostles called the whole church together, and said: "It is not well, that we should turn aside from preaching and teaching the word of God, to sit at tables and give out money. But, brethren, choose from among yourselves seven good men, men who have the Spirit of God and are wise, and we will give this work to them; so that we can spend our time in prayer and in preaching the gospel.”
This plan was pleasing to all the church; and they chose seven men, to take charge of the gifts of the people, and to see that they were sent to those who were in need. The first man chosen was Stḗ phen, a man full of faith and of the Spirit of God; and with him were Phĭĺ ĭp and five other good men. These seven men they brought before the apostles; and the apostles laid their hands on their heads, setting them apart for their work of caring for the poor.
But Stḗ phen did more than to look after the needy ones. He began to preach the gospel of Christ; and to preach with such power as made everyone who heard him feel the truth. Stḗ phen saw before any other man in the church saw, that the gospel of Christ was not for Jews̝ only, but for all men; that all men might be saved if they would believe in Jesus; and this great truth Stḗ phen began to preach with all his power.
Such preaching as this, that men who were not Jews̝ might be saved by believing in Christ, made many of the Jews̝ very angry. They called all the people who were not Jews̝ "Gĕń tīles̝, "and they looked upon them with hate and scorn; but they could not answer the words that Stḗ phen spoke. They roused up the people and the rulers, and set them against Stḗ phen, and at last they seized Stḗ phen, and brought him before the great council of the rulers. They said to the rulers:
"This man is always speaking evil words against the Temple and against the law of Mṓ s̝es̝. We heard him say that Jesus of Năź a-rĕth shall destroy this place, and shall change the laws that Mṓ s̝es̝ gave to us!”
This was partly true and partly false; but no lie is so harmful as that which has a little truth with it. Then the high-priest said to Stḗ phen, "Are these things so?”
And as Stḗ phen stood up to answer the high-priest all fixed their eyes upon him; and they saw that his face was shining, as though it was the face of an angel. Then Stḗ phen began to speak of the great things that God had done for his people of Ĭś̝ ra-el in the past; how he had called Ā́ bră-hăm, their father, to go forth into a new land; how he had given them great men, as Jṓ s̝ep̝h, and Mṓ s̝es̝, and the prophets. He showed them how the Ĭś̝ ra-el-ītes had not been faithful to God who had given them such blessings. Then Stephen said:
"You are a people with hard hearts and stiff necks, who will not obey the words of God and his Spirit. As your fathers did, so you do also. Your fathers killed the prophets whom God sent to them; and you have slain Jesus, the Righteous One!”
As they heard these things, they became so angry against Stḗ phen that they gnashed on him with their teeth, like wild beasts. But Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, looked up toward heaven with his shining face; and he saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on God's right hand, and he said:
"I see the heavens opened and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God!”
But they cried out with angry voices, and rushed upon him, and dragged him out of the council-room, and outside the wall of the city. And there they threw stones upon him to kill him, while Stḗ phen was kneeling down among the falling stones and praying:
"Lord Jesus, receive my spirit! Lord, lay not this sin up against them!”
And when he had said this he fell asleep in death, the first to be slain for the gospel of Christ.
Among those who stoned Stḗ phen was a young man named Saul. He showed his fierce hate against Stḗ phen and against the gospel which Stḗ phen preached by holding the loose garments which the slayers of Stḗ phen flung off, so that they might the more easily throw the stones upon him. Saul had heard Stḗ phen speak; and he saw his glorious face, but he gave his help to those who killed him. And after Stḗ phen had been slain, Saul went out to seize those who believed in Christ. He dragged men and women out of their houses, and thrust them into prison. He went into the synagogues and seized them as they were worshipping, and stripped off their garments, and caused them to be beaten.
By the hands of Saul and those who were with him the church of Christ, where so many had lived in love and peace, was broken up, and its members were scattered far and wide over the lands. The apostles stayed in the city, and no harm came to them, for they were kept hidden, but all the rest of the believers were driven away; and for the time the church of Christ seemed to have come to an end.

Story Five

Acts 8:4 to 40
WE have seen how the first church of those who believed in Christ was broken up, and its members were driven away by the fury and rage of its enemy, the young man Saul. But as those who were scattered went into other places, they told the people about Christ and his gospel. And very soon new companies of believers in Christ began to rise up, all over the land. In place of one church in Jē̇-rṳ́-sā̇-lĕm there were many churches among the cities and villages of Jū-dḗ ȧ. Thus Saul, for all his hate toward Christ, really helped in spreading the gospel of Christ.
Among those driven away by Saul was a man named Philip, not Philip the apostle, but another Philip, who had been one of those chosen with Stḗ phen to care for the poor. This Philip went down to the city of Sā̇-mā-rĭ-ȧ, near the middle of the land; and there he began to tell the people about Christ. These people were not Jew, but were of the race called Sā̇-măŕ ĭ-tans̝. The woman of Sā̇-mā́ rĭ-ȧ, with whom Jesus talked at Jā́ cob's well, was of this people.
The Lord gave to Phĭĺ ĭp the power to work many wonders among these Sā̇-măŕ ĭ-tans̝. At Phĭĺ ĭp's word, evil spirits came out of men. Those who had the palsy were cured, and the lame were made to walk. The Sā̇-măŕ ĭ-tans̝ saw these things done by and they believed that he spoke to them the words of God. Very many of them became believers in Christ, and were baptized; and there was great joy in that city.
At that time there was in Sā̇măŕ ĭ-tans̝ certain man named Sī́ mon, who had made the people believe that he had great power and could do wonderful things, by some magic that he used. But the works wrought by Phĭĺ ĭp through the power of Christ were so much 'greater and more wonderful than his own, that Sī́ mon himself listened to the teaching of Phĭĺ ĭp, claimed to believe in Jesus, and was baptized. But his heart had not been touched; he thought only that Phĭĺ ĭp's magic was better than his own, and he hoped to find out what it was, so that he too could use it.
The twelve apostles, you remember, were still in Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm; for they did not leave the city when Saul broke up the church.
After a time Sa̤ul ceased to trouble, and some of the believers began to go back to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm. A new church grew up in that city around the apostles, though it never became as large or as wholehearted as had been the church of the early days.
News came to the apostles of the great work wrought by Phĭĺ ĭp in Sā̇-mā́ rĭ-ȧ, and they sent Pḗ te͂r and Jŏhn to visit the new church in that place. Pḗ te͂r and Jŏhn came to Sā̇́ mā-rĭ-ȧ, and were glad when they saw how many and how faithful were the believers in Christ. They prayed for them, that the same power of the Holy Spirit that had come upon the disciples in Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm might come upon those in Sā̇-mā́ rĭ-ȧ; and the power of the Lord came when the apostles laid their hands on the heads of the believers.
When Sī́ mon saw that this strange power of God came with the laying on of the apostle's hands, he offered Pḗ te͂r and Jŏhn money, saying to them, "Sell me this power, so that I may give the Holy Spirit to those on whom I lay my hands.”
But Peter said to him, "May your silver perish with you if you think to buy the gift of God with money! You do not really belong to Christ, and your heart is not right with God. Turn away from this your sin, and pray God that he will forgive you. For I see that you are yet in your sins, sins that are as bitter as gall; and you are fast bound in evil as with a chain!”
Sī́ mon could not understand this, but he said, "Pray for me to the Lord, that none of these evils that you have named come upon me!”
After this Pḗ te͂r and John preached among many villages of the Sắ-măŕ ĭ-tans̝, and then they went back to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm. Phĭĺ ĭp’s work in Sắ-măŕ rĭ-ȧ was now done, and an angel of the Lord spoke to him, saying:
"Rise up, and leave this city; and go toward the south, on the road that goes down from Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm to Gā́ za.”
This was a road through a desert region, without villages or people; but Phillip at once obeyed the word that came from the Lord. He left Sā̇-mā́ rĭ-ȧ, and walked southward, until he came to the road between Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm and Gā́ zȧ. While he was on this desert road he saw a chariot drawing near, and in it was seated a black man reading from a roll. This man had come from the land of Ḗ thĭ-ṓ pĭ-ȧ, in Africa, far to the south of Ḗ ġy̆pt. He was a nobleman of very high rank, the treasurer of the queen in that land; and though he was not a Jew, he had taken a journey of more than a thousand miles to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇,-lĕm, riding in his chariot all the way, that he might worship God in his Temple. He was now going back to his own land, and in his hands was the roll of the prophet I-s̝ā́ iah, from which he was reading aloud while he was riding on his journey.
As the chariot of this black man came in sight, the Spirit of the Lord said to Phĭĺ ĭp, "Go near, and stand close by the chariot.”
And Phĭĺ ĭp ran toward the chariot, and spoke to the man, and said, "Do you understand what you are reading?”
The nobleman answered him, "How can I understand it, unless some one tells me what it means? Can you show me? If you can, come up into the chariot and sit with me.”
Then Phĭĺ ĭp came up and sat down in the chariot. The place where he was reading was the fifty-third chapter of Ī́ s̝ā́ iah, with 'words like these:
"He was led as a sheep to the slaughter,
And as a lamb before his shearer is dumb,
So he openeth not his mouth.
His story who shall tell?
For his life is taken from the earth.”
These are the words that the prophet spoke of Jesus many hundreds of years before he came to the earth. Phĭĺ ĭp began with those words, and told the Ē-thĭ-ṓ pĭ-an nobleman all about Christ. And the man believed, and took into his heart the word of the Lord. As they went on the way, they came to some water, and the nobleman said, "See, here is water! Why may I not be baptized?”
And Phĭĺ ĭp said to him, "If you believe with all your heart, you may be baptized.”
And he answered, "I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.”
Then the nobleman gave order for the chariot to stand still; and Philip and the man went down into the water together, and he baptized him as a follower of Christ. And when they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord took Philip away, so that the nobleman saw him no more; but he went on his way home, happy in the Lord.
Philip went next to a city near the shore, and there he preached; and from that place he went northward through the cities by the Great Sea, preaching in them all, until he came to Cæs-rḗ ȧ, and at Cæs-a-rḗ ȧ he stayed for many years.
Lesson 37. Stephen and Philip.
(Tell Stories 4 and 5 in Part Seventh.)
1. What good man preached in Jerusalem? Stephen.
2. What is told of Stephen? His face shone like an angel's.
3. What did the Jews do to Stephen? They stoned him to death.
4. What young man helped in the stoning of Stephen? A young man named Saul.
5. What did Saul do to the followers of Christ? He beat them and put them in prison.
6. What worker for Christ was driven out of Jerusalem by Saul? Philip.
7. To what place did Philip go preaching the gospel? To Samaria.
8. Where did an angel send Philip from Samaria.? To the desert.
9. Whom did Philip meet in the desert? A man riding in a chariot.
10. What did Philip do when he met this man? He preached Christ to him.

Story Six

Acts is: 1 to 31; 22:1 to 21; Gal. 1:11 to 24
SAUL, the young man who had taken part in the slaying of Stḗ phen, and who had scattered abroad the believers in Christ, was still the bitter enemy of the gospel. He heard that some of those who had fled away from Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm had gone to Dā̇-măś cus, a city outside of the Jewish land, far in the north, and that there they were still at work teaching Christ. Sa̤ul made up his mind to destroy this new church in Dā̇-măś cus, as he thought he had destroyed the church in Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm. So he went to the high-priest, and said: "Let me have a letter to the chief of the Jews̝ in Dā̇-măs-́cus. I have heard that there are some followers of Jesus of Năź a-rĕth in that city; and I will go with some men, and will take these people, and bind them, and bring them in chains to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm." The high-priest gave to Saul the letters that he asked for, and Sa̤ul found a band of men to go with him to Dā̇-măś cus. It was a journey of about ten days, riding on horses or mules. While Saul was on his way to Dā̇-măś cus he had time to think about Christ and his gospel. He saw again in his mind Stḗ phen's shining face, and heard his words, he thought of the sweet and patient way in which the followers of Jesus had met their sufferings and their wrongs at his hand. Deep in Sa̤ul's heart there arose a feeling which he could not put down, that the gospel of Christ was true, and that it was wicked for him to fight against it. Yet he still went on, firm in his purpose to destroy the Church of Christ.
At last he came near to Dā̇-măś cus. Suddenly, at full noon, a light flashed from heaven, brighter far than the sun. For the time the light blinded Sa̤ul's eyes, and it came so suddenly upon him that like a bolt of lightning it struck him down, and he fell upon the ground. In the midst of the light Saul saw One whom he had never seen before. And a strange voice came to him, saying, "Sa̤ul, Sa̤ul, why are you fighting against me?”
And Sa̤ul answered the voice, "Who art thou, Lord?" Then the answer came, "I am Jesus, whom you are trying to destroy!”
Then, trembling with surprise and alarm, Sa̤ul said, "Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?”
And the Lord said to Sa̤ul, "Rise up, and go into the city, and it shall be told thee what thou must do.”
Those who were with Sa̤ul wondered, for they has seen a light, and had heard a sound; but had beheld no face, and had heard no words; for the vision of Christ had come to Sa̤ul alone. They raised him up from the ground, and found that his eyes had been made blind by the brightness of the light. They led him by the hand into the city, and took him to the house of a man named Judas. There Sa̤ul stayed for three days in the deepest suffering of mind and body. He could see nothing, and he neither ate nor drank. But in the darkness he was praying to God and to Christ with all his heart.
In the city of Dā̇-măś cus there was a follower of Christ named Ăn-a-nī́ as, a good man, held in respect by all who knew him. To this Ăn-a-nī́ as the Lord spoke, calling him by name, "Ăn-a-nī́ as.”
And Ăn-a-nī́ as answered, "Here I am, O Lord.”
And the Lord said to Ăn-a-nī́ as, "Rise, and go into the street named Straight, and find the house of Jū́ das; and in that house ask for a man named Sa̤ul from Täŕ sus. This man Saul is praying; and in a vision he has seen a man named Ăń a-nī-as coming into his room, and laying his hands on him, to give him his sight.”
This command from the Lord was a surprise to Ăn-a-nī́ as. He answered the Lord, "Lord, I have heard from many people about this man Saul; what great evil he has done to all thy people in Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm; and here he has an order from the high-priest to bind and to carry away all who call upon thy name! Shall I go and visit such a man as he?”
But the Lord said to Ăn-a-nī́ as, "Go thy way; for I have chosen this man to bear my name before the people of all nations, and kings and the children of Ĭś̝ ra-el. And I will show him how many things he must suffer for my sake.”
Then Ăn-a-nī́ as went, as the Lord had bidden him. He found the house, and he came to Saul. He laid his hands on the head of Sa̤ul, and he said, "Brother Sa̤ul, the Lord Jesus, who met you in the way as you were coming, has sent me, that you may have your sight, and that the Holy Spirit may come upon you. Now, wait no longer, but rise up, and be baptized, and call upon the name of Jesus, who will wash away your sins.”
Then there fell from the eyes of Sa̤ul what seemed like scales, and at once his sight came to him. Sa̤ul was baptized as one who believed in Christ, and food was given him, and he became strong in body and in soul. Sa̤ul had gone forth to bind the disciples of Christ in Dā̇-măś cus; but now he came among them, no more as an enemy, but as a brother. And he went into the synagogues where the Jews̝ worshipped in Dā̇́ măs-cus, and began to preach Jesus to them, declaring that Jesus is the Christ and the Son of God. And all that heard him were amazed, and they said to each other, "Is not this the same man who in Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm wrought ruin among them who believed in this name? And did he not come to this place, intending to bind the believers in Jesus, and bring them before the chief priests?”
And Sa̤ul grew stronger and stronger in his spirit and in his words. None of the Jews̝ in Dā̇-măś cus could answer him, as he showed that Jesus is the Anointed One, the Christ. But he did not stay long in Dā̇-măś cus. After a time he left the city, and went away to a quiet place in the desert of Ā̇-rā́ bĭ-ȧ, where he stayed for a year or longer, thinking upon the gospel and learning from the Lord.
And again Saul came to Dā̇-măś cus, and again he preached Christ and salvation through his name, not only for Jews̝, but for Gĕń tīles̝, all people besides the Jews̝. This made the Jews̝ in Dā̇-măś cus very angry. They formed a plan to kill Sa̤ul, and they watched the gates day and night, hoping to seize him as he went out. But Sa̤ul's friends, the disciples of Jesus, brought him by night to a house on the wall, and let him down in a basket to the ground, so that he escaped from his enemies and went away in safety.
Sa̤ul now journeyed back to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm. He had left it three years before, a bitter enemy of Christ; he came to it again a follower of Christ. But when Sa̤ul sought to join the believers in Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, they were all afraid of him; for they could not believe that one whom they had known as the fierce destroyer of the church was now a friend to Jesus. Then Bäŕ na-băs, the man who had given all his land to the church, believed in Sa̤ul when he heard his story, and brought him to Pḗ te͂r, and told how he had seen the Lord in the way, and how boldly he had preached in Dā̇-măś cus in the name of Jḗ sus.
Then Pḗ te͂r took the hand of Sa̤ul, and received him as a disciple of Christ. For a few weeks Sa̤ul stayed in Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm; and he preached in the synagogues of the Jews̝, as Stḗ phen had preached before, that Jesus is the Savior not only of Jews̝ but also of Gentiles ("Gĕ́ tīles̝" was the name that Jews gave to people of every other nation except their own).
When Sa̤ul preached that Gĕ́ tīles̝ might be saved in Jesus Christ, it made the Jews̝ angry, just as it had made Sa̤ul himself angry in other days to hear Stḗ phen preach this same gospel. They would not listen to Sa̤ul, and they sought to kill him, as they had killed Stḗ phen. One day Sa̤ul was praying in the Temple, and the Lord came to him once again, and Sa̤ul saw Jesus and heard his voice saying, "Make haste, and go quickly out of Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, for the people here will not believe your words about me.”
Then Sa̤ul said to the Lord, "Lord, they know that I put into prison and beat in the synagogues those who believed on thee. And when thy servant Stḗ phen was slain I was standing by and was keeping the garments of those who stoned him.”
And the Lord said to Sa̤ul, "Go from this place; for I will send thee far away to preach to the Gĕń tīles.”
Then Sa̤ul knew that his work was not to preach the gospel to the Jews̝, but to the Gentile, the people of other nations. The disciples in Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm helped him to get away from his enemies in the city, and led him down to a place called Cæs-a-rḗ ȧ, on the seashore. There Sa̤ul found a ship sailing to Täŕ sus, a city in Ā́ s̝iȧ, Mī́ nor. Täŕ sus was Sa̤ul's birthplace and his early home. He went again to this place, and in that city he stayed for a few years, safe from the Jew. He was a tent-maker, and he worked at his trade while preaching the gospel in Täŕ sus. And we may be sure that Saul would not be silent about the good news of the gospel. He preached in Täŕ sus and in all the places near it.
Now that Sa̤ul the enemy had become Sa̤ul the friend of the gospel, all the churches in Jū-dé ȧ, and Sā̇-mā́ rĭ-ȧ, and Găĺ ĭ-lee, had rest and peace. The followers of Christ could preach without fear; and the number of those who believed grew rapidly, for the Lord was with them.
All through the land, from Găĺ ĭ-lee down to the desert on the south, there were meetings of those who believed in Jesus as the Savior, and the apostles Peter and John went among them to teach them the way of life.
Lesson 38. The Voice that Spoke to Saul.
(Tell Story 6 in Part Seventh.)
1. To what place did Saul go, that he might break up the church there? To Damascus.
2. What took place when Saul was near Damascus? A light shone from heaven.
3. Who spoke to Saul from out of the light? The Lord Jesus Christ.
4. What did the bright light do to Saul? It made him blind.
5. Who brought sight to Saul in Damascus? A follower of Christ named Ananias.
6. What else did Ananias do to Saul? He taught him how to be saved.
7. What did Saul do at once when he became a believer in Christ? He began preaching Christ.
8. What did the Jews of Damascus try to do when they found that Saul was preaching Christ? They tried to kill him.
9. How did Saul get away from the city of Damascus? In a basket.
10. Where did Saul go from Damascus? To Jerusalem.
11. Where did he afterward go? To his home in Tarsus.

Story Seven

Acts 9:32, to 11:18
AS the church was now planted in many cities throughout the land of the Jews̝, Pḗ te͂r, who was a leader among the apostles, went from place to place visiting the believers in Christ and preaching the gospel. At one time Pḗ te͂r went down to the plain beside the Great Sea, and came to a city called Ly̆d́ dȧ. There Pḗ te͂r found a man named Ǽ ne-ăs, who had the palsy, and could not walk, and had been lying on his bed eight years. Pḗ te͂r said to him, "Ǽ ne-ăs, Jesus Christ makes you well; rise up, and roll up your bed.”
Then at once Ǽ ne-ăs arose, and was well; and he took up the roll of matting on which he had been lying so long, and laid it away. All the people in Ly̆d́ dȧ and in Sā́ ron heard of this great work, and many turned to the Lord.
There had been living at Jŏṕ pȧ, not far from Ly̆ḋ dȧ, a very good woman, whom everybody loved. She was called "The Gazelle," which is the name of a beautiful animal, like a deer. For her name in Hḗ brew was Tăb́ ĭ-thȧ, arid in Greek was Dôŕ cas, words which mean "Gazelle." Tăb́ ĭ-thȧ, or Dôŕ cas, was a believer in Christ, and like her Lord, she loved the poor and helped them, by her work and by her gifts.
While Pḗ te͂r was at Ly̆d́ dȧ, Dôŕ cas was taken ill and died. They laid her body in an upper room, and then they sent two men to Ly̆d́ dȧ for Pḗ te͂r, begging him to come without delay. Pḗ te͂r went to Jŏṕ pȧ at once; and when he came to the house where the body of Dôŕ cas was lying he found the room filled with widows and poor women, who were weeping, and showing the garments which Dôŕ cas had made for them.
But Pḗ te͂r sent them all out of the room; and when he was alone with the body of Dôŕ cas, he knelt down and prayed. Then he turned to the body and said, "Tâb́ ĭ-thȧ, arise!”
And she opened her eyes; and when she saw Pḗ te͂r she sat up. Pḗ te͂r took her by the hand, and raised her up; then he called into the room the widows and the believers in Christ, and showed Dôŕ cas to them, alive and well. The news of this wonderful work, of life given to the dead, amazed all the city of Jŏṕ pȧ, and led many to believe in Christ. Pḗ te͂r stayed many days in Jŏṕ pȧ, at the house of a man named Sī́ mon, who was a tanner, and lived near the sea.
At that time an officer of the Rṓ man army was at Cæs-a-rḗ ȧ, about thirty miles north of Jŏṕ pȧ, beside the Great Sea. His name was Côr-nḗ lĭ-ŭs; and he was the commander of a company of a hundred soldiers. We would call such an officer "a captain," but in the Rṓ man army he was called "a centurion." The centurion Côr-nḗ lĭ-ŭs was not a Jew, but a Gentile, which was the name that the Jews̝ gave to all people except themselves. Yet Côr-nḗ lĭ-ŭs did not worship idols, as did most of the Gentile. He prayed always to the God of Ĭś̝ ra-el, and feared God, and gave to the poor; and he taught his family to worship the Lord.
One day, in the afternoon, Côr-nḗ lĭ-ŭs was praying in his house, when an angel came to him and called him by name, "Côr-nḗ lĭ-ŭs!" Côr-nḗ lĭ-ŭs looked at this strange and shining being, and he was filled with fear, but he said, "What is it, Lord?”
And the angel said to him, "Côr-nḗ lĭ-ŭs, the Lord has seen your gifts to the people and has heard all your prayers. Now send men to Jŏṕ pȧ, and let them bring to you a man named Sī-mon Peter. He is staying in the house of Sī-mon the tanner, who lives by the sea.”
Then the angel passed out of sight, and Côr-nḗ lĭ-ŭs called two servants and a soldier who worshipped the Lord. He told them what the angel had said, and sent them to Jŏṕ pȧ for Pḗ te͂r. These men traveled all night, following the road southward by the Great Sea, and about noon of the next day they drew near to Jŏṕ pȧ.
On that day, just before these men came to Jŏṕ pȧ at noon, Pḗ te͂r went up to the roof of the house to pray. He became very hungry, and wished for food; but while they were making ready the dinner he fell into a strange sleep, and a vision came to him. In his vision he saw what seemed to be a great sheet let down by its four corners from above. In it he saw all kinds of beasts, and birds, and creeping things. Some of these were animals and birds that the Jews̝ were allowed to eat; but many others were of kinds that the old law forbade the Jews̝ to eat; and such as were forbidden, the Jews̝ called "common" and "unclean." Pḗ te͂r saw in this great sheet many beasts, and birds, and creeping things that in his sight were common and unclean. As he looked, he heard a voice saying to him, "Rise, Pḗ te͂r; kill and eat.”
Pḗ te͂r had always been very strict in keeping the Jeẃ ĭsh rules about food, and he answered, "Not so, Lord; for I have never eaten anything common or unclean.”
Then he heard the voice saying to him, "What God has made clean, do not thou make common or unclean.”
Three times Pḗ te͂r heard these words spoken, and then the great sheet with all the living creatures in it was lifted up to heaven and passed out of his sight. Pḗ te͂r knew at once that the vision and the words which he had heard must have a great meaning; but as he thought upon it he could not see what the meaning was. While he was thinking of the vision and wondering at it, the Spirit of the Lord spoke to him, saying, "Pḗ ter, three men are looking for you. Go down to the door and meet them; and go with them, without doubting, for I have sent them." Just at that moment the three men from Cæs-a-rḗ ȧ knocked at the door, and asked for Sīˈmon Pḗ te͂r. Pḗ te͂r met them, and said to them, "I am here, the man whom you are looking for. For what reason have you come to me?”
And they said, "Côr-nḗ lĭ-ŭs, a centurion at Cæs-a-rḗ ȧ, a good man, one that fears God, and is well spoken of by all the Jews̝, was yesterday commanded by a holy angel to send for you, and to listen to words from you.”
Then Pḗ te͂r called the men into the house, and heard all their story, and kept them there that night. On the next morning he went with them, and some of the believers from the church of Jŏṕ pȧ went with the party. On the next day they came to Cæs-a-rḗ ȧ, and entered into the house of Côr-nḗ lĭ-ŭs. There they found Côr-ne͂́ lĭ-ŭs waiting for them, and with him a number of his family, and his friends. As Pḗ te͂r came into the room, Côŕ nḗ lĭ-ŭs fell down at his feet, and was about to worship him; but Pḗ te͂r raised him up, saying, "Stand up; I myself, also, am a man, and not God.”
And as Pḗ te͂r looked around he saw many people that had met together; and they were all Gĕń tīles̝, men who were not Jews̝. And Pḗ te͂r said, "You know that it is against the law of the Jews̝ for a man that is a Jew to come into the house with one of another nation, or to meet with him. But God has showed me that I should not call any man common or unclean. For this reason I came at once when I was sent for. Now I ask for what purpose you have sent for me.”
Then Côr-nḗ lĭ-ŭs said, "Four days ago I was praying, at three o'clock in the afternoon, when a man stood by me, clad in shining garments, and he said to me, Côr-nḗ lĭ-ŭs, your prayer is heard, and your good deeds are known to God. Send now to Jŏṕ pȧ, and send for Sī́ mon, who is called Pḗ te͂r.' I sent at once for you, and you have done well to come so soon. Now we are all here before God, to hear whatever God has given to you to speak to us.”
Then Pḗ te͂r opened his mouth, and began to speak; for he saw now what the vision meant which he had seen on the housetop. He said, "I see now that God cares for all men alike, hot for the people of one nation only; but that in every nation those that fear God and do right are pleasing to him." Then Pḗ te͂r began to tell the story of Jesus; how he lived, how he did good works, how he died, how he rose again, and how in Jesus Christ everyone who believes may have his sins forgiven.
While Pḗ te͂r was speaking the Holy Spirit fell on all who were in the room. And the Jews̝ who were with Pḗ te͂r were amazed as they saw the Spirit of God given to Gĕń tiles̝, men who were not Jews̝. Then Pḗ te͂r said, "Can any man forbid that these should be baptized with water, upon whom the Spirit has come, as he came upon us?”
Then by Pḗ te͂r's command these Gĕn-tīle believers with Côr-nḗ lĭ-ŭs were baptized as members of Christ's Church. And Pḗ te͂r stayed with them a few days, living with Côr-nḗ lĭ-ŭs, and eating at his table, though he was a Gĕn-tīle, something which Pḗ te͂r would never before have thought it right for him to do. Soon the news went through all the churches in Jū-dḗ ȧ that Gĕn-tīles̝ had heard the word, and had been baptized. At first the Jeẃ ĭsh believers could not, believe that this should be allowed; but when Pḗ te͂r had told them all the story of Côr-nḗ lĭ-ŭs and the angel, of his own vision of the great sheet full of animals, and of the Spirit coming upon the Gĕn-tīles̝, then they all praised God, and said, "So to the Gĕn-tīles̝, as well as to the Jews̝, God has given to turn from their sins, and to be saved in Jesus Christ, and to have everlasting life.”
Lesson 39. About the Apostle Peter.
(Tell Story 7 in Part Seventh.)
1. To what place did the Apostle Peter go? To Joppa, by the Great Sea.
2. What did Peter do by a prayer at Joppa? He raised a woman to life.
3. Who was this woman whom Peter raised to life? A good woman named Dorcas.
4. What did God teach Peter in a dream at Joppa? That people of every land and nation might be saved.
5. What did the Jews call the people of every nation except themselves? Gentiles.
6. To what Gentile did God send Peter to preach the gospel? To Cornelius a Roman officer.
7. What did Peter and the church at Jerusalem learn from this? To preach Christ to the Gentiles.
8. What was done to Peter after this at Jerusalem? He was put in prison.
9. What did the king intend to do with Peter on the next day? To put him to death.
10. What happened to Peter on that night? He was set free by an angel.

Story Eight

Acts 12:1 to 24
YOU remember that in the years while Jesus was teaching, Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm and the part of the land near it was ruled by a Rṓ man governor, whose name was Pī́ late; and that he was the ruler who sent Jesus Christ to the cross. After some years, the emperor at Rōme, who ruled all the lands around the Great Sea, gave all the country of the Jews̝ to a man named Hĕŕ od Ā̇-grĭṕ pa, and made him king of Jū-dḗ ȧ. He was the nephew of the Hĕŕ od who killed Jŏhn the Băṕ tĭst, and the grandson of the other Hĕŕ od who killed all the little children of Bĕth́ le-hĕm, in trying to kill the little child Jesus, as we read in Story Three of Part Sixth. Hĕŕ od Ă-grĭṕ pȧ was the king of Jū-dḗ ȧ when Pḗ te͂r saw the vision on the housetop, and preached to the Gentiles, as we read in the last Story.
Hĕŕ od wished to please the Jews̝ in Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm; and he seized one of the apostles, Jāmes̝, the brother of Jŏhn, one of the three disciples who had been nearest to Jesus. He caused his guards to kill James with the sword, just as Jŏhn the Băṕ tĭst had been killed by his uncle, Hĕŕ od Ăń tĭ-păs. When he saw how greatly this act pleased the chief priests and rulers, he laid hands on Sī́ mon Pḗ te͂r also, and put him in prison, intending at the next feast of the Passover to lead him forth, and to put him to death.
Pḗ te͂r, therefore, was kept in the prison, with sixteen soldiers around the prison to guard him, four soldiers watching him all the time; but all the church prayed very earnestly to God for him. On the night before the day when Pḗ te͂r was to be brought out to die, he was sleeping in the prison, bound with two chains, while guards before the door were watching. Suddenly a bright light shone in Pḗ te͂r's cell, and an angel from the Lord stood by him. The angel struck him on the side, and awoke him, and said, "Rise up quickly.”
And as Pḗ te͂r awaked and stood up, his chains fell from his hands. And the angel said to him:
"Tie your girdle about your waist, and bind your sandals on your feet.”
And Pḗ te͂r did as he was told, scarcely knowing what he was doing. Then the angel said:
"Wrap your cloak around you, and follow me.”
And Pḗ te͂r followed the angel, thinking that he was dreaming.
They passed the first guard of the soldiers, and the second; but no one stirred to hinder them. Then they came to the great iron gate on the outside of the prison; and this opened to them, as if unseen hands were turning it. They went out of the prison into the city, and passed through one street. Then the angel left Pḗ te͂r as suddenly as he had come to him. By this time Pḗ te͂r was fully awake, and he said:
"Now I am sure that the Lord has sent his angel, and has set me free from the power of King Hĕŕ od.”
Pḗ te͂r thought of what he should do, and where he should go; and he turned toward the house of a woman named Mā́ ry̆, who was near of kin to Bäŕ na-băs; and who had a son named Jŏhn Märk, then a young man, the same who many years afterward wrote "the Gospel according to Märk." At Mā́ ry̆́ s house many were met together, and they were praying for Pḗ te͂r.
Pḗ te͂r came to the house and knocked on the outside door, and called to those who were within. A young woman named Rhṓ dȧ came to the door. She listened, and at once knew the voice of Pḗ te͂r. So glad was she, that she did not think to open the door, but ran into the house, and told them all that Pḗ te͂r was standing at the door. They said to her, "You are crazed!”
But she said that she was sure that Pḗ te͂r was there, for she knew his voice. And then they said:
"It must be an angel who has taken Pḗ te͂r’s form!”
But Pḗ te͂r kept on knocking; and when at last they opened the door, and saw him, they were filled with wonder. With his hand he beckoned to them to listen; and he told them how the Lord had brought him out of the prison. And Pḗ te͂r said to them:
"Tell these things to Jāmes̝ and to the other apostles.”
And then he went away to a place where Hĕŕ od and his men could not find him. The morning came, and there was a great stir among the soldiers, as to what had become of Pḗ te͂r. Hĕŕ od the king sought for Pḗ te͂r, but could not find him; and in his anger he ordered that the guards in the prison should be put to death. And not long after this Hĕŕ od himself died so suddenly that many believed his death came from the wrath of God upon him. So Hĕŕ od perished; but Pḗ te͂r, whom he sought to kill, lived many years, working for Christ.
The Jāmes̝ of whom Pḗ te͂r spoke, when he said, "Tell these things to Jāmes̝," was not Jāmes̝ the apostle, the brother of Jŏhn, for already that Jāmes̝ had been put to death by Hĕŕ od. He spoke of another Jāmes̝, a son of Jṓ s̝eph and Mā́ ry̆, a younger brother of Jesus, one who was always called "the Lord's brother." This Jāmes̝ was a very holy man; and a leader of the church in Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, where he lived many years. Some time after this James wrote the book of the New Testament called "The Epistle of James.”
Lesson 40. The First Missionaries.
(Tell Story 8 in Part Seventh.)
1. Where did a great church of Christ grow up? At Antioch in Syria
2. Who preached and taught in the church at Antioch? Barnabas and Saul.
3. For what work were Barnabas and Saul sent out from Antioch? To preach the gospel in other lands.
4. What are those who go out to other lands to preach the gospel called? Missionaries.
5. To what island did the missionaries and Barnabas first go preaching the gospel? To the island of Corinth.
6. By what name was Saul called after this time? Paul, the apostle.
7. In what land did the missionaries, Paul and Barnabas, preach after they left the island of Cyprus? In Asia Minor.
8. In what city of Asia Minor did they begin preaching the gospel? In Antioch of Pisidia.
9. In what place were they first worshipped as gods and then stoned? At Lystra.
10. What did Paul and Barnabas do in all the places which they visited on this journey? They planted churches of Christ.
11. To what place did they go again after their journey? To Antioch in Syria.

Story Nine

Acts 11:19 to 30; 13:1, to 14:28.
WE have seen how, after the death of Stḗ phen, those who were driven out of Jē̇-rú sȧ-lē̇m went everywhere telling of Jesus. Some of these men traveled as far as to Ăń tĭ-ŏch in Sy̆ŕ ĭ-a, which was a great city, far in the north, two hundred and fifty miles from Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm. At first they spoke only to Jews̝, preaching the word of Christ; but soon many Gĕń tīles̝, people who were not Jews̝, heard about the gospel and wished to have it preached also to them. So these men began preaching to the Gĕń tīles̝, telling them about Jesus Christ and how to be saved.
The Lord was with the gospel, and in a little time many believed in Christ, a great number, both of Jews̝ and Ġĕń tīles̝. Thus at Ăń tĭ-ŏch in Sy̆ŕ ĭ-a, arose a church where Jews̝ and Ġĕń tīles̝ worshipped together and forgot that they had ever been apart. The news came to the mother-church in Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, that in Ăń tĭ-ŏch Ġĕń tīles̝ were coming to Christ. As all the followers of Christ in Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm were Jews̝ they were not sure whether Jews̝ and Ġĕń tīles̝ could worship together as one people. It was decided, after a time, that some wise man should go from Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm to Ăń tĭ-ŏch and see this new church of Jews̝ and Ġĕń tīles̝. For this errand, they chose Bäŕ na-băs, the good man who had given his land to be sold to help the poor, and who had brought Sa̤ul to the church when the disciples were afraid of him. So Bäŕ na-băs took the long journey from Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm to Ăń tĭ-ŏch. When he saw these new disciples, so many, so strong in their love for Christ, so united in their spirit, and so earnest in the gospel, he was glad, and he spoke to them all, telling them to stand fast in the Lord. For Bäŕ na-băs was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and of faith.
The church at Ăń tĭ-ŏch was growing so fast that it needed men for leaders and teachers. Bäŕ na-băs thought of Sa̤ul, who had once been an enemy, but was now a follower of Christ. Sa̤ul was at that time in Täŕ sus, his early home; and to this place Bäŕ na-băs went to find him. He brought Sa̤ul to Ăń tĭ-ŏch, and there Bäŕ-na-băs and Sa̤ul stayed together for a year, preaching to the people and teaching those who believed in Christ. It was at Ăń tĭ-ŏch that the disciples were first called by the name Chrĭś tians.
At one time some men came from Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm to Ăń tĭ-ŏch, to whom God had showed things that should come to pass. These men were prophets, speaking from God. One of them, a man named Ăǵ a-bŭs, said through the Spirit of God, that a great famine, a need of food, was soon to come upon all the lands. This came as Ăǵ a-bus the prophet had said, in the days when Cla̤ú dĭ-ŭs was emperor at Rōme. Over all the lands food was very scarce, and many suffered from hunger. When the followers of Christ in Ăń tĭ-ŏch heard that their brethren of Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm and Jū-dḗ ȧ were in need, they gave money, as each one was able, to help them; and they sent Bäŕ na-băs and Sa̤ul with it. Bäŕ na-băs and Sa̤ul carried the gifts of the church to Jē̇-rṳ sā̇-lĕm, and stayed there for a time. When they went back to Ăń tĭ-ŏch, they took with them the young man Jŏhn Märk, the son of the Mā́ ry̆ to whose house Pḗ te͂r went when he was set free from prison, as we read in the last Story.
Some time after they returned to Ăń tĭ-ŏch, the Lord called Bäŕ na-băs and Sa̤ul to go forth and preach the good news of Christ to the people in other lands. At one time, when the members of the church were praying together, the Spirit of the Lord spoke to them, saying, "Set Bäŕ na-băs and Saul apart for a special work to which I have called them.”
Then the leaders of the church at Ăń tĭ-ŏch prayed, and laid their hands on the head of Bäŕ na-băs and Sa̤ul. And Bäŕ na-băs and Sa̤ul went forth, taking with them Jŏhn Mark, the young man from Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, as their helper. They went down to the shore of the Great Sea at Sē̇-leū́ cĭ-ȧ, and took a ship, and sailed to the island of Cȳ́ prus. In that island they visited all the cities, and preached Christ in all the synagogues of the Jews.
At a place called Pā́ phos, in the west of the island of Cȳ́ prus, they met the Rṓ man ruler of the island; a man named Se͂ŕ gĭ-ŭs Pa̤ú lus. He was a good man, and sent for Bäŕ na-băs and Sa̤ul, that he night learn from them of Christ. But with the ruler was a Jew named Ĕĺ y̆-măs, who claimed to be a prophet, and who opposed Bäŕ na-băs and Sa̤ul in their teaching, and tried to persuade the ruler not to hear the gospel.
Then Sa̤ul, full of the Holy Spirit, fixed his eyes on this man Ĕĺ y̆-măs, the false prophet, and said to him, "O thou man full of wickedness, thou child of the evil one, thou enemy of the right, wilt thou not stop to oppose the word of the Lord? The hand of the Lord is upon thee, and thou shalt be blind for a time, not able to see the sun!”
And at once a mist and a darkness fell upon Ĕĺ y̆-măs, and he groped about, feeling for someone to lead him by the hand. When the ruler saw the power of the Lord in bringing this stroke of blindness upon his enemy, he was filled with wonder, and believed the gospel of Christ.
From this time Sa̤ul ceased to bear his old name, and was called Pa̤ul. He was no longer Sa̤ul, but "Pa̤ul the Apostle," having all the power that belonged to Pḗ te͂r, and Jŏhn, and the other apostles.
From the island of Cȳ́ prus, Pa̤ul and Bäŕ na-băs and Jŏhn Märk sailed over the sea to a place called Pe͂ŕ gȧ. At this place Jŏhn Märk left them, and went back to his home in Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-.lĕm, But Pa̤ul and Bäŕ na-băs went into the land of Ā́ s̝iȧ Mī́ nor, and came to a city called Ăń tĭ-ŏch. This was not Ăń tĭ-ŏch in Sy̆ŕ ĭ-a, from which they had come, but another Ăń tĭ-ŏch in a region called Pī̇-sĭd́ ĭ-ȧ. There they went into the synagogue, and Pa̤ul preached to both Jews̝ and Ġĕń tīles̝. Not many of the Jews̝ believed Pa̤ul's words, but a great number of the Ġĕń tīles̝, people who were not Jews̝, became followers of Christ. This made the Jews̝ very angry, and they roused up against Pa̤ul and Bäŕ na-băs all the chief men of the city, and they drove Pa̤ul and Bäŕ na-băs away. They went to Ī-cṓ nĭ-ŭm, another city, and there they preached the gospel with such power that many of both Jews̝ and Ġĕń tīles believed in Christ. But the Jews̝ who would not believe stirred up the city against Pa̤ul and Bäŕ na-bas. They gathered a crowd of people, intending to seize the apostles and to do them harm, and to kill them.
But they knew of the coming of their enemies, and as they had now done their work in Ī-cṓ nĭ-ŭm, and had planted the church, they quietly went away from the city.
The apostles Pa̤ul and Bäŕ na-băs next went to the city of Ly̆ś trȧ in the land of Ly̆c-a-ṓ nĭ-ȧ and there they preached the gospel. There were few Jews̝ in that city, and they preached to the people of the land who were worshippers of idols. Among those who heard Paul speak at Ly̆ś trȧ was a lame man, who had never been able to walk. Pa̤ul fixed his eyes on this man, and saw that he had faith to be made strong. He said to him with a loud voice, "Stand up on your feet!”
And at the words the man leaped up and walked. As the people saw how the lame man had been healed they were filled with wonder, and said, in the language of their land, "The gods from heaven have come down to us in the forms of men!”
They thought that Bäŕ na-băs was' Jū́ pĭ-te͂r, whom they worshipped as the greatest of the gods; and because Pa̤ul was the chief speaker, they thought that he was Me͂r-cū́ rĭ-ŭs, the messenger of the gods. In front of their city was a temple of "cell-ter; and the priest of the temple brought oxen, and garlands of flowers, and was about to offer a sacrifice to Bäŕ na-băs and Pa̤ul as gods. It was some time before the two apostles understood what the people were doing. But when they saw that they were about to offer sacrifice to them, Pa̤ul and Bäŕ na-băs rushed out among the people, and cried out, "Men, why do you do such things as these? We are not gods, but men like yourselves. And we bring you word that you should turn from these idols, which are nothing, to the living God, who made the heaven, and the earth, and the sea, and all things. It is God who has done good to you, and given you from heaven rains and fruitful seasons, filling you with food and gladness.”
And even with words like' these they could scarcely keep the people back from offering sacrifices to them. But after a time some Jews̝ came from Ī-cṓ nĭ-ŭm These Jews̝ stirred up the people against Pa̤ul, so that instead of worshipping him, they stoned him, and dragged out of their city what they supposed was his dead body.
Then they left him, and as the believers gathered around, weeping, Pa̤ul rose up alive, and went again into the city. On the next day he journeyed with Bäŕ na-băs to De͂ŕ bē̇. There they preached the gospel and led many as disciples to Christ. After this they went again to the cities where they had preached, to Ly̆ś trȧ in Ly̆c-a-ṓ nĭ-ȧ, to Ī-cṓ nĭ-ŭm and Ăń tĭ-ŏch in Pī̇-sĭd́ ĭ-ȧ, and to Pe͂ŕ gȧ in Păm-phy̆ĺ ĭ-ȧ, and visited the churches which they had founded. They encouraged the believers, telling them to continue in the faith, and saying to them that those who would enter into the kingdom of God must expect to meet with trouble, and that God would give them a full reward.

Story Ten

Acts 15:1, to 16:40
AFTER Pa̤ul and Bäŕ na-băs brought to Ăń tĭ-ŏch the news that the Ġĕń tīles̝ had turned to the Lord, a great question arose in the Church. Some of the strict Jews̝ said, "All these Gentile believers must become Jews̝, and keep the Jeẃ ĭsh laws about food, and feasts, and washings and offerings.”
Others said that the laws were made for Jews̝ only, and that Ġĕń tīles̝ who believed in Christ were not called upon to live as Jews̝. After many words on both sides, Pa̤ul and Bäŕ na-băs, with other believers, went up to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm to lay this matter before the apostles and the elders of the Church. They listened to Pa̤ul's story of God's great work among the Ġĕń tīles̝, and talked about it, and sought God in prayer, and at last the apostles, and eiders, and the whole Church in Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm sent a message to the Ġĕń tīles̝ who believed, telling them that Jews̝ and Gentiles were alike before God, that both were saved by believing in Christ, and that Gentiles who believed were not called upon to keep the laws given to the Jews̝ only.
The apostles sent with Pa̤ul and Bäŕ na-băs two men, Jū́ das and Sī́ las, to bring this news to the Church at Ăń tĭ-ŏch. They came, and read the letter, which brought great joy to the Ġĕń tīle believers. For now the Gentiles who believed in Christ were able to serve the Lord without obeying all the rules which the Jews̝ themselves found very hard to keep.
After a time Pa̤ul said to Bäŕ na-băs, "Let us go out again and visit the brethren in the cities where we preached the gospel, and see how they are doing.”
Bäŕ na-băs was willing to go, and wished to take again with, them Jŏhn Märk as their helper in the work. But Pa̤ul did not think it well to take with them the young man who went home in the middle of their journey, and left them to visit strange lands alone. Bäŕ na-băs was determined to take Märk, and Pa̤ul refused to have him go, so at last Pa̤ul and Bäŕ na-băs separated. Bäŕ na-băs took Märk, and went again to the island of Cȳ́ prus. Pa̤ul chose as his helper Sī́ las, who had come from Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm to Ăń tĭ-ŏch, and Pa̤ul and Sī́ las went together through the lands in Ā́ s̝iȧ Mī́ nor which Pa̤ul had visited on his earlier journey. Everywhere they sought out the churches which before had been planted by Pa̤ul and Bäŕ na-băs, and they encouraged the disciples to be faithful in the Lord.
When Pa̤ul came to De͂ŕ bē̇ and Ly̆ś trȧ he found a young man named Tĭḿ o-thy̆, whose mother was of the Jeẃ ĭsh race and a believer in Christ. Tĭḿ o-thy̆ had known the word of God from his childhood; he had given his heart to Christ, and all the believers in Christ at Ly̆ś trȧ and Ī-cṓ nĭ-ŭm knew him and spoke well of him. Pa̤ul asked this young man Tĭḿ o-thy̆ to leave his home and to go out with him as his helper in the gospel. Tiḿ o-thy̆ went, and from that time was with Pa̤ul as a friend and a fellow-worker, dearly beloved by Pa̤ul. Pa̤ul, and Sī́ las, and Tĭḿ o-thy̆ went through, many lands in Ā́ s̝iȧ Mī́ nor, preaching the gospel and planting the church. The Spirit of the Lord would not let them go to some places which were not yet ready for the gospel, and they came down to Trṓ ăs, which was on the sea, and opposite to the land of Măc-e-dṓ nĭ-ȧ, in Europe.
While they were at Trṓ ăs a vision came to Pa̤ul in the night.
He saw a man of Măc-e-dṓ nĭ-ȧ standing before him, and pleading with him, and saying, "Come over into Măc-e-dṓ nĭ-ȧ, and help us." When Pa̤ul told this vision to his friends they all knew that this was a call from the Lord to carry the gospel of Christ to Măc-e-dṓ nĭ-ȧ. As soon as they could find a vessel sailing across the sea they went on board, and with them went a doctor named Lṳke, who at this time joined Pa̤ul. Lṳke stayed with Pa̤ul for many years, and Pa̤ul called him "the beloved physician." Afterward Lṳke wrote two books which are in the Bible, "The Gospel according to Lṳke," and "The Acts of the Apostles.”
Pa̤ul and his three friends set sail from Trṓ ăs; and on the third day they came to the city of Phĭ-lĭṕ pī, in Măc-e-dṓ nĭ-ȧ; and there they stayed for some days. There was no synagogue in that city, and scarcely any Jew; and on the Sabbath-day Pa̤ul and his company went out of the city gate to the river-side, where was a place of prayer. There they sat down and talked with a few women, who had met together to pray. One of these was a woman named who had come from Thȳ-a-tī́ rȧ in Ā́ s̝iȧ Mī́ nor, and was a seller of purple dyes. She was one who was seeking after God, and the Lord opened her heart to hear the words of Pa̤ul, and to believe in Christ. She was baptized, the first one brought to the Lord in all Europe; and with her all in her house were baptized also. Ly̆d́ ĭ-ȧ said to Pa̤ul and to his company, "If you count me as one who is faithful to the Lord, come into my house, and stay there.”
She urged them so strongly that they all went to Ly̆d́ ĭ-ȧ’s house, and made it their home while they were in the city. One day while they were going to the place of prayer, a young woman who had in her an evil spirit, met them. She was a slave-girl, and through the spirit in her, her owners pretended to tell what was to happen; and by her they made great gains of money. As soon as she saw Pa̤ul and his friends, she cried out, "These men are servants of the Most High God, who tell you the way to be saved.”
And this she did day after day, following Paul and his companions. Pa̤ul was troubled to see her held in the power of the evil, spirit; and he spoke to the spirit, "I command thee in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her!”
And in that very hour the spirit left the girl. But with the evil spirit gone from her, there were no more gains to her masters. They were very angry, and took hold of Pa̤ul and Sī́ las, and dragged them before the rulers of the city, and they said, "These men, who are Jews̝, are making great trouble in our city, and are teaching the people to do what is against the law for Ró mans̝.”
And they stirred up the crowd of the lowest of the people against them. To please the throng, the rulers stripped off their garments from Pa̤ul and Sī́ las, and commanded that they should. be beaten with rods. When they had received many cruel blows, they were thrown into the prison, and the jailor was charged to keep them carefully. He took them, all beaten and wounded, into the dungeon, which was in the very middle of the prison, and made their feet fast in the stocks.
But about midnight Pa̤ul and Sī́ las were praying and singing hymns of praise to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison-house were shaken; every door was opened and all the chains on the prisoners were loosed, and all could have gone out free if fear had not held them in their places. The jailor of the prison was suddenly roused out of sleep, and saw the prison-doors wide open. By the law of the Rṓ mans̝, a man in charge of a prisoner must take his place if his prisoner escaped, and the jailor, thinking that the men in the prison had gotten away, drew out his sword, and was just going to kill himself, when Pa̤ul called out, "Do yourself no harm, for we are all here.”
Then the jailor called for lights, and sprang into the room where Pa̤ul and Sī́ las were, and, trembling with fear, fell down at their feet and cried out, "O, sirs, what must I do to be saved?”
And they said, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you shall be saved, and those in your house with you."
And that night, in the prison, they spoke the word of the Lord to the jailor, and to all that were with him. The jailor washed their wounds, and he and all his family were baptized in that hour. Afterward, he brought them from the prison into his own house, and set food before them. And the jailor and his household were all happy in the Lord, believing in Christ.
The rulers of the city knew well that they had done an unjust act in beating Pa̤ul and Sī́ las, and thrusting them into prison; but they did not know that Pa̤ul and Sī́ las, though Jew:, were also free citizens of Rōme, whom it was unlawful to beat or to put in to prison without a fair trial. In the morning the rulers sent their officers to the jailor, saying, "Let those men go." And the jailor brought their words to Pa̤ul, and said, "The rulers have sent to me to let you go; therefore, now come out of the prison, and go in peace.”
But Paul said, "We are free citizens of Rōme, and without a trial they have beaten us, and have cast us into prison.
And now do they turn us out secretly? No, indeed, let those rulers come themselves and bring us out!”
The officers told these words to the rulers, and when they learned that these men were Rṓ man citizens, they were frightened; for their own lives were in danger for having beaten them. They came to Pa̤ul and Sī́ las, and begged them to go away from the prison and from the city. Then Pa̤ul and Sī́ las walked out of the prison, and went to the house of Ly̆d́ ĭ-ȧ. They met the brethren who believed in Jesus, and spoke to them words of comfort and of help, and then they went out of the city. In Phĭ́ lĭṕ pī, from this time there was a church which Pa̤ul loved greatly, mid to which in after-times he wrote "The Epistle (or letter) to the Phĭ-lĭṕ pĭ-ans̝.”

Story Eleven

Acts 17:1 to 34.
FROM Phĭ-lĭṕ pī, Pa̤ul and Sī́ las went to Thĕs-sa-lō̇ nī́ cȧ, which was the largest city in Măc-e-dṓ nĭ-ȧ. There they found many Jews, and a synagogue where the Jews̝ worshipped. For three weeks Pa̤ul spoke at the meetings in the synagogue, and showed the meaning of the Old Testament writings that the Savior for whom all the Jews̝ were looking must suffer, and die, and rise again from the dead. And Pa̤ul said to them:
"This Jesus, whom I preach to you, is the Christ, the Son of God and the King of Īś̝ ra-el.”
Some of the Jews̝ believed Pa̤ul's teachings, and a far greater number of the Greeks, the people of the city who were not Jews̝, became followers of Christ. And with them were some of the leading women of the city, so that a large church of believers in Christ arose in Thĕs-sa-lō̇-nī́ cȧ.
But the Jews̝ who would not believe in Jesus were very angry as they saw so many seeking the Lord. They stirred up a crowd of the lowest people in the city, and raised a riot, and led a noisy throng to the house of a man named Jā́ son, with whom they supposed that Pa̤ul and Sī́ las were staying. The crowd broke into the house, and sought for Pa̤ul and Sī́ las, but could not find them. Then they seized Jā́ son, the master of the house, and some other friends of the apostles, and dragged them before the rulers of the city, and cried out:
"These men who have turned the whole world upside down, have come to this city, and Jā́ son has taken them into his house. They are acting contrary to the laws of Cǽ s̝ar the emperor, for they say that there is another king, a man whose name is Jesus.”
The rulers of the city were greatly troubled when they saw these riotous people, and heard their words. They knew that Jā́ son and his friends had done nothing against the law of the land; but to content the crowd they made the believers promise to obey the laws, and then they let them go free. The brethren of the church sent away Pa̤ul and Sī́ las, in the night-time, to the city of Bē̇-rḗ ȧ, which was not far from Thĕś sa-lō̇-nī́ cȧ. There again they found a synagogue of the Jews̝, and, as in other places, Pa̤ul went into its meetings and preached Jesus, not only to the Jews̝, but also to the Ġĕń tīles̝, many of whom worshipped with the Jews̝.
These people were of a nobler spirit than the Jews̝ of Thĕś sa-lō̇-nī́ cȧ, for they did not refuse to hear Pa̤ul's teachings. They listened with open minds, and every day they studied the Old Testament writings, to see whether the words spoken by Pa̤ul were true. And many of them became believers in Jesus, not only the Jews̝, but the Ġĕń tīles̝ also; for those who study the Bible will always find Christ in its pages. But the news went to Thĕś sa-lō̇-nī́ cȧ that the word of Christ was being taught in Bē̇-rḗ ȧ. The Jews of Thĕś sa-lō̇-nī́ cȧ sent some men to Bē̇-rḗ ȧ, who stirred up the people against Pa̤ul and Sī́ las. To avoid such a riot as had arisen in. Thĕś sa-lō̇-nī́ cȧ, the brethren in Bē̇-rḗ ȧ took Pa̤ul away from the city, but Sī́ las and Tĭḿ o-thy̆ stayed for a time.
The men who went with Pa̤ul led him down to the sea, and went with him to Athens. There they left Pa̤ul alone, but took back with them Pa̤ul's message to Sī́ las and Tĭḿ o-thy̆ to hasten to him as quickly as they could come. While Pa̤ul was waiting for his friends in Ăth́ ens̝, his spirit was stirred in him, as he saw the city full of idols. It was said that in the city of Ăth́ ens̝ the images of the gods were more in number than the people. Pa̤ul talked with the Jews̝ in the synagogue, and in the public square of the city with the people whom he met. For all the people of Ăth́ ens̝, and those who were visiting in that city, spent most of their time in telling or in hearing whatever was new. And there were in Ăth́ ens̝ many men who were thought very wise, and who were teachers of what they called wisdom. Some of these men met Pa̤ul, and as they heard him, they said scornfully, "What does this babbler say?”
And because he preached to them of Jesus, and of his rising from the dead, some said, "This man seems to be talking about some strange gods!”
There was in Ăth́ ens a hill, called Märs̝' Hill, where a court was held upon seats of stone ranged around. They brought Pa̤ul to this place, and asked him, saying, "May we know what is this new teaching that you are giving? You bring to our ears some strange things, and we wish to know what these things mean.”
Then Pa̤ul stood in the middle of Märs̝’ Hill, with the people of the city around him, and he said:
"Ye men of Ăth́ ĕns̝, I see that you are exceedingly given to worship. For as I passed by I saw an altar, upon which was written these words, 'To THE UNKNOWN GOD.' That God whom you know not, and whom you seek to worship, is the God that I make known to you. The God who made the world and all things that are in it, is Lord of heaven and earth, and does not dwell in temples made by the hands of men; nor is he served by men's hands, as though he needed anything. For God gives to all men life, and breath, and all things. And he has made of one blood all the peoples who live on the earth: that all men should seek God, and should feel after him, and should find him; for he is not far away from any of us. For in him we live, and move, and have our being: even as some of your own poets have said, Tor we also are the children of God.' Since we are God's children, we should not think that God is like gold, or silver, or stone, wrought by the hands of men. Now God calls upon men to turn from their sins; and he tells us that he has fixed a day when he will judge the world through that man Jesus Christ whom he has chosen, and whom he has raised from the dead.”
When they heard Pa̤ul speak of the dead being raised, some laughed in scorn; but others said, "We will hear you again about this." After a time Pa̤ul went away from Ăth́ ens̝. Very few people joined with Pa̤ul, and believed on Jesus. Among these few was a man named Dī-ŏ-ny̆ś ĭ-us, one of the court that met on Mars' Hill, and a woman named Dăḿ a-rĭs. A few others joined with them; but in Ăth́ ens̝ the followers of Christ were not many.

Story Twelve

Acts 18:1 to 22
PA̤UL went from Athens to Cŏŕ inth, another city in the land of Greece. He was alone, for his fellow workers, Sī́ las and Tĭḿ o-thy̆, had not yet come from Thĕs-sa-lō̇-nī́ cȧ. But in Cŏŕ inth, Paul met people who soon became his dear friends. They were a man named Ăq́ uĭ-lȧ and his wife Prĭś ciĺ lȧ, who had lately come from Rōme to Cŏŕ inth. Every Jew in those times was taught some trade, and Pa̤ul's trade was the weaving of a rough cloth used for making tents. It happened that Ăq́ uĭ-lȧ and Prĭś ciĺ lȧ were tent-makers also, and so Pa̤ul went to live in their house, and they worked together at making tents.
On the Sabbath-days Pa̤ul went into the synagogue, and there preached the gospel and talked about Christ with the Jews̝ and also with the Greeks who worshipped God in the synagogue. Some believed Pa̤ul's words, and some refused to believe, but opposed Pa̤ul, and spoke against him. After a time Sī́ las and Tĭḿ o-thy̆ came from Thĕś sa-lṓ -nī́ cȧ to meet Pa̤ul. They brought to him word about the church at Thĕs-sa-lō̇-nī́ cȧ, and some questions that were troubling the believers there. To answer these questions, Pa̤ul wrote from Cŏŕ inth two letters, which you can read in the New Testament. They are called "The First Epistle to the Thĕs-sa-lṓ nĭ-ans̝," and "The Second Epistle to the Thĕs-sa-ló nĭ-ans̝." These two letters are the earliest of Paul's writings that have been kept. We do not know that Pa̤ul wrote any letters to churches earlier than these; but if he did write any, the letters have been lost.
Now that Sī́ las and Tĭḿ o-thy̆, as well as Ăq́ uĭ-lȧ and Prĭs-cĭĺ la, were with Pa̤ul, he was no more alone, and he began to preach even more earnestly than before, telling the Jews̝ that Jesus was the Christ of God. When he found that the Jews̝ would not listen, but spoke evil words against him and against Christ, Pa̤ul shook out his garment, as though he were shaking dust from it, and he said to the Jew, "Your blood shall be upon your own heads, not on me; I am free from sin, for I have given you the gospel, and you will not hear it. From this time I will cease speaking to you, and will go to the Ġĕń tīles̝.”
And Pa̤ul went out of the synagogue, and with him went those who believed in Jesus. He found a house near to the synagogue belonging to a man named Tī́ tus Jŭś tus, a Gentile who worshipped God, and in that house Pa̤ul preached the gospel to all who came, both Jews̝ and Gĕń tīles̝. Many who heard believed in Christ, and were baptized; and among them was a Jew named Crĭś pus, who had been the chief ruler of the synagogue. But most of those who joined the Church of Christ in Cŏŕ inth were not Jews̝, but Gĕń̄ tīles̝, men and women who turned to God from idols. One night the Lord came to Pa̤ul in a vision, and said to him, "Pa̤ul, do not be afraid; but speak, and do not hold thy peace. I am with thee, and no one shall come against thee to do thee harm; for I have many people in this city.”
And Pa̤ul stayed in Cŏŕ inth a year and six months, teaching the word of God. After a time the Jews̝ in a great crowd rushed upon Pa̤ul, and seized him, and brought him into the court before the Rṓ man governor of Greece, a ruler whose name was Gărĺ lĭ-ō. They said to the governor, "This man is persuading people to worship God in a way forbidden by the law.”
Pa̤ul was just opening his mouth to speak in answer to this charge when Găĺ l-ō, the governor, spoke to the Jews̝, "O ye Jews̝, if this were a matter of wrongdoing or of wickedness, I would listen to you. But if these are questions about words, and names, and your law, look after it yourselves, for I will not be a judge of such things." And Gaĺ lĭ-o drove all the Jews̝ out of his court. Then some of the Greeks seized Sŏś the-nēs̝, who was the chief ruler of the synagogue, and beat him before the judge's seat in the court-room. But Găĺ li-ō did not care for any of these things; for he thought it was a quarrel over small matters.
After staying many days Pa̤ul took leave of the brethren in the church at Cŏŕ inth, and sailed away in a ship across the Æ-ġḗan Sea to Ĕph́ e-sŭs, which was a great city in Ā́ s̝iȧ Mī́ nor. With Pa̤ul were his friends Ăq́ uĭ-lȧ. and Prĭs-cĭĺ lȧ. At Ĕph́ e-sŭs, Pa̤ul went into the synagogue of the Jews̝ and talked with them about the gospel and about Christ. He could stay only for a little while, although they asked him to remain longer; but he said, "I must go away now; but if it be the will of God, I will come again to you.”
And he set sail from Ĕph́ e-sŭs, but left Ăq́ uĭ-lȧ and Prĭs-ciĺ lȧ there until he should return. Pa̤ul sailed over the Great Sea to Cæs-a-rḗ ȧ, in the land of Jū-dḗ ȧ. At that place he landed, and from thence went up to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, and visited the mother-church. Then he journeyed back to Ań tĭ-ŏch, the city from which he had set forth. And this was the end of Pa̤ul's second journey among the Gentiles preaching the gospel.
Lesson 41. Paul's Second Journey.
(Tell Stories 10, 11 and 12 in Part Seventh.)
1. Who went with Paul on his second missionary journey? Silas and Timothy.
2. What great land did they visit on this journey? Europe.
3. In what city of Europe did they begin preaching the gospel? In Philippi.
4. What was done to Paul and Silas at Philippi? They were beaten and put in prison.
5. How were they set free from the prison at Philippi? By an earthquake.
6. What did the jailor of the prison at Philippi ask Paul and Silas when the earthquake came? "What must I do to be saved?”
7. What did Paul and Silas say to the jailor? "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.”
8. In what city after Philippi did they preach the gospel? In Thessalonica.
9. In what city did Paul preach a sermon on a hill? In Athens, on Mars Hill.
10. Where did Paul stay two years, preaching? At Corinth.

Story Thirteen

Acts 18:23, to 20:1
THE apostle Paul did not stay long at Ăń tĭ-ŏch, but soon started out for another journey among the churches already formed and into new fields. He went through Sy̆ŕ ĭ-ȧ, the country around Ań ti-ŏch, and then to the region near Täŕ sus, which had been his early home, everywhere preaching Christ. He crossed over the mountains and entered into the heart of Ā́ siȧ, Mī́ nor, coming to the land of Gā̇-lā́ -tiȧ. The people in this land were a warm-hearted race, eager to see and to hear new things. They listened to Pa̤ul with great joy, and believed at once in his teachings. Pa̤ul wrote afterward that they received him as an angel of God, as though he were Jesus Christ himself, and that they were ready to pluck out their own eyes and give them to him, so eager were they to have the gospel.
But soon after Pa̤ul went away some Jeẃ ĭsh teachers came, saying to these new believers, "You must all become Jews̝, and take upon you the whole Jeẃ ĭsh law, with all its rules about things to be eaten, and fasts, and feast-days, or you cannot be saved.”
And the people in Gā̇-lā́ tiȧ turned quickly away from Pa̤ul's words to follow these new teachers; for they were fond of change, and were not firm in their minds. There was danger that all Pa̤ul's work among them would be undone. But as soon as news came to Pa̤ul of their sudden turning from the truth of the gospel he wrote to them a letter, "The Epistle to the Gā̇-lā́ tians̝." In this letter he called them back to Christ, and showed them that they were free, and not slaves to the old law, and urged them to stand fast in the freedom which Christ had given them.
Pa̤ul went through Phry̆ġ́ ĭ-ȧ., and from that land came again to Ĕph́ e-sŭs, which he had visited before, as we read in the last Story. This time he stayed in Ĕph́ e-sŭs more than two years, preaching the gospel of Christ. At first he spoke in the synagogue of the Jews̝, telling the Jews̝ that Jesus was the Anointed Christ, the King of Ĭś̝ ra-el, and proving it from the prophets of the Old Testament. But when the Jews̝ would no longer listen to him, but spoke evil against the way of Christ, Pa̤ul left the synagogue, and spoke every day in a school-room which was opened to him. His work became so well known that almost all the people in Ĕph́ e-sŭs, and many in the lands around the city, heard the word of the Lord.
God gave to Pa̤ul at this time great powers of healing. They carried to the sick the cloths with which Pa̤ul had wiped the sweat from his face, and the aprons that he had worn while he was at work making tents, and the diseases left the sick, and evil spirits went out of men. These wonderful works drew great crowds to hear Pa̤ul, and led many more to believe in his words.
There were in that city some Jews̝ who wandered from place to place, pretending to drive evil spirits out of men. These men saw how great was the power of the name of Jesus as spoken by Pa̤ul, and they also began to speak in Jesus' name, saying to the evil spirits in men, "I command you to come out, in the name of Jesus, whom Pa̤ul preaches.”
And the evil spirit in one man answered two of these pretenders, "Jesus I know, and Pa̤ul I know; but who are you?”
And the man in whom the evil spirit was leaped upon them, and threw them down, and tore off their clothing, and beat them, so that they ran out of the house naked and covered with wounds. Everybody in the city, both Jews̝ and Greeks, heard of this, and all knew that even the evil spirits feared the name of Jesus as spoken by Pa̤ul.
And many of those who had dealt with evil spirits came and confessed their deeds and turned to the Lord. And some who had books claiming to tell how to talk with spirits brought them, and burned them as bad books, although the books had cost a great sum of money. Thus the word of the Lord grew in
Ĕph́́ e-sŭs, a great number believed in Christ, and a large church arose.
Pa̤ul now began to feel that his work in Ĕph́ e-sŭs was nearly finished. He thought that he would go across the Æ-ġḗ an Sea, and visit the churches at Phĭ-lĭṕ pĭ and Thĕs-sa-lō̇-nī́ cȧ and Bē̇-rḗ ȧ, in the land of Măc-e-dṓ nĭ-ȧ, and then the church at Cŏŕ inth in Greece, and then go once more to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā-lĕm.
"And after I have been there," said Pa̤ul, "then I must also see Rōme.”
So to prepare for his coming into Mac-e-dṓ nĭ-ȧ, he sent Tiḿ o-thy̆, and another friend named Ē-răś tus, while he himself stayed in Ĕph́ e-sŭs for a time longer. But soon after this a great stir arose in that city over Paul and his preaching.
In the city of Ĕph́ e-sŭs was standing at that time an idol-temple, one of the greatest and richest in all the world. Around the temple stood a hundred and twenty great columns of white marble, each column the gift of a king. And in it was an image of the goddess Dī-ăń ȧ, which the people believed had fallen down from the sky. People came from many lands to worship the idol-image of Dī-ăń ȧ; and many took away with them little images like it, made of gold or silver. The making and selling of these little images gave work to many who wrought in gold and silver, and brought to them great riches.
One of these workers in silver, a man named Dē̇-mḗ trĭ-ŭs, called together his fellow-workmen, and said to them, "You know, my friends, that by this trade we earn our living and win riches. And you can all see and hear that this man Pa̤ul has persuaded and turned away many people, not only in this city, but also throughout all these lands, by telling all men that there are no gods which are made by hands. There is danger that our trade will come to an end, and danger, too, that the temple of the great goddess Dī-ăń ȧ may be made of no account. It may be even that the goddess whom all Asia and all the world worships shall fall down from her greatness." When the workmen heard this they became very angry, and they set up a great cry, shouting out, "Great is Dī-ăń ȧ of the Ē̇-phḗ s̝ians̝! Great is Dī-ăń ȧ, of the Ē̇-phḗ s̝ians̝!”
And soon the whole city was in an uproar; people were running through the streets and shouting, and a great multitude was drawn together, most of them not knowing what had caused the crowd and the noise. In the side of the hill near the city was a great open place hollowed out, having stone seats around it on three sides. It was used for public meetings, and was called "the theater." Into this place all the people rushed, until it was thronged; while Dē̇-mḗ- trĭ-ŭs and his fellow-workers led on the shouting, "Great is Dī-ăń ȧ, of the Ē̇-phḗ s̝ians̝!”
They seized two of Pa̤ul's friends who were with him in the city, Gā́ ius and Ar-ĭs-täŕ chus, and dragged them with them into the theater. Pa̤ul wished to go in, and try to speak to the people, but the disciples of Christ would not let him go; and some of the chief men of the land, who were Pa̤ul's friends, sent word to him, urging and beseeching him not to venture into the theater.
The noise, and the shouting, and the confusion were kept up for two hours. When the throng began to grow tired, and were ready to listen, the clerk of the city came forward, and quieted the people, and said, "Ye men of Ĕph́ e-sŭs, what is the need of all this riot? Is there anyone who does not know that this city guards the temple of the great goddess Dī-ań a, and of the image that fell down from the heavens? Since these things cannot be denied, you should be quiet, and do nothing rash or foolish. You have brought here these men, who are not robbers of temples, nor have they spoken evil against our goddess. If Dē̇-mḗ trĭ-ŭs and the men of his trade have a charge to bring against any men, the courts are open, and there are judges to hear their case. But if there is any other business, it must be done in a regular meeting of the people. For we are in danger for this day's riot, and may be brought to account for it, since there is no cause for it, and no reason that we can give for this gathering of a crowd.”
And after the city clerk had quieted the people with these words he sent them away. When the riot was over, and all was peaceful again, Pa̤ul met the Disciples of Christ and spoke to them once more. He had been in Ĕph́ e-sŭs for three years preaching; and while there he had written, besides the epistle or letter to the Gā̇-lā́ tians̝, that to the Rṓ mans̝, and two letters to the Cō̇-rĭnth́-ĭ-ans̝, the believers in Christ at Cŏŕ inth in Greece. He now sailed away from Ĕph́ e-sŭs, across the Æ-ġḗ an Sea to Măc-e-dṓ nĭ-ȧ, where he had preached the gospel before on his second journey.

Story Fourteen

Acts 20:2, to 21:16
AFTER his three years at Ĕph́ e-sŭs in Ā́ s̝iȧ, Mī́ nor, Pa̤ul sailed across the Æ-ġī́ an Sea to Mac-e-dṓ nĭ-ȧ. There he visited again the churches in Phĭ-lĭṕ pī, Thĕs-sa-lō̇-nī́ cȧ and Bē̇-rḗ ȧ. Then he went southward into Greece, and saw again the church at Corinth, to which shortly before he had written two long letters. While Pa̤ul was visiting these churches he told them of the believers in Christ among the Jews̝ in Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm and Jū-dḗ ȧ; that many of these were very poor, and since they had become disciples of Christ the other Jews̝ would not help them. Therefore Pa̤ul asked the Ġĕń tīle churches everywhere to send gifts to these poor people. He said in his letters:
"These people have sent the word of Christ to you; now send to them your gifts to show that you love them, and to show that you thank God for the gift of his Son who saves you from your sins.”
From each of the churches men were chosen to go with Pa̤ul to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm and to carry these gifts. From Bē̇-rḗ ȧ, the place where so many had studied the Scriptures, as we read in Story Eleven, went a man named Sŏṕ a-te͂r. From Thĕs-sa-lō̇-nī́ cȧ went Ăr-ĭs-täŕ chus and Sĕ-cŭń dus. From De͂ŕ bē̇ in Ā́ s̝iȧ, Mī́ nor, Gā́ ius and Tĭḿ o-thy̆ were sent; and from the other churches in Ā́ s̝iȧ. Mī́ nor, Ty̆ch́ ĭ-cŭs and Trŏph́ ĭ-mŭs. All these went on before, and waited for Pa̤ul at Trṓ as, on the shore of the Æ-ġḗ an Sea. Pa̤ul's friend Lṳke the doctor joined him again at Phĭ-lĭṕ pī, and they sailed together to Treas. There the other disciples met them, and they stayed for a week.
On the evening of the first day of the week, a farewell meeting was held at Trṓ ăs, for Pa̤ul and his party, who on the next day were to start on their journey to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm. The meeting was in a large upper room on the third story of a house, and it was filled with people who had come to hear Pa̤ul. While Pa̤ul was speaking, one young man, named Eū́ ty̆-chus, who was sitting in a window, dropped asleep, and in his sleep fell out of the window upon the ground, two stories below. He was taken up dead; but Pa̤ul went down, and fell on him, and placed his arms around him, saying, "Do not weep for him, for his life is still in him.”
Then Pa̤ul went up again, and broke the bread with the believers, and held with them the Lord's Supper; and then he talked again for a long time, even until the break of day. And they brought the young man living, at which they were very happy.
All the rest of the party going to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, except Pa̤ul, went on board the ship at Trṓ ăs. But as the ship was to stop on the way at a place called Ăś sŏs, Pa̤ul chose to go to that place on foot. At Aś sŏs, they took Pa̤ul on board, and sailed for some days among the islands of the Æ-ġḗ an Sea, and stopped at Mī́ lē-tus, which was not far from Eph́ e-sŭs. Pa̤ul did not wish to go to Ĕph́ e-sŭs, but he sent to the elders of the church, asking them to come and meet him at Mī́ lē-tus. They came, and Pa̤ul said to them:
"You know from the first day that I set foot in this part of Ā́ s̝iȧ, after what manner I was with you all the time, serving the Lord with a lowly mind, and with tears, and with many troubles which came upon me from the plots of the Jews̝. You know, too, how faithfully I spoke to you, teaching you in public and from house to house, to repent of your sins, and to believe in our Lord Jesus Christ.
"And now, bound in my spirit, I am going to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, not knowing what shall come upon me there, except that the Holy Spirit tells me in every place that chains and troubles will meet me. But I do not hold my life of any account, as dear to me; so that I may run out my race in Christ, and may do the work given me by the Lord Jesus, to preach the good news of God's grace. And now, I know that you all, among whom I went preaching the kingdom, shall see my face no more.
"Take heed to yourselves, and to all the flock which the Holy Spirit has placed in your care, as shepherds to feed the church, which the Lord Jesus bought with his own blood. I know that after I go away, enemies, like savage wolves, shall come among you, not sparing the flock, and also among yourselves men shall rise up speaking false things and leading away disciples after them.
Therefore watch, and remember that for three years I did not cease warning you, night and day, with tears.
"And now, I leave you with God, and with the word of his grace, which is able to build you up and to make you fit to dwell among his holy ones. I have not sought among you gold, or silver, or fine clothing. You yourselves know that these hands of mine have worked for my own living, and to help those who were with me. I have tried to show you by my own life how that you should in the same way help those who are weak, and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, `It is more blessed to give than to receive."'
When Pa̤ul had said this, he kneeled down and prayed with them all. And they all wept, and fell on Pa̤ul's neck, and kissed him; for they felt very sad at his words, that they should see his face no more. They went with him to the ship, and saw him sail away from them.
Pa̤ul and his company sailed among the islands and toward the land of Jū-dḗ ȧ, and went ashore at Tȳre. There they found disciples, and stayed with them a week. Some of these spoke to Pa̤ul in the Spirit of God, and told him not to go into Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm. But Pa̤ul had set his face toward that city; and when he found a ship going from Tyre to Jū-dḗ ȧ, all the disciples, with their wives and their children, went with him out of the city; and all knelt down together on the beach and prayed, before they parted from each other. Pa̤ul's party left the ship at a place called Ptŏl-e-mā́ is, from which they walked down the shore to Cæs-a-rḗ ȧ. This was the place where years before Pḗ te͂r had given the gospel to the Rṓ man centurion Côr-nḗ lĭ-ŭs. And there Pa̤ul found Phĭĺ ĭp, the man who had preached to the Sā̇-măŕ ĭ-tans̝ and to the nobleman from Ē-thĭ-ṓ pĭ-ȧ. In those old days, Pa̤ul then Sa̤ul, had been Phĭĺ ĭp's enemy, and had driven him out of Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm. Now they met as friends, and Pa̤ul stayed as a guest at Phĭĺ ĭp's house.
While they were at Cæs-a-rḗ ȧ, an old man, named Ăǵ a-bŭs, came down from Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm. He was a prophet, to whom God had shown some things that were to come to pass. We have read of a prophecy by this man before. This man came to Pa̤ul, and took off Pa̤ul's girdle, and with it bound his own feet and hands, and he said:
"Thus saith the Spirit of God, 'So shall the Jews̝ at Jē̇-rṳ́ lĕm bind the man that owns this girdle, and shall give him into the hands of the Ġĕń tīles̝.'”
When they heard this, all Pa̤ul's friends; and Phĭĺ ĭp, and the disciples of Cæs-a-rḗ ȧ, pleaded with Pa̤ul and begged him not to go up to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm. But Pa̤ul answered:
"What are you doing, weeping and breaking my heart? I am ready not to be bound only, hut also to die at Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm for the name of the Lord Je'sus!”
When they saw that Pa̤ul could not be moved from his purpose, they ceased trying to persuade him, saying, "The will of the Lord be done.”
After some days in Cæs-a-rḗ ȧ, Pa̤ul and his friends, with some of the believers from Cæs-a-rḗ ȧ, went up the mountains to Jē̇-rṳ́-sā̇-lĕm. So Pa̤ul was once more, and now for the last time, in the city of his people.
Lesson 42. Paul's Third Journey.
(Tell Stories 13 and 14 in Part Seventh.)
1. In what great city of Asia Minor did Paul preach on his third missionary journey? In Ephesus.
2. What did Paul do in Ephesus? Many great works of healing.
3. How long did Paul stay in Ephesus preaching? Three years.
4. What arose in Ephesus a little before Paul left the city? A great uproar against Paul.
5. To what places in Europe where Paul had preached before, did he go after leaving Ephesus? To Philippi and Corinth.
6. Where did Paul make a young man well, after he had fallen out of a window? At Troas.
7. At what place did Paul send for the leaders of the church at Ephesus? At Miletus.
8. What did Paul speak to these leaders of the church? His farewell words.
9. What words of Jesus did Paul tell them to remember? "It is more blessed to give than to receive.
10. Where did Paul end his third missionary journey? At Jerusalem.

Story Fifteen

Acts 21:17, to 22:29
WHEN Pa̤ul and his friends came to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, they met with the church in that city, and gave the money which had been gathered among the Gentiles to help those of the Jeẃ ĭsh believers in Christ who were poor.
The Apostle Jāmes̝, the Lord's brother, who was at the head of the church in Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, gave to Pa̤ul and his friends a glad welcome, and praised God for the good work wrought among the Ġĕń tīles̝.
About a week after Pa̤ul has come to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, he was worshipping in the Temple, when some Jews̝ from the lands around Ĕph́ e-sŭs saw him. They at once stirred up a crowd, and took hold of Pa̤ul, crying out:
"Men of Iś̝ ra-el, help! This is the man who teaches all men everywhere against our people, and against our law, and against this Temple. Besides, he has brought Gĕń tīles̝ into the Temple, and thus has made the holy house unclean!”
They had seen with Pa̤ul, walking in the city, one of his friends from Ĕph́ e-sŭs who was not a Jew, and they started the false report that Pa̤ul had taken him into the Temple. When the Jews̝ set up this cry against Pa̤ul, all the city was stirred up, and a great crowd gathered around Pa̤ul. They dragged Pa̤ul out of the Temple into the outer court, and were about to kill him, in their rage.
But in the castle on the north of the Temple was a Rṓ man guard of soldiers, a thousand men under the command of an officer, whom we should call a colonel, but whom they called "the chief captain." Word came to this officer that all Jē̈-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm was in a riot, and that a wild mob had seized the Temple. He called out companies of soldiers and their centurions, or captains, and rushed quickly into the Temple and into the midst of the crowd who were beating and trampling upon Pa̤ul. The chief captain took Pa̤ul from their hands, and, thinking that he must have done something very wicked to call forth such a riot, ordered him to be fastened with two chains.
Then he asked who this man was and what he had done. All began to answer at once, some shouting one thing and some another, and as the chief captain could understand nothing in the confusion, he commanded the soldiers to take him into the castle. The crowd made a rush to seize Pa̤ul and take him away from the soldiers, but they carried him through the throng and up the stone steps that led into the castle, while all around,' at the foot of the stairs, was the multitude of angry Jews̝, crying out, "Away with him! Kill him!”
Just as they reached the platform at the door of the castle, Pa̤ul, in a quiet manner, spoke to the chief captain in his own language, which was the Greek tongue. He said, "May I say something to you?" The officer was surprised, and he answered Pa̤ul, "Do you know Greek? Are you not that man from Ḗ ġy̆pt who some time ago rose up against the rulers, and let out into the wilderness four thousand men who were murderers?”
But Pa̤ul said, "I am a Jew, of Täŕ sus in Cī̇-lĭ́ ciȧ. I belong to no mean city. I pray you, give me leave to speak to the people.”
The chief captain thought that if this man should speak to the people, he might learn something about him, so he gave him leave. Then Pa̤ul, standing on the stairs, beckoned with his hand to the crowd to show that he wished to speak. Soon everybody became quiet, for all wanted to hear; and then Pa̤ul began to speak to the people. But he did not speak in Greek, as he had spoken to the chief captain. He spoke in the Hḗ brew tongue, their own language, which they loved to hear. And when they heard him speak in Hḗ brew, their own tongue, they were all the more ready to listen to him. And this was what Pa̤ul said:
"Brethren and fathers, hear the words that I speak to you. I am a Jew, born in Täŕ sus, of Cī̇-lĭ́ ciȧ, but brought up in this city at the feet of the wise teacher Gā̇-mā́ lĭ-el, and taught in a strict way in the law of our fathers; and I was earnest for God, as all of you are this day. And I was a bitter enemy of the way of Christ, binding and putting in prison both men and women who believe. in Jesus. The high-priest himself knows this, and all the council of the elders; for they gave me letters to our people in Dā̇-măś cus. And I went on a journey to that place to bring in chains from Dā̇-măś cus to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm those who followed Jesus, to punish them.
"And it came to pass as I made my journey and drew nigh to Dā̇-măś cus, suddenly there shone from heaven a great light round about me. And I fell to the ground, and heard a voice saying to me, 'Sa̤ul, Sa̤ul, why art thou fighting against me and doing me harm?' And I answered, 'Who art thou, Lord?' And he said to me, 'I am Jesus of Năź a-rĕth, whom you are trying to destroy!'
"Those who were with me saw the light, but they did not hear the voice that spoke to me. And I said, 'What shall I do, Lord?' And the Lord said to me, 'Rise up, and go into Dā̇-măś cus, and it shall be told thee what things are given to thee to do.'
"When I stood up I could not see, from the glory of that light, and I was led by the hands of those who were with me into Dā̇-măś cus. And a man named Ăn-a-nī́ as, a man who worshipped God and kept the law, of whom all the Jews̝ in the city spoke well, came to me, and standing by me, said, 'Brother Sa̤ul, receive thy sight.'
"And in that very hour I looked up and saw him. And he said to me, 'The God of our fathers hath chosen thee to know his will, and to see the Holy One, and to hear his voice.' For thou shalt speak in his name to all men, telling them what thou halt seen and heard.'
"And afterward, when I came back to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, and was praying in the Temple, I saw the Lord again, and he spoke to me, `Go forth, and I will send thee far hence to the Ġĕń tīles̝.'”
The Jews̝ listened to Pa̤ul quietly until he spoke that word "Ġĕń tīles̝," which roused up all their wrath. They began to cry out, 'Away with such a fellow from the earth! It is not fit that he should live!”
And as they flung off their garments, and threw dust into the air in their rage, the chief captain ordered that Pa̤ul should be taken into the castle and beaten with rods until he should tell what dreadful thing he had done to arouse such anger. For the chief captain, not knowing the Jew' language, had not understood what Pa̤ul had said.
They took Pa̤ul into the castle, and were tying him up to beat him, when Pa̤ul said to the centurion who stood by, "Have you any right to beat a Rṓ man citizen who has not been tried before a judge?”
When the centurion heard this he went in haste to the chief captain, and said to him, "Take care what you do to that man, for he is a Rṓ man citizen!”
Then the chief captain came and said to Pa̤ul, "Tell me, are you a Rṓ man citizen?”
And Paul answered, "Yes, I am.”
The chief captain said, "I bought this right to be a citizen with a great sum of money.”
And Pa̤ul said to him, "But I am a free-born citizen.”
When those who were about to beat Pa̤ul knew that he was a Rṓ man citizen, they went away from him in haste, and the chief captain was afraid, because he had bound Pa̤ul, for no one might place a chain on a Rṓ man citizen until he had been tried before a Rṓ man judge.
They took Pa̤ul into the castle, but were careful not to do him any harm.

Story Sixteen

Acts 22:30, to 24:27
AFTER Paul had been rescued from the Jewish mob, he was taken into the castle on the north of the Temple for safekeeping. The chief captain wished to know for what reasons the Jews̝ were so bitter in their hate against Pa̤ul; and to learn this he commanded the chief priests and rulers to meet together, and brought Pa̤ul down from the castle, and set him before them. Pa̤ul looked earnestly upon the council, and said to them, "Brethren, I have lived with a right feeling toward God all my life until this day." The high-priest, whose name was Ăn-a-nī́ as, was sitting in the council, clad in the white garments worn by all priests. He was so enraged at these words that he said to those who were standing near Pa̤ul, "Strike him on the mouth”
And Pa̤ul, roused to sudden anger at such unjust words, said in answer, "God shall strike you, O whited wall! Do you sit to judge me by the law, and yet command me to be struck against the law?”
Those that were standing by said to Pa̤ul, "Do you speak such words against the high-priest of God?”
"I did not know," answered Pa̤ul, "that he was high-priest. It is written in the law not to speak evil of a ruler of your people.”
Pa̤ul saw that there were two parties in the council, and by a few wise words he made some of the rulers friendly to him, so that they stood up and said, "We find no evil in this man. Perhaps a spirit has spoken to him, or an angel.”
This made the rulers on the other side all the more furious, and such a quarrel arose between them that the chief captain feared that Pa̤ul would be torn in pieces, and he again sent down soldiers to take him by force from the council and to bring him into the castle.
On the night after this, while Pa̤ul was in his room in the castle, the Lord stood by him and said, "Be of good cheer, Paul; for as you have spoken for me at Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, so shall you speak for me at Rōme.”
Early on the next morning more than forty of the Jews̝ laid a plan to kill Pa̤ul, and bound themselves together by an oath, swearing that they would neither eat nor drink until they had slain him.
These men came to the chief priests, and said, "We have bound ourselves under a great oath that we will taste nothing until we have killed Pa̤ul. Now, do you ask the chief captain to bring Pa̤ul down' again to meet the council, so that they may hear him, and try his case once more. And while he shall be on his way to the council we will rush in and kill him.”
Now Pa̤ul had a sister living in Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, and her son heard of this plot, and came to the castle, and told it to Pa̤ul. Then Pa̤ul called one of the officers, and said to him, "Take this young man to the chief captain, for he has something to tell him.”
So the officer brought the young man to the chief captain, and said to him, "Pa̤ul, the prisoner, called me to him, and asked me to bring this young man to you, for he something to say to you.”
Then the chief captain took the young man aside, and asked him, "What is it that you have to say to me?"
And he said, "The Jews̝ have agreed to ask you to bring Pa̤ul before the council again; but do not let him go, for there are more than forty men watching for him, who have sworn an oath together that they will neither eat nor drink until they have killed Pa̤ul.”
The chief captain listened carefully, and then sent the young man away, after saying to him, "Do not tell any one that you have spoken of these things to me.”
And after the young man had gone the chief captain called to him two centurions, captains over a hundred men, and he said to them, "Make ready two hundred soldiers to go as far as Cæs-a-rḗ ȧ, and seventy men on horseback, and two hundred men with spears, at nine o'clock at night.”
And he told them also to have ready horses for Pa̤ul, so that he might send him safe to Felix, the governor of the land, at Cæs-a-rḗ ȧ. And he wrote a letter in this manner:
"Cla̤ú dĭ-ŭs Ly̆́ sĭ-as sends greeting to the most noble governor Fḗ lĭx. This man was seized by the Jews̝, and would have been killed by them, but I came upon him with the soldiers, and took him from their hands, having learned that he was a citizen of Rōme,
And to find out the reasons why they were so strongly against him, I brought him down to their council. But I found that the charges against him were about questions of their law, but nothing deserving death or bonds. When I heard that there was a plot to kill the man, I sent him at once to you, and told his enemies to go before you with their charges.”
So in the night almost five hundred men were sent with a guard for Pa̤ul. He was brought out of the castle, and taken that night as far as to An-tĭṕ a-trĭs, about forty miles. On the next day the soldiers left him, thinking him to be no longer in danger, and returned to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, while the horsemen rode on with him to Cæs-a-rḗ ȧ where the governor Fḗ lĭx lived. The officer in charge gave the letter to the governor. He read the letter, and then asked Pa̤ul from what land he had come. Pa̤ul told him that he belonged to the land of Cī̇-lĭ́ ciȧ in Ā́ s̝iȧ Minor. And Fḗ lĭx said, "I will hear your case when those who bring charges against you have come.”
And he sent Pa̤ul to be kept in a castle which had once belonged to Hĕŕ od. After five days the high-priest Ăn-a-nī́ as and some others came to Cæs-a-rḗ ȧ, bringing with them a lawyer named Te͂r-tŭĺ lus. And when Pa̤ul was brought before them in presence of Felix, the governor, Te͂r-tŭĺ lus made a speech charging him with riot and law breaking, and many evil deeds. They said also that he was "a ringleader in the party of the Năź a-rēnes̝," which was the name they gave to the Church of Christ. And the Jews̝ all joined in the charge, saying that all these things were true. After they had spoken, the governor motioned with his hand toward Pa̤ul, showing that he might speak, and Pa̤ul, began, "I know that you have been for many years a judge over this people, and for that reason I speak to you willingly. For you may know that it is only twelve days since I went up to worship at Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm. Nor was I quarreling with anyone in the Temple, nor stirring up a crowd in the Temple, or the synagogues, or in the city. Nor can they prove to you the things that they have said against me.
"But I do own to this, that after the way which they call 'the party of the Năź a-rēnes̝,' so do I serve the God of our fathers, believing all things in the law and in the prophets, and having a hope in God that the dead shall be raised up. And I have always tried to keep my heart free from wrong toward God and toward men.
"Now, after many years, I came to bring gifts to my people, and offerings for the altar. And with these they found me in the Temple, but not with a crowd, nor with a riot. But there were certain Jews from Asia Minor who ought to have been here, if they have anything against me.”
Fḗ lĭx knew somewhat about the Church of Christ, and he said, "When Ly̆́ sĭ-as, the chief captain, shall come down, I will settle this case.”
And he ordered Pa̤ul to be kept under guard, but that his friends might freely come to see him. After a few days Fḗ lĭx and his wife Drṳ-sĭĺ lȧ, who was a Jeẃ ess, sent for Pa̤ul, and heard from him with regard to the gospel of Christ. And as Pa̤ul preached to him, of right living, and of ruling one's self, and of the judgment of God that should come upon sinners, Fḗ lĭx was alarmed, and said, "Go away for this time; when a fit time comes, and I am ready to listen, I will send for you.”
Fḗ lĭx was not a just judge, for he hoped that Pa̤ul might give him money, so that he might set Pa̤ul free; and with this in his mind, he sent for Pa̤ul, and talked with him many times. Two whole years passed away, and Pa̤ul was still in prison at Cæs-a-rḗ ȧ. At the end of that time Fḗ lĭx was called back to Rōme, and a man named Pôŕ cĭ-ŭs Fĕś tus was sent as governor in his place. Fḗ lĭx wished to please the Jews̝, and he left Pa̤ul a prisoner.

Story Seventeen

Acts 25:1, to 26:32
WHEN Fĕś tus came to rule over the land of Jū-dḗ ȧ in the place of Fḗ lĭx, who had kept Pa̤ul in prison so long, he went up to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm to visit that city. There the chief priests and the leading men spoke to him against Pa̤ul, and they asked that he might be sent to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm to be tried. It was their plan to kill Pa̤ul on the way. But Fĕś tus told them that Pa̤ul should be kept at Cæs-a-rḗ ȧ, and that he himself would soon go there.
"Let some of your leaders go down with me," said Fĕś tus, "and bring your charges against him, if you have any.”
When Fĕś tus came down to Cæs-a-rḗ a, he called them all together, and sat upon the judge's seat, and commanded Pa̤ul to be brought. Then the Jews̝ said evil things about Pa̤ul, declaring that he had done wickedly. But they could not prove any of the things which they spoke against him. And Pa̤ul said, "I have done no wrong against the law of the Jews̝, nor against the Temple, nor against the rule of Cǽ s̝ar the emperor.”
Fĕś tus wished to please the Jews̝, for he did not know of their secret purpose to kill Pa̤ul. He said, "Are you willing to go up to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, and there be tried upon these charges before me?”
But Pa̤ul said, "I am standing before the Rṓ man court where I ought to be judged. I have done no wrong to the Jew, as thou knowest very well, and no man shall give me into their hands. I ask for a trial before Cǽ s̝ar, the emperor at Rōme.”
It was the law throughout the Rṓ man lands that any citizen of Rōme, as Pa̤ul was, could ask to be tried at Rōme before Cǽ s̝ar?, the emperor. When Fĕś tus heard Pa̤ul's words, he said, "Do you ask to be tried before Cǽ s̝ar? Then unto Cǽ s̝ar you shall go.”
So Pa̤ul was taken back to the prison at Cæs-a-rḗ ȧ to be sent to Rōme when his time should come. A few days after this a Jewish ruler named Ā̇-griṕ pȧ, with his sister Be͂r-nī́ cē̇, came to visit Fĕś tus. He was called "King Ā̇-grĭṕ pȧ," and he ruled over a part of the land on the east of the river Jôŕ dan. While Ā̇-grĭṕ pȧ, and Be͂ŕ nī́ cē̇ were at Cæs-a-rḗ ȧ, Fĕś tus said to them, " There is a certain man left a prisoner by Fḗ lĭx, of whom the chief priests and elders of the Jews̝ asked, when, I was at Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm that I should give orders to have him put to death, or given into their hands. I told them that the Rṓ mans never give judgment against any man until he stands face to face before his enemies, and can make answer to their charges. When they came down to this place, and the man was brought before them, their charges were not the wicked acts that I expected to hear of; but they had some questions about their ways of worship, and 'about somebody named Jesus, who was dead, but who Pa̤ul said was alive. As I could not understand these questions, I asked Pa̤ul whether he would go up to Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, and there be tried. But Pa̤ul asked for a trial before Cǽ s̝ar, and I am keeping him to be sent to the emperor at Rōme.”
"I would like," said Ā̇-grĭṕ pȧ, "to hear this man myself." "To-morrow," said Fĕś tus, "you shall hear him.”
So on the next day, Ā̇-grĭṕ pȧ and his sister Be͂r-nī́ cē̇, and Fĕś tus, with the chief men of the city and the officers of the army, came in great state to the hall of judgment, and Pa̤ul was brought before them, chained to a Rṓ man soldier. And after a few words by Fĕś tus, Ā̇-grĭṕ pȧ, said to Pa̤ul, "You may now speak for yourself.”
Then Pa̤ul spoke in words like these:
"I think myself happy, King Ā̇-grĭṕ pȧ, to give answer before thee of all the things charged against me by the Jews̝, because I am sure that thou dost know all the Jeẃ ĭsh ways and the questions about the law. I ask thee, then, to hear me. My way of life from my youth all the Jews̝ know, for I have lived among them; and if they tell the truth, they would say that I was of those who kept the laws of our people most carefully. And now I stand here to be judged for the sake of the promise which God made to our fathers; that promise to which our twelve tribes, serving God day and night, hope to come. And on account of this hope, O king, the Jews̝ charge me with doing evil; because I believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead to be the King of Ĭś̝ ra-el. Why should it be something thou canst not believe, that God does raise the dead to life?
"In former times I really thought with myself that I ought to do many things against the name of Jesus of Năź a-rĕth. And this I did in Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm; for I shut up many good men and women in prisons, and when they were put to death I gave my voice against them. I caused them to be beaten, and I tried to make them curse the name of Jesus; and being exceedingly mad against them, I sought for them even in cities far away.
"And as I journeyed to Dā̇-măś cus with letters from the chief priests, at mid-day, O king, I saw on the way a light from heaven, above the brightness of the sun, shining around me and those who were with me. And as we all fell down upon the ground, I heard a voice saying to me, 'Sa̤ul, Sa̤ul, why are you fighting against me?'
"And I said, 'Who art thou, Lord?'
"And the Lord said, 'I am Jesus, whom you are trying to destroy. But rise up, and stand upon your feet, for I have shown myself to you to make you my servant and my messenger to tell of what you have seen, and of what I will show you. I will keep you safe from the Jeẃ ĭsh people and from the Ġĕń tīles̝, to whom I send you, to open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Sā́ tan, the evil one, to God, that their sins may be forgiven, and that they may receive a reward among those that are made holy by faith in me.
"O King Ā̇-grĭṕ pȧ, I did not disobey the voice from heaven, but first at Dā̇-măs-cus, and then at Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, and throughout all the land of Jū-dḗ ȧ, and also among the Ġĕń tīles̝, I have spoken, telling men to turn from sin to God, and to show deeds of right-doing. This is the cause why the Jews̝ seized me in the Temple and tried to kill me. Having gained help from God, I stand unto this day, speaking to people, small and great, saying only what is given in the law of Mṓ s̝es̝ and in the prophets: that the Christ must suffer and die, and that he by rising from the dead should give light to our people and to the Ġĕń tīles̝.”
While Pa̤ul was speaking, Fĕś tus said with a loud voice, "Pa̤ul, you are mad! Your great learning has turned you to madness!”
For Fĕś tus, being a Rṓ man, knew nothing of Jesus or of the truths which Pa̤ul spoke.
But Pa̤ul said to him, "I am not mad, most noble Fĕś tus. I speak only sober and truthful words. The king knows of these things, and I speak freely to him. None of these things are hidden from him, for these things were not done in secret. King Ā̇-grĭṕ pa, dost thou believe the prophets? I know that thou dost believe.”
And Ā̇-grĭṕ pȧ said to Pa̤ul, "A little more, and you will persuade me to become a Christian!”
And Pa̤ul said, "I would before God, that whether with little or with much, that not only thou, but also all that hear me this day, might become such as I am, except these chains!”
After these words, King Ā̇-grĭṕ pȧ, and Be͂ŕ nī́ cē̇, and Fĕś tus the governor, and those who were there, went away by themselves, and they said to each other, "This man has done nothing deserving death or prison.”
And Ā̇-grĭṕ pȧ said to Fĕś tus, "This man might have been set free if he had not asked to be tried before Cǽ s̝ar.”
Lesson 43. Paul a Prisoner.
(Tell Stories 15, 16 and 17 in Part Seventh.)
1. What happened to Paul while he was worshipping God in the temple at Jerusalem? He was taken by his enemies.
2. What did these enemies of Paul try to do? To kill him.
3. Who took Paul out of the hands of his enemies? Roman soldiers.
4. Where was Paul taken to be kept from his enemies? Into the castle.
5. What did the Lord Jesus say to Paul at night while he was in the castle? "Be of good cheer, Paul!”
6. To what place was Paul sent to be safe from the Jews? To Cæsarea.
7. Before what ruler was Paul brought to be tried? Before Felix the governor.
8. How long was Paul kept in prison at Cæsarea? Two years.
9. Before what other governor was Paul brought after two years? Before Festus.
10. What king listened to Paul as he told how Christ had saved him? King Agrippa.

Story Eighteen

Acts 27:1, to 28:1
WHEN Paul chose to be tried before Cǽ s̝ar the emperor which was his right as a Rṓ man, it became necessary to send him from Cæs-a-rḗ ȧ in Jū-dḗ ȧ to Rome in It́ a-ly̆, where Cǽ s̝ar lived. In those years there were no ships sailing at regular times from city to city, but people who wished to go to places over the sea waited until they could find ships with loads sailing to those places. Pa̤ul and some other prisoners were given into the charge of a Rṓ man centurion or captain named Jū́ lĭ-ŭs, to be taken to Rōme. Jū́ lĭ-ŭs found a ship sailing from Cæs-a-rḗ ȧ to places on the shore of Ā́ s̝ia Mī́ nor, which would take them a part of, the way to Rōme. He took Pa̤ul and the other prisoners on board this ship, and with Pa̤ul went his friends, Lṳke the doctor and Ăr-ĭs-täŕ chus from Thĕs-sa-lō̇-nī́ cȧ. Perhaps Tĭḿ o-thy̆ also was with them, but of this we are not certain.
They set sail from Cæs-a-rḗ ȧ, after Pa̤ul had been in prison more than two years; and they followed the coast northward to Sī́ don. There they stopped for a day; and Jū́ lĭ-ŭs the centurion was very kind to Pa̤ul, and let him go ashore to see his friends who were living there. From Sī́ dŏn they turned to the northwest, and sailed past the island of Cȳ́ prus, and then westward by the shore of Ā́ s̝ia Mī́ nor. At a city called Mȳ́ rȧ they left the ship, and went on board another ship, which was sailing from Al-ĕx̝-ăń drĭ-ȧ to Ĭt́ a-ly̆ with a load of wheat from the fields of Ḗ ġy̆pt.
Soon a heavy wind began to blow against the ship, and it sailed very slowly for many days; but at last came to the large island of Crēte, and followed its southern shore in the face of the wind until they found a harbor, and they stayed for a few days.
But this harbor was not a good one, and they thought to leave it and sail to another.
Pa̤ul now said to them, "Sirs, I see that this voyage will be with great loss to the load and the ship, and with great danger to the lives of us all.”
And he urged them to stay where they were at anchor. But the owner of the ship and its captain thought that they might sail in safety; and Jū́ lĭ-ŭs the centurion listened to them rather than to Pa̤ul. So when a gentle south wind began to blow, they set sail once more, closely following the shore of the island of Crēte. But soon the wind grew into a great storm, and the ship could not face it, and was driven out of its course. Behind the ship was a little boat, and this they drew up on board; and as the ship creaked and seemed in danger of going to pieces, they tied ropes around it to hold it together.
The storm grew and drove the ship away from the island into the open sea. To make the vessel lighter they threw overboard a part of the load; and the next day they cast into the sea all the loose ropes and everything on the ship that could be spared.
Day after day went on, with no sight of the sun, and night after night with no sight of the stars. The great waves rolled over the ship and beat upon it, until those on board hardly hoped to save their lives. In their fear, for days the men and the prisoners had eaten nothing. But in the midst of the storm, Pa̤ul stood up among them, and said:
"Sirs, you should have listened to me, and not have set sail from Crēte, for then we might have been saved much harm and loss, But even as it is, be of good cheer; for though the ship will be lost, all of us on board shall be saved. This night there stood by me an angel of the Lord, to whom I belong, and whom I serve, and the angel said to me, 'Fear not, Pa̤ul; you shall yet stand before Cǽ s̝ar; and God has given to you all those who are sailing with you.'
"Now, friends, be of good cheer; for I believe God, that it shall be even as the angel said to me. But we must cast upon some island.”
When the storm had lasted fourteen days, at night the sailors thought that they were coming near to land. They dropped down the line and found that the water was twenty fathoms deep; then after a little they let down the line again and found the water only fifteen fathoms deep. They were sure now that land was near, but they were afraid that the ship might be driven upon rocks; so they threw out from the stern or rear-end four anchors to hold the ship; and then they longed for the day to come.
The sailors let down the little boat; saying that they would throw out some more anchors from the bow, or front of the ship, but really intending to row away in the boat and leave the ship and all on board to be destroyed. But Pa̤ul saw their purpose, and he said to the centurion, "Unless these sailors stay in the ship none of us can be saved.”
Then the soldiers cut away the ropes of the boat, and let it fall off, so that the sailors could not get away. And as it drew toward daylight, Pa̤ul urged them all to take some food. He said:
"This is the fourteenth day that you have waited without any food. Now I beg of you to eat, for you need it to keep your lives safely. You will all be saved; not an hair shall fall from the head of one of you.”
He took some bread and gave thanks to God before them all; then he broke it and began to eat. This encouraged all the others, so that they too took good. There were in all on board the ship, sailors, and soldiers, and prisoners, and others, two hundred and seventy-six people. After they had eaten enough they threw out into the sea what was left of its load of wheat, so that the ship might be less heavy upon the waves, and might go nearer to the shore.
As soon as the day dawned, they could see land, but did not know what land it was. They saw a bay with a beach: into which they thought that they might run the ship. So they cut loose the anchors, leaving them in the sea, and they hoisted up the fore-sail to the wind, and made toward the shore. The ship ran aground, and the front end was stuck fast in the sand, but the rear part began to break in pieces from the beating of the waves.
Now came another danger, just as they were beginning to hope for their lives. By the Rṓ man law, a soldier who had charge of a prisoner must take his prisoner's place if he escaped from his care. These soldiers feared that their prisoners might swim ashore and get free. So they asked the centurion to let them kill all the prisoners, while they were still on board the ship. But Jū́ lĭ-ŭs the centurion loved Pa̤ul, and to save Pa̤ul's life, kept them from killing the prisoners. He commanded that those who could swim should leap overboard and get first to the land. Then the rest went ashore, some on planks, and some on broken pieces of the ship. And all came safe to the shore, not one life being lost.
And then they found that they were on the island of Mĕĺ ĭ-tȧ, which is in the Great Sea, south of the larger island of Sĭć ĭ-ly̆.
Lesson 44. Paul in the Storm.
(Tell Story 18 in Part Seventh.)
1. To what place was Paul while a prisoner sent for another trial? To Rome.
2. How did Paul and many other prisoners leave Cæsarea to go to Rome? On board a ship.
3. What did Paul tell those on the ship that they would meet in the voyage? Great trouble and danger.
4. How did the trouble and danger come to those that were in the ship? From a great storm.
5. How long did the storm last? Two weeks.
6. What did an angel say to Paul in the night while the storm was raging? That all on the ship would be saved.
7. What did Paul say to those on the ship? "Be of good cheer.”
8. How were the lives of the people saved from the storm? They were thrown upon an island.
9. What was the name of this island? Melita.

Story Nineteen

Acts 28:2 to 31
THE people who lived on the island of Mĕĺ ĭ-tȧ were very kind to the strangers who had been thrown by the sea upon their shore. It was cold and rainy, and the men from the ship were in garments drenched by the waves. But the people made a fire, and brought them all around it, and gave them good care. Very soon they found that many of the men were prisoners, who were under guard of the soldiers.
Pa̤ul gathered a bundle of sticks and placed them on the fire, when suddenly a poisonous snake came from the pile, driven out by the heat, and seized Pa̤ul's hand with its teeth. When the people saw the snake hanging from his hand, they said to each other, "This man must be a murderer. He has saved his life from the sea, but the just gods will not let him live on account of his wickedness.”
But Pa̤ul shook off the snake into the fire, and took no harm. They looked to see his arm swell with poison, and to see him fall down dead suddenly. But when they watched him for a long time and saw no evil come to him, they changed their minds, and said that he was a god, and were ready to worship him.
Near the place where the ship was wrecked were lands and buildings belonging to the ruler of the island, whose name was Pŭb́ lĭ-us. He took Pa̤ul and his friends into his house and treated them very kindly. The father of Pŭb́ lĭ-us was very ill with a fever and a disease called dysentery, from which people often died. But Pa̤ul went into his room, and prayed by his side; then he laid his hands on him, and the sick man became well. As soon as the people of the island heard of this, many others troubled with diseases were brought to Pa̤ul, and all were cured. The people of Mĕĺ ĭ-tȧ after this gave a great honor to Pa̤ul and those who were with him; and when they sailed away they put on the ship as gifts for them all things that they would need.
The centurion found at anchor by the island a ship from Ăl-ĕx̝-ăń drĭ-ȧ on its way to Ĭt́ a-ly̆, which had been waiting there through the winter. The name of this ship was "The Twin Brothers." After three months in the isle, the centurion sent on board this ship his soldiers and prisoners, with Pa̤ul's friends; and they sailed away from Mĕĺ ĭ-tȧ. After stopping at a few places on their voyage, they left the ship at Pū-tḗ o-lī, in the south of Ĭt́ a-ly, and from that place they were led toward Rōme. The church at Rōme, to which Pa̤ul had written a letter in other days, heard that he was coming, and some of the brethren went out to meet him a few miles from the city. When Pa̤ul saw them, and knew that they were glad to meet him, even though he was in chains, he thanked God, and took heart once more. He had long wished to go to Rōme, and now he came into the city at last, but as a prisoner, chained to a Rṓ man soldier.
When they came to Rōme, the good centurion Jú lĭ-ŭs gave his prisoners to the captain of the guard in the city; but from the kind words spoken by Pa̤ul was allowed to go to a house by himself, though with the soldier who guarded him always at his side. After three days in Rōme, Pa̤ul sent for the chief men among the Jews̝ of the city to meet in his house, because he could not go to the synagogue to meet with them. When they came, he said to them:
"Brethren, though I have done no harm to our people, or against our law, yet I was made a prisoner in Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lĕm, ̝of the Rṓ mans. When the Rṓ mans had given me a trial, they found no cause for putting me to death, and wished to set me free. But the Jews̝ spoke against me, and I had to ask for a trial before Cǽ s̝ar, though I have no charge to bring against my own people. I have asked to see you and to speak with you, because for the hope of Ĭś̝ ra-el I am bound with this chain.”
They said to Pa̤ul, "No letters have come to us from Jū-dḗ ȧ, nor have any of the brethren brought to us any evil report of you. But we would like to hear from you about this people who follow Jesus of Năź a-rĕth, for they are a people everywhere spoken against.”
So Pa̤ul named a day, and on the day they came in great number to Pa̤ul's room. He talked with them, explaining the teaching of the Old Testament about Christ, from morning until evening. Some believed the words of Pa̤ul, and others refused to believe. And when they would not agree, Pa̤ul said to them as they were leaving, "Truly indeed did the Holy Spirit say of this people, in the words of Ī-s̝á iah the prophet, 'Hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand, and seeing ye shall see, and yet not see. For this people's heart is become hard, and their ears are dull, and their eyes they have shut; for they are not willing to see, nor to hear, nor to understand, nor to turn from their sins to God.' But know this, that the salvation of Christ is sent to the Gentiles; and they will listen to it, even though you do not.”
And after this Pa̤ul lived two years in the house which he had hired. Every day a soldier was brought from the camp, and Pa̤ul was chained to him for all that day. And the next day another soldier came; each day a new soldier was chained to Pa̤ul. And to each one Pa̤ul spoke the gospel, until after a time many of the soldiers in the camp were believers in Christ; and when these soldiers were sent away they often carried the gospel with them to other lands. So Pa̤ul, though a prisoner, was still doing good and working for Christ.
Then, too, some of Pa̤ul's friends were with him in Rōme. The young Tĭḿ o-thy̆, whom Pa̤ul loved to call his son in the gospel, and Lṳke the doctor, of whom he wrote as "the beloved physician," were there, perhaps in the same house. Ăr-ĭs-täŕ chus of Thĕs-sa-lō̇-nī́ cȧ, who had been with him in the ship and in the storm, was still with Pa̤ul. Märk, the young man who years before went with Pa̤ul and Bäŕ na-băs on their first journey from Ăń tĭ-ŏch, visited Pa̤ul in Rōme.
At one time, when Pa̤ul had been a prisoner nearly two years a friend came to see him from Phĭ-lĭṕ pī in Măc-e-dṓ nĭ-ȧ. His name was Ē̇-păph-ro-dī́ tus, and he brought to Pa̤ul a loving message from that church, and also gifts to help Pa̤ul in his need. In return, Pa̤ul wrote to the church at Phĭ-lĭṕ pī a letter, "The Epistle to the Phĭ-lĭṕ pĭ-ans̝," full of tender and gentle words. It was taken to the church by Ē̇-păph-ro-dī́ tus and by Tĭḿ o-thy̆, whom Pa̤ul sent with him, perhaps because in Rōme Ē̇-păph-ro-dī́ tus was very ill, and Pa̤ul may have thought it better not to have him go home alone.
In Rōme a man named Ō̇-nĕś i-mus met Pa̤ul. He was a runaway slave who belonged to a friend of Pa̤ul, named Phī-lḗ mon, living at Cō̇-lŏś sē̇ in Ā-s̝ia Mī́ nor, not far from Ĕph́ e-sŭs. Pa̤ul led O-nĕś ĭ-mŭs to give his heart to Christ, and then, although he would have liked to keep him with himself, he sent him back to Phī-lḗ mon, his master. But he asked Phī-lḗ mon to take him, no longer as a slave, but as a brother in Christ. This he wrote in a letter which he sent by O-nĕś ĭ-mŭs, called "The Epistle to Phī-lḗ mon." Ō̇-nĕś ĭ-mŭs carried at the same time another letter to the church at Cō̇-lŏś sē̇. This letter is "The Epistle to the Cō̇-lŏś sĭ-ans̝." And about the same time Pa̤ul wrote one of the greatest and most wonderful of all his letters, "The Epistle to the Ē̇-phḗ s̝ians̝," which he sent to the church in Ĕph́ e-sŭs. So all the world has been richer ever since Pa̤ul's time by having the four letters which he wrote while he was a prisoner at Rōme.
It is thoughts though it is not certain, that Pa̤ul was set free from prison after two years; that he lived a free man, preaching in many lands for a few years; that he wrote during those years the. First Epistle to Tĭḿ o-thy̆, whom he had sent to care for the church at Ĕph́ e-sŭs, and the Epistle to Tī́ tus, who was over the churches in the island of Crēte; that he was again made a prisoner and taken to Rōme; and from his Rṓ man prison wrote his last letter, the Second Epistle to Tĭḿ o-thy̆, and that soon after this the wicked Emperor Nḗ ro caused him to be put to death. Among his last words in the letter to Tĭḿ o-thy̆ were these:
"I have fought a good fight; I have run my race; I have kept the faith; and now there is waiting for me the crown which the Lord himself shall give me.”

Story Twenty

Rev. 1:9 to 20; 4:1, to 5:14
YOU remember the apostle Jŏhn, "the disciple whom Jesus loved." When Jŏhn was an old man, he was made a prisoner by a cruel emperor of Rōme, and was kept in a little island called "the isle of Păt́ mos,” which is in the Æ-ġḗ an Sea, not far from Ĕph́ e-sŭs.
While Jŏhn was shut up on this island the Lord Jesus Christ came to him, and showed him some things which were to come to pass.
It was on the Lord's Day, the first day of the week, when suddenly John heard behind him a loud voice, as loud as the sound of a trumpet. He turned to see from whom the voice came; and then he saw seven golden candlesticks standing, and among them One whom Jŏhn knew at once as his Lord, Jesus Christ. Yet Christ, as he saw him, was far more glorious than he had been while living as a man on the earth. He was dressed in a long white garment, with a girdle of gold over his breast; his hair and his face were so shining that they seemed as white as, snow; his eyes flashed like fire; his feet were like polished brass, glowing as a furnace; and his voice sounded like the rushing of a mighty torrent of waters. In his right hand were held seven stars; and a glory came from him brighter than the sun.
When Jŏhn saw his Lord in all this splendor he fell at his feet in great terror. Then he felt the right hand of Christ laid upon him; and he heard his voice, saying:
"Fear not; I am the first and the last, and the Living One.
I was dead, and now I am alive for evermore. Write the things which you have seen, and other things which I will show you, and send them to the seven churches in Asia. The seven stars which you see in my hand are the ministers of the seven churches; and the seven candlesticks standing around me are the seven churches." Then the Lord gave to Jŏhn the words of a letter which he commanded Jŏhn to write to the seven churches in that part of which churches that at Eph́ e-sŭs was the first. To each church was to be sent a different letter, the word of the Lord Jesus to that church, praising it for some things, and rebuking it for others. When these words had been given to the churches, Jŏhn saw a door opened in heaven; and he heard a voice like the sound of a trumpet, saying to him, "Come up to this place, and I will show thee things that shall come to pass.”
Then at once Jŏhn was taken up to heaven, and he saw the throne of God, and One sitting upon it whom he could scarcely see for the dazzling glory around him. And over the throne was a rainbow of many colors. Around the throne were twenty-four thrones, and upon them sat twenty-four old men, the elders of the church, dressed in white, with crowns of gold on their heads. Out of the throne came lightning, and thunder, and the sound of voices. Before the throne was a sea of glass like crystal, and beside the throne were four strange living creatures, each having six wings. And these living ones were saying, "Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God, the Almighty, which was, and which is, and which is to come.”
And then the elders would fall down and worship him who sits on the throne, and lay their crowns at his feet, and say, "Thou art worthy, O God, our Lord, to have the honor, and the glory, and the power; for thou didst create and make all things.”
Then Jŏhn saw in the right hand of the One sitting on the throne a book, in the form of a roll, written on both sides, and sealed with seven seals. And a mighty angel called out with a loud voice, "Who is worthy to open the book, and to loose its seals?" And no one in all the heaven, or on the earth, or under the earth, was able to open the book or to loosen its seals. Then Jŏhn began to weep, because there was found no one worthy to open the book or even to look upon it. But one of the twenty-four s-elders spoke to Jŏhn, saying", "Weep not; see, the Lion of the tribe of Jú́ dah, he who came from Dā́ vid, has won the right to open the book and its seven seals.”
Then before the throne, and among the elders and the four living creatures, Tan saw standing the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, with the wounds of the cross upon him, in hands, and feet, and side. He came and took the book from the right hand of the One who was sitting on the throne. And as he took the book the four living creatures, and the twenty-four elders, all fell down before the throne. Each held a harp and a golden bowl full of incense, such as was used in the Temple, as a sign of the prayers of God's people. And they all sang a new song, with the words:
"Worthy is the Lamb who was slain to have the power, and riches, and wisdom, and might, and honor, and glory, and blessing.”

Story Twenty-One

Revelations 7:9 to 17; 21:1 to 27; 22:1 to 17
AGAIN John saw the throne of God, and before it, and before the Lamb of God, stood a multitude of people so great that no man could count them. They were dressed in white robes, and branches of palm were in their hands, and they cried with a loud voice, "Salvation unto our God upon the throne, and unto the Lamb.”
And all the angels were standing around the throne, and around the four living creatures, and around the seats of the twenty-four elders; and the angels fell down on their faces, and worshipped God, saying, "Amen: Blessing, and glory, and thanksgiving, and honor, and power, and might, be unto our God forever and ever." Then one of the elders spoke to Jŏhn, and said, "Who are these dressed in white robes? and whence did they come?”
And Jŏhn answered, "My Lord, thou knowest who they are, and whence they came, but I do not know.”
Then the elder said, "These are they who have come up out of great trouble and sorrow, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. For that cause they are before the throne of God, and they serve him day and night in his temple; and he that sitteth upon the throne shall spread his tent over them. They shall hunger no more, neither shall they thirst any more, nor shall the heat of the sun strike upon them. But the Lamb who is in the midst of the throne shall lead them as a shepherd, and shall guide them unto fountains of waters of life. And God shall wipe away every tear from their eyes.”
After this, Jŏhn heard a great voice out, of the throne, saying, L. "Behold the tabernacle of God is with men; and God shall dwell among men, and they shall be his people, and he shall be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death: neither shall there be weeping or crying, nor pain any more." And He that was sitting upon the throne said “Behold, I make all things new. I will give to him who is thirsty of the fountain of the water of life freely.”
Then Jŏhn seemed to be standing upon a great and high mountain; and he saw a glorious city, the new Jē̇-rṳ́ sā̇-lem, coming down out of heaven from God, having the glory of God. Over the city was a rich light, like that which glows in some precious stone, clear as crystal. Around the city was a lofty wall, and on each side of the wall were three gates; for the city was four-square having twelve gates in all. Beside each gate stood an angel, and on the gates were written the names of the twelve tribes of Ĭś̝ ra-el. And the wall had twelve foundations, and on them were written the names of the twelve apostles of the Lord. The wall was like jasper, and the city was built of pure gold, but a gold which seemed clear like glass. The twelve gates were twelve pearls; each one of the gates was one great pearl. And the street of the city was pure gold, as clear as glass.
Jŏhn could see no Temple in the city, and it needs none; for the Lord God and Jesus Christ the Lamb of God are its Temple. And the city has no need of the sun nor of the moon to shine upon it, for the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb of God is as a lamp in it. And the gates of the city shall not be shut by day, for there shall be no night there.
And the nations of men shall walk in the light of this city, and the kings of the earth bring their glory into it; and all the honor and glory of the nations of earth shall be brought into it. And into it shall never come anything that is evil, or unclean, or anyone who does what God hates, or anyone who makes a lie. But they only shall come into it whose names are written in the Lord's book.
And Jŏhn saw a river of water of life, clear as crystal, coming forth from the throne of God and of the Lamb, and flowing through the street of the city. On each side of the river was growing the tree of life, bearing its fruit every month, twelve times in the year; and the leaves of the tree were to heal all people of their diseases. And in the city the Lord God and the Lamb shall reign as kings.
When John had seen and heard all these things, he fell down to worship the angel who had showed them to him. But the angel said to him, "Do not worship me, for I am a fellow-servant with you, and with your brethren the prophets, and with those who keep the word of the book: worship God.”
And the angel said to Jŏhn, "Do not seal up the words of what you have heard and seen, but tell them to all men: And the Spirit and the bride, the Church of Christ, say `Come.' And let him that hears say `Come.' And let him that is thirsty come; and whoever will let him take the water of life freely.”
Lesson 45. Paul at Rome.
Tell Story 19 in Part Seventh.
(Stories 20 and 21 may be omitted.)
1. What happened to Paul on the shore at the island of Melita? He was bitten by a poisonous snake.
2. What did Paul do, when the snake bit him? He shook it off and was not harmed.
3. What did the people of the island think when they saw no harm come to Paul? They thought that he was a god.
4. Who treated Paul and his friends kindly at Melita? Publius, the ruler of the island.
5. What did Paul do for the ruler Publius? He made his sick father well.
6. To what land did they sail from the island of Melita? To the land of Italy.
7. At what great city did Paul's long journey end? At Rome.
8. How long was Paul a prisoner at Rome? Two years.
9. What did he do while a prisoner? He preached the gospel.
10. What did Paul write at the end of his life? "I have fought a good fight.”
Lesson 46. Review on the Early Church.
1. In what city were the followers of Christ after Je'sus went to heaven? Jerusalem.
2. On what day did the Holy Spirit come upon the disciples? The day of Pentecost.
3. Who was the leader of the church in its early days? The Apostle Peter.
4. Who died because they tad a lie? Ananias and Sapphira.
5. What good man was stoned to death? Stephen.
6. What young man helped in the stoning of Stephen? Saul.
7. Who preached in Samaria after Stephen was killed? Philip
8. Where did Saul become a believer in Christ? At Damascus.
9. What good woman was raised to life through the prayer of Peter? Dorcas.
10. To what Cornelius or foreigner was Peter sent to preach the gospel? To Cornelius.
11. How was Peter set free from prison in Jerusalem? By an angel.
12. What church sent out the first missionaries to preach the gospel? The church at Antioch.
13. Who were the two missionaries sent out? Barnabas and Saul.
14. What island did Barnabas and Saul first visit in preaching the gospel? Cyprus.
15. By what name was Saul known after this? Paul.
16. Where were Paul and Barnabas first worshipped and then stoned? Lystra.
17. In what city was the gospel first preached in Europe? In Philippi.
18. Where was Paul made a prisoner? In Jerusalem.
19. On what island was Paul shipwrecked? Melita.
20. To what city was Paul taken as a prisoner after being shipwrecked? To Rome.