How to Reach a Son in a Distant Land

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At the close of a meeting one day in Manchester, England, a prominent businessman of that city came to me and asked me to pray for his son. He said his son was a gifted young man, nearly forty years of age, a graduate of Cambridge University and a lawyer but that he was a wanderer, and had left his wife and child and was then wandering, he knew not where. I promised to pray for him.
The next summer at Keswick, this father came to me again and said, “I have got track of my son. He is in Vancouver. Do you know any minister in Vancouver? I want to cable him at once.” I gave him the name of a friend in Vancouver and he cabled him. But the next day, he came and said, “I am too late. The bird has flown. Will you still pray for my son?” I promised him I would.
The following November, we began our second mission in the great Tournament Hall in Liverpool. The first Sunday afternoon I preached on “GOD IS LOVE.” At the close of the service, a fine-looking man thirty-eight years of age came up to me and told me that he had decided to accept Christ. When we inquired into the matter; we found that this man was the son that the Manchester man had asked me to pray for. He had returned to England, had wandered into our first meeting on Sunday afternoon and accepted Christ. He at once gave himself to the work of winning others with great success and afterward studied for Holy Orders under the Bishop of Liverpool.