How Deep Is the Love of the Heart of Our God

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 7
HOW deep is the love of the heart of our God,
Told out in th' obedience of One
Who laid down His life upon Calvary's cross;
Th' eternal, and co-equal Son.
No river so wide as the love of our God,
No ocean so deep, or so broad,
No mountain so high, no power so great,
No love like the love of our God.
That love was revealed in the gift of His Son,
Who came down from heaven to earth;
His Son co-eternal,—co-equal, divine,
Yet humble, and lowly in birth.
Each step of His pathway unfolded that love,
That dwells in the heart of our God,
Fresh glories and beauties each day were displayed,
In the path which the "Nazarene" trod.
On Calvary, there has that love been revealed,
In its length, in its depth, in its height,
When Jesus, as Substitute suffered for sin,
In the blackness and darkness of night.
That we might be saved from eternal despair,
From our sins, from the curse, and from hell,
God laid all the sins of His people on Him ;
On the Son whom He loved so well.
That love will display us in glory ere long,
And from Him we never shall part;
With Him we shall walk in our garments of white,
And know all the love of His heart.