Have You Come as You Are? Gospel Appeal

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 6
Now dear friends, I would just in conclusion ask you, Have you been led to come just as you are, ungodly sinners, to God? Not to bring your own righteousness, which is nothing but filthy rags; but have you come pleading the blood shedding of the Lamb of God? If you have, assuredly there is peace for you, for that is a sure token that God is for you. Or have you been acting against God all your lives, and have never found peace? Are you still tormented with a guilty conscience, and are you still rejecting and refusing salvation? I would earnestly beseech you to consider the danger you are in, and I would ask you to look before you, and see where you are going and what you are doing. You are wandering in the midst of the wide sea of this world, you are toiling through its waves, without a prospect of deliverance; and if persisted in, you will ere long sink down into death and eternal misery....
But be of good cheer if your hearts are set on Christ; there is your stay, the anchor of your soul. If He is such, dear friends, stand forward for Him; be not ashamed to own your relationship to Him, your dependence on Him; be decided, cut short all expedients for deferring the bold acknowledgment of your being His; confess Him before men, act for Him, and live for Him in an ungodly world.... Be not debating within yourselves when you shall avow yourselves; do it at once, decidedly. Make the plunge, and trust God for the consequence. I know by experience that an open, bold confession of being Christ's is more than half the struggle over. I know the devil tempts, and says, "Oh, don't be too hasty; you might ruin the cause by over forwardness; this is not the time to confess yourself openly—wait for another opportunity." But I say, dear friends, as one who knows that if a man, in the strength of the Lord, is just brought to say to his companions and friends, "I am Christ's, and must act for Him," he will not suffer what others will feel who are creeping on, fearful and afraid to avow Him whom they desire to serve. Believe me, my friends, it is as I say—by this decided and open opposition to the world, he may at first be laughed at and mocked, but what of that? Christ was served so.... Oh! I once more entreat you to be candid. Be open, be decided, confess Christ's name on earth, and He will not be ashamed to confess your name before the whole assembled universe.