Gospel Jottings

 •  5 min. read  •  grade level: 6
The Inconsistency of Atheism.
THE infidel, desiring to deny the existence of God, must of necessity deny the existence of a Creator. In loud, swelling, empty words he will tell you that the earth, with its beauties, was the result of "a fortuitous concourse of atoms," which simply means that a lot of atoms coming together without guiding hand, by pure chance, produced this world. The belief infidelity requires is far beyond that which revelation asks. The latter is simple, understandable, and majestic. The former is staggering beyond all belief. For if there is "a concourse of atoms," how came they to be atoms? and if they came together, who gave the law of motion? In short, how did something come out of nothing? Of course, the idea of an uncreated, eternally-existent God is beyond the creatures' powers of explanation, but yet the soul demands such an idea; and if we could explain the idea it would cease to satisfy our souls, for God is to be worshipped and adored. How can the creature understand the Being of his Creator?
A well-known writer ridicules the inconsistency of atheism. He says: "You can put away the mystery of God, and you get in return the greater mystery of godlessness. The infidel's account of creation is neither more nor less than a fool's account. A chair could not have made itself, but the infidel says that the sun is self-created. Your coat had a maker, but the infidel says that your soul had none. The wax flower of your table was made, but the roses in your garden, the infidel says, grew by chance. The figure-head on the ship was carved by some hand, but the face of the carver, so the infidel says, became a face by chance, without design or without law." Shall we believe such arrant nonsense? The devil will try to deceive you, weaken the Creator's hold over the conscience, but I beg you to refuse his lies, and remember not only that God is the Creator of all things, but that you are His creature, and to Him you must give your account. "Every one of us shall give account of himself to God." (Rom. 14:12.)
The Need of Redemption
It is very evident that a man who disbelieves in the Creator is not likely to believe in the Redeemer, and yet it is just because God, the Creator, is holy and must punish sin, and we His creatures are sinful and lost, that we need a Redeemer. We cannot put away our own sins—no amount of reformation or religiousness can atone for our guilt. The king upon his throne, the beggar upon the dunghill, the professor of morality in his chair, and the lewd sinner in the unspeakable slums—all alike need a Redeemer, a Saviour. It has been most solemnly said, "At every swing of the pendulum a soul goes into eternity. Between the rising and setting of every sun 43,000 souls are summoned before their Creator. Death is very busy, night and day, at all seasons, and in all climes.”
What a dreadful life this would be had we no Redeemer! To be sinners—aye, dying sinners, the heavens as brass above our heads, and hell yawning to engulf us, and each step taking us nearer to an awful eternity, would be sad indeed. How different! God in heaven ready to forgive each sinner pleading the blood of Jesus; nay, a God who beseeches us to be reconciled; a triumphant Savior sitting on God's throne, who can say, "Him that cometh to Me, I will in no wise cast out"; there is no excuse for any missing the blessing.
Will you miss it? Thousands are doing so. Your neighbors on every hand are doing so.
Will you do so?
Oh! be in earnest. God is willing to save you; the redemption price has been paid by Jesus in blood on the cross of shame. There is no barrier on God's side. Indifference or pride may hinder you-indifference as to your state before God as a sinner; or pride, preventing you from taking the low place before Him and receiving without any return on your part the free gift of salvation.
When Is the Time to Be Saved?
God says, "Behold, NOW is the accepted time; behold, NOW is the day of salvation." It is folly to put off such a question to old age, when the faculties are enfeebled, and procrastination has become a second habit, or to a deathbed, when the body is racked with pain, and weakened by disease.
“Millions of money for a moment of time," exclaimed Queen Elizabeth as her end approached; but money was without value. Death was not to be bribed.
“It is too late, I am lost," was the dying cry of a young man. A gracious revival had visited his district, but he had passed through it unmoved. Sudden sickness laid him low, death stared him in the face, and he was filled with anguish and despair. And so he died.
“I won't die, I can't die," shrieked a young lady, as she covered her head with the bedclothes. And thus she died. No power of will could avert the blow of death; willing or unwilling, the end had to be faced.
We could multiply cases, but forbear. You have ample witness of the awful power of death. We cannot do more than bear solemn testimony to its power, and draw your attention to the fact that it is the wages of sin. (See Rom. 6:23.)
And above all we would draw your attention to the death of Jesus, for He died "the Just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God." (1 Peter 3:18.) It is just here that the good news comes in, and death becomes no longer feared by the believer in Jesus. Death for the sinner is like the young lion that roared against Samson; death for the believer is like its carcass filled with honey, it can no longer terrify, but ministers food and sweetness. Out of the eater has come forth meat; and out of the strong has come forth sweetness. The believer can exultantly say, "O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?" (1 Cor. 15:55.) “To depart, and to be with Christ is far better." (Phil. 1:23.)
Oh! NOW is wisdom's hour and God's hour for salvation. God grant that, if unsaved, you may not allow any further delay in this most important matter, but trust the Lord