Good Title and Sound Practice

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 10
While it is divinely true that nothing can come out before the judgment seat of Christ to disturb, in any way, the standing or relationship of the very feeblest member of the body of Christ, or of any member of the family of God, yet the thought of that judgment is most solemn and weighty. Yes, truly, and none will feel its weight and solemnity more than those who can look forward to it with perfect calmness. And be it well remembered that there are two things indispensably needful in order to enjoy this calmness of spirit. First, we must have a title without a blot; second, our moral and practical state must be sound. No amount of evangelical clearness as to our title will avail unless we are walking in moral integrity before God. It will not do for a man to say that he is not afraid of the judgment seat of Christ be, cause Christ died for him, while, at the same time, he is walking in a loose, careless, self-indulgent way. But the grace that has delivered us from judgment should exert a more powerful influence upon our ways than the fear of that judgment.